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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pedagogical translanguaging in lower primary school : A study of how language resources can be used in English teaching

Ringsby, Jonna January 2021 (has links)
This essay presents research on the usage of pedagogical translanguaging in the teaching of English in lower primary schools in Sweden (grades F-3). The focus of the study is to research if and how pedagogical translanguaging is used in English teaching. The data was collected using a qualitative method. Through classroom observations, findings showed that the use of pedagogical translanguaging was recurrent in all six observations. The most common method of pedagogical translanguaging was the use of the first language to enhance pupils’ understanding and code-switching. This paper might help teachers that are struggling to uphold the old paradigm of target language only in foreign language learning but also opens up for a multilingual approach in other subjects.

Heads of departments experiences of school mergers in North West province

Mpiwa, Maritshi Peter January 2020 (has links)
Although there has been much research on school mergers, there has not been a strong focus on the way in which heads of departments (hereafter HoDs) in the North West province experience school mergers. This qualitative case study, which used an interpretative paradigm, built on and contributed to understanding successful strategies used by displaced HoDs from middle to primary or secondary schools in performing their roles and responsibilities after the school mergers, the challenges they experienced and how they approached such challenges. Semi-structured interviews and a document analysis with purposive sampling of nine (9) participants, comprising six (6) female HoDs and six (3) male HoDs, were used to collect the requisite data. The study was underpinned by a conceptual framework, to identify and construct my views as a researcher, on the HoDs experiences of school mergers in North West province (Adom, Hussein & Agyem, 2018) as a lens for data analysis. The study findings indicated that there had been a significant change in the roles and responsibilities performed by the displaced HoDs. The HoDs had also demonstrated resistance to the school mergers as they had not been prepared for handling tensions and opposition (Pinheiro, Geschwind & Aarrevaara, 2016). It was also found that the HoDs had different understandings and interpretations of the concept of a school merger, and that the NWDoE had undermined them and had also not prepared them adequately enough for both the school merged and to cope in their new roles. The findings also indicated that the NWDoE had done very little to involve the HoDs in the entire school merger process. In addition, the findings also revealed that generally teaching and administering curriculum was a challenge for some of the expatriate HoDs due content gap in the subject areas allocated to them in their new roles. Accordingly, the study pointed out the need for retraining and workshopping the displaced HoDs, as well as placement in line with their areas of specialisation and proficiency. It was hoped that this might help them to handle the tensions they were experiencing and to decrease their opposition, diminish their resistance and, finally, assist them in performing their hugely changed roles and responsibilities in their new schools. / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria 2020. / Education Management and Policy Studies / MEd / Unrestricted

Undersökande arbetssätt i fysik för årskurs 4–6 : Lärares syn på resurser i fysikundervisningen för att bedriva ett systematiskt undersökande arbetssätt

Andersson, Tobias January 2021 (has links)
Experience from interactions with school faculty during my student teaching periods is that many teachers complain about the quality and availability of materials for teaching hands-on, inquiry-based lessons. To get an indication of how widespread these practices are, a survey was sent to 30 professionals in the Södertälje area who teach physics in the grade 6 curriculum of the Swedish compulsory school system. A follow-up interview was given to 4 of these teachers, each from a different school. It was found that teachers with more experience, know how to improvise and include everyday items into their lessons, in addition to traditional teaching materials. For these teachers, materials do not limit their ability to teach the subject and meet the educational goals. Time is a valuable resource in modern schools and often teachers have little planning time available to them. Research has shown that textbooks are a heavily relied-upon resource in science teaching. Often teachers follow these resources too closely in an effort to save time. This too often results in lessons and investigations where the tendency is for students follow recipes (structured inquiry). Experienced teachers are flexible and can adapt inquiry-based activities to the needs of the students, creating more possibilities for student input and creativity using guided and open inquiry in the classroom.

Vikten av motivation i matematikundervisning

Abuadas, Safia January 2020 (has links)
Enligt mina erfarenheter är problemet att eleverna tycker att matematiklektioner är tråkiga, och på grund av detta kan de inte koncentrera sig under genomgången eller instruktioner för olika uppgifter. Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka påverkan av motivation över elevernas mottagande av matematikämnet. Denna studie tillämpar sociokulturell teori och behaviorism. En litteraturstudie av relevanta ämnen kommer att presenteras samt olika undervisningsmetoder som genomförts. Resultatet kommer att presentera hur den planerade metoden gått, det vill säga undervisningen samt intervjuerna med några elever och en lärare. Resultaten baseras på observationen under genomföring av den planerade undervisningen, samt analysen av elevernas och lärarens svar. En slutsats kommer att dras, med hänsyn till att undersökningen utfördes under en kort tid samt på fåtal elever. Man kan ändå se att elevernas inlärningsmotivation, särskilt andraspråkselevernas inställning förbättring, under matematiklektioner.

Experiences of primary school educators supporting learners who are hiv/aids orphans and vulnerable children at Umkhanyakude district Kwazulu-Natal

Sibeko, Sifiso Gift, Thwala, J.D., Shabalala, M.M. January 2018 (has links)
Submitted in fulfilment of the requirements of the Master of Arts (Community work) in the Department of Social Work in the Faculty of Arts at the University of Zululand, 2018. / Recent studies indicate that there has been a dramatic increase in the number of school going HIV/AIDS orphans in South Africa. The study purpose was to explore the experiences of primary school educators supporting learners who are HIV/AIDS orphans and vulnerable children in the uMkhanyakude District, KwaZulu-Natal. KwaZulu-Natal has the highest number of orphans. The study targeted primary school educators in UMkhanyakude District, KwaZulu-Natal. A qualitative research approach was adopted for this study; due to using such an approach, the sample was selected through a non-probability sample technique with purposive sampling. Unstructured interviews were used to collect data from members of School Management Teams and focus groups were facilitated to gather data from class educators. Content analysis was used to analyse data. Three main themes emerged from the data analysis process: difficulties faced by educators; opportunities available for educators supporting OVC’s; and challenges educators face when supporting HIV/AIDS orphans and vulnerable children. Findings of the study were that educators face challenges such as dealing with socially unacceptable behaviour of HIV/AIDS orphans and vulnerable children. They indicated that it led to stress and depression. Opportunities for supporting orphans were limited since schools do not have policies and resources to provide support to HIV/AIDS orphans and vulnerable children. Both educators and SMT revealed that they have limited knowledge of policies and skills to create school-based supportive environments. Challenges such as: a lack of resources, unresponsive guardians of orphans, poor attendance and performance of HIV/AIDS orphans and vulnerable children were discovered. Recommendations were based on the training and development needed by educators. Educators unanimously agreed that outsourcing professionals, such as school social workers and psychologists, could help them cope with these predicaments they face. Secondly, involving community-based structures was another recommendation to ensure that everyone in the community plays a role in supporting educators. / UniZulu Foundation

The experiences of primary school educators with the national reading strategy in Mbabane Circuit, iNgwavuma.

Mensah, Frank Joseph January 2017 (has links)
A dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Education in fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Education (Research Methodology) in the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Zululand, 2017 / Given the need to employ effective reading strategies in the primary school, this article sets out to address the question of primary school educators’ experiences with the National Reading Strategy (NRS). The study focuses on six (6) primary schools in the Mbabane Circuit at Ingwavuma in UMkhanyakude District of South Africa. Forty (40) primary school educators from the selected schools within the circuit took part in a quantitative survey. Pearson’s chisquare was employed to explore the relative effects of teachers’ biographical data and their experiences with the NRS. The findings suggest that teachers’ gender, job title, teaching phase, experience in years and qualifications had an influence on their experiences with the NRS. On the other hand, teachers’ age was shown to have no relationship with their experiences with the NRS. The study confirms the appropriateness of understanding how teachers’ biographical data relate to and impact on reading intervention strategies.

Primary school educator’s readiness for inclusive education

Mthembu, N.N. January 2009 (has links)
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree MASTER OF EDUCATION In the Department of Educational Psychology and Special Education of the Faculty of Education at the University of Zululand, 2009. / The aim of this investigation was to establish primary school educators’ readiness for inclusive education. From the literature study it emerges that inclusive education constitutes a challenge to the education system in South Africa, in particular to mainstream educators. Successful implementation of inclusive education requires educators to have the necessary knowledge, skills, competencies and support to accommodate a wide range of diversity among learners in an inclusive classroom. They must be able to select appropriate teaching strategies to achieve specific outcomes. Effective inclusion will only stay a dream if educators do not have necessary training, support system and appropriate resources. For the purpose of the empirical investigation a self-structured questionnaire, to be completed by educators from primary schools, was utilized. The data obtained from the complete questionnaires were analyzed and commented on by means of descriptive statistics. In conclusion a summary was presented on the findings of the literature review and empirical investigation and the following are some of the recommendations that were made: • Opportunities for in-service training regarding inclusive education must be made available to mainstream educators. • Pre-service training courses to address the special needs of LSEN should form part of the curriculum at institutions that train educators. The Department of Education must provide adequate support to educators concerning all aspects of inclusive education.

Kooperativt lärandes effekter på elevernas resonemang i matematik. / The effects of cooperative learning on pupils reasoning ability in mathematics

Aldabooni, Marwah January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna kunskapsöversikt är att skapa en överblick över aktuell forskning angående metoden kooperativt lärande med fokus på elevernas resonemangsförmåga inom ämnet matematik. Kooperativt lärande är ett arbetssätt att strukturera samarbete mellan eleverna när de lär sig. För att jag ska kunna svara på undersökningsfrågan harjag genomfört systematiska undersökningar i olika databaser, exempelvis Ebsco, Swepub och även sekundära sökningar. Texten är uppbyggt med en inledningsdel som redogör vad kooperativt lärandet och resonemangsförmåga innebär. Sedan har jag sammanställt de funna artiklarna i en tabell och vidare har artiklarna studerats och analyserats. Resultatet visar hur kooperativt lärande kan påverka elevernas resonemangsförmåga positivt, dock krävs det en välstrukturerad undervisning där lärarens kompetens och engagemang är en viktig faktor. Avslutningsvis diskuteras resultaten utifrån framtida yrkesverksamhet och förslag på fortsatt forskning.

Spoření očima dětí základních škol / Savings through the eyes of primary school children

Awwadová, Mona January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the topic of savings through the eyes of primary school children and it looks at their role in the lives of upper primary school students. The theoretical part of the thesis presents an economic topic in close connection with one of consumption and investment. Furthermore, we propose ways of collecting funds and introduce the basic and the best well-known banking products. The banking products are compared with each other and, based on this comparison, we recommend procedures for which products to use related to different ways of maximizing savings and returns. The practical part of this thesis is divided into two sections. The first section presents the assumptions of qualitative research. We have formulated a research problem for this purpose, which is as follows: What are the approaches of primary school pupils in creating savings? The primary school pupils' opinions on the topic of savings are presented and interpreted based on implemented semi-structured in-depth interviews. Obtained data is finally analyzed and summarized. The research is then followed by a didactic concept of savings. The second section of the practical part is focused on financial literacy as a subject mediating a topic of financial life planing in a school teaching environment. We introduce...

Skolpersonals erfarenheter av lågstadieelevers rapportering av indirekt mobbning och hur den kan upptäckas

Niemi, Josefin January 2023 (has links)
Mobbningen i skolorna har ökat. Indirekt mobbning är svårupptäckt, eftersom den är ämnad att döljas för alla utom den utsatta. Skolpersonals okunskap och subjektiva bedömningar i mobbningsincidenter begränsar elevers utsikter att få gehör vid rapportering. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka skolpersonals erfarenheter av lågstadieelevers rapportering av indirekt mobbning och att belysa strategier skolor har för att upptäcka lågstadieelevers utsatthet. Kvalitativ analys av åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer med yrkesverksamma inom lågstadiet, utfördes. Det framkom existera ett mörkertal av indirekt mobbning på lågstadiet, varpå deltagarna insisterade på samverkan och kunskap för att upptäcka utsatthet. Krav på arbetet bidrog till upplevd stress, vilket försummade möjligheterna till anknytning mellan personal och elever. Teoretiskt kopplades studien till anknytningsteorin då både forskning och denna studies deltagare menar att tillit skapar förutsättningar för att elever ska rapportera mobbning. Slutsatsen dras att ökad bemanning kan stärka tilliten i elev-personalrelationer, vilket således ökar utsikterna att indirekt mobbning upptäcks.

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