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'Leaders as professionals : what does this mean for teachers?' : a case study of five teacher leaders in an urban - primary school in KwaZulu-Natal.Govender, Sylvia. January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this research is to understand the views of teachers regarding
professionalism and leadership. As a researcher, I also wanted to investigate whether
teachers were given opportunities to lead within a professional capacity in their
schools and to examine the factors that promote the development of these teacher
leaders as professionals as well as those factors that hinder such development. In view
of the recent public servants strike in 2007 and 2010, teachers have been brought
under the spotlight in a very negative manner. The teaching profession has been
viewed with scrutiny ever since and most if not all teachers were being painted with
the same brush of, lack of integrity and respect.
The purpose of the study was to examine how teacher leaders performed leadership
roles and also to establish whether such roles were within professional parameters or
not. There was a need to understand how teacher leaders understood the term
professionalism as well as to ascertain what factors promoted and hindered the
development of teacher leaders as professionals.
The study was conducted within a qualitative, interpretive paradigm and took the
form of a case study of five educators, who were two Heads of Department and three
post level one teachers’ in an urban primary school in KwaZulu-Natal. Data
collection techniques included semi – structured individual interviews, a focus group
interview, questionnaires and observation. Data were analyzed using thematic content
The findings of the study revealed that although teachers were actively engaging in
leadership roles, very little was done to develop these teachers as professionals. This
study acknowledges that management members of schools play a crucial role in the
development of teacher leaders as professionals by creating opportunities for this
professional development. / Thesis (M.Ed.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2011.
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Supporting foundation phase professional development : a self-study of a Head of Department.Khan, Rashida Bebe. January 2012 (has links)
This personal history self-study focuses on supporting Foundation Phase teacher learning
through professional development in an Independent school context in South Africa. In engaging
in this study I am the main research participant who takes the reader through the passages of my
early childhood experiences, my schooling, and my training as a student teacher and my practice
of being a teacher and a Head of Department at an Independent Muslim School. I investigate how
I can use a deeper understanding of my personal history to enhance my understanding of my
professional practice and thus to better support Foundation Phase teacher learning through
professional development strategies and initiatives in my particular Independent school context.
Through this process of deliberate remembering, I uncover many hidden experiences of my early
learning, and of becoming a professional, which have impacted on my present practices as
teacher and Foundation Phase Head of Department. Key themes that emerge are: a) guidance and
inspiration from family; b) evolving from teacher centredness to learner centredness; c) deep-rooted
intrinsic motivation; d) teacher mentoring and collaboration; and e) developing greater
self esteem and freedom of expression. From these themes I develop questions to spur me on in
supporting teacher learning through professional development initiatives in my school context,
allowing me to revisit my existing practice. This study illustrates how our lived experiences have
helped to shape and continue to reshape our practices as teachers and school managers. The study
also shows how we can learn from our personal histories in order to enable us to develop our
pedagogical and managerial capacities. / Thesis (M.Ed.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2012.
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Challenges and opportunities in the implementation of the foundations for learning with special reference to the literacy learning programme in disadvantaged contexts.Gouws, Joan. January 2011 (has links)
This study explores Foundation Phase (FP) teachers’ experiences of the implementation of the Foundations for Learning (FFL) (South Africa Government Gazette, No 30990 2008) in the Literacy Learning Programme (LLP) (2008). FFL is the new curriculum policy for FP that consists of Numeracy and Literacy Learning programmes. This policy was introduced to address the challenges teachers had with the previous curriculum policy, Outcome-Based Education (OBE) and the National Curriculum Statement (NCS). The aim of this study is to find out how FP teachers experience the implementation of the FFL.
This is a qualitative study located within the interpretive paradigm. Informants were purposively selected from two primary schools located in a rural and a township area in KwaZulu-Natal. Eight FP teachers teaching grades R-3 participated in two focus group interviews. To generate data from these informants, semi-structured interviews, observations and documentary analyses were used as instruments.
Findings reveal that teachers had to make changes to their teaching approach as a result of the implementation of the FFL and they experienced feelings of being swamped by all the changes that seemed to be too much to understand. Teachers reported difficulties in understanding and accepting new processes, procedures and expectations associated with educational changes.
It is clear that it is impossible to successfully implement change in an education system if serious investments are not made in the professional development of teachers (Hargreaves, 2003). Without sufficient, training, guidance and mentoring in the implementation of the FFL in the LLP, teachers feel de-motivated and anxious as they do not understand the FFL document and thus feel threatened by the way they taught in the past. Teachers fail to understand the requirements set out in the FFL document because the prescriptions are too vague.
The study recommends a closer relationship with the Department of Education (DoE) for guidance, regular monitoring, mentoring, workshops and training to be conducted by the DoE. In addition, experienced and perhaps competent FP educators, lecturers and non-governmental
organizations, e.g. Read Educational Trust could assist in the implementing strategies to ensure effective implementation of the FFL campaign in the LLP.
The implications of the findings from this research should be useful to educators, curriculum development specialists, textbook writers and teacher trainers to gain a better understanding of the needs, understandings, challenges and opportunities teachers experience in the implementation of the FFL in the LLP. / Thesis (M.Ed.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Edgewood, 2011.
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Začínající učitel na malotřídní škole / Teacher beginner at country primary schoolPokorná, Tereza January 2020 (has links)
The thesis focuses on a teacher beginner at country primary school. It is divided into a theoretical and a practical part. In the theoretical part, we define the concept of a beginning teacher, his competences, professional preparation for teaching in primary school and specific problems of a novice teacher. It also deals with a small school with mixed-age (multileveled) classes, with the history and the specifics of this type of school. A special part of this thesis is focused on the teaching process in schools with age-mixed classes. The practical part aims to describe and evaluate specific problems beginning teachers have at small schools with age-mixed classes, as well as their personal experience. Research is based on interviews with teachers and headmasters and on observations at school. KEYWORDS beginning teacher, primary school teacher, country primary school, mixed-age classes
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Střídavá péče a její vliv na školní úspěšnost dítěte v primární škole / Shared custody and its influence on a child's success in primary schoolNěmcová, Kateřina January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the problem of shared custody of children at primary school in relation to their school success. The issue is viewed from the perspective of primary school teachers and from the perspective of a school psychologist. The theoretical part deals with a child at primary school and also with child, who has special educational needs. It also deals with family, parental responsibility, discusses divorce, shared custody, school success and failure. The empirical part, through empirical research, aims to answer the question: "How does shared custody affect the school success of a child at primary school?"It examines the manifestations of children in shared custody, it looks for specific causes of problems of these children or specific factors ensuring smooth course of shared custody. It collects recommendations from teachers and school psychologist on how to work with and help these children. It also provides recommendations on who to work with and how - including cooperation with parents. It shows the level of teachers' awareness of this issue and their personal views on the issue. The research is carried out through a questionnaire survey and in-depth interviews with teachers at primary school and through an interview with a school psychologist. The results of the empirical...
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Výuka HV na malotřídní ZŠ a MŠ Dvory / Music education in composite classes at Elementary School and Kindergarten DvoryČervinková, Pavlína January 2020 (has links)
1 ABSTRACT The diploma thesis "Teaching Music in Composite Classes at Elementary School and Kindergarten Dvory" is divided into two parts: a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part involves a general description of mixed-grade education, schools with composite classes and educational goals and tasks applied in teaching Music at the first level of a primary school with composite classes. The practical part deals with the characterization and history of Elementary School and Kindergarten Dvory, as well as the inclusion of Music as a school subject in the school's educational program. Furthermore, musical activities appearing in the school's tuition are described, together with specific ideas for teaching Music at a school with composite classes. The thesis is also accompanied by a questionnaire survey concerning teaching Music, conducted at nearby schools with composite classes. KEYWORDS primary school, music activities, musical education, primary school with composite classes, lesson
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Sociala matematikerna : En kvantitativ studie om elevers vilja till lärande / Social mathematicians : A quantitative study of students ' desire for learningAnwari, Marwa, Bergsköld, Sam January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka elevers attityder till matematik i årskurs 3 och fördjupa kunskapen om hur olika undervisningsmaterial och olika undervisningssätt kan påverka elevers intresse, motivation och attityd till matematik. Studien utgår utifrån enkäter från fyra olika skolor och åtta olika klasser. Studiens teoretiska perspektiv utgår utifrån Vygotskij syn på den sociokulturella lärandeteorin. I resultatet framgår det att sociala samspel är en väsentlig del för elevers utveckling, skapa intresse, och för att skapa ett socialt lärande. Studiens resultat har sammanställts i fem rubriker: Elevers attityd till ämnet matematik, Elevernas emotionella aspekt till matematik, Undervisningssätt, Undervisningsmaterial och Enkätens öppna utsaga. / The purpose of the study is to investigate students 'attitudes to mathematics in year 3 and deepen the knowledge of how different teaching materials and different teaching methods can affect students' interest, motivation, and attitude to mathematics. The study is based on questionnaires from four different schools and eight different classes. The study's theoretical perspective is based on Vygotsky's view of sociocultural learning theory. The results show that social interaction is an essential part of students' development, creating interest, and creating social learning. The results of the study have been compiled in five headings: Students 'attitude to the subject of mathematics, Students' emotional aspect to mathematics, Teaching methods, Teaching materials and the survey's open statement.
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Undervisning gällande integrerade elever : En studie om fem lärares förutsättningar att undervisa elever mottagna i grundsärskolan som får sin utbildning i grundskolan. / Teaching integrated students : A study of five teachers´ conditions for teaching students received in the primary special school who receive their education in the primary school system.Backstad, Birgitta January 2023 (has links)
Sammanfattning Grundsärskoleelever som får sin undervisning i grundskolan årskurs 7-9 tillhör en minoritetsgrupp bland elever i svensk skola. Då skollagen ger kommuner frihet att utforma förutsättningarna för integrerade elever på många olika sätt tillkom studien i syfte att bidra med kunskap om undervisning av integrerade elever. Studien är baserad på en kvalitativ intervjumetod utförd på två skolor i två olika kommuner. Fem lärare intervjuades där alla har erfarenheter av undervisning gällande integrerade elever. För att belysa mitt syfte användes The questions of curriculum av Dillon (2009) som teoretisk utgångspunkt. Teorin bygger på frågor kring sju element där svaren används som hjälpmedel för att organisera upp undervisning, se helhetsbilder och sammanhang. De sju elementen är läraren, eleven, ämnet, miljön, syftet, aktiviteten och resultatet. Det framkomna resultatet utifrån tematisk uppdelning av svar från intervjuerna visar att lärarnas val av undervisning och arbetssätt begränsas av bristande förutsättningar inom elementen resultat, lärare, aktivitet samt miljö. Lärarna tar upp bristen på tid, avsaknad av kollegialt samarbete, undervisningsmaterial och en fysisk miljö som inte är anpassad till integrerade elever i årskurs 7-9. Resultatet visar att lärare som undervisar i teoretiska ämnen saknar fler förutsättningar för undervisning av integrerade elever än praktisk-estetiska ämnen. Brister inom elementet miljö som behövs för individanpassade arbetssätt saknas många gånger i de teoretiska ämnena. Lärarna menar att de vet hur de skall gå tillväga för att möjliggöra integrerade elevers kunskapsutveckling men rätta förutsättningarna saknas. Slutsatsen indikerar på att lärare bör få de förutsättningar som studiens resultat visar för att kunna ge integrerade elever god undervisning. Saknas de förutsättningar som krävs får man ställa det i relation till beslutet att inte undervisa integrerade elever i årskurs 7-9. / Abstract Students in Compulsory school for pupils with learning disabilities who receive their education in elementary school grades 7-9 belong to a minority group among students in Swedish schools. As the Education Act gives municipalities the freedom to design the conditions for integrated students in many different ways, the study was added with the aim of contributing knowledge about the teaching of integrated students. The study is based on a qualitative interview method carried out at two schools in two different municipalities. Five teachers were interviewed, all of whom have experience in teaching integrated students. To illustrate my purpose, The questions of curriculum by Dillon (2009) was used as a theoretical starting point. The theory is based on questions around seven elements where the answers are used as aids to organize teaching, see overall picture and context. The seven elements are the teacher, the student, the subject, the environment, the purpose, the activity and the result. The results obtained based on the thematic division of answers from the interviews show that the teachers' choice of teaching and working method is limited by a lack of prerequisites within the elements result, teacher, activity and environment. The teachers address the lack of time, lack of collegial collaboration, teaching materials and a physical environment that is not adapted to integrated students in grades 7-9. The results show that teachers who teach theoretical subjects lack more prerequisites for teaching integrated students than practical-aesthetic subjects. Deficiencies within the environment element, which is needed for individually adapted working methods, are often missing in the theoretical subjects. The teachers believe that they know how to proceed to enable integrated students' knowledge development, but the right conditions are lacking. The conclusion indicates that teachers should be given the conditions that the study's results show in order to be able to provide integrated students with good teaching. If the necessary prerequisites are lacking, it must be put in relation to the decision not to teach integrated students in years 7-9.
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Challenges faced by senior management teams in supervision of instruction in Kanye Central Inspectoral school in Botswana / M.L BoweBowe, M L January 2013 (has links)
This study was conducted to establish the challenges that Senior Management
Teams face as instructional supervisors. The study begins by highlighting the
statement of the problem as well as the goals. It continues by providing the
historical development of instructional supervision. The study also brings an
overview of instructional supervision in Botswana with particular attention to
primary school environments.
The mixed method approach which incorporates both qualitative and quantitative
approaches guided this study. Quantitative data was captured using closed
ended questionnaires while qualitative data was collected using semi-structured
interviews. Field notes and audio recordings were used to record the interviews.
Simple random sampling was used to select a sample of 10 schools from a
population of 26 schools. A purposeful sampling was also used to select suitable
participants who were directly affected by the theme under investigation. The
data was analysed using tables and descriptive formats. The findings of the study
reveal that there are some factors that limit the effectiveness of instructional
supervision in primary schools. Evidence provided by the participants indicates
that supervisors are not well trained on the area of instructional supervision,
instructional supervision problems are left pending and there is no distinction
between instructional supervision and teacher evaluation. The study concludes
by recommending that teachers who assume supervisory roles need to be
orientated on the area of instructional supervision and a blue print for
instructional supervision should be produced so that supervisors can use it as a
guide to improve supervision of instruction in schools. / Thesis (M.Ed.) North-West University, Mafikeng Campus, 2013
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The development of a curriculum for technology teacher education and training : a critical analysisMakgato, Moses 11 1900 (has links)
The study aimed at developing a curriculum for technology teacher education and training for technology teachers teaching Grade R-9 in South African schools. The study was motivated by the national implementation of Curriculum 2005 as well as the Revised National Curriculum Statements Grades R-9 to be implemented from 2004. The cognitive framework was illuminated by the conceptualisation of technology education and examined the philosophical foundation and theoretical context of technology education, including the historical background of technical education in relation to teacher training in South Africa. The Norms and Standards for Educators as a benchmark for teacher education and training programmes is explored. Moreover, a conceptual framework for the proposed curriculum was investigated. This involved an analysis of selected educational philosophies and their influence on curriculum development, various curriculum approaches and models, including outcomes-based education, a needs analysis and curriculum evaluation and assessment. A small-scale empirical investigation using qualitative and quantitative approaches was carried out. Questionnaires designed for educators of the Technology Learning Area and educators of technical subjects were used to gather data. The empirical investigation comprised a needs analysis of the curriculum development process. To ascertain validity and reliability of findings, instruments were subjected to a pilot study. Data were analysed by a MS Excell spreadsheet computer programme and findings presented in tables and graphs. The curriculum for technology teacher education and training, particularly curriculum content, was based on the empirical findings and the philosophical foundations discussed in the literature review. The proposed curriculum stresses the importance of partnership between schools and industry and resulted in the following outcomes:
* knowledge of technology education;
* applied and integrated teaching competence;
* applied and integrated assessment;
* recommendations for improving the school-industry relationships through partnerships programmes emphasising the design of technological projects.
Finally, the following recommendations emanated:
* improvement of technology teacher education and training programmes in higher education;
* development of expertise in the teaching and learning of technology;
* resurgence of research in the teaching and learning of the technological design process. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Didatics)
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