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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vincenti Belvacensis De morali principis institutione

Vincent, Schneider, Robert J. January 1995 (has links)
Revision of Schneider's 1965 University of Notre Dame D.M.S. thesis. / Text in Latin, introduction in English. Includes bibliographical references (p. lxxxvi-lxxxvii) and indexes.

The imaginary universe of Jacques Benoit

Sherman, Alan James January 1989 (has links)
This thesis is a study of three of the.literary works of Jacques Benoit: Jos Carbone, Les Princes and Gisèle et le serpent. It will be an attempt to combine different spatial elements of the texts, literal and symbolic, in order to define and explore the imaginary universe of our author. In our first text, Jos Carbone, we look to establish the role of the unconscious. The background predominance of night and dark elements, unseen invaders, habitations, in short, the forest in general appears as a metaphor for the unconscious mind of the hero Jos Carbone. In our analysis, we attempt to explore this imaginary universe with intent to establish the theme of the territorial quest as it might apply to the central couple Jos and Myrtie. In our analysis of Benoit's novel, Les Princes, we endeavour to explore the allegorical world with an emphasis on the nonverbal communication of both the topography and the inhabitants of la Ville. We observe the confrontation of men and dogs in an effort to examine the role of what is considered civil or animal, pet or prey. The impotency and frustration of Coquin society coupled with corrupt Grâligean authority evoke the ideas of Jean-Jacques Rousseau on social inequality. We shall, therefore, attempt to apply some of his beliefs to imaginary elements of the novel. Finally, we shall examine the unvoiced refutation of the Grâligean's verbal law and the possible future outcome of la Ville's violent upheaval. Gisèle et le serpent will be studied in terms of a creative quest to write on the part of the hero and narrator, Gregoire Rabouin. We will take into account the displacement, transformation and constant motion of the text as well as the combination of fantastic and conventional elements. The role of the protagonist Gisèle is to be examined in terms of her capacity as role model, motivation to write and magical force behind the liberation of the hero's creative drive. We shall show the conflict created by the doctor's frustration with his rational profession and examine the unblocking of his creativity as portrayed by his relinquishing of control. Furthermore, an analysis of the parodies of his occupation, the deformation of language and patients as well as the fairy-tale format of the novel will confirm his desire to renounce medicine in favour of literary creation. Finally, we see the completion of Rabouin's narrative voyage in the discovery of his ability to write. In conclusion we shall state general observations about the imaginary universe as it applies to the comparison of our three texts. Specifically, this will entail the unconscious world, the violent and disruptive element and Benoit's tendency to stray from the rules of standard literary genres. / Arts, Faculty of / French, Hispanic, and Italian Studies, Department of / Graduate

Bones of Contention: The Justifications for Relic Thefts in the Middle Ages

Burke, Gina Kathleen 26 July 2004 (has links)
No description available.

The Forest Threshold· Princes, Sages and Demons in the Hindu Epics

Parkhill, Thomas January 1980 (has links)
<p>More than simply a backdrop, the forest in the Mahabharata and Ramayaoa is one of three central environments in the Hindu epics, and of the three is easily the setting which most frequently shapes the epic action. By studying the forest, the people who pass through it and their activities there, a new perspective on Hindu epic narrative is gained.</p> <p>The central thesis of this study is that the tripartite process of transformation, first observed in rites of passage, operates in the forest-related sections of the Mahabharata and Ramayana, the middle or threshold phase of that process centering in the forest. The forest, then, acts as a threshold across which the epic heroes and heroines pass as they move from one lift-stage to another, or as is more often the case, from one state of existence to another.</p> <p>For example, in the early adventures of both Rama and Laksmana. . and the Pandava brothers, the heroes move from ... the brahmacarya life-stage to the grhastha life-stage. Similarly both Nala and Damayanti reflect this transfermative process: Nala as he moves from being a ritually impure, possessed, insane king to a purified, liberated, sane king; Damayanti as she moves from being the wife of a madman to the wife of a just, powerful ruler. Damayanti 's transition is more dramatic than first appears for in epic India a woman had very few life options, thus a disastrous marriage meant that she was as good as dead. Both Draupadi and sit~ cross forest thresholds similar to Damayanti's. The Pandava brothers and Rama also cross similar forest thresholds. Their movement from a state of peace to a state of war occurs primarily during the forest exiles common to both epics. Finally, while they dwell in the forest threshold, the epic religious heroes and heroines par excellence, the tapas-doing ascetics, move from a state of existence in which they are subject to death to a state of immortality. This last process, the movement from mundane, profane sphere to sacred sphere, provides a pattern useful for further understanding the forest activities of Rama and the Pandavas.</p> <p>In studying these various movements between states of existence, characteristics of the threshold phase of these processes emerge. In the case of Pandava the dynamic movement of the threshold is stressed, celibacy, communists, pilgrimage and the intersection of mythic and heroic planes are the central characteristics. In the case of Rama, when the more static ideal nature of the threshold is stressed, the dual modality of Nowhere and Source is the central characteristic. These characteristics themselves become tools with which to understand some of the intricacies of epic narrative.</p> <p>More importantly by focusing on the forest, an essential difference between the Mahabharata and the Ramayana can be explored. And this is certainly one of the most important contributions of this study. Very few investigations have endeavored to treat both of the Hindu epics. The reasons for this are complex, but I suspect that to confront the whole of both epics is impossible because of their vastness, while to choose a perspective from which to see both epics simultaneously without trivializing is difficult. The forest in the Mahabharata and Ramayana provides a substantial perspective and thus a study of it is helpful in understanding the meanings of the Hindu epics.</p> / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

La politica ecclesiastica dell'Imperatore Maurizio (582-602) in Armenia/The ecclesiastical policy of the Emperor Maurice (582-602) in Armenia

De Siena, Alessio Antonio 09 May 2008 (has links)
Le but de cette recherche est double: a) essayer de soustraire le schisme de l’Église arménienne de la fin du VIe siècle (591) à une vision uniquement ‘arménienne’, c’est-à-dire périphérique et isolée par rapport aux affaires contemporains de l’Empire Romain; b) identifier les orientations et l’évolution de la politique ecclésiastique de Maurice (582-602), qui - comme montre le cas, à notre avis paradigmatique, de l’Arménie - a pris soin de l’organisation administrative et de la définition théologique de l’Église impériale, tout en assurant, d’une manière plus générale, la défense et la gestion des territoires de l’Empire. On a donc d’abord donné un aperçu de la situation de l'Empire Romain à la fin de l’antiquité tardive et souligné comment il a évolué - en particulier après Justinien – à l’intérieur, et par rapport aux peuples extérieurs avec lesquels il avait des relations diplomatiques, militaires ou de commerciales, c’est-à-dire avec les peuples germaniques, les nomades de la steppe, les Arabes et les Ethiopiens, les Chinois; ainsi que les populations caucasiennes, mais surtout le grand rival Sassanide. Puis, on a décrit les grandes lignes de la stratégie romaine le long des frontières: pendant l’antiquité tardive, elle vise, par une sage et habile diplomatie, à attirer dans l’orbite des Romains les gens aux frontières, et à les associer à la cour impériale par l'octroi de titres de grand prestige, comme patricius ou kouropalatēs. Dans ce sens, on a constaté le rôle diplomatique joué, en particulier en Orient, par les commerçants et la haute hiérarchie ecclésiastique. Ensuite, on a décrit les deux événements qui illustrent le mieux la politique ecclésiastique romaine à la fin du VIe siècle et annoncent le schisme arménien: les unions du 572 d’abord et de 591 ensuite entre l’Église Impériale et l’Église (perse-)arménienne. Dans les deux cas on a cherché à mettre en évidence les raisons christologiques (c’est-à-dire de l’orthodoxie de Chalcédoine), mais aussi politiques, militaires, stratégiques et commerciales qui déterminé les choix des Romains et des Arméniens. On a aussi prêté une attention particulière au rôle des Perses, surtout pour l'union de 591. Celle-ci a été créée après les accords entre l’Empire romain et l’État persan, et suivie par l'alliance qui permit à Khosro II, presque ‘fils adoptif’ de l'empereur Maurice, de regagner le trône qui avait été volé par l’usurpateur Bahrām Chubīn. Enfin, on a mis en évidence que cette politique ecclésiastique de Maurice est dictée par des raisons idéologiques. Entre aussi en ligne de compte la nécessité de gérer la difficile unité de l’Empire autour de la Méditerranée , unité qui avait été rétablie seulement sous Justinien. L’expansion considérable des zones frontalières, la crise économique et démographique et les événements de l’empire persan ont rendu cette réalisation difficile, de sorte que, paradoxalement, c’est bien Maurice qui donne à son État, de manière de plus en plus évidente, les traits d’un Empire de moins en moins ‘romain’ et de plus en plus ‘byzantin’.

Entre leões e tigres, entre chacais e raposos: aproximações entre poder e saber em fabulários / Between lions and tigers, between jackals and foxes: relationships between power and knowledge in fable collections

Cassucci, Milena de Mello 11 December 2015 (has links)
A presente dissertação se propôs a analisar quatro fabulários, tendo como fio condutor dessa escolha o Kalla e Dimna, fabulário árabe do século VIII d.C. Partindo desta obra, os estudos se orientaram tanto às suas origens, que remontam à compilação indiana Pañcatantra, datada do século I d.C. e que teve entrada no mundo árabe, bem como aos seus frutos, o Livro do tigre e do raposo e O leão e o chacal Mergulhador, dois fabulários árabes produzidos, respectivamente, nos séculos IX d.C., XI d.C. e XII d.C. e que tiveram, em relação aos anteriores, menor disseminação. Os dois primeiros fabulários tratam de uma série de temas que podem atender às normas mais gerais de decoro na sociedade, sendo que o Pañcatantra chega até mesmo a ser classificado como um tratado sobre a conduta em manuais de literatura sânscrita. Entre esses temas diversos, é notável o espaço privilegiado dado às relações políticas e aos seus trâmites. Os outros dois livros, embora inseridos na mesma tradição, deixam de lado aspectos mais gerais da convivência e passam a se deter apenas nos temas especificamente políticos. No que se refere a esse assunto em comum, é possível perceber uma série de elementos recorrentes nos quatro fabulários, entre eles, o fato de que todos tratam das vicissitudes das relações entre poder e saber, personificada em personagens-tipo que ora se aproximam, ora se afastam, mas que se mantém atrelados a uma estrutura que os molda conforme os resultados que almeja atingir. Além disso, foram estudadas as estruturas que, no caso, se apoiam na maior parte das vezes em narrativas-quadro ou prólogos-moldura a partir dos quais se desenvolvem subnarrativas e outros elementos que nos possibilitaram, ao término do estudo, apontar o que há de particular na universalidade a que se propõem os fabulários. / This dissertation aims to analyze four collections of fables, choosing as the central work from which further analysis will stem the Kalla and Dimna, an Arab collection of fables dating from the VIII century A.D. From this starting point, these studies were furthered by revisiting its origins in the Panchatantra, an Indian compilation of fables from the I century A.D. that left its marks on the Arab world, as well as its developments in the books that directly follow its legacy, the Livro do tigre e do raposo and O leão e o chacal Mergulhador, two arab collections of fables dating, respectively, to the IX century A.D. and the XI and XII century A.D. which had, however, far less dissemination than the last two works here cited. The first two collections develop around a variety of subjects relating to rules regulating manners in a broader sense, to the point that the Panchatantra has been classified as a treatise on manners in Sanskrit literature manuals. Between the diversity of subjects broached, the privileged attention given to political relations and their formalities is readily noticeable. The two other works, though part of the same literary tradition, set aside more general or day-to-day aspects of good manners to focus exclusively on political relations and political conduct. Regarding this shared thematic, a number of recurring elements can be identified, one of many being the fact that all of them deal with the specifics of the relationship stabilished between power and knowledge, personified in character types that alternate between approaching and distancing themselves from one another, but that are always attached to a structure that moulds them according to the results it desires. Beyond that, the narrative structures of the works were studied they usually make use of frame narratives or frame prologues from which further subnarratives are developed along with other elements that made it possible, at the end of this study, to point towards the particularities of the universality that the collections of fables undertake as their purpose.

Telling tales out of school : schoolbooks, audiences, and the production of vernacular literature in late medieval England / Schoolbooks, audiences, and the production of vernacular literature in late medieval England

Hobbs, Donna Elaine 25 February 2013 (has links)
My dissertation demonstrates the importance of an examination of the literary works included as part of the curriculum in fourteenth- and fifteenth-century English grammar schools both for understanding the instruction of generations of schoolchildren and for reading the Middle English literature created and read by those trained in these schools. As Chapter 1 explains, thirty-four extant manuscripts used in an educational context in late medieval England, listed with their contents in the Appendix, suggest the identification of seven literary works that appear to have been taught most often: Disticha Catonis, Stans puer ad mensam, Cartula, Peniteas cito, Facetus, Liber Parabolarum, and Ecloga Theoduli. Considering these schoolbooks both individually and as a group reveals their usefulness for teachers and the instruction that they share: an emphasis on epistolary conventions, an awareness of the malleability of selves and social hierarchies, and the prioritization of ordinary human experience. As this project shows, the influence of the lessons of the grammar classroom pervades the production of vernacular literature and the reading practices of contemporary audiences. In Chapter 2, a reading of Chaucer’s Troilus and Criseyde informed with a knowledge of the formal features of letter writing, particularly the attention to audience stressed in the grammar schoolbooks, reveals Criseyde’s control of both the story’s ending and the responses of readers through her final letter to Troilus. Chapter 3 offers a reexamination of The Book of Margery Kempe that argues against Kempe’s presumed illiteracy and demonstrates how she utilizes classroom teachings on self presentation in both her lived experience and the writing of her Book to manipulate her reception by her contemporaries and readers of the text. The final chapter turns to the works of John Lydgate to show how he incorporated the schoolroom’s emphasis on the diversity of ordinary human experience into his influential Fall of Princes, thereby spreading grammar school lessons to new audiences. Appreciating the teachings of the literary schoolbooks thus enables not only a better understanding of the grammar curriculum that shaped schoolchildren for two centuries but also a recognition of schoolbooks’ profound effect on authors and audiences in late medieval England. / text

Bones of contention the justifications for relic thefts in the Middle Ages /

Burke, Gina Kathleen. January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Miami University, Dept. of Comparative Religion, 2004. / Title from first page of PDF document. Includes bibliographical references (p.57-61).

Entre leões e tigres, entre chacais e raposos: aproximações entre poder e saber em fabulários / Between lions and tigers, between jackals and foxes: relationships between power and knowledge in fable collections

Milena de Mello Cassucci 11 December 2015 (has links)
A presente dissertação se propôs a analisar quatro fabulários, tendo como fio condutor dessa escolha o Kalla e Dimna, fabulário árabe do século VIII d.C. Partindo desta obra, os estudos se orientaram tanto às suas origens, que remontam à compilação indiana Pañcatantra, datada do século I d.C. e que teve entrada no mundo árabe, bem como aos seus frutos, o Livro do tigre e do raposo e O leão e o chacal Mergulhador, dois fabulários árabes produzidos, respectivamente, nos séculos IX d.C., XI d.C. e XII d.C. e que tiveram, em relação aos anteriores, menor disseminação. Os dois primeiros fabulários tratam de uma série de temas que podem atender às normas mais gerais de decoro na sociedade, sendo que o Pañcatantra chega até mesmo a ser classificado como um tratado sobre a conduta em manuais de literatura sânscrita. Entre esses temas diversos, é notável o espaço privilegiado dado às relações políticas e aos seus trâmites. Os outros dois livros, embora inseridos na mesma tradição, deixam de lado aspectos mais gerais da convivência e passam a se deter apenas nos temas especificamente políticos. No que se refere a esse assunto em comum, é possível perceber uma série de elementos recorrentes nos quatro fabulários, entre eles, o fato de que todos tratam das vicissitudes das relações entre poder e saber, personificada em personagens-tipo que ora se aproximam, ora se afastam, mas que se mantém atrelados a uma estrutura que os molda conforme os resultados que almeja atingir. Além disso, foram estudadas as estruturas que, no caso, se apoiam na maior parte das vezes em narrativas-quadro ou prólogos-moldura a partir dos quais se desenvolvem subnarrativas e outros elementos que nos possibilitaram, ao término do estudo, apontar o que há de particular na universalidade a que se propõem os fabulários. / This dissertation aims to analyze four collections of fables, choosing as the central work from which further analysis will stem the Kalla and Dimna, an Arab collection of fables dating from the VIII century A.D. From this starting point, these studies were furthered by revisiting its origins in the Panchatantra, an Indian compilation of fables from the I century A.D. that left its marks on the Arab world, as well as its developments in the books that directly follow its legacy, the Livro do tigre e do raposo and O leão e o chacal Mergulhador, two arab collections of fables dating, respectively, to the IX century A.D. and the XI and XII century A.D. which had, however, far less dissemination than the last two works here cited. The first two collections develop around a variety of subjects relating to rules regulating manners in a broader sense, to the point that the Panchatantra has been classified as a treatise on manners in Sanskrit literature manuals. Between the diversity of subjects broached, the privileged attention given to political relations and their formalities is readily noticeable. The two other works, though part of the same literary tradition, set aside more general or day-to-day aspects of good manners to focus exclusively on political relations and political conduct. Regarding this shared thematic, a number of recurring elements can be identified, one of many being the fact that all of them deal with the specifics of the relationship stabilished between power and knowledge, personified in character types that alternate between approaching and distancing themselves from one another, but that are always attached to a structure that moulds them according to the results it desires. Beyond that, the narrative structures of the works were studied they usually make use of frame narratives or frame prologues from which further subnarratives are developed along with other elements that made it possible, at the end of this study, to point towards the particularities of the universality that the collections of fables undertake as their purpose.

Autorité publique et conscience dynastique: études sur les représentations du pouvoir princier entre Muse et Moselle. les origines du comté de Luxembourg (Xe - début XIIe siècles)

Margue, Michel January 1998 (has links)
Doctorat en philosophie et lettres / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

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