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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Los consejos de las artes y el principio de "arm's length" en las políticas culturales subnacionales: Un estudio comparativo entre Cataluña (España), Escocia (Reino Unido) y Jalisco (México)

Chávez Aguayo, Marco Antonio 20 January 2012 (has links)
Se realiza una investigación comparada de los consejos de las artes de tres regiones subnacionales de países distintos: Cataluña (España), Escocia (Reino Unido) y Jalisco (México) para investigar la aplicación del principio de “arm’s length”, su ejecución, su relación con el contexto cultural y político, así como su inclusión en sistemas institucionales distintos al anglosajón. Con una metodología cualitativa y el uso de estudios de caso, se llevan a cabo trabajos de campo en cada lugar mediante entrevistas, observaciones y trabajo documental, aplicando el canon conjunto de concordancias y diferencias para su análisis. Se concluye que un consejo de las artes no es necesariamente un organismo bajo el principio de “arm’s length” y se reflexiona sobre la influencia que los actores involucrados buscan ejercer a través de sus diversos recursos. La relación entre los consejos y sus contextos muestra las dialécticas entre legitimidad/eficiencia, transparencia/clientelismo y diferenciación/estandarización y tensiones entre centro/periferia. Desde la política se utiliza este principio como argumento retórico, mientras se pretende tener mayor control sobre las decisiones, aunque esto aumente su nivel de responsabilidad. Desde el sector cultural se ignora que el principio busca también mantener su distancia con él para evitar clientelismos. Se evidencia un mimetismo que copia modelos ajenos sin adaptarlos suficientemente al contexto y sin profundizar en experiencias externas ni con reflexiones teóricas, lo cual deja al descubierto algunos errores del proceso. / Titol: Els consells de les arts i el principi d’“arm’s length” en les politiques culturals subnacionals: un estudi comparatiu entre Catalunya (Espanya), Escòcia (Regne Unit) i Jalisco (Mèxic). Resum: Es realitza una investigació comparada dels consells de les arts de tres regions subnacionals de països diversos: Catalunya (Espanya), Escòcia (Regne Unit) i Jalisco (Mèxic) per investigar l'aplicació del principi d’"arm's length", la seva execució, la relació amb el context cultural i polític, així com la seva inclusió en sistemes institucionals diferents a l’anglosaxó. Amb una metodologia qualitativa i l’ús d'estudis de cas, es porten a terme treballs de camp en cada lloc mitjançant entrevistes, observacions i treball documental, aplicant el cànon conjunt de concordances i diferències per a la seva anàlisi. Es conclou que un consell de les arts no és necessàriament un organisme sota el principi d’"arm 's length" i es reflexiona sobre la influència que els actors involucrats busquen exercir a través dels seus diversos recursos. La relació entre els consells i els seus contextos mostra les dialèctiques entre legitimitat/eficiència, transparència/clientelisme, diferenciació/estandardització i tensions entre centre/perifèria. Des de la política s'utilitza aquest principi com argument retòric, mentre es pretén tenir major control sobre les decisions, encara que això augmenti el seu nivell de responsabilitat. Des del sector cultural s'ignora que el principi busca també mantenir la seva distància amb ell per evitar clientelismes. S'evidencia un mimetisme que copia models aliens sense adaptar-los suficientment al context i sense aprofundir en experiències externes ni amb reflexions teòriques, la qual cosa deixa al descobert alguns dels errors del procés. / Title: The arts councils and the arm’s length principle in cultural policy at a subnational level: A comparative study between Catalonia (Spain), Jalisco (Mexico) and Scotland (UK). Abstract: Comparative research on the arts councils of three sub-national regions from different countries, Catalonia (Spain), Jalisco (Mexico) and Scotland (United Kingdom), is carried out to examine the application of the arm's length principle, its performance, its relation to the cultural and politic context and its inclusion in institutional systems other than the Anglo-Saxon system. With a qualitative methodology and case study strategy, fieldwork is performed in each place through interviews, observations and documentary work, applying the joint canon of agreement and difference for analysis. The conclusion reached is that an arts council is not necessarily a body under the arm's length principle and the influence that stakeholders seek to exert through their various resources is reflected upon. The relationship between arts councils and their context shows the dialectics between legitimacy/efficiency, transparency/clientelism and differentiation/standardisation, and the tensions between the centre/periphery. This principle is used from politics as a rhetorical argument, while the aim is to have more control over decisions, even though this increases the level of accountability. The cultural sector is unaware that the principle also seeks to keep its distance from it to avoid clientelism. There is an evident mimicry, copying foreign models without adapting them sufficiently to the context and without delving more deeply into external experiences and theoretical reflections, which reveals some mistakes of the process.

Desenvolupament, implementació i aplicació de noves metodologies per a l'estudi de la reactivitat química i de les propietats òptiques no lineals

Torrent Sucarrat, Miquel 11 June 2004 (has links)
El coneixement de la superfície d'energia potencial (PES) ha estat essencial en el món de la química teòrica per tal de discutir tant la reactivitat química com l'estructura i l'espectroscòpia molecular. En el camp de la reactivitat química es hem proposat continuar amb el desenvolupament de nova metodologia dins el marc de la teoria del funcional de la densitat conceptual. En particular aquesta tesis es centrarà en els següents punts:a) El nombre i la naturalesa dels seus punts estacionaris del PES poden sofrir canvis radicals modificant el nivell de càlcul utilitzats, de tal manera que per estar segurs de la seva naturalesa cal anar a nivells de càlcul molt elevats. La duresa és una mesura de la resistència d'un sistema químic a canviar la seva configuració electrònica, i segons el principi de màxima duresa on hi hagi un mínim o un màxim d'energia trobarem un màxim o un mínim de duresa, respectivament. A l'escollir tot un conjunt de reaccions problemàtiques des del punt de vista de presència de punts estacionaris erronis, hem observat que els perfils de duresa són més independents de la base i del mètode utilitzats, a més a més sempre presenten el perfil correcte. b) Hem desenvolupat noves expressions basades en les integracions dels kernels de duresa per tal de determinar la duresa global d'una molècula de manera més precisa que la utilitzada habitualment que està basada en el càlcul numèric de la derivada segona de l'energia respecte al número d'electrons.c) Hem estudiat la validesa del principis de màxima duresa i de mínima polaritzabiliat en les vibracions asimètriques en sistemes aromàtics. Hem trobat que per aquests sistemes alguns modes vibracionals incompleixen aquests principis i hem analitzat la relació d'aquest l'incompliment amb l'efecte de l'acoblament pseudo-Jahn-Teller. A més a més, hem postulat tot un conjunt de regles molt senzilles que ens permetien deduir si una molècula compliria o no aquests principis sense la realització de cap càlcul previ. Tota aquesta informació ha estat essencial per poder determinar exactament quines són les causes del compliment o l'incompliment del MHP i MPP.d) Finalment, hem realitzat una expansió de l'energia funcional en termes del nombre d'electrons i de les coordenades normals dintre del conjunt canònic. En la comparació d'aquesta expansió amb l'expansió de l'energia del nombre d'electrons i del potencial extern hem pogut recuperar d'una altra forma diferent tot un conjunt de relacions ja conegudes entre alguns coneguts descriptors de reactivitat del funcional de la densitat i en poden establir tot un conjunt de noves relacions i de nous descriptors.Dins del marc de les propietats moleculars es proposa generalitzar i millorar la metodologia pel càlcul de la contribució vibracional (Pvib) a les propietats òptiques no lineals (NLO). Tot i que la Pvib no s'ha tingut en compte en la majoria dels estudis teòrics publicats de les propietats NLO, recentment s'ha comprovat que la Pvib de diversos polímers orgànics amb altes propietats òptiques no lineals és fins i tot més gran que la contribució electrònica. Per tant, tenir en compte la Pvib és essencial en el disseny dels nous materials òptics no lineals utilitzats en el camp de la informàtica, les telecomunicacions i la tecnologia làser. Les principals línies d'aquesta tesis sobre aquest tema són:a) Hem calculat per primera vegada els termes d'alt ordre de Pvib de diversos polímers orgànics amb l'objectiu d'avaluar la seva importància i la convergència de les sèries de Taylor que defineixen aquestes contribucions vibracionals.b) Hem avaluat les contribucions electròniques i vibracionals per una sèrie de molècules orgàniques representatives utilitzant diferents metodologies, per tal de poder de determinar quina és la manera més senzilla per poder calcular les propietats NLO amb una precisió semiquantitativa. / The knowledge of the potential energy surface (PES) has been essential in the world of the theoretical chemistry to discuss such as the chemistry reactivity as the molecular spectroscopy. In the reactivity chemistry we are interested to develop new methodology in the field of the conceptual functional density theory. This thesis will be center in the following points:a) The number and character of the different stationary points of the PES can have radical changes modifying the calculation level used. This fact produces that to be sure of the character of a stationary point is necessary to arrive a very precise calculation level. The hardness is a measure of the resistance of a chemistry system to change his electronic configuration, and taking into account the maximum hardness principle, where there is a minimum or a maximum of energy, there also is a minimum or a maximum of hardness, respectively. Choosing a set of problematic reactions in the number of stationary points, we noted that the hardness is more independent of the base and the method used and it always shows the correct shape.b) We made new expressions based in the integrations of the hardness kernel to predict the global hardness of a molecule in a more precise way that the numerical second derivative of the energy respect to the number of electrons.c) We studied the validity of the maximum hardness and the minimum polarizability principles in the asymmetric vibrations in aromatic systems. We found that for theses systems some vibrational modes break these principles and we studied the relationship of this non-fulfillment with the pseudo-Jahn-Teller effect. Moreover, we postulated a set of simple rules, that allows deducing if a molecule will follow or not these rules without a previous calculation. All this information has been essential to exactly determine the reasons of the fulfillment or non-fulfillment of the MHP and MPP.d) Finally, we made an expansion of the functional energy respect to the number of electrons and the normal coordinates into the canonic ensemble. The comparison of this expansion with the expansion of the energy respect to the number of electrons and the external potential give the recuperation of some know relations between traditional reactivity descriptors of DFT, but a different way, and establish a set of new relations and descriptors.In the field of molecular properties we propose to generalize and improve the methodology to calculate the vibrational contribution (Pvib) to the non-linear optical properties (NLO). Despite of that the Pvib is not taking account into the majority of the theoretical studies published of the properties NLO, it has recently been checked that the Pvib of different organic molecules with high NLO properties is bigger that the electronic contribution. Thus, the Pvib is essential to pattern new NLO materials used in informatics, telecommunications, and laser technology. The main lines of the research about this subject are:a) We have calculated for the first time the high terms of the Pvib for different organic polymer with the goal to evaluate the importance and the convergence of the Taylor series that define the vibrational contributions.b) We have evaluated the electronic and vibrational contributions for different representative organic molecules using different methodologies to predict the cheaper way to calculate the NLO properties with semi quantitative precision.

Publicidad comercial y libertad de expresión

Rubí i Puig, Antoni 08 February 2008 (has links)
La tesi doctoral Publicidad comercial y libertad de expresión analitza les conseqüències jurídiques de la protecció de la publicitat i d'altres formes de comunicació comercial mitjançant la llibertat d'informació i d'expressió prevista en els articles 20.1 a) i d) de la Constitució. S'examina, en primer lloc, la jurisprudència dictada pel tribunal Suprem Federal dels Estats Units, el Tribunal Europeu de Drets Humans, el Tribunal Europeu de Justícia i el Tribunal Constitucional Alemany. En segon lloc, la tesi analitza els fonaments econòmics, socials i legals que advoquen per la protecció constitucional de la publicitat comercial. Les conclusions bàsiques del treball apunten a què les comunicacions comercials compleixen les funcions que tradicionalment s'associen a la llibertat d'expressió entre d'altres, promoció de l'autogovern democràtic i foment de l'autonomia individual i que els límits a la seva realització han d'enjudiciar-se d'acord amb el principi de proporcionalitat. / La tesis doctoral Publicidad comercial y libertad de expresión analiza las consecuencias jurídicas de la protección de la publicidad y otras formas de comunicación comercial mediante la libertad de información y expresión prevista en los artículos 20.1 a) y d) de la Constitución. Se examina, en primer lugar, la jurisprudencia dictada por el Tribunal Supremo Federal de los Estados Unidos, el Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos, el Tribunal Europeo de Justicia y el Tribunal Constitucional Alemán. En segundo lugar, la tesis analiza los fundamentos económicos, sociales y legales que abogan por la protección constitucional de la publicidad comercial. Las conclusiones básicas del trabajo apuntan a que las comunicaciones comerciales cumplen las funciones que tradicionalmente se asocian a la libertad de expresión entre otros, promoción del autogobierno democrático y fomento de la autonomía individual y que los límites a su realización deben enjuiciarse de acuerdo con el principio de proporcionalidad. / The PhD dissertation Publicidad comercial y libertad de expresión explores the legal consequences of protecting advertising and other forms of commercial speech through freedom of information and expression set forth in articles 20.1 a) and b) of the Spanish Constitution. It discusses, on the one hand, the case-law by the U.S. Supreme Court, the European Court of Human Rights, the European Court of Justice and the German Constitutional Court. On the other hand, the dissertation analyses the economic, social and legal underpinnings which support the constitutional status of commercial speech. The basic conclusions of the research assert that commercial communications perform functions traditionally associated to freedom of expression among others, fostering democracy and promoting individual autonomy and that limitations to commercial speech ought to be scrutinized with resort to the principle of proportionality.

O princípio da igualdade e as obrigações constitucionais do Estado na tutela penal

Ferreira, Lúcio Alberto Eneas da Silva [UNESP] 04 October 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:24:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2007-10-04Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:31:17Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 ferreira_laes_me_fran.pdf: 859247 bytes, checksum: 21395deafe0353194b4adb051d8f0eed (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / La presente ricerca indica lo Stato come corresponsabile della disuguaglianza sociale, stigmatizzazione e emarginazione nell’applicare il Diritto Penale in forma selettiva e disuguale, attingendo con maggiore intensità la popolazione povera. Avverte il lettore sul ruolo dell’ideologia nella determinazione dei concetti; nelle scelte degli agenti politici e nell’assenza di percezione da parte della maggioranza della popolazione dell’applicazione disuguale della legge penale. Risalta gli obblighi costituzionali dello Stato Democratico e Sociale di Diritto nella creazione dei tipi penali, nell’applicazione della legge penale e nell’esecuzione delle pene e misure di sicurezza, alla ricerca dell’uguaglianza materiale e dello sradicamento della povertà, mirando alla costruzione di una società libera, giusta e solidale. Espone l’evoluzione della teoria del bene giuridico e le basi per la formazione di un diritto penale minimo, garantista e legittimato dalla scala di valori e principi previsti nella Costituzione Federale. Fa una critica al positivismo giuridico e presenta le basi di una nuova ermeneutica giuridica fondata sull’impegno sociale del giudice con i valori e principi costituzionali. Presenta i sintomi della crisi della pena privativa di libertà , il suo effetto stigmatizzante, la sua applicazione disuguale e selettiva e la sua promessa illusoria di recupero del criminale. Risalta l’importanza di valori come la tolleranza, la solidarietà e la conciliazione nella soluzione del conflitto criminale. / A presente pesquisa aponta o Estado como co-responsável pela desigualdade social, estigmatização e marginalização ao aplicar o Direito Penal de forma seletiva e desigual, atingindo com maior intensidade a população pobre. Adverte o leitor sobre o papel da ideologia na determinação dos conceitos; nas escolhas dos agentes políticos e na ausência de percepção pela maioria da população sobre a aplicação desigual da lei penal. Ressalta as obrigações constitucionais do Estado Democrático e Social de Direito na criação dos tipos penais, na aplicação da lei penal e na execução das penas e medidas de segurança, em busca da igualdade material e da erradicação da pobreza, visando a construção de uma sociedade livre, justa e solidária. Expõe a evolução da teoria do bem-jurídico e as bases para a formação de um direito penal mínimo, garantista e legitimado na escala de valores e princípios previstos na Constituição Federal. Faz uma crítica ao positivismo jurídico e apresenta as bases de uma nova hermenêutica jurídica fundada no compromisso social do juiz com os valores e princípios constitucionais. Apresenta os sintomas da crise da pena privativa de liberdade, seu efeito estigmatizante, sua aplicação desigual e seletiva e sua promessa ilusória de recuperação do criminoso. Ressalta a importância de valores como a tolerância, a solidariedade e a conciliação na solução do conflito criminal.

O princípio da igualdade e as obrigações constitucionais do Estado na tutela penal /

Ferreira, Lúcio Alberto Eneas da Silva. January 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Paulo César Corrêa Borges / Banca: Antonio Milton de Barros / Banca: Fernando Andrade Fernandes / Resumo: A presente pesquisa aponta o Estado como co-responsável pela desigualdade social, estigmatização e marginalização ao aplicar o Direito Penal de forma seletiva e desigual, atingindo com maior intensidade a população pobre. Adverte o leitor sobre o papel da ideologia na determinação dos conceitos; nas escolhas dos agentes políticos e na ausência de percepção pela maioria da população sobre a aplicação desigual da lei penal. Ressalta as obrigações constitucionais do Estado Democrático e Social de Direito na criação dos tipos penais, na aplicação da lei penal e na execução das penas e medidas de segurança, em busca da igualdade material e da erradicação da pobreza, visando a construção de uma sociedade livre, justa e solidária. Expõe a evolução da teoria do bem-jurídico e as bases para a formação de um direito penal mínimo, garantista e legitimado na escala de valores e princípios previstos na Constituição Federal. Faz uma crítica ao positivismo jurídico e apresenta as bases de uma nova hermenêutica jurídica fundada no compromisso social do juiz com os valores e princípios constitucionais. Apresenta os sintomas da crise da pena privativa de liberdade, seu efeito estigmatizante, sua aplicação desigual e seletiva e sua promessa ilusória de recuperação do criminoso. Ressalta a importância de valores como a tolerância, a solidariedade e a conciliação na solução do conflito criminal. / Riassunto: La presente ricerca indica lo Stato come corresponsabile della disuguaglianza sociale, stigmatizzazione e emarginazione nell'applicare il Diritto Penale in forma selettiva e disuguale, attingendo con maggiore intensità la popolazione povera. Avverte il lettore sul ruolo dell'ideologia nella determinazione dei concetti; nelle scelte degli agenti politici e nell'assenza di percezione da parte della maggioranza della popolazione dell'applicazione disuguale della legge penale. Risalta gli obblighi costituzionali dello Stato Democratico e Sociale di Diritto nella creazione dei tipi penali, nell'applicazione della legge penale e nell'esecuzione delle pene e misure di sicurezza, alla ricerca dell'uguaglianza materiale e dello sradicamento della povertà, mirando alla costruzione di una società libera, giusta e solidale. Espone l'evoluzione della teoria del bene giuridico e le basi per la formazione di un diritto penale minimo, garantista e legittimato dalla scala di valori e principi previsti nella Costituzione Federale. Fa una critica al positivismo giuridico e presenta le basi di una nuova ermeneutica giuridica fondata sull'impegno sociale del giudice con i valori e principi costituzionali. Presenta i sintomi della crisi della pena privativa di libertà , il suo effetto stigmatizzante, la sua applicazione disuguale e selettiva e la sua promessa illusoria di recupero del criminale. Risalta l'importanza di valori come la tolleranza, la solidarietà e la conciliazione nella soluzione del conflitto criminale. / Mestre

Hydrothermal carbonization of waste biomass

Basso, Daniele January 2016 (has links)
Hydrothermal carbonization (in acronym, HTC) is a thermochemical conversion process through which it is possible to directly transform wet organic substrates into a carbonaceous material, referred as hydrochar. Hydrochar has chemical and physical characteristics that make it similar to fossil peats and lignite. Depending on the process conditions, mostly temperature and residence time, this material can be enriched in its carbon content, modifying its structure and providing it interesting characteristics that make it possible to be used for several applications, such as for energy production, as a soil conditioner and improver, for carbon dioxide sorption and sequestration, and some others reported in literature. HTC is a different process, if compared to other common thermochemical processes, such as pyrolysis, torrefaction, gasification, etc., because it works in wet conditions (humidity content higher than 60%). As a matter of fact, biomass is transformed into hydrochar because of the properties of hot pressurized water, that acts both as a reactant and as a catalyst. The HTC process has been studied from many years, although at present not all the chemical reactions that occur during the process are completely known. Moreover, the application of this quite new process to different substrates can bring to different results. Even though HTC can be applied to any kind of organic material (of both animal and vegetable derivation), the possible uses of hydrochar can strongly be influenced by the characteristics of the feedstock. This, for example, can be due to legislative constraints. In Chapter 1, an overview of the existing literature is presented. To get insights on this process, a small bench scale batch reactor has been designed and built at the Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical engineering of the University of Trento, Italy. This reactor has been tested, prior to be used with real substrates. In Chapter 2 the reactor and the preliminary tests done are described. In this work, the HTC process applied to three different substrates have been studied: grape marc, the EWC 19.05.03 residue and the EWC 19.12.12 residue. In Chapter 3 the three raw substrates are described. Grape marc is produced by the winery industries or by distilleries. This feedstock is composed by woody seeds and holocellulosic skins and it presents an average humidity content of about 60%. At present, it is used for the production of animal food or it is landfilled. In this case, the application of HTC can be an interesting alternative to these end uses because, through this process, grape marc can be recovered, for example, for energy production. The hydrochar produced from this feedstock could be even used as a soil conditioner. In Chapter 4 several analyses on the hydrochar, on the process water and on the gaseous phase obtained during the carbonization tests are presented. The EWC 19.05.03 residue is a by-product of the composting treatment applied to the organic fraction of municipal solid waste (MSW). In collaboration with Contarina S.p.A., a company that collects and treats MSW in the province of Treviso, in the North-East of Italy, this by-product was carbonized and tested both as a soil conditioner and for energy production. Results of the analyses on the solid, liquid and gaseous phases produced by the HTC process are reported in Chapter 5. The EWC 19.12.12 residue is a by-product of the refuse derived fuel (RDF) production, from the residual fraction of the MSW. This substrate was provided by Contarina S.p.A. and preliminary tests on the exploitability of the hydrochar for energy production are reported in Chapter 6, together with analyses on both the liquid and gaseous phases. A rigorous energy balance has been proposed in Chapter 8, based on the experimental data obtained for grape seeds. In this chapter, all the hypotheses and the assumptions taken to evaluate the enthalpy of the HTC reaction at different process conditions (namely, three different temperatures and three residence times) are described. In Chapter 8 a kinetic model is proposed, based on a two-step reaction mechanism. The activation energy and pre-exponential factor of the various degradation reactions were determined by means of least square optimization versus the experimental data of grape marc. A thermo fluid model is even proposed in this chapter. The model integrates mass, momentum and heat equations within the reactor domain by means of the finite volumes method (f.v.m.) approach. Convective and radiative exchange between the reactor and the fluid within the reactor have been implemented in the f.v.m. model. Under two strong assumptions (mono-component and mono-phase fluid, which fulfils the reactor), it was possible to estimate the behaviour of an equivalent fluid (eq_fluid), in terms of thermal properties of the fluid (thermal capacity, thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity). Moreover, a simplified dynamic analytic model is also presented – based on lumped capacitance method – in order to simulate the thermal behaviour of the system, using the actual temperature profile imposed by the reactor external heater. A resistance-capacitance network was used to describe the system. Finally, the Henry’s law has been applied to assess the amount of gas really produced during the HTC process. In Chapter 9, the main conclusions of this work are reported.

New methodologies of Silk Proteins processing for advanced applications

Bucciarelli, Alessio 29 October 2019 (has links)
Silk fibroin is a widely studied material in the context of tissue engineering. Thanks to its versatility and impressive properties, the fields where silk fibroin is used have grown. In particular, silk fibroin has proved to be useful in all the cases when an interface with living tissues is needed (e.g. biophotonics, bioelectronics). As a consequence of this increasing interest, a wide range of protocols have been developed to prepare different materials starting from cocoons. The aim of this thesis is to investigate new strategies to fabricate silk fibroin-based materials, either improving previously developed protocols or proposing new methodologies both with the purpose to overcome certain limitations of current approaches and to propose new areas of application. We choose to work on three topics: the production of patterns using photolithography on a fibroin photoresist films (fibroin photocrosslinkable photoresist, FPP), the production of sponges made from a chemically modified version of the native protein (Methacrylated fibroin, Sil-MA), and the production of a solid bulk resin made starting from the regenerated protein. In the case of the FPP (and its counterpart made of sericine, SPP) the fabrication of films and pattern was restricted to the use of harsh chemicals. In addition, the resulting material had a roughness that limits its use in optical applications, making the determination of the refractive index (RI) not possible. The novelty of our work consisted in the modification of the original protocol to make it environmentally sustainable and to decrease the roughness in order to use ellipsometry to determine the RI dispersion. The broadly used silk-based sponges can be prepared by several protocols but they all suffer of the same limitations: the sponges are stabilized only by physical crosslinking (the change from the random to the crystalline secondary structure), and there are no clear models that correlate the sponge properties to their composition. We produced a new sponge, chemically crosslinked, whose stability was ensured by the creation, of chemical bonds between the protein chains during an UV curing. This task was accomplished using a simple protocol and a statistical method to model the composition-properties relations. The possibility to obtain a bulk, non-porous solid monolith from fibroin (solid-fibroin) has been received attention only in the last few years. This material is produced by a transition from solution to solid through solvent evaporation, a very slow process that takes weeks to be completed. The advantage of this transition is that it occurs at room temperature, allowing the addition of thermally degradable molecules (e.g. enzymes). We were able to optimize a procedure to produce the same material by compression of a silk sponge at high pressure and low temperature. The advantage of this method is the lower amount of time required to produce the material, minutes instead of days.

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