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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ett plus ett blir tre? : En studie om det gränsöverskridande och delade ledarskapet inom Södertäljemodellen / One Plus One Equal Three? : A study of the transboundary and shared leadership in “Södertäljemodellen”

Köhler, Therese, Zakipour, Mina January 2010 (has links)
Dagens förändrande värld skapar nya förutsättningar för våra organisationer, dess struktur och uppbyggnad, vilket ställer krav på anpassning av chefskapet/ledarskapet. Ledarskap är ett frekvent diskuterat ämne där nya trender kontinuerligt sätts i fokus. Idag finns det delade ledarskapet som ett alternativ till det traditionella ledarskapet och det är ett fenomen som blir allt mer förekommande inom organisationer. Det delade ledarskapet innebär att två eller flera delar på samma chefsposition. En organisation som implementerat detta är Södertäljepsykiatrin där ett unikt samarbete mellan de två huvudmännen, landstinget och kommunen, arbetar i avsikt att skapa en helhetssyn för patienten. Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats är därmed att undersöka hur det delade ledarskapet karaktäriseras på en organisation med två huvudmän, närmare bestämt vad som kännetecknar arbetssättet mellan de olika chefsnivåerna. Uppsatsen inriktar sig på Södertäljepsykiatrin och Södertäljemodellen. Studien har genomförts på tre chefspar på institutionen genom att följa metoden Grounded theory. Metoden handlar om att generalisera kvalitativa data, detta har gjorts genom att koppla den insamlade datan till forskning och litteratur inom ämnet. Referensramen har till största del grundats på studier från Marianne Döös, men också av andra viktiga forskare inom ämnet. Resultaten av studien visar på att samarbetet mellan landsting och kommun grundar sig på patientens bästa. Enligt chefsparen har det delade ledarskapet mer positiva aspekter än negativa och alla ser fenomenet som att man delar på allt förutom viss formalia. Det finns olikheter hos de två huvudmännen så som skillnaderna i lagar, regelverk, poängsystem och dokumentation men det finns också en möjlighet för chefsparen att till en viss grad välja ut det bästa från varje huvudman. Ett mönster i undersökningen visar att det delade ledarskapet, särskilt när det inkluderar två huvudmän, har förutsättningarna att lyckas om det karaktäriseras en gemensam värdegrund, en prestigelöshet, ett förtroende för varandra och att ett beslut om införandet sker på en högre nivå.  Det undersökningen har kommit fram till är att det inte finns någon avsevärd skillnad i arbetssättet  mellan chefsnivåerna och att det delade ledarskapet i sig inte kräver någon tidigare erfarenhet utav att besitta en chefsposition för att lyckas. Vidare visade det sig att det delade ledarskapet mellan de två huvudmännen trots olikheter och vissa problem är ett vinnande koncept, inte minst för patienten. För att fler skall våga ta efter ”Södertäljemodellen” krävs det dock att modellen görs mer trovärdig och inte bara visar den polerade ytan. / Today the world is in constant change, which creates new conditions for organizations and its structure that requires adjustment of the chief position. Leadership is a frequently discussed topic, which has continuously changing trends in focus. Shared leadership is a phenomenon where two or several leaders share the same position. Today, shared leadership is an alternative to the traditional leadership and it is a phenomenon that is becoming more common in organizations. One organization that has shared leadership is Sodertalje psychiatry, where there is collaboration between county and municipality. In this organization they are working with the intention of creating a holistic view for the patient. The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to examine how shared leadership in an organization, with two principles, is characterized. More specifically, the characteristics of the work process between the different levels of management. The essay focuses on Sodertalje psychiatry and the model “Södertäljemodellen”. The study has been based on three couples who share their leadership. Grounded Theory is the research method that has been utilized and that has determined the study process. The method is about generalizing qualitative data, this has been done by relating the data to theories, research and literature. The framework is largely based on studies by Marianne Döös, but also of other important researchers in the field. The results of this study show that this cooperation between the county and municipality is based on the patient's best interest. According to the chief couples the shared leadership has more positive aspects than negative and they all see the phenomenon as the sharing of everything except certain formalities. There are differences between the two principles, such as differences in laws, rules, scoring and documentation. This is also seen as an opportunity for the couples to some extent choose the best from each principle. A pattern in the study shows that shared leadership, specifically when it includes two principles, has the potential to be successful if it is characterized by a common value, no prestige, trust between each other and that the decision about the shared leadership is implemented from a higher level. The outcome of the study is that there is no significant difference between the way of work in the different levels of management and that shared leadership does not require any previous experience of a chief position. Furthermore it is shown that shared leadership between two principles, despite some problems and differences, is a winning concept, especially for the patient. For others to be able to implement “Södertäljemodellen” it is required that the model is made more credible and is not presented without its flaws.

Statens järnvägar - en fallstudie om värdering av fordon i statlig ägo / Statens järnvägar - a case study on valuation of railroad vehicles owned by the government

Lindgren, Emilie, Wells, Theoclea January 2008 (has links)
Purpose: The aim of the thesis is to identify principles of valuation and to reach a solution for how Statens järnvägar can present their leased railroad vehicles in the future. Methodology: The authors have done a case study through a qualitative approach. Interviews have been done with Statens järnvägar, Näringsdepartementet and Riksrevisionen. Annual reports from Banverket and Luftfartsverket have been studied. Theoretical perspectives: The regulations that rule the authorities are a base for the study. Earlier researches done within the subject are presented in this section. Empirical foundation: The empirical foundation of this study consists of primary- and secondary data. The primary data is collected from the interviews that have been done, whilst the secondary data is composed of annual reports, regulations and various other documents. Conclusions: The authors have come to the conclusion that the method of valuation that Statens järnvägar choose, depends a lot on the vehicles hypothetical future. It is difficult to say that only one of the methods would be the correct one. / Syfte: Studiens syfte är att kartlägga olika värderingsalternativ och komma fram till en lösning för hur Statens järnvägar kan redovisa sina leasade järnvägsfordon i framtiden. Metod: Författarna har gjort en fallstudie med kvalitativ inriktning. Intervjuer har gjorts med Statens järnvägar, Näringsdepartementet och Riksrevisionen. Årsredovisningar från Banverket och Luftfartsverket har granskats. Teoretiskt perspektiv: Till grund för studien ligger de regelverk som styr statliga myndigheter och affärsverk. I detta avsnitt tas det även upp tidigare forskning som gjorts inom ämnet. Empiri: Empirin består både av primärdata och sekundärdata. Primärdata är insamlad från de intervjuer som gjorts, medan sekundärdata är i form av årsredovisningar, regelverk och andra dokument. Slutsatser: Författarna har i slutsatsen kommit fram till att den värderingsmetod som Statens järnvägar väljer beror på fordonens tänkta framtid. Det är svårt att säga att endast en utav värderingsmetoderna skulle vara den korrekta.

First-principles Study Of Gaas/alas Nanowire Heterostructures

Senozan, Selma 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Nanowire heterostructures play a crucial role in nanoscale electronics, i.e., one-dimensional electronics derives benefits from the growth of heterostructures along the nanowire axis. We use first-principles plane-wave calculations within density functional theory with the localized density approximation (LDA) to get information about the structural and electronic properties of bare and hydrogen passivated GaAs/AlAs nanowire heterostructures. We also take into account the reconstruction of the nanowire surfaces. Modeled nanowire heterostructures are constructed using bulk atomic positions along [001] and [111] direction of zinc-blende structures and cutting out wires from this GaAs/AlAs heterostructure crystal with a diameter of 1 nm. We study for the effects of the surface passivation on the band gap and the band offsets for the planar GaAs/AlAs bulk heterostructure system and GaAs/AlAs nanowire heterostructure system. It is possible to control the potential that carriers feel in semiconductor heterostructures. For the planar lattice-matched heterostructures, the macroscopic average of potential of the two materials is constant far from the interface and there is a discontinuity at the interface depending on the composition of the heterostructure. In order to obtain the valence band offset in the heterostructure system, the shift in the macroscopic potential at the interface and the difference between the valence band maximum values of the two constituents must be added. In nanoscale heterostructures, the potential profile presents a more complex picture. The results indicate that while the discontinuity remains close to the planar limit right at the interface, there are fluctuations on the average potential profile beyond the interface developed by the inhomogeneous surface termination, that is, there are variations of the band edges beyond the interface. We report a first-principles study of the electronic properties of surface dangling-bond (SDB) states in hydrogen passivated GaAs/AlAs nanowire heterostructures with a diameter of 1 nm, where the SDB is defined as the defect due to an incomplete passivation of a surface atom. The charge transition levels of SDB states serve as a common energy reference level, such that charge transition level value for group III and V atoms is a constant value and a periodic table atomic property. We have carried out first-principles electronic structure and total energy calculations of aluminum nanowires for a series of different diameters ranging from 3 Angtrom-10 Angstrom, which is cut out from a slab of ideal bulk structure along the [001] direction. First-principles calculations of aluminum nanowires have been carried out within the density-functional theory. We use the norm-conserving pseudopotentials that are shown to yield successful results for ultrathin nanowire regime. Our results show that the number of bands crossing the Fermi level decreases with decreasing wire diameter and all wires studied are metallic.

First Year Of English Teaching In A Rural Context: A Qualitative Study At An Elementary School In Turkey

Baser, Zeynep 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This study aimed to explore how a rural elementary school and community situated English language education in Central Turkey, and how the rural context shaped a beginning English language teacher&rsquo / s professional identity and teaching practices. In order to achieve this goal, a qualitative case study was conducted. The required data were obtained through three major methods / semi-structured interviews, a time and motion study, and an open-ended questionnaire. The interviews were all audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim. The time and motion study involved the recording of the English language teacher&rsquo / s actions at the school. In this regard, the teacher was observed both in and out of the class during a two-month period and his actions were noted down at 60-second intervals. In addition, an open-ended questionnaire was delivered to the students taking English as a compulsory subject in their curriculum. The data were organized in separate files regularly, and analyzed by coding, and interpreting the emerging themes. The results revealed four keys to being a successful teacher in the rural setting. These included appreciation of rural life, passion for rural teaching, aspiration for teaching profession, and being well-prepared for teaching. It was also concluded that the rural elementary school and its community had general appreciation for quality English language education / however, they did not find teaching practices sufficient for effective language learning. Thus, English was not on the top of their list. Lastly, the results also shed light on the rural challenges that a beginning teacher might face.

The Conservation Principles For The Brick And Tile Factories In Eskisehir

Tulce, Ayten Huma 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this thesis is to develop conservation principles for the brick and tile industry in Eskisehir, one of the symbolic industrial cities in Turkey where brick and tile has been the significant production from the Early Republic Period. The conservation of these structures, complexes and mechanical elements is a controversial issue owing to their physical, economical, social and administrative values. The principles how to conserve and why is searched through discussions on conservation approaches, development plans and values. Focusing on this aim, this study is structured in six parts as the research on industrialization and industrial heritage, review and discussion of value types, survey on brick and tile industry, the value assessment process for the factories with the proposed value types and the implementation of conservation principles. In conclusion, the development of principles is an essential process in conservation of cultural heritage. This thesis proposes conservation principles over physical, social and administrative structure for industrial heritage for brick and tile factories in the Eskisehir Industrial Area.

中國綠色信貸研究 / The study of green credit in China

陳新寧, Chen, Hsin Ning Unknown Date (has links)
This paper investigated the evolution of Green Credit policy in China and the progress of its implementation by Chinese banks. Confronted with increasing degradation of the environment and the poor energy and resource efficiency in China, Chinese government introduced the Green Credit policy in 2007 to tackle these problems by adopting market-based mechanisms to channel capital to energy-saving and environmental protection companies and projects while curbing credit loans to companies and projects with poor environmental performance. The results of this paper show that a top-down system of Green Credit policy has taken shape in China, and Green Credit has proved to be an effective tool in combating environmental degradation and spurring sustainable finance in China with encouraging initial results. This study also reveals that in providing loans to energy-saving and environmental-friendly enterprises, state-owned banks made noticeable progress and did much better than joint-stock banks. Joint-stock banks in general were more conservative and cautious in providing loans to environment-friendly enterprises. The only exception is Industrial Bank, which adopted the Equator Principles in 2008. In exiting or withdrawing loans for “two high” sectors, there is a wide variation among banks, and there is no significant difference between state-owned banks and joint stock banks or between banks which are EPFIs and which are Non-EPFIs in this part.

First Principles Studies of Carbon Based Molecular Materials

Gao, Bin January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to investigate carbon based molecular materials at first principles levels. Special attention has been paid to simulations of X-ray spectroscopies, including near edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS), X-ray photoelectron, and X-ray emission spectroscopy, which can provide detailed information about core, occupied and unoccupied molecular orbitals of the systems under investigation. Theoretical calculations have helped to assign fine spectral structures in high resolution NEXAFS spectra of five azabenzenes (pyridine, pyrazine, pyrimidine, pyridazine and s-triazine), and to identify different local chemical environments among them. With the help of NEXAFS, the characters of important chemical bonds that might be responsible for the unique magnetic properties of the tetracyanoethylene compound has been revealed. Calculations have demonstrated that X-ray spectroscopies are powerful tools for isomer identification and structure determination of fullerenes and endohedral metallofullerenes. A joint experimental and theoretical study on metallofullerene Gd@C82 has firmly determined its equilibrium structure, in which the gadolinium atom lies above the hexagon on the C2 axis. It is found that the gadolinium atom could oscillate around its equilibrium position and that its oscillation amplitude increases with increasing temperature. In this thesis, several new computational schemes for large-scale systems have been proposed. Parallel implementation of a central insertion scheme (CIS) has been realized, which allows to effectively calculate electronic structures of very large systems, up to 150,000 electrons, at hybrid density functional theory levels. In comparison with traditional computational methods, CIS provides results with the same high accuracy but requires only a fraction of computational time. One of its applications is to calculate electronic structures of nanodiamond clusters varying from 0.76 nm (29 carbons) to 7.3 nm (20,959 carbons) in diameter, which enabled to resolve the long-standing debate about the validity of the quantum confinement model for nanodiamonds. Electronic structures and X-ray spectroscopies of a series of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) with different diameters and lengths have been calculated, which have made it possible to interpret the existing experimental results. / QC 20100727

Do we have a moral duty to offer severely ill asylum-seeking children residence permits?

Björck, Jenny January 2006 (has links)
Do we have a moral duty to offer severely ill asylum- seeking children permanent residence permits? This thesis analyses our moral duty to offer 410 severely ill asylum-seeking children permanent residence permits. During 2004 an emotionally charged debate started in Sweden. The debate concerned the deportation of 410 severely ill asylum- seeking children and their families. For this and other reasons Sweden was criticized by the United Nations commission along with human rights organizations for being too restrictive in its migration and asylum politics. My thesis outlines the migration and asylum debate and the refugee situation in the world at present together with facts about how the asylum procedure takes place in Sweden. Further I draw upon medical research connected to the asylum procedure along with how the Swedish Government and Save the Children respond to the migration and asylum debate. I also explore which rights, in terms of legal implications and ethical principles, these children have. Additional I outline theories in political philosophy from the utilitarian and communitarian tradition. The two philosophers I refer to are Michael Walzer and Peter Singer to apply their views to my primary question. Finally, I reach a critical analysis where I summarize and discuss my research. In the end I offer my final reflections in order to further debate on migration and asylum issues.

Sover mäklaren gott om natten? : En studie av tvingande, normgivande och moraliska regler. / Does the real estaate egent sleep at night? : A study of cogent, standards and morally rules

Pierrou, Maria January 2007 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att få en förståelse för hur mäklare uppfattar att de förhåller sig till, och tillämpar, lagar och etiska riktlinjer i sin yrkesutövning. / The purpose of this essay is to understand how estate agents interpret and how they relate to, and applies, laws and ethical guiding lines in their practise.

Framtidens stridsfordon och de grundläggande förmågorna / Armour fighting vehicles of the future and the principles of war

Österberg, Johan January 2011 (has links)
Due to the new demands put upon combat vehicles of today the development quickly strives for-ward. With developers and experts across the globe working to meet the needs of tomorrows armies. The question we ask ourselves is what will be the characteristics of these vehicles. In order to be able to categorize combat vehicle and analyze its characteristics we use the principles of war. Based on J.F.C Fullers theory from the early 19 hundreds that anything can be analysed using these principles, through a modern interpretation of the Swedish army, we can categorise the present and future abilities of combat vehicles. This interpretation includes lethality, mobility, protection, sustainability, command and intelligence. The future is represented by several articles regarding upcoming projects and future plans of vehicle developers and customers. This is some-thing witch has never been done before and gives us new ways of interpreting the role of the ar-moured fighting vehicle in the future of land warfare. The essay identifies lethality, mobility and protection as the most important principles of todays armoured fighting vehicles, witch diverts from the judgment that the most important principles of armoured fighting vehicles of the future will be mobility, protection, sustainability and command. / På grund av nya krav på stridsfordon så sker utvecklingen snabbt och offensivt. Experter och industrier världen över gör sitt yttersta för att möta behoven av framtidens arméer. Frågan som här ställs är hur dessa fordon kommer att se ut och vilka egenskaper kommer de ha. För att kunna kategorisera och analysera stridsfordonets och dess egenskaper används uppdragstaktikens grund-läggande förmågor. Detta baseras på J.F.C. Fullers teori om att förmågorna är tillämpbara på allt som gäller krigföring. Enligt svensk doktrin består de grundläggande förmågorna av verkan, rör-lighet, skydd, uthållighet, ledning och underrättelser/information. Det som undersöks är synsättet på framtidens stridsfordon i ett antal artiklar. Detta har aldrig gjorts tidigare i samma omfattning och ger oss möjlighet att se stridsfordonets roll i framtidens konflikter i nytt ljus. I uppsatsen identifieras verkan, rörlighet och skydd som de viktigaste förmågorna för dagens stridsfordon, vilket skiljer sig från resultatet att de viktigaste förmågorna för framtidens stridsfor-don kommer att vara rörlighet, skydd, uthållighet och ledning.

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