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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O Pro Milone de Cícero: tradução e estudo da invenção / Cicero\'s Pro Milone: translation and study of the invention

Marlene Lessa Vergilio Borges 08 December 2011 (has links)
No dia 08 de abril de 52 a. C, quase três anos depois de terminar sua mais completa obra retórica, De oratore, Cícero retorna a sua atividade nos tribunais. Diante da aparência inusitada do fórum, cercado pela guarnição armada de Pompeu e lotado de um público hostil, o Arpinate comparece para defender o amigo e tribuno Tito Ânio Milão, acusado de assassinar o rival político Públio Clódio Pulcro. Fontes antigas atestam que, prejudicado por fatores externos, Cícero não se teria apresentado nesse dia com a costumeira efetividade. Embora não tenha vencido essa causa, a versão que mais tarde publicou do discurso em defesa de Milão, Pro Milone, tornou-se referência no âmbito da retórica judiciária e é considerado por muitos estudiosos uma obra prima do gênero. Nesta dissertação, apresentamos uma tradução anotada desse discurso em português, acompanhada de um estudo do respectivo processo de invenção (inventio): descoberta e exame das estratégias, argumentos e linhas de defesa destinados a persuadir. Estruturamos a tratativa da invenção de acordo com as divisões que Cícero estabelece para essa parte da retórica, ou seja, conforme os três modos de influenciar a mente dos ouvintes: docere (instruir), conciliare (cativar) e movere (comover) (cf. De orat. II, 115). Apoiando-nos fundamentalmente nas teorias expostas no De oratore, mas também em outras fontes antigas e modernas, procuramos identificar e descrever as estratégias retóricas empregadas no Pro Milone para dar conta de cada um desses meios de persuasão. / On April 8th, 52 B.C., nearly three years after finishing his most complete rhetorical work, De oratore, Cicero resumed his duties in the courts. Against the forums extraordinary backdrop, surrounded by the armed garrison of Pompeii and packed with a hostile audience, the Arpinate appeared there to defend his friend and tribune Titus Annius Milo, accused of assassinating rival politician Publius Clodius Pulcher. Ancient sources indicate that Cicero, undermined by external factors, did not exhibit his customary effectiveness on that day. Although he did not win the case, the subsequently published version of the speech in defense of Milo, Pro Milone, became a benchmark in legal rhetoric, deemed by many scholars to be a masterpiece of the genre. In this dissertation, we present an annotated Portuguese translation of the speech, accompanied by a study of the respective invention (inventio) process: discovery and examination of strategies, arguments and lines of defense intended to persuade. We have structured our discussion of invention according to Ciceros distinctions for this part of rhetoric, or rather, according to the three methods of influencing the listeners mind: docere (instruct), conciliare (win over) and movere (stir) (cf. De orat. II, 115). Drawing essential support from the theories set forth in De oratore, as well as from other ancient and modern sources, we seek to identify and describe the rhetorical strategies used in Pro Milone in order to account for each of these means of persuasion. Key Words:

O Pró-Milone e a justificativa da violência na defesa do estado no pensamento político de Cícero / The Pro Milone and the justification of the violence in defense of the state at Cicero´s political thought

Felipe Coelho de Souza Ladeira 17 September 2008 (has links)
O presente estudo tem por objetivo contribuir para a compreensão do pensamento político de Cícero no contexto do Pro Milone. Analisar-se-ão, portanto, a construção retórica do discurso, evidenciando o modo como a conduta de Clódio justificaria a violência de Milão no intuito de preservar o Estado. Ao mesmo tempo, a partir de uma análise histórica da carreira de Clódio, pode-se refletir sobre os aspectos políticos do seu relacionamento com Cícero e Milão, contrapondo os argumentos apresentados no discurso. / This dissertation aims at contributing to the discussion and comprehension of Ciceros political thinking in the context of the Pro Milone. The speech rhetoric is analyzed, focusing on how Clodius would justify the Milan violence as a means to preserve the state. Based on analyzes of Clodiuss career, this dissertation focuses on the political aspects of Clodiuss relationship with Cicero and Milan, contrasting the arguments presented in the speech

Optimal choice of machine tool for a machining job in a CAE environment

Kumar, Eshwar January 2010 (has links)
Developments in cutting tools, coolants, drives, controls, tool changers, pallet changers and the philosophy of machine tool design have made ground breaking changes in machine tools and machining processes. Modern Machining Centres have been developed to perform several operations on several faces of a workpiece in a single setup. On the other hand industry requires high value added components, which have many quality critical features to be manufactured in an outsourcing environment as opposed to the traditional in-house manufacture. The success of this manufacture critically depends on matching the advanced features of the machine tools to the complexity of the component. This project has developed a methodology to represent the features of a machine tool in the form of an alphanumeric string and the features of the component in another string. The strings are then matched to choose the most suitable and economical Machine Tool for the component’s manufacture. Literature identified that block structure is the way to answer the question ‘how to systematically describe the layout of such a machining centre’. Incomplete attempts to describe a block structure as alphanumeric strings were also presented in the literature. Survey on sales literature from several machine tool suppliers was investigated to systematically identify the features need by the user for the choice of a machine tool. Combining these, a new alphanumeric string was developed to represent machine tools. Using these strings as one of the ‘key’s for sorting a database of machine tools was developed. A supporting database of machine tools was also developed. Survey on machining on the other hand identified, that machining features can be used as a basis for planning the machining of a component. It analysed various features and feature sets proposed and provided and their recognition in CAD models. Though a vast number of features were described only two sets were complete sets. The project was started with one of them, (the other was carrying too many unwanted details for the task of this project) machining features supported by ‘Expert Machinist’ software. But when it became unavailable a ‘Feature set’ along those lines were defined and used in the generation of an alphanumeric string to represent the work. Comparing the two strings led the choice of suitable machines from the database. The methodology is implemented as a bolt on software incorporated within Pro/Engineer software where one can model any given component using cut features (mimicking machining operation) and produce a list of machine tools having features for the machining of that component. This will enable outsourcing companies to identify those Precision Engineers who have the machine tools with the matching apabilities. Supporting software and databases were developed using Access Database, Visual Basic and C with Pro/TOOLKIT functions. The resulting software suite was tested on several case studies and found to be effective.

Utvärdering av metod för att skapa 3D-byggnader i LOD2 : En jämförelse mellan 3D-byggnader från stereokartering och ArcGIS Pro med volymberäkning / Evaluation of method for creating 3D buildings in LOD2 : A comparison of 3D buildings from stereo mapping and ArcGIS Pro with volume calculation

Larsson, Anton January 2017 (has links)
The transition to geographical data in 3D is facing big challenges regarding the creation of common standards for a functioning global spatial data infrastructure. The need for such data in planning processes has recently increased. Creating 3D-buildings in LOD1 is rather uncomplicated but creating buildings with a higher level of detail, that provide a better illustration of reality, are expensive and time consuming. The resources and efforts to establish geographical data in 3D differ in Sweden's municipalities, where some rural areas often do not have the same opportunities as urban areas. Therefore, a cost-effective and time-efficient method of creating 3D models for, e.g. municipal planning and civil dialogue would be well received. In this thesis project, the method of creating 3D buildings in ArcGIS Pro using the ExtractRoofForm tool is evaluated. Different data sources used as inputs were analyzed by comparing the outcome of successfully created buildings. In ArcGIS Pro, the calculation of root mean square error was used as measure to distinguish successful and unsuccessful buildings. The result of the ArcGIS Pro process was compared to 3D buildings in LOD2 produced by stereo mapping as reference data. The comparison was done by volume calculation, where the result indicates the significance of different inputs to the extraction of 3D buildings, and how well the evaluation of the process works. It could be shown that input data quality largely affects the process. Data with the highest quality gave the best results in the extraction process. The result of the volume calculation shows that successful buildings in ArcGIS Pro also had a high accuracy. Volume calculation and calculation of root mean square error show no correlation. A reason for this could be that there may be some problems evaluating the process of extracted 3D buildings resulting in more time-consuming work with editing after the extraction process. Still, the process of creating 3D buildings shows great potential for a successful outcome. / Övergången till geografisk information i 3D innebär ett stort arbete med att skapa gemensamma standarder för en fungerande GIS-samverkan världen över. Efterfrågan på presentation av geografisk information i 3D som en del i planeringsprocesser eller att utöva medborgardialog har på senare tid ökat. Att skapa 3D-byggnader i LOD1 är relativt enkelt men att kartera byggnader med en högre detaljnivå som ger en mer realistisk bild av verkligheten kan vara både dyrt och tidskrävande. Resurserna varierar mellan olika områden runt om i landet och vissa glesbygdsområden inte har samma möjlighet att erbjuda utbud av t.ex. medborgardialog som i mer urbana områden. Därför skulle en kostnad- och tidseffektiv metod att skapa 3D-modeller för exempelvis kommunal planeringsprocess och medborgardialog vara välkommen. I detta examensarbete utvärderas metoden att skapa 3D-byggnader i ArcGIS Pro med verktyget ”ExtractRoofForm”. Olika datakällor som används som indata analyserades genom att jämföra utfallet av lyckade byggnader. I ArcGIS Pro användes beräkning av medelfel som utvärdering för att skilja lyckade och mindre lyckade byggnader åt. Resultatet av processen i ArcGIS Pro jämfördes med 3D-byggnader i LOD2 framställda av stereokartering som referensdata. Jämförelsen gjordes med volymberäkning där resultatet avser att ge en fingervisning om betydelsen av indatakvalitet vid skapandet av 3D-byggnader samt om hur väl utvärderingen efter processen fungerar. Kvaliteten på indata visade sig efter analys ha betydelse där data med högst kvalitet också gav bäst utfall av lyckade 3D-byggnader. Resultatet av volymberäkning visade att byggnader med lyckat utfall i extraheringsprocessen också uppvisade en hög noggrannhet. Resultaten från volym-beräkning och beräkning av medelfelet visar ingen korrelation vilket tyder på att det kan finnas vissa problem med att utvärdera processen av skapade 3D-byggnader. Detta medför mer tidskrävande efterarbete än nödvändigt. Dock visar processen att skapa 3D-byggnader stora möjligheter till ett gott resultat.

Mezinárodní standardy účetního výkaznictví pro malé a střední podniky

Hubáčková, Kateřina January 2008 (has links)
Diplomová práce se zaměřuje na situaci MSP v kontextu Evropské unie, tvorbu Mezinárodních standardů účetního výkaznictví určených pro MSP a úlevy při vedení účetnictví pro MSP v České republice

Vliv židovské lobby na americkou zahraniční politiku / The Influence of the Jewish Lobby on U.S. Foreign Policy

Faltejsková, Kateřina January 2012 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is to analyse the influence of "The Israel lobby" on the foreign policy of the United States of America. The work examines issues of lobbying, methods of its definition and delimitation. Furthermore, it analyzes the emergence and development of this lobby and introduces its main leaders and influential pro-Israel organizations. Finally, it analyses the effect of the lobby during the administration of some U.S. presidents such as John Kennedy, Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter or Barack Obama. In conclusion, it examines the influence of this lobby in Congress, Pentagon and on campuses. The aim of this work is to prove that "The Israel lobby" has such a big impact that it is able to influence the decisions of the President of the United States, including political institutions.

Etude de la voie non-apoptotique de CD95 et de l’implication du facteur d’initiation de la traduction eIF4A1 / Non-apoptotique signalisation of the CD95 receptor and impact of the initiation translation factor eIF4A1

Thomas, Mélissa 07 December 2018 (has links)
Depuis sa découverte en 1991, l’implication du récepteur CD95 dans l’induction de l’apoptose a été plus que largement décrite. Mais bien qu'ayant été identifié comme étant un récepteur de mort, CD95 est aussi capable d'induire un signal pro-oncogénique lorsqu'il est fixé au CD95L clivé. L’activation de cette voie de signalisation non-apoptotique par le s-CD95L contribue au processus inflammatoire dans le lupus et à la dissémination métastatique dans les cancers du sein triples négatifs. Cependant aucun traitement thérapeutique satisfaisant n’est à ce jour disponible. De par son implication dans des pathologies cancéreuses et inflammatoires, mieux comprendre les mécanismes à l’origine de la double signalisation de CD95 n’est plus un enjeu mais une nécessité. Afin de développer des molécules pour bloquer la signalisation non apoptotique de CD95, il est essentiel d’en identifier tous les protagonistes et de définir leur fonction biologique. C’est avec cet objectif que notre équipe a mené deux études protéomiques dont les résultats ont permis d’identifier eIF4A1 comme un nouveau partenaire direct de CD95. Nous montrons que eIF4A1 est indispensable à la mise en place de la signalisation pro-motile de CD95 dépendante de la voie PI3K. De plus eIF4A1 est recruté à la membrane ainsi que les autres protéines du complexe eIF4F. Nos données de séquençage ont montré que de par cette interaction, CD95 recrute à la membrane un ensemble d’ARNm impliqués dans la réponse immunitaire et l’adhésion cellulaire. En outre, une perte de CD95 dans certaines cellules cancéreuses conduit à la perte d’expression de ces ARNm. Ainsi CD95 pourrait protéger certains ARNm de la dégradation et favoriser la traduction des ARNm pro-inflammatoires de manière indépendante du ligand. Cibler spécifiquement cette interaction pourrait être une piste thérapeutique prometteuse dans la lutte contre les cancers du sein triples négatifs mais aussi contre le lupus. / Since its discovery in 1991, the involvement of the CD95 receptor in the induction of apoptosis has been more than widely described. But although identified as a death receptor, CD95 is also capable of inducing a pro-oncogenic signal when attached to the cleaved CD95L. Activation of this non-apoptotic signaling pathway by s-CD95L contributes to the inflammatory process in lupus and metastatic spread in triple negative breast cancers. However, no satisfactory therapeutic treatment is currently available. By its implication in cancerous and inflammatory pathologies, better understanding the mechanisms at the origin of the double signaling of CD95 is no longer an issue but a necessity. In order to develop molecules to block the non-apoptotic CD95 signaling, it is essential to identify all the protagonists and define their biological function. Our team conducted two proteomic studies, the results of which identified eIF4A1 as a new direct partner of CD95. We show that eIF4A1 is essential for the implementation of PI3K pathway-dependent CD95 signaling. In addition eIF4A1 is recruited to the membrane as well as the other eIF4F complex proteins. Our sequencing data showed that by this interaction, CD95 recruits a set of mRNAs involved in the immune response and cell adhesion. In addition, a loss of CD95 in some cancer cells leads to the loss of expression of these mRNAs. Thus CD95 could protect certain mRNA from degradation and promote the translation of pro-inflammatory mRNAs independently of the ligand. Specific targeting of this interaction could be a promising therapeutic avenue in the fight against triple negative breast cancers but also against lupus.

Encouraging pro-environmental behaviour amongst Millennials in Online Communities - The role of information and goal-frames on Instagram

Trager, Vanessa, Drozd, Karin January 2019 (has links)
With the aim to reduce the effects of anthropocentric climate change and achieve a more sustainable future, promotion of sustainable individual behaviour is just as essential as driving political and economic change. As social media are experiencing growth in popularity, online communities in which influencers act as opinion leaders are a promising tool to influence behaviour. The objective of this paper was to examine the role of individuals’ pre-existing value structures and the effectiveness of encouraging pro-environmental behaviour amongst the millennial generation on Instagram. The study design is based on the extended version of goal-frame theory, The Integrated Framework for Encouraging Pro-environmental Behaviour.An experiment survey has been developed to measure current pro-environmental behaviour, value structure and goal-frame, test preferred Instagram posts, and measure intentions to act pro-environmentally in the future. Survey respondents were randomly assigned to a control group, which was not shown any Instagram posts. The experiment tested whether the provision of Instagram posts, which are framed in line with one’s goal-frame, creates a more effective message subsequently leading to an increase in future intentions to act pro-environmentally. The results of the analyses indicated that framing of an Instagram post based on pre-existing goal-frames does create a more effective message but does not lead to an increase in future intentions to act pro-environmentally. The differences in intentions to start acting pro-environmentally were not significantly different between the experiment and control group.Further analysis revealed that the strongest predictor to increase intentions to act in line with the environment is a combination of high accessibility to a normative goal-frame (biospheric and altruistic values), low accessibility to a gain goal-frame (egoistic values) and university education. Additionally, it was detected that females are more likely to engage in pro-environmental behaviour, to have higher intentions to adjust their lifestyle as well as accessibility to a normative goal-frame. Implications of this study can be applied to future research as well as help organizations and governments to develop more targeted sustainable consumption campaign and policies.

Open (Adoption) for Business: Opposing Movements and Environmental Opportunity Structures in the Adoption Organizational Field, 1972-2000

Frederico, Krista Marie 08 June 2012 (has links)
Recent directions in organizational studies have demonstrated progressive social movements' ability to generate rewarding enterprises or environmental opportunity structures (EOS) in receptive markets. However, more nuanced opposing movements (Meyer and Staggenborg 1996), such as the pro-choice and pro-life movements, receive far less attention, leaving scholars to postulate that there is much yet to know about the impact of movements other than those with strict progressive orientations (Zald, Morrill, and Rao 2005). To better understand how opposing movements contribute to environmental opportunity structures, this thesis examines dramatic growth in the number of adoption agencies advertising services in the Yellow Pages during the last quarter of the twentieth century. Some suggest the growth may be due to changing attitudes and laws regulating interracial adoption, the growing acceptance of international adoption as a family formation strategy, and the success of the adoptee rights movement. However, I argue that at least some of this growth is related to changes in abortion laws associated with the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision and associated pro-choice and pro-life opposing movements that dominated public debate during the same period. Applying cultural entrepreneurship and competitive framing, I demonstrate that pro-choice language is adopted by adoption agencies that compete with abortion clinics as they offer services to birth mothers. Opposing movement features are evident in organization growth patterns, the services offered, and the slogans used. Dissecting the adoption services field into generalist and specialist organizational forms, I find that specialists experienced precipitous growth and were more likely to make use of certain "choice" frames, co-opted from the pro-choice movement and redirected to support pro-life ideologies. Further, I find that "open adoption" services, championed by the adoptee advocacy community for their identity-affirming and sustained relationship-allowing practices, are most often marketed by the adoption provider as a choice-granting process, giving adoption providers further opportunity to mirror the pro-choice movement's choice-centric practices. Because adoption agencies' growth, slogans, and services are largely bound up in tactics specific to the pro-choice and pro-life opposing movement dynamics, I conclude that opposing movements can indeed contribute to environmental opportunity structures for market growth.

Ověření použití substrátů pro zelené střechy

Kaláb, Pavel January 2019 (has links)
Diploma thesis is focused on verification of green roof substrates their use and functionality. The literary research summarizes history of green roofs in Czech Republic and abroad. There is also clerified sorting of green roofs their components and general usage of green roofs. There was bulit experimental green roof based on informations sorced from literary research. Single parts of the experiment were evaluated as a general emergence and vitality of plants on experimental green roof.

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