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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Client perceptions of helpfulness : a therapy process study

Cocklin, Alexandra January 2014 (has links)
Client reports of perceived helpfulness in therapy may provide valuable information to clinicians and researchers about what makes therapy therapeutic for individuals. This may help us to understand more about common factors in effective psychotherapies, to explain the processes through which these factors might operate and to understand how the therapeutic relationship contributes to change for different clients. However, the meth-methodological complexity involved in the design of experimental studies has so far prevented research from being able to fully utilise what clients can tell us about their experience of change. This thesis aimed to address some of these challenges in client centered psychotherapy process research.

Utvärdering av Självstyrandes-utvecklarramverket / Evaluation of the Self-Governance Developer Framework

Arrospide Echegaray, Daniel January 2016 (has links)
Inom mjukvaruteknik finns en mångfald processmetoder där var och en har ett specifikt syfte. En processmetod kan enklare beskrivas som en upprepningsbar uppsättning delsteg i syfte att utföra en uppgift och uppnå ett specifikt resultat. Majoriteten av processmetoder som har hittats i denna studie inriktar sig på den mjukvaruprodukt som är att utveckla. Det verkar finnas en brist på processmetoder som kan användas av mjukvaruutvecklare för att utveckla sin personliga utvecklingsprocess. Med personlig utvecklingsprocess menas, hur den enskilda utvecklaren väljer att strukturera det egna arbetet i syfte att uppnå ett visst re- sultat. Självstyrandes-utvecklarramverket (även kallad SGD-ramverket) är i skrivande stund ett nyligen utvecklat processramverk med syfte att bistå den individuella utvecklaren att ut- veckla sin personliga utvecklingsprocess. Kort beskrivet är ramverket tänkt att innehålla alla aktiviteter som kan komma att uppstå i ett utvecklingsprojekt. Problemet är att detta ramverk inte har utvärderats ännu och därför vet man inte om ramverket är relevant för att uppfylla sitt syfte. För att rama in och vägleda studien formulerades ett antal problemfråge- ställningar (1) Är ramverket fullständigt för ett mindre företag med avseende på aktivite- ter?, (2) Hur hög är kostnaden för SGD-ramverket i form av tid? Målet med studien är att bidra till framtida studier för ramverket genom att utföra en akt- ionsstudie där SGD-ramverket utvärderas utefter ett par specifika utvärderingskriterier. En induktiv kvalitativ forskningsmetod användes för att genomföra denna studie. Med in- duktiv metod menas att slutsatser dras utifrån empiriskt insamlad data och utifrån dessa ut- formas generella teorier. Mer specifikt användes metoden aktionsstudie. Data samlades in genom loggning och tidsloggning under aktionsstudiens gång. För att utvärdera ramverket användes utvärderingskriterierna (1) Fullständighet, (2) Semantisk korrekthet (3) Kostnad. En narrativ analys fördes över insamlad data för dessa kriterier med hänsyn till problemfrå- geställningarna. Resultat från utvärdering visade att ramverket inte ansågs fullständigt med hänsyn till dess aktiviteter. Dock näst intill fullständigt då enbart ett fåtal aktiviteter behövdes tilläggas i den utförda aktionsstudien. Totalt 3 extra aktiviteter lades till utöver de 40 som redan finns. Ca tio procent av den totala arbetstiden i aktionsstudien var i tillagda aktiviteter utanför Självstyrandes-Utvecklarramverkets ordinarie aktiviteter. Ramverkets aktiviteter ansågs även vara för granulärt formulerade i sammanhanget av ett mindre företag. Ramverket an- sågs vara högst relevant för att förbättra den individuella utvecklarens egna process. Kost- nad för införsel av Självstyrandes-Utvecklarramverket i denna studie speglar tiden det tog tills tidsanvändningen av Ramverket ansågs stabilt. Denna införelsekostnad uppskattades i form av tid och bestod av ca 3.54% av en åttatimmars arbetsdag, detta uppskattade ske un- der en införselsperiod på 24 dagar. Total tillämpningskostnad för användning av ramverket i den utförda aktionsstudien är i snitt 4,143 SEK/timme alternativt 662,88 SEK/månad. Schablonkostnaden som har använts ligger på 172,625 SEK/timme. / Within software engineering there is a diversity of process methods where each one has its specific purpose. A process method can be described as being a repeatable set of step with the purpose to achieve a task and reach a specific result. The majority of process methods found in this study are focused on the software product being developed. There seems to be a lack of process methods that can be used by software developers for there individual soft- ware process improvement. Individual software process improvement, refers to how the in- dividual software developer chooses to structure their own work with the purpose to obtain a specific result The Self-Governance Developer Framework (also called SGD-framework) whilst writing this is a newly developed process framework with the purpose of aiding the individual soft- ware developer to improve his own individual software process. Briefly explained the framework is intended to contain all the activities that can come up in a software project. The problem is that this tool has not yet been evaluated and therefore it is unknown if it is relevant for its purpose. To frame and guide the study three problem questions has been for- mulated (1) Is the framework complete for a smaller company in regards to it activities? (2) How high is the cost for the SGD-framework in regard of time? The goal of the study is to contribute for future studies for the framework by performing an action study where the Self-Governance Developer Framework is evaluated against a set of chosen evaluation criteria. An inductive qualitative research method was used when conducting the study. An induc- tive method means that conclusions are derived from empirically gathered data and from that data form general theories. Specifically, the action study method was used. Data was gathered by keeping a logbook and also time logging during the action study. To evaluate the framework, some evaluation criteria was used which were (1) Completeness, (2) Se- mantic correctness, (3) Cost. A narrative analysis was conducted over the data that was gathered for the criteria. The analysis took the problem formulations in regard. The results from the evaluation showed that the framework was not complete with the re- gards of the activities. Although next to complete as only a few activities were further needed during the action study. A total of 3 extra activities were added over the regular 40 activities. Around 10% of the time spent in activities were in activities outside of the Self- Governance Developer Framework. The activities were considered to finely comminute for the context of a smaller company. The framework was considered highly relevant for im- proving the individual software developers own process. The introduction cost in this study reflect on the time it took until the usage of the framework was considered consistent. In this study it was approximately 24 working days with a usage about 3.54% of an eight-hour work day. The total application cost of usage of the framework in the performed action study was on average 4.143 SEK/hour or 662,88 SEK/month. The template cost used was on 172.625 SEK/hour.


吳政達 Unknown Date (has links)
自Zadeh(1965)提出模糊集合論,將集合論之二值邏輯擴充至多值邏輯後,使得集合論更為完善,能更精確地描述實際問題之特性。由於教師評鑑的規準建構與測量方法皆深具模糊性,因此有必要針對評鑑問題之模糊特性,選擇適當之模糊理論。本研究以模糊德菲法以整合專家意見以建構評鑑指標,續以模糊層級分析法計算各指標間的相對權重。教師評鑑除考量量化指標外,由於質化指標常以語意詞句(linguistic terms)表達,故採取Chen和Hwang (1992)所提之轉換法將模糊評語集轉換為明確得點值(crisp score)。並利用模糊綜合評估以從事實際教師評鑑之結果分析,其中涉及不同運算算子間的差異比較。 本研究結果發現:教師評鑑指標體系包括教師評鑑指標共可區分為九大類主指標四十一項次指標。其主指標分別為「專業知識」、「教學準備能力」、「教學策略與實施能力」、「教學評量能力」、「運用教學資源能力」、「班級經營能力」、「專業責任」、「校務參與及服務績效」與「人際溝通能力」等九類;「專業知識類」次指標包括「任教科目的專門知識(含提供完整的知識架構)」、「教學方法的專業知識(含清楚教導概念)」、「課程與教材方面的知識(包括清楚目前的學習內容與先前的學習內容及未來的學習內容之間的關連)」、「教學情境的專業知識」、「輔導方面的知識(包括了解學生的心理)」與「學習與發展方面的知識(包括精熟學生背景知識和經驗)」等六項,「教學準備能力類」次指標包括「訂定教學計畫,妥善準備教具」、「根據學生學習需求及課程標準,訂定適合的教學目標」等兩項,「教學策略與實施能力類」次指標包括「教導認知、情意及動作技能的學習與遷移」、「教材展示精確又清楚」、「運用適當教學方法的技巧」、「對教學內容的解釋、舉例之能力」、「教學內容組織能力」、「引起並維持學生的學習動機與注意力」、「教學表達能力」、「傾聽兒童說話的技巧」、「促使學生延展其思考」等九項,「教學評量能力類」次指標包括「評量兒童表現並提供回饋與指導」、「根據評量結果改進教學歷程」、「適時而正確地評估學生進步情形」等三項,「運用教學資源能力類」次指標包括「妥善佈置教學環境」、「運用多樣教學資源」等兩項,「班級經營能力類」包括「輔導學生的能力(包括輔導學生因學業及日常生活所產生的困擾)」、「指導學生遵守生活常規,養成良好行為習慣」、「教室管理的技巧(包括建立愉快的班級氣氛、建立教室常規和程序)」、「有效運用獎懲手段」、「訂定適切的班級規範」與「創造適當的學習環境」等六項,「專業責任類」次指標包括「關懷與瞭解學生」、「工作勤惰」、「教學認真」、「教育信念」、「研究進修」與「敬業精神」等六項,「校務參與及服務績效類」次指標包括「主動積極協助校務推展」、「配合學校行政詳建各項學生檔案」、「對學校活動積極參與」等三項,「人際溝通能力類」包括「同儕教師溝通交流分享互動之能力」、「和家長保持溝通互動以維持良好的親師關係」、「建立和維持師生關係」、「教師能公平、公正地對待全部學生」等四項,合計四十一項次指標。 / Since Zadeh(1965) proposed the fuzzy sets theorem and further developed the theorem from two-value logic to continues multi-value logic, the assembly theorem had become more completed and was capable of depicting the characteristics of real problem more specifically. Because the standard structure and measuring method of teacher appraisal are both ambiguous, it is necessary to adopt an suitable fuzzy theorem for this ambiguous characteristic of teacher appraisal. The study incorporated the opinions of specialists into structural evaluation indicator based upon Fuzzy Delphi and further calculated the relative weights among each indicator by Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process. The teacher appraisal not only need to quantify the indicator but also to qualify them using linguistic terms to express. Therefore, the study adopted the Chen-Hwang (1992) transfer method to transform the ambiguous evaluation terms into specific crisp scores and used the composite of fuzzy evaluation to engage the analysis of real teacher appraisal involving differentiated comparison among individual operants. The outcomes of the study demonstrated that the indicator system of teacher appraisal including teacher appraisal indicator consist of 9 major indicator and 41 minor indicator. The 9 major indicator were professional knowledge, capability of teaching preparation, teaching strategy and implementation ability, capability of teaching assessment , capability of employing teaching resource, capability of class management, professional duty, involvement of school managing and service achievement, and capability of interpersonal communication. The 6 sub-indicator in the professional knowledge category includes professional knowledge of the specific discipline with a comprehensive knowledge structure, professional knowledge of teaching methods included a lucid teaching concept, professional knowledge of class and teaching material included understanding of the connection between the current and future learning contents. professional knowledge of teaching situations, professional knowledge of consulting included understanding of student psychology and professional knowledge of learning and developing included awareness of student background knowledge and experiences. There were two sub-indicator in the capability of teaching preparation (making a teaching agenda and preparing teaching tools, and planing a proper teaching goal based upon student learning need and class standard. The 9 sub-indicator in the teaching strategy and implementation ability were, understanding of guidance and learning and transferring of mental and physical skills, demonstration of teaching material precisely and clearly, employment of proper teaching skills, the interpretation of teaching contents and exemplification faculty, ability to organize teaching contents, inspire and maintain learning motivation and attention of student, faculty of teaching expression, listening skills concerning the child talk, and stimulate the extension of student thinking. The 3 sub-indicator in capability of teaching evaluation were, evaluation of child perfor-mance in order to render guidance and feedback, rescheduling the teaching agenda according to the evaluation outcomes, and accurately and timely evaluating student progression . The capability of employing teaching resource category consisted of implementing teaching environment congruently and adopting diversified teaching resources. The 6 sub-indicator in capability of class management were faculty of student guidance (consulting the student problems causing by class-learning and everyday activities), lead students to fellow the normal rules and to keep righteous behavior habits, class room managing skills ( establish an amicable classroom atermosphere and the classroom guidelines and procedures), proper employing award/ punish system, making the proper classroom paradigm, and create suitable learning environment. The 6 subindicator in professional duty were concerning and understanding students, working habits, teaching sincerity, teaching believe, advancing research, reverence to occupation, The 3 subin-dicator in involvement of school administration and service achievement were, actively assisting the school administration to implement, cooperating the school administration to establish the student records, actively engaging the school activities. The capability of interpersonal communication category composed of 4 subindicator, capability of communicating and interacting with teaching colleagues, capability of communicating and interacting with student parents and maintain a good teacher-parent relationship, establishing and keeping the teacher-student relationship, treating all student with equality and fairness. The grand total of sub-indicator were 41.

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