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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Value Proposition for Cloud-Enabled Process Planning

Tollander, Sofia January 2019 (has links)
To stay competitive in today’s fast-paced market, manufacturing companies must shorten their time-to-market and decrease their costs by efficiently utilizing their resources. Here, improved software and better software integration throughout the product realization process is considered to be a key enabler. The aim of this thesis work has been to investigate the current workflow in design and process planning to outline a cloud-based application to support these activities. Pains and bottlenecks in these workflows have been identified through interview and field studies at six Swedish manufacturing companies of different sizes, in different industries, and with different operational models. The major areas of improvement were identified whereof one them, the initial activity of understanding customers’ needs, was decided to further focus on. From receiving a request for quotation from the customer to acceptance of an order, the following time-consuming activities were recognized: understand and discuss design intent as well as suggest possible design changes to improve manufacturability, analyze and review 2D drawings and 3D models, and develop order quotations. In this thesis work, a mock-up prototype has been put forward. The intent with this is to bridge a gap that has been identified through the mapping between manufacturers needs and functionality of available CAD/CAM software and the identified areas of improvement from the workflow investigations. The proposed solution, as presented in the mock-up prototype, has been validated together with three of the studied companies. At its current state, further improvements and validations are needed. Nevertheless, if further developed, it has the potential to create value within the entire manufacturing value chain. / För att vara konkurrenskraftig på dagens snabbrörliga marknad måste tillverkande företag minska sina tid till marknad och reducera sina kostnader genom att utnyttja sina resurser mer effektivt. Här anses förbättrad programvara och bättre mjukvaruintegration genom hela produktrealiseringsprocessen vara en viktig möjliggörare. Målet med detta arbete har varit att undersöka det aktuella arbetsflödet i design och processplanering för att föreslå en molnbaserad applikation för att stödja dessa aktiviteter. Problem och flaskhalsar i dessa arbetsflöden har identifierats genom intervjuer och fältstudier hos sex svenska tillverkande bolag i olika storlekar, i olika branscher och med olika operativa modeller. De viktigaste förbättringsområdena identifierades varav en, den initiala aktiviteten för att förstå kundernas behov, beslutades att ytterligare fokusera på. Från att ha mottagit en offertförfrågan från kunden till acceptans av en beställning kunde följande tidskrävande aktiviteter identifieras: förstå och diskutera designintention samt föreslå möjliga designändringar för att förbättra tillverkningsförmåga, analysera och granska 2D-ritningar och 3D-modeller, och utveckla ordernoteringar. I det här arbetet har en prototyplösning tagits fram. Avsikten med denna är att överbrygga ett gap som har identifierats genom kartläggning mellan tillverkarens behov och funktionalitet av tillgänglig CAD / CAM-programvara och de identifierade förbättringsområdena från arbetsflödesutredningarna. Den föreslagna lösningen, som presenterades i prototypen, har validerats tillsammans med tre av de studerade företagen. Vid sitt nuvarande tillstånd behövs ytterligare förbättringar och valideringar. Om den vidareutvecklas har den dock potentialen att skapa värde för hela tillverkningskedjan.

Systematic Feature Extraction and Feature-based Manufacturing Process Selection for Hybrid Manufacturing

Jha, Smriti 22 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Process Planning for Hybrid Manufacturing with Directed Energy Deposition and Machining Processing

Hughes, Zane Weldon 12 1900 (has links)
This thesis details the creation and application of a generalized process plan for the hybrid manufacturing of AISI 316L stainless steel, using direct energy deposition (DED) and ball-nose end-mill machining, that includes the inspection and measurement of objects created by that hybrid manufacturing process plan. The proposed process plan progresses through the selection of substrate thickness, single-track, multi-track, and multi-layer depositions, then on to machining processing. A manufacturers' recommended set and range of DED parameters were used to create a designed experiment that aided in the analysis of objects created in each of the DED process planning steps; those objects were then machined in the same enclosure using a set of machining parameters screened from industry recommendations for ball-nose milling of stainless steel, after which measurements were taken for surface roughness, some material characteristics, and for tool deterioration. The results, analyses, and discussions collected herein show that the proposed process plan can provide models for geometrical outputs for each step in the plan, some improvements in substrate stability, surface roughness, tool deterioration, and material porosity due to voids. Current research in hybrid manufacturing does not show generalized process planning influences. The process plan as demonstrated by the work in this thesis will help operators, designers, and researchers in the future by defining a generalized workflow that can be applied to other materials used in hybrid manufacturing.


CHANDRA, SHANTANU 27 September 2002 (has links)
No description available.

Object Oriented Simulation of Agent Based Flexible Manufacturing System with Dynamic Routing and Scheduling

Ghosal, Subhabrata 17 September 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Incremental generation of alternative process plans for integrated manufacturing

Thiruppalli, Shridharan January 2002 (has links)
No description available.

Propuesta de mejora del proceso de gestión de compras de una institución hospitalaria de la ciudad de Chiclayo 2022

Purihuaman Sobrino, Diana Nathaly January 2024 (has links)
La presente investigación expone la problemática en los procesos de gestión de compras en una institución hospitalaria de la ciudad de Chiclayo 2022, con el objetivo de proponer una nueva estrategia de gestión de los procesos mediante el análisis de los mismos para diagnosticar y determinar las dimensiones de los procesos de compras, buscando solucionar la problemática encontrada en el abastecimiento, el control de insumos y en la gestión de requerimientos de una institución hospitalaria; a través de una metodología con enfoque cualitativo de tipo aplicada con nivel explicativo, para lo cual se revisó una serie de artículos científicos que apalancaron la investigación logrando como resultados una planificación y estructuración óptima de procesos mediante la aplicación del modelo de compras competitivas, generando a la vez una serie de conocimientos que permitieron entender la importancia de mantener una planificación de procesos adecuada para generar valor en el área de compras de la institución hospitalaria. / This research exposes the problems in the purchasing management processes in a hospital institution in the Chiclayo city 2022, with the aim of proposing a new process management strategy by analyzing them to diagnose and determine the dimensions of the purchasing processes, seeking to solve the problems found in the supply, control of supplies and the management of requirements in a hospital institution; through a methodology with a qualitative approach of an applied type with an explanatory level, for which a series of scientific articles were reviewed that leveraged the research, achieving as a result an optimal planning and structuring of processes through the application of the competitive purchasing model, generating At the same time, a series of knowledge that allowed us to understand the importance of maintaining adequate process planning to generate value in the purchasing area of the hospital institution.

Hemtjänsten i Växjö kommun : En fallstudie om personal- och ruttplanering / Home care for the elders in Växjö municipality : A case study about personnel and route planning

Nählstedt, Kristoffer, Norén, Martin January 2017 (has links)
Kurs: Examensarbete i logistik för Civilekonomprogrammet, 4FE19E, VT17 Författare: Martin Norén och Kristoffer Nählstedt Handledare: Hana Hulthén Examinator: Helena Forslund Titel: Hemtjänsten i Växjö kommun - En fallstudie om personal- och ruttplanering Bakgrund: Boendeformen särskilt boende har minskat påtagligt de senaste åren och förväntas minska ytterligare i framtiden. Samtidigt ökar andelen äldre som är i behov av vård och omsorg. Ett sätt att lösa detta är att förlägga omsorgsvården på hemtjänsten. För att klara sitt uppdrag använder hemtjänstenheter idag sig av olika planeringsverktyg som är tänkt att säkerställa att en kostnadseffektiv hemtjänst kan bedrivas samtidigt som den inte ska ge avkall på kvalitén av omsorg. Det ökade trycket på hemtjänsten kräver dock mycket resurser och det är idag svårt att klara av att nå upp till de interna målen som ställts på organisationen under denna föränderliga tid. Därför är det viktigare än någonsin med effektiva planeringsprocesser som kan underlätta och stödja hemtjänsten i sina åtaganden. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att effektivisera hemtjänstenheters planeringsprocesser. Avsikten med effektiviseringen är att uppnå en mer kostnadseffektiv hemtjänst som når måluppfyllelsen inom kontinuitet och brukartid. Metod: Studien är en fallstudie som genomförts i Växjö kommuns omsorgsenhet. Med hjälp av semi-strukturerade intervjuer, insamling av kvalitativ och kvantitativ data har studien kunnat inhämta empiriskt material. En processkartläggning genomfördes och författarna identifierade slöserier och presenterade sedan förbättringsförslag med stöd från åtskilliga teorier. Slutsatser: Författarna lyckades lägga fram förbättringsförslag på alla de tre planeringsprocesser som studien lyckades identifiera. Först lades förbättringsförslag av både kvantitativ och kvalitativ karaktär fram med avsikten att säkerställa kompetensförsörjningen i organisationen. I ruttplaneringsprocessen delade författarna upp hemtjänstenheten Vikaholm i två olika grupper baserat på dess geografiska placeringar och lyckades därigenom förbättra både kontinuiteten och brukartiden samtidigt som kostnaden sjönk för organisationen som helhet. Efter observationer och intervjuer på de olika arbetsgrupperna framkom slutligen fler förbättringsförslag på hur hemtjänstenheter skulle kunna arbeta för att effektivisera sin schemaläggningsprocess ytterligare. Nyckelord: Hemtjänst, äldreomsorg, kontinuitet, brukartid, planering, planeringsprocesser, processkartläggning, ruttplanering, prognostisering. / Course: Examensarbete i logistik för Civilekonomprogrammet, 4FE19E, VT17 Authors: Martin Norén and Kristoffer Nählstedt Tutor: Hana Hulthén Examiner: Helena Forslund Title: Home care for the elders in Växjö municipality - A case study about personnel and route planning Background: In Sweden the amount of people living in an assisted living have reduced significantly during the recent years and is predicted to be reduced even more. At the mean time the amount of elders in need of care is increasing. One way of solving this is by the use of home care. To handle its duty home care units use different kinds of planning tools to ensure quality of the care and that the home care is being cost efficient. The increased demand on the home care service requires a lot of resources and it is today very hard to achieve the internal goals which have been set up by the organisation. Therefore it is now more important than ever with efficient planning processes that can ease and support the home care service in its obligations. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to streamline the planning process in elder care units. The streamlined planning process intends to achieve a more cost efficient elder care, that achieves the objectives concerning continuity and time spent with the elders. Method: The study is a case study, which have been carried out in the municipality of Växjö. With the use of semi-structured interviews, gathering of qualitative and quantitative data the study have been able to obtain empirical material. In order to identify waste the authors used process mapping and then later on proposed improvements with support from a number of theories. Conclusions: The authors managed to propose improvements on all of three identified planning processes. Firstly, the study presented the proposed improvements on the process of ensuring competent personnel with the use of both qualitative and quantitative data. In the route planning process the authors split the home care unit of Vikaholm into two units, based on the locations of the elders. Thereby the authors managed to improve all of the three main goals of the home care unit; continuity, economy and the amount of time the care takers spend with the elders. Observations and interviews on the different units lead to the conclusion of potential improvements on how home care units could work to be more efficient in their scheduling processes.  Keywords: Home care, elder care, time spent with the elder, planning, process planning, process mapping, route planning, forecasting.

Planejamento de processos de peen forming baseado em modelos analíticos do jato de granalhas e do campo de tensões residuais induzidas na peça. / Peen forming process planning based on analytical models of the shots\' jet and residual stress fields induced on a plate.

Leite, Ricardo Augusto de Barros 18 July 2016 (has links)
Peen forming é um processo de conformação plástica a frio de laminas ou painéis metálicos através do impacto de um jato regulado de pequenas esferas de aço em sua superfície, a fim de produzir uma curvatura pré-determinada. A aplicação da técnica de shot peening como um processo de conformação já é conhecida da indústria desde a década de 1940, mas a demanda crescente por produtos de grande confiabilidade tem impulsionado o desenvolvimento de novas pesquisas visando o seu aperfeiçoamento e automação. . O planejamento do processo de peen forming requer medição e controle de diversas variáveis relacionadas à dinâmica do jato de granalhas e à sua interação com o material a ser conformado. Conforme demonstrado por diversos autores, a velocidade de impacto é uma das variáveis que mais contribui para a formação do campo de tensões residuais que leva o material a se curvar. Neste trabalho é apresentado um modelo dinâmico simplificado que descreve o movimento de um grande número de pequenas esferas arrastadas por um fluxo de ar em regime permanente e sujeitas a múltiplas colisões entre si e com a peça a ser conformada. Simulações deste modelo permitiram identificar a correlação entre o campo de velocidades das granalhas e os demais parâmetros do processo. Mediante a aplicação da técnica de projeto de experimentos pôde-se estimar os valores dos parâmetros que otimizam o processo. Ao final, elaborou-se um algoritmo que permite realizar o planejamento de processos de peen forming, ou seja, determinar os valores desses parâmetros, de modo tal a produzir uma curvatura pré-determinada em uma placa metálica originalmente plana. / Peen forming is a plastic cold work process of shaping a metallic sheet or panel through the impact of a regulated blast of small round steel shots on its surface, in order to produce a previously desired curvature. The application of the shot peening as a forming process has been a known technique in the industry since the decade of 1940, but the increasing demand for products of high reliability have pushed the development of new research in order to enhance and automate it. Peen forming process planning requires the measurement and control of several variables concerning the dynamics of the shot jet and its interaction with the piece to be shaped. As previously shown by several authors, impact velocity is one of the variables that most contribute to the development of the residual stress field that causes the material to bend. In this article we present a simplified dynamical model describing the motion of a large number of small spheres (shot) dragged by an air flow in steady conditions and exposed to multiple collisions with each other and with the piece to be shaped. Computer simulations of this model allowed to identify correlations between the shot field velocity and the parameters of the process. Applying design of experiments techniques it was possible to estimate the value of parameters that optimize the process. It was, then, elaborated an algorithm that enables peen forming process planning, allowing the determination of the parameters, in order to make a predetermined bending in a metallic plate originally plane.

Modelagem de custos em sistemas de manufatura utilizando redes de Petri. / Cost modeling in manufacturing systems using Petri nets.

Silva, Andrea Ribari Yoshizawa da 10 June 2002 (has links)
Apresenta uma análise da estimação de custos em sistemas de manufatura utilizando rede de Petri (PN), ferramenta gráfica e matemática para modelagem e simulação. Esta análise permite a apresentação de um sistema aplicável à programação e otimização de processos de fabricação aliadas à estimação dos custos ao longo do processo. Para uma determinada peça, a partir de conceitos sobre custeio de produtos, é proposto um modelo que visa conectar as transições da PN com as informações de custos de produção. O estudo de caso mostra que informações importantes à tomada de decisão podem ser obtidas através do uso de uma metodologia que incorpore planejamento de processos, métodos de custeio e redes de Petri. Finalmente, traz sugestão de um trabalho subseqüente: a partir do modelo proposto, implementar um template no editor/simulador de redes de Petri, Petri Net Tools 2000, capaz de realizar os cálculos necessários para estimativas de custo e fornecer resultados relevantes para um planejamento real. / This work presents a cost estimation analysis in manufacturing systems based in Petri net (PN), which is a graphical and mathematical tool. This analysis allows the presentation of a system, applicable to the programming and optimizing of manufacturing processes joined with cost estimation. A cost model is proposed using concepts of product costing. It seeks for connecting PN transitions to the data manufacturing cost of a certain part. The case study shows that important information to decision support can be found through the use of a methodology which joins process planning, costing systems and Petri nets. There is also a suggestion of a later work: a template implementation, on Petri Net Tools 2000 editor/simulator of PN models, which is able to accomplish the necessary calculations for cost estimates and, to supply important results to a real planning.

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