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Legal Framework Comparison Of Public Procurement Law With State Procurement LawYuksek, Murat 01 January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis makes the comparison of legal frameworks of the two Procurement Laws, the New Public Procurement Law (4734) and the Ex-State Procurement Law (2886) respectively. As a result of this comparison, it is seen that a lot of provisions starting from tender notice time limits to the awarding of contracts, have been changed substantially by the introduction of Turkish Public Procurement Law. Besides this comparison, the related procurement directive on construction works in European Community, namely EEC 93/37 is analyzed through the topics pertinent to the New Public Procurement Law, from which it is observed that there are both similar and different application regarding tender process in this directive when compared with the provisions of Turkish Public Procurement Law on construction works. This thesis study also aims to put forward the conception of Turkish contractors about the New Public Procurement Law by means of a questionnaire containing 15 questions. From the results of questionnaire, it is seen that majority of the contracting companies have a positive attitude towards the New Public Procurement Law although some provisions of the Law do not meet the expectations
of the companies.
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noneWu, Wei-Chieh 06 July 2001 (has links)
This research paper explores the impact of Government Procurement Law on the activities of Research and Development in Taiwan. The Empirical Study focus on the Technological Research Projects. After collecting relevant literature regarding R&D in foreign countries, this study conducted an in-depth interview to derive a questionnaire. Later, based on a questionnaire mailed to 46 officials in Taiwan area, of which 37 replies were received (a 80.44 percent response rate). The study proposed a comprehensive and innovative program on establishing the R&D management in Taiwan.
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KIS Analyse03 April 2017 (has links)
Wissenschaftlichen Beiträge und Untersuchungen zu den Themen Kommunalfinanzen, Infrastrukturinvestitionen und Vergaberecht.
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A Critical Analysis Of Public Procurement Legislation And Practices In The 2000s: Comparing The North And South Through The Turkish CaseGonul, Hande 01 August 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis analyses the neoliberal reforms in the public procurement field by comparing the Northern and Southern examples, with a particular focus on the enactment of the Turkish Public Procurement Law and the establishment of Turkish Public Procurement Agency in 2001. This thesis argues that despite the depoliticisation claims of neoliberal ideology the reforms in the public procurement field have gone through a highly politicised process in both North and South. The reforms launched in the procurement field have been constructed around
different languages. The language of reform has intended to delegitimize any business-state cooperation. This type of language of reform in themSouth, particularly in Turkey, has turned into a strategy to open the state procurement market to the Western foreign firms on equal footing with the national ones. Coming under the pressure of different coalition groups of national and foreign capital owners, the Turkish government of
has intervened in the decisions of the Public Procurement Authority, which has been formed as an independent regulatory agency and in the Public Procurement Law, which was initially enacted to guarantee transparency. This thesis has reviewed the processes of the enactment and amendment of the Public Procurement. Eventually it states that the highly technical language of reform in the procurement field is highly political, and aims to redistribute resources between different capital groups.
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A Study of Procurement Tendering Procedures of Public-owned Enterprises ---- A Case Study ApproachCHEN, PHOENIX 20 December 2001 (has links)
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Nachhaltige Beschaffung der öffentlichen Hand: Stand Frühjahr 2017Welina, Jochen 13 June 2019 (has links)
Mit Wirkung zum 18. April 2016 ist das Vergaberecht in Deutschland neu geregelt worden. Anlass für die Neuregelung war die Umsetzung dreier EU-Richtlinien in nationales Recht. Die neuen Regelungen finden sich im Wesentlichen im geänderten Gesetz gegen Wettbewerbsbeschränkungen (GWB) und der geänderten Vergabe- und Vertragsordnung für Bauleistungen Teil A (VOB/A) sowie der neuen Vergabeverordnung (VgV), der neuen Sektorenverordnung (SektVO) und der neuen Vergabeverordnung Verteidigung und Sicherheit (VSVgV).
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Das Vergaberecht im Wandel: Die dynamischen Verweisungen des SächsVergabeG und ihre HandhabungTyufekchieva, Kristina K. 13 June 2019 (has links)
Insgesamt zwölf dynamische Verweisungen enthält das sächsische Vergabegesetz (SächsVergabeG). Dadurch werden die in Bezug genommen Texte und Normen aus den GWB, VOL/A und VOL/B, VOB/A und VOB/B, SäHO sowie dem SächsVwKG Teil der verweisenden Regelungen und zwar in ihrer aktuellsten Fassung. Während die letzten beiden Gesetzestexte für die hiesigen Ausführungen eher unproblematisch sind, werfen die übrigen, insbesondere seit der Reform des Kartellvergaberechts aus dem Jahre 2016, einige praktische und rechtliche Fragen auf. Diese werden im Folgenden näher beleuchtet. Gleichzeitig werden auch verschiedene Möglichkeiten ihrer Handhabung für den Rechtsanwender aufgezeigt.
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Die kommunale Vergabepraxis im Freistaat Sachsen: StudieTyufekchieva, Kristina K. 09 September 2020 (has links)
Der Freistaat Sachsen besteht aus insgesamt 422 politisch selbständigen Städten und Gemeinden
sowie zehn Landkreisen.1 Als kommunale Auftraggeber sind sie volkswirtschaftlich
betrachtet ein bedeutender Wirtschaftsfaktor. Im Jahr 2016 hat die kommunale Ebene beim
Einkauf von Gütern, Leistungen und Bauleistungen 1,17 Mrd. Euro oder 287 Euro pro Einwohner
ausgegeben. Im darauffolgenden 2017 waren es 1,25 Mrd. Euro oder 307 Euro pro Einwohner.
Gleichzeitig hat sie 24 000 (2016) bzw. 28 000 (2017) Vergabeverfahren durchgeführt.
Dabei sieht sie sich insbesondere bei der Vergabe von Bauleistungen mit einer unzureichenden
Anzahl an Bietern konfrontiert.
Im Übrigen bestehen in der Vergabepraxis und Ausrichtung der Gebietskörperschaften große
Unterschiede. In der Regel sind bei den Landkreisen und kreisangehörige Gemeinden personelle
Engpässe, das Fehlen von Vergabestellen und eine unzureichende statistische Erfassung
der Vergabeverfahren zu beklagen. Dazu spielen strategische Aspekte und die ausschließliche
elektronische Abwicklung von Vergabeverfahren nur eine marginale Rolle. Ganz anders
zu beurteilen ist die Lage bei den drei kreisfreien Städten. Diese verfügen über eine organisierte
Vergabestruktur und in den meisten Fällen eine statistische Erfassung der durchgeführten
Vergabeverfahren. Alle kreisfreien Städte haben mit der Einbindung strategischer
Vergabezwecken Erfahrung gemacht.
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Estratégias de captura de renda por sobrepreço e medidas corretivas na consolidação do assunto pelo Tribunal de Contas da União brasileiro / Overpricing rent-seeking strategies and corrective mesures for matter consolidation by the Brazilian Supreme Audit CourtTarsitano, Fernanda Anselmo 10 August 2012 (has links)
Esta pesquisa analisa um conjunto de 76 decisões proferidas pelo Tribunal de Contas da União Brasileiro, relativas às irregularidades de sobrepreço em contratos de obras publicas federais licitadas e executadas, com o objetivo de identificar estratégias de captura de renda e as respostas da Corte de contas. Estas decisões são denominadas de acórdãos e foram selecionadas pelo próprio Tribunal para servirem de paradigma para futuras decisões. A pesquisa identificou 4 diferentes estratégias de captura de renda envolvendo manipulação de índices referenciais de preço de itens unitários e verificou que as determinações contidas nos acórdãos analisados limitam-se a corrigir a irregularidade e a penalizar os responsáveis com multas previamente conhecidas. / The study analyzes 76 decisions made by the Brazilian Supreme Audit Court, regarding overpricing irregularities in public bidding contracting for federal construction and execution, in order to identify rent-seeking strategies and Court responses. These decisions are called \"acórdãos\" and they were selected by the Supreme Audit Court to guide future decision making. The study identified 4 different rent-seeking strategies involving the manipulation of price reference indexes for unit items and it also verified that the decisions are limited to correct the irregularity and to penalize the responsible ones with prior known fines.
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Begreppet "upphandlande enhet" enligt lagstiftningen om offentlig upphandling / The definitions of "contracting authority" and" contracting entity" according to government procurement legislationSjöholm, Ulrika January 2004 (has links)
<p>The government procurement legislation – i.e. the Swedish procurement law, the EC procurement directives and the WTO’s Government Procurement Agreement – applies on public procurement. Such a procurement exists when the contractor meets the conditions stated in the directives that the organ is to be considered as a contracting auhtority. The conditions are supposed to cover the bodies that objectively are thought to take other considerations than economic when purchasing services or products. The definition of contracting authorities has, however, given rise to several interpretation problems when putting the wording into practice. Since it is the contracting authorities themselves that are responsible for their compliance with the law when purchasing, an unclear definition will result in bodies getting a possibility to, to a larger extent, evade the obligation to comply with the procurement legislation. Because of this, it is of great importance that the courts create a unitary interpretation of the definition; a clear definition serves as a means of exerting pressure. </p><p>The thesis is an investigation of the definition of contracting authority where the primary source of information consists of case law from the European Court of Justice. The purpose is to visualize the underlying philisophy of the regulation with a view to suggest an instrument for determining a body’s status as a contracting authority. Regarding the definition of contracting authority, the thesis discuss three different levels. The first level consists of an examination of the wording according to both the directives and the Swedish law, and then the interpretation of the wording by the European Court of Justice. At the following level, it is set out to illustrate differences between the definition on a national level and an EC level, respectively. Finally, it will be established what legislation technique that seems to have been used when formulating the definition of contracting authority in the directives, and also how the result of this should influence the interpretation of the term.</p>
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