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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Determina??o dos indicadores de efici?ncia econ?mica, composi??o dos custos de produ??o e principais ?ndices zoot?cnicos em propriedades leiteiras na regi?o Norte Fluminense / Determination of indicators of economic efficiency, breakdown of production and major Indices husbandry on dairy farms in the North Fluminense-RJ.

RAGAZZI, Fernanda Gi?como 04 July 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2017-05-11T18:42:22Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2014 - Fernanda Gi?como Ragazzi.pdf: 649927 bytes, checksum: 083760648fee0ef57cb383ea4a51d569 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-11T18:42:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2014 - Fernanda Gi?como Ragazzi.pdf: 649927 bytes, checksum: 083760648fee0ef57cb383ea4a51d569 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-07-04 / CAPES / The dairy cattle exploration in Brazil is an important activity in the economic and social development process of the country. The aim of this study was to analyze production indices: birth rate, calving interval, service period and milk production, as well as, indicators of economic efficiency: crude margin, net margin and result (profit or loss) and the composition of production costs of 20 dairy farms in the Norte Fluminense. Were determined the components of the production costs: operating cost, effective operational cost and total cost. The dairy farms obtained the following averages for production indices: birth rate of 57.4 ? 12.18% with a coefficient of variation of 21.22%, calving interval of 13.5 ? 0.68 months with a coefficient of variation 5.05%, period of 116.2 ? 9.23 days service with a coefficient of variation of 7.95% and milk production of 6.1 ? 2.58 liters per day with a coefficient of variation of 41.96 %. Average crude margin of R$ 32,514.51 ? R$ 20,905.58 with a coefficient of variation of 64.30% and an average net margin of R$ 29,239.05? R$ 20,840.88 with a coefficient of variation of 71.28% was found, and producers remain in business in the short term is possible pay the actual operating cost. And result (loss), on average - R$ 124,050.95 ? R$ 27,757.68 with a coefficient of variation of 22.38%. By presenting injury, revenues does not remunerate investment, ie, the financial fixed assets in equity as land, improvements and so on. The low production indicex regarding the birth rate and milk production must be improved to obtain higher revenues in the activity and better milk production. The highest percentage of participation in the composition of revenue and the costs of investment was the asset value when recorded, and the sale of milk and the purchase of animals, respectively, when not accounted for this item. Regarding expenses with funding, the highest percentages were related to labor, grazing, concentrated feed and roughage supplementation. Producers remain analyzed short-term activity, but for improvement in production should be production indices with greater use of technical assistance for the return on economic efficiency. / A explora??o da bovinocultura de leite no Brasil constitui importante atividade no processo de desenvolvimento econ?mico e social do Pa?s. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi analisar os ?ndices zoot?cnicos: taxa de natalidade, intervalo de partos, per?odo de servi?o e produ??o de leite, bem como, os indicadores de efici?ncia econ?mica: margem bruta, margem l?quida e resultado (lucro ou preju?zo) e a composi??o dos custos de produ??o de 20 propriedades leiteiras na regi?o Norte Fluminense. Foram determinados os componentes do custo de produ??o: custo operacional, custo operacional efetivo e custo total. As propriedades leiteiras obtiveram as seguintes m?dias para os ?ndices zoot?cnicos: taxa de natalidade de 57,4 ? 2,18% com coeficiente de varia??o de 21,22%, intervalo de partos de 13,5 ? 0,68 meses com coeficiente de varia??o de 5,05%, per?odo de servi?o de 116,2 ? 9,23 dias com coeficiente de varia??o de 7,95% e produ??o de leite de 6,1?2,58 litros por dia com coeficiente de varia??o de 41,96%. Foi encontrada margem bruta m?dia de R$ 32.514,51 ? R$ 20.905,58 com coeficiente de varia??o de 64,30% e margem l?quida m?dia de R$ 29.239,05 ? R$ 20.840,88 com coeficiente de varia??o de 71,28%, permitindo aos produtores permanecerem na atividade no curto prazo sendo poss?vel o pagamento do custo operacional efetivo. E resultado (preju?zo) na m?dia de - R$ 124.050,95 ? R$ 27.757,68 com coeficiente de varia??o de 22,38%. Por apresentar preju?zo, a receita obtida n?o remunera o investimento realizado, ou seja, o ativo financeiro imobilizado em patrim?nio como terras, benfeitorias e etc. Os baixos ?ndices zoot?cnicos referentes ? taxa de natalidade e produ??o de leite devem ser melhorados para obten??o de maiores receitas na atividade e melhor produ??o de leite. A maior porcentagem de participa??o na composi??o das receitas e nas despesas de investimento foi o valor imobilizado, quando contabilizado, e a venda do leite e a compra de animais, respectivamente, quando n?o contabilizado, o valor imobilizado. Com rela??o ?s despesas com custeio, as maiores porcentagens foram referentes ? m?o de obra, a pastagem, a alimenta??o concentrada e a suplementa??o volumosa. Os produtores analisados permanecem no curto prazo na atividade, por?m para aumentar a produ??o devem ter melhorados os ?ndices zoot?cnicos com maior utiliza??o da assist?ncia t?cnica para obten??o de maior retorno de efici?ncia econ?mica.

Frutooligossacar?deos na alimenta??o de potros lactentes / Fructo-oligosaccharides supplementation to suckling foals

DIAS, Ana Carla Chaves 30 September 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2017-09-05T20:30:53Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - Ana Carla Chaves Dias.pdf: 1946070 bytes, checksum: 4954b82fc85ca253a40546487884c3bb (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-09-05T20:31:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - Ana Carla Chaves Dias.pdf: 1946070 bytes, checksum: 4954b82fc85ca253a40546487884c3bb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-09-30 / CAPES / The aim of this research was to evaluate the effects of prebiotic fructo-oligosaccharide (FOS) on the performance of suckling foals, and fecal pH and the physical and chemical characteristics of faeces from foals.. The experiment was carried out at the Cabral's Haras, farm located in Rio Claro, Rio de Janeiro. Sixteen Mangalarga Marchador foals were used in a completely randomized designwith two treatments and eight repetitions (animals). The treatments were: Treatment I - suplly the FOS once a day orally; Treatment II (control) - the animals received aqueous solution, orally, without FOS additive. The trial period was 75 days of duration, starting supplementation at birth. From birth to the 30th day, daily stool samples were collected directly from rectum. The 30th day onwards, samples were collected every 4 days until the 75th day of age. Immediately after the faeces samples the consistency and its color was written down in a collection form . The pH was mensured from samples previously diluted with equal amounts of distilled water using a digital potentiometer. For chemical analysis the samples were homogenized in weekly composite samples and it was performed chemical analyzes In the performance parameters foals were weighed and it was performed morphometric measurements of height and perimeter. The results were submitted to analysis of variance in a split plot scheme and means were compared by the Student Newman Keuls test, at5% probability. The values of fecal characteristics were compared using the Wilcoxon test in the analysis of the treatment and compared by Kruskal-Wallis test in the analysis of the collection times. There were no significant effects (p <0.05) of supplementation and interaction age versus supplementation for all variables. The average daily gain weight was 0.63 kg during the trial period. The morphometric variables showed average growth of 17.8, 18.7, and 27.5 cm in height at the withers, hip height, body length and chest girth, respectively, from birth to 75 days old. Growth percentage of 31.1, 53.8, 15.6, 22.4, 12 and 12.3% were observed for height and width of the side, the empty substernal height, forearm girth, knee girth and shin girth, respectively . The use of prebiotic fructooligosaccharide did not affect the faecal pH, with average values of 7.22. There was no significant difference (P <0.05) in the physical and chemical characteristics of the stool. The use of prebiotic fructooligosaccharides does not influence the performance of newborn foals to 75 days of age. Further investigation should be conducted to evaluate the responses obtained through fecal parameters and their relationship as an indicator of gastrointestinal health. It prove to be safe in the dose used, it does not promote diarrhea or other gastrointestinal disorders in infants foals. / O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar os efeitos do prebi?tico Frutooligossacar?deo (FOS) no desempenho dos potros lactentes bem como no pH fecal e nas caracter?sticas f?sicas e qu?micas das fezes dos potros. O experimento foi realizado no Haras do Cabral em Rio Claro, RJ. Foram utilizados 16 potros Mangalarga Marchador em delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com dois tratamentos e oito repeti??es (animais). Tratamento I - fornecimento uma vez ao dia, via oral, do aditivo FOS e o Tratamento II (controle) ? os animais recebiam solu??o aquosa, via oral, sem o aditivo FOS. O per?odo experimental foi de 75 dias, iniciando a suplementa??o ao nascimento. Amostras di?rias de fezes foram coletadas diretamente do reto do nascimento at? o 30o dia de idade. Do 30o dia em diante, as coletas ocorreram a cada 4 dias, at? os 75o dia de idade. Imediatamente ap?s a coleta anotou-se em uma ficha de coleta a consist?ncia e colora??o das amostras. O pH foi avaliado a partir das amostras previamente dilu?das em iguais quantidades de ?gua destilada atrav?s de um potenci?metro digital. Para an?lises qu?micas as amostras foram homogeneizadas em amostras compostas semanais e realizadas an?lises bromatol?gicas. O desempenho dos potros foi avaliado atrav?s do peso vivo e por meio de medidas morfom?tricas lineares e de per?metros. Os resultados foram submetidos ? an?lise de vari?ncia em esquema de parcelas subdivididas e, as m?dias comparadas pelo teste Student Newman Keuls, a 5% de probabilidade. Os valores da caracteriza??o fecal foram comparados pelo teste de Wilcoxon na an?lise entre os tratamentos e, comparados pelo teste de Kruskal-Wallis na an?lise entre os tempos de coleta. N?o foram observados efeitos significativos (p<0,05) na suplementa??o e intera??o idade versus suplementa??o para todas as vari?veis analisadas. O ganho de peso m?dio di?rio foi de 0,63 kg durante o per?odo experimental. As vari?veis morfom?tricas apresentaram crescimento m?dios de 17,8, 18,7, e 27,5 cm para altura da cernelha, altura da garupa, comprimento do corpo e per?metro tor?cico, respectivamente, do nascimento aos 75 dias de idade. Percentuais de crescimento m?dio de 31,1, 53,8, 15,6, 22,4, 12 e 12,3% foram observados para altura e largura do costado, altura do vazio subesternal, per?metros do antebra?o, joelho e canela, respectivamente. O uso do prebi?tico frutooligossacar?deo n?o influenciou no pH fecal, apresentando valores m?dios de 7,22. N?o houve diferen?a significativa (P<0,05) nas caracter?sticas f?sicas e qu?micas das fezes. O uso do prebi?tico frutooligossacar?deo n?o influencia no desempenho de potros lactentes do nascimento aos 75 dias de idade. Maiores investiga??es devem ser realizadas para avaliar as respostas obtidas atrav?s de par?metros fecais e sua rela??o como indicador da sa?de gastrointestinal. A dose utilizada de frutooligossacar?deo n?o promove diarr?ias e dist?rbios gastrointestinais em potros lactentes.

Caracter?sticas de crescimento e valor nutritivo de clones de capim-elefante (Pennisetum purpureum Schum.) manejados sob lota??o rotacionada na esta??o seca / Growth characteristics and nutritive value of elephant grass clones managed under rotational grazing during the dry season

MORENZ, Danilo Antonio 20 November 2011 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2017-10-25T16:19:22Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2012 - Danilo Antonio Morenz.pdf: 638093 bytes, checksum: 3b4f1d143b088953006c8246815bb7b1 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-10-25T16:19:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2012 - Danilo Antonio Morenz.pdf: 638093 bytes, checksum: 3b4f1d143b088953006c8246815bb7b1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-11-20 / CNPq / The objective of this study was to evaluate the variables related to the heights in the pre and post grazing sward, the production of dry biomass of green forage, morphological composition, leaf:stem ratio and nutritive value of two clones of elephant grass managed under rotational stocking. Was adopted a completely randomized design with repeated measures in time (grazing cycles) and three replications (paddocks). The sward heights, in pre and post grazing were influenced by the clones and grazing cycles, being the highest values observed for clone CNPGL 03-01-00. The production of dry mass of green forage was influenced by clone and grazing cycle, with higher mean value observed for CNPGL 03-01- 00, which was 17% higher than that observed for CNPGL 92-198-7, and there was decreased of dry mass of green forage with the advance of grazing cycles. The production of dry matter of leaves was influenced only by grazing cycle, with gradual reduction from the first to the third cycle. However, in fourth cycle was increase in biomass of leaves, which did not differ from that observed in the second cycle. There was interaction clone x cycle for the production of dry matter of stem, being observed differences in the first and third cycles for the clones. There was no effect of the factors studied for the production of senescent material. The leaf: stem ratio was influenced by grazing cycles, with interaction of the factors. The clone CNPGL 91-198-7 kept the leaf:stem ratio stable over the cycles, while clone CNPGL 1-3-00 presented a decrease in leaf:stem ratio from first until to third cycle. The number of aerial tillers was influenced by grazing cycles, increasing from the first until to third cycle, while the fourth cycle was observed decreased in the number of these tillers. The basal tillers were only effect of clones, where CNPGL 91-198-7 showed a higher number of these tillers. Crude protein (CP) and lignin (LIG) content were not affected by clones or by grazing cycles. Neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and the in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) were affected only by grazing cycles. The highest values of NDF were observed at the firsts three grazing cycles and, in the fourth grazing cycle the NDF was reduced. The IVDMD decreased until the third cycle; however, in the fourth cycle the values obtained were similar to those of the first cycle. According to results obtained the clone CNPGL 92-198-7 showed higher production of dry matter of the leaves, lower production of dry matter of stem and higher density of basal tillers, which may indicate its greatest potential for use under grazing, when compared to CNPGL 01-03-00. / Objetivou-se estudar as alturas no pr? e p?s-pastejo do dossel forrageiro, a produ??o de biomassa seca de forragem verde, a composi??o morfol?gica, a rela??o folha:colmo, a densidade de perfilhos e o valor nutritivo de dois clones de capim-elefante manejados sob lota??o rotacionada. Foi utilizado delineamento inteiramente casualizado com medidas repetidas no tempo (quatro ciclos de pastejo) e tr?s repeti??es (piquetes). As alturas do dossel pr? e p?s pastejo foram influenciadas pelos clones e pelos ciclos de pastejo. Os valores mais elevados foram observados para o clone CNPGL 00-1-3. Para massa seca de forragem verde houve apenas efeito do clone e do ciclo de pastejo. O valor m?dio da massa seca de forragem verde do CNPGL 00-1-3 foi 17% maior do que a do CNPGL 92-198-7. Com o avan?ar dos ciclos de pastejo houve redu??o da massa seca de forragem verde. A produ??o de biomassa seca de folha foi influenciada apenas pelo ciclo de pastejo, com redu??o gradual do primeiro at? o terceiro ciclo. No quarto ciclo houve aumento na massa seca de folha, que n?o diferenciou daquela obtida no segundo ciclo. Houve intera??o clone x ciclo para a massa de colmo, sendo observadas diferen?as entre clones apenas no primeiro e terceiro ciclos. N?o foi observado efeito dos fatores estudados ou intera??o para a massa seca de material morto. A rela??o folha:colmo foi influenciada pelos ciclos de pastejo, havendo intera??o dos fatores estudados. O CNPGL 92-198-7 manteve a rela??o folha:colmo est?vel ao longo dos ciclos, enquanto que o CNPGL 00-1-3 apresentou decr?scimo na rela??o folha:colmo do primeiro at? o terceiro ciclo, com maior valor obtido no quarto ciclo. Quanto ao n?mero de perfilhos a?reos foi observado efeito dos ciclos de pastejo, com aumento do primeiro ao terceiro ciclo, enquanto que no quarto ciclo houve redu??o do n?mero desses perfilhos. Para os perfilhos basais houve efeito dos clones, onde o CNPGL 92-198-7 apresentou maior n?mero de perfilhos que o CNPGL 00-1-3. Os teores de prote?na bruta (PB) n?o foram influenciados pelos clones ou pelos ciclos de pastejo. Os teores de fibra em detergente neutro (FDN) e o coeficiente da digestibilidade in vitro da mat?ria seca (DIVMS) foram influenciados apenas pelos ciclos de pastejo. Os maiores valores de FDN foram observados nos tr?s primeiros ciclos de pastejo, j? no quarto ciclo de pastejo o teor de FDN reduziu. Quanto ? DIVMS houve queda at? o terceiro ciclo, enquanto que no quarto ciclo os valores obtidos foram semelhantes aos do primeiro ciclo. Para lignina n?o foi observada diferen?a dos fatores estudados. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, o clone CNPGL 92-198-7 apresentou maior produ??o de biomassa seca de folhas, menor produ??o de biomassa seca de colmo e maior densidade populacional de perfilhos basais, o que pode indicar seu maior potencial para uso sob pastejo, quando comparado ao CNPGL 00-1-3.

A influ?ncia da abla??o unilateral do ped?nculo ocular e a reprodu??o do camar?o de ?gua doce Macrobrachium acanthurus (Wiegmann, 1836) em cativeiro / The unilateral eyestalk ablation influence Macrobrachium acanthurus (Wiegman, 1836) and the reproduction in captivity

CUNHA, Cristiane Honorato 25 March 2008 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2018-08-24T18:39:52Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2008 - Cristiane Honorato Cunha.pdf: 767814 bytes, checksum: 805ea6db9e6a4462ae4375d06559e0fd (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-24T18:39:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2008 - Cristiane Honorato Cunha.pdf: 767814 bytes, checksum: 805ea6db9e6a4462ae4375d06559e0fd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-03-25 / Macrobrachium acanthurus is the freshwater prawn species that is find in almost whole coastal rivers in Brazilian coast. This work was carried out to get information about reproductive aspects of Macrobrachium acanthurus in captivity and the influence on unilateral eyestalk ablation technique. 48 females and 24 males were captured in Sahy river at Mangaratiba/RJ and kept in adaptation for 15 days. Then, the animals carapace length and total length were measured. They were distributed into 20 liters aquariums, each of them with two males and four females. Two females in each aquarium were ablated. Abiotic factors such as pH, ammonia, nitrite and oxygen levels were checked weekly and the water temperature daily. Every day the occurrence of ovigerous females were checked in each aquarium. After three days incubating, the ovigerous females were separated until the larvae eclosion. And then, they were returned to the aquarium for a new phase of reproduction. The animals were fed with ration pellets and pieces of fish. The U test (Mann-Whitney) showed a significant difference among laying intervals between the ablated and non-ablated females. The Pearson correlation showed temperature influence on incubation period on non-ablated females, but on ablated females there was no dependency relationship. The t-test showed no significant difference on fertility, between ablated and non-ablated M. acanthurus. / Macrobrachium acanthurus ? uma esp?cie de camar?o de ?gua doce encontrado em quase todos os rios litor?neos da costa brasileira. Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de obter informa??es sobre a influ?ncia da t?cnica de abla??o unilateral do ped?nculo ocular na reprodu??o de Macrobrachium acanthurus em cativeiro. Foram utilizados no experimento 48 f?meas e 24 machos, que foram coletados no Rio Sahy, Mangaratiba/RJ e foram mantidas durante 15 dias para a adapta??o. Posteriormente, os animais foram medidos em rela??o ao comprimento da carapa?a e comprimento total, distribu?dos na propor??o de dois machos para quatro f?meas em doze aqu?rios com capacidade de 20 litros. Das quatro f?meas de cada aqu?rio, duas foram abladas. Os fatores abi?ticos como o pH, am?nio, nitrito e oxig?nio dissolvido foram verificados semanalmente e a temperatura da ?gua diariamente. Todos os dias foram verificados a ocorr?ncia de exterioriza??o dos ovos em cada f?mea. As f?meas ov?geras ap?s tr?s dias de incuba??o foram individualizadas at? a eclos?o das larvas. Ap?s a eclos?o das larvas, as f?meas retornaram para o aqu?rio para uma nova fase de reprodu??o. Os animais foram alimentados com ra??o peletizada e peixe fresco. Atrav?s do teste U (Mann-Whitney) foi verificado que houve diferen?a significativa para o intervalo entre as desovas entre f?meas abladas e n?o abladas. Atrav?s da Correla??o de Pearson verificou-se que houve influ?ncia da temperatura no tempo de incuba??o nas f?meas n?o abladas, mas nas f?meas abladas n?o houve rela??o dependente. Atrav?s do teste t foi verificado que n?o houve diferen?a significativa para fertilidade entre as f?meas abladas e n?o abladas de M. acanthurus.

Avalia??o de sistemas integrados: iLP e iLPF

Martins, Dailiene Costa 26 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Jos? Henrique Henrique (jose.neves@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2018-10-05T17:30:59Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) dailiene_costa_martins.pdf: 912491 bytes, checksum: 33139be95a4396938cbad99798e74ac2 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rodrigo Martins Cruz (rodrigo.cruz@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2018-10-05T19:51:28Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) dailiene_costa_martins.pdf: 912491 bytes, checksum: 33139be95a4396938cbad99798e74ac2 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-10-05T19:51:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) dailiene_costa_martins.pdf: 912491 bytes, checksum: 33139be95a4396938cbad99798e74ac2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES) / Os sistemas de integra??o s?o modelos de produ??o sustent?veis que visam melhor uso dos recursos naturais e insumos, gerando maior diversidade de produtos para o produtor rural aumentar sua renda. Estes sistemas s?o mais complexos, pois agregam o componente agr?cola, pecu?rio, e, tamb?m, o florestal em uma mesma ?rea, exigem maior controle do manejo das forrageiras e intera??es com o ambiente, que t?m efeito na produ??o de produtos de origem animal. Objetivou-se avaliar as caracter?sticas da pastagem e o desempenho produtivo de bovinos da ra?a Nelore, em dois sistemas de integra??o, ILP e ILPF, nas esta??es de ver?o e inverno. O experimento foi conduzido na Embrapa Gado de Corte, Campo Grande-MS, em ?rea experimental com dois sistemas, um de integra??o lavoura-pecu?ria-floresta (ILPF) com 227 ?rvores/ha de Eucalyptus urograndis e outro de integra??o lavoura-pecu?ria (ILP) com ?rvores nativas remanescentes, ambos com pastagens de Brachiaria brizantha cv. BRS Piat?. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos completos ao acaso em esquema de parcelas subdivididas, em que as parcelas consistiram em dois sistemas de integra??o (ILP e ILPF) e, as subparcelas, nas esta??es do ano (inverno e ver?o). A produ??o de massa seca (PMS) de forragem foi maior no ILP (3.412 kg/ha) que no ILPF (2.308 kg/ha). Para o ganho de peso vivo (GPV) e o ganho m?dio di?rio, n?o foram encontradas diferen?as significativas (P>0,05) entre os tratamentos ILP 238,6 kg/ha; 475,4 g/cab. dia) e ILPF (268,7 kg/ha; 581,4 g/cab. dia). O desempenho animal n?o foi prejudicado pela menor massa seca de forragem no ILPF, na esta??o de ver?o. Os valores de prote?na e DIVMO da folha foram maiores no ILPF. / Disserta??o (Mestrado) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Zootecnia, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2018. / Integrated systems are sustainable production models that aim at better use of natural resources, generating greater diversity of products for the rural producer to increase their income. These systems are more complex, since they add the agricultural component, livestock, and also the forest in the same area, require greater control of forage management and interactions with the environment, which have an effect on the production of animal products. The objective of this study was to evaluate the forage production and animal performance of Nellore cattle in two integrated systems, ICL (integrated crop-livestock) and ICLF (integrated crop-livestock-forestry) in summer and winter season. The experiment was perfomed at Embrapa Gado de Corte, Campo Grande - MS, in an experimental area with two integrated systems, crop-livestock-forest (ICLF) with 227 trees/ ha of eucalyptus urograndis and crop-livestock (ICL) with 5 remnant native trees, both with pasture of Brachiaria brizantha cv. BRS Piat?. The experimental design consisted of two complete integration systems (ILP and ILPF), and the subplots, in the seasons (winter and summer). Forage dry matter production (PMS) was higher in ILP (3,412 kg / ha) than in ILPF (2,308 kg/ ha). For the live weight gain (GPV) and average daily gain, no significant differences (P> 0.05) were found between ILP treatments 238.6 kg/ ha; 475.4 g/ cab. day) and ILPF (268.7 kg/ ha, 581.4 g/ day). Animal performance was not affected by the lower dry mass of forage in the ILPF, in the summer season. The protein and IVDOM of leaf were higher in ILCF.

Produ??o de ovinos em pastagem de capim-massai suplementados na esta??o seca / Production of sheep grazing in pasture of massaigrass supplementad in dry season

Fernandes, Leonardo Santana 07 February 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:34:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LeonardoSF_DISSERT.pdf: 1030836 bytes, checksum: a6b397303645ae7aef050c0d9c4ee9c6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-02-07 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / The low quality of tropical pastures in the dry season justifies the use of dietary supplements to meet the nutritional needs of sheep to meat production. Therefore, the objective of this experiment was to evaluate the agronomic characteristics of massaigrass in the dry season and the effect of protein supplements in the performance and productivity of sheep to meat production grazing. The protein supplements evaluated were: soybean meal, Leucena hay, Gliricidia hay and multiple mixture. The animals were managed in massaigrass pastures under rotational stocking and supplemented daily. Were used 24 sheep ? Santa In?s x ? SPRD (without defined breed), males uncastrated, mean age 90 days in a completely randomized design. Performance of sheep was evaluated for average daily gain of live weight gain per area and stocking rate (animals of 25 kg/ha). The pasture was evaluated for forage mass of pre and post-grazing, the percentages of participation of morphological constituents and their nutritional values and rates of herbage accumulation. The total herbage mass decreased throughout the dry season. Crude protein and in vitro digestibility of organic matter of the leaf were higher in the upper 15 cm of the canopy stratum. The average daily weight gain of the animals supplemented with legume hay was similar to that gained by animals supplemented with soybean meal in the four grazing cycles. The total live weight gain of animals supplemented with legume hay was higher than the animals supplemented only with multiple mixing the first two grazing cycles. Hays of Leucena and Gliricidia can be given for supplementation of sheep maintained on pasture / A baixa qualidade dos pastos tropicais na esta??o de seca justifica o uso de suplementos alimentares para atender as necessidades nutricionais dos ovinos de corte. Assim, objetivou-se com este experimento avaliar suplementos proteicos para produ??o de ovinos de corte em pastejo e seu efeito nas caracter?sticas do pasto de capim-massai. Os tratamentos constitu?ram dos suplementos proteicos farelo de soja, feno de Leucena, feno de Gliric?dia e mistura m?ltipla. Os animais foram manejados em pastos de capim-massai sob lota??o intermitente e suplementados diariamente. Foram utilizados 24 ovinos ? Santa In?s x ? SPRD (sem padr?o racial definido), machos n?o castrados, com idade m?dia de 90 dias em delineamento inteiramente casualizado. Foi avaliado o desempenho dos ovinos quanto ao ganho de peso vivo m?dio di?rio, ganho por ?rea e a taxa de lota??o (animais de 25 kg/ha). O pasto foi avaliado quanto ? massa de forragem total no pr? e p?s-pastejo e quantificada as massas dos constituintes morfol?gicos, o valor nutritivo e as taxas de ac?mulo de forragem. A massa de forragem total diminuiu ao longo da esta??o seca. Teores de prote?na bruta e digestibilidade in vitro da mat?ria org?nica da l?mina foliar foram superiores no estrato superior a 15 cm do dossel. O ganho de peso m?dio di?rio dos animais suplementados com feno de leguminosas foi semelhante ao ganho obtido pelos animais suplementados com farelo de soja nos quatro ciclos de pastejo. O ganho de peso vivo total foi maior do que os animais suplementados apenas com mistura m?ltipla nos dois primeiros ciclos de pastejo. Os fenos de Leucena e de Gliric?dia podem ser indicados para suplementa??o de ovinos mantidos em pasto

Diversidade floral dos m?is da abelha mel?fera africanizada (Apis mellifera Linaeus) do estado do Rio de Janeiro por meio da an?lise melissopalinol?gica / Floral diversity of honeys of africanized honeybee (Apis mellifera Linnaeus) of the state of Rio de Janeiro through melissopalinological analysis

HAIDAMUS, Susana Linhares 06 August 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2017-07-14T19:27:20Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2015 - Susana Linhares Haidamus.pdf: 4430503 bytes, checksum: 8b067f3310cc073f8b11947a2a31ce98 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-14T19:27:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2015 - Susana Linhares Haidamus.pdf: 4430503 bytes, checksum: 8b067f3310cc073f8b11947a2a31ce98 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-08-06 / CAPES / The identification of the blossoms in honeys for marketing is a major challenge for the Brazilian beekeeping sector, which requires information on the botanical and geographical origin of honey and also assist in quality control of this bee product. The aim of this study is to identify the plant species that contribute mostly to the production of honey in the state of Rio de Janeiro, to evaluate the floral origin presents on the label is in line with the laboratory method, and check the quality of the product according to the presence of figurative elements. 152 honey samples were acquired in trade from the state of Rio de Janeiro, among informal and legalized brands. The melissopalinological analysis followed the European standard methodology without acetolysis, to identify the pollen types, their percentages in the sample and their arrangement in the frequency classes. Were identified 60 pollen types, belonging to 27 plant families, 34 genera and nine species. Fabaceae and Asteraceae presented the highest diversity of pollen types. Of all pollen types, 31% were more frequent as Eucalyptus sp., Myrcia sp. and Piptadenia sp. According to the predominance of pollen types in the honey samples, 58.5% were honeys classified as unifloral, the major is Eucalipto honey; 35.5% were heterofloral and 8% bifloral. In the melissopalinological analysis there was an important difference in the floral diversity from the report of the samples and from the frequency of sampling. When the floral identification is made from lab and check the brands of the honeys, there was a difference; only 13% from 89 monofloral samples were in agreement with its botanical origin; five were Eucalyptus, three Citrus, two Vernonia and two Gochnatia. The analysis of the figurative elements in the honey samples, either biological origin or dust, was high (73% of samples). In the sampling, 58% did not obey the standards and quality of honey, due to the presence of microorganism and distiness. / A identifica??o das floradas dos m?is comercializados ? um importante desafio para o segmento ap?cola brasileiro, que requer informa??es sobre a origem bot?nica e geogr?fica do mel e tamb?m por auxiliar no controle de qualidade deste produto da abelha. O objetivo do presente trabalho ? identificar as esp?cies vegetais que mais contribuem para a produ??o de mel no estado do Rio de Janeiro, verificar se a nomina??o da origem floral no r?tulo est? em conson?ncia com o m?todo de laborat?rio, e verificar a qualidade do produto por meio da presen?a de elementos figurativos. Foram avaliadas 152 amostras de m?is do com?rcio do estado do Rio de Janeiro, dentre marcas informais a legalizadas. A an?lise melissopalinol?gica seguiu a metodologia padr?o europ?ia, sem uso de acet?lise, para a identifica??o dos tipos pol?nicos, de suas porcentagens na amostra e da disposi??o em classes de frequ?ncia. Foram identificados 60 tipos pol?nicos, pertencentes a 27 fam?lias, 34 g?neros e nove esp?cies. Fabaceae e Asteraceae apresentaram a mais alta diversidade em tipos pol?nicos. Do total de tipos pol?nicos, 31% foram mais frequentes como, Eucalyptus sp., Myrcia sp. e Piptadenia sp. Segundo a predomin?ncia dos tipos pol?nicos nas amostras, 58,5% foram do tipo monofloral, sendo o mel de Eucalipto o mais predominante; 35,5% do tipo heterofloral e 8%, biflorais. H? importante diferen?a na diversidade floral pela an?lise melissoplanol?gica de laudo das amostras e das frequ?ncias na amostragem. A identifica??o floral pelo m?todo de laborat?rio diverge da presente no r?tulo, apenas 13% das 89 amostras tipo monofloral no r?tulo, estavam em concord?ncia com sua origem bot?nica; cinco eram de Eucalyptus, tr?s de Citrus, duas de Vernonia e duas de Gochnatia. A presen?a de elementos figurativos, sejam de origem biol?gica ou sujidades, foi alta (73% das amostras). Das amostras, 58% estavam fora dos padr?es de identidade e qualidade do mel, devido ? presen?a de microrganismos e sujidades.

Estoque de massa seca de raiz em pastos de capim Florico manejados sob intensidades de pastejo / Stock of the dry mass matter stock in Florico grass pastures managed at grazing intensities

BARROS, Ana Carolina Carvalho de 22 September 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2017-09-15T18:57:49Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2014 - Ana Carolina Carvalho de Barros.pdf: 2646968 bytes, checksum: 755045d3111f54dc02cc0c3c6834d0c5 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-09-15T18:57:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2014 - Ana Carolina Carvalho de Barros.pdf: 2646968 bytes, checksum: 755045d3111f54dc02cc0c3c6834d0c5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-09-22 / CAPES / This study was carried out for evaluating the dynamics of the root dry matter stock in Florico grass pastures managed at two light interception levels (90 and 95%) and two post-grazing residue heights (0.2 and 0.3 m) (90IL 0,2m RPP; 90IL 0,3m RPP; 95IL 0,2m RPP; 95IL 0,3m RPP). The lowering of vegetation was performed by the technique "mob grazing", simulating the condition of intermittent grazing. In shoot mass were related (MFF and MF) and the rate of herbage accumulation (TAMFF and TAF) with varying root system, using the technique of digging trenches 0,5x0,4x0,6 me withdraw prism?sticos blocks per monoliths 0,05x0,2x0,1 m up to 0.4 m profundida for root stock and fractional distribution (DF), and the root / shoot ratio, and total biomass (FT). The experiment was performed at PESAGRO-RIO, in Serop?dica municipality, Rio de Janeiro state , from July, 2012 to July, 2013, covering the four seasons. Shoots fresh matter yield was effective for treatment, season, and repeated measures interaction, with total production in the summer of 2013 for the four grazing intensities (908.1 ? 73.8 g/m2), compared to other seasons where treatments were similar. In the season of different days between cycles, shoots fresh matter yield was estimated where the winter, presented the lowest yield (10.8 ? 5.1 g/m2 day 1), when compared to the rainy season (28,7 ? 13.1 g/m2 day 1), as well as, between the treatments, the highest grazing intensity presented the greatest yield (26.6 ? 15.8 g/m2 day 1) while the lowest one presented the smallest yields (13.6 ? 4.1 g/m2 day 1). Shoots dry matter yield indicated high significant effects for treatments, season, and interaction for repeated measurements over time between treatments the 90IL 0,3RPP treatment presented no difference in relation to shoot dry matter among seasons, whereas 95IL 0,3RPP treatment presented greater shoot dry matter quantity in the spring (219.8 g/m2 cycle 1), followed by summer (192.2 g/m2 cycle 1), as well as, in the autumn 90IL 0,3RPP treatment was more productive than 95IL 0,3RPP one. Shoot dry matter yield was lower in all the treatments in the winter when compared to the other seasons, the greatest roots dry matter (RDM) were: 639.3 ? 246.8 and 667.2 ? 225.7 g 400dm3 soil in the spring, for 90IL 0,3RPP and 95IL 0.3 RPP, respectively and 591.8 ? 168.2 and 655.1 ? 252.7g 400 dm3 soil in the summer anol autumn, for 90IL 0.2RPP respectively 647.8 ? 68.4g 400 dm3 soil in the autumn for 95IL 0,2RPP treatment. In regarding to the roots distribution profile there was no difference between RDM stock treatments between grazing intensities evaluated, summer and autumn equations did not differ eithen. In fractional root distribution all the seasons presented significative results, being autumn the single one no differing between treatments on the present study. Total phytomass presented significantive effect for the treatments, where the winter was the season presenting the lowest yield in all the treatments, when compared to other stations. Root:shoot ratio was no effect for treatment and season, as well as, the autumn highlighted with the greatest RDM:SDM ratio in 95IL 0,2RPP treatment, when compared to the other seasons. It might be concluded that The Florico grass was sensitive to variations in weather conditions presenting to the accumulation of forage and root stock, showing the existence of phenotypic plasticity for the evaluated variables. / Objetivou-se avaliar o estoque de massa seca de raiz em pastos de capim Florico manejados sob dois n?veis de intercepta??o luminosa (90 e 95 %) e duas alturas de res?duo p?s-pastejo (0,2 e 0,3 m), os quais deram origem a quatro tratamentos de intensidades de pastejo (90IL 0,2m RPP; 90IL 0,3m RPP; 95IL 0,2m RPP; 95IL 0,3m RPP). O rebaixamento da vegeta??o foi realizado pela t?cnica ?mob grazing?, simulando a condi??o de pastejo intermitente. Na parte a?rea foram relacionados massa (MFF e MF) e a taxa de ac?mulo de forragem (TAMFF e TAF) com vari?veis do sistema radicular, utilizando a t?cnica de escava??o de trincheiras de 0,5x0,4x0,6 m e retirada de blocos prism?sticos por mon?litos de 0,05x0,2x0,1 m, at? a profundida de 0,4 m para o estoque radicular e distribui??o fracional (DF), al?m da rela??o raiz/parte a?rea e fitomassa total (FT). O experimento foi conduzido na PESAGRO-RIO, em Serop?dica, Rio de Janeiro, de julho de 2012 a julho de 2013, durante quatro esta??es do ano. A massa fresca de forragem variou com tratamento, esta??o do ano e com a intera??o entre eles (p<0,01), apresentando maiores valores no ver?o com 908,1 ? 73,8 g m-2 (m?dias dos quatro tratamentos de pastejo), comparado com as demais esta??es que foram semelhantes entre si. Devido a varia??o existente entre os ciclos de pastejos, em dias, foi calculado a taxa de ac?mulo de forragem de massa seca de forragem, com menor valor obtido no inverno (10,8 ? 5,1 g m-2 dia-1), quando comparado ao per?odo chuvoso (28,7 ? 13,1 g m-2 dia-1). Maior taxa de ac?mulo de forragem massa fresca de forragem foi obtida para o tratamento (90IL 0,2m RPP) de maior intensidade de pastejo (26,6 ? 15,8 g m-2 dia-1) e, menor valor, para aquele (95IL 0,3m RPP) de menor intensidade (13,6 ? 4,1 g m-2 dia-1). A massa seca de forragem n?o variou (p>0,05) entre as esta??es para o tratamento 90IL 0,3m RPP, enquanto que, o tratamento 95IL 0,3RPP, na primavera e ver?o, apresentou maior massa, (219,8 e 192,2 g m-2 ciclo-1), enquanto o tratamento 90IL 0,3RPP foi mais produtivo que o 95IL 0,3RPP no outono. A produ??o de massa seca radicular (MSR) do inverno foi inferior aquelas das demais esta??es. Na primavera, os maiores estoques de MSR foi de: 639,3 ? 246,8 e 667,2 ? 225,7 g 400dm3 de solo, respectivamente , para 90IL 0,3m RPP e 95IL 0,3m RPP; enquanto que o tratamento 90IL 0,2m RPP apresentou maiores estoques de MSR: 591,8 ? 168,2 e 655,1 ? 252,7 g 400dm3 de solo-1, respectivamente no ver?o e outono e o tratamento 95IL 0,2m RPP estocou maiores quantidades de MSR no outono (647,8 ? 68,4 g 400dm3 de solo-1). Quanto a distribui??o das ra?zes no perfil, houve diferen?a do estoque de MSR entre tratamentos na primavera e, as equa??es do ver?o e outono n?o diferiram entre si. A distribui??o fracional do sistema radicular variou (p<0,05) entre todas as esta??es, por?m no outono, houve semelhan?a entre os tratamentos. A produ??o de fitomassa total variou (p<0,05) entre os tratamentos, com a menor produ??o no inverno, para os tratamentos. A rela??o raiz: parte a?rea variou (p<0,05) com tratamento e esta??o. Para 95IL 0,2m RPP, maior valor foi obtido no outono. O capim Florico foi sens?vel ?s condi??es clim?ticas apresentando varia??es quanto ao ac?mulo de forragem e estoque radicular, evidenciando a exist?ncia de plasticidade fenot?pica para as vari?veis avaliadas.

Avalia??o de pastagens tropicais em sistemas de produ??o de ovinos de corte no nordeste brasileiro / Evaluation of tropical pastures in sheep production systems cutting in northeast Brazil

Emerenciano Neto, Jo?o Virginio 16 February 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:34:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JoaoVEN_DISSERT.pdf: 2633777 bytes, checksum: a59b41665f97067cdafb895c7d67745c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-02-16 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / He aim of this study was to evaluate the structural characters, herbage accumulation, nutritive value and performance of sheep in different tropical pastures. The treatments were two cultivars and two of the genera Panicum Brachiaria pastures under intermittent stocking and variable stocking rate, in the rainy season. We evaluated the masses and the components of herbage pre grazing in two layers, and after grazing. Chemical analyzes were made of the stems and leaf blades pre grazing in two layers. We used 48 male sheep and whole for the assessment of individual weight gain and area, and anestrous females to adjust the stocking rate. In the cv. Massai showed the highest herbage mass, leaf blades and dead material, and the largest volume density and leaf blade: stem pre grazing. There was no difference among cultivars for the percentage of leaf blade (PLB) in both strata, but the higher the PLB was higher than the bottom. The highest percentage of dead material (PDM) was observed in cvs. Massai and Marandu in the two strata. In cvs. Massai and Piat? were observed lower levels of crude protein in stem and leaf. In stratum 0-25 cm lower nutritional value was observed in the stem in the leaf blades did not grant the nutritional value among the strata. Herbage mass, leaf blade, PLB and proportion of stem in the residue of the Massai pastures were higher than cv. Aruana. There was no difference for efficiencies in harvest leaf and stem between the cultivars. The cv. Massai got the higher accumulation of leaf per cycle per day. Animals kept in grass swards Aruana had the highest average daily gain. The higher stocking rates and earnings per area were observed in grass swards and Marandu Massai. The cultivars are suitable for sheep meat production in the rainy season / O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os caracteres estruturais, o ac?mulo de forragem, o valor nutritivo e o desempenho de ovinos em diferentes pastagens tropicais. Os tratamentos constitu?ram em duas cultivares dos g?neros Panicum e duas de Brachiaria, manejadas sob lota??o intermitente e taxa de lota??o vari?vel, na ?poca das ?guas. Foram avaliadas as massas e os componentes da forragem no pr? pastejo em dois estratos, e no p?s pastejo. Foram feitas an?lises bromatol?gicas dos colmos e das l?minas foliares no pr? pastejo em dois estratos. Utilizou-se 48 ovinos machos e inteiros para a avalia??o do ganho de peso individual e por ?rea, al?m de f?meas em anestro para ajuste na taxa de lota??o. Na cv. Massai foram observadas as maiores massa de forragem, de l?minas foliares e de material morto, al?m da maior densidade volum?trica e rela??o l?mina foliar:colmo no pr? pastejo. N?o houve diferen?a entre as cultivares para o percentual de l?minas foliares (PLF) em ambos os estratos, por?m o PLF no superior foi maior que no inferior. O maior percentual de material morto (PMM) foi observado nas cvs. Massai e Marandu nos dois estratos. Nas cvs. Massai e Piat? foram observados os menores teores de prote?na bruta no colmo e na l?mina foliar. No estrato de 0 25 cm foi observado menor valor nutritivo no colmo, nas l?minas foliares o valor nutritivo n?o deferiu entre os estratos. A massa de forragem, de l?mina foliar, PLF e propor??o de colmo no res?duo dos pastos de Massai foram superiores aos da cv. Aruana. N?o houve diferen?a para as efici?ncias na colheita de l?mina foliar e colmo entre as cultivares estudadas. A cv. Massai obteve os maiores ac?mulos de l?mina foliar por ciclo e por dia. Os animais mantidos em pastos de capim Aruana obtiveram os maiores ganhos m?dios di?rios. As maiores taxas de lota??o e ganhos por ?rea foram observadas nos pastos de capim Massai e Marandu. As cultivares testadas s?o adequadas a produ??o de carne ovina na ?poca das ?guas

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