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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

General Unpacking : Overview and Techniques

Niculae, Danut January 2015 (has links)
Over the years, packed malware have started to appear at a more rapid pace.Hackers are modifying the source code of popular packers to create new typesof compressors which can fool the Anti Virus software. Due to the sheer vol-ume of packer variations, creating unpacking scripts based on the packer’ssignature has become a tedious task. In this paper we will analyse genericunpacking techniques and apply them on ten popular compression software.The techniques prove to be successful in nine out of ten cases, providing aneasy and accessible way to unpack the provided samples

Applikationsutveckling : med parprogrammering och kundinteraktion i blickfånget

Birksjö, Marcus, Häggmyr, Daniel, Lindqvist, David, Nowén, Viktoria, Petré, Fredrik, Sanner, Alexander, Sundblad, Anton, Torrusio, Cristian January 2014 (has links)
This candidate report describes how a group of students can develop a smartphone applicationwithout any prior knowledge in the field. To make the project more realistic there is also a clientwho has requests and wishes regarding the finished product.The document describes the methods used to produce the application and also includesexperiences that the group gained. How the interaction with the client has been performed togain a good understanding of what they wished the product to become is also accounted for.The research questions focus on how the development has proceeded and how one can learnsomething new in a relatively short timespan as a group. / Denna kandidatrapport redogör för hur en grupp studenter kan utveckla ensmartphoneapplikationutan några tidigare kunskaper inom applikationsprogrammering. För attfå uppdraget mer verklighetsanknutet finns det även en kund som har önskemål kring denslutgiltiga produkten.I dokumentet beskrivs det vilka metoder som använts för att ta fram applikationen och vilkaerfarenheter som gruppen tagit del av. Det beskrivs även hur interaktion med kunden hargenomförts för att få en bra bild av vad denne önskade. Frågeställningarna fokuserar på hurutvecklingen gått tillväga och hur man som grupp kan lära sig något nytt under relativt kort tid.

En undersökning i riskhantering för vidareutveckling av redan existerande projekt

Söderström, Anders, Einarson, Carl, Präntare, Fredrik, Dybeck, Jon, Jonsson, Marcus, Bodin, Martin, Lantz Cronqvist, Mattias, Nöjdh, Oscar January 2014 (has links)
Digimergo är en digitalisering av Emergo Train System, ett system där personal inom räddningstjänst kan öva på olika katastrofscenarion. För att göra Digimergo användbart behövdes ytterligare programvara: ett administrationsverktyg till övningar och en scenarioeditor. I det programvaruutvecklingsprojekt som denna rapport behandlar har ny programvara utvecklats och integrerats med det ursprungliga Digimergosystemet. I den här rapporten diskuteras vilka risker som existerar när ny funktionalitet skall läggas till ett gammalt projekt samt hur dessa risker kan minimeras. Rapporten undersöker också vilka utvecklingsmetoder som lämpar sig i projekt där ny funktionalitet ska läggas till befintliga system. Resultatet visar att den största risken med att utöka befintliga projekt är att underskatta tiden som krävs för att sätta sig in i projektet i fråga. Det mest effektiva sättet att minimera risken för detta är att mycket tidigt studera det tidigare arbetet och utbilda projektmedlemmarna i det gamla systemet. Ett annat angreppssätt är att välja en metod som är flexibel när det kommer till nya risker eller ändringar i projektets plan, förslagsvis iterativa metoder.


Taha, Hilal January 2021 (has links)
Model-Driven Engineering has been developing since the first release of the Unified Modeling Language, passing several milestones and advancing ever since. Model-Driven Engineering is being used in various fields like medical, cyber-physical systems, web applications, etc. It is an engineering paradigm that allows developers to model systems at the level of abstraction of their choice. There are many available tools in the market offering different modelling capabilities to their users. Making use of more than one tool would give the users a wider range of options and higher flexibility in modelling their applications. The current market of open-source modelling tools has two main actors, being JetBrains MPS, mostly focused on textual modelling languages, and Eclipse Modelling Framework, mostly focused on graphical modelling languages. The goal of this thesis is to design and implement a bridge between these two modelling environments. More specifically, we engineer the modelling language Ecore, at the heart of the Eclipse Modeling Framework, in JetBrains MPS in order to enable the exchange of metamodels based on Ecore from MPS to Eclipse Modeling Framework.

Robotic Software Development using DevOps

Ronanki, Krishna Chaitanya January 2021 (has links)
Background: Due to the complexity involved in robotic software development, the progress in the field has been slow. Component-based software engineering was observed to have a strong influence on the improvement of the robotic software development process and its adoption achieved good results. DevOps was seen to be compatible and produced efficient results in software engineering. Objectives: The aim of this thesis work is to present the potential usage of DevOps practices in robotic software development. 15 DevOps practices were selected from prior research from software engineering and mapped to the robotic software development process and checked for success in terms of applicability and effectiveness. Methods: By performing a research synthesis of the literature, the usage of DevOps practices in robotic software development is proposed and presented. Interview based survey was performed by approaching industry experts on robotic software development to get their response on the results of the research synthesis. Results: The applicability of the DevOps practices in robotic software development is presented and the implications of the potential usage of the practices in the proposed manner are discussed. The potential advantages and limitations of the proposed mapping are discussed and presented. Conclusions: DevOps, like other software development frameworks, has various observable advantages when applied in robotic software development. The interviews confirmed the need for DevOps to be adapted into robotic software development and the benefits it has.

JavaScript DOM Manipulation Performance : Comparing Vanilla JavaScript and Leading JavaScript Front-end Frameworks

Persson, Morgan January 2020 (has links)
Background. Websites of 2020 are often feature rich and highly interactive applications. JavaScript is a popular programming language for the web, with many frameworks available. A common denominator for highly interactive web applications is the need for efficient methods of manipulating the Document Object Model to enable a solid user experience. Objectives. This study compares Vanilla JavaScript and the JavaScript frameworks Angular, React and Vue.js in regards to DOM performance, DOM manipulation methodology and application size. Methods. A literature study was conducted to compare the DOM manipulation methodologies of Vanilla JavaScript and the selected frameworks. An experiment was conducted where test applications was created using Vanilla JavaScript and the selected frameworks. These applications were used as base for comparing application size and for comparison tests of DOM performance related metrics using Google Chrome and Firefox. Results. In regards to DOM manipulation methodology, there is a distinct difference between Vanilla JavaScript and the selected frameworks. In Vanilla JavaScript DOM manipulation is handled by direct interaction with the DOM interface. When using the selected frameworks the actual interaction with the DOM interface is abstracted away from the developer and handled by the framework. While React and Vue.js both have implemented a Virtual DOM to optimize DOM interactions, Angular has implemented Incremental DOM. Vanilla JavaScript had the best DOM performance in all tests and the smallest application size. Amongst the frameworks React had the best DOM performance, Angular performed close to React in nearly all test, and Vue.js was slightly slower in most tests. In nearly all tests the applications performed better in Google Chrome. Conclusions. Vanilla JavaScript and the selected frameworks, and thereby their DOM manipulation methodologies, are all feasible alternatives for creating interactive web applications with high DOM performance. Tests indicate that Vanilla JavaScript and the selected frameworks achieves better DOM performance in Google Chrome compared to Firefox.

Smarta blanketter : Integration och vidareutveckling av webbapplikation

Olsson, Allamo, Berglin, Elias January 2020 (has links)
Utveckling av webbapplikationer ökar och flera ramverk skapas. Företag har idag möjligheten att välja bland tiotals ramverk att konstruera webbapplikationer. När ett koncept för en applikation framtas är inte samarbete mellan olika teknologier en stor prioritet. Fokuset ligger på konceptet av applikationen samt problemlösning som applikationen tillför. CSN har under det senaste året byggt en webbapplikation, vars huvudsakliga uppgift är att digitalisera pappersblanketter. Webbapplikationen har mycket utrymme för utveckling och idag står företaget framför ett stort problem. För att applikationen ska fungera som tänkt, krävs det ett samarbete med ett webbpubliceringssystem. Denna studie har utforskat de möjliga verktyg som finns idag för att kunna integrera en webbapplikation och med hjälp en komparativ analys kunde lämpligaste verktyg användas. Utöver detta gjordes en vidareutveckling på webbapplikationen. Syftet med denna vidareutveckling var att underlätta användarens ifyllande av blanketter. I samband med att automatisk ifyllnad av användardata funktionen utvecklades framkom behovet av ett varningssystem som kan varna CSN när ett formulär gör fel. Ett användbarhetstest utfördes som gav information kring hur väl resultatet från integrationen liknar det vanliga arbetssättet som används idag i webbpubliceringssystemet. Resultatet blev en fungerande integration, en ny komponent i CSN:s webbapplikation som hanterar det nya systemet för automatisk ifyllnad av användardata och ett varningssystem som varnar utvecklarna när olika formulär hittar fel. Resultatet på användbarhetstesterna var positivt. Flera andra myndigheter har fått reda på vad CSN:s applikation har för möjligheter och deras intresse i digitalisering av blanketter har ökat. Detta är något som kommer ge en positiv inverkan på miljön och myndigheternas ekonomi. / The development of web applications has increased in popularity and more frameworks are created. Companies today can choose between a multitude of different frameworks to construct their web application. When an application concept is made the focus is not on the application's ability to integrate with other systems. The focus in development is in the concept of the application and the problems the application will solve. CSN has during the last year developed a web application with the primary focus of digitizing application forms. The application has room for more development and today the company stands before a difficult task. The application needs to work with the company’s content management system. This study has explored the possible tools that exist today for integration with web applications. With the help of a comparative analysis a suitable tool was found. Beyond the integration further development of the application was made. The purpose of this development was to make it easier to fill out these forms. In conjunction with the development of the autofill function the project group deemed it necessary to develop a warning system. This system will warn the developers at CSN when a form encounters an error. A usability test was performed to gather information about how familiar the result integration was to the normal workflow. The result is a successful integration, a new component in CSN’s application to handle the new system for prefilling data and a warning system to warn the developers and to show error logs that is produced when an error occurs. The result of the usability test was positive. Other authorities have heard of the possibilities of CSN’s application and their interest in digitalizing forms have increased. This is something that will have a positive impact on both the environment and the authority’s economics.

Digitalisering av ritningshantering i byggbranschen / Digital blueprints in the construction industry

Berglund, Erik, Brunnström Rockborn, Ellen, Johansson, Nils, Lidekrans, Robin, Nilsson, Emil, Wahlberg, Viktor, Wittlock, Joel January 2020 (has links)
Detta är en kandidatrapport skriven för kursen TDDD96: Kandidatprojekt i progamvaruutveckling där en grupp tillsammans arbetar mot en kund för att skapa värde för denne. I denna rapport presenteras de undersökningar som gjorts och det resultat som framkommit under våren 2020 efter 15hp arbete. Dessutom presenteras även viktiga lärdomar och erfarenheter gruppen anskaffat under denna period. Resultatet av arbetet är en produkt för ritningshantering i byggbranchen samt en undersökning av hur man kan gå vidare och fortsätta utveckla produkten. Den undersöker hur man utvecklar ett system från ingenting för att skapa något modulärt som ska byggas vidare på, men ändå är tillräckligt i nuläget för att tas i bruk direkt.

Visualization of machine learning data for radio networks : A case study at Ericsson

Niu, Bingyu January 2020 (has links)
This thesis presents a method to develop a visualization software for time-varying and geographic-based data. The machine learning team at Ericsson has collected data from their machine learning algorithms. The data set contains timestamped and geographic information. To have a better understanding of the result made by the machine learning algorithms, it is important to understand the pattern of the data. It is hard to see the pattern of the data by only looking at the raw data set, and data visualization software will help the users to have a more intuitive view of the data.  To choose a suitable GUI library, three common GUI libraries were compared. The Qt framework was chosen as the GUI library and development framework because of its wide-range support to user interface design. Animation is the main method to visualize the data set. The performance evaluation of the software shows that it handles the back-end data efficiently, renders fast in the front-end and has low memory and CPU usage. The usability testing indicates that the software is easy to use. In the end, the thesis compares its method to a previous method, developed in R. The comparison shows that even though the old method is easier to develop, it has worse performance.

A Systematic Literature Review on the Methodologies for Detecting REST Antipatterns in RESTful APIs

Neagu, Andrei January 2022 (has links)
Context: API growth is accelerating. RESTful APIs are gaining traction and are backed by major players. Extending the APIs commonly introduce antipatterns, which are bad solutions to problems. Objective: The purpose of this review is to identify and analyze the current, state-of-the-art approaches in detecting antipatterns in RESTful APIs. Method: Six research questions are clearly defined. Search strings are used in digital libraries to identify studies in the field of antipatterns in RESTful APIs. The studies must come from reputable sources. Studies are subjected to inclusion-exclusion and quality assessment. Results: Eight studies were selected. Each study has one main approach. Three classes were created to identify the types of approaches. All approaches require expert domain knowledge to apply and vary in the difficulty of application. The accuracy of the approaches is above 80\%. Four types of antipatterns were identified and the approaches detect one or multiple types of antipatterns. Conclusion: Various techniques were discovered, each selected study presented a single technique. Classifications for the techniques and antipatterns were made. The research field is young with future work planned.

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