Spelling suggestions: "subject:"prohibition""
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Unfair competition and the safeguard of trade secrets / Competencia desleal y resguardo de los secretos empresarialesSosa Huapaya, Alex 25 September 2017 (has links)
The Law of Supression of Unfair Competition, approved by Legislative Decree 1044, tries to avoid confusions about what is protected as a trade secret and what cases of misappropriation should be sanctioned.In this article, the author questions the interpretation and application that has beenconsistently employed, in many cases, to some of the terms contained in the aforementioned law.For that purpose, the author explains the meaning of the trade secret and other related terms, such as prohibited competition and concurrent purposes. He then proceeds to elaborate an analysis about the economic function of protecting trade secrets and what should be the correct application of the Law of Supression of Unfair Competition. / La Ley de Represión de la Competencia Desleal, aprobada por el Decreto Legislativo 1044, trata de evitar confusiones acerca de qué se protege comosecreto empresarial y qué supuestos de apropiación indebida deberían sancionarse.En el presente artículo, el autor cuestiona la interpretación y aplicación que se le ha venido dando, en muchos casos, a algunos de los términos contenidos en dicha ley. Para ello, explica el significado del secreto empresarial, y de otros términosrelacionados como la competencia prohibida y la finalidad concurrencial. Luego, pasa a elaborar un análisis sobre la función económica de proteger los secretos empresariales y de cuál debería ser la correcta aplicación de la Ley de Represión de la Competencia Desleal.
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中國匯率制度引發之國際經貿爭議研究陳怡蓁 Unknown Date (has links)
中國已明確表示其匯率改革有其自訂時間表,需與國內金融改革、相關配套措施之建立及經濟發展情況相配合,不會受制於外國壓力而逕予改革。為解決此一問題,本文再就美國單邊貿易報復措施法案、中美雙邊財政外交及各種多邊場域協商等方式中,提出較適解決此貿易爭端之建議。 / Since 1994, China has fixed the exchange rate of yuan around 8.28 yuan per U.S. dollar. China requires its citizens and firms to exchange their dollars for yuan, so the strong exports and trade surplus enforce the Chinese government to add money supply to acquire the increasing dollars. As a result, China can peg and undervalue the exchange rate of yuan to dollar and accumulate astonishing foreign reserves.
This situation arise the objection of American manufacturing alliance and Congressmen. They assert the pegged and undervalued yuan increase the competitiveness of China’s products, allow the China’s export companies to have unfair trade advantages, damage the benefits of American manufactures and workers. Besides, this regime constitutes the prohibited subsidy of WTO and violates the IMF obligation of avoidance of currency manipulation. They urged the USTR to investigate and launch a dispute settlement in WTO but had been refused.
This article starts from the appeal of American alliance and use the cooperation between WTO and IMF to link the following discussion: is the regime of fixed and undervalued yuan consistent with the prohibited subsidy regulations in WTO and is the regime against the IMF obligation of avoidance of currency manipulation? The former one is examined by three elements: ‘‘financial contribution’’. ‘‘benefits’’ and ‘‘specific’’ while the latter one is tested by the definition of currency manipulation and the exchange rate reports of IMF and U.S. Treasury. The answers are positive both.
China has asserted that she has her own time table and will not surrender to the pressure of foreign countries. This article then tries to use unilateral trade retaliatory measures, bilateral financial diplomacy and other multilateral consultations to find the proper resolutions.
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Intensivvårdssjuksköterskors erfarenheter av digital kommunikation med närstående och patienter under Covid-19-pandemin : En intervjustudie / Intensive care nurses' experiences of digital communication with relatives and patients during the Covid-19-pandemic : An interview studyBjörk, Carl-Filip January 2022 (has links)
Introduktion: Under Covid-19-pandemin var det besöksförbud på de flesta intensivvårdsavdelningar (IVA) och ett stort flöde av smittade patienter. Närståendes fysiska besök ersattes med videosamtal och andra digitala kommunikationslösningar. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva IVA-sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av digital kommunikation med närstående och patienter under Covid-19 pandemin i samband med besöksförbud. Metod: En induktiv kvalitativ intervjustudie med åtta IVA-sjuksköterskor genomfördes och materialet transkriberades ordagrant. Det transkriberade materialet analyserades med en konventionell innehållsanalys. Resultat: När pandemin uppkom såg IVA-sjuksköterskor att det fanns ett behov av kommunikationsvägar med närstående vid införande av besöksförbud, vilket gjorde att videosamtal ersatte närståendes tidigare fysiska avdelningsbesök. Närståendes virtuella kontakt med patienten och IVA-sjuksköterskor ökade delaktigheten och förståelsen för patientens vård och situation på IVA. IVA-sjuksköterskors erfarenheter påvisade att digital kommunikation fungerade tillfredsställande med närstående och patienter under pandemin. Slutsats: Närståendes delaktighet, förtroende och förståelse till patientens IVA-vistelse förbättrades ju mer de tilläts att deltaga i patientens vård genom digital kommunikation då det var besöksförbud. / Introduction: During the Covid-19-pandemic, most intensive care units (ICU) were prohibited from visiting and there was a large flow of infected patients. Relatives’ physical visits were replaced by digital communication solutions, for example video calls. Aim: This study aimed to describe ICU nurses' digital communication experiences with relatives and patients during the Covid-19 pandemic during prohibited from visiting. Method: An inductive qualitative interview study of eight ICU-Nurses' was conducted, and the material was transcribed verbatim. The content analysis performed on the transcribed material had a conventional approach. Results: When the pandemic arose the ICU-Nurses' saw that there was a need for communication channels with relatives' when the prohibitions from visiting was introduced, which meant that video calls replaced relatives' previous physical ward visits. Relatives' virtual contact with the patient and ICU-nurses increased their participation and understanding of the patient's care and situation in the ICU. The experiences from ICU-Nurses' showed that digital communication worked satisfactorily with relatives and patients during the pandemic. Conclusion: Relatives' participation, trust and understanding of the patient's ICU stay improved the more they were allowed to participate in the patient's care through digital communication when there is a restraining order.
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African traditional marriage and biblical patterns : the case of the Ashantis of GhanaAdei, Stephen 30 June 2003 (has links)
This dissertation compares the family and marriage traditions of the Ashantis of Ghana and Ancient Hebrews. Some common features characterize the two societies, principal among which is the idea that having children is the key purpose of marrieage above love and intimacy. Others are the low status of the wife in the domestic context; endogamy rules based on consanguinity; and payment of bride price.
However, the two traditions differ in important areas. For example, the Ashantis follow kinship system based on matrilineal descent, succession and inheritance and the girl child is preferred. The patriarchal system of the Ancient Hebrews invest all authority in the father and the male heirs is preferred. Other defining factor in Ashanti and Pentateuchcal marriage is their religion and belief systems. Much of the marriage traditions seem to be cultural references rather than religious imperatives binding on Christians today. / Old Testament & Ancient Near Eastern Studies / Thesis (M.Th.)
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L'interdiction de la discrimination au travail et les obligations du syndicat en matière de représentationMichaud-Jalbert, Dominique January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
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Les contrats d'exploitation des biens immatériels : étude de droit français et marocain / The contract of exploitation of intangible property : study of French law and Moroccan lawBen Ali - Prieur, Nabila 04 December 2014 (has links)
Les biens immatériels que possèdent les entreprises, sont le plus souvent des droits de propriété industrielle ou un savoir-faire tenu secret. Leur exploitation indirecte, nationale ou internationale, s’effectue à travers la conclusion de différents contrats d’exploitation. Avec la mondialisation, ces contrats sont au cœur de l’économie moderne et constituent l’un des outils de transfert de technologie. Cette thèse propose une analyse globale des contrats d’exploitation des droits de propriété industrielle et de savoir-faire en droit marocain et en droit français. Dans la première partie, on expose leur régime général, en droit des contrats, droit de la propriété industrielle et droit de la concurrence. La deuxième partie propose une analyse unitaire de chaque type de ces contrats dans ces deux systèmes et traite leurs régimes spécifiques. / Intangible property owned by companies consists most often of the industrial property rights or a secret know-how. Their indirect exploitation, national or international, is made through the concluding of various contracts of exploitation. With the globalization, these contracts are at the heart of the modern economy and constitute one of the most important tools of technology transfer. This dissertation offers a global analysis of the various contracts of exploitation of the industrial property rights and know-how in Moroccan law and in French law. The first part of the thesis exposes their general regime under contract law, industrial property law and competition law. The second part proposes a unitary analysis, which views the problems raised by each type of these contracts in these two legal systems and treats their specific regimes.
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Subsidizing Global Solar Power : A contemporary legal study of existing and potential international incentives for solar PV investments in developing countriesArnesson, Daniel January 2013 (has links)
With national cuts on solar PV subsidies and the current “oversupply” of panels, the global solar market is clearly threatened by a contraction. Yet, the need for more solar power is apparent, particularly for the world’s poor and vulnerable population. Instead of securing modern energy access for these people, trade interests have triggered a counterproductive solar trade war. This contemporary legal study addresses these issues by examining existent and potential instruments for stimulating a North-to-South solar capital flow. The research finds that recent reforms of the CDM will do little difference from previous deficiencies, as local investment barriers are not reflected in the monetary support of the clean development mechanism. Competing technologies are successfully keeping solar out of the game while baseline requirements are undermining the poor. Inspired by national renewable energy law and policy, international alternatives could address these shortcomings. While feed-in tariffs have been commonly advocated, the REC model seems far more appropriate in an international context. Its ability to be traded separately from the electricity makes it a perfect candidate as a substitute for the CDM. Entrusted with certain features it could address the geographical unbalance and provide with greater investor certainty. But the scheme(s) are under current WTO regulations required to be non-discriminatory, making it highly questionable to believe that developed countries would ever fund such incentive. It is not likely that solar capital exporters want Chinese solar PV manufacturers, who are already receiving significant production subsidies, to receive the same benefits as other producers. However, if countries adversely effected by subsidies where allowed to offset the injury by discriminating Chinese producers in international REC schemes, the Author believes that it would be easier to sell such a concept and implement it, for the benefits of climate change mitigation and adaptation as well as the world’s vulnerable and poor nations. However, this would require extensive reforms under WTO which the Author calls for.
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L'interdiction de la discrimination au travail et les obligations du syndicat en matière de représentationMichaud-Jalbert, Dominique January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
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A reclamação de não violação no GATT/OMCLawson, Michael Nunes January 2009 (has links)
A presente dissertação objetiva contribuir para a compreensão do instituto da reclamação de não violação, previsto no art. XXIII:1(b) do Acordo General de Tarifas e Comércio (GATT) e art. 26:1 do Entendimento sobre Solução de Controvérsias (ESC) da Organização Mundial do Comércio (OMC). Parte-se da premissa de que a reclamação de não violação deve ser abordada à luz da sua contraparte, a reclamação de violação (art. XXIII:1(a) do GATT). O estudo é levado a cabo recorrendo-se a conceitos desenvolvidos em direito internacional geral. A reclamação de violação conduz a responsabilidade por atos internacionalmente ilícitos, enquanto a reclamação de não violação conduz a responsabilidade por atos não proibidos pelo direito internacional (do comércio). O contraste entre as duas reclamações manifesta-se, ademais, no que tange ao regramento respectivo, especialmente no que diz com os remédios jurídicos disponíveis. A investigação é completada pela análise da jurisprudência do GATT/OMC que cuidou da reclamação de não violação, essencial face à amplitude da terminologia do art. XXIII:1(b). Assim, examina-se a interpretação conferida ao art. XXIII:1, caput - benefício, princípio da expectativa legítima (implícito), anulação ou prejuízo e nexo de causalidade -; art. XXIII:1(b) - medida -; por fim, art. XXIII:2, que versa sobre remédios jurídicos. / The present dissertation seeks to contribute to the understanding of the non-violation complaint, regulated in GATT art. XXIII:1(b) and WTO's DSU art. 26:1. It departs from the premise that the non-violation complaint must be approached in light of its counterpart, the violation complaint (GATT art. XXIII:1(a)). The study is carried on with resort to concepts developed in general international law. The violation complaint leads to responsibility for internationally wrongful acts, whilst the non-violation complaint leads to liability for acts not prohibited by international (trade) law. The contrast between the two complaints is manifested, in addition, with regard to their respective disciplines, particularly the remedies available. The investigation is completed by the analysis of the GATT/WTO case-law which dealt with the non-violation complaint, essential in view of the breadth of the terminology contained in art. XXIII:1(b). In this sense, it is examined the interpretation of art. XXIII:1, caput - benefit, the principle of legitimate expectations (implicit), nullification or impairment, nexus of causality -; art. XXIII:1(b) - measure -; lastly, art. XXIII:2, which concerns itself of remedies.
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African traditional marriage and biblical patterns : the case of the Ashantis of GhanaAdei, Stephen 30 June 2003 (has links)
This dissertation compares the family and marriage traditions of the Ashantis of Ghana and Ancient Hebrews. Some common features characterize the two societies, principal among which is the idea that having children is the key purpose of marrieage above love and intimacy. Others are the low status of the wife in the domestic context; endogamy rules based on consanguinity; and payment of bride price.
However, the two traditions differ in important areas. For example, the Ashantis follow kinship system based on matrilineal descent, succession and inheritance and the girl child is preferred. The patriarchal system of the Ancient Hebrews invest all authority in the father and the male heirs is preferred. Other defining factor in Ashanti and Pentateuchcal marriage is their religion and belief systems. Much of the marriage traditions seem to be cultural references rather than religious imperatives binding on Christians today. / Biblical and Ancient Studies / Thesis (M.Th.)
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