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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação de modelos e proposta de método para representação da visão do produto na gestão ágil de projetos / Evaluation of models and proposal of method for representing the product vision in agile project management

João Luís Guilherme Benassi 15 June 2009 (has links)
A visão do produto sempre foi identificada como fator fundamental para o sucesso de projetos de desenvolvimento. O surgimento da abordagem denominada gerenciamento ágil de projetos, veio recuperar a importância do tema. Os autores da área propõem práticas e modelos para a criação e representação da visão do produto, e sugerem que defini-la seria uma forma de simplificar a etapa de iniciação. Ao analisá-los, percebe-se, porém, que são melhor adaptados ao desenvolvimento de software, não diferem significativamente da prática de GP tradicional e que os autores não consideraram o uso dos modelos de representação de produtos, presentes na literatura de gestão de desenvolvimento de produto, para concebê-los. O presente trabalho apresenta uma compilação dos modelos de representação existentes e, como objetivo principal, propõe um método para apoiar a criação e registro da visão do produto no gerenciamento ágil de projetos. Foram analisadas as áreas de gestão de projetos, planejamento estratégico, gerenciamento ágil de projetos, gestão de desenvolvimento de produtos e metodologia de projeto, de forma a considerar a contribuição da literatura de desenvolvimento de produtos. O pesquisador propôs um método, (procedimento) inicial, por meio da síntese da literatura, avaliou-o e aprimorou-o por meio de tentativas sucessivas de uso em exemplos teóricos. Uma vez estabelecido, procedeu-se a uma primeira verificação em caso de aplicação em laboratório, configurando-se como pesquisa de campo do tipo participante observador. Por fim, apresenta-se o resultado da aplicação do método, relatando sua viabilidade quando comparada a forma tradicional de declaração da visão. Essa demonstração indica que o método proposto conseguiu unir potencialidades dos modelos de representação pesquisados e que ainda abrange aspectos positivos como simplificação e desburocratização do processo. Apontam-se também necessidades de melhoria e temas para pesquisas futuras. / The product vision has always been considered as critical factor to product development projects. The emergence of the approach known as agile project management came to recover the importance of this subject. The authors from this field propose practices and models for creating an represent the product vision and suggest that this description would be a way to simplify the initiation phase. The analysis of the agile vision methods demonstrates that they are better suited to software development, do not differ significantly from the traditional practice of PM and the authors did not consider the use of models for representation of products, presented at the product develop management literature. The text presents a compilation of existing models of representation and, as main objective, it proposes a method to support the creation and registration of the product vision in the agile project management. We analyzed project management, strategic planning, agile project management, product development and design methodology fields in order to consider the contribution of literature from the product development. The proposed method (procedure) was developed by the literature synthesis and was improved by successive attempts, using theoretical examples and action research practices. The method was evaluated from a case study perspective, a first check, using an application in a laboratory case and the participant as observer research method. Finally, the document brings results from the method application, reporting its when compared to traditional way of the vision statement. The results indicates that the proposed method has potential of uniting models representation search and still covers the positive aspects as simplifying the process and diminished bureaucracy. It also highlights needs for improvement and issues for future research.

Análise da implementação do Enterprise Project Management (EPM) em uma empresa de engenharia

Fernandes, Luiz Gustavo da Costa 08 June 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Joana Azevedo (joanad@id.uff.br) on 2017-11-13T12:26:28Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissert Luiz Gustavo da C Fernandes.pdf: 1773017 bytes, checksum: 60d322bd55fdcacb309a38b8a677aa35 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Biblioteca da Escola de Engenharia (bee@ndc.uff.br) on 2017-11-16T14:28:43Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissert Luiz Gustavo da C Fernandes.pdf: 1773017 bytes, checksum: 60d322bd55fdcacb309a38b8a677aa35 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-11-16T14:28:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissert Luiz Gustavo da C Fernandes.pdf: 1773017 bytes, checksum: 60d322bd55fdcacb309a38b8a677aa35 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-06-08 / A necessidade de modernização dos processos de trabalho conduziu as empresas na busca por ferramentas que atendessem mais eficientemente aos seus objetivos. Neste contexto, surge o software de gerenciamento de projetos Enterprise Project Management – EPM (versão 2010) da Microsoft, que garante adequados planejamento, organização, monitoramento, controle e avaliação de um projeto, além de facilitar a comunicação entre os stakeholders e antever falhas e problemas de projeto. Deste modo, o presente estudo possui como objetivo analisar os impactos positivos e negativos da implementação do EPM em uma empresa de Engenharia. Esta pesquisa possui abordagem qualitativa, exploratória, utilizando o estudo de caso como método para investigação prática, cujos dados foram coletados por meio de aplicação eletrônica, por e-mail, de questionário on-line específico para os 27 respondentes que integraram o estudo. Quanto ao cenário, trata-se de uma empresa de engenharia responsável por analisar tecnicamente documentos relacionados a plataformas de extração de petróleo. Os dados foram analisados por meio de frequência simples, para as perguntas fechadas, e por meio de análise de conteúdo das perguntas abertas. Os temas foram agrupados e compuseram duas categorias de análises de dados. Assim, foram identificados como aspectos positivos: melhoria no gerenciamento dos recursos; melhoria dos controles dos projetos; centralização de informações, melhoria no planejamento dos projetos e inexistência de malefícios. Os principais aspectos negativos citados foram: Custo de overhead, limitação da ferramenta para projetos grandes e complexos, falta de centralização de algumas funcionalidades e usabilidade do sistema. O estudo concluiu que existem oportunidades de melhorias para a utilização da ferramenta por meio de treinamentos pontuais voltados para todos os integrantes da equipe, de acordo com a especificidade de cada perfil de atuação. Desta forma, será possível usufruir das possibilidades de aplicação da ferramenta por todos os envolvidos, bem como identificar falhas ou práticas inadequadas nos projetos. / The need for modernization of work processes led companies to the search for tools that achieve more effectively their objectives. In this context, the project management software (version 2010) from Microsoft named Enterprise Project Management arises, which ensures proper planning, organization, monitoring, control and evaluation of a project, in addition to facilitating communication among the stakeholders and anticipating project failures and problems. Thus, the present study has as its object the implementation of Enterprise Project Management (EPM) software, version 2010, and as a general objective the evaluation of the positive and negative impacts of the EPM implementation on an Engineering company. This research has a qualitative and exploratory approach such as a case study whose data was collected from a specific online questionnaire sent via e-mail to 27 respondents who participated in the study. Regarding the setting, it is an engineering company responsible for technically analyzing documents related to oil rigs. Data was analyzed through simple frequency for closed questions and through context analysis for open questions. The themes were grouped and composed of two categories of data analysis. So, the positive aspects that have been identified were as follows: resources management improvement; projects controls improvement; centralization of information, projects planning improvement and non-existence of shortcomings. The main negative aspects mentioned were as follows: overhead costs, tool limitation for big and complex projects, lack of centralization of some functionalities and system usability. The study has concluded that there are opportunities of improving the tool usage through providing training to all main stakeholders, according to the specificity of each profile acting in the projects. Thus, it will be possible to take advantage of all possibilities of applying the tool by all the involved parties as well as identifying failures or inappropriate practices in the projects.

Implementace projektového řízení / Project Management Implementation

Mezera, David January 2012 (has links)
The master thesis deals with proposal of project management implementation with software support in the company Aponia Software, s.r.o., which developes navigation software for mobile devices. The methodology of project management is used.

Lean project management. Assessment of project risk management processes

Alcaraz Bosca, Neus January 2012 (has links)
Traditional methods of project management are not appropriate for complex projects anymore. Since projects are becoming increasingly complex and uncertain, interaction between activities and resources is growing in ways not considered by these methods. Nowadays, managers need more agile project management methods that are able to recognize and deal with uncertainty and to produce the expected results. Lean project management, the most recent approach of lean methodology, appears as an alternative approach capable of dealing with complexity and uncertainty. The latest investigations in the field show that traditional methods are still adequate for simple projects, while lean methods are more appropriate for complex projects. This thesis aims to investigate the nature of lean project management and to examine project risk management processes so that managers can assess the complexity of projects before their beginning and decide which method to apply in order to manage them.

Dirección del proyecto de automatización de trámites académicos aplicando estándares globales del PMI en una institución universitaria / Project management of automation of academic procedures applying global standards of the pmi in a university institution

Franco Mestanza, Vivian Francesca, Pasco Oré , Velia Milagros, Ramos Bonifáz, Laura Lenny, Vinces Robles, Evelyn Giuliana, Velásquez Vela, Víctor Eberson 30 March 2021 (has links)
El siguiente trabajo de investigación contempla el proyecto de un sistema de automatización de trámites de una institución universitaria, esto debido a una problemática de la institución referente a la atención a sus clientes como para el manejo laboral de la empresa, este proyecto se realizará aplicando los estándares globales del PMI. Este proyecto se empezará realizando un estudio de caso de negocio en el cual se ha estimado los siguientes indicadores financieros: inversión de $245,395.70, una TIR de 29.7% y una VAN S/2,678,251 que se mostrará en el siguiente trabajo, por otro lado también nos enfocaremos en el cambio organizacional de la empresa, posteriormente abarcaremos los componentes del plan de dirección de proyectos donde observaremos las 4 líneas base (alcance, cronograma, costo y medición para el desempeño) propuestas por la Guía del PMBOK®. 6ta Edición. Para el presente trabajo se eligió un proyecto real con un presupuesto de $140,000.00 y un plazo de ejecución de 13 meses. Este proyecto es liderado por un Comité Gerencial de la misma institución universitaria y tiene como objetivo mejorar sus niveles de satisfacción y experiencia del usuario, así como también monitorear el éxito de la inversión, en calidad, alcance, tiempo y costo, incluyendo entre otros, una aplicación efectiva de la línea base para medición del desempeño del proyecto visto en este trabajo. Estas mejoras a la dirección de proyectos de la institución pasaran desde un análisis del entorno hasta la ejecución de los estándares globales del PMI en base a este estudio. También permitirán el reforzamiento de valores de responsabilidad, honestidad, eficiencia, equidad y respeto de nuestro Director de Proyecto (Patrocinador)s, permitiéndonos consolidar nuestra visión de la empresa. / The following research contemplates the project of an automated process system in a college institution. Due to multiple institutional problems in relation with customer service and poor work management. This project will be carried out applying the global standards of the PMI. This project will begin by doing a study a business case, in which it has been estimated the following financial indicators: an investment of $245,395.70, an IRR of 29.7% and a NPV of S/. 2,678,251.00 ($ 754,437.00), these will be shown in the following work. On the other hand, we will focus on the company’s organizational shift, later on we will cover the project management plan components where we will observe the 4 base lines (scope, schedule, cost and performance measurement) proposed by de PMBOK ®️ Guide 6th edition. For the present work, a real project was chosen with a budget of $140,000.00 and an execution time of 13 months. This project is led by a Management Committee of the same college institution and aims to improve its levels of satisfaction and user experience, as well as monitor the success of the investment, in quality, scope, time and cost, including among others, an effective use of the baseline for project performance measurement seen in this work. Based on this study, these improvements to the institution’s project management will pass from an analysis of the environment to the execution of the global standards of the PMI. It will also strengthen the values of responsibility, honesty, efficiency, equity and respect of the Project Manager (Sponsor), allowing us to consolidate our vision of the company. / Trabajo de investigación

Strategies to Improve Project Management Maturity Processes

Sargent, Walter H. 01 January 2016 (has links)
Information technology organizations lose significant competitive value when business leaders fail to use project management maturity (PMM) processes that enhance market delivery, reduce costs, and increase profitability. Using a multiple-case study, the researcher explored strategies that project leaders have used to improve PMM processes and expanded upon Kerzner's PMM model, which comprises 5 PMM levels essential for achieving repeatable project success. The researcher selected 20 project leader participants in the Southeastern region of the United States using a purposeful snowball sampling technique. In depth interviews were combined with archival and document exploration using a multiple-case study design where different types of project offices were cross compared as the unit of analysis including governmental, corporate, nonprofit, and not-for-profit organizations. Thematic analysis and cross-case analysis revealed 6 major strategies to improve PMM processes: project leader development, customer focus, standard methodology development, interactive communication, establishing a project office organizational structure, and practicing continuous process improvement. The implications for positive social change include the potential to provide small businesses and marginally-resourced organizations, such as churches and charitable organizations, with a beneficial value that contributes to positive economic activity in the local communities they support. The results are important because they extend constrained resources and organizational buying power for deliverables required by the recipient of the altruistic act.

Analysing the application of project management for service delivery improvements in the Dr. Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality : the case of the Maquassi Hills Local Municipality / Gwai John Moseki

Moseki, Gwai John January 2014 (has links)
The local sphere of government in the Republic of South Africa is demarcated into three distinct municipal categories. These three categories represent metropolitan, district and local municipalities as, delineated in the Constitution, 1996 (RSA, 1996). A prominent intent of local government in South Africa is to achieve developmental goals and to deliver effective, effiecient and economic services to citizens. This means delivering services through programmes in a manner that encourages the sustained development of local communities. The Maquassi Hills Local Municipality (MHLM), located in the Dr. Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality of the North-West Province, has a responsibility to implement and achieve local government’s developmental agenda through good governance, public participation, as well as transformation of internal, organisational systems and processes. The ultimate aim is to provide basic services to local communities and to stimulate economic development within their area of responsibility. Contrary to this scenario of efficient, effective and economic service delivery in a democratic developmental local government, South Africa, thus far, typified low levels of service delivery to such an extent that many communities were driven to service delivery protests. The locus of this study, indicated as the MHLM, subsequently also experienced protests within the community, as a result of a low standard, or a lack of service delivery. As possible corrective measures to help achieve the developmental goals of the MHLM, through enhanced service delivery the study introduced a basis theory as “management by projects”. This theory or design is viewed as a vehicle for service delivery improvements. The study investigates these features at strategic, tactical and operational levels within the MHLM as organisation, and compares the implementation of these features to information gained from scholarly efforts. The application of the mentioned features at these three levels within the MHLM is, furthermore, analysed to discern possible disparities, in order to recommend corrective measures that may provide service delivery improvements by the MHLM in its area of operation. / MA (Development and Management), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Analysing the application of project management for service delivery improvements in the Dr. Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality : the case of the Maquassi Hills Local Municipality / Gwai John Moseki

Moseki, Gwai John January 2014 (has links)
The local sphere of government in the Republic of South Africa is demarcated into three distinct municipal categories. These three categories represent metropolitan, district and local municipalities as, delineated in the Constitution, 1996 (RSA, 1996). A prominent intent of local government in South Africa is to achieve developmental goals and to deliver effective, effiecient and economic services to citizens. This means delivering services through programmes in a manner that encourages the sustained development of local communities. The Maquassi Hills Local Municipality (MHLM), located in the Dr. Kenneth Kaunda District Municipality of the North-West Province, has a responsibility to implement and achieve local government’s developmental agenda through good governance, public participation, as well as transformation of internal, organisational systems and processes. The ultimate aim is to provide basic services to local communities and to stimulate economic development within their area of responsibility. Contrary to this scenario of efficient, effective and economic service delivery in a democratic developmental local government, South Africa, thus far, typified low levels of service delivery to such an extent that many communities were driven to service delivery protests. The locus of this study, indicated as the MHLM, subsequently also experienced protests within the community, as a result of a low standard, or a lack of service delivery. As possible corrective measures to help achieve the developmental goals of the MHLM, through enhanced service delivery the study introduced a basis theory as “management by projects”. This theory or design is viewed as a vehicle for service delivery improvements. The study investigates these features at strategic, tactical and operational levels within the MHLM as organisation, and compares the implementation of these features to information gained from scholarly efforts. The application of the mentioned features at these three levels within the MHLM is, furthermore, analysed to discern possible disparities, in order to recommend corrective measures that may provide service delivery improvements by the MHLM in its area of operation. / MA (Development and Management), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Project management in Southern Africa: a best practices analysis

Haupt, Nico Retief January 2007 (has links)
This study covers an investigation into project management best practices in Southern Africa. The purpose of the research was to determine which of the current accepted project management tools and techniques are seen as critical in the region. It also focuses on determining any external or internal factors that hamper effective development of project management in the Southern African region. The study further tries to determine whether there are any noticeable differences between accepted project management practices in the developed world and practices used in the region. The study was conducted using a survey with a mix of open and scaled questions and was sent out to a number of companies selected because they employ established project managers. A total number of 400 questionnaires were sent out and 42 completed questionnaires were received from respondents. The study found that there are no significant differences between the techniques used for project management in Southern Africa and techniques used in the rest of the world. There are, however, several factors influencing project management development in the region that are unique to the region including a severe shortage of skilled people and infrastructure problems. There is also a lack of knowledge about project management practices amongst respondents and amongst other members of their organizations including senior management. This lack of knowledge combined with the shortage of skilled people can result in serious problems with the execution and management of projects in the Southern African region. / Graduate School of Business Leadership / MBL

Inter-organisational issues facing implementation of project management maturity

Preussler, Rainer Christian 04 September 2012 (has links)
Repetitive project failures or underperformance and ever increasing competition have given impetus for the need to drastically improve project performance within professional services organisations. This realisation has prompted actions to drive restitution efforts to enhance successful delivery and overall project management throughout the organisation. However, the desired outcomes to improve project management processes at an organisational level have not always been forthcoming in light of improvement activities implemented through various changes in operating procedures. The purpose of study is to investigate and identify, from an intra-organisational perspective, the factors required to bring about enhanced implementation and continuous improvements in project management processes; and to determine how they must be aligned to a successful strategy implementation for attainment of higher states of organisational project management maturity. The study focuses on project intensive organisations, mainly implementing information communication technology (ICT), business services and financial related projects. Through the use of a literature review, augmented by a quantitative survey, the perceived impacts and values of the determined factors on project management maturity were gathered. The research study shows that companies wanting to improve project management maturity must steer away from focussing only on certain processes, but must take a holistic view, encompassing a variety of internal factors, ranging from components of organisational learning, to change management and strategy implementation. The identified factors will provide impetus for organizations to create and leverage the drivers, fostering a climate for continuous project performance improvements and ultimately giving them the ability for moving to higher levels of maturity. / Graduate School for Business Leadership / (M.B.A.)

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