581 |
A definition of project portfolio management based on a multiple perspective analysisMalherbe, Daniel Marthinus Van Zyl 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / Organisations are continuously involved in the process of selection, prioritisation and execution of
projects in order to achieve some stated objective, within the constraints of a finite set of
resources. The problem that many organisations face is how to go about making the decisions to
maximise the value of the investment in these projects.
Project Portfolio Management (PPM) is a management concept that facilitates and support the
decision-making processes to ensure that the optimal mix of projects in a portfolio supporting a
particular organisational objective. However, there is no generally accepted standard definition of
PPM. This absence of an accepted definition can lead to confusion when organisations implement
PPM. A well-defined, accepted standard supported by qualifying criteria will thus enable
organisations to make informed decisions about the application of PPM. It will also lead to a better
understanding of the PPM value proposition.
The purpose of this report is to define exactly PPM entails. It recommends a standard definition
that will enable an organisation to understand the use and benefit of PPM. The author reviewed the
many different definitions of PPM from different perspectives namely: academic literature, industry
bodies, popular press, software vendors and consulting groups. A critical review of the literature
was performed to clearly define the concept.
All of the different definitions were reviewed and compared within, and amongst, the different
perspectives. The final definition of project portfolio management is presented as follows: Project
Portfolio Management is a strategic management concept with the objective of ensuring that the
portfolio of projects is aligned with and support the organisational strategy. This is done through
the integration of strategic and operational management levels within the organisation.
An important insight of the research is that projects, and portfolios of projects, can be considered
as change initiatives and investments the organisation has made, or plans to make in future. Within
this context PPM is positioned on a strategic management level within the organisation to assist in
bringing about the change in the correct manner. PPM involves a dynamic decision-making
process (defined in this report) where the selection and prioritisation of projects to be executed is
done within the constraints of a limited pool of available resources. The selection and prioritisation
of projects is determined by a defined set of criteria discussed in this report.
582 |
Project management : is management or leadership ability a prerequisite for a successful project supervisor/facilitator?Essop, Hoosain January 2001 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001 / Is Management or Leadership ability a prerequisite for a successful project
Management and Leadership:
In traditional thinking managers requires certain competencies to be able to plan,
organize, direct and control the allocation of human, material, financial and
information resources in the pursuit of organisational goals. Management is therefore
a technical discipline of applying and administering authority over others, which is
given through a formalised structural arrangement of the organisation.
Leadership is about vision and influence, ie. the ability to obtain followers. Leaders
are also seen as people who communicate effectively, which leads to recognition,
which in turn leads to influence. Leadership is therefore a quality of obtaining results
from others through personal influence.
The distinction between leadership and management is perhaps in the fact that the
former focuses more on setting the vision and relying on softer skills such as
interpersonal skills to communicate the vision and generate commitment and
enthusiasm to make it happen, while the other concentrate on the harder more
functional issues of planning and controlling.
Project management:
Project management is a structured but flexible process for producing a new end
result. Its success depends on the application of a two-step sequence: First plan -
then produce.
Success from a project management perspective requires being on time, within
budget and meeting requirements. However, from a project perspective, a successful
project is clearly one in which the 'customer' ends up satisfied. Optimum project
management success is therefore obtained when both success dimensions are
achieved simultaneously. Project Success is dependent on the nature of the organization (sector, activities,
structure), the nature of the project, nature of the project work (complexity, scale,
stature), but most importantly the personality of the project manager. Hence, must
the project manager be a manager or leader?
The various authors generally agree that leadership is important to the success of a
project because leadership is essentially about motivating people. Also, what may be
characterized, as "managership" is equally important because this is about getting
things done. To get a project started off right, the project manager must become a
leader. However, the style of leadership does need to change as the project
progresses through its life cycle. Indeed, there comes a point in time when
"managership" may be more important than "leadership. Failure to match an
appropriate style to project circumstances can lead to unsatisfactory project results.
Project management style classification:
Having stated that the style of leadership needs to change as the project progresses
we base our classification on the work done mostly by R. M. Wideman, whose
research focused on four project leader profiles, namely:
The Explorer: entrepreneur type project leaders have a vision of the future being
bold, courageous and imaginative, constantly searching for opportunities and
The Driver: distinctly action-oriented, hard working, hard driving, pragmatic, realistic,
resourceful and resolute.
The Coordinator: have a more independent and detached view of their
surroundings and responsive to the views of project team members.
The Administrator: recognizes the need for stability and optimize productivity
through maximizing repetition, information assembly and analyzing, scheduling,
trade-ofts to resolve conflicts and problems, in advance. Although experienced and skilled project managers often find themselves 'shifting
gears' to suit current circumstances during the course of a project, the literature
suggest that it is unusual to find all four traits in a single person.
The study also discusses research done into the availability of people suited to
various roles in project work. The research concluded that the Explorer
(entrepreneur) type makes up only about 1-2% of the population, some 5-10%, are of
the Driver (marshal) type, some 5-10%, are of the Coordinator (catalyst) type and 25-
30% are of the Administrator (stabilizer) "professional" types. Another 20-25% of the
population is probably more suited as "followers". That still leaves about a third of the
population who are most likely uncomfortable and unsuited to working on projects at
If these statistics holds true, then the rate of unsatisfactory projects should come as
no surprise considering the scarcity of people naturally suited for project
583 |
Why project management is not successfully applied in Investment FrontiersLabuschagne, Hermann 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Investment Frontiers is a business unit of Old Mutual South Africa, which launches
new products. These launches are carried out as projects. A major problem is that
it is always difficult to launch new products in the scheduled time and the projects
usually go over budget. Investment Frontiers thinks that project management is not
being applied successfully in the business. The research was done to provide an
answer as to why project management is not being applied successfully.
A literature study was done on the different elements of project management. This
study led to the construction of a questionnaire to test if employees applied the
process correctly or at all. The questionnaire was sent to 23 people being all the
employees directly involved in projects.
The following three problems or shortcomings were identified from the response to
the questionnaire:
1. Scope creep, where the scope of the project changes constantly
2. Lack of project scheduling
3. Lack of training in and knowledge of project management in the business
The recommendations made were to pay more attention to the scope document, to
develop simplified project scheduling techniques for in-house use, and to
implement more project manager training programmes.
Although there were some shortcomings in the research, the result of the research
was positive in the sense that development areas were identified and constructive
actions can be taken to address the problem areas. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Investment Frontiers is 'n afdeling van Ou Mutual Suid-Afrika wat nuwe produkte
loods in die vorm van projekte. 'n Groot probleem wat ondervind word, is dat dit
altyd moeilik is om nuwe produkte binne die geskeduleerde tyd geloods te kry, en
dat die projekte gewoonlik die begroting oorskry. Investment Frontiers vermoed
dat projekbestuur nie suksesvol toegepas word nie. Hierdie studie is gedoen om
antwoorde te verskaf hoekom projekbestuur nie suksesvol toegepas word nie.
'n Literatuurstudie is gedoen met betrekking tot die hoofelemente van
projekbestuur. Hierdie literatuurstudie het die basis gevorm vir die opstel van 'n
vraelys om te toets tot hoe 'n mate die proses korrek of hoegenaamd toegepas
word. Die vraelys is aan 23 persone gestuur. Dit verteenwoordig almal wat direk
met projekte, binne die besigheidseenheid, betrokke is.
Die volgende 3 probleme of tekortkominge is op grond van die vraelys
1. "Scope creep", waar die werksomvang van die projek gereeld verander
2. Onvoldoende gebruik van projekskedulering
3. Onvoldoende opleiding met betrekking tot projekbestuur in die
Die voorstelle wat gemaak is, is dat daar meer tyd aan die werkomvangsdokument
spandeer moet word, eenvoudige projekskedule-tegnieke ontwikkel moet word vir
binnenshuise gebruik en om verdere opleidingsprogramme vir projekbestuursders te
Alhoewel daar sommige tekortkominge in die navorsing is, is die uitkoms van die
navorsing positief in die sin dat ontwikkelingsareas geïdentifiseer is en
konstruktiewe aksies geneem kan word om die probleme te hanteer.
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An investigation into the characteristics of a successful project managerStapelberg, F. D. J. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The project manager plays a vital role in determining the success of any project. In
multi-functional projects the project manager mostly has a technical background
covering only one of the participant functional areas and functional specialists are more
knowledgeable than the project leader in their area of technical expertise. Further more
both human resources and time are often scarce on projects. The project manager thus
needs very specific personal and managerial skills to enable him to operate effectively
in such a high pressure environment.
The study indicates a strong correlation between project manager characteristics
deemed important by South African project functionaries and those deemed important
by project functionaries on a global scale.
The relative importance of a number of project manager characteristics are however
rated exceptionally high or low by South African project functionaries. The most
important "undervalued" characteristics (thus posing a threat to project management)
are; administrative skills, dealing with people and vision/seeing the big picture.
A clear distinction exists between the relative importance of project manager
characteristics amongst different subgroups of project functionaries in South Africa.
Subgroups are inter alia formed by functional sectors within the economy, the
managerial level of the functionary within the organisation (project manager- project
personnel/ senior manager), and the average project duration. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die projekbestuurder speel 'n baie belangrike rol in die bepaling van die sukses van
enige projek. In multi-funksionele projekte dek die tegniese agtergrond van die
projekbestuurder meestal slegs een van die deelnemende funksionele areas en beskik
funksionele spesialiste oor meerdere kennis in hul areas van tegniese kundigheid as die
projekbestuurder. Verder is menslike hulpbronne en tyd dikwels skaars op projekte. Die
projekbestuurder benodig dus baie spesifieke persoonlike- en bestuursvaardighede om
hom in staat te stel om effektief in so 'n hoë-druk omgewing te kan funksioneer.
Die studie dui op 'n sterk korrelasie tussen projekbestuurder eienskappe wat as
belangrik beskou word deur Suid-Afrikaanse projekfunsionarisse en dié wat as belangrik
beskou word deur projekfunsionarisse op 'n globale skaal.
Die relatiewe belangrikheid van 'n aantal projekbestuurdereienskappe word egter
uitsonderlik hoog of laag beskou deur Suid-Afrikaanse projekfunsionarisse. Die mees
belangrike "ondergewaardeerde" (wat dus 'n bedreiging vir projekbestuur inhou)
eienskappe is: Administratiewe vaardighede, interteraksie met mense, en visie/'n
'n Duidelike onderskeid bestaan tussen die relatiewe belangrikheid van
projekbestuurder eienskappe van verskillende subgroepe van projekfunksionarisse in
Suid-Afrika. Subgroepe word onder andere gevorm deur: funksionele sektore in die
ekonomie, die bestuursvlak van die funksionaris binne die organisasie
(projekbestuurder- projekpersoneel/senior bestuurder) en gemiddelde projekduurtes.
585 |
Is management a subset of leadership or is leadership a subset of management with regard to project management?Beukman, Anita (Anna Jacoba) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / Traditionally project management has been found mainly in the construction
industry and the project manager was a technical specialist. There was a
tendency to select people solely for their technical expertise and to emphasize
the hard skills (scheduling, statistical analysis, etc.) In general there was a
failure to distinguish between project leadership and project management.
Managing organisations through projects or through project portfolios
(programmes) is gaining popularity since it is a management approach that
integrates and co-ordinates current strategic business and operational
dimensions. Organisations also become customer driven, which resulted in
an increased demand for project managers with a new style of project
The "new style" project managers have to cope with the traditional criteria of
cost, time and specification to be met as well as more ambiguous goals in an
environment of organisational politics, external environmental and marketing
pressures together with the needs of the stakeholders inside and outside the
Do these "new-style" projects require a project manager with leadership
skills? Do we need a project manager or a project leader or both? Are both
management and leadership skills essential for a project manager? What is
the difference between project management and project leadership?
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What project managers do : where they succeed and where they fall shortVan Rensburg, J. L. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Project management is about the art of converting vision into
reality. Projects and project managers were traditionally
evaluated on time, cost and quality aspects. This has evolved
over time into nine project management knowledge areas. The
nine knowledge areas are also the basis on which project A successful project manager has a positive attitude and can
get the work done through his project team, to meet the
project objectives. The main shortfalls as indicated in the
literature are clarity of roles and responsibilities, planning and
scheduling as well as cost and financial control. Other
shortfalls include procurements and contract negotiations and
the managing of time and budget constraints. The way to fix it
is to put a lot of focus into that area and assign extra people if
you have to. The project manager must still maintain the
balance with the other areas. Proper up front planning is the
best remedial measure to ensure success.
Success breeds success and there are no shortcuts in project
management. Project quality and project scope management is
generally the two areas where project managers are successful
all over the world according to literature. Constant evaluation
is the key to being successful as a project manager. Project
managers must benchmark themselves against other good
project managers to measure themselves and to work on the
areas, which needs more attention.
It is imperative that project managers understand the expected
outcome of the project and what is expected from him. Project
management cannot run without good systems in place to
monitor the whole project life cycle. The project manager
should have the say in the selection of the project team as his
ultimate success or failure is dependent on the people that he
is going to work with. You must plan out the whole process
before you start. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.
managers are evaluated for being successful or failing.
All people have the tendency to favor certain areas more than
other areas and hence they excel in those areas. Literature
indicates that project managers still focus largely on quality. It
is important for the project manager to maintain a balance
amongst the nine knowledge areas. Constant evaluation of the
project manager throughout the life cycle of the project is
important and must be used as early warning devices to
indicate when things are going wrong.
The nine areas include cost, time, and quality and scope
management. It further involves risk management, human
resou rces ma nagement, procu remen.t, com munications
management and integration of all the areas into the project
life cycle. Project managers must have exceptional human
resource skills. Project management is not about managing the
work, but about managing the people to deliver the results.
The project manager must be a leader and is only as successful
as the team he leads. All nine project management knowledge
areas are important, and the integration process must be
managed carefully to be successful as a project manager. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Projek bestuur gaan oor die kuns om 'n idee in realiteit te
omskep. Projekte en projek bestuurders is tradisioneel
beoordeel ten opsigte van tyd, koste en kwaliteit. Dit het met
tyd ontwikkel tot die huidige nege kennis areas van projek
bestuur. Die nege kennis areas, is dan ook die areas waarop
projek bestuurders beoordeeI word om te sien of hulle
suksesvol is al dan nie.
Alle mense het die geneigdheid om beter te doen in sekere
areas as in ander, omdat hulle meer daarin belang stel. Die
literatuur dui aan dat projek bestuurders steeds baie fokus op
kwaliteit. Dit is egter belangrik vir die projek bestuurder om 'n
balans te handhaaf tussen die nege kennis areas. Gereelde
evaluering van die projek bestuurder gedurende die lewensiklus
van die projek is belangrik. Dit kan ook dien as vroegtydige
waarskuwings tekens dat dinge moontlik kan verkeerd loop.
Die nege areas sluit in, koste, tyd, kwaliteit en bestuur van die
omvang van die projek. Verder sluit dit risiko bestuur,
personeel bestuur, aankope, kommunikasie bestuur en
integrasie van al die areas in die lewensiklus in. Projek
bestuurders het hoë vlakke van vaardigheid nodig in die
bestuur van mense. Projek bestuur gaan nie oor die bestuur
van die werk nie, maar oor die bestuur van die mense wat
verantwoordelik is vir die werk. Die projek bestuurder moet 'n
ware leier wees en kan slegs suksesvol wees as die span wat
hy lei suksesvol is. AI nege kennis areas is belangrik en die sukses van die projek bestuurder hang af van die mate wat die
integrasie proses suksesvol toegepas word.
'n Suksesvolle projek bestuurder moet 'n positiewe houding hê.
Hy sal dan daarin slaag om die doelwitte suksesvol te behaal
deur die gebruik van sy projek span se vaardighede. Die groot
tekortkominge soos aangedui in die literatuur is die verstaan
van rolle en die verantwoordelikheid van elke rolspeler,
beplanning en skedulering, sowel as koste en finansiële
bestuur. Ander tekortkominge sluit in aankope en kontrak
bestuur, asook die bestuur van tyd en begrotings. Die manier
om tekortkominge uit te sorteer is om ten volle aandag daaraan
te gee, sonder om die balans te versteur tussen die nege
kennis areas. Ken meer mense toe om die probleem aan te
spreek. Die beste kuur is om seker te maak dat die vooruit
beplanning reg is.
Sukses skep meer sukses en daar is geen kortpaaie in projek
bestuur nie. Volgens literatuur is daar twee areas waarin
projek bestuurders uitblink. Die kwaliteit van die projek en die
bestuur van die omvang van die projek word deur die wêreld
heen as suksesvolle areas van projek bestuur gesien. Gereelde
evaluasie is die sleutel tot sukses as projek bestuurder. Projek
bestuurders moet hulle self vergelyk met ander goeie projek
bestuurders en areas waarin hulle onderpresteer onder die knie
Dit is belangrik vir die projek bestuurder om voor die tyd seker
te maak wat die verwagte uitkoms van die projek behels en wat
presies van hom verwag word. Projek bestuur kan nie bedryf word en gemonitor word sonder om goeie sisteme in plek te hê
nie. Dit is belangrik om die hele lewensiklus van die projek te
monitor. Gegewe die belangrikheid van die projek bestuur span
is dit van uiterste belang dat die projek bestuurder toegelaat
word om sy eie span te kies. Die sukses van die projek
bestuurder hang af van die sukses van sy span. Die hele proses
moet vooruit beplan word voordat die projek eens 'n aanvang
neem. As jy faal om te beplan, dan beplan jy om te faal.
587 |
Determine the dimensions for successful matrix management as applied to project managementVan Vuuren, Petra J. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Matrix organizations still remain a successful competitor in a hyper networked and
borderless world. Matrix organizations are a multidimensional structure that tries to
maximize the strength of a functional organization and minimize the weaknesses of both
the project and functional organizations. It combines the vertical hierarchical structure
with a horizontal structure of an input coordinator and provides advantages in terms of
creativity, innovation, integration of knowledge and responsiveness to customer needs
(Stebbins, Sena & Shani, 1997: 1).
Project managers in a matrix organization have control over three factors: what has to
be done, when it must be done, and how much in terms of resources must be dedicated
to the project. The probable risk here is that the project manager may become isolated
from a technical foundation and loss the technical skills that is needed to manage the
matrix organization effectively. Some of the other key issues in a matrix organization is
the "two bosses" or sharing of authority, the difficult balance between the organizations
need for cost effectiveness and the project manager's need to achieve perfection and
the problems associated with the resources and functional managers' reluctance to give
up these resources. The solution for most of these problems is that the project manager
should have sufficient authority in the organization and the back up and support of top
management. The project manager of the matrix organization needs the personal skills
to effectively communicate and motivate the project team and allow for greater collaboration among differing functional specialties, and political skills to handle all the
relevant stakeholders.
The transition into a predominantly knowledge-based economy with knowledge workers
manning the workstations, the need for managing interpersonal complexity at work is
also driving the matrix. The discipline of matrix management, however, remains more
an art than a science. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Matriks organisasies is nog steeds 'n suksesvolle mededinger in 'n wereld met netwerke
sonder grense. Matriks organisasies is multi-dimensionele strukture wat probeer om
die sterk punte van funksionel organisasies te maksimaliseer en die swak punte te
minimaliseer van beids projek en funksionele organisasies. Dit kombineer die vertikale
hierargiese strukture met die horisontale strukture van 'n koordineerder wat
verantwoordelik is vir insette, en voorsien voordele in terme van kreatiwiteit, innovering,
integrasie van kennis en reaksie op wat kliente benodig (Stebbins, Sena & Shani, 1997:
1 ).
Projekbestuurders in 'n matriks organisasie het beheer oor drie faktore: wat moet
gedoen word, wanneer moet dit gedoen word en hoeveel, in terme van hulpbronne,
moet toegewys word aan die projek. Die moontlike risiko is dat die projekbestuurder
geisoleer kan word van 'n tegniese grondslag en die tegniese vaardigheid, wat nodig is
om die matriks organisasie effektief te bestuur, verloor. Sommige van die ander
belangrike punte in 'n matriks organisasie is die "twee hoofde"of die gedeelde autoriteit,
die moeilike balans tussen die organisasie se noodsaaklikheid van koste effektiwiteit en
die projek bestuurder se strewe na volmaakheid, asook die probleme wat geassosieer
word met die hulpbronne en die funksionele bestuurder se huiwering om dit op te gee.
Die oplossing van die meeste van hierdie probleme is dat die projekbestuurder
voldoende autoriteit moet hê in die organisasie en die ondersteuning van die top
bestuur. Die projekbestuurder van die matriks organisasie benodig die persoonlike
vaardigheid om effektief met die projekspan te kommunikeer en hul te motiveer. Groter samewerking tussen die verskillende funksionele spesialiteite moet toe gelaat word en
die projek bestuurder benodig ook die politieke vaardigheid om alle relevante
insethouers te hanteer.
Soos die verandering plaasvind in 'n hoofsaaklike kennis gebaseerde ekonomie met
opgeleide werkers wat die werkstasies beman, word die matriks ook gedryf deur die
behoefte om interpersoonlike gekompliseerdheid te bestuur.
Die disipline van matriksbestuur is meer 'n kuns, as 'n wetenskap.
588 |
'n Verkennende ondersoek na die belangrikheid van organisasiekultuur in 'n projekbestuursomgewingDu Plessis, Andre 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of the study is to determine whether organisational culture has an effect
on the effectiveness of project management, and if project managers have a specific
preference in terms of organizational culture in order to enable them to be successful.
The empirical research was done by sending questionnaires to practising project
managers who passed a course in project management at the University of Stellenbosch
Business School in the period 2000 to 2003. The questionnaire is based on the
Competing Values Framework (Cameron & Quinn, 1999: 20).
The findings show that different organisation cultures do exist in organisations that
experience different levels of effectiveness in project management. Furthermore the
preferred culture appears to be a combination of clan-, adhocracy-, market- and to a
lesser extent hierarchy cultures (the four quadrants in the Competing Values
The presence of clan culture indicates a strong need for loyalty and support, cohesion
and high morale, sensitivity towards clients and colleagues, teamwork, participation and
consensus. In the tendency towards adhocracy culture there is a need for flexibility,
individual initiative, risk taking, experimentation, innovation and freedom. The strong
tendency towards market culture indicates an external focus with a high measure of
stability and control, as well as a goal and results orientation, an emphasis on winning
and hard-driving competitiveness. The relatively low score in hierarchy culture indicates
a limited need for stability and control by means of structure, policies, procedures and
dependable delivery.
The conclusion is that there is a relationship between organisation culture and the
effectiveness of project management, and that there are specific preferences for an
organizational culture that will, in the perception of project managers, positively impact
on project management. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van die studie is om te bepaal of organisasiekultuur wel die effektiwiteit van
projekbestuur beïnvloed, en of projekbestuurders 'n sekere voorkeur het in terme van
die organisasiekultuur ten einde hulle in staat te stel om suksesvol te wees.
Die empiriese ondersoek is gedoen deur vraelyste te stuur aan praktiserende
projekbestuurders wat 'n kursus in projekbestuur aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch
Bestuurskool geslaag het in die periode 2000 tot 2003. Die vraelys gebruik is gebaseer
op die Competing Values Framework (Cameron & Quinn, 1999: 20).
Die bevindings is dat verskille in organisasiekulture bestaan in organisasies wat
verskillende mates van effektiwiteit in projekbestuur ervaar. Verder blyk die kultuur van
voorkeur 'n kombinasie van clan -, adhocracy-, market- en in 'n minder mate hierarchy
kulture (die vier kwadrante binne die Competing Values FrameworK) te wees.
Die teenwoordigheid van clan kultuur dui op 'n sterk behoefte na onderlinge lojaliteit en
ondersteuning, sterk samehorigheidsgevoel en hoë moraal, sensitiwiteit teenoor kliënte
en kollegas, goeie spanwerk, deelname en konsensus. In die geneigdheid na adhocracy
kultuur is daar 'n behoefte na 'n hoë mate van buigbaarheid, ruimte vir kreatiewe
individualiteit, die neem van risiko's, eksperimentering, innovasie en 'n mate van
vryheid. Die sterk neiging na market kultuur dui op 'n eksterne fokus met 'n mate van
stabiliteit en beheer, sowel as 'n sterk behoefte na 'n doelwit en resultate oriëntasie, 'n
sterk behoefte na sukses en oorwinning en ongenaakbare kompetisie. Die relatiewe lae
telling in hierarchy kultuur dui op 'n beperkte behoefte aan stabiliteit en beheer deur
middel van struktuur, beleid, prosedures en betroubare lewering.
Dit blyk uit die ondersoek dat organisasiekultuur wel die effektiwiteit van projekbestuur
beïnvloed, en dat 'n spesifieke kultuur van voorkeur wel bestaan ten einde effektiwiteit
van projekbestuur te verbeter.
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An explorative research study on Disc® patterns and attributes displayed by information technology (IT) project managers operating within the Gauteng province in South AfricaMynhardt, Ruan 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This explorative research was done on 86 DiSC® patterns, 46 of which were completed by male Information Technology project managers and the remaining 40 by female Information Technology project managers, in order to understand which were the most prolific DiSC® patterns amongst the sample. The research showed that the creative profile was the most observed, closely followed by the perfectionist pattern. This was due to the preference of the Information Technology project managers to operate within either the dominance domain for the creative pattern or the conscientiousness domain for the perfectionist pattern, which was valid for both genders.
Based on the attributes, a pattern closely resembling the objective thinker pattern also became apparent. The objective thinker pattern attests to the high score gained in the conscientiousness domain as well. Interestingly, there was very little difference between male and female project managers’ preferences in terms of patterns, domain and attributes. The research showed that the creative pattern drives quick decisions, the perfectionist pattern focuses on quality, and the objective thinker pattern is founded in logic.
The research does not guarantee a ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution; however, it did reveal that based on the sample data, conscientiousness must be considered when recruiting, assigning or even up-skilling individuals to become Information Technology project managers. Where a candidate shows a strong preference towards the steadiness or even the influence domains, caution should be taken and time invested to ensure that the individual would be suited for the role.
To manage project time constraints, the creative profile was recommended. To manage cost, the perfectionist and objective thinker patterns was recommended, as the focus on quality and facts could aid the project definition and execution. Where quality was a concern, the perfectionist and objective thinker patterns were put forward as recommendations. Any of the creative, perfectionist or objective thinker patterns profiles were recommended for overall project execution. The research also found that based on the needs of the project a combination of the creative and perfectionist or objective thinker may lead to better results.
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Reliability modelling of performance functions containing correlated basic variables, with application to construction project risk managementKer-Fox, Gregory Mark 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Correlation mechanisms describing systematic variations and common sensitivities are critical
contributors to uncertainty in quantitative functions modelling project performance in terms
of probabilistic or basic variables. Current reliability methods transform dependent vectors to
an equivalent set of independent standard normal variates. A simple method is developed for
dealing with correlation in the original variable space.
An algebraic description of the direction cosine (or alpha) for performance functions under
conditions of dependence is formally derived and numerically validated. The resultant
General First Order Second Moment (GFOSM) method for correlated basic variables is
shown to be equivalent to the orthogonal transformation method. Geometric and physical
interpretations of the general direction cosine are developed, with alpha found to be
equivalent to the correlation between a basic variable and performance function.
Corresponding inequalities and normalizing conditions are also developed for alpha.
Expressions for a number of applications utilising the general dependent form for the
direction cosine are derived and demonstrated. The current definition of the direction cosine
as an importance factor is validated for dependent conditions, and conditions established
under which this descriptor is no longer adequate. Expressions are derived to measure the
significance of a variable in terms of stochastic importance and function sensitivity, to
establish reliability index sensitivity to the omission of non-critical items, quantifying
variable elasticity and an elasticity index. The general FOSM method for correlated basic
variables is applied to system analysis to generate modal correlation coefficients between
failure modes.
The general direction cosine is stable for multivariate linear functions and functions of limited
curvature across a range of reliabilities and correlation levels. This characteristic further
simplifies the process by providing for deterministic reliability modelling of performance
functions containing dependent variables, avoiding the solution of the more complex joint
density function.
The extension of the current theory and the treatment of performance functions in the original
vector space develop invaluable insight into the correlation mechanisms driving risk and
reliability. This will assist project managers to better understand areas that can affect project
performance, to focus management attention, develop mitigation strategies and to allocate
resources for the optimal management of project risk. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Korrelasie meganismes wat sistematiese afwykings en gemeenskaplike sensitiwiteite
veroorsaak, is kritieke bydraers tot onsekerheid in kwantitatiewe funksies wat projek prestasie
modelleer m terme van probabilistiese of basiese veranderlikes. Huidige
betroubaarheidsmetodes transformeer afhanklike vektore tot 'n ekwivalente stel van standaard
normaalonafhanklike veranderlikes. '0 Eenvoudige metode is ontwikkelom die effekte van
korrelasie in die oorspronklike vektorspasie te hanteer.
'n Algebraise beskrywing van die rigtingseosines (genoem alfa) vir prestasiefunksies onder
omstandighede van afhanklikheid is formeel afgelei en numeries gevalideer. Dit is bewys dat
die resulterende Algemene Eerste Orde Tweede Moment metode vir gekorreleerde basiese
veranderlikes ekwivalent is aan die tradisionele Ortogonale Transformasie metode.
Geometriese en fisiese interpretasies vir die algemene rigtingscosinus is ontwikkel, met
bewys dat alfa ekwivalent is aan die korrelasie tussen 'n basiese veranderlike en die
prestasiefunksie. Ooreenstemmende ongelykhede en normaliserings-kondisies is ook vir alfa
Uitdrukkings vir 'n aantal toepassings wat gebruik maak van die algemene afhanklike vorm
van die rigtingscosinus is afgelei en gedemonstreer. Die huidige definisie van die
rigtingscosinus as 'n belangrikheidsfaktor is gevalideer vir kondisies van afhanklikheid en
omstandighede is uitgewys wanneer dit onvoldoende is. Uitdrukkings is afgelei om
stochastiese belangrikheid te meet asook funksie sensitiwiteit, die sensitiwiteit van die
betroubaarheidsindeks tot die weglating van nie kritiese veranderlikes, sowel as die
kwantifisering van elastisiteit en die elastisiteitsindeks. Die Algemene Eerste Orde Tweede
Moment metode vir gekorreleerde' veranderlikes is toegepas op sisteem analise om die
korrelasie tussen falingsmodes te genereer.
Die algemene rigtingscosinus is stabiel vir liniêre funksies en funksies met 'n beperkte
kromming oor 'n reeks betroubaarheidswaardes en korrelasie vlakke. Hierdie kenmerk
vereenvoudig die metode verder deur voorsiening te maak vir deterministiese
betroubaarheidsmodellering van prestasie funksies met afhanklike veranderlikes, deur die
oplossing van die meer komplekse gesamentlike-digtheidsfunksies te vermy.
Die uitbreiding van die huidige teorie en die hantering van prestasie funksies in die
oorspronklike vektor spasie ontwikkel waardevolle insig in die korrelasie meganismes wat
risiko en betroubaarheid oorheers. Hierdie insig sal projekbestuurders in staat stelom kritieke
gebiede wat projek prestasie kan affekteer beter te verstaan, om hulle aandag daarop te fokus,
om teenmaatreël-strategieë te ontwikkel en hulpbronne toe te ken vir die optimale bestuur van
projek risiko.
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