561 |
Information technology project managers' productivity and project success: the influence of polychronic communicationCoetzee, Basil B 10 September 2014 (has links)
This research focuses on the role that polychronic Communication (PC) plays in the productivity and project success of Information Technology (IT) Project Managers (PMs). PC refers to a communication style where the communicator switches rapidly between several conversations, irrespective of topic similarity, instead of completing one conversation before starting another.
An online questionnaire collected data from Information Technology workers in multiple industries across the globe. The data consisted out of two distinct groups: IT PMs (n = 202) and IT project team members (n = 122).
Statistical analysis on the dataset considered the perspectives of both participant groups, first separately and then combined. The results showed relationships between:
1. IT PMs’ individual polychronicity and their PC.
2. IT PMs’ PC and their opinion of the influence of PC on the success of the projects that they are managing.
3. IT PMs’ PC and their opinion of the influence of PC on their productivity.
4. IT PMs’ PC and the corporate polychronicity of their employers.
In addition, when IT PMs rate their PC, the rating is lower than when other IT project team members rate the IT PMs’ PC. By contrast, there was no difference between IT PMs rating the influence of their PC on their project success and productivity versus IT project teams rating the influence of the IT PMs’ PC on their project success and productivity.
These findings contribute to the factors that a corporation has to consider in hiring new IT PMs or training their current IT PMs. / Information Science / M. Sc. (Information Systems)
562 |
The dimensions of successful matrix management, as applied to project managementJames, Celeste Claire 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Over the last 20-30 years, the adoption of matrix management has become ever increasingly
popular especially in organizations developing new products and product lines.
As with any new organizational design or structure, problems are experienced. These problems
must be managed constructively in order for the organization to realize the design/structure's full
When managing problems associated with the matrix design, simple solutions can be sought:
• Know what the matrix can do, as well as know its limitations.
• Communicate this to all levels of staff in the organization.
• Ensure that conflict that arises from a dual command system is dealt with quickly.
On the other hand, capitalize on the matrix structure's advantages such as retain more
information, multi-skill staff and realize economies of scale.
The above are "old" management principles, however very sound.
The matrix in itself will not determine the success or the failings of the organization. The
responsibility lies with the management team and the maturity level of the organization. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die implementering van matriks bestuur, het gedurende die afgelope 2-3 dekades toenemend
gewild geraak, veral in ondernemings wat nuwe produkte- of produklyne ontwikkel. Dit is
inherent aan nuwe organisatoriese ontwerp of struktuurwysiging dat probleme ondervind word.
Hierdie probleme moet konstruktiefbestuur word, sodat die organisasie die volle potensiaal van
die nuwe of veranderde ontwerp of struktuur kan benut. Wanneer probleeme aangaande die
matriks ontwerp bestuur word, kan eenvoudige oplossings oorweeg word:
• Bekom 'n grondige kennis van die vermoëns van die matriks, sowel as die beperkings
• Verseker dat alle vlakke van personeel in die organisasie ten volle ingelig is.
• Pas konflik bestuur tydig toe indien probleme ontstaan ingeval van 'n tweeledige
Kapitaliseer egter op die voordele van matriks bestuur:
• Versamel en bestuur verbeterde inligting en inligtingstelsels.
• Opleiding van personeel vir meerdoelige take.
• Meer ekonomiese aanwending van beskikbare bronne.
Bogenoemde is "ou", maar tog bewese en gesonde bestuurspraktyke. Die matriks self, kan nie
die sukses of mislukking van 'n organisasie bepaal nie. Hierdie verantwoordlikheid is die taak
van die bestuurspan en die vermoënsvlak van die organisasie.
563 |
Towards a guide to successful matrix management in organisations : with specific reference to project managementSpofana, M. L. (Merriman Lungile) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Organisations are struggling to cope with the pace of change and the pressure is on for them
either to adapt or die. Consequently, project management has become the sought after
management process to deal with this unprecedented rate of change and for survival. Why is
project management so attractive recently? Is it because of its emphasis on teamwork and
multidisciplinary approach? Of course yes. Its holistic approach makes it very useful in
unfamiliar and risky projects in which information is either scanty or overwhelming. As the
business environment continues to become more chaotic, project management will continue to be
the management tool of the 21st Century.
The use of matrix organisation has been spreading in the last ten years in response to a number of
new needs. It has usually been a compromise between contradictory requirements and
particularly between pressures for a responsive and self-contained project or product organisation
and the greater efficiency, expertise and the economies of scale of a functional or departmental
structure. It has been seen as a way of dealing with greater environmental complexity and as a
more democratic alternative to traditional hierarchical structures.
This study project focuses on matrix management as a structuring tool for organisations in this
century. The literature study is conducted within the field of project management although
matrix management can fall in other fields of organisational development or strategic
A guide to successful matrix management in organisations with specific reference to project management is examined by addressing questions like, why matrix management is
important for project management? What are the obstacles in organisations to the application of
matrix management? What are the rules and guidelines to make matrix management successful
in organisations? These and other questions on this subject are answered. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Organisasies sukkel om tred te hou met die vinnige tempo van verandering. Daar is voortdurend
meer druk op organisasies om aan te pas ten einde te oorleef. Om hierdie ongekende druk op
verandering en oorlewing te verwerk, het projekbestuur 'n gesogte bestuursproses geword. Is dit
omdat projekbestuur klem lê op spanwerk en multi-dissiplinêre benadering? Die antwoord is
vanselfsprekend ja. Die holistiese benadering van projekbestuur maak dit toepaslik in ongewone
en riskante projekte waar informasie kan wissel tussen uiters skaars of oorweldigend baie. Soos
wat die sake-omgewing meer chaoties word, behoort projekbestuur sy status as die
bestuurstegniek van die 21 ste eeu voort te sit.
Die aanwending van die matriksorganisasie het in die laaste tien jaar, in antwoord of verskeie
nuwe behoeftes, uitgebrei. Die organisasie-tipe is normaalweg 'n kompromis tussen teenstrydige
vereistes, en in besonder tussen die druk vir 'n lewenskragtige en selfonderhoudende projek- of
produkorganisasie, en die groter doeltreffendheid, kundigheid, en ekonomieë van skaal van 'n
funksionele of departementele struktuur. Die word gesien as 'n manier om met meer komplekse
omgewings oor die weg te kom, en ook as 'n meer demokratiese alternatief tot die klassieke
hierargiese struktuur.
Hierdie studie-projek fokus op matrikbestuur as 'n tegniek van die organisasie-ontwerp vir
hierdie nuwe eeu. Die literatuurstudie word beperk tot die veld van projekbestuur, alhoewel daar
ook in ander studievelde van organisasie-ontwikkeling of strategiese bestuur aandag aan
matrikbestuur gegee word. 'n Riglyn vir suksesvolle matriksbestuur in organisasies, met spesifieke verwysing na
projekbestuur, word ondersoek deur seker pertinente vrae te vra. Waarom is matriksbestuur
belangrik vir projekbestuur? Watter struikelblokke is daar in organisasies met betrekking tot die
toepassing van matriksbestuur? Wat is die reëls en riglyne vir die suksessvolle aanwending van
matriksbestuur in organisasies? Antwoorde op hierdie, en ander soortgelyke vrae rondom die
onderwerp, word met hierdie studie verskaf.
564 |
Towards an understanding of the authority gap in project managementNorris, Anthony (Anthony Deon) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to establish an understanding of the authority gap in current project
management practices. The research took the form of a literature review on the topics related to
authority relations in general, and authority relations in project management.
The study begins by analysing authority and it becomes apparent that while most people
intuitively understand what authority means, it is a complex subject that cannot be explored
completely within the limitations of this study. However, an overview of authority, and the
authority relations that exist between people are presented. Factors such as politics, power and
influence determine authority relations between people, and these factors are explored to
establish the connection between them and authority. It is seen from the literature review that
people can use their influence over people to gain a power base where no formal power base
existed. It is shown that it is possible for people to build up a number of power bases using
various influence techniques.
The study continues by discussing the evolution of project management and the concept of
organisational culture respectively. Project management in the 1960's was vastly different from
current project management practices. This is mainly due to modem organisations using project
management as a strategic tool in order to decrease research and development time, and serve
customers better. It is seen that matrix management is widely used in modem project
management and that the culture of an organisation is an important factor to consider when
organisations are implementing project management. The penultimate chapter describes the authority relations specific to project management, and
how organisational politics have a pivotal role in project management. It is shown that politics is
an inevitable part of project management, and that project managers need to be astute political
players in order to bridge the authority gap.
The final chapter gives the conclusion and recommendations of the study. The main conclusion
reached is that the authority gap still exists in current project management practices, thus human
relations and organisation politics are playing a major role in project management. Project
managers need to be astute political players and develop various forms of authority in order to
ensure project success.
A series of recommendations is given to organizations and project managers, which will assist in
closing the authority gap. It is also recommended that empirical research be carried out in order
to practically define the authority gap. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie was om insig te kry in die gesagsgaping in huidige praktyke in
projekbestuur. Die narvorsing is gegrond op 'n literatuuroorsig van die onderwerpe wat
betrekking het op gesagsverhoudings oor die algemeen, en gesagsverhoudings in projekbestuur.
Die studie begin met 'n ontleding van gesag, en dit blyk duidelik dat hoewel die meeste mense 'n
intuïtiewe begrip het van wat gesag beteken, dit 'n komplekse onderwerp is wat nie volledig
binne die beperkings van hierdie studie ondersoek kan word nie. 'n Oorsig oor gesag en die
gesagsverhoudings wat tussen mense bestaan, word egter aangebied. Faktore soos politiek, mag
en invloed bepaal gesagsverhoudings tussen mense en word hier ondersoek om die verband
tussen hierdie faktore en gesag vas te stel. Die literatuuroorsig toon dat mense hulle invloed oor
ander kan inspan om 'n magsbasis te bekom waar daar nie 'n formele magsbasis bestaan nie.
Daar word getoon dat dit vir mense moontlik is om 'n hele aantal magsbasisse te bou deur die
gebruik van verskeie beïnvloedingstegnieke.
Die studie bespreek voorts die ewolusie van projekbestuur en die konsep van organisasie-kultuur,
respektiewelik. Projekbestuur in die 1960's het geweldig verskil van die projekbestuurspraktyke
van vandag. Die hoofrede hiervoor is dat moderne organisasies projekbestuur as 'n strategiese
middel gebruik om navorsing-en-ontwikkelingstyd te verminder en beter diens aan kliënte te
lewer. Daar word gesien dat matriksbestuur algemeen in moderne projekbestuur gebruik word en
dat die kultuur van 'n organisasie 'n belangrike faktor is om in ag te neem wanneer organisasies
projekbestuur implementeer. Die voorlaaste hoofstuk beskryf die gesagsverhoudings wat betrekking het op projekbestuur en
hoe organisasie-politiek 'n sleutelrol in projekbestuur speel. Daar word getoon dat politiek 'n
onvermydelik deel van projekbestuur is en dat projekbestuurders bedrewe politieke spelers moet
wees om die gesagsgaping te oorbrug.
Die finale hoofstuk bevat die gevolgtrekkings en voorstelle van die studie. Die belangrikste
gevolgtrekking wat bereik is, is dat daar steeds 'n gesagsgaping in huidige
projekbestuurspraktyke bestaan en dat menslike verhoudings en die politiek van 'n organisasie
dus 'n hoofrol in projekbestuur speel. Projekbestuurders moet die politieke spel slim kan speel
en verskeie vorms van gesag ontwikkel om die sukses van 'n projek te verseker.
'n Reeks aanbevelinge word gegee aan organisasies asook projekbestuurders wat sal help om die
gesagsgaping te verminder. Daar word ook aanbeveel dat meer navorsing gedoen word om die
gesagsgaping prakties te definieer.
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Demonstrating the value of implementing an enterprise programme office (EPO) : a South African studyLangdon, Neville (Neville Derrick) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This mini study project reviews the experiences of implementing an Enterprise
Programme Office (EPD). The reason for the implementation, as well as the
alignment of the structure and role of the EPD is reviewed in a literature research as
well as an empirical study of eight large listed South African companies. The study
attempts to establish whether the value of the EPO exceeds the cost of the EPD and
whether the type of EPD implemented impacts on the success of the initiative. Strong
. executive support and a formalised change management prógramme are highlighted
as important prerequisites for success. An approach to measure the success of the
implementation is discussed as part ofthe literature research.
The implementation of an EPD is not simple. Understanding this at the conceptual
stage will ensure that the business will not underestimate the size, complexity and
impact on the business. If this is acknowledged, inclusion of a formal change
management process will be readily supported and the level of budget and skills
allocated is more likely to be appropriate.
The strong correlation between EPD effectiveness and the success of individual
projects or projects within a programme, as established in the KPMG Project
Management Survey (2002:3) indicates a strong business case for building an
effective EPD. The mini study project is able to confirm that the value of having an
EPD does exceed the cost of implementing and running the EPD, within the confines
of this study.
The implementation of an effective EPD provides the business with a vehicle to
implement their key initiatives, using a formal process that significantly reduces the
risk of failure. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie mini-studieprojek neem die resultate van die implementering van 'n
Ondernemingsprojek-kantoor (OPK) in oënskou. Die rede vir die implementering,
asook die posisionering van die struktuur en rol van die OPK word ondersoek by
wyse van 'n literatuurstudie, sowel as 'n empiriese studie van agt groot gelyste Suid-
Afrikaanse maatskappye. Die studie poog om te bepaal of die waarde van die OPK
die koste van die OPK oortref en of die tipe OPK wat geïmplementeer word die
sukses van die inisiatief beïnvloed. Die volgehoue ondersteuning van die
uitvoerende bestuur sowel as 'n formele veranderingsbestuursprogram word
vooropgestel as belangrike voorvereistes vir sukses. 'n Benadering wat die sukses
van die implementering meet, word as deel van die literatuurstudie bespreek.
Die implementering van 'n OPK is nie so eenvoudig nie. Dis belangrik dat dit reeds
tydens die koseptualiseringsfase in gedagte gehou word ten einde te verseker dat
die omvang, kompleksiteit en impak op die besigheid nie onderskat word nie. Indien
dit aanvaar word, sal die insluiting van 'n formele veranderingsbestuursproses
geredelik ondersteun word en die standaard van begroting en vaardighede wat
toegewys word, neig om meer gepas te wees.
Die sterk onderlinge afhanklikheid tussen die effektiwiteit van die OPK en die sukses
van individuele projekte binne 'n program, soos vasgestel is met die KPMG
Projekbestuur Ondersoek (2002:3), dui op 'n sterk besigheidsaak ten gunste van die
daarstelling van 'n effektiewe OPK. Die mini-studieprojek kan, binne die beperkinge
van die studie, bevestig dat die waarde van die vestiging van 'n OPK, die koste van
implementering en bestuur van die OPK oortref.
Die implementering van 'n effektiewe OPK voorsien besigheid van 'n medium om
hulle sleutel inisiatiewe te implementeer deur gebruik te maak van 'n formele proses
wat die risiko van mislukking aansienlik verminder.
566 |
A framework for organisational project management at Sasol TechnologyDe Jager, A. J 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Modem economy has been labeled as the "knowledge society". Increasingly, a learning
organisation is one that knows how to learn and has a culture of continuous improvement.
When organisations consider the task of improving project management, they encounter a
wealth of best practices. However, the challenge is to assess the organisation's current
condition and to chart a realistic improvement initiative. A framework for the management
of projects on an organisational level allows organisations to develop the path ahead.
Global competition and the realities of multiple, complex project environments have made
it necessary to consider both individual project success metries and the overall
organisational context. Sasol Technology provides engineering and project management
services to the Sasol group with an annual portfolio of over a hundred capital projects
totaling more than R3 000 million. Increasing demands on Sasol Technology, for an
improved level of contribution to Sasol's strategic objectives, require a holistic approach to
purposely consider the organisational project management capabilities that will
significantly increase the consistency and delivery of successful projects.
Consequently, in this study the organisational project management (OPM) factors
describing such an environment for Sasol Technology is discussed. For this purpose, a
database of capability areas was developed from available literature and adapted into a
framework with 28 OPM capability areas. Using this OPM framework, an empirical
survey was conducted among the engineers and project managers of Sasol Technology to
collect data on the importance and evidence of the selected 28 OPM capability areas. The
essential OPM capabilities and significant development areas towards a higher level of
OPM are identified and discussed. The study concludes with recommendations and proposals on specific capability areas of
the OPM framework for Sasol Technology, towards improved levels of project
management performance and continuous learning. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die hedendaagse ekonomie word gekenmerk as die tydvak van kennisbestuur. Vandag
moet organisasies veral weet hoe om immaterielegoedere kennis uit te brei en hoe om
voortdurend te verbeter. Daar bestaan wel 'n oorvloed van bewese kennis en goeie
praktyke wat betref projekbestuur, maar 'n raamwerk maak dit moontlik om op 'n
organisatoriese vlak die huidige situasie rondom die bestuur van projekte te bepaal.
Regstellende stappe kan bepaal en geneem word indien nodig.
Weens die toename in kompleksiteit van projekbestuur omgewings asook druk op
maatskappye om op wereldwye skaal kompeterend te bly, is dit noodsaaklik om die
tradisionele metings van suksesvolle projekbestuur te oorweeg, tesame met die wyer
organisasie faktore. Sasol Tegnologie verskaf ingenieurs- en projekbestuur dienste aan die
groep van Sasol maatskappye. Sasol Tegnologie is verantwoordelik vir meer as een
honderd kapitaal projekte met 'n totale jaarlikse begroting van R3 000 miljoen.
Noodgedwonge word daar van Sasol Tegnologie verwag om projekte meer konstant en
beter te voltooi. Deur 'n holistiese benadering te volg, wat betref die bestuur van projekte,
behoort die bydrae van Sasol Tegnologie tot die strategiese doelwitte van Sasol
noemenswaardig te verbeter.
Gevolglik is die oogmerk van hierdie studie, die beskrywing en bespreking van tipiese
omgewingsfaktore van Sasol Tegnologie wat betrekking het op die bestuur van projekte.
Vanuit 'n databasis van bevoegdhede, saamgestel uit beskikbare literatuur, en in oorleg met
senior bestuur is 28 bevoegdheidsareas geidentifiseer wat toepaslik is vir Sasol Tegnologie.
Hierdie verwysingsraamwerk is aangewend om 'n opname te maak onder 'n monster van
Sasol Tegnologie werknemers. Data is ingesamel en verwerk om die waarneembare belangrikheid en klaarblyklikheid van
die 28 bevoegdheidsareas te bepaal. Gevolglik was dit moontlik om die relatiewe
belangrikste bevoegdheidsareas te identifiseer asook die mees aangewese
ontwikkelingsareas. Die studie bied aan sekere aanbevelings ter verbetering van
projekbestuur en voortdurende uitbreiding van organisasie-kennis in Sasol Tegnologie. Die
studie sluit af met voorstelle vir moontlike ander aanwendings van hierdie studie in die
567 |
An investigation into project management failureNkhalamba, Emmanuel Silvester 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: As modern business environment continues to be uncertain and risky due to rapid changes in
technology, consumer tastes and international trade that exposes smaller economies to larger
and stronger economies of the world, smaller organisations to larger multinationals,
conventional management approach becomes inadequate. Better methods of managing
business and projects have to be found in order to deal with tough competition.
Before 1970's, very few people ever talked about project management. This could be
attributed to relatively stable environment in which the rate of change was either bearable or
easily predicted. It was relatively easy to use established management rules, tools and
procedures to deal with such changes. However, since the 1980's, the scenario has changed,
organisations are struggling to cope with the pace of change and the pressure is on for
organisations either to adapt or die. Consequently, project management has become the
sought after management alternative to deal with this unprecedented rate of change and for
survival. Project management attractions are mainly its emphasis on teamwork and
multidisciplinary approach. It holistic approach makes it very useful in unfamiliar and risky
projects in which information is either scanty or overwhelming. The need for project
management in such situations cannot be overemphasized. As the business environment
continues to become more chaotic, project management will continue to be the management
tool of the 21st Century. Organisations that fail to learn the new technique of project
managing their business will soon find themselves unable to compete or even survive.
This study project examines through a review of relevant literature and by means of a
questionnaire the critical factors that constitute project management failure. Questions like
what impact can project management failure have on an organisation? What managerial and
environmental factors can lead to project management failure? These and other similar
questions on this subject are answered. Management, especially top management, would do
well to address these factors as proposed in this study findings if they hope to remain
operational in this century. The onus is on the leaders of organisations to ensure that their
organisations are able to compete, grow and deliver to the satisfaction of shareholders and
their customers. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Soos die moderne besigheidsomgewing onseker en vol risikos bly, as gevolg van drastiese
veranderinge in tegnologie, verbruikersondervinding en internasionale handel wat die kleiner
ekonomie blootstel aan die groter ekonomie van die wereld, kleiner organisasies aan groter
organisasies, word konvensionele bestuursbenadering onvoldoende. Beter metodes van
besigheidsbestuur en projekte sal gevind moet word, om te kan kompeteer met gevestigde
Voor die 1970's het bitter min mense oor Projekbestuur gepraat. Dit kan toegeskryf word aan
'n taamlik stabiele omgewing waarin die spoed van verandering aanvaarbaar of maklik
voorspelbaar was. Dit was betreklik maklik om die bestaande bestuursreëls, werksmetode en
prosedures te gebruik om by te hou by sulke veranderinge. Vanaf die 1980's het hierdie
prentjie egter verander. Organisasies sukkel om by te hou by die pas van verandering en die
druk is op dié organisasies om aan te pas of onder te gaan. Gevolglik het dit'n alternatief
geword om by hierdie veranderinge aan te pas en te oorleef. Projekbestuur se
aantrekkingskrag lê daarin dat dit die klem plaas op spanwerk en veelsydige dissipline. Die
holistiese benadering maak dit baie nuttig in onbekende en gevaarlike projekte waarin
inligting skaars of oorweldigend is. Die behoefte aan Projekbestuur in sulke situasies kan nie
genoeg beklemtoon word nie. Soos die besigheidsomgewing chaoties word, so sal die bestuur
aanhou om die besigheidstyl van die 21ste eeu te wees. Organisasies wat nalaat om die nuwe
tegnieke aan te leer, sal gou agterkom dat hulle nie kan kompeteer of miskien oorleef nie.
Hierdie studieprojek ondersoek deur middel van toepaslike literatuur en vraelyste die kritieke
faktore wat die mislukking van Projekbestuur konstitueer. Vrae soos, watter inpak kan die
mislukking van die bestuur op 'n organisasie hê; watter bestuurs- en omgewingsfaktore kan
lei tot die mislukking van Produkbestuur? Hierdie en soortgelyke vrae ten opsigte van hierdie
onderwerp word beantwoord.
Bestuur, en veral seniorbestuur, sal goed doen om hierdie bevindinge te bestudeer as hulle
hoop om operasioneel te bly in hierdie eeu. Die verantwoordelikheid lê by die leiers van
organisasies om seker te maak dat hulle kan kompeteer, groei en 'n diens lewer na die
satisfaksie van die aandeelhouers en hulle kliënte.
568 |
Project management : a study on why projects fail and are virtually always running lateSwanepoel, Johann Franz Wagener 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study was conducted to demonstrate why projects are late and/or
ultimately fail, regardless of the fact that project management and project
management techniques are being used.
A study of literature regarding project failure was done. This was used to
illustrate that human, organisational, technical and project type all play a
significant role in project successor failure. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie is uitgevoer om aan te dui hoekom projekte soms laat is en/of
uiteindelik faal, nieteenstaande die feit dat projekbestuur en
projekbestuurtegnieke toegepas word.
'n Literatuurstudie aangaande onsuksesvolIe projekte is uitgevoer. Hierdie
studie is gebruik om aan te toon dat menslike, organisatoriese, tegniese en
projek tipe almal bydra tot projek sukses al dan nie.
569 |
Project management : hit or miss in the Agricultural Research Council Infruitec-NietvoorbijVan Wyk, Liret 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A study was conducted within the Argicultural Research Council Infruitec-Nietvoorbij, by
means of a questionnaire, regarding the application of project management. The study
was done to investigate and bring forth opinions and reasons why project management
is deemed to be unsuccessful within the ARC Infruitec-Nietvoorbij.
A comprehensive study of literature regarding the successful application of project
management within an organisation, was done. This was used to develop a
questionnaire applicable to the ARC Infruitec-Nietvoorbij, to test the above mentioned
With the analysis of the quantitative and qualitative outcomes of the questionnaire,
opinions and perceptions of the respondents were identified, which should be of interest
to the ARC Infruitec-Nietvoorbij. These opinions and perceptions undoubtedly influence
the dynamics of the working environment and will in future influence the successful
application of project management within the ARC Infruitec-Nietvoorbij. Therefore some
areas of concern were identified which need attention before the ARC Infruitec-
Nietvoorbij can be truly successful in the implementation of project management.
With the analysis of the quantitative and qualitative outcomes of the questionnaire, the
results also indicated that "conventional" project management, as applied to the
engineering, architectural and construction fields, can not without further ado, merely be
applied in a research environment and specifically the ARC Infruitec-Nietvoorbij. The
ARC Infruitec-Nietvoorbij needs to give specific attention to the development of an own
methodology to apply project management in the ARC Infruitec-Nietvoorbij. This
methodology needs to be relayed by means of a specific strategy and policy inherent to
the ARC Infruitec-Nietvoorbij. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n Studie is gedoen by die Landbou Navorsingsraad Infruitec-Nietvoorbij aangaande die
aanwending van projekbestuur, deur middel van 'n vraelys. Die studie is gedoen om
opinies en redes uit te bring waarom projekbestuur onsuksesvol is by die LNR Infruitec-
'n Omvattende literatuurstudie aangaande die suksesvolle aanwending van
projekbestuur in 'n organisasie is gedoen. Die bevindinge uit die literatuurstudie is
aangewend om 'n vraelys te ontwikkel wat van toepassing is op die Landbou
Navorsingsraad Infruitec-Nietvoorbij, om sodoende die bogenoemde persepsies te
Met die analise van die kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe gedeeltes van die vraelys, is
opinies en persepsies van die deelnemers geïdentifiseer wat betekenisvol vir die LNR
Infruitec-Nietvoorbij behoort te wees. Die opinies en persepsies beïnvloed beslis die
funksionaliteit van die werkomgewing en sal ook in die toekoms die suksesvolle
aanwending van projekbestuur in die LNR Infruitec-Nietvoorbij beïnvloed. Daar is 'n
aantal areas geïdentifiseer, waaraan aandag geskenk sal moet word, voordat die LNR
Infruitec-Nietvoorbij werklik suksesvol met projekbestuur sal wees.
Met die analise van die kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe gedeeltes van die vraelys het die
resultate ook aangedui dat "konvensionele" projekbestuur soos toegepas in die
ingenieurs-, argitektoniese-, en konstruksievelde, nie summier by die LNR Infruitec-
Nietvoorbij en spesifiek in 'n navorsingsomgewing toegepas kan word nie. Die LNR
Infruitec-Nietvoorbij moet spesifiek aandag skenk aan die ontwikkeling van 'n eie
metodologie. Dié metodologie moet deur middel van 'n spesifieke strategie en beleid in
the LNR Infruitec-Nietvoorbij gepromulgeer word.
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A study of the project scope management process in Nedbank retailGoosen, D. G. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The objective of this study project is to investigate the scope management
process within Nedbank's retail division.
The scope definition provides a starting point for all future planning and tasks in a
project. It defines all the work required, and only the work required, to
successfully complete the set objectives of the project. Although this aspect of
project management is crucial, many organisations fail to complete projects on
time and within budget, due to bad management of the project's scope.
A literature study was undertaken to determine a scope process, reasons why
scope management fails, and those aspects that are of importance when defining
the scope. These aspects were identified as follows:
• Scope definition.
• Setting of objectives.
• Client relationship.
• Stakeholder relationship.
• Scope change management.
• Risk.
• Norms and standards.
• Project requirements.
Information from the literature study was used to develop a questionnaire to
analyse the opinions of project members. These results were used to identify the
gap between the perceptions of the project members and the ideal situation. The
quantitative analysis identified the following as areas of concern:
• Not all tasks needed to complete the project are identified.
• Changes in the objective of the project, after the project scope was defined.
• There is no process to deal with scope change.
• There is a lack of using norms and standards when managing and planning
the scope of the project.
The study is concluded with recommendations to ensure that all future project
plans comply with the identified process. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doelwit van hierdie studie is om die projek omvangs proses binne Nedbank
se kleinhandels divisie te ondersoek.
Die definisie van die projek omvang is die begin punt van alle toekomstige
beplanning en take van 'n projek. Projek omvang word gedefinieer as al die werk
benodig, en slegs die werk benodig, om 'n projek suksesvol te voltooi. Alhoewel
hierdie aspek van projekbestuur as van kardinale belang beskou word, is daar
vele organisasies wat steeds projekte laat voltooi en begrotings oorskry, weens
die swak bestuur van projek omvang.
'n Omvattende literatuurstudie is voltooi om 'n omvang formulerings proses te
identifiseer, redes hoekom organisasies faal met die proses, en aspekte te
bepaal wat van belang is om te verseker dat organisasies suksesvol is met die
definiëring van die projek omvang. Hierdie aspekte is soos volg:
• Projekdefinisie.
• Projekdoelwit.
• Kliëntverhoudings.
• Verhoudings met belangegroepe.
• Die bestuur van veranderings in die projek omvang en definisie.
• Projekrisiko.
• Norme en standaarde.
• Projekvereistes.
'n Vraelys, gegrond op die literatuurstudie, is opgestel om die persepsies van
projeklede te meet teenoor die ideale situasie. Die kwantitatiewe analise het die
volgende aspekte geidentifiseer as areas waaraan aandag gegee moet word:
• 'n Volledige lys van take om die projek te voltooi word nie geidentifiseer nie.
• Te veel verandering in die doelwit van die projek nadat die omvang reeds
bepaal is.
• Geen proses om enige verandering in die projek se omvang te bestuur nie.
• Norme en standaarde word nie gebruik met die beplanning en bestuur van
die projek omvang nie.
Die studie word afgesluit met aanbevelings om te verseker dat toekomstige
projekte aan die geidentifiseerde proses voldoen.
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