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Řízení rizik projektu v mezinárodní společnosti / Project Risk Management in an International CompanyLesinová, Eva January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis introduces processing of an analysis that is realized within an engineering company that had decided to transfer its production from Nordic countries such as Norway and Sweden to the Czech Republic. The company decided to deal with the transfer without any use of project management and planning according to project management and its techniques. Therefore the diploma thesis is supposed to present how the project could look like if it was done by project methodology. The main parts of project are analysis of time, sources, costs and risk analysis. These are preceded by situation analysis which is resulted into SWOT. Factors mentioned in SWOT are used as inputs into risk analysis. Subsequently the risks are identified, evaluated and the proposals for reducing the risks are presented.
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Softwarová podpora projektového řízení / Software Support for Project ManagementHabarta, Lukáš January 2019 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is project management and description of software solution for project management support. This software solution was also implemented within the thesis. The first part contains a description of the terminology used in project management. There is described project management as well. The second part contains a description of technical analysis and implementation of the web application for project management.
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Implementace Project Management Office / Implementation of Project Management OfficeMajer, Luděk January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis consist of an overal view of the issue of project management and project management office topics. Also its functions and its place in an organization structure. In the first part (the theoretical part) of this work is defined the term project management and project management office. Basic functions and models are described. Next part is contains the analysis of the current state of project management in this company. The aim of this thesis is to suggest each stage of implementation of the project management office and its functions.
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Flexibility in agile projects:contracting practices and organisational arrangementsNuottila, J. (Jouko) 22 November 2019 (has links)
The adoption of agile methods in software projects has been fast. The majority of new software projects utilises agile methods, and they have radically changed the internal dynamics of software development projects. This has created a need for adjustments in the management of software projects. The current literature rarely discusses the early phases of agile projects: contracting and organising agile projects. The literature also lacks investigations on the project management practices of agile projects.
This dissertation focuses on flexibility as it occurs in agile software projects. The main objective of this research is to explore the nature of flexibility in agile software projects and study the challenges of project contracting and management in leveraging agile development methods. The research was conducted as a mixed methods research. The research findings contribute to the emerging literature on agile project management. Secondarily, the results contribute to proactive contracting literature.
The results indicate that agile methods can be used to increase flexibility and efficiency in software projects, but flexibility needs to be planned by projects parties. This planning activity already starts in the negotiation phase, and it is optimally summarised in the project contract. Thus, it is also important that lawyers contributing to project contracts are aware and informed of the business contexts. The traditional project management approach needs adjustments in adopting agile practices. This research reports several categories of challenges faced in adopting agile practices and increasing flexibility in projects. The results also indicate that projects delegate part of the decision-making authority to implementation teams in order to increase flexibility. By taking some of the decisions closer to project implementation, flexibility can be used to manage uncertainties caused by a complex environment. / Tiivistelmä
Ketterien kehitysmenetelmien käyttö ohjelmistoprojekteissa on yleistynyt nopeasti. Suurin osa alkavista ohjelmistoprojekteista käyttää jo ketteriä menetelmiä ja niiden soveltaminen on muuttanut radikaalisti kehitysprojektien sisäistä dynamiikkaa. Tämän vuoksi on syntynyt tarve tarkastella tarkemmin ketterien projektien johtamista. Kirjallisuudessa on harvoin tarkasteltu ketterien projektien alkuvaiheita, sopimuskäytäntöjä ja organisoitumista. Kirjallisuudessa ei myöskään vielä käsitellä ketterien projektien projektinhallinnan käytänteitä.
Tämä väitöskirjatutkimus tarkastelee joustavuutta, joka ilmenee ketterissä ohjelmistoprojekteissa. Työn päätavoite on tarkastella joustavuuden luonnetta ketterissä ohjelmistoprojekteissa ja tutkia mitä haasteita ketterien menetelmien käyttö aiheuttaa projektin sopimusprosesseissa ja projektinhallinnassa. Väitöskirjatutkimus on toteutettu monimetelmätutkimuksena. Tutkimustulokset kohdistetaan tuoreeseen tieteelliseen projektitutkimuksen keskusteluun ketteristä projektinhallintamenetelmistä. Toisekseen, väitöskirja osallistuu ennakoivaa sopimista käsittelevään oikeustieteellisen tutkimusalan keskusteluun.
Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että ketteriä menetelmiä voidaan käyttää lisäämään joustavuutta ja tehokkuutta ohjelmistoprojekteissa, mutta joustavuus tulee olla suunniteltua, jotta siitä voidaan hyötyä. Joustavuuden käytön suunnittelu alkaa jo projektin neuvotteluvaiheessa ja kirjaukset joustavuuden hyödyntämisestä on optimaalisesti kirjattu jo projektisopimukseen. Tämän vuoksi on tärkeää, että sopimuksen muotoiluun osallistuvat juristit ovat hyvin perillä liiketoiminta-alasta ja ovat tietoisia, että sopimus tulee sisältämään joustavuusnäkökohtia tarkoituksellisesti. Perinteinen projektinhallinta kaipaa myös muutoksia ketterien projektien johtamiseen. Tutkimus osoittaa seitsemän pääkategoriaa haasteita, joita yritykset kohtaavat siirtyessään käyttämään ketteriä menetelmiä. Tutkimus osoittaa myös, että ketterissä projekteissa päätöksenteko on joustavuuden lisäämiseksi hajautettu itseohjautuville tiimeille. Kun päätöksentekovaltaa siirretään lähemmäs varsinaista kehitystyötä, voidaan joustavuuden avulla hallita epävarmuutta kompleksissa ympäristössä.
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Propuesta de diseño de una Oficina de Gestión de Proyectos para la Empresa AGROPECUARIA DEL PERÚ S.A.Arias Huallullo, Daniel Alexander, Ortiz Mantilla, Eduardo Alberto, Roque Espinoza, Javier Teodocio 03 June 2020 (has links)
El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo principal elaborar una propuesta de diseño de una PMO que brinde soporte a la Gestión de Proyectos en el área de TI de la empresa AGROPECUARIA DEL PERÚ S.A., con la finalidad de poder atender la creciente demanda de servicios de gestión de proyectos y mejorar el desempeño de los proyectos, dotando así a la organización de procesos estandarizados siguiendo buenas prácticas de gestión de proyectos.
Toma como referencia la metodología PMO Value Ring, la cual brinda un conjunto de beneficios, procesos e indicadores, en base a los cuales se elabora la propuesta de diseño de la PMO.
PMO Value Ring permite adaptarse a diferentes modelos de negocio, partiendo de la premisa que no existe un modelo de PMO ideal, sino más bien uno personalizado para cada organización y que debe estar alineada con las expectativas de los interesados.
Para lograr obtener los beneficios esperados de implementar una PMO, se deben seguir los siguientes pasos:
Primero, se elabora un análisis de interesados para conocer los principales problemas relacionados con la gestión de proyectos de TI.
Segundo, se propone una estructura organizativa de la PMO para dar soporte al área de TI en la gestión de proyectos.
Tercero, se diseñan los procesos que darán a soporte a la PMO.
Cuarto, se elabora un plan de implementación de los procesos de la PMO a corto, mediano y largo plazo.
Finalmente, se realiza una evaluación financiera utilizando el caso de negocio, donde se muestran los beneficios financieros y no financieros luego de la implementación de la PMO. Además de la rentabilidad de inversión en el proyecto. / The main objective of this work is to prepare a design proposal for a PMO that supports Project Management in the IT area of the company AGROPECUARIA DEL PERÚ SA, in order to meet the growing demand for management services projects and improve the performance of projects, thus providing the organization with standardized processes following good project management practices.
It takes the PMO Value Ring methodology as a reference, which provides a set of benefits, processes and indicators, based on which the PMO design proposal is prepared.
PMO Value Ring allows adapting to different business models, based on the premise that there is no ideal PMO model, but rather a personalized one for each organization and that it must be aligned with the expectations of those interested.
To achieve the expected benefits of implementing a PMO, the following steps must be followed:
First, a stakeholder analysis is developed to learn about the main problems related to IT project management.
Second, an organizational structure of the PMO is proposed to support the IT area in project management.
Third, the processes that will support the PMO are designed.
Fourth, an implementation plan for the PMO processes is prepared in the short, medium and long term.
Finally, a financial evaluation is made using the business case, where the financial and non-financial benefits are shown after the implementation of the PMO. In addition to the return on investment in the project. / Trabajo de investigación
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Agile project management in the construction industry : An inquiry of the opportunities in construction projectsYllén Johansson, Mattias January 2012 (has links)
Project management is today a current and highly discussed area. How projects within the construction industry are managed has not changed significantly during the last decades. The construction market, the amount of different actors and the way that projects are procured today has however changed. This has led to a gap between the managerial view on how construction projects should be conducted today and how they actually are executed. This is reason enough to question this conservative industry and look into what possibilities there might be in the future. The Agile project management approach is evolved from the software industry where it has grown and developed through empirical progress. It is suited for large complex projects where it is difficult to specify the product in advance. It is today used in different industries but mostly in the software business where the customer detects their needs through means of repeated tests and improvements to a prototype. This thesis has researched what opportunities there might be in implementing the Agile project management approach in the design phase of construction projects. The major advantages found with implementing the Agile approach is an increase in the client’s involvement. The Agile approach almost forces the client to increase their participation in the project compared to the situation today. It can also decrease the uncertainty and improve risk management. By the use of time management and specific meetings it will also be beneficial for keeping track of the project’s progression and status. / Projektledning är idag ett högaktuellt ämne diskuteras intensivt. Hur projekt inom byggbranschen styrs och leds har inte förändrats nämnvärt under de senaste decennierna. Byggmarknaden, mängden av olika aktörer och hur att projekten upphandlas dag har dock förändrats. Detta har lett till ett spricka mellan ledarskapssynen på hur byggprojekt skall utföras idag och hur de faktiskt genomförs. Detta är skäl nog att ifrågasätta denna konservativa bransch och titta närmre på vilka möjligheter det kan finnas i framtiden. Den Agila projektledningsmetoden har utvecklats inom mjukvarubranschen där den har vuxit och förbättrats genom empiriska framsteg. Den är lämpad för stora komplexa projekt där det är svårt att ange och definiera produkten i förväg. Den används idag i olika branscher, men främst i mjukvaruindustrin där kunden upptäcker sina behov med hjälp av upprepade tester och förbättringar av en prototyp. Denna avhandling har undersökt vilka möjligheter det kan finnas i att använda Agila projektledningsmetoder under projekteringsfasen i byggprojekt. De största fördelarna som finns med att använda den Agila metoden är en ökning av kundens engagemang och involvering i projekten. Den Agila metoden tvingar nästan kunden att öka deras deltagande i projektet jämfört med hur situationen ser ut idag. Det kan också leda till minskad osäkerhet och förbättrad riskhantering. Genom användning av ”time management” och särskilda möten kommer de Agila metoderna också att vara till nytta för att hålla reda på projektets framåtskridande och status.
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Automated decision-making in project managementSome, Liene January 2023 (has links)
The thesis investigates the feasibility of automated decision-making (ADM) in project management from two perspectives - technical feasibility, analysed through a comprehensive literature review, and organisational acceptance, evaluated through empirical evidence. To address technical feasibility, the literature study is used, and it underscores the significance of data-driven decision-making and the impact of advancements in machine learning. Organisational acceptance is investigated with thematic analysis, and the complementary method employed is semi-structured interviews, allowing for in-depth insights from experienced project managers. The analysis reveals that project integration, cost, and risk management exhibit considerable potential for ADM integration, whereas schedule, resource, and procurement management demonstrate varying levels of applicability. In contrast, scope, quality, communication, and stakeholder management are deemed less feasible due to their complex nature and the critical involvement of skilful project managers. As a result, the study advocates a balanced approach to ADM implementation, combining automated capabilities with human expertise. Its contributions lie in the formalisation and categorisation of ADM applications, addressing the challenges, and providing valuable insights for practical ADM adoption in project management.
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An Innovative Approach to Schedule Management on the F/A-22 Major Defense Acquisition Program (MDAP): Demonstration of Critical Chain Project ManagementCasey, Robert James 27 May 2005 (has links)
This multiple-case-based dissertation contributes to the stream of literature on the organizational innovation process by examining Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM) as an innovation with the potential to address an important schedule planning and execution performance gap in DOD weapon system development programs. The contextually different Integrated Product Team case studies in DOD's F/A-22 fighter aircraft weapons system acquisition program are: manufacturing assembly, manufacturing process, test operations, and supplier product development. Rich descriptions of the case studies are developed by the author, a senior Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company systems engineer in a role that merged participant, observer, change agent and champion (POCAC). Analysis distinguishes between Program and Operational levels of organizational structure and focuses on the innovation process through use of the author-designed Casey Hybrid Innovation Process (CHIP) model based on Rogers' stages heuristic.
Substantively, research demonstrates that in key areas of the F/A-22 program, proper application of the innovative Critical Chain Project Management process can generate and achieve development schedules sometimes substantially better than traditional approaches; improper application will lead to mixed results or rejection.
The research contributes to knowledge in the field of organizational innovation by demonstrating use of the CHIP model in the huge, geographically dispersed and extremely complex organization of the largest DOD weapon system acquisition program of the late 20th and early 21st centuries. The research reflects Program leadership's important role in the top-down initiation and support of an innovation, even while choosing (by policy) not to force use at the Operational level. At the Operational level, details show that IPT implementations and results of the CCPM innovation vary. / Ph. D.
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Avaliação de modelos e proposta de método para representação da visão do produto na gestão ágil de projetos / Evaluation of models and proposal of method for representing the product vision in agile project managementBenassi, João Luís Guilherme 15 June 2009 (has links)
A visão do produto sempre foi identificada como fator fundamental para o sucesso de projetos de desenvolvimento. O surgimento da abordagem denominada gerenciamento ágil de projetos, veio recuperar a importância do tema. Os autores da área propõem práticas e modelos para a criação e representação da visão do produto, e sugerem que defini-la seria uma forma de simplificar a etapa de iniciação. Ao analisá-los, percebe-se, porém, que são melhor adaptados ao desenvolvimento de software, não diferem significativamente da prática de GP tradicional e que os autores não consideraram o uso dos modelos de representação de produtos, presentes na literatura de gestão de desenvolvimento de produto, para concebê-los. O presente trabalho apresenta uma compilação dos modelos de representação existentes e, como objetivo principal, propõe um método para apoiar a criação e registro da visão do produto no gerenciamento ágil de projetos. Foram analisadas as áreas de gestão de projetos, planejamento estratégico, gerenciamento ágil de projetos, gestão de desenvolvimento de produtos e metodologia de projeto, de forma a considerar a contribuição da literatura de desenvolvimento de produtos. O pesquisador propôs um método, (procedimento) inicial, por meio da síntese da literatura, avaliou-o e aprimorou-o por meio de tentativas sucessivas de uso em exemplos teóricos. Uma vez estabelecido, procedeu-se a uma primeira verificação em caso de aplicação em laboratório, configurando-se como pesquisa de campo do tipo participante observador. Por fim, apresenta-se o resultado da aplicação do método, relatando sua viabilidade quando comparada a forma tradicional de declaração da visão. Essa demonstração indica que o método proposto conseguiu unir potencialidades dos modelos de representação pesquisados e que ainda abrange aspectos positivos como simplificação e desburocratização do processo. Apontam-se também necessidades de melhoria e temas para pesquisas futuras. / The product vision has always been considered as critical factor to product development projects. The emergence of the approach known as agile project management came to recover the importance of this subject. The authors from this field propose practices and models for creating an represent the product vision and suggest that this description would be a way to simplify the initiation phase. The analysis of the agile vision methods demonstrates that they are better suited to software development, do not differ significantly from the traditional practice of PM and the authors did not consider the use of models for representation of products, presented at the product develop management literature. The text presents a compilation of existing models of representation and, as main objective, it proposes a method to support the creation and registration of the product vision in the agile project management. We analyzed project management, strategic planning, agile project management, product development and design methodology fields in order to consider the contribution of literature from the product development. The proposed method (procedure) was developed by the literature synthesis and was improved by successive attempts, using theoretical examples and action research practices. The method was evaluated from a case study perspective, a first check, using an application in a laboratory case and the participant as observer research method. Finally, the document brings results from the method application, reporting its when compared to traditional way of the vision statement. The results indicates that the proposed method has potential of uniting models representation search and still covers the positive aspects as simplifying the process and diminished bureaucracy. It also highlights needs for improvement and issues for future research.
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Projektų valdymo sistemos modelis ir jo eksperimentinis tyrimas / Project management system model development and experimental researchGolubeva, Viktorija 30 May 2006 (has links)
Project management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to project activities to meet project requirements. Project Management Information System is tightly connected with organizational structure and particularity of executed projects. However the main objective of this research was to identify project management model that would be universal, helpful and easily used with small and medium projects In analysis phase we reviewed different methodologies, project management processes and methods, that are used to implement these processes. For our model we’ve chosen Adaptive Project Framework and basic process groups, such as time, resource management and some other, that can be effectively used in computer-driven system. During research we compared our project management system prototype with existing solutions to ascertain suggested model for its universality, helpfulness and easy use. The comparison showed that our model fits the requirements, though its not the most useful, but the proportion of functionality and usefulness is the best.
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