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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A função promocional do princípio protetor-recebedor e o desenvolvimento socioeconômico do estado do Amazonas

Steiner, Vera Lúcia 14 March 2013 (has links)
Na seara do Direito Ambiental se constata que a função meramente instrumental do Direito, não é mais capaz de tutelar com exclusividade o seu objeto de proteção, qual seja, o meio ambiente. O presente estudo apresenta uma proposta embasada em um modelo que não significa a negação ou rejeição da visão estrutural do Direito, mas a de que o Direito Ambiental passe a dirigir e a interferir nos diversos subsistemas sociais através de mecanismos jurídicos, ou seja, das sanções positivas ou também chamadas “ premias”, com a adoção de práticas adequadas à proteção do meio ambiente, quer seja por altruísmo – garantir o direito das gerações futuras, ou ao menos com vistas ao prêmio, instituído no preceito secundário da norma, como por exemplo, um incentivo fiscal ou um ganho econômico, visando contribuir para o debate em torno da função promocional do princípio protetorrecebedor. Considerando que em nossos dias é incontestável a urgência de se promover a gestão do meio ambiente, voltada à sua preservação, com a colaboração das diversas áreas do conhecimento, neste trabalho, paralelamente e por estes motivos, a partir de questionamentos sobre a reprodução do modo de produção capitalista, com apropriação e uso dos recursos naturais, que tornam cada vez mais complexa a redução das desigualdades sociais das presentes gerações, será analisada a possibilidade de como crescer economicamente, sem destruir ou com a manutenção dos recursos naturais, renováveis e não renováveis, bem como qual o tipo de política pública adequada que deveria ser implementada para atingir tais objetivos. A partir destas indagações, se instaura a explanação sobre o alcance e os resultados da aplicação das sanções premiais consubstanciadas no princípio protetor-recebedor, concebido analogamente ao princípio poluidor-pagador, com a finalidade de encontrar caminhos que conduzam ao desenvolvimento socioeconômico no estado do Amazonas. Para tanto, no decorrer deste trabalho concebeu-se o desenvolvimento sustentável como aquele que satisfaz as necessidades das gerações presentes, sem comprometer a capacidade das gerações futuras de suprir suas próprias necessidades, o qual abrange o aspecto econômico, o social, o científico e o cultural das sociedades, garantindo mais saúde, conforto e conhecimento, sem exaurir os recursos naturais do planeta, sendo que com base neste princípio, a política pública do Bolsa Floresta implementado através de pagamento por serviços ambientais, irão desenvolver suas ações no Estado do Amazonas. / Submitted by Marcelo Teixeira (mvteixeira@ucs.br) on 2014-05-19T13:48:47Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Vera Lucia Steiner.pdf: 5895518 bytes, checksum: d94ea4f0e1ffa151ef91f5423e63a4c1 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-05-19T13:48:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Vera Lucia Steiner.pdf: 5895518 bytes, checksum: d94ea4f0e1ffa151ef91f5423e63a4c1 (MD5) / In the area of Environmental Law notes that the function is merely instrumental law, is no longer able to protect its exclusive object of protection, namely the environment. This study presents a proposal grounded in a model that does not mean the denial or rejection of the structural view of the law, but that law Environmental pass the driving and interfering with various social subsystems through legal mechanisms, ie, the positive sanctions or also called "premias" with the adoption of appropriate practices to protect the environment, either by altruism - to ensure the right of future generations, or at least with a view to the award, instituted in the secondary precept of the rule, eg, a fiscal or economic gain, to contribute to the debate on the promotional function of the principle protector receives. Whereas today is undeniable urgency of promoting environmental management, dedicated to its preservation, with the collaboration of the various areas of knowledge, in this paper, parallel and for these reasons, from questions about playback mode capitalist production, with ownership and use of natural resources, which become increasingly complex to reduce social inequalities of the present generations, we will analyze the possibility of how to grow economically without destroying or maintenance of natural resources, renewable and non-renewable and what kind of public policy that should be implemented properly to achieve these goals. From these questions, the explanation is established on the scope and results of applying the sanctions premiais embodied the principle protector receives, designed similarly to the polluter pays principle, in order to find paths that lead to socioeconomic development in the state of Amazonas Therefore, throughout this work was conceived as a sustainable development that meets the needs of present generations without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs, which covers the economics, social, scientific and cultural societies, ensuring better health, comfort and knowledge without depleting the planet's natural resources, and based on this principle, the public policy of the scholarship forest implemented through payment for environmental services, will develop their actions in the State of Amazonas.

Educação pós-operatória: construção e validação de uma tecnologia educativa para pacientes submetidos à cirurgia ortognática / Post-operative education: construction and validation of an educational technology for patients undergoing orthognathic surgery

Cristina Silva Sousa 13 December 2011 (has links)
A cirurgia ortognática consiste na correção de deformidades dentofaciais e visa à melhora do paciente no sentido estético, funcional e anatômico da estrutura da face. Dado o aumento da prevalência desta modalidade cirúrgica e a carência de informações destinadas ao paciente submetido a esse procedimento, este estudo teve por objetivo a construção e a validação de um material educativo. A trajetória metodológica envolveu cinco fases: revisão integrativa sobre as complicações cirúrgicas; busca na Internet sobre blogs e comunidades virtuais de pacientes submetidos a cirurgia ortognática para conhecer a população e sua necessidade de informação; realização de um grupo focal com pacientes submetidos a cirurgia ortognática para levantamento das necessidades de educação perioperatória; informação dos juízes sobre orientação feita ao paciente; construção do material educativo e validação do conteúdo técnico junto a juízes quanto a pertinência e categorias de avaliação de um material educativo aplicando a técnica Delphi; e posteriormente a clareza de conteúdo foi validada junto aos pacientes em pós-operatório de cirurgia ortognática. Os resultados referentes ao conhecimento da população demonstraram a necessidade de informação dos internautas quanto à: dúvidas e medos relativos ao procedimento, recuperação, alteração da estética facial, arrependimento após procedimento. No grupo focal, os pacientes expuseram dificuldades vivenciadas pelo edema facial e parestesia, discutiram tempo de recuperação da cirurgia, questões de autoimagem, resultados estéticos e propuseram melhor momento para entrega do material. Na primeira rodada da técnica Delphi, os juízes citaram orientações pertinentes ao período perioperatório, destacando-se: higiene oral, parestesia, edema facial, dificuldade respiratória e mastigatória, alteração da voz e movimentos musculares pós-operatórios e dieta liquida. A segunda rodada da técnica Delphi consistiu na avaliação do material educativo pelos juízes, que resultou 38,2% (84) concordo e 61,3% (135) concordo totalmente para as seis categorias do instrumento. Realizadas as correções sugeridas pelos juízes um novo material foi submetido à avaliação na terceira rodada da técnica Delphi e obtidos 30,9% (68) concordo e 68,6% (151) concordo totalmente, dando como finalizado esta fase. Submetido ao paciente para avaliar compreensão, obteve-se 33,8% (176) concordo e 59,6% (310) concordo totalmente, sem sugestões para alterações do texto e foi mantido o material apresentado. Conclui-se que a construção do material educativo é um processo que envolve profissionais e público alvo para alcançar níveis elevados de aceitação e aderência do material, sendo que este deve ser utilizado como forma complementar de orientação ao paciente. / The orthognathic surgery consists of correcting dental facial deformities and aims to improve esthetical, functional and anatomical features of the structure of the patients face. Given the increased prevalence of this surgical modality and a lack of information available to patients undergoing this procedure, this study presents the construction and validation of educational material. The methodological trajectory involved five phases: integrative review on surgical complications; search on the internet on blogs and virtual communities of patients undergoing orthognathic surgeries aiming to know the population and its need of information; a focal group with patients undergoing the procedure to identify the need of perioperative education; experts information concerning guidance provided to patients; construction of educational material and validation of technical content by experts concerning the relevance and categories of validation of education material using the Delphi technique; clarity of content was validated with patients in the postoperative period. The results concerning knowledge of the population show the need to inform Internet users about doubts and fear related to the procedure, recovery, changes in facial esthetics, regret after the procedure. Patients exposed in the focal group the difficulties experienced given the facial edema and paresthesia, discussed time of surgery recovery, self-image issues, aesthetical results and suggested the most opportune time to provide the material. In the first round of the Delphi technique, experts cited guidance related to the perioperative period and the following stood out: oral care, paresthesia, facial edema, difficulty breathing and chewing, changes in voice and muscle movements after the surgery and liquid diet. The second round of the Delphi technique consisted of the evaluation of the educational material by experts: 38.2% (84) agreed and 61.3% (135) totally agreed with the instruments six categories. The material with the corrections suggested by the experts was submitted to evaluation in the third round of the Delphi technique and 30.9% (68) agreed and 68.6% totally agreed with it and this phase was completed. When the instrument was submitted to patients to evaluate understanding, 33.8% (176) agreed and 59.6% (310) totally agreed; no suggestions to change the text were suggested and this was considered the final version. The conclusion is that the construction of educational material is a process that involves professionals and the target public to achieve high levels of acceptance and adherence to material, which should be used as an adjuvant to guidance provided to patients.

A inter-relaÃÃo entre a metafunÃÃo composicional e o dispositivo argumentativo na construÃÃo da persuasÃo em e-mails promocionais / The relation between argumetative device and composition metafunction in the persuasion construction of the promotional e-mail

Maria CilÃnia de Sousa Caldas 19 December 2014 (has links)
Esta pesquisa analisa a inter-relaÃÃo entre a linguagem verbal e a linguagem nÃo verbal na construÃÃo da persuasÃo nos e-mails promocionais. Para verificar essa junÃÃo entre os textos verbal e visual, fizemos uso de duas teorias que concebem o ato de linguagem como um reflexo das prÃticas culturais e sociais dos sujeitos de uma coletividade, em determinada situaÃÃo de comunicaÃÃo: a multimodalidade (KRESS; VAN LEEUWEN, 2006) e a semiolinguÃstica (PATRICK CHARAUDEAU, 2008). No desenvolvimento da pesquisa, realizamos o seguinte processo: a) anÃlise do dispositivo argumentativo (proposta, proposiÃÃo e persuasÃo) na linguagem verbal e visual, na construÃÃo da persuasÃo dos e-mails promocionais: b) verificaÃÃo da ocasional sobreposiÃÃo dos elementos que configuram o dispositivo argumentativo: c) anÃlise do significado composicional (dado/novo, ideal/real), saliÃncia e framing, no sentido de verificar como o gÃnero promocional estabelece tÃcnicas para persuadir o leitor/provÃvel consumidor. Para a anÃlise do objeto de estudo, selecionamos uma amostra de 30 e-mails promocionais do site de compra coletiva Peixe Urbano, coletados diretamente na caixa de entrada de e-mails, entre os meses de julho de 2013 e julho de 2014. Na verificaÃÃo dos resultados, constatou-se que os elementos colocados em cena tÃm o objetivo de persuadir o leitor/provÃvel consumidor e que o dispositivo argumentativo (CHARAUDEAU, 2008) à recorrente em toda a amostra analisada. Verificamos que a proposta, proposiÃÃo e persuasÃo sÃo recorrentes em todos os e-mails promocionais que analisamos. AlÃm disso, observamos que a composiÃÃo do dispositivo argumentativo ocorre com mais evidÃncia na linguagem verbal, e que a inter-relaÃÃo entre as duas linguagens contribui para atestar sistemÃticas sobreposiÃÃes entre os elementos na estrutura do e-mail promocional. Sobre o significado composicional, notamos que os valores informacionais ideal/real sÃo predominantes em toda a amostra, no sentido de que o ideal, que veicula a âpromessaâ, e o real, que conduz ao produto em si, agregam maior apelo persuasivo. Em relaÃÃo à saliÃncia, percebemos que a imagem à o item mais evidente na conduÃÃo do leitor à persuasÃo. O framing, por sua vez, evidencia a conexÃo ou desconexÃo entre os elementos, seja pelos espaÃos vazios ou repetiÃÃo de cores e formas. Em suma, os dados sinalizam que a inter-relaÃÃo entre a linguagem verbal e nÃo verbal à indissociÃvel na estrutura do e-mail promocional, porque, juntas, elas desenvolvem efeitos de sentido que conduzem o leitor à persuasÃo. / This research examines the relation between verbal and nonverbal language in the persuasion construction of the promotional e-mail. To verify this link between verbal and nonverbal texts, we used two theories that conceive the act of language as a reflex of the social and cultural practices of a collectiveness subjects, in particular communication situation: multimodality (KRESS; VAN LEEUWEN, 2006) and semiolinguistics (CHARAUDEAU, 2008). In the development research, we realized the following process: a) analysis of argumentative device (proposal, proposition and persuasion) in the verbal and visual persuasion construction of the promotional e-mail; b) verification of casual overlap of the elements that configure the argumentative device; c) analysis of the meaning of composition (given/new, ideal/real), salience and framing to verify how the promotional genre provides techniques to persuade the reader/probable consumer. For the analysis of the study subject, we chose a 30 e-mails sample of the Peixe Urbano collective shopping site, directly collected in inbox emails, between 2013 July and 2014 July. In the survey results, we established that showed elements are used to persuade the reader/probable consumer and that argumentative device (CHARAUDEAU, 2008) is recurring in all analyzed sample. We verified that proposal, proposition and persuasion are recurrent in all promotional e-mails analyzed. In addition, we observed that the composition of argumentative device is most frequent in verbal language, and that relation between verbal and nonverbal language contribute to demonstrate systematic overlaps between the elements in the promotional e-mail structure. About the composition meaning, we noticed that ideal/real information values predominate in the entire sample, in the sense of the ideal, that manage âpromiseâ, and the real that manage the product itself join greater persuasive appeal. In relation to salience, we realized image is the most evident item to persuade the reader. In its turn, framing shows connection or disconnection between the elements, be it through empty spaces or successive colours and forms between them. In brief, results indicate an inseparable relation verbal/nonverbal language in the promotional e-mail structure, because, joined, they develop meaning effects that usher reader to the persuasion.

A função promocional do princípio protetor-recebedor e o desenvolvimento socioeconômico do estado do Amazonas

Steiner, Vera Lúcia 14 March 2013 (has links)
Na seara do Direito Ambiental se constata que a função meramente instrumental do Direito, não é mais capaz de tutelar com exclusividade o seu objeto de proteção, qual seja, o meio ambiente. O presente estudo apresenta uma proposta embasada em um modelo que não significa a negação ou rejeição da visão estrutural do Direito, mas a de que o Direito Ambiental passe a dirigir e a interferir nos diversos subsistemas sociais através de mecanismos jurídicos, ou seja, das sanções positivas ou também chamadas “ premias”, com a adoção de práticas adequadas à proteção do meio ambiente, quer seja por altruísmo – garantir o direito das gerações futuras, ou ao menos com vistas ao prêmio, instituído no preceito secundário da norma, como por exemplo, um incentivo fiscal ou um ganho econômico, visando contribuir para o debate em torno da função promocional do princípio protetorrecebedor. Considerando que em nossos dias é incontestável a urgência de se promover a gestão do meio ambiente, voltada à sua preservação, com a colaboração das diversas áreas do conhecimento, neste trabalho, paralelamente e por estes motivos, a partir de questionamentos sobre a reprodução do modo de produção capitalista, com apropriação e uso dos recursos naturais, que tornam cada vez mais complexa a redução das desigualdades sociais das presentes gerações, será analisada a possibilidade de como crescer economicamente, sem destruir ou com a manutenção dos recursos naturais, renováveis e não renováveis, bem como qual o tipo de política pública adequada que deveria ser implementada para atingir tais objetivos. A partir destas indagações, se instaura a explanação sobre o alcance e os resultados da aplicação das sanções premiais consubstanciadas no princípio protetor-recebedor, concebido analogamente ao princípio poluidor-pagador, com a finalidade de encontrar caminhos que conduzam ao desenvolvimento socioeconômico no estado do Amazonas. Para tanto, no decorrer deste trabalho concebeu-se o desenvolvimento sustentável como aquele que satisfaz as necessidades das gerações presentes, sem comprometer a capacidade das gerações futuras de suprir suas próprias necessidades, o qual abrange o aspecto econômico, o social, o científico e o cultural das sociedades, garantindo mais saúde, conforto e conhecimento, sem exaurir os recursos naturais do planeta, sendo que com base neste princípio, a política pública do Bolsa Floresta implementado através de pagamento por serviços ambientais, irão desenvolver suas ações no Estado do Amazonas. / In the area of Environmental Law notes that the function is merely instrumental law, is no longer able to protect its exclusive object of protection, namely the environment. This study presents a proposal grounded in a model that does not mean the denial or rejection of the structural view of the law, but that law Environmental pass the driving and interfering with various social subsystems through legal mechanisms, ie, the positive sanctions or also called "premias" with the adoption of appropriate practices to protect the environment, either by altruism - to ensure the right of future generations, or at least with a view to the award, instituted in the secondary precept of the rule, eg, a fiscal or economic gain, to contribute to the debate on the promotional function of the principle protector receives. Whereas today is undeniable urgency of promoting environmental management, dedicated to its preservation, with the collaboration of the various areas of knowledge, in this paper, parallel and for these reasons, from questions about playback mode capitalist production, with ownership and use of natural resources, which become increasingly complex to reduce social inequalities of the present generations, we will analyze the possibility of how to grow economically without destroying or maintenance of natural resources, renewable and non-renewable and what kind of public policy that should be implemented properly to achieve these goals. From these questions, the explanation is established on the scope and results of applying the sanctions premiais embodied the principle protector receives, designed similarly to the polluter pays principle, in order to find paths that lead to socioeconomic development in the state of Amazonas Therefore, throughout this work was conceived as a sustainable development that meets the needs of present generations without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs, which covers the economics, social, scientific and cultural societies, ensuring better health, comfort and knowledge without depleting the planet's natural resources, and based on this principle, the public policy of the scholarship forest implemented through payment for environmental services, will develop their actions in the State of Amazonas.

Designing a Communication Strategy for a Start- Up Company / Vytvoření komunikační strategie pro začínající firmu

Fistein, Benjamin January 2015 (has links)
This thesis outlines the fundamental theory of setting up a marketing communication strategy in a B2B start-up environment. The objective is to design a communication strategy for a start-up company from scratch, providing a detailed outline of the steps required and considerations to be included, based on the literature from the theoretical part. This thesis serves as a practical guide for the creation of a successful communication strategy in a B2B start-up - a topic which has not been covered sufficiently by academic literature to date. In order to design the promotional strategy, existing literature has been used to set up the theoretical groundwork, industry benchmarking and primary research has been conducted, and secondary research has been performed. As a result, recommendations have been formed, which will be implemented in practice. The implications of this thesis' output will therefore be that the suggestions can be evaluated in retrospect.

Vývoj proexportní politiky ČR / The development of the export policy of the Czech Republic

Dolejší, Martin January 2010 (has links)
The topic of the thesis is concentrated on the export policies of the Czech Republic and its governmental institutions that have implemented these policies. The thesis deals with this issue since 1918 to the present, with the focus on the last 10 years. The aim of the thesis is to compare given policies and analyze policies' impacts on Czech export. The policies are scored by chosen indicators that evaluate the effects on whole Czech economy as well.

Increasing Online Hotel Bookings with the Application of Promotional Cues : A Scenario-Based Experimental Study

Nake, Magdalena January 2020 (has links)
Background: Promotional cues are commonly applied on online travel agency websites. The most common cues were identified to be scarcity, popularity and pricing, which are said to increase consumers’ perception of scarcity, popularity and price and following enhance consumers’ booking intention. There is an increasing interest in promotional cues’ impact on booking intention in the online booking context, however, the results are not coherent as well as previous studies have looked only into intention to book. By applying the theory of planned behavior model to measure booking intention, new theoretical insights regarding promotional cues and booking intention should be given. Furthermore, this should help hotel suppliers to increase booking intention on the own hotel’s website. Purpose: The purpose is to explain how promotional cues found on online hotel booking sites impact the relationship between (1) perceived scarcity, (2) perceived popularity, (3) perceived price and consumers’ booking intention, by using the theory of planned behavior model. Method: This study has taken a deductive approach with quantitative data collection methods. By using a between-subjects experimental design, a fictional online hotel booking scenario was created. In total, data from 379 respondents were collected with a web-based survey. Thereby, respondents were assigned to six different groups (three treatment groups and three control groups). With conducting a manipulation check, it was identified that the perceived pricing group did not show a significant difference between control group and treatment group, however, perceived scarcity and perceived popularity did. For the analysis a correlation and regression analysis were conducted. Several t tests were conducted to find significant differences between diverse variables. Conclusion: A positive moderate relationship was found between perceived scarcity and booking intention, when applying scarcity cues. Furthermore, implementing popularity cues, led also to a moderate positive relationship indicated between perceived popularity and booking intention, however, the relationship was not as strongly correlated as when applying scarcity cues. Thereby, implementing scarcity and popularity cues is an effective tool to increase bookings, however, only to a small amount. Hence, it is important to also pay attention to the other factors influencing booking intention and simply using the cues as support to increase the number of booking.

Překlad marketingových textů mezi němčinou a češtinou na příkladu propagačního časopisu / Marketing translation between German and Czech on the example of a promotional magazine

Čapková, Andrea January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with marketing translation from German to Czech. The aim was to analyse several articles from a promotional magazine in order to prove whether the translation process of these articles meets the requirements of transcreation and whether these articles are adapted to the needs of Czech customers and market. The thesis consists of two parts. The theoretical part deals with the language of advertising in both German and Czech and also with the terms adaptation, localization and transcreation within translation studies. The empirical part contains an interview with an employee of the company which distributes the analysed promotional magazine, and an analysis of the articles based on the model of Katharina Reiß. The results show that according to the criteria based on the work of Daniel Pedersen and Nina Sattler-Hovdar, the translation process of these articles can be considered as transcreation. Both the interview and the analysis also prove that an adaptation to the needs of Czech customers and market takes place, even though to a lesser extent than expected.

The relationship between above-the-line advertising and below-the-line promotion spending in the marketing of South African products and services

Tustin, D. H. 11 1900 (has links)
The rapid increase in the expenditure on below-the-line promotions (consumer and trade promotions, direct marketing, sponsorship and public relations) relative to above-the-line advertising (television, radio, print, outdoor and cinema) in South Africa has earmarked a new era of integrated marketing communication strategies across all sectors. Ultimately, this strategic shift has brought about a need to better understand the relationship between above-the-line advertising and below-the-line promotions and to measure the impact of such changes on company sales/profits over the long-term. In the research undertaken amongst 250 senior marketing, brand and product managers of South African brand-owned companies, the relationship between above-the-line advertising and below-the-line promotions in the marketing of South African products and services was investigated across six different economic sectors. It was evident from the findings that most brand-owned companies currently integrate above-the-line advertising and below-the-line promotion activities. The study shows that most brand-owned companies in South Africa combine press, radio and television (above-the-line) with consumer promotions (below-the-line). The most frequently used above-the-line advertising medium is television, which is also seen as the most important mode to support long-term brand building amongst consumers. In turn, print is regarded as the most important above-the-line mode to support trade franchise building. Most frequently used below-the-line modes include direct marketing and public relations. Direct mail and cooperative advertising are seen as the most important below-the-line consumer and trade franchise building modes respectively. Although marketing communication expenditure is positively skewed towards above-the-line adverstising, most recent trends show a gradual increase in the use of below-the-line promotions. To prevent a brand's sales/profits from decreasing over the long-term due to too high below-the-line promotional expenditure, the study encourages a sound balance between above-the-line advertising and below-the-line promotions. Although the ideal ratio of above-the-line advertising to below-the-line promotions is related to the nature of the product and service being marketed, the extent of competitive activity in the market and the frequency of purchase, amongst many other salient factors, the study regards a 60/40 ratio as the most ideal for building long-term brands. On the other hand, a ratio of 35/65 is regarded as the critical point at which company sales/profits may deteriorate because of too high below-the-line promotional spending. In conclusion it can be said that the marketing communication industry of South Africa has entered a period of integrated marketing communication practices which requires sound marketing communication budget strategies conducive to the long-term survival of South African products and services. / Business Management / D. Com. (Marketing Communication)

The relationship between above-the-line advertising and below-the-line promotion spending in the marketing of South African products and services

Tustin, Deon Harold 11 1900 (has links)
The rapid increase in the expenditure on below-the-line promotions (consumer and trade promotions, direct marketing, sponsorship and public relations) relative to above-the-line advertising (television, radio, print, outdoor and cinema) in South Africa has earmarked a new era of integrated marketing communication strategies across all sectors. Ultimately, this strategic shift has brought about a need to better understand the relationship between above-the-line advertising and below-the-line promotions and to measure the impact of such changes on company sales/profits over the long-term. In the research undertaken amongst 250 senior marketing, brand and product managers of South African brand-owned companies, the relationship between above-the-line advertising and below-the-line promotions in the marketing of South African products and services was investigated across six different economic sectors. It was evident from the findings that most brand-owned companies currently integrate above-the-line advertising and below-the-line promotion activities. The study shows that most brand-owned companies in South Africa combine press, radio and television (above-the-line) with consumer promotions (below-the-line). The most frequently used above-the-line advertising medium is television, which is also seen as the most important mode to support long-term brand building amongst consumers. In turn, print is regarded as the most important above-the-line mode to support trade franchise building. Most frequently used below-the-line modes include direct marketing and public relations. Direct mail and cooperative advertising are seen as the most important below-the-line consumer and trade franchise building modes respectively. Although marketing communication expenditure is positively skewed towards above-the-line adverstising, most recent trends show a gradual increase in the use of below-the-line promotions. To prevent a brand's sales/profits from decreasing over the long-term due to too high below-the-line promotional expenditure, the study encourages a sound balance between above-the-line advertising and below-the-line promotions. Although the ideal ratio of above-the-line advertising to below-the-line promotions is related to the nature of the product and service being marketed, the extent of competitive activity in the market and the frequency of purchase, amongst many other salient factors, the study regards a 60/40 ratio as the most ideal for building long-term brands. On the other hand, a ratio of 35/65 is regarded as the critical point at which company sales/profits may deteriorate because of too high below-the-line promotional spending. In conclusion it can be said that the marketing communication industry of South Africa has entered a period of integrated marketing communication practices which requires sound marketing communication budget strategies conducive to the long-term survival of South African products and services. / Business Management / D. Com. (Marketing Communication)

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