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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die ambulante Weisheitszahnentfernung. Indikationen, operatives Vorgehen und postoperatives follow up. Eine prospektive Studie unter Praxisbedingungen

Kiefer, Marcus 12 November 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Zum Thema der Weisheitszahnentfernung existieren zahlreiche Publikationen überwiegend aus dem universitären Umfeld, von denen ein Großteil retrospektiv erhoben wurde. Prospektive Studien hingegen, die sich mit den Komplikationen der ambulanten Weisheitszahnentfernung einschließlich des postoperativen Heilungsverlaufs in der niedergelassenen mund-, kiefer- und gesichtschirurgischen Praxis befassen sind äußerst selten. In dieser prospektiven Studie wurden 330 Patienten im Zeitraum von November 2002 bis Juni 2005 in einer Gemeinschaftspraxis für Mund-, Kiefer und Gesichtschirurgie in Leipzig operiert und nachuntersucht, bei denen zusammen 1005 obere und untere Weisheitszähne entfernt wurden. Der Schwerpunkt der Arbeit lag auf der Identifikation von Merkmalen und operativen Maßnahmen, die das Risiko typischer intra- und postoperativer Komplikationen, die Dauer eines Eingriffes sowie das postoperative follow up unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Patientenalters beeinflussen. Weisheitszahnentfernungen in einem Alter unter 18 Jahren korrelierten mit stärkerer postoperativer Schwellung, Kieferklemme und Schmerzempfindung sowie erhöhtem Risiko einer Wundheilungsstörung. Insbesondere aus der Germektomie resultierten lange OP-Zeiten. Sowohl chirurgische Komplexität als auch begleitende Komplikationen stiegen ab einem Alter von 25 Jahren an. Daher empfehlen wir unter Abwägung von chirurgischem Schwierigkeitsgrad, aber auch der bereits dargelegten Begleitfaktoren ein Alter zwischen 18 und 24 Jahren als günstigsten Zeitpunkt für die Entfernung dritter Molaren.

Die ambulante Weisheitszahnentfernung. Indikationen, operatives Vorgehen und postoperatives follow up. Eine prospektive Studie unter Praxisbedingungen

Kiefer, Marcus 20 September 2010 (has links)
Zum Thema der Weisheitszahnentfernung existieren zahlreiche Publikationen überwiegend aus dem universitären Umfeld, von denen ein Großteil retrospektiv erhoben wurde. Prospektive Studien hingegen, die sich mit den Komplikationen der ambulanten Weisheitszahnentfernung einschließlich des postoperativen Heilungsverlaufs in der niedergelassenen mund-, kiefer- und gesichtschirurgischen Praxis befassen sind äußerst selten. In dieser prospektiven Studie wurden 330 Patienten im Zeitraum von November 2002 bis Juni 2005 in einer Gemeinschaftspraxis für Mund-, Kiefer und Gesichtschirurgie in Leipzig operiert und nachuntersucht, bei denen zusammen 1005 obere und untere Weisheitszähne entfernt wurden. Der Schwerpunkt der Arbeit lag auf der Identifikation von Merkmalen und operativen Maßnahmen, die das Risiko typischer intra- und postoperativer Komplikationen, die Dauer eines Eingriffes sowie das postoperative follow up unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Patientenalters beeinflussen. Weisheitszahnentfernungen in einem Alter unter 18 Jahren korrelierten mit stärkerer postoperativer Schwellung, Kieferklemme und Schmerzempfindung sowie erhöhtem Risiko einer Wundheilungsstörung. Insbesondere aus der Germektomie resultierten lange OP-Zeiten. Sowohl chirurgische Komplexität als auch begleitende Komplikationen stiegen ab einem Alter von 25 Jahren an. Daher empfehlen wir unter Abwägung von chirurgischem Schwierigkeitsgrad, aber auch der bereits dargelegten Begleitfaktoren ein Alter zwischen 18 und 24 Jahren als günstigsten Zeitpunkt für die Entfernung dritter Molaren.:1 Einleitung und Literaturübersicht 1 2 Ziel- und Fragestellungen 11 3 Patienten und Methoden 12 3.1 Patientenauswahl 12 3.2 Datenerfassung 12 3.2.1 Allgemeine Befunde 13 3.2.2 Radiologische Befunde 13 3.2.3 Bildung von Altersgruppen 13 3.3 Klassifikationskriterien 13 3.4 Entfernungsgründe 15 3.5 Prä- und postoperativ durchgeführte Untersuchungen 15 3.5.1 Messung der Wangendicke 15 3.5.2 Mundöffnung 16 3.5.3 Mundhygienestatus 16 3.6 Vorbereitung und Aufklärung 17 3.7 Anästhesieverfahren 17 3.7.1 Lokalanästhesie 17 3.7.2 Allgemeinanästhesie in Verbindung mit Lokalanästhesie 17 3.8 Operatives Vorgehen 17 3.8.1 Entfernung durch Extraktion 17 3.8.2 Entfernung durch Osteotomie 18 3.8.3 Versorgung der Wunde 18 3.9 Intraoperative Komplikationen 18 3.10 Postoperative Instruktionen 19 3.11 Nachsorgeuntersuchungen 19 3.11.1 Postoperative Schmerzen und Analgetikakonsum 19 3.11.2 Sensibilitätsstörung 19 3.11.3 Postoperative Komplikationen 20 3.12 Statistische Methoden 21 4 Ergebnisse 22 4.1 Patientenklientel 22 4.1.1 Begleiterkrankungen 22 4.1.2 Überweiserstruktur 23 4.1.3 Erteilte Behandlungsaufträge 23 4.2 Operationsindikation 24 4.2.1 Altersspezifischer chirurgischer Handlungsbedarf 25 4.3 Einflüsse auf die OP-Dauer 26 4.4 Nervschädigung 28 4.4.1 Traumatisierung des N. alveolaris inferior 28 4.4.2 Traumatisierung des N. lingualis 28 4.5 Eröffnung der Kieferhöhle 29 4.6 Wurzelfrakturen 31 4.7 Sonstige intraoperative Komplikationen 32 4.8 Störung der Wundheilung 32 4.9 Postoperative Wangenschwellung 35 4.10 Postoperative Einschränkung der maximalen Mundöffnung 36 4.11 Postoperatives Schmerzempfinden 38 4.12 Postoperativer Analgetikakonsum 40 5 Diskussion der Ergebnisse 42 5.1 Patientenklientel 42 5.2 Operationsindikationen 42 5.3 Einflüsse auf die OP-Dauer 45 5.4 Traumatisierung des N. alveolaris inferior 46 5.5 Traumatisierung des N. lingualis 46 5.6 Eröffnung der Kieferhöhle 47 5.7 Wurzelfraktur 48 5.8 Störung der Wundheilung 49 5.9 Schwellung und Kieferklemme 52 5.10 Schmerzempfinden und Analgetikakonsum 54 5.11 Beantwortung der Fragestellungen 56 6 Zusammenfassung der Arbeit 59 7 Literaturverzeichnis 61 8 Anhang I

PROGRESS – prospective observational study on hospitalized community acquired pneumonia

Ahnert, Peter, Creutz, Petra, Scholz, Markus, Schütte, Hartwig, Engel, Christoph, Hossain, Hamid, Chakraborty, Trinad, Bauer, Michael, Kiehntopf, Michael, Völker, Uwe, Hammerschmidt, Sven, Löffler, Markus, Suttorp, Norbert 05 September 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Background: Community acquired pneumonia (CAP) is a high incidence disease resulting in about 260,000 hospital admissions per year in Germany, more than myocardial infarction or stroke. Worldwide, CAP is the most frequent infectious disease with high lethality ranging from 1.2 % in those 20–29 years old to over 10 % in patients older than 70 years, even in industrial nations. CAP poses numerous medical challenges, which the PROGRESS (Pneumonia Research Network on Genetic Resistance and Susceptibility for the Evolution of Severe Sepsis) network aims to tackle: Operationalization of disease severity throughout the course of disease, outcome prediction for hospitalized patients and prediction of transitions from uncomplicated CAP to severe CAP, and finally, to CAP with sepsis and organ failure as a life-threatening condition. It is a major aim of PROGRESS to understand and predict patient heterogeneity regarding outcome in the hospital and to develop novel treatment concepts. Methods: PROGRESS was designed as a clinical, observational, multi-center study of patients with CAP requiring hospitalization. More than 1600 patients selected for low burden of co-morbidities have been enrolled, aiming at a total of 3000. Course of disease, along with therapy, was closely monitored by daily assessments and long-term follow-up. Daily blood samples allow in depth molecular-genetic characterization of patients. We established a well-organized workflow for sample logistics and a comprehensive data management system to collect and manage data from more than 50 study centers in Germany and Austria. Samples are stored in a central biobank and clinical data are stored in a central data base which also integrates all data from molecular assessments. Discussion: With the PROGRESS study, we established a comprehensive data base of high quality clinical and molecular data allowing investigation of pressing research questions regarding CAP. In-depth molecular characterization will contribute to the discovery of disease mechanisms and establishment of diagnostic and predictive biomarkers. A strength of PROGRESS is the focus on younger patients with low burden of co-morbidities, allowing a more direct look at host biology with less confounding. As a resulting limitation, insights from PROGRESS will require validation in representative patient cohorts to assess clinical utility. Trial registration: The PROGRESS study was retrospectively registered on May 24th, 2016 with ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT02782013

What predicts incident use of cannabis and progression to abuse and dependence? A 4-year prospective examination of risk factors in a community sample of adolescents and young adults

Sydow , Kirsten von, Lieb , Roselind, Pfister , Hildegard, Höfler , Michael, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich 05 April 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Objectives: To determine risk factors of incident onset of use, abuse and dependence of cannabis in a community sample of adolescents and young adults. Methods: Risk factors were examined in a prospective longitudinal design across 4 years in a representative sample (N=2446) aged 14-24 at the outset of the study (EDSP). Patterns of DSM-IV defined cannabis use, abuse and dependence were assessed with the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (M-CIDI). Potential risk factors were assessed at baseline. Incident cannabis use, abuse and dependence at second follow-up (on average 42 months after baseline) were the main outcome measures in this study. Associations were analyzed with logistic and negative binomial regressions. Results: Using 11 of a total of 56 variables examined, the predictive value of the final multiple logistic regression for incident cannabis use was moderately good (area under the ROC curve=0.78). Cannabis use frequency was predicted in the final model by 18 variables, cannabis abuse by two variables in the younger subsample and nine factors in the older group, and dependence by eight variables (dependence: ROC curve area=0.97). Incident cannabis use was predicted mainly by availability of drugs, peers’ drug use, a more ‘positive’ attitude towards future drug use, and regular previous use of licit drugs, while cannabis dependence was predicted primarily by parental death before age 15, deprived socio-economic status, and baseline use of other illicit drugs. Conclusion: Different factors predict the onset or severity of cannabis use and the progression to abuse and dependence. In addition to well-documented risk factors such as peer group pressure, drug availability, and low self-esteem, findings suggest that family history (e.g. parental mental disorders, early parental death), and prior experiences with legal drugs play a significant role in the initiation of cannabis consumption and the transition to cannabis use disorders in adolescents and young adults. Findings suggest that early intervention and prevention might be improved by better targeted treatment.

Long-Term Follow-Up of Orally Administered Diacetylmorphine Substitution Treatment

Frick, Ulrich, Rehm, Jürgen, Zullino, Daniele, Fernando, Manrique, Wiesbeck, Gerhard, Ammann, Jeannine, Uchtenhagen, Ambros 11 February 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Background: To assess the long-term course of the feasibility and safety of orally administered heroin [diacetylmorphine (DAM)] tablets in substitution treatment of severely addicted opioid users. Design: Open-label, prospective cohort study with 2 non-randomly assigned treatment arms: DAM tablets only (n = 128) or DAM tablets combined with injected DAM and/or other opioids (n = 237). The average duration of the observation period was 62 months. Study endpoints were the time to discharge from treatment and the number of serious adverse events. Results: Both patient groups had a higher than 70% retention rate after the first 48 months of treatment, with similar long-term retention rates (after 8 years both groups had retention over 50%). The physician-verified rate of serious adverse events was 0.01 events per application year among the exclusively oral substitution group (intention-to-treat analysis) during the last year of observation, and 0.005 events per application year in the other group. Conclusions: Because of their feasibility and safety over years, DAM tablets may be a valuable long-term therapeutic alternative. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.

What predicts incident use of cannabis and progression to abuse and dependence? A 4-year prospective examination of risk factors in a community sample of adolescents and young adults

Sydow, Kirsten von, Lieb, Roselind, Pfister, Hildegard, Höfler, Michael, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich January 2002 (has links)
Objectives: To determine risk factors of incident onset of use, abuse and dependence of cannabis in a community sample of adolescents and young adults. Methods: Risk factors were examined in a prospective longitudinal design across 4 years in a representative sample (N=2446) aged 14-24 at the outset of the study (EDSP). Patterns of DSM-IV defined cannabis use, abuse and dependence were assessed with the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (M-CIDI). Potential risk factors were assessed at baseline. Incident cannabis use, abuse and dependence at second follow-up (on average 42 months after baseline) were the main outcome measures in this study. Associations were analyzed with logistic and negative binomial regressions. Results: Using 11 of a total of 56 variables examined, the predictive value of the final multiple logistic regression for incident cannabis use was moderately good (area under the ROC curve=0.78). Cannabis use frequency was predicted in the final model by 18 variables, cannabis abuse by two variables in the younger subsample and nine factors in the older group, and dependence by eight variables (dependence: ROC curve area=0.97). Incident cannabis use was predicted mainly by availability of drugs, peers’ drug use, a more ‘positive’ attitude towards future drug use, and regular previous use of licit drugs, while cannabis dependence was predicted primarily by parental death before age 15, deprived socio-economic status, and baseline use of other illicit drugs. Conclusion: Different factors predict the onset or severity of cannabis use and the progression to abuse and dependence. In addition to well-documented risk factors such as peer group pressure, drug availability, and low self-esteem, findings suggest that family history (e.g. parental mental disorders, early parental death), and prior experiences with legal drugs play a significant role in the initiation of cannabis consumption and the transition to cannabis use disorders in adolescents and young adults. Findings suggest that early intervention and prevention might be improved by better targeted treatment.

PROGRESS – prospective observational study on hospitalized community acquired pneumonia

Ahnert, Peter, Creutz, Petra, Scholz, Markus, Schütte, Hartwig, Engel, Christoph, Hossain, Hamid, Chakraborty, Trinad, Bauer, Michael, Kiehntopf, Michael, Völker, Uwe, Hammerschmidt, Sven, Löffler, Markus, Suttorp, Norbert January 2016 (has links)
Background: Community acquired pneumonia (CAP) is a high incidence disease resulting in about 260,000 hospital admissions per year in Germany, more than myocardial infarction or stroke. Worldwide, CAP is the most frequent infectious disease with high lethality ranging from 1.2 % in those 20–29 years old to over 10 % in patients older than 70 years, even in industrial nations. CAP poses numerous medical challenges, which the PROGRESS (Pneumonia Research Network on Genetic Resistance and Susceptibility for the Evolution of Severe Sepsis) network aims to tackle: Operationalization of disease severity throughout the course of disease, outcome prediction for hospitalized patients and prediction of transitions from uncomplicated CAP to severe CAP, and finally, to CAP with sepsis and organ failure as a life-threatening condition. It is a major aim of PROGRESS to understand and predict patient heterogeneity regarding outcome in the hospital and to develop novel treatment concepts. Methods: PROGRESS was designed as a clinical, observational, multi-center study of patients with CAP requiring hospitalization. More than 1600 patients selected for low burden of co-morbidities have been enrolled, aiming at a total of 3000. Course of disease, along with therapy, was closely monitored by daily assessments and long-term follow-up. Daily blood samples allow in depth molecular-genetic characterization of patients. We established a well-organized workflow for sample logistics and a comprehensive data management system to collect and manage data from more than 50 study centers in Germany and Austria. Samples are stored in a central biobank and clinical data are stored in a central data base which also integrates all data from molecular assessments. Discussion: With the PROGRESS study, we established a comprehensive data base of high quality clinical and molecular data allowing investigation of pressing research questions regarding CAP. In-depth molecular characterization will contribute to the discovery of disease mechanisms and establishment of diagnostic and predictive biomarkers. A strength of PROGRESS is the focus on younger patients with low burden of co-morbidities, allowing a more direct look at host biology with less confounding. As a resulting limitation, insights from PROGRESS will require validation in representative patient cohorts to assess clinical utility. Trial registration: The PROGRESS study was retrospectively registered on May 24th, 2016 with ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT02782013

Long-Term Follow-Up of Orally Administered Diacetylmorphine Substitution Treatment

Frick, Ulrich, Rehm, Jürgen, Zullino, Daniele, Fernando, Manrique, Wiesbeck, Gerhard, Ammann, Jeannine, Uchtenhagen, Ambros January 2010 (has links)
Background: To assess the long-term course of the feasibility and safety of orally administered heroin [diacetylmorphine (DAM)] tablets in substitution treatment of severely addicted opioid users. Design: Open-label, prospective cohort study with 2 non-randomly assigned treatment arms: DAM tablets only (n = 128) or DAM tablets combined with injected DAM and/or other opioids (n = 237). The average duration of the observation period was 62 months. Study endpoints were the time to discharge from treatment and the number of serious adverse events. Results: Both patient groups had a higher than 70% retention rate after the first 48 months of treatment, with similar long-term retention rates (after 8 years both groups had retention over 50%). The physician-verified rate of serious adverse events was 0.01 events per application year among the exclusively oral substitution group (intention-to-treat analysis) during the last year of observation, and 0.005 events per application year in the other group. Conclusions: Because of their feasibility and safety over years, DAM tablets may be a valuable long-term therapeutic alternative. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.

Neue Stabilisierungskonzepte mit Fixateur intern Systemen bei der Versorgung von Frakturen langer Röhrenknochen / experimentelle und klinische Grundlagen

Schütz, Michael Andreas 04 December 2001 (has links)
In der vorliegenden tierexperimentellen Studie wurde die Frakturheilung an der diaphysären Schafstibia mit dem Fixateur intern zur Plattenosteosynthese und zur unaufgebohrten Marknagelung verglichen. Zu diesem Zweck wurde ein neues, geschlossenes Frakturmodell mit Weichteilschaden entwickelt und in einer ersten Versuchsreihe validiert. In den anschließenden beiden Hauptversuchen erfolgte der direkte Vergleich des Fixateur intern zu beiden anderen Stabilisierungsverfahren. Zur Beurteilung der Frakturheilungen wurden radiologische, histologische und biomechanische Messungen, sowie in vivo Belastungsmessungen beider Hinterläufe der Schafe durchgeführt. Im Vergleich zur Plattenosteosynthese ergab sich eine schnellere Frakturheilung nach Fixateur intern Stabilisierung. Diese Vorteile zeigten sich nach 12 Wochen mit signifikanten Unterschieden in den biomechanischen und histologischen Resultaten. Durch die Beinbelastungsmessungen konnte ausgeschlossen werden, daß diese Ergebnisse auf mögliche Unterschiede in dem Belastungsverhalten der Tiere und somit auf unterschiedliche mechanische Kallusstimulation zurückzuführen sind. Im Vergleich zur Marknagelung wurden keine signifikanten Unterschiede in den biomechanischen Messungen festgestellt. In der histologischen Auswertung fand sich zu beiden Zeiträumen eine gleiche Kallusmenge mit vergleichbaren mineralisierten Anteilen. Unterschiede zeigten sich nur in dem Verhältnis endostaler zu periostaler Kallusbildung. Diese Ergebnisse wurden mit den ersten klinischen Resultaten von zwei multizentrischer Studien zur Anwendung von Fixateur intern Systemen in Verbindung gesetzt. Den experimentellen und klinischen Ergebnissen zu Folge, ist der Fixateur intern aus biologischer und biomechanischer Sicht der Plattenosteosynthese überlegen, und stellt zur Marknagelung - insbesondere im metaphysären Bereich - eine sichere Alternative. / In the presented study fracture healing of the sheep tibia treated with an internal fixator were compared to conventional plate osteosynthesis and intramedullary nailing. For that reason a new fracture model with a reproducible closed soft tissue damage were developed and validated in a pilot study on the sheep tibia. In both main experiments a direct comparision of the internal fixator were preformed to one of the other stabilization options. Fracture healing were ranked by radiological, histological and biomechanical data, as well as in vivo measurements of both hind legs of the sheep. In comparison to conventional plating a more rapid healing of the fracture were observed after internal fixator stabilization. Those differences were significant for the biomechanical as well as the histological data after 12 weeks. However, in comparision to intramedullary unreamed nailing no significant differences were detected in respect to biomechanical stiffness and strength. In the histological measurements a similar amount of the overall callus with a similar grade of bone mineralisation were present after 6 as well as after 12 weeks. Only the relation between endostal and periostal callus differed between the internal fixator and the nailing group. Those experimental results were correlated with the first clinical results of two multicenter studies using the new internal fixator systems. Based on the experimental and the clinical results, the internal fixator is superior compared to conventional plate osteosynthesis in respect to the biology and biomechanics, and seems to be a safe alternative - especial in the metaphysis area - to intramedullary nailing.

Hüft-TEP und Knie-TEP in der ambulanten Rehabilitation / eine prospektive Kohortenstudie

Weber, Lars 25 February 2011 (has links)
Untersuchungsziel: Untersucht wurden Auswirkungen einer ambulanten orthopädischen Rehabilitation nach der Implantation einer Hüft- bzw. Knieendoprothese auf die individuelle Lebensqualität. Um zu erkennen, ob Zusammenhänge von individuellen Parametern wie Geschlecht, Alter, Bildungsstand und dem Rehabilitationsverlauf bzw. –ergebnis bestehen, wurden medizinisch-funktionelle und psychosoziale Daten erhoben, sowie ergänzende Variablen durch Schichtenindices und mittels eines strukturierten Interviews erfasst. Methode: Systematische Datenerhebung von medizinisch funktionellen (Gelenkbeweglichkeit, Muskelkraft) und psychosozialen (Aktivitäten des täglichen Lebens) Daten von n=60 Pat. mit Knie-TEP und n=61 Pat. mit Hüft-TEP zu vier Messzeitpunkten (Anfang Reha=t0, Ende Reha=t1, 6 Monate nach Reha= t2 und 24 Monate nach Reha= t3) und strukturiertes Interview zur Erfassung von soziodemographischen Merkmalen, Motivation und Behandlungszuversicht. Analysemethoden: Signifikanzanalyse und Berechnung der Effektstärke (Cohens d) der Veränderungen zwischen t0 – t1 für abhängige Stichproben (getrennt nach Indikation), Längsschnittdarstellung der funktionellen und psychosozialen Parameter mit deskriptivstatistischen Analysen getrennt nach Indikation und Geschlecht. Ergebnisse: Für beide Indikationen ergaben sich hohe Effekte für Verbesserungen der funktionellen Parameter und mittlere (teilhabebezogen) bzw. hohe (aktivitätsbezogen) Effekte bei den psychosozialen Parametern am Ende der Rehabilitation. Die teilstandardisierten Rehabilitationsmaßnahmen wirken sich indikations- und geschlechtsbezogen unterschiedlich aus. Unter Beachtung der psychophysischen Leistungsvoraussetzungen und sozialen Rahmenbedingungen ist die ambulante Rehabilitation gut geeignet für Patienten im höheren Lebensalter. / Study objective: Effects of an outpatient orthopedic rehabilitation after the implantation of a hip or knee replacement on the individual quality of life were studied. In order to analyze the existence of significant relationships between individual parameters such as gender, age, education and the rehabilitation outcome medical-functional and psychosocial data were collected, and additional layers of indices and variables by using a structured interview were applied. Method: Systematic data collection from medical functional (joint mobility, muscle strength) and psychosocial (activities of daily living) data of n = 60 patient with total knee replacement and n = 61 patient with total hip replacement to four time points (beginning of rehabilitation = t0, end rehab = t1, t2 = 6 months after rehabilitation and 24 months after discharge = t3) and structured interview for socio-demographic characteristics, motivation and confidence in treatment Analysis: Significance analysis and calculation of effect size (Cohen''s d) of the changes between t0 and t1 for dependent samples (separated by indication), longitudinal section view of the functional and psychosocial parameters with descriptive-statistical analyses apart from indication and sex Results: For both indications high effects of improvement in functional parameters, mean effects (participatory based) and high (activity-related) effects on the psycho-social parameters at the end of rehabilitation could be identified. The semi-standardized rehabilitation measures had shown differences by indication just like gender. In accordance with the psychophysical performance conditions and social environment outpatient rehabilitation is well suited for patients in advanced age.

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