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Právní režim chráněných území a ochranných pásem v ochraně vod / Legal regime of protected areas and protective zones to protect waterKašpar, Petr January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the legal regime of protected areas and protective zones used to protect water. The diploma thesis is composed of four chapters. Chapter one defines basic terms, a protected area and protective zone, in general. This chapter also contains a comparison of both institutes and their application in environmental protection. The second chapter deals with the sources of relevant legislation protected areas and protective zones to protect water. Chapters three and four are central of the thesis as they contain an interpretation of legislation of each types of protected areas and protective zones to protect water. For individual institutes is analyzed their concept, function, form and method of their determination and especially their special legal regime based namely on bans and restrictions regarding certain activities in the given area. Attention is also paid to various limitations of property rights to real estate in the protected areas and protective zones and to possible compensations for such limitations.
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Markexploateringsfrågor i gruvsamhällen : En studie av minerallagen, miljöbalken och plan- och bygglagen / Land Development in Mining Cities : A Study of The Minerals Act, Environmental Code, and Planning and Building ActMartinson, Johan, Zachrisson, Sandra January 2012 (has links)
Det här examensarbetet tar upp en del av den problematik som uppstår då gruvverksamheten kommer in på tättbebyggt område. Arbetet består av att studera stadsomvandlingen av Kiruna och Malmberget utifrån tre valda problem: en samhällsekonomisk bedömning, miljöskada samt skyddszon mellan gruva och samhälle. Avsikten med den samhällsekonomiska bedömningen har varit att belysa huruvida de prövningar som görs för gruvverksamheten tar hänsyn till de ekonomiska konsekvenser som en statsflytt innebär. För gruvan görs förvisso en ekonomisk bedömning av fyndighetens förutsättningar, men inga beräkningar på hur mycket intrånget som en avveckling och flytt av bebyggelse och infrastruktur innebär. Det andra problemet handlar om rätt till ersättning för miljöskada för dels isoleringen av östra Malmberget och dels randbebyggelse till gruvan. Störningen som förekom i östra Malmberget var en isolering av området gentemot övriga områden på orten, medan randbebyggelsens störningar utgjordes av förfulad omgivning, buller och skakningar samt en oro till följd av gruvverksamheten. De störningar som inte ansågs vara orts- eller allmänvanliga kunde ge ersättning för miljöskada. I undersökningen så kom vi fram till att isoleringen av bebyggelsen i östra Malmberget inte var orts- eller allmänvanlig, däremot så ansågs störningen för randbebyggelsen vara det, dvs. rätt till ersättning förelåg inte. Det tredje och sista problemet tar upp en skyddszon mellan gruvan och samhället. Utgångspunkten för behandlingen av skyddszonen har varit två typer av lösningar: en med detaljplan och en utan. Syftet finns att skapa en skyddszon mellan gruvan och staden som ska verka så att bebyggelsen slipper att ha en gruvverksamhet med buller och skakningar tätt inpå. Vidare så har Kiruna kommuns lösning med detaljplan presenterats. Där har lösningen till problemet bland annat utförts med hjälp av civilrättsliga avtal och genomförande avtal för att komplettera brister i plan- och bygglagen som kommunen ansett nödvändiga. Problemet med skyddszonen mellan gruva och stad har belysts genom att studera alternativa lösningar gentemot en ny detaljplan. Undersökningen visade att det är svårt att uppnå syftet med skyddszonen utan civilrättsliga avtal. Sammanfattningsvis finns brister i lagstiftningen som inte helt och hållet är anpassad till de nya situationer som stadsomvandlingarna innebär. / This Master of Science thesis investigates some of the problems that arise when mining operation enter urban areas. Mainly, the investigation consists of studying urban transformation of Kiruna and Malmberget. Three main areas are studied: a socio-economic evaluation, environmental damage, and a green zone between the mine and the community. The intention of illuminating the socio-economic evaluation has been to studying whether the permits conducted for the mining activity takes into account the economic consequences of a relocation of a city. A cost- and benefit analysis exist when it comes to the assessment of the mine, but there is no calculations regarding the cost of eliminating or moving buildings and infrastructure. The second problem is about the right to receive compensation for environmental damages, when it comes to isolation of dwelling houses or when the mine activities effect nearby properties. The negative effects that couldn’t be considered as common neither in general nor in the neighborhood, was subject for compensation. Isolation of dwelling areas fulfills these requirements, but that was not the case for other properties. The third and final issue investigates a green zone as a protection between the mine and the community. The purpose of the zone is to protect the dwelling houses from negative effects of a nearby industry. The investigation revealed that it is difficult to achieve this purpose without civil contracts. In summary, there are shortcomings in the legislation. The law system is not fully adapted to the new situations which follow the urban transformations.
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Základní škola v Mořicích / Elementary school in MořicíchHuvarová, Aneta January 2020 (has links)
The Thesis deals with a reconstruction of the elementary school in Mořice. The main aim of the Thesis is adjusting the building for an operation of school facilities and recovering into an origin building appearance. The land is in the protective zone of immovable cultural values. It is the two-floored object with a basement, an unused attic, roofed with a sloping roof with metal covering. The use of object will be remained. The building is a part of terraced houses being connected with from the south direction. The project is solved in the level of documentation for the construction work.
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Právní režim chráněných území a ochranných pásem v ochraně vod / Legal regime of protected areas and protective zones by the water protectionZíbrt, Daniel January 2016 (has links)
84 ABSTRACT This thesis is concerned on the topic "Legal regime of protected areas and protective zones by the water protection." Water like environmental compartment has a key role to the existence of life on Earth. That is the reason for its protection. For achieving this protection could not be protected only this environmental compartment, but it is necessary to focus on other ones, which are related to this protection. The main aim of this thesis is to analyse the situation and the ways of ensuring the territorial water protection, to point out the basic types of them and their similar and different characteristics and provide a comprehensive explication of territorial water protection. For these reasons, the thesis is divided into two parts. The first is dealing with systematization of water protection and water protection relationship as a whole and territorial water protection as one of its important elements. This part is necessary for the orientation and the issue of inclusion territorial water protection to the entire system of water protection. The second part of this thesis at first reflects on the ways of promulgation of types of the territorial water protection and then is directly focused on them. The first type of territorial water protection represents the protected area of natural water...
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Dům krátké cesty / 5-minutes neighbourhoodŠámalová, Daniela January 2016 (has links)
The assigned territory is situated in the City of Brno, in the city district of Židenice. From the west it is limited by the railway track Brno-Židenice, from the east by Koperníkova Street, from the north by Lazaretní Street and finally from the south by Bubeníčkova Street. Its area is approximately 45, 480 m2 which is 4,55 ha. From the urban perspective it is an intensive development in a separated block of the city with a protection zone. Total area is permeated by a few lines for pedestrians. The pedestrian zone provides better permeability of the area and better accessibility of the trade parterre. The buildings connect to surrounding development and respect the density of the integrity of the area. Intensive housing structure is regarded as "the city of short distance". The achievement of high density of housing development combines lots of various functions and relatively small built-up surface. While high-quality environment is preserved, people can find job oportunities in the intensive housing development without the need for transport. For achievement conception of compact city applies space urban planning. The shape of the estate directly impacted the principle of the proposal together with the city planning context of the current buildings. In the protective zone there is established a huge park with water reservoirs. The walk-through trade parterre is filled with many various functions, on its walkable roof is created a semi-public zone with skylights and freely introduced verdure. On the walkable roof there are independent blocks of apartments and public facilities. In the northern and southern corner are located public-service utilities and in the middle of this area there is a nursery and a kindergarden. In structural terms the building it is about cast-in-place concrete reinforced frame based on a white concrete foundation which has one underground level and five above-ground levels.
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Studie odpočívky a velkokapacitního záchytného parkoviště pro TIR na dálnici D1 / The Study of the Parking Area on the Motorway D1Šťastný, Radek January 2013 (has links)
The task of my diploma work is the study of the parking area on the motorway D1 near Vyškov. This place will be connected with the motorway D1 between the present exit Vyškov – West (226) and Vyškov – East (230/1) in the direction to Kroměříž. The parking area (the parking place, the petrol station, the restaurant) and the truckpark will be designed with the reason of the high intensity of cars and lorries on the motorway D1 and with the reason of the lack of the parking places for the lorries.
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