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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Diacylglycerol, novel protein kinase C isozymes [eta] and [theta], and other diacylglycerol activated proteins promote neuroprotective plasmalemmal sealing in B104 neurons in vitro and rat sciatic nerve axons in vivo

Zuzek, Aleksej 25 February 2013 (has links)
To survive, neurons and other eukaryotic cells must rapidly repair (seal) plasmalemmal damage. Such repair occurs by an accumulation of intracellular vesicles at or near the plasmalemmal disruption. Diacylglycerol (DAG)-dependent and cAMP-dependent proteins are involved in many vesicle trafficking pathways. Although recent studies have implicated the signaling molecule cAMP in sealing, no study has investigated how DAG and DAG-dependent proteins affect sealing and, whether pharmacological inhibition of such proteins could promote immediate repair of damaged mammalian axons. To this end, I investigated the role of DAG, protein kinase C (PKC) and other DAG-activated proteins in plasmalemmal sealing in B104 neurons in vitro and rat sciatic nerves in vivo. Using dye exclusion to assess Ca2+-dependent vesicle-mediated sealing of transected neurites of individually identifiable rat hippocampal B104 cells, I now report that, compared to non-treated controls, sealing probabilities and rates are increased by DAG and cAMP analogs that activate PKC and Munc13-1, and protein kinase A (PKA). Sealing is decreased by inhibiting DAG-activated novel protein kinase C isozymes η (nPKCη) and θ (nPKCθ) and, Munc13-1, the PKC effector myristoylated alanine rich PKC substrate (MARCKS) or phospholipase C (PLC). DAG-increased sealing is prevented by inhibiting MARCKS or PKA. Sealing probability is further decreased by simultaneously inhibiting nPKCη, nPKCθ and PKA. Extracellular Ca2+, DAG or cAMP analogs do not affect this decrease in sealing. I also report that applying inhibitors of nPKC and PKA to rat sciatic axons crush-severed in vivo under physiological calcium, do not promote immediate repair by polyethylene glycol (PEG), as assessed by compound action potential conduction and dye diffusion through crush sites. These and other data suggest that DAG increases sealing through MARCKS and that nPKCη, nPKCθ and PKA are all required to seal plasmalemmal damage in B104 neurons, and likely all eukaryotic cells. / text

Mechanisms of posttetanic potentiation and its possible role in maturation of the calyx of Held synapse / Mechanisms of posttetanic potentiation and its possible role in maturation of the calyx of Held synapse

Korogod, Natalya 25 April 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Inducing Cellular Senescence in Cancer

Restall, Ian J. 22 January 2013 (has links)
Cellular senescence is a permanent cell cycle arrest that is induced as a response to cellular stress. Replicative senescence is a well-described mechanism that limits the replicative capacity of cells and must be overcome by cancer cells. Oncogene-induced senescence (OIS) is a form of premature senescence and a potent tumor suppressor mechanism. OIS is induced in normal cells as a result of deregulated oncogene or tumor suppressor gene expression. An exciting area of research is the identification of novel targets that induce senescence in cancer cells as a therapeutic approach. In this study, a novel mechanism is described where the inhibition of Hsp90 in small cell lung cancer (SCLC) cells induced premature senescence rather than cell death. The senescence induced following Hsp90 inhibition was p21-dependent and the loss of p21 allowed SCLC cells to bypass the induction of senescence. Additionally, we identified a novel mechanism where the depletion of PKCι induced senescence in glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) cells. PKCι depletion-induced senescence did not activate the DNA-damage response pathway and was p21-dependent. Further perturbations of mitosis, using an aurora kinase inhibitor, increased the number of senescent cells when combined with PKCι depletion. This suggests that PKCι depletion-induced senescence involves defects in mitotic progression. Senescent glioblastoma cells at a basal level of senescence in culture, induced by p21 overexpression, and induced after PKCι depletion had aberrant centrosomes. Mitotic slippage is an early exit from mitosis without cell division that occurs when the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) is not satisfied. Senescent glioblastoma cells had multiple markers of mitotic slippage. Therefore, PKCι depletion-induced senescence involves mitotic slippage and results in aberrant centrosomes. A U87MG cell line with a doxycycline-inducible shRNA targeting PKCι was developed to deplete PKCι in established xenografts. PKCι was depleted in established glioblastoma xenografts in mice and resulted in decreased cell proliferation, delayed tumor growth and improved survival. This study has demonstrated that both Hsp90 and PKCι are novel targets to induce senescence in cancer cells as a potential therapeutic approach.

Role of Secretory Processes in Cardiac Fibroblasts for Heart Failure Development and Progression

Kittana, Naim 18 November 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Etude anatomique de l'amygdale étendue centrale chez la souris : connectivité générale et circuits cellule-spécifiques ; implications fonctionnelles dans la douleur / A study of mouse central extended amygdala : general connectivity and cell-type specific circuits ; functional implications in pain

Ye, Jiahao 08 February 2018 (has links)
L'amygdale centrale (EAc) est un macrosystème du cerveau antérieur qui joue un rôle important dans la peur, l'anxiété et la douleur. Les deux composants clés, le noyau latéral du lit de la strie terminale (STL) et l’amygdale centrale (CeA), possèdent des caractéristiques neurochimiques, hodologiques et fonctionnelles très similaires. En dépit de cette vision simplifiée du STL et du CeA, de nombreuses questions résident quant à l'organisation mésoscopique des entrées et des sorties des subdivisions de l''EAc chez la souris. En outre, il reste à déterminer si ces similitudes de connexion sont également partagées au niveau cellulaire. Dans ce travail, nous avons abordé ces questions de manière comparative chez la souris. Nous avons trouvé de riches afférences et efférences préférentielles pour les différentes subdivisions de l'EAC, ainsi que des afférences convergentes et divergentes. Nous avons également mis en évidence deux groupes distincts de cellules exprimant la protéine kinase C delta (PKCδ) ou la somatostatine (SOM) qui sous-tendent des circuits neuronaux spécifiques parallèles dans le STL et le CeA, ainsi qu'entre les deux structures. Enfin, des données préliminaires suggèrent que les neurones exprimant la PKCδ dans le STL et le CeA pourraient être impliqués dans la douleur tonique. Ces organisations structurales parallèles, mais aussi différentielles, des circuits neuronaux dans le EAc pourraient sous-tendre des aspects fonctionnels similaires et dissociables de l'anxiété, de la peur et de la douleur. / Central extended amygdala (EAc) is a forebrain macrosystem that plays important roles in fear, anxiety and pain. The two key components, the lateral bed nucleus of stria terminalis (STL) and central nucleus of amygdala (CeA), are highly similar in their neurochemical, connectional, and functional features. Despite this simplified view of STL and CeA, much remains elusive of the mesoscopic inputs and outputs of EAc subdivisions in mouse model. Also, it is not known whether the connectional similarities are also shared at cellular level. Here, we addressed these question in comparative ways in mice. We found rich preferential inputs and outputs to different subdivisions of EAc, as well as convergent and divergent inputs. We also found two non-overlapping cell groups expressing either protein kinase C delta (PKCδ) or somatostatin (SOM) organize the parallel cell-type specific neuronal circuits in STL and CeA. Finally, preliminary data suggest that PKCδ in STL and CeA might be implicated in tonic pain. These parallel but also differential structural organizations of neuronal circuits in EAc might underlie similar and dissociable functional aspects of anxiety, fear and pain.

Propriétés morphologiques et électrophysiologiques des interneurones PKCγ de la couche IIi du Sp5C chez le rat / Morphological and electrophysiological characterization of lamina IIi PKCγ-interneurons within the medullary dorsal horn of adult rats.

El Khoueiry, Corinne 28 September 2015 (has links)
L'allodynie mécanique est un symptôme cardinal des douleurs persistantes. Elle est due à l’activation de circuits, habituellement bloqués, des couches superficielles de la corne dorsale spinale ou du sous-noyau caudal du trijumeau (Sp5C), par lesquels les afférences mécaniques à bas seuil peuvent accéder aux neurones nociceptifs de projection de la couche I. Un élément déterminant de ces circuits est une classe d’interneurones excitateurs de la couche II interne (IIi) exprimant l'isoforme gamma de la protéine kinase C (PKCγ), et recevant des afférences des mécanorecepteurs à bas seuil. La modulation de l’inhibition tonique de ces interneurones PKCγ contribue à l’apparition de l’allodynie mécanique. Cependant la morphologie, les propriétés électrophysiologiques et les caractéristiques des afférences excitatrices et inhibitrices de ces interneurones PKCγ ne sont toujours pas connues. Utilisant des techniques d’électrophysiologie (enregistrements patch-clamp) et d'immunohistochimie sur tranches de Sp5C, nous avons caractérisé les propriétés des interneurones PKCγ de la couche IIi du Sp5C chez le rat adulte et comparé ces propriétés avec celles d’interneurones voisins n’exprimant pas la PKCγ.Cette étude révèle que l’arborisation neuritique des interneurones PKCγ s’étend largement au sein de la couche IIi, et peut se prolonger du coté dorsal jusqu’à la couche II externe, sans jamais atteindre la couche I. En outre, en fonction de cette extension neuritique, au moins deux sous-populations d'interneurones PKCγ peuvent être dissociées – centrales et radiales – qui s’avèrent être aussi fonctionnellement différentes. Comparés aux autres neurones non-PKCγ de la conche IIi, les interneurones PKCγ, dans leur ensemble, présentent un seuil de déclenchement des potentiels d’action plus bas et, souvent associée, plus fréquemment une réponse tonique à un courant dépolarisant, indiquant ainsi qu’ils sont plus facilement excitables. Cependant, ils reçoivent inversement une excitation synaptique plus faible. Quant aux afférences inhibitrices, la plupart des interneurones PKCγ expriment des synapses mixtes associant récepteurs GABAAergiques (GABAAR) et récepteurs glycinergiques (GlyR). Seul un petit nombre d’entre eux exprime des synapses uniquement GABAAR ou GlyR. Pourtant, tous les interneurones PKCγ reçoivent non seulement des mIPSCs mixtes GABAAR-GlyR, mais aussi des mIPSCs uniquement GABAAR ou uniquement GlyR. / Mechanical allodynia, a cardinal symptom of persistent pain, is associated with the unmasking of usually blocked local circuits within the superficial spinal or medullary dorsal horn (MDH), through which low-threshold mechanical inputs can gain access to the lamina I nociceptive output neurons. Key determinants of these circuits are lamina II (IIi) excitatory interneurons that selectively concentrate the gamma isoform of protein kinase C (PKCγ) and receive low-threshold mechanical receptor (LTMR) inputs. Tonic inhibition of PKCγ interneurons is thought to gate circuits underlying mechanical allodynia. However, the morphology, electrophysiological properties and excitatory and inhibitory synaptic inputs on these PKCγ interneurons are still unknown. Using whole-cell patch-clamp recordings and immunohistochemical techniques in slices of adult rat MDH, we characterized these lamina IIi PKCγ interneurons and compared them with neighboring non-PKCγ interneurons. Our results reveal that the neurites of PKCγ interneurons arborize extensively within lamina IIi, can spread dorsally into lamina IIo, but never reach lamina I. In addition, according to cell bodies and the orientation and extent of dendritic arbors, at least two morphologically different classes of PKCγ interneurons can be identified – central and radial – which appear to be also functionally different. Compared with neighboring lamina IIi non-PKCγ interneurons, PKCγ interneurons exhibit a lower threshold for action potentials, consistent with a more frequent tonic spike discharge to depolarizing step current, indicating that they are more excitable than other lamina IIi neurons. On the other hand, they receive a weaker excitatory synaptic drive. According to inhibitory inputs, most PKCγ interneurons display mixed-GABAA (GABAAR) and glycine (GlyR) receptor synapses with only very few of them displaying also GABAAR-alone or GlyR-alone synapses. Interestingly, all PKCγ interneurons exhibit mixed GABAAR–GlyR as well as GABAAR-only and GlyR-only mIPSCs. Altogether, this study indicates that PKCγ interneurons within lamina IIi of MDH are different from other lamina IIi neighboring neurons according to morphology, electrophysiological properties and synaptic inputs. This is consistent with their specific role in the gating of dorsally directed circuits within the MDH underlying mechanical allodynia. Moreover, we have identified two morphological and functional subclasses of PKCγ interneurons which might thus differently contribute to this gating.

Análise da expressão de isoformas de proteína quinase C em células cromafins da medula adrenal de ratos Wistar diabéticos tratados e não tratados com insulina

Pinheiro, Liliane Sena 25 June 2008 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-10-17T11:03:10Z No. of bitstreams: 1 lilianesenapinheiro.pdf: 8108520 bytes, checksum: b03200480798ddb2cf88a9276e4c9d8d (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-10-22T13:09:54Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 lilianesenapinheiro.pdf: 8108520 bytes, checksum: b03200480798ddb2cf88a9276e4c9d8d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-22T13:09:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 lilianesenapinheiro.pdf: 8108520 bytes, checksum: b03200480798ddb2cf88a9276e4c9d8d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-06-25 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O diabetes mellitus (DM) reduz a secreção de catecolaminas (CAs) das células cromafins adrenais, sendo esse um evento patofisiológico crítico por favorecer a ocorrência de episódios de hipoglicemia grave decorrentes do próprio tratamento da doença. Vários trabalhos relatam a participação de proteínas quinase C (PKCs) nas vias de síntese e secreção de CAs nas células cromafins. Os objetivos desse trabalho foram analisar o efeito do DM sobre a expressão das isoformas α, ε e ζ de PKC em células cromafins de ratos e avaliar se o controle glicêmico reverte os efeitos da doença. Foram utilizados ratos Wistar com DM induzido por estreptozotocina. Foram estabelecidos três grupos experimentais, ratos controles (C), diabéticos tratados com salina (DTS) ou com insulina (DTI). As análises foram feitas 15 dias após a indução. Utilizamos as técnicas de imunohistoquímica e Western Blot. A insulinoterapia foi estabelecida após estudos do comportamento alimentar e da variação dos níveis glicêmicos de ratos controles e doentes durante 24h consecutivas. Foi testada a eficácia de diferentes esquemas de tratamento com insulina. O tratamento estabelecido consistiu em injeções de insulina NPH, sendo 1U aplicada às 13h e 4U às 19h. Após os 15 dias de tratamento, o ganho médio de massa corporal dos ratos C (+37±3g) e DTI (+43±3g) foram similares enquanto os DTS emagreceram (-9±6g). A média da glicemia de jejum dos ratos C (74±1mg/dl) e dos DTI (93±6mg/dl) foram similares e dentro dos níveis normais, enquanto que a dos ratos DTS foi elevada (471±23mg/dl). A insulinoterapia restabeleceu os níveis plasmáticos do colesterol total, c-LDL e c-VLDL nos ratos DTI. O DM não alterou os níveis de c-HDL, triglicerídos e frutosamina. As análises da expressão de PKCs mostraram que a PKCα é a mais expressada seguida de ζ e depois de ε. O DM reduziu em 39,5% a expressão da PKCα, enquanto a de ζ foi aumentada em 74,2%. A expressão da PKCε não foi afetada pelo DM. O tratamento com insulina reverteu o efeito do DM sobre a expressão de PKCα, a expressão da PKCε continuou inalterada e a expressão da PKCζ permaneceu elevada (+32,6%) quando comparada aos ratos C. Concluímos que em células cromafins adrenais, o diabetes afeta a expressão de isoformas de PKCs de maneira diferenciada. Trabalhos realizados em nosso laboratório mostraram que o DM reduz o conteúdo total (21,1%), a secreção basal (-24,3%) e a estimulada por carbacol (-28,9%) e K+ (42,2%) de CAs. Como observado para PKCα, a insulinoterapia reverteu o efeito do DM sobre o conteúdo total. Já foi demonstrado que PKCα participa de uma via de sinalização que estimula a atividade de tirosina hidroxilase. Por outro lado, o tratamento não restabeleceu os processos secretórios, sugerindo que PKCζ possa estar envolvida nessa alteração. Há fortes evidências de que PKCζ regula canais de K+ retificadores, o que pode explicar o efeito da doença sobre o processo de secreção via despolarização da membrana. / The diabetes mellitus (DM) reduces the catecholamine (CAs) secretion of adrenal chromaffin cells, a critical pathophysiologic event that promotes the occurrence of serious hypoglycemia episodes, consequence of the disease treatment. Several papers report the participation of protein kinase C (PKC) on catecholamine synthesis signal pathways of adrenal chromaffin cells. The objectives of this work were to study the effect of DM on expression of PKC isoforms α, ε and ζ in rat chromaffin cells and to evaluate if the glicemic control revert the effect of the illness. Male Wistar rats with diabetes induced by streptozotocin were used. Three experimental groups were determined: Control (C), diabetic rats receiving saline solution (DS) and diabetic rats receiving insulin (DI). The analyses were made after 15 days of DM induction. Immunohistochemistry and western blotting techniques were done. The insulin therapy protocol was established after studying the feeding behavior and glycemic level variations during the whole 24h. The information made possible to establish the time of insulin applications. Several schemes of insulin treatments were tested to keep the diabetic rat as close as possible to normoglycemia path. The best results were found by using 1U at 1:00 PM and 4U at 7:00 PM of NPH insulin. After 15 days of treatment the acquired body weight was similar between C and DI rats, 37±3g and 43±3g, respectively. The DS rats emaciated 9±6g. The fasting glycemic levels were 74±1mg/dl, 93±6mg/dl and 471±23mg/dl to C, DI and DS rats, respectively. The insulin therapy reestablishes the plasmic levels of total cholesterol, c-LDL and c-VLDL on DI rats. The DM did not change the levels of c-HDL, triglycerides and frutosamine. The PKCα is the more expressed isoform in adrenal chromaffin cells, followed by ζ and ε. The DM reduced 39,5% the PKCα expression and, unlike, increased 74,2% the expression of PKCζ. The expression of PKCε was not affected by DM. The insulin treatment reverted the effect of DM on PKCα, the expression of PKCε remained unchanged and the expression of PKCζ remained higher than the control group (+32,6%). Studies of our laboratory show that the DM causes reduction on adrenal catecholamine content (21,1%), basal secretion (-24,3%) and catecholamine secretion stimulated by carbachol (-28,9%) and high K+ (-42,2%). The insulin therapy, in like manner as observed on PKCα, reverted the DM effect on adrenal catecholamine content. It was shown that PKCα participates on signal transduction pathway that stimulates the activity of tyrosine hydroxylase. Otherwise, the insulin treatment did not restore the secretory processes, suggesting that PKCζ could be involved in this process. There are strong evidences showing that PKCζ regulates the voltage-dependent delayed rectifier K (Kv) and its expression was not normalized by insulin therapy.

Inducing Cellular Senescence in Cancer

Restall, Ian J. January 2013 (has links)
Cellular senescence is a permanent cell cycle arrest that is induced as a response to cellular stress. Replicative senescence is a well-described mechanism that limits the replicative capacity of cells and must be overcome by cancer cells. Oncogene-induced senescence (OIS) is a form of premature senescence and a potent tumor suppressor mechanism. OIS is induced in normal cells as a result of deregulated oncogene or tumor suppressor gene expression. An exciting area of research is the identification of novel targets that induce senescence in cancer cells as a therapeutic approach. In this study, a novel mechanism is described where the inhibition of Hsp90 in small cell lung cancer (SCLC) cells induced premature senescence rather than cell death. The senescence induced following Hsp90 inhibition was p21-dependent and the loss of p21 allowed SCLC cells to bypass the induction of senescence. Additionally, we identified a novel mechanism where the depletion of PKCι induced senescence in glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) cells. PKCι depletion-induced senescence did not activate the DNA-damage response pathway and was p21-dependent. Further perturbations of mitosis, using an aurora kinase inhibitor, increased the number of senescent cells when combined with PKCι depletion. This suggests that PKCι depletion-induced senescence involves defects in mitotic progression. Senescent glioblastoma cells at a basal level of senescence in culture, induced by p21 overexpression, and induced after PKCι depletion had aberrant centrosomes. Mitotic slippage is an early exit from mitosis without cell division that occurs when the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) is not satisfied. Senescent glioblastoma cells had multiple markers of mitotic slippage. Therefore, PKCι depletion-induced senescence involves mitotic slippage and results in aberrant centrosomes. A U87MG cell line with a doxycycline-inducible shRNA targeting PKCι was developed to deplete PKCι in established xenografts. PKCι was depleted in established glioblastoma xenografts in mice and resulted in decreased cell proliferation, delayed tumor growth and improved survival. This study has demonstrated that both Hsp90 and PKCι are novel targets to induce senescence in cancer cells as a potential therapeutic approach.

Role of Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Response Signaling in T Cells: A Dissertation

Pino, Steven C. 08 July 2008 (has links)
T cells play a central role in cellular-mediated immunity and must become activated to participate as effector cells in the immune response. The activation process is highly intricate and involves stimulation of a number of downstream signaling pathways enabling T cells to proliferate and produce cytokines that are vital for proper effector function. This increase in protein production and protein folding activity adds to the normal physiological strain on cellular machinery. One cellular compartment that has generated a mechanism to mitigate the stress induced by increased protein production is the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). In general, an increase in cellular production of proteins that overwhelms a cell’s protein folding capability can alter ER homeostasis and lead to ER stress. To counteract this stress, an adaptive cellular mechanism known as the ER stress response (ERSR) is initiated. The ERSR allows a cell to cope with normal physiological stress within the ER caused by increased protein translation. In this dissertation, we show that in vitro and in vivoT cell activation involving T cell receptor (TCR) ligation in the presence of costimulation initiates the physiological ERSR. Interestingly, the ERSR was also activated in T cells exposed only to TCR ligation, a treatment known to induce the ‘non-responsive’ states of anergy and tolerance. We further identified a key component of the downstream TCR signaling pathway, protein kinase C (PKC), as an initiator of physiological ERSR signaling, thus revealing a previously unknown role for this serine/threonine protein kinase in T cells. Therefore, induction of the physiological ERSR through PKC signaling may be an important ‘preparatory’ mechanism initiated during the early activation phase of T cells. If ER stress is persistent and ER homeostasis is not reestablished, physiological ER stress becomes pathological and initiates cellular death pathways through ER stress-induced apoptotic signaling. We further present data demonstrating that absence of functional Gimap5, a putative GTPase implicated to play a role in TCR signaling and maintenance of overall T cell homeostasis, leads to pathological ER stress and apoptosis. Using the BioBreeding diabetes-prone (BBDP) rat, a model for type 1 diabetes (T1D), we link pathological ER stress and ER stress-induced apoptotic signaling to the observed T cell lymphopenic phenotype of the animal. By depleting the ER stress apoptotic factor CHOP with siRNA, we were able to protect Gimap5-/-BBDP rat T cells from ER stress-induced death. These findings indicate a direct relationship between Gimap5 and maintenance of ER homeostasis for T cell survival. Overall, our findings suggest that the ERSR is activated by physiological and pathological conditions that disrupt T cell homeostasis. TCR signaling that leads to PKC activation initiates a physiological ERSR, perhaps in preparation for a T cell response to antigen. In addition, we also describe an example of pathological ERSR induction in T cells. Namely, we report that the absence of functional Gimap5 protein in T cells causes CHOP-dependent ER stress-induced apoptosis, perhaps initiated by deregulation of TCR signaling. This indicates a dual role for TCR signaling and regulation in the initiation of both the physiological and pathological ERSR. Future research that provides insights into the molecular mechanisms that govern ERSR induction in TCR signaling and regulation may lead to development of therapeutic modalities for treatment of immune-mediated diseases such as T1D.

Identification of mammalian cell signaling in response to plasma membrane perforation: Endocytosis of Listeria monocytogenes and The Repair Machinery

Lam, Jonathan, Lam January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

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