Spelling suggestions: "subject:"psico""
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Ontwerp en evaluering van 'n psigoontwikkelingsprogram vir huweliksverryking.Daniels, Lito Errol January 1997 (has links)
Magister Artium - MA / Psychological interventions can take place in a number of ways. The familiar one-to-one therapeutic approach is appropriate in most cases, but within certain contexts the following can be considered as disadvantages of such an approach: it is expensive; it can only involve a small number (one or two) people at any given time. The result is that only a few people can afford this type of service, as well as the under-utilization of professional people's ingenuity and expertise. This is especially the state of affairs pervasive within the South African context, where there exists a great need to involve more clients simultaneously. The latter can be achieved by using the model of the Psycho development process. As a result, Psycho-development programmes has become increasingly relevant in Psychology, Education and
associated disciplines. Family Psychology is a field which presents a number of possibilities, concerning the social development of married
couples. The development of psycho-social life-skills of married couples, is a specific area in which little research has been done to date - a fact which should be noted. The purpose of the present study was to devise a programme for the development of psycho-social life-skills for married couples. In addition, the results of the programme on an experimental group of married couples were ascertained. For evaluation of the effectiveness of the 'programme, a qualitative evaluation was done by conducting informal discussions with couples who participated. in the programme. 287 In conclusion, the general applicability of the programme for continued use, was assessed. The motivation for the present research was two-folded. Firstly, the author observed deficiencies in the psycho-social life-skills of couples. This observation was reinforced and confirmed through discussions with married couples, social workers and psychologists. Secondly, the assumption that the development of psycho-social life-skills should receive more attention, was confirmed through relevant literature. Most of the existing
enrichment-programmes have limited attraction for potential couples. The programme that has been developed to address the problem of
deficient psycho-social life-skills of couples, consists of the following sections, namely, "Getting acquainted and listing of strength "Why couples argue II j "Win-Win conflict negotiation" j "Understanding one another and communicating love to your parner"j "Sharing your feelings with your partner and assessing your sexual relationship". The assumption was that there would be a significant difference between couples that took part in a intervention programme (experimental group) and couples that did not take part in a intervention programme (control group). This was operationalised by involving 38 couples (sample) of which 18 couples (experimental group) took part in the intervention programme and 20 couples (control group) who did not take part in the intervention programme. During evaluation the fuctioning of couples was used as criteria, using the Dyadic Adjustment scale (Spanier, 1976) as the evaluation-instrument. The programme was implemented at the beginning of 1996 by applying it to an experimental group. Both the randomly selected experimental group and the control group (N = 76) were assessed by using the standardized measuring instrument. After pre-testing, the programme was implemented over a period of five weeks. Re-measurement (post-testing) occurred during the following two weeks and the follow-on measurement (post-posttesting), 17 weeks after the implementation of the program. Statistical analysis (quantitative investigation) after the implementation of the programme, indicated that the experimental group derived considerable benefit from the programme. This group obtained significantly better results than the control group in every section covered by the programme. These conclusions agree with the predominantly positive comments of the. participants about the quality and suitability of the programme. In conclusion it can be said that the main objectives of the
research were accomplished, namely to devise a functional programme for the development of psycho-social life-skills for married couples, and that the validity of the programme has been established, both quantitatively and qualitatively.
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'n Psigo-Sosiale Studie van Tienerswangerskappe in die Noordelike Stadsgebiede van die Kaapse SkiereilandTodt, Aletta Elizabeth January 1990 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / Die verskynsel van tienerswangerskap kom in alle samelewingsvorme voor en toon 'n steeds stygende toename in alle wêrelddele sodat dit deur sommige outeurs as epidemies beskou word (Chelala, 1988: 22). Dit vorm deel van die toename in bevolkingsgetalle en die sogenaamde bevolkingsontploffing. Gevolglik word die demografiese tendense beïnvloed en so vorm tienergeboortes 'n belangrike bydrae tot bevol_kingsgroei Die studie van tienerswangerskappe kan egter nie in isolasie benader word nie. Dit vorm deel van 'n kringloop van verwante samelewingsverskynsels wat oorsaaklik of gevolglik mag wees, byvoorbeeld bevolkingstoename en ander demografiese tendense, armoede, swak behuisingstoestande, drankmisbruik en dwelmverslawing, gebrekkige voeding en onderwys, om maar net 'n paar te noem. In hierdie studie sal daar gepoog word om aan te dui dat tienerswangerskap in verband gebring moet word met die interaksie van 'n verskeidenheid van dinamies interafhanklike psigo-sosiale verskynsels. Verder sal daar ondersoek ingestel word om te bepaal watter psigo-sosiale faktore spesifiek by die voorkoms van tienerswangerskap betrokke is.
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Ingrid Jonker : 'n psigologiese analiseVan der Merwe, Lucas Martinus January 1978 (has links)
In hierdie studie word gepoog om met behulp van die werktuie,
deur die Sielkunde ontwikkel, 'n analise van Ingrid Jonker
(1933-1965) te maak en sodoende meer oor die "kuns van
menswees" te wete te kom. Dit geskied aan die hand van 'n
ondersoek na haar lewe en werk, wat so gevoer word dat groter
begrip vir die medemens in die algemeen en vir die skeppendbegaafde
persoon in die besonder, daaruit voortspruit.
In die inleiding tot die eerste hoofstuk word die probleemstelling uiteengesit. Daarna word daar op die wisselwerking
tussen die Letterkunde en die Sielkunde ingegaan en aangetoon
hoedat wedersydse bevrugting dikwels langs hierdie weg, wat
oor baie jare strek, plaasgevind het. Vervolgens word die
wyse waarop kuns deur sommige ondersoekers aan 'n psigopatologiese verskynsel gelykgestel word, krities ondersoek.
Verskille word aangetoon en sowel die oorsprong van, as die
gevare verbonde aan so 'n gelykstelling word blootgelê.
Hierna word die verwantskap tussen skepper en skepping en
die verskillende vorms wat dit mag aanneem, uiteengesit en
ondersoek. Vervolgens word aangetoon waarom Ingrid Jonker tot onderwerp
van studie gekies is. Die plek wat sy in die Afrikaanse
Letterkunde inneem, haar invloed op ander kunstenaars, die
omstandighede wat haar lewe gekenmerk het, die invloed van
die era waarin sy geleef het en ander faktore, wat die keuse
beinvloed het, word uiteengesit. In die laaste afdeling van hierdie hoofstuk word die wyse
waarop daar in die analise te werk gegaan is, verantwoord.
Die teoretiese raamwerk vir die studie word uiteengesit
en daaruit blyk dat die analise beskou word as 'n poging
tot doeltreffende begrip van 'n persoon wat nie in die
hier-en-nou situasie aanwesig is nie. Hierdie sogenaamde
"analise in absentia" is dan geskoei op die lees van daardie
psigoterapeutiese pogings wat op empatiese begrip van die
medemens gebaseer is.
Besondere klem word gelê op die feit dat die sielkundige
die terrein van die Kuns as sielkundige betree en dat kunskritiek en kunswaardering hoegenaamd nie aan die orde kom
nie. Die analise is derhalwe uitsluitlik daarop afgestem
om tot 'n ryker begrip van Ingrid Jonker se lewe te lei, om
haar werk op so 'n wyse te ontsluit dat die mens daaragter
vir sover moontlik kenbaar word en om idees wat andersins
nie verband met mekaar sou hou nie en gedrag wat andersins
onverklaarbaar sou wees, tot 'n sinvolle geheel saam te snoer.
Om hiertoe te kan kom, word die begrippe waarvan daar gebruik
gemaak word, onderskei en sowel die metodes wat gevolg as die
beginsels wat toegepas word, uiteengesit. In die laaste instansie kom die wyse waarop daar in ander soortgelyke ondersoeke te werk gegaan is en die mate van ooreenkoms wat dit
met hierdie studie vertoon, aan die orde.
Ingrid Jonker se lewensloop word volledig in die eerste gedeelte van hoofstuk twee uiteengesit. Hierna word 'n aantal
van haar werke wat sowel gedigte as sketse, kortverhale en
'n drama insluit, in chronologiese volgorde gerangskik en
in ses afdelings, verteenwoordigend van verskillende tydperke
in haar lewe, aangebied en ontleed. Aan die einde van elke
afdeling word die belangrikste temas wat daarin voorkom,
saamgevat. Ten slotte word 'n oorkoepelende uiteensetting
van al die verskillende temas gegee. Sommige van die werke
wat ontleed word is vry-algemeen bekend en is ook in haar
gepubliseerde bundels opgeneem. Ander kom slegs in jeug- en
populêre tydskrifte voor. In hoofstuk drie word die nuwe begrip vir die kunstenares
as mens, waartoe daar uit die beskrywing van haar lewe en
die ontleding van haar werk gekom is, opnuut saamgestel.
Eers word sommige van haar persoonlikheidseienskappe beskryf,
daarna word 'n uiteensetting van die verskillende gevoelens
en behoeftes wat sy ervaar het, gegee. Dit word opgevolg
deur 'n beskrywing van die houdings en gedrag wat sy openbaar het. In die laaste instansie word die aanpassingsprobleme wat sy ondervind het en die beskerrnings- en aanpassingsmeganisrnes waarvan sy gebruik gernaak het, weergegee.
Omdat soveel wanopvattinge oor haar geestestoestand wêreldin
gestuur is, word in die volgende afdeling hieraan aandag
gegee. Die laaste afdeling van die hoofstuk word gewy aan
'n uiteensetting van die gevolgtrekkings, waartoe daar voortspruitend uit hierdie studie, geraak is. In hoofstuk vier kom die implikasies wat hierdie studie vir
die Sielkunde inhou en die raakpunte tussen haar lewe en die
werk van 'n psigoterapeut, aan die orde. Eerstens word die
voorveronderstellings waarop die studie gebaseer is, herbevestig en daarna word aangetoon watter insigte dit opgelewer het. So beklemtoon dit, byvoorbeeld, dat die mens
nie net in afsondering van sy medemens beskou en behandel kan
word nie. Daar word dus aangetoon hoedat sy nie anders as
teen die agtergrond van die gesinsdinamiek, waarvan sy deel
gevorm het, begryp kon word nie en hoedat hierdie verbondenheid in die terapeutiese hulp wat sy ontvang het, ingeweef
kon word. In dieselfde trant word aangetoon hoedat die
tyd waarin sy geleef het en die samelewing waarvan sy deel
gevorm het, 'n ewe belangrike invloed op haar uitgeoefen
het. Haar vermoë om intens by 'n situasie betrokke te wees en
tegelykertyd objektief daarteenoor te staan, kom as derde
raakpunt met die werk van 'n psigoterapeut aan die orde.
In die laaste instansie word aangetoon hoedat die Sielkunde,
soos trouens ook elke ander dissipline, binne perke lê en
hoedat dit, in 'n ondersoek van hierdie aard, nie alle antwoorde verskaf nie. / Thesis (DPhil)--University of Pretoria, 1978. / gm2013 / Psychology / unrestricted
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Die psigo-sosiale behoeftes van die ouers ten opsigte van die kind met enkoprese (Afrikaans)Labuschagne, Johanna Catharina 24 January 2005 (has links)
This study investigated the nature of the psycho-social needs of the parents of a child with encopresis. Gaps were identified in the literature that indicated that there is little information available on the needs of parents who are confronted by the complex dysfunction resulting from encopresis. During the course of the empirical investigation, which involved interviews with the parents of children suffering from encopresis, it was confirmed that these gaps do exist. The aim of this study was to determine what parents’ psycho-social needs were with regard to their child if their child is suffering from encopresis. In order to reach this aim, a number of objectives were set. The first objective was to establish a knowledge base by means of a literature review and discussions with experts in the field of encopresis. Information was gathered with regard to the physiological mechanism of encopresis, the role of toilet routine in the origins and development of encopresis, the effect of encopresis on the family system and the psycho-social aspects that maintain this dysfunction. The second objective was to obtain empirical data on the psycho-social needs of the parents of a child with encopresis. The third objective was to draw conclusions and to make recommendations on the basis of the results of this study in respect of parents’ psycho-social needs. The recommendations, which are presented in written form, can serve as recommendations to be used in providing assistance in the practice. The empirical study took the form of one-on-one interviews with the assistance of a semi-structured interview schedule within a phenomenological strategy. The respondents were the parents of children in whom encopresis has been medically diagnosed. The aim of using a phenomenological strategy was to determine what meaning respondents attach to their everyday life. The phenomenological strategy was followed as part of an explorative study. The explorative study was designed to elicit information allowing greater insight into the actual practical situation. The parent couples were selected by the researcher by means of a process of purposeful sampling. Transcripts of the interviews were made after the interviews had been completed and this data was analysed and interpreted. The interview schedule that was used is included in Appendix A. Because encopresis is a highly sensitive topic, respondents were given a letter of informed consent to read and sign. An example of this letter is attached as Appendix B. The empirical data obtained by means of the semi-structured interviews emphasised the following key themes: · The parents’ primary need is information on the nature and causes of encopresis. · The parents’ second most urgent need is the skills to cope with a child with encopresis. Parents indicated that the complex and unpleasant nature of encopresis puts great demands on their parenting skills. · The third central theme that emerged was the need for skills with regard to handling the siblings of an encopretic child. The encopretic child makes very insistent demands on parents and the siblings within the family system react in ways that require particular parenting skills. · The fourth central theme is the parents’ need for support with regard to their own emotions. Parents indicated that tension and frustration arose in their relationship in respect of the demands made by an encopretic child and that they needed support and understanding. · The fifth key theme was the parents’ need for understanding and support from professional role players with regard to encopresis. The parents indicated that they required this understanding and expertise particularly from the medical role players, as well as the school system. · The sixth theme is the need for support from the social community. Parents expressed a clear need for the support of family, friends and the wider social community, since the parents and the family can become completely socially isolated. · The seventh theme was the need for a support group for the parents of children with encopresis. · The eighth theme was the parents’ need for greater awareness in the broader community about encopresis. Parents expressed a need for greater media awareness about encopresis. The research has shown clearly that among these parents there is a great need for information, coping skills and support with regard to various aspects surrounding a child with encopresis. Parents expressed a particular need for support groups to address their psycho-social needs. On the one hand, these needs as expressed by the respondents suggest guidelines for practical assistance to the parents of children with encopresis. On the other hand, they also suggest areas for further research. / Dissertation (MSD (Play Therapy))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Social Work and Criminology / unrestricted
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The development of a web-based, psycho-educational strategy for safe internet use amongst adolescents in the northern suburbs of Cape Town / Serahni SymingtonSymington, Serahni January 2014 (has links)
Within this study, a psycho-educational strategy was designed to promote online safety practices for adolescents living in the northern suburbs of Cape Town. The study made use of a mixed method methodology, including both quantitative and qualitative research. This enabled access to 183 adolescents, as well as gaining more focused and specific insights from adolescent focus groups with a total of eight focus groups.
This psycho-educational strategy was designed in the form of an interactive website. The website included information on safety practices pertaining to six areas of online safety. The information was provided in various formats, including videos, clips, slide shows and questionnaires. The six areas which were focused on included cyber bullying, pornography, social networking, online gaming, sharing of personal information and plagiarising and stealing of content. Adolescents were exposed to the website in order to test its usability and its effectiveness as a tool for education regarding online safety.
From the literature and findings of the research, it is evident that there is a dire need for age-appropriate and relevant mechanisms to address online safety among adolescents. The present research revealed; through the remarks obtained from focus groups, that adolescents could benefit from the psycho-educational strategy as it created an awareness of the possible harms of the internet; awareness that was previously limited. Specific areas of concern included cyber bullying and the reality that they face regarding this hurtful activity. Adolescents further indicated that they lacked knowledge in areas concerning pornography, plagiarising and sharing of personal information.
By creating an awareness regarding possible harms, adolescents are enabled to safeguard themselves from potential harm, and if education is used in future, it can play a preventative role in terms of the negative consequences of online activities. The research indicated that a psycho-educational perspective holds value when addressing online safety. Lastly, the internet as a form of psycho-education was successful as the adolescents accepted and related to this means of education.
The psycho-educational strategy is an innovative tool that can be used by schools, parents and educators when engaging with adolescents about online safety. / PhD (Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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The development of a web-based, psycho-educational strategy for safe internet use amongst adolescents in the northern suburbs of Cape Town / Serahni SymingtonSymington, Serahni January 2014 (has links)
Within this study, a psycho-educational strategy was designed to promote online safety practices for adolescents living in the northern suburbs of Cape Town. The study made use of a mixed method methodology, including both quantitative and qualitative research. This enabled access to 183 adolescents, as well as gaining more focused and specific insights from adolescent focus groups with a total of eight focus groups.
This psycho-educational strategy was designed in the form of an interactive website. The website included information on safety practices pertaining to six areas of online safety. The information was provided in various formats, including videos, clips, slide shows and questionnaires. The six areas which were focused on included cyber bullying, pornography, social networking, online gaming, sharing of personal information and plagiarising and stealing of content. Adolescents were exposed to the website in order to test its usability and its effectiveness as a tool for education regarding online safety.
From the literature and findings of the research, it is evident that there is a dire need for age-appropriate and relevant mechanisms to address online safety among adolescents. The present research revealed; through the remarks obtained from focus groups, that adolescents could benefit from the psycho-educational strategy as it created an awareness of the possible harms of the internet; awareness that was previously limited. Specific areas of concern included cyber bullying and the reality that they face regarding this hurtful activity. Adolescents further indicated that they lacked knowledge in areas concerning pornography, plagiarising and sharing of personal information.
By creating an awareness regarding possible harms, adolescents are enabled to safeguard themselves from potential harm, and if education is used in future, it can play a preventative role in terms of the negative consequences of online activities. The research indicated that a psycho-educational perspective holds value when addressing online safety. Lastly, the internet as a form of psycho-education was successful as the adolescents accepted and related to this means of education.
The psycho-educational strategy is an innovative tool that can be used by schools, parents and educators when engaging with adolescents about online safety. / PhD (Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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The psycho-educational needs of children orphaned by AIDS as perceived by their caregivers / Marieke Cornelia van RooyenVan Rooyen, Marieke Cornelia January 2011 (has links)
During the past decade, South Africa has become the country with the highest number of
HIV/AIDS infections in the world. In the wake of the widely spread HIV/AIDS epidemic in
South Africa, hundreds of thousands of children are left parentless. Since limited research exists
on the psycho-educational needs of children orphaned by AIDS in South Africa, the focus of this
study was on their psycho-educational development.
A literature study was conducted to investigate the HIV/AIDS epidemic in South Africa and its
consequences for the psycho-educational development of AIDS orphans.
A qualitative investigation was undertaken and interviews were conducted with caregivers of
AIDS orphans at two care centres in rural KwaZulu-Natal. The aim of the investigation was to
identify the psycho-educational needs of AIDS orphans as perceived by their caregivers.
Moreover, the investigation also aimed at identifying factors that impede the psycho-educational
development of AIDS orphans, and to determine the extent to which these day care centres meet
the psycho-educational needs of these orphans.
The following psycho-educational needs of AIDS orphans emerged from the investigation:
- the need to socialise and communicate
- the need to cope with parental death
- the need for acceptance
- the need for security and care
- the need for love and belonging
- the need to deal with negative emotions
Physical and material needs were added to the above needs, since these were frequently
mentioned during the course of the interviews.
Factors that seriously impeded the psycho-educational development of AIDS orphans were abuse
and neglect. The investigation also revealed that the care centres were to a large extent able to
meet a broad spectrum of these orphans’ psycho-educational needs, especially at the care centre
where the AIDS orphans were able to sleep over and received the full-time attention caregivers.
Since the extended family system can no longer fully carry the burden of hundreds of thousands
of AIDS orphans in South Africa, care centres situated in the affected communities can offer a viable alternative to traditional models of care. The study emphasised the need for further
research on the needs of AIDS orphans as well as increased support of AIDS orphans on local,
provincial and national levels. / MEd (Learner support), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012
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The psycho-educational needs of children orphaned by AIDS as perceived by their caregivers / Marieke Cornelia van RooyenVan Rooyen, Marieke Cornelia January 2011 (has links)
During the past decade, South Africa has become the country with the highest number of
HIV/AIDS infections in the world. In the wake of the widely spread HIV/AIDS epidemic in
South Africa, hundreds of thousands of children are left parentless. Since limited research exists
on the psycho-educational needs of children orphaned by AIDS in South Africa, the focus of this
study was on their psycho-educational development.
A literature study was conducted to investigate the HIV/AIDS epidemic in South Africa and its
consequences for the psycho-educational development of AIDS orphans.
A qualitative investigation was undertaken and interviews were conducted with caregivers of
AIDS orphans at two care centres in rural KwaZulu-Natal. The aim of the investigation was to
identify the psycho-educational needs of AIDS orphans as perceived by their caregivers.
Moreover, the investigation also aimed at identifying factors that impede the psycho-educational
development of AIDS orphans, and to determine the extent to which these day care centres meet
the psycho-educational needs of these orphans.
The following psycho-educational needs of AIDS orphans emerged from the investigation:
- the need to socialise and communicate
- the need to cope with parental death
- the need for acceptance
- the need for security and care
- the need for love and belonging
- the need to deal with negative emotions
Physical and material needs were added to the above needs, since these were frequently
mentioned during the course of the interviews.
Factors that seriously impeded the psycho-educational development of AIDS orphans were abuse
and neglect. The investigation also revealed that the care centres were to a large extent able to
meet a broad spectrum of these orphans’ psycho-educational needs, especially at the care centre
where the AIDS orphans were able to sleep over and received the full-time attention caregivers.
Since the extended family system can no longer fully carry the burden of hundreds of thousands
of AIDS orphans in South Africa, care centres situated in the affected communities can offer a viable alternative to traditional models of care. The study emphasised the need for further
research on the needs of AIDS orphans as well as increased support of AIDS orphans on local,
provincial and national levels. / MEd (Learner support), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012
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Die effek van 'n kind se seksuele misbruik op die nie–beskuldigde ouer/voog se psigo–sosiale funksionering / Charlene de KokerDe Koker, Charlene January 2010 (has links)
The aim of the research was to study the effect of child sexual abuse on the non–accused parent/guardian's psycho–social functioning. To reach this aim, the following objectives were set:
* Objective 1: To establish the non–accused's reaction to disclosure of sexual abuse of their child.
* Objective 2: To investigate the extent in which the parent/guardian's psycho–social functioning was influenced by the disclosure of the sexual abuse.
* Objective 3: To research the influence the disclosure of the sexual abuse had on the relationship between the child involved and the parent/guardian.
* Objective 4: To investigate the outcome of the cases following the disclosure of the sexual abuse and to determine whether actions had been taken against the alleged perpetrators and whether they were at all legally prosecuted.
The research was primarily based on in–depth interviews with the non–accused parents from the case loads of a welfare organisation in Randfontein. The results of the research were reported on, based on main themes and sub–themes linked to the four objectives. Regarding theme one (1), it was found that the majority of non–accused parents/guardians reacted exceptionally negatively following the disclosure of the sexual abuse in that they experienced extremely negative emotions. Theme two's (2) information was also obtained through the self–designed questionnaire. The effect of the disclosure on the non–accused parents/guardians' psycho–social functioning was studied. It was found that their psychological, emotional, financial and physical functioning was negatively affected. Theme three's (3) information was also obtained by means of the self–designed questionnaire. The relationship and bond between the child involved and the non–accused parent/guardian was investigated. It was found that the relationships between the children involved and the parents/guardians were negatively affected following the disclosure of the sexual abuse in that they experienced feelings of rejection, anger, anxiety and depression. Theme four's(4) was also obtained via self–designed questionnaires. The outcome of the disclosure was investigated. It was established that the caring situations of the children involved following the disclosure had not been significantly affected. Furthermore, it was found that the non–accused parents/guardians had not taken sufficient legal steps and that the alleged perpetrators had not been legally prosecuted in all the cases. In summary it can be stated that this research has proven that the child's sexual abuse has a negative effect on the psycho–social functioning on the non–accused parent/guardian's functioning. / Thesis (M.A. (MW))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
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A narrative approach to social work intervention with adolescents who have been exposed to sexual abuse / Anri Gretha AdlemAdlem, Anri Gretha January 2011 (has links)
The motivation for the study had its origin in the fact that sexual abuse in South Africa seems to be a formidable problem which has a detrimental effect on the adolescent’s development and functioning. Social workers have to deal with sexual abuse often and do not always have the necessary programmes and skills acquired to follow through therapeutic intervention with these victims. Therefore this study focused on the development, implementation and evaluation of a narrative social work intervention programme where sand play techniques were integrated in the narrative process.
The research problem formulated was that many adolescents suffer from the effects of sexual abuse and therefore the aim of the study was to develop and evaluate a narrative social work intervention programme for adolescent survivors of sexual abuse. The study served to broaden the body of social work knowledge by means of meaningful quantitative and qualitative enquiry. Quantitative data were obtained through the use of questionnaires and qualitative data through the use of combined sand play and narratives as approaches. Four (4) participants were included in a series of 10–15 sand play sessions. Only the data of one (1) participant was used for data–analysis. Two (2) sessions were used for general assessment and building of therapeutic relationship and an additional session was used for an interview with the parent(s).
The researcher undertook mixed method research where the quantitative and qualitative approaches were combined into the research methodology of the single study. Intervention research was used as basic methodology. Purposive sampling was used in the selection of the research subject for this study. Collected data was analyzed according to Tesch’s approach to qualitative data analysis (Creswell, 1994).
The researcher applied the developed social work intervention programme with four (4) adolescent participants who had allegedly been sexually abused. The sand play sessions were audio recorded and evaluated by means of data analysis.
The findings of this study emphasized the psycho–social impact of sexual abuse on survivors of sexual abuse. This thesis reflects the contribution and impact that the social work intervention programme had on the adolescent survivor of sexual abuse. This programme was found to be a valuable tool that can be used in intervention with adolescents and could add to the knowledge of social workers and other professionals working with the survivors of sexual abuse.
The research can be recognized as a positive demonstration of the value of a narrative social work intervention programme. Recommendations regarding future implementation of the narrative social intervention programme have been made. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Social Work))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.
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