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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Self–regulation, psychopathology and gender in a group of university students / Anke Cloete

Cloete, Anke January 2010 (has links)
Self–regulation is a psychological skill that helps individuals to flexibly plan, execute and monitor their own behaviour. The key self–regulation processes include goal establishment, planning, the striving towards a goal and the revision thereof. Although it is clear that poor self–regulation is associated with psychopathology, the role gender plays is not well understood. Some differences between men and women suggest that gender may be a possible factor in self–regulation and the development of specific forms of psychopathology. The aim of this study was therefore to determine the relationship between self–regulation, psychopathology and gender amongst a group of university students. Participants consisted of an availability sample of 384 (284 female and 100 male) students at the NWU’s Potchefstroom Campus. Self–Regulation was measured with the Shortened Self–Regulation Questionnaire (SSRQ) of Carey, Neal and Collins (2004). In this study, the factor structure proposed by Potgieter and Botha (2009), based on a factor analysis of the SSRQ in the South–African context, was used. Psychopathology was measured with the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) of Goldberg and Hiller (1979) as well as with a selfcompiled Alcohol and Eating Risk Questionnaire (AERQ). Data were captured and analysed using SAS. The two gender groups did not differ clearly regarding either self–regulation or psychopathology. This supports other studies that found no gender differences in specific selfregulation contexts, but contradicts a number of studies which indicate gender differences related to psychopathology. Interesting tendencies were noted regarding the association between self–regulation and psychopathology, independently for male and female students. Decision making and learning from mistakes, was found to be an important self–regulatory skill for both gender groups in this study, but with practical significance for male students only. For male students, differences in self–regulation were found regarding lower and higher risk for alcohol–related problems in contrast to female students, where differences were found only regarding risk for eating–related problems. It is more acceptable for males to misuse alcohol than it is for females in many societies, and this might explain why self–regulation is important for men regarding alcohol use. Current cultural values, attitudes, and practices and social norms, with particular emphasis on the sexualisation and objectification of women and their bodies, contribute to eating disorders and body image distress in females across their life span and specifically in college women. Thus, self–regulation becomes more important for females, as they are more vulnerable to eating–related problems. It was concluded that there is an important relationship between self–regulation and psychopathology, and in this study this relationship was found to be somehow different for male and female students. The results of this study have great implications both for further research and for clinical practice. / Thesis (M.A. (Clinical Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

Self–regulation, psychopathology and gender in a group of university students / Anke Cloete

Cloete, Anke January 2010 (has links)
Self–regulation is a psychological skill that helps individuals to flexibly plan, execute and monitor their own behaviour. The key self–regulation processes include goal establishment, planning, the striving towards a goal and the revision thereof. Although it is clear that poor self–regulation is associated with psychopathology, the role gender plays is not well understood. Some differences between men and women suggest that gender may be a possible factor in self–regulation and the development of specific forms of psychopathology. The aim of this study was therefore to determine the relationship between self–regulation, psychopathology and gender amongst a group of university students. Participants consisted of an availability sample of 384 (284 female and 100 male) students at the NWU’s Potchefstroom Campus. Self–Regulation was measured with the Shortened Self–Regulation Questionnaire (SSRQ) of Carey, Neal and Collins (2004). In this study, the factor structure proposed by Potgieter and Botha (2009), based on a factor analysis of the SSRQ in the South–African context, was used. Psychopathology was measured with the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) of Goldberg and Hiller (1979) as well as with a selfcompiled Alcohol and Eating Risk Questionnaire (AERQ). Data were captured and analysed using SAS. The two gender groups did not differ clearly regarding either self–regulation or psychopathology. This supports other studies that found no gender differences in specific selfregulation contexts, but contradicts a number of studies which indicate gender differences related to psychopathology. Interesting tendencies were noted regarding the association between self–regulation and psychopathology, independently for male and female students. Decision making and learning from mistakes, was found to be an important self–regulatory skill for both gender groups in this study, but with practical significance for male students only. For male students, differences in self–regulation were found regarding lower and higher risk for alcohol–related problems in contrast to female students, where differences were found only regarding risk for eating–related problems. It is more acceptable for males to misuse alcohol than it is for females in many societies, and this might explain why self–regulation is important for men regarding alcohol use. Current cultural values, attitudes, and practices and social norms, with particular emphasis on the sexualisation and objectification of women and their bodies, contribute to eating disorders and body image distress in females across their life span and specifically in college women. Thus, self–regulation becomes more important for females, as they are more vulnerable to eating–related problems. It was concluded that there is an important relationship between self–regulation and psychopathology, and in this study this relationship was found to be somehow different for male and female students. The results of this study have great implications both for further research and for clinical practice. / Thesis (M.A. (Clinical Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

Ingrid Jonker : 'n psigologiese analise

Van der Merwe, Lucas Martinus January 1978 (has links)
In hierdie studie word gepoog om met behulp van die werktuie, deur die Sielkunde ontwikkel, 'n analise van Ingrid Jonker (1933-1965) te maak en sodoende meer oor die "kuns van menswees" te wete te kom. Dit geskied aan die hand van 'n ondersoek na haar lewe en werk, wat so gevoer word dat groter begrip vir die medemens in die algemeen en vir die skeppendbegaafde persoon in die besonder, daaruit voortspruit. In die inleiding tot die eerste hoofstuk word die probleemstelling uiteengesit. Daarna word daar op die wisselwerking tussen die Letterkunde en die Sielkunde ingegaan en aangetoon hoedat wedersydse bevrugting dikwels langs hierdie weg, wat oor baie jare strek, plaasgevind het. Vervolgens word die wyse waarop kuns deur sommige ondersoekers aan 'n psigopatologiese verskynsel gelykgestel word, krities ondersoek. Verskille word aangetoon en sowel die oorsprong van, as die gevare verbonde aan so 'n gelykstelling word blootgelê. Hierna word die verwantskap tussen skepper en skepping en die verskillende vorms wat dit mag aanneem, uiteengesit en ondersoek. Vervolgens word aangetoon waarom Ingrid Jonker tot onderwerp van studie gekies is. Die plek wat sy in die Afrikaanse Letterkunde inneem, haar invloed op ander kunstenaars, die omstandighede wat haar lewe gekenmerk het, die invloed van die era waarin sy geleef het en ander faktore, wat die keuse beinvloed het, word uiteengesit. In die laaste afdeling van hierdie hoofstuk word die wyse waarop daar in die analise te werk gegaan is, verantwoord. Die teoretiese raamwerk vir die studie word uiteengesit en daaruit blyk dat die analise beskou word as 'n poging tot doeltreffende begrip van 'n persoon wat nie in die hier-en-nou situasie aanwesig is nie. Hierdie sogenaamde "analise in absentia" is dan geskoei op die lees van daardie psigoterapeutiese pogings wat op empatiese begrip van die medemens gebaseer is. Besondere klem word gelê op die feit dat die sielkundige die terrein van die Kuns as sielkundige betree en dat kunskritiek en kunswaardering hoegenaamd nie aan die orde kom nie. Die analise is derhalwe uitsluitlik daarop afgestem om tot 'n ryker begrip van Ingrid Jonker se lewe te lei, om haar werk op so 'n wyse te ontsluit dat die mens daaragter vir sover moontlik kenbaar word en om idees wat andersins nie verband met mekaar sou hou nie en gedrag wat andersins onverklaarbaar sou wees, tot 'n sinvolle geheel saam te snoer. Om hiertoe te kan kom, word die begrippe waarvan daar gebruik gemaak word, onderskei en sowel die metodes wat gevolg as die beginsels wat toegepas word, uiteengesit. In die laaste instansie kom die wyse waarop daar in ander soortgelyke ondersoeke te werk gegaan is en die mate van ooreenkoms wat dit met hierdie studie vertoon, aan die orde. Ingrid Jonker se lewensloop word volledig in die eerste gedeelte van hoofstuk twee uiteengesit. Hierna word 'n aantal van haar werke wat sowel gedigte as sketse, kortverhale en 'n drama insluit, in chronologiese volgorde gerangskik en in ses afdelings, verteenwoordigend van verskillende tydperke in haar lewe, aangebied en ontleed. Aan die einde van elke afdeling word die belangrikste temas wat daarin voorkom, saamgevat. Ten slotte word 'n oorkoepelende uiteensetting van al die verskillende temas gegee. Sommige van die werke wat ontleed word is vry-algemeen bekend en is ook in haar gepubliseerde bundels opgeneem. Ander kom slegs in jeug- en populêre tydskrifte voor. In hoofstuk drie word die nuwe begrip vir die kunstenares as mens, waartoe daar uit die beskrywing van haar lewe en die ontleding van haar werk gekom is, opnuut saamgestel. Eers word sommige van haar persoonlikheidseienskappe beskryf, daarna word 'n uiteensetting van die verskillende gevoelens en behoeftes wat sy ervaar het, gegee. Dit word opgevolg deur 'n beskrywing van die houdings en gedrag wat sy openbaar het. In die laaste instansie word die aanpassingsprobleme wat sy ondervind het en die beskerrnings- en aanpassingsmeganisrnes waarvan sy gebruik gernaak het, weergegee. Omdat soveel wanopvattinge oor haar geestestoestand wêreldin gestuur is, word in die volgende afdeling hieraan aandag gegee. Die laaste afdeling van die hoofstuk word gewy aan 'n uiteensetting van die gevolgtrekkings, waartoe daar voortspruitend uit hierdie studie, geraak is. In hoofstuk vier kom die implikasies wat hierdie studie vir die Sielkunde inhou en die raakpunte tussen haar lewe en die werk van 'n psigoterapeut, aan die orde. Eerstens word die voorveronderstellings waarop die studie gebaseer is, herbevestig en daarna word aangetoon watter insigte dit opgelewer het. So beklemtoon dit, byvoorbeeld, dat die mens nie net in afsondering van sy medemens beskou en behandel kan word nie. Daar word dus aangetoon hoedat sy nie anders as teen die agtergrond van die gesinsdinamiek, waarvan sy deel gevorm het, begryp kon word nie en hoedat hierdie verbondenheid in die terapeutiese hulp wat sy ontvang het, ingeweef kon word. In dieselfde trant word aangetoon hoedat die tyd waarin sy geleef het en die samelewing waarvan sy deel gevorm het, 'n ewe belangrike invloed op haar uitgeoefen het. Haar vermoë om intens by 'n situasie betrokke te wees en tegelykertyd objektief daarteenoor te staan, kom as derde raakpunt met die werk van 'n psigoterapeut aan die orde. In die laaste instansie word aangetoon hoedat die Sielkunde, soos trouens ook elke ander dissipline, binne perke lê en hoedat dit, in 'n ondersoek van hierdie aard, nie alle antwoorde verskaf nie. / Thesis (DPhil)--University of Pretoria, 1978. / gm2013 / Psychology / unrestricted

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