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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Enfermagem psiquiátrica e/ou saúde mental nos cursos de habilitação profissional de técnico de enfermagem e qualificação profissional de auxiliar de enfermagem" / Psychiatric nursery and/or mental health in the course of credentialing nursery technicians and professional qualification of nursery assistents.

Márcia Alves Cintrão 30 May 2005 (has links)
Esta pesquisa analisou os Cursos de Enfermagem em Nível Técnico, localizados nas cidades da Regional de Saúde de Araraquara, com relação à Disciplina de Enfermagem Psiquiátrica e/ou Saúde Mental nos anos de 2003 e 2004. A constatação da inconstância dessa Disciplina na grade curricular dos referidos Cursos, especialmente na questão da prática, nortearam esta pesquisa. Para isso, depois de delimitado o universo de pesquisa, foi utilizado um instrumento em forma de questionário semi-estruturado, contendo perguntas fechadas e semi-abertas, o qual foi dividido para análise em três blocos, sendo o primeiro referente a escolas e aos Cursos, o segundo sobre o corpo docente e o terceiro sobre o conteúdo teórico e de estágio da Disciplina de EP/SM. Foi solicitado também o plano de ensino das referidas Disciplinas. A análise procedeu-se de forma qualitativa e quantitativa. Os resultados demonstraram dicotomia entre teoria e estágio, ausência de estágio em vários Cursos, conteúdo dos Planos de Disciplina voltados ao modelo médico-hospitalocêntrico, embora já apresente traços na Reabilitação Psicossocial. A maioria dos docentes trabalha em outros locais além da docência, nem sempre há formação específica na área, mantém-se na forma tradicional de ensino e parecem desconhecer a importância da Disciplina. Pelas indicações esta Disciplina existe apenas para constar na grade curricular dos Cursos. Concluise ser necessária uma mudança urgente neste ensino, além de qualificar e sensibilizar o quadro de docentes para a importância desta Disciplina. / This research analised the nursery courses in the technical level located in the cities of Health Brand in Araraquara, in relation to the subjects of Psychiatric Nursery and/or Mental Health in 2003 and 2004. This research was inspired by the fact that this discipline is not constantly given on the courses mentioned above, especially on the practical matter. So, after limited the universe of the research, an instrument in the form of a semi-structured questionaire was used , consisting of closed and semi-opened questions and it was divided to be analised in 3 categories: the first one referring to schools and the courses, the second about the group of professors and the third about the theorical and research content in the EP/SM discipline. It was also asked for the teaching plan of those mentioned disciplines. The analise was done in the qualitative and quantitative form. The results showed dicotomya between theory and research, lack of research in several courses, discipline plan content focusing the medical-hospitalocentric model, although it already presents traces of psychsocial reabilitation. The majority of the professors works in other places besides teaching, do not have specific learning in the area, keep the tradicional form of teaching and give the impression of not knowing the importance of the discipline. According to the facts, this discipline exists only to be counted as one more in the students´ grades reports. Therefore, it is necessary an urgent change on this course, besides improving and touching the group of professors to the importance of this discipline.

Sobrecarga do cuidado em famílias de egressos de internação psiquiátrica - análise nos três meses após a alta hospitalar / Burden of care in families of graduates in psychiatric hospitals - analysis within three months after hospital discharge

Marina de Melo Barbosa 02 September 2011 (has links)
A política de saúde mental preconiza a diminuição da oferta de leitos psiquiátricos e a criação de serviços na comunidade deslocando a responsabilidade pelo seguimento do tratamento da doença mental das equipes hospitalares para as equipes comunitárias, o doente mental e seus familiares. Pacientes com transtornos mentais e seus familiares vivenciam momentos cíclicos de controle e diminuição sobre situações problema, as quais podem ou não resultar em internação psiquiátrica. A família passa a ser a principal provedora de cuidados e apoio aos pacientes psiquiátricos, no meio extra-hospitalar, fator este que pode gerar sobrecarga na família.A sobrecarga familiar é definida como \"um estado psicológico que advém da combinação de trabalho físico, emocional e pressão social\". O período pós a alta hospitalar pode gerar a família grande impacto que ao longo do tempo se modifica. O presente estudo tem como objetivo descrever e comparar a sobrecarga objetiva e subjetiva do familiar cuidador de pacientes no primeiro mês de alta hospitalar e após três meses deste período. Método - Foi aplicada a escala FBIS-BR nos neste primeiros mês e após três meses deste período. Foram entrevistados 26 familiares de pacientes que realizavam seguimento em um serviço de saúde mental ambulatorial na cidade de Ribeirão Preto. Os dados foram analisados através de freqüência e porcentagem e o teste não paramétrico de Wilcoxon-teste t- foi aplicado para identificar os itens da FIBS-BR que se destacaram na sobrecarga familiar. Resultados e discussão:.Os familiares dos 63 pacientes que compareceram as consultas foram convidados a participar do estudos e destes somente 26 aceitaram participar .Os pacientes desta amostra são em sua maioria homens, casados e completaram o ensino fundamental .Com relação aos cuidadores a maioria eram mulheres e mães com média de idade de 51 anos .Os participantes deste estudo são pertencentes a classe social mais baixa. Os diagnósticos mais prevalentes no estudo foram dos seguintes agrupamentos: \"Esquizofrenia, transtornos esquizotípicos,Transtornos delirantes e Transtornos de Humor\" .Os resultados demonstraram que a sobrecarga objetiva destaca-se da subjetiva nos dois momentos analisados. Indicando que os familiares são sobrecarregados com atividades de cuidado do doente, porém não se sentem prejudicados por isso. Possivelmente este resultado indica que os familiares preferem responder que não se incomodam porque entendem que é sua obrigação cuidar do familiar.A sobrecarga do cuidado objetiva e subjetiva diminuiu do primeiro para o terceiro mês e três aspectos podem explicar este resultado : 1- Paciente ainda com sintomas da doença no primeiro mês após a alta hospitalar 2- Readaptação da família após três meses de alta hospitalar; 3- Estratégia de visitas domiciliares pela equipe de saúde. Considerações Finais: Este estudo aponta para a importância e necessidade de acompanhamento dos pacientes egressos e seus familiares. A visita domiciliar é uma estratégia importante pois consegue manter um vinculo mais estreito entre o doentes, sua família e o serviços de saúde mental. A visita domiciliar é parte das atividades do enfermeiro sendo portanto, um dos profissionais da equipe que pode contribuir muito para melhorar as condições de doentes e famílias. / The mental health policy calls for the reduced supply of psychiatric beds and the creation of services in the community by shifting responsibility for monitoring the treatment of mental illness of hospital staff to community teams, the mentally ill and their families. Patients with mental disorders and their families experience moments cyclic control and reduction of problem situations, which may or may not result in psychiatric hospitalization. The family becomes the primary provider of care and support to psychiatric patients in the middle-ofhospital, a factor that can lead to overload in the family. The family burden is defined as \"a psychological state that arises from the combination of physical work, emotional and social pressure\". The post hospital discharge to the family can generate great impact over time changes. The present study aims to describe and compare the objective and subjective burden of family caregivers of patients in the first month of hospital discharge and after three months of this period. Method - was applied FBIS-BR scale in this first month and after three months of this period. Were interviewed 26 relatives of patients who were performing a follow-up outpatient mental health services in Ribeirão Preto. Data were analyzed using frequency and percentage and the nonparametric Wilcoxon t-test was used to identify items of FIBS-BR that stood out in the family burden. Results and discussion: The relatives of 63 patients who attended the consultations were invited to participate in these studies and only 26 agreed to participate. The patients in this sample are mostly male, married and completed their primary education. With respect to most caregivers were women and mothers with an average age of 51 years. The participants in this study are belonging to lower social class. The most prevalent diagnosis in the study were the following groupings: \"Schizophrenia, schizotypal disorder, delusional disorders and mood disorders\". The results showed that the overhead lens stands out in two moments of subjective analysis. Indicating that family members are overwhelmed with patient care activities, but do not feel harmed by it. Possibly this result indicates that family members prefer to answer that do not bother because they understand that it is his duty to take care of the family. The burden of care objectively and subjectively decreased from first to third month and three aspects may explain this result: 1 - The patient has symptoms of the disease in the first month after hospital discharge; 2 Hospital - Rehabilitation of the family after three months of hospital discharge; 3 - Strategy of home visits by health teams. Final Thoughts: This study highlights the importance and necessity of patient follow up graduates and their families. The home visit is an important strategy because it can maintain a closer link between the patient, his family and mental health services. The home visit is part of the activities of nurses and therefore, a team of professionals that can do much to improve conditions for patients and families.

Termos e expressões utilizados por familiares ao relatarem suas experiências nos diferentes momentos do adoecimento mental / Terms and expressions used by family members reporting their experiences at different moments of the mental illness

Laís Mariana da Fonseca 26 November 2010 (has links)
Introdução: A esquizofrenia é um transtorno mental de evolução crônica que causa sofrimento para o doente e sua família. Traz ao paciente prejuízo severo capaz de interferir amplamente na capacidade de atender às exigências da vida e da realidade, podendo torná-lo frágil diante de situações estressantes e aumentar o risco de suicídio. Para a família, a experiência de conviver com um membro portador desse transtorno tem sido comparada à jornada sob a tempestade. Primeiramente, há dificuldade de perceber o aparecimento da doença, com a definição do diagnóstico, os familiares variam em suas reações. Ao entrar em contato com o sistema de saúde mental, a família aprende uma nova linguagem, que é a linguagem dos profissionais de saúde. Essa nova linguagem deverá ser ajustada ao senso comum convencional do contexto familiar, de modo que possibilite compreender e tratar o adoecimento. Assim, a família cria uma linguagem para descrever sua experiência com o adoecimento mental. A pergunta desta pesquisa é: quais expressões as famílias utilizam para descrever o adoecimento de um familiar? Objetivo: identificar as expressões utilizadas por familiares para descrever a experiência de conviver com o adoecimento mental. Metodologia: Trata-se de pesquisa que realiza análise dos relatos de familiares por meio do software Analyse Lexicale par Contexte d\'um Ensemble de Segments de Texte (ALCESTE), contendo uma quantidade considerável de testes estatísticos, organizados para realizar análise de dados textuais. O ALCESTE contém metodologia de análise de dados qualitativos que se adequa a qualquer domínio de investigação, em que se pretenda tratar material textual, principalmente no que se refere à sua composição lexical e estruturação temática. Resultados e Discussão: A análise realizada pelo ALCESTE forneceu quatro classes agrupadas duas a duas: Classe 2 -- início da doença e Classe 4 -- início do tratamento; Classe 1 -- convivência e Classe 3 - cotidiano. Um conjunto de palavras e frases descrevem cada uma das classes. Início da doença: \"começou a doença\", \"adoecimento\", \"antes da doença\". Início do tratamento: \"internações\", \"tratamento\", \"remédio\". Convivência: \"difícil\", \"futuro\", \"esperança\". Cotidiano: \"cuidado\", \"sozinho\", \"preocupa\". Os resultados indicam que o período entre perceber a mudança de comportamento e o diagnóstico, geralmente culminando com a primeira internação, é carregado de sentimentos, de vivências de ter que lidar com comportamentos estranhos, violentos e o isolamento do doente. Depois, quando a medicação fez efeito, vivem um momento mais feliz, com mais esperança e atribuem essa melhora à medicação. Os familiares fazem reflexões sobre o passado, que no início precisavam de mais informações e se as tivessem, talvez a convivência não tivesse sido tão sofrida como foi. Mas o tempo de convivência possibilita melhor compreensão e aceitação da doença. Também desenvolveram algumas rotinas: como não deixar o familiar doente sozinho, observar se ele está tomando a medicação, mantendo, assim, um cuidado supervisionado que se incorporou ao cotidiano familiar. Conclusão: Os momentos descritos pelos familiares foram identificados por expressões, palavras e termos utilizados pelos mesmos em suas narrações. A pesquisa reafirma os dados encontrados nas pesquisas que forneceram as entrevistas analisadas neste estudo. Essas pesquisas anteriores utilizaram método de análise qualitativo tradicional, no qual o pesquisador lê várias vezes o material coletado, destaca as partes relevantes e as agrupa em categorias gerais criadas por ele para descrever o fenômeno investigado. Nesta pesquisa, a organização dos dados, o processo de agrupar trechos, criar classes e estabelecer a relação existente entre as mesmas foi feito com base na análise léxica das palavras de um conjunto de textos fornecido pelo software ALCESTE. Desse modo, a principal contribuição deste estudo foi trazer a linguagem dos familiares para descrever os momentos do adoecimento através de uma metodologia de análise mais distante do pesquisador. / Introduction: schizophrenia is a mental disorder of a chronic course that causes pain for both the patient and his family. It brings the patient severe prejudice that can interfere strongly in the ability to meet the demands of life and reality, making the patient fragile before stressful situations and increase the risk of suicide. For the family, the experience of living with a bearer of this disorder has been compared to the journey under the storm. First, there are difficulties identifying the onset of the disease with diagnostic definition, family members vary in their reactions. When in contact with the mental health system, the family learns a new language, which is the language of health professionals. This new language should be adjusted to the conventional wisdom of the family context, so that makes it possible to understand and treat the illness. Thus, the family creates a language to describe their experience with the mental illness. The question of this research is: which expressions families use to describe the family member\'s illness? Objective: identify expressions used by family members to describe the experience of living with the mental illness. Methodology: it\'s a research that conducts analysis of family reports through a software called Analyse Lexicale par Contexte d\'um Ensemble de Segments de Texte (ALCESTE), which contains a considerable amount of statistical tests organized to perform analysis of textual data. ALCESTE contains methods of analysis of qualitative data that fit for any field of research, treating textual material, mainly related to its lexical structure and composition of subject. Results and Discussion: the analysis performed by ALCESTE provided four classes grouped into two pairs: Group 2 - beginning of the illness and Group 4 - beginning of treatment; Group 1 - familiarity and Group 3 - daily routine. A group of words and phrases describe each group. Beginning of illness: \"the illness started\", \"illness\", \"before the illness\". Beginning of treatment: \"hospitalization\", \"treatment\", \"medicine\". Familiarity: \"difficult\", \"future\", \"hope\". Daily routine: \"take care\", \"alone\", \"it worries\". The results show that the time among noticing the behavior change and the diagnosis, normally culminating in the first hospitalization, it\'s full of feelings, experiences of dealing with strange and violent behaviors and the patient isolation. Then, when medications had effect, they live a happier and hopeful moment, and attribute this improvement to medication. Family members reflect about past, where at first they needed more information and if they had them, maybe familiarity hadn\'t been so painful as it was. But familiarity periods create better comprehension and acceptance of the desease. They also solved some routines: as not letting the sick family member alone, checking if he\'s been taking the medicine, and supervising the familiar routine.Conclusion: The moments described by family members had been identified by expressions, words and terms used by them. The research reassures the data found in the research which provided the interviews analysed in this study. These previous studies used traditional qualitative analysis method, where the researcher reads the collected material several times, highlights the relevant parts and groups them in general categories created by him to describe the phenomenon under investigation. On this research, data organization, the process of grouping parts, creating groups and establishing the relationship between them were performed based on the lexical analysis of words from a group of texts provided by ALCESTE software. This way, the main contribution of this study was to bring the language of the family members to describe the moments of illness through an analysis methodology farther from the researcher.

Facilitating the mental health of individuals living with chronic mental illness in the Northwest Health Directorate - Northern Namibia : a community involvement approach

Shifiona, Ndapeua Nehale 13 October 2014 (has links)
D.Cur. (Psychiatric Nursing Science) / Living with chronic mental illness in Namibia is a challenge. It often means a permanent fight against stigma and a daily struggle to make ends meet. The impact of living with the illness produces enormous subjective sufferings for the individuals, as well as untold psychological and financial burdens for many families. Through the researcher‟s interactions with individuals living with chronic mental illness, it became clear that they are not adequately supported by relatives and other members of the communities in which they live. Sometimes they are deprived access to basic needs namely, shelter, medications, freedom of movement and of expression. There is an exaggerated fear of, as well as a negative attitude towards those living with mental illness. In the Northwest Health Directorate of Namibia, there are no community care facilities for individuals living with chronic mental illness. There are no alternative community aftercare modes for discharged individuals living with chronic mental illness. Post-discharge of the patient from the hospital, there are no follow-ups regarding the social circumstances they find themselves in. As a result, the home-care for someone living with chronic mental illness after hospitalization remains the sole responsibility of the relatives who rarely know how to look after the patient. On many occasions the public has been very ignorant about mental illness, resulting in them having a very negative attitude towards persons living with chronic mental illness. The main purpose of this research was to explore and describe the lived experiences of individuals living with chronic mental illness, and the experience of the family members, community members, and health care workers dealing with individuals living with chronic mental illness. Thereafter, the researcher developed a mental health nursing model, which provides a theoretical frame of reference for the advanced psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner to facilitate constructive interactions through communicating, relating and sharing by discharged individuals living with chronic mental illness in Namibia...

'n Psigiatriese verpleegkundige benadering van adolessente met geestesgesondheidsprobleme

Peens, Teresa 17 November 2014 (has links)
D.Cur. (Psychiatric Nursing Science) / The aim of the research was to generate a psychiatric nursing approach for adolescents experiencing mental health problems. Understanding by the psychiatric nurse of all the dimensions of the experience world of the adolescent with mental health problems. can contribute to the development of a psychiatric nursing approach. The psychiatric nurse in an adolescent unit can operationalise the guidelines of such an approach in order to rcalise hope and the quest for wholeness with the adolescent with mental health problems. Nowadays high expectations are put to the adolescent. The adolescent is confronted with prescriptions and expectations by a complex society. The psychiatric nurses in an adolescent unit of a private psychiatric hospital often experienced feelings of confusion. discouragement and frustration. That which they wanted the adolescent to achieve while in the unit. determined what kind of treatment he received. The psychiatric nurse has accepted the responsibility for the adolescent' s quest for wholeness (well-being) and for the changes that could be effected therapeutically. In addition the frame of reference of workbooks and thought books. programmes for adolescents with mental health problems. the desires of parents and the theories and models for adolescent development are used as the frame of reference for treatment. This deprives the adolescent with mental health problems of his expert role as the author and rewriter of his life-story. as well as of the own responsibility for the quest for wholeness and maturity. The researchercame to the conclusion that the adolescent with mental health problems should himself, on the one hand. give the main input in the establishment of programmes in an adolescent unit in a psychiatric hospital and on the other hand. for the writing and rewriting of his own life-story. If the psychiatric nurse wishes to obtain more knowledge and understanding of the experience world of the adolescent with mental health problems, she can, from the frame of reference of the adolescent himself, facilitate hope and the quest for wholeness in order to restore, maintain and promote mental health...

Improving nurse patient therapeutic interactions in acute inpatient psychiatric care through participatory action research

Mac Gabhann, Liam January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Die behandelingsbelewenis van psigiatriese pasiënte in 'n privaat kliniek

Stols, Helene Elizabeth 30 June 2014 (has links)
M.Cur. (Psychiatric Nursing) / With modern psychiatric treatment, patients usually come into contact with as many as six different team members. These team members have their own particular treatment plans for patients. This has prompted the question: "How do patients experience their treatment by the interprofessional health team?" The aims of this study are as follows: • To explore psychiatric patients' experiences of their treatment by the interprofessional health team in a particular private psychiatric clinic. • To set basic guidelines which will promote the optimisation of treatment of psychiatric patients by the interprofessional health team, in order to prevent the aggravation of mental illness, emphasising the contribution of the psychiatric nurse.

Selfverwesenliking by die psigiatriese verpleegkundige vanuit 'n Christussentriese benadering

Peens, Teresa 27 August 2014 (has links)
M.Cur. / Man, as seen from a Christ-centred approach, was not only created in the image of God, but God also gave him the responsibility of acting as His representative on earth and of making full use of his God-given gifts, talents and potential. In this way man could become what God intended him to be. Man is a relationship creature, and when he accepts God as his personal Saviour, he should implement these God-given abilities in his relationship with himself, others, the community, nature and the biosphere, in such a way that the Spirit of Christ is embodied in it. Then the spiritual becomes the guideline, principal and motivator for meaningful human existence in the process of self-actualization. Because the Christian psychiatric nurse functions from this frame of reference, it is also applicable to her. The psychiatric nurse who today finds herself in psychiatric practice, is frequently subjected to fatigue and stress. The expectations that she sets herself and also the expectations the patient, family and community have of her, are enormous. Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit she needs to change the science of psychiatric nursing into an enriching and skillful art so that the qualities of Jesus Christ are embodied in the fulfillment of her task, and so that she can answer her calling and duty - empathy with her fellow-man towards fulfillment, wholeness and maturity of faith. The purpose of this research is to establish whether the presentation of a structured enrichment programme, from a Christ-centred approach by the psychiatric nurse specialist, can enhance the process of self-actualization in the psychiatric nurse. A one-day .enrichment programme was presented to two groups of final-year student nurses to facilitate the process of self-actualization. An explanatory experimental research approach was used. The two groups were randomly divided int experimental and control groups. Pre- and post-tests were done on both experimental and control groups by completion of the POI measuring instrument. The Intervention, namely the structured enrichment programme, was done on the experimental groups only...

A model to facilitate collaboration between institutions of higher education and psychiatric health care services to promote psychiatric clinical nursing education

Sithole, Pearl Matilda 19 April 2010 (has links)
D.Cur. / The purpose of this research study was to describe a model to facilitate collaboration between the institutions of higher education and psychiatric health care services in order to promote psychiatric clinical nursing education, with guidelines to operationalise the model. In spite of the calls by statutory bodies and contemporary legislation for collaboration between institutions of higher education and psychiatric health care services, there are few instances where formalised collaborative ventures exist to promote psychiatric clinical nursing education. Since the move of nursing education from hospital-based schools to colleges and universities, there was no attempt to redefine the most appropriate roles for nurse educators and clinical facilitators regarding student teaching and learning, given this realignment. The consequence was that the relationship between these institutions is characterised by territoriality; a lack of integration of knowledge and expertise of nurse educators and clinical facilitators; a lack of sharing the necessary resources to facilitate cooperative teaching thus increasing the existence of academia-service gap and/or theory-practice gap to develop. There was therefore a need to develop a model with guidelines for operationalisation of the model to facilitate collaboration between institutions of higher education and psychiatric health care services to promote psychiatric clinical nursing education. The research questions that emerged were: • What is the meaning of collaboration between institutions of higher education and psychiatric health care services within psychiatric clinical nursing education? • How can collaboration between institutions of higher education and psychiatric health care services be facilitated to promote psychiatric clinical nursing education? To realise the aim of this research, the following objectives are formulated: • to explore and describe the meaning of the concept “collaboration” between the institutions of higher education and psychiatric health care services within a psychiatric clinical educational context (theoretical and empirical perspectives); • to explore and describe the perceptions of nurse educators, nurse managers, and (i) clinical facilitators with regard to how collaboration between institutions of higher education and psychiatric health care services can be facilitated to promote psychiatric clinical nursing education; • to conceptualise the identified concepts of the model for collaboration to facilitate psychiatric clinical nursing education; • to describe the model to facilitate collaboration between institutions of higher education and psychiatric health care services, evaluate the model and describe guidelines for its operationalisation. The study was conducted in four phases. Phase One of the study involved an exploration and description of the meaning of collaboration within psychiatric clinical nursing education in accordance with Rodgers and Knafl’s evolutionary method of concept analysis (Rodgers & Knafl, 1993:77-90) and empirical meaning description from the participants’ perspective. Integration of the theoretical and empirical meaning of collaboration formed the basis on which a conceptual map was designed. Content analysis of literature was done using deductive and inductive reasoning strategies, synthesis, and inference and derivation as described by Chinn & Kramer (1995:63-67), and Walker and Avant, (1983:58-62). Theoretical validity was ensured (Chinn & Jacobs, 1987:208). A conceptual map constituting the four phases of collaboration was described.

Ontladingsmodel vir die verpleegkundiges betrokke by terminasie van swangerskap

Victor, Anna Maria 10 September 2012 (has links)
D.Cur. / This research aims to develop a model for debriefing for the advanced psychiatric nurse practitioner to enable her to support the nurse involved in the termination of pregnancy. This research also aims to generate guidelines for the operationalising of the developed model. The model developed is envisaged to enhance the development of the nurse involved in the termination of pregnancy into a reflexive and mentally healthy person. The transition for a minority government and "Apartheid" regime in South Africa to a democratically elected government in 1994 required the revision of health practices. The World Health Organisation adheres to a strong ethical frame of reference, which includes respect for individuals' choices regarding their personal health. To promote and enhance the health and quality of life for women in South Africa, the Bill on the Freedom of Choice to Terminate a Pregnancy (Bill no. 92 of 1996) was promulgated. The nurse involved in the termination of pregnancy, experiences inner powerlessness and tiredness because of internal conflict and loss of internal control. These feelings are centred around the inability to convince women, who decide to terminate a pregnancy, not to continue with the procedure. She is continually confronted with feelings of sadness and anger. She does not allow herself to give vent to these feelings, nor does she share them with other people. The nurse involved in the termination of pregnancy continuously contests her own religious beliefs, which thus result in feelings of guilt. She copes with these feelings by using ineffective psychological defence mechanisms, such as rationalisation with regard to the involvement with the termination of pregnancy, distancing herself from the situation by facilitating inadequate interpersonal skills, and the repression of her feelings concerning the termination of pregnancy.

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