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Generella teman om negativa emotionsupplevelser : En kvalitativ studieDyverfeldt, Hannah, Karlsson, Emma January 2016 (has links)
En studie med syftet att undersöka de generella temana i individers upplevelse av negativa emotioner. Tidigare forskning inom området har fokuserat på det frågeställningar som exempelvis handlar om negativa emotioners påverkan på individers hälsa. Den här studien söker att utveckla det kvalitativa området inom emotionspsykologi. Två frågeställningar undersöktes: Vad är de generella temana i män och kvinnors upplevelse av negativa emotioner?Finns det en skillnad i upplevelse av negativa emotioner mellan kvinnor och män? Deltagare var 66 individer, i åldrarna 19 till 77 varav 33 män. Materialet samlades in via en kvalitativ enkät och analyserades med meningskoncentrering och genom fenomenologisk tolkning. Resultatet gav fem generella teman: (1) Situation med minskad kontroll, (2) fysiskt upplevelse, (3) psykisk upplevelse, (4) agerande och (5) uppmärksammande. Resultatet gick i linje med tidigare studier men bidrog med att fylla en kunskapslucka med dess kvalitativa inriktning, temat (5) uppmärksammande var ett nytt tema som upptäcktes.
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Kvinnors psykologiska upplevelser av hysterektomi : En allmän litteraturstudieBengtsson, Maria, Bengtsson, Sandra January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Hysterektomi är en vanlig gynekologisk operation där livmodern avlägsnas till följd av olika gynekologiska besvär. Var tionde kvinna genomgår operationen i Sverige. Vid hysterektomi påverkas kvinnan både fysiskt och psykologiskt och sjuksköterskan bör ge god vård med ett helhetsperspektiv på människan. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att belysa kvinnors psykologiska upplevelse av hysterektomi. Metod: Studien var en allmän litteraturstudie med en induktiv ansats. Totalt nio refereegranskade artiklar bearbetades från databaserna PsycInfo, CINAHL och PubMed, varav fyra var kvalitativa och fem kvantitativa artiklar. Resultat: Studiens resultat delades in i fem huvudkategorier utifrån studiens syfte: Depression och ångest, Förändrad fertilitet och självbild, Relationer, Behov av stöd och Lättnad. Konklusion: Flera av kvinnorna mådde psykiskt dåligt efter borttagning av livmodern samtidigt som somliga kvinnor mådde betydligt bättre, upplevelserna varierade bland kvinnorna. Kunskapen bidrar till att både blivande sjuksköterskor och sjuksköterskor förstår hur en kvinna kan påverkas psykologiskt efter en hysterektomi och betydelsen av en helhetssyn i vården av kvinnan. Det behövs en ökad kunskap om hur kvinnor mår psykologiskt efter en hysterektomi. / Background: Hysterectomy is a common gynecological procedure involving the removal of the uterus due to various gynecological issues. Every tenth woman undergoes the surgery in Sweden. Psychological health is influenced by risk factors and affect women’s daily lives and the nurse should provide good care with a holistic perspective on the individual. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to elucidate women’s psychological experiences of hysterectomy. Method: The study was a general literature review with an inductive approach. A total of nine peer-reviewed articles were processed from the databases PsycInfo, CINAHL and PubMed, including four qualitative and five quantitative articles. Result: The study’s findings were categorized into five main categories based on the study’s purpose: Depression and Anxiety, Altered Fertility and Self-Image, Relationships, Need for support and Relief. Conclusion: Several of the women felt mentally unwell after the removal of the uterus, while some women felt significantly better; experiences varied among the women. This knowledge helps both future nurses and current nurses understand how a woman can be psychologically affected after a hysterectomy and the importance of a holistic approach in women's care. There is a need for increased understanding of women's psychological well-being after a hysterectomy.
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Patienters psykiska upplevelser under cytostaikabehandling vid cancervård : ExamensarbeteGomer, Hanna, Öberg, Katarina January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund Cancer behandlad med cytostatika skapar både fysiska och psykiska biverkningar hos patienter som upplever förlorad kontroll orsakat av kroppsförändringar och psykiska effekter: isolering, förlorad kroppsuppfattning, depression och fatigue. Cytostatikan påverkar patientens sociala- och familjeroll där stöd från närstående och vården är essentiellt. Patienter upplever skuldkänslor gentemot sin familj till följd av den förändrade tillvaron cytostatikan medför. Syfte Syftet med denna studie var att utforska vilka psykiska upplevelser patienter fått under sin cytostatikabehandling för cancer. Metod En litteraturstudie genomfördes utifrån tio vetenskapliga studier med kvalitativ ansats. Studierna publicerades mellan år 2010 och år 2020, i databaserna PubMed, CINAHL och PsycInfo samt kvalitetsgranskades med en granskningsmall för kvalitativa studier. Resultat Patienterna upplevde negativa känslor under sin cytostatikabehandling: oro, skuldkänslor och nedstämdhet. Fysiska och psykiska biverkningar påverkade patienterna, där depression och fatigue upplevdes som påfrestande och begränsade patienternas sociala tillvaro. Kroppsliga förändringar ledde till psykiska konsekvenser: förlorad självständighet, ångest, maktlöshet och självmordstankar. Patienter upplevde isolering både i hemmet och på sjukhuset till följd av begränsningar cytostatikan medförde. Patienternas nära relation till vården och närstående under cytostatikabehandlingen skapade både positiva och negativa upplevelser. Slutsats Positiva psykiska upplevelser var någonting som patienterna upplevde från både sina närståendes stöd och sjukvårdens stöd samt närvaro, men även detta stöd medförde ibland negativa upplevelser. Sjukhusmiljön upplevdes som stressande men också som en källa för information och trygghet på grund av vårdpersonalens närvaro. Patienternas vanligaste psykiska upplevelser under cytostatikabehandlingen var negativa och uppstod från biverkningarna depression och fatigue. Fortsatt forskning behövs om hur depression och fatigue kan lindras för att underlätta patienternas psykiska upplevelser av dessa. / Background Cancer treated with chemotherapy creates both physical and psychological side effects for patients. Who experience loss of control caused by body changes and psychological effects: isolation, loss of body image, depression and fatigue. Chemotherapy changes the patients’ family and social role. Care from family and health care workers are essential but they can create feelings of guilt for the patient. Aim The aim of this study was to explore how patients psychologically experience chemotherapy treatment while undergoing treatment of cancer. Method The design of this study was a literature review that was conducted of ten scientific studies with a qualitative approach. The studies were published between the years 2010 and 2020, in the databases PubMed, CINAHL and PsycInfo and reviewed with the use of a qualitative review template. Results Patients experienced negative emotions during their chemotherapy treatment: anxiety, guilt and depression. Physical and psychological side effects affected how patients experienced the treatment, were depression and fatigue were perceived as stressful and limited their social life. Physical changes led to psychological consequences: loss of independence, anxiety, powerlessness and suicidal thoughts. Patients experienced isolation at home and in the hospital due to limitations caused by chemotherapy. The patients' close relationship with the healthcare workers and their families during the chemotherapy created both positive and negative experiences. Conclusion Patients received positive psychological experiences from the support of both their family and health professionals, however this support sometimes led to negative experiences. The hospital environment was perceived as stressful but could also be an opportunity for information and safety due to the presence of the health care workers. The patients' most common psychological experiences during chemotherapy were negative which developed from the side effects: depression and fatigue. More research is needed on how depression and fatigue can be soothed in order to accommodate patients' psychological experiences of these side effects.
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Vozes narrativas em A Distant Shore de Caryl Phillips / Narrative voices in A distant shore by Caryl PhillipsPedreira, Márcia 26 September 2008 (has links)
Através do manejo do foco narrativo,dentre outros recursos literários, o Autor alterna e entrelaça narrativas de experiências de personagens oriundas de formações culturais diferentes com a representação do pensamento de cada uma delas sobre o passado, sobre si, sobre o outro e sobre vários espaços em que atuam. Esses espaços se revelam incongruentes com a idéia de um mundo sem fronteiras conforme se apregoa na modernidade tardia. O objetivo desta tese é discutir como aspectos do real histórico e do real psicológico nos tempos em que vivemos se sedimentam na forma deste romance contemporâneo / Through shifts in point-of-view, among other literary resources, the Author alternates and intertwines narratives of the experiences of two characters from contrasting cultural formations with narratives of their thoughts about the past, themselves, each other and the various settings in which they act. These spheres are rendered as incongruent with the idea of a world without borders, so often celebrated in late modernity. The aim of this thesis is to discuss how elements of present-day historical and psychological experience solidify in the form of this particular contemporary novel
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Vozes narrativas em A Distant Shore de Caryl Phillips / Narrative voices in A distant shore by Caryl PhillipsMárcia Pedreira 26 September 2008 (has links)
Através do manejo do foco narrativo,dentre outros recursos literários, o Autor alterna e entrelaça narrativas de experiências de personagens oriundas de formações culturais diferentes com a representação do pensamento de cada uma delas sobre o passado, sobre si, sobre o outro e sobre vários espaços em que atuam. Esses espaços se revelam incongruentes com a idéia de um mundo sem fronteiras conforme se apregoa na modernidade tardia. O objetivo desta tese é discutir como aspectos do real histórico e do real psicológico nos tempos em que vivemos se sedimentam na forma deste romance contemporâneo / Through shifts in point-of-view, among other literary resources, the Author alternates and intertwines narratives of the experiences of two characters from contrasting cultural formations with narratives of their thoughts about the past, themselves, each other and the various settings in which they act. These spheres are rendered as incongruent with the idea of a world without borders, so often celebrated in late modernity. The aim of this thesis is to discuss how elements of present-day historical and psychological experience solidify in the form of this particular contemporary novel
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Die kind se psigologiese belewenis van die ouer se nuwe lewensmaat na `n egskeiding.Kotzé, Chané 31 December 2008 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Approximately 50 percent of all marriages end up in divorce according to estimates.
Thirty percent of divorcees enter into wedlock again within one year from being
divorced, thereby creating a reconstructed family.
The child in the late middle childhood years experiences some unique challenges during
the reconstruction of the family due to influences such as the parent-child relationship,
parenting styles and the start of puberty.
The purpose of this qualitative study is to determine the child's psychological experience
within the reconstructed family and to provide guidelines to parents (and co-therapists)
on how to deal with children during the reconstruction process.
The qualitative method of research was applied as it is a more informal research
procedure and the boundaries of the study subject are reasonably wide and undefined.
The method provides an adaptable strategy regarding problem formulation and data
collection, which allow semi-structured interviews, observations and field notes, and
enable the researcher to obtain first hand knowledge and understanding of the problem. / Social Work / M. Diac.(Play Therapy)
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Die kind se psigologiese belewenis van die ouer se nuwe lewensmaat na `n egskeiding.Kotzé, Chané 31 December 2008 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Approximately 50 percent of all marriages end up in divorce according to estimates.
Thirty percent of divorcees enter into wedlock again within one year from being
divorced, thereby creating a reconstructed family.
The child in the late middle childhood years experiences some unique challenges during
the reconstruction of the family due to influences such as the parent-child relationship,
parenting styles and the start of puberty.
The purpose of this qualitative study is to determine the child's psychological experience
within the reconstructed family and to provide guidelines to parents (and co-therapists)
on how to deal with children during the reconstruction process.
The qualitative method of research was applied as it is a more informal research
procedure and the boundaries of the study subject are reasonably wide and undefined.
The method provides an adaptable strategy regarding problem formulation and data
collection, which allow semi-structured interviews, observations and field notes, and
enable the researcher to obtain first hand knowledge and understanding of the problem. / Social Work / M. Diac.(Play Therapy)
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