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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att få och slippa : Motiven bakom friluftsliv

Rundström, Isabelle January 2014 (has links)
Tidigare undersökningar av motivationen att utöva friluftsliv har identifierat motiv som social samvaro, fysisk aktivitet, naturupplevelser och avkoppling, dock har området mest berörts i samband med planering och förvaltning av naturområden. Den här studien har undersökt motiv bakom människans friluftslivsutövande i syfte att förstå dessa drivkrafter i relation till mänskliga behov. Studien bestod av 31 deltagare från olika delar av Sverige, i åldrarna 22-75 med varierande sysselsättning, friluftslivs-utbildning, civilstatus och nationalitet, varav 16 kvinnor. Data samlades in genom att deltagarna fick skriva berättelser om sin motivation. Det insamlade materialet meningskoncentrerades och analysen resulterade i att tre abstrakta motiv kunde urskiljas: (1) att komma bort från något, samt (2) att få inre och (3) yttre stimulans. Utövandet har visat sig tillfredsställa flertalet behov och främjar på så vis välmående. Vidare bidrar studien till kunskap om vad den friluftsaktiva individen upplever att hon behöver. Resultaten stämmer väl överens med tidigare forskning.

När ett behov är mer än ett behov : En litteraturstudie om patienters psykiska behov inom den palliativa vården / When a need is more than a need : A literature review of patients' psychological needs in palliative care

Larsson Hallenren, Matilda, Wilson, Jaclyn January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund Inom den palliativa vården anammas ett holistiskt synsätt, vilket innebär att fokus ligger på såväl fysiska, psykiska, sociala som existentiella aspekter i patientens livsvärld. Tre grundläggande psykiska behov, autonomi, möjligheter och sammanhang är essentiella i upplevelsen av psykisk hälsa. Även önskningar, värderingar och mål bidrar till patientens psykiska välbefinnande. Det har tidigare visat sig att patienters psykiska behov inte tillgodoses och sjuksköterskor inom den palliativa vården brustit i förmågan att uppmärksamma dessa behov. Syfte Syftet med studien var att beskriva patienters psykiska behov inom den palliativa vården. Metod Litteraturstudien baserades på tolv kvalitativa originalartiklar. Analysen genomfördes induktivt med en manifest innehållsanalys. Resultat Resultatet visade på psykiska behov i fem kategorier och sju underkategorier. Behoven gällde patientens närstående, självständighet, framtiden, vården och att bo hemma. Slutsatser Resultatet visade att psykiska behov kunde grundas i fysiska och sociala aspekter. Patienter som får palliativ vård förekommer på fler ställen inom specifikt den palliativa vården. Därför är det viktigt att belysa patienternas olika uttryck av psykiska behov för att de ska kunna tillgodoses och bidra till välbefinnande hos patienten. / Background In palliative care a holistic approach is embraced, which means that the focus is on physical, psychological, social and existential aspects of the patient's life-world. Three basic psychological needs, autonomy, competence and relatedness are essential concepts in the experience of mental health. Even desires, values ​​and goals contribute to the patient's psychological well-being. It has previously been shown that patients' psychological needs are not being met and that nurses in palliative care lack the ability to identify and address these needs Aim The aim of the study was to describe patients' psychological needs in the palliative care setting. Method The literature review was based on twelve qualitative original articles. An inductive, manifest content analysis was conducted. Result The result showed psychological needs in five categories and seven sub-categories; needs related to patient's family, independence, future, the healthcare system and staying at home. Conclusions The results showed that psychological needs could be based on both physical and social aspects. Patients receiving palliative care often receive that care in different environments that are not necessarily within specific palliative care clinical settings. Therefore, it is important to highlight the patients' expressions of psychological needs so that those specific needs can be addressed and in the process, improve the overall well being of the patient.

The Bases of Bonding: The Psychological Functions of Place Attachment in Comparison to Interpersonal Attachment

Scannell, Leila 11 December 2013 (has links)
This dissertation identified key parallels between the theories of place attachment and interpersonal attachment, a comparison that then informed three objectives of the research program: (1) to explore the functions of place attachment and describe which are shared with interpersonal attachment; (2) to examine how these functions differ according to stable individual differences in place and person attachment; and (3) to assess whether these functions differ according to the geographical scale at which the attachment rests. An additional methodological goal was to bring a new approach to the study of place attachment, drawing on experimental paradigms used in interpersonal attachment research. Research objectives were achieved through the completion of three separate studies. Study 1 began the inquiry into the functions of place attachment with a content analysis of community members’ open-ended descriptions about places to which they consider themselves attached. Thirteen categories of benefits were revealed: memories, belonging, relaxation, positive emotions, activity support, comfort--security, self-growth, freedom--control, entertainment, connection to nature, practical benefits, privacy, and aesthetics. These functions were discussed with reference to the functions of interpersonal attachment previously identified in the literature. The next two studies used experimental methodologies to further evaluate, and expand upon, the functions of place attachment identified in Study 1. Study 2 evaluated whether a security function exists for place attachment by assessing the impact of threat exposure on the mental accessibility of place attachment words. Specifically, threat exposure was operationalized by mistakes made on a lexical decision task, and place attachment proximity was represented by participants’ subsequent reaction times to place attachment words in this task. Results showed that exposure to threats increased proximity-seeking to places of attachment, but not to other types of places. Study 3 evaluated the ability of place attachment to provide belongingness, control, meaningfulness, self-esteem, and improved affect, and this was done within the context of a commonly-used ostracism paradigm. Place attachment was manipulated using a visualization exercise, and ostracism was manipulated using a bogus rejection paradigm. The dependent variables included participants’ current moods and experienced levels of psychological need satisfaction (i.e., meaning, self-esteem, control, and belongingness). Although ostracism did not interact with the place attachment visualization, the latter was found to increase individuals’ current levels of self-esteem, meaning, belongingness, control and negative affect, but only among participants without an avoidant place attachment style. This comparison between interpersonal attachment and place attachment revealed some overlap between the two types of bonding, and most importantly, inspired new research questions and methodological approaches to advance the study of place attachment – a less mature theory, but one with much applied value and theoretical potential. / Graduate / 0451

Psychological needs and music engagement intentions: a self-determination theoretical perspective on the motivation to continue in music

Liu, Mark Yun-Wu 07 November 2016 (has links)
Researchers of student motivation have often explained students’ desire to engage in various activities in terms of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation (Babad, 1993; Legutki, 2010; McPherson, 2000; O’Neill, 1999). However, there is a perpetuating absence of a unifying and theory-based understanding of motivation in music education that illustrates the need for the current study. Using self-determination theory (Deci and Ryan, 2000) as the theoretical framework, I examined (a) the association between fulfillment of psychological needs (i.e., autonomy, competence, and relatedness) experienced by high school orchestra students and their perceived level of autonomy-supportive learning, and (b) the connection between different qualities of self-determined motivation (i.e., external, introjected, identified, and intrinsic regulation) and students’ intentions to engage in music learning in the future. This cross-sectional quantitative study incorporated an author-designed instrument, which was an adaptation of Basic Psychological Needs Scale (Deci & Ryan, 2000) and Self-Regulation Questionnaire-Learning version (Black & Deci, 2000). I surveyed 706 high school orchestra students in the Midwest, and the response rate was 99.7%. The findings indicate that autonomy (β = .37), competence (β = .17), and relatedness (β = .14) positively predicted music students’ overall outlook on their autonomy-supportive learning. Identified regulation and intrinsic regulation positively predicted music students’ short- (β = .23, β = .34), medium- (β = .15, β = .29), and long-term intentions (β = .25, β = .25) of music engagement, indicating that there is a connection between autonomous regulation in music students and their future engagement intentions. External regulation (β = -.10) negatively predicted short-term intention only, indicating that there is a connection between extrinsic motivation and low intentions to continue must learning. This study provides evidence to support self-determination theory as a viable approach for understanding student motivation in the field of music education. Future research recommendations and implications for teaching are also provided.

Employed Stepmothers: Psychological Stress, Personal Adjustment, Psychological Needs, and Personal Values

Rila, Barbara A. (Barbara Ann) 08 1900 (has links)
Employed and non-employed stepmothers were compared on four psychological dimensions: stress, adjustment, needs, and values. Employed stepmothers were hypothesized to experience greater stress, lower adjustment, different needs, and different values. Racial and race by employment status differences along these four dimensions were also addressed.

Relación entre los Lazos Parentales de la infancia y la Satisfacción de las Necesidades Psicológicas Básicas en un grupo de estudiantes de Psicología de una universidad privada de Lima Metropolitana

Vásquez Amat y León, Fiorella 08 1900 (has links)
Se estudió la relación entre los Lazos Parentales de la infancia y la Satisfacción de las Necesidades Psicológicas Básicas en una muestra de 153 estudiantes de psicología de una universidad privada de Lima Metropolitana. Para lograr el objetivo del presente estudio correlacional se administró el Cuestionario General de las Necesidades Psicológicas Básicas (Deci & Ryan, 2000 en Chen et al., 2015) y el Instrumento de Lazos Parentales (Parker, Tupling & Brown, 1979 en Gómez, Vallejo, Villada, & Zambrano, 2009). Ambos evidenciaron óptimas propiedades psicométricas (validez de constructo y confiabilidad). Los resultados mostraron correlaciones directas y significativas entre el Cuidado Materno y la satisfacción de las tres necesidades psicológicas básicas y correlaciones directas y significativas entre el Cuidado Paterno y la satisfacción de la necesidad de competencia. Asimismo, se evidenciaron correlaciones inversas y significativas entre la Sobreprotección Materna y la satisfacción de las necesidades de autonomía y relación y correlaciones inversas y significativas entre la Sobreprotección Paterna y las tres necesidades psicológicas básicas. Estos resultados sugieren que se acepta parcialmente la hipótesis planteada. / The relationship between parental bonds of childhood and satisfaction of basic psychological needs was studied in a sample of 153 psychology students at a university in Lima. To reach the aim of this study were administrated the Basic Psychological Needs in General Questionnaire (Deci & Ryan, 2000 in Chen et al., 2015) and the Parental Bonding Instrument (Parker, Tupling & Brown, 1979 Gómez , Vallejo, Villada , & Zambrano , 2009) were administered. Both showed optimal psychometric properties (construct validity and reliability). Results also showed significant positive correlations between the Maternal Care and satisfaction of three basic and significant positive correlations between the Parental Care and satisfying the need for competition psychological needs. Also were showed significant negative correlations between Maternal Overprotection and satisfying the autonomy and relationship needs and significant negative correlations between the Parental Overprotection and the three basic psychological needs. These results suggest that the hypothesis is partially accepted.

Kansei Engineering Approach : Mapping the correlation between user's subjective perception and design features for dining tables

Toderean, Alexandru Gabriel January 2017 (has links)
Because of the competitive market and high product failure, product development and quality is moving towards a merging of functionality and usability with psychological needs. The interaction with the products creates a need, which can be a decisive aspect for the user when choosing a product. The Kansei approach, also known as Kansei Engineering, aims at converting the psychological needs that influence the subjective perception of the user, into actual design specification, with eight types developed so far. Furthermore, the method implies that, the competitiveness of the product can be enhanced by attaching users’ feelings and aesthetic impressions in term of product attributes, to the product features.This thesis describes how the methodology can be used by implementing Kansei Engineering Type I as a tool to evaluate and map the subjective perceptions of dining tables. The research shows that it was possible to map correlations between the users’ subjective perception and design features. E.g. a dining table that is perceived as solid, has the feature rail/frame and is heavy (>35kg). This can be used as input in user-centred product development. Even if no correlation was possible in some cases, valuable information was gathered that can be used for further analysis. As a continuation of the research, will be to focus on which surface textures is better perceived as natural feeling of wood.

The Line-Manager as a Crucial Link During an Organizational Change

Larsson, Caroline, Johansson, Sofie January 2020 (has links)
Earlier studies have identified factors that could be a threat to an employee'swell-being, performance, and motivation during an organizational change.However, there is a lack of research on hierarchical management organizationsand a line-manager's part of how a change is delivered to employees. With theuse of self-determination theory as a basis, this study examined a top-manager'smotivation style towards their line-managers, in the context of anorganizational change, and whether the line-manager's basic psychologicalneeds are satisfied. The hypothesis for the present study expresses: A linemanager'slevel of satisfaction with its basic psychological is associated withits top-manager's motivation style orientation. The sample (N= 52) consists oftwo levels of management, top-managers, and line-managers, and this studyshows a between-subject effect, and a within-subject effect, where, based onmotivation style, the rating on experienced satisfaction and frustration aredifferent. The proposal for further research suggests taking all the differenthierarchical management levels into account during an organizational change. / Tidigare studier har identifierat faktorer som kan hota anställdasvälbefinnande, prestation och motivation under en organisationsförändring.Det saknas dock forskning inom organisationer med ett hierarkiskt ledarskapoch linjechefens roll i hur en förändring levereras till anställda. Med selfdeterminationtheory som grund undersöker denna studie en toppchefsmotivationsstil gentemot sina linjechefer, under en omorganisation, och ifallderas grundläggande psykologiska behov är uppfyllda. Hypotesen för denaktuella studien är följande: linjechefens upplevelse av att ha autonomi,samhörighet, och kompetens tillfredställt har en association med derastoppchefs motivationsstil. Urvalet (N= 52) består av två nivåer av ledning,toppchefer och linjechefer. Resultatet visar en effekt både mellan och inomgrupperna, där upplevd tillfredsställelse och frustration är olika baserat påmotivationsstil. Förslag till senare forskning föreslås att ta hänsyn till allanivåer i en hierarkisk ledning under en organisationsförändring.

An intervention to reduce adolescent Hookah pipe use and satisfy their basic psychological needs

Kader, Zainab January 2020 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / Adolescent hookah pipe use is a public health concern because it poses several health, environmental, and economic risks. Self-determination theory (SDT) posits that people are motivated to engage in certain behaviours in an attempt to satisfy their basic psychological

Volunteering at an eco-community : The impact on the three basic psychological needs - a case study of Hästekasen Farm

Amirian, Parissa January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

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