Spelling suggestions: "subject:"psychopathology""
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Traits de personnalité, événements de vie et troubles psychopathologiques associés à l’idéation suicidaire chez les étudiants de licence / Personality traits, life events and psychopathological disorders related to suicide ideation among undergraduate studentsMahr, Safia 30 January 2015 (has links)
Objectif. L’idéation suicidaire est la première étape dans la spirale infernale du comportement suicidaire. Pour mieux prévenir l’idéation suicidaire, le but de notre étude est d’investiguer ses prédicteurs chez des étudiants de licence : traits de personnalité, stress lié aux événements devie, troubles psychopathologiques, estime de soi, satisfaction de la vie et relations interpersonnelles.Méthode. L’étude s’est déroulée { l’Université Paris Ouest Nanterre la Défense entre 2008 et 2010, et nous avons recueilli les données auprès d’un échantillon de 855 étudiants (âge moyen de 23 ans, écart-type de 5,5 ans; H = 198, F = 657) provenant de plusieurs filières de licence, mais avec une forte surreprésentation de la filière de psychologie (n=614). Nous avons utilisé une batterie d’instruments pour mesurer les variables cibles.Résultats. Les résultats des analyses en pistes causales avec médiation montrent que seulementquelques variables prédictrices expliquent plus de la moitié de la variance de l’idéation suicidaire (52%). Les prédicteurs les plus efficaces en termes de significativité sont l’agréabilité (β entre -0,06 à -0,18), l’estime de soi (β entre -0,08 à -0,52), la présence de l’anxiété-l’insomnie (β entre 0,17 { 0,37), le dysfonctionnement social (β entre 0,09 { 0,23), le trait d’être renfermé (en retrait, introverti) (β entre 0,08 { 0,29), les troubles de pensée (β entre 0,16 { 0,40) et le comportement transgressif (β entre 0,14 { 0,31).Discussion. Malgré les limitations de notre étude, nous constatons qu’un petit nombre de prédicteurs expliquent une variance importante de l’idéation suicidaire et que les prédicteurs ne se comportent pas de façon identique pour les différents sous-groupes ; hommes/femmes, appartenance à la filière psychologie/autres. / Objective. Suicide ideation is the first stage that leads to the vicious circle of suicidal behaviours.Thus, the objective of our research is to investigate the association between suicide ideation andits predictor variables (personality traits, stress related to life events, psychopathological disorders, self esteem, satisfaction with life and interpersonal relationships) amongst undergraduate university students.Method. This study was conducted at the Université Paris Ouest Nanterre la Défence between2008 and 2010. We have collected data from a sample of 855 students (average age of 23 yearsand standard deviation of 5 years and 6 months; M = 198, F = 657) composed of different disciplines but with an overrepresentation of psychology undergraduates (n = 614 with an average age of 23 years; σ = 6). We used a battery of instruments to measure the variables of interest.Results. The results of path analysis show that only a few predictor variables explain more than half of the variance in suicidal ideation (52%). The most effective predictors in terms of significance are: agreeableness (β between -0.06 to -0.18), self-esteem (β between -0.08 to -0.52), comorbidity of anxiety-insomnia (β between 0.17 to 0.37), social dysfunction (β between 0.09 to 0.23), withdrawal (β between 0.08 to 0.29), thought disorders (schizophrenia) (β between 0.16 to 0.40) and rule breaking behaviour (β between 0.14 to 0.31). Discussion. In spite of the limitations of our study, we have found that a relatively small number of predictors explains a significant amount of variance in predicting suicidal ideation. Moreover, predictor variables are not identical for different subgroups.
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Závislost na jehle v souvislosti s psychopatologickými charakteristikami a mírou rizikového chování u injekčních uživatelů drog / Needle fixation in relation to psychopatological characteristics and risk behavior of injecting drug usersČížkovská, Dominika January 2020 (has links)
Background: At the point, when injecting still seems to be the most common use among problem drug users and there has been no change in the long term, despite the long tradition of harm reduction services in the Czech Republic, it is important to examine the context of this issue and try to understand it more closely, and therefore understanding the phenomenon of needle fixation. Aims: The paper seeks to address whether the risky behaviour level of the needle-fixated drug users differs from those who are not needle-fixated. The second aim is to examine a possible connection between the injecting users psychopathological characteristics and the phenomenon of needle fixation. The third intention of the work is to find out whether and pošibly how the level of risky behaviour differs among needle-fixated drug users in the context of their psychopathological characteristics. Methods: The chosen method of data collection was a battery of questionnaires: IN-COME questionnaire, BBV-TRAQ, SCL-90 and NEFPRO. The battery of the questionnaire was administered with the participation of the researcher. In addition to descriptive statistical methods, the Mann-Whitney test (4 tests), the Chi-square test (11 tests) and the Spearman correlation coefficient were chosen as methods for testing based on research...
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Psychische Belastungsfaktoren bei Patienten mit chronischer Hepatitis-C-Infektion während und außerhalb einer antiviralen InterferontherapieSchäfer, Arne 31 January 2008 (has links)
I) Hintergrund Die chronische Hepatitis-C-Infektion stellt global ein wesentliches Gesundheitsproblem dar. Diese Virusinfektion kann bei unbehandelten Patienten zur Leberzirrhose und im weiteren Verlauf bis hin zur Entwicklung eines hepatozellulären Karzinoms führen. Die einzige Behandlungsoption mit der Aussicht auf dauerhafte Viruselimination besteht in modernen Kombinationstherapien, die das Zytokin Interferon alfa enthalten. Wesentliche Merkmale sind – neben inzwischen sehr hohen Ansprechraten – eine Behandlungsdauer zwischen 24 und 48 Wochen, hohe Therapiekosten und ein Nebenwirkungsprofil, das sowohl somatische als auch psychopathologische Symptome umfassen kann. II) Untersuchungsgegenstand und Fragestellungen Sowohl die chronische Virusinfektion an sich als auch die aktuell verfügbaren Therapieverfahren bergen ein erhebliches psychisches Belastungspotential. Hauptgegenstand dieser Dissertation ist die Erfassung der psychologischen Aspekte der Erkrankung und der psychischen und psychopathologischen Nebenwirkungen einer Interferonbehandlung. Wesentliche bearbeitete Fragestellungen sind: - Welchen Belastungsfaktoren sind Hepatitis-C-Patienten bereits ohne aktuelle antivirale Interferontherapie ausgesetzt bzw. welche psychopathologischen Symptome zeigen diese Patienten? - Wie ist der zeitliche Verlauf psychopathologischer Symptome bei Hepatitis-C-Patienten vor, während und nach einer antiviralen Therapie? - Wie wirksam und wie sicher ist eine medikamentöse Behandlung der Interferon-induzierten Depression mit selektiven Serotonin-Wiederaufnahmehemmern (SSRI) unter Fortführung der antiviralen Therapie? III) Patienten und Methoden Studienteilnehmer waren Hepatitis-C-Patienten, die sich ambulant vorstellten bzw. in unsere Ambulanz überwiesen wurden und die jeweiligen Einschlusskriterien erfüllten. Zu den wichtigsten verwendeten psychometrischen Selbstbeurteilungsskalen zählen: HADS (Depressivität, Angst), SCL-90-R (psychopathologische Symptome), SF-36 (Lebensqualität) und FKV (Krankheitsverarbeitung). IV) Wesentliche Forschungsergebnisse Bereits ohne Einfluss des Zytokins Interferon bestehen starke Krankheits-assoziierte psychische bzw. psychosoziale Belastungen der Patienten, die sich in einem erhöhten Depressionsrisiko ausdrücken. Die erhobenen Depressionsscores stehen in signifikantem Zusammenhang mit der Erkrankungsdauer und den individuell bestehenden Optionen und Erfolgsaussichten einer antiviralen Interferontherapie. Prospektive Erfassungen der Auftretenshäufigkeit klinisch relevanter Interferon-assoziierter Depressionen ergeben Raten von ca. 30 %. Diese Größenordnung wurde sowohl in einer eigenen prospektiven Studie als auch im Rahmen einer vorgestellten Übersichtsarbeit bestätigt. Die Umstellung der verwendeten Formulierung des Medikaments von herkömmlichem Interferon alfa auf die pegylierte Variante brachte keine Verbesserung der Verträglichkeit z.B. im Hinblick auf die interferonassoziierte Depression. Ein rechtzeitiges Erkennen der entsprechenden Symptome vorausgesetzt, ist die antidepressive Behandlung der Interferon-assoziierten Depression mit Hilfe von selektiven Serotonin-Reuptake-Inhibitoren auch ohne generelle Prophylaxe sehr effektiv und sicher möglich. V) Diskussion Empfohlen wird ein engmaschiges psychometrisches Monitoring aller Hepatitis-C-Patienten im Therapieverlauf. Ausführliche Aufklärung, enger Arzt-Patienten-Kontakt während der Therapie, sowie die Betreuung durch einen festen Ansprechpartner während der bis zu einem Jahr dauernden Therapie sind wichtige Rahmenbedingungen für eine solche Behandlung. Für die medikamentöse Behandlung der Interferon-induzierten Depression gilt: Bei besonderer Indikation (z.B. Interferon-assoziierte Depression bei früheren Therapieversuchen) sollte eine SSRI-Sekundärprophylaxe in Betracht gezogen werden. Ansonsten ist eine entsprechende SSRI-Intervention beginnend mit dem Einsetzen einer klinisch relevanten Depression ausreichend.
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[pt] O abuso sexual na infância e adolescência é um problema de saúde
pública, possuindo possíveis repercussões ao longo da vida. Por exemplo, é
associado a maior risco para o desenvolvimento de diversos sintomas
psicopatológicos. Com o aumento do acesso à internet nos últimos 15 anos,
principalmente entre crianças e adolescentes, a probabilidade de abertura a novas
formas de abuso sexual torna-se uma preocupação. A vitimização sexual online
surge nesse contexto. Já se sabe que durante as experiências de vitimização, há
maior possibilidade de sintomas depressivos, ansiosos, ligados ao uso de
substâncias e até ideação suicida, mas não se sabe exatamente o risco a médiolongo prazo. Assim, o objetivo desta dissertação foi investigar se a vitimização
sexual online precoce (na infância e adolescência) tem associações com sintomas
psicopatológicos na vida adulta. A dissertação foi elaborada na forma de artigos,
sendo dividida nas seguintes etapas: um capítulo introdutório, dois artigos e um
capítulo conclusivo. O ARTIGO 1 é uma tradução e adaptação de um instrumento
de avaliação de vitimização sexual online (Online Sexual VictimizationScale). O
ARTIGO 2 é um estudo online para investigar retrospectivamente, em uma
amostra de adultos jovens e usuários de internet desde a infância, os diferentes
efeitos da história de abuso sexual online e não online para sintomas de
transtornos mentais. No Artigo 1, após todas as etapas de tradução e adaptação
planejadas terem sido cumpridas com sucesso, foram realizadas análises fatoriais
confirmatórias para verificar os índices de confiabilidade e validade do construto.
De acordo com a análise fatorial, a escala possuimodelo de dois fatores: com um
fator geral de segunda ordem e três fatores de primeira ordem que correspondem a
subescalas- insistência (4 itens), ameaças (4 itens) e disseminação (2 itens). O
modelo de segunda ordem apresentou bom a excelente ajuste do modelo entre os
índices e todos os itens apresentaram cargas fatoriais significativas. Tal modelo
replica o proposto originalmente pelo autor. Portanto, apresentamos a tradução,
adaptação, bem como índices de confiabilidade e validade de construto da escala.
No artigo 2, os resultados apontaram os efeitos da vitimização sexual online
ocorridos precocemente como fatores de risco para diversos sintomas
psicopatológicos. Além disso, observamos uma alta prevalência de vitimização
sexual online durante a infância e adolescência, apresentada por três a cada quatro
participantes. Para sustentar as experiências adversas como risco para sintomas,
comparamos os grupos de participantes com e sem história de vitimização sexual
online durante a infância e adolescência. Ao comparar o grupo controle e o grupo
referente à vitimização sexual online antes dos 18 anos, notamos diferenças nas
manifestações de sintomas psicopatológicos, indicando que tais eventos de vida
negativos podem estar relacionados a efeitos duradouros na saúde mental. Os
dados apresentados neste estudo sugerem que a vitimização sexual online de
forma precoce é um tema emergente de preocupação à medida que a internet se
torna cada vez mais acessível à população em geral. Surge então a necessidade de
recursos de proteção mais fortes para evitar que crianças e adolescentes sejam
expostos a tais situações estressantes. / [en] Child sexual abuse can be considered a public health problem, since its
repercussions throughout life are associated with a greater risk for the
development of several psychopathological symptoms. With the increase in
internet access in the last 15 years, especially among children and adolescents, the
likelihood of opening up to new forms of sexual abuse becomes a concern. Online
sexual victimization emerges in this context, bringing relevant evidence of
associations with symptoms such as depression, anxiety, suicide and substance
use. Therefore, this dissertation aims to investigate early online sexual
victimization associated with the manifestation of psychopathological symptoms
in adulthood. The dissertation was prepared in the form of articles, being divided
into the following steps: an introductory chapter, two articles and a concluding
chapter. ARTICLE 1 is a translation and adaptation of an online sexual
victimization assessment tool. ARTICLE 2 is an online study to retrospectively
investigate, in a sample of young adults and internet users since childhood, the
different effects of online and non-online sexual abuse history on symptoms of
mental disorders. In Article 1, after all the planned translation and adaptation steps
had been successfully completed, confirmatory factor analyzes were performed to
verify the reliability and validity indices of the construct. According to factor
analysis, the OSV is a second-order factor composed of three first-order factors -
insistence (4 items), threats (4 items) and dissemination (2 items). The second
order model showed good to excellent model fit between the indices and all items
presented significant factor loadings. Therefore, we present the translation,
adaptation, as well as reliability and construct validity indices of the scale. In
article 2, the results pointed to the effects of early sexual victimization online as
risk factors for several psychopathological symptoms. We observed a high
prevalence of early online sexual victimization reported by participants, showing
that three out of four adults who grew up with internet access experienced online
sexual victimization during childhood and/or adolescence. When comparing the
control group and the group referring to online sexual victimization before the age
of 18, we noticed differences in the manifestations of psychopathological
symptoms, indicating that such negative life events may be related to lasting
effects on mental health. The data presented in this study suggest that early sexual
victimization online is an emerging topic of concern as the internet becomes
increasingly accessible to the general population. Our study found extremely
relevant results, drawing attention to the importance of building stronger
protective resources to prevent children and adolescents from being exposed to
such stressful situations.
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[pt] A discriminação percebida é um elemento estressor de saúde mental que consiste na capacidade
de percepção dos sujeitos acerca das interações e experiências discriminatórias vividas no
cotidiano. O objetivo desta dissertação foi explorar as associações entre a Discriminação
Percebida e Sintomas de Saúde Mental. Para tanto, um trabalho dividido em três partes foi
concebido. Uma revisão de literatura, sequência, uma revisão narrativa sobre discriminação
percebida e transtorno mentais, sintomas psicopatológicos e por fim, avaliação das propriedades
psicométricas da Escala de Discriminação Cotidiana e um estudo empírico que avaliou de forma
online a presença de sintomas psicopatológicos e testou associações com a discriminação
percebida. Trata-se de uma Pesquisa, com delineamento transversal e análise quantitativa,
considerou as respostas de 547 brasileiros natos, adultos com idade entre 18 e 72 anos. Os
participantes responderam quatro questionários autoaplicáveis, questionários, são eles, o
sociodemográfico, a Escala de Discriminação Cotidiana, a Escala de Sofrimento Psicológico e
a Escala Transversal de Sintomas Nível 1 do Manual Diagnóstico e Estatístico de Transtornos
Mentais, quinta versão. Quanto aos resultados a validade baseada na estrutura interna foi
realizada por meio da Análise Fatorial Exploratória que detectou que todos os itens funcionaram
normalmente. A escala de demonstrou unidimensional por avaliar apenas um constructo, além
de apresentar validade convergente com medidas externas através da Escala K10, que tem por
finalidade avaliar relatos de sofrimento psicológico recente. A hipótese de que estigma e a
discriminação possam interferir em movimentos de busca por ajuda psicológica foi confirmada
neste estudo. Nosso estudo sustenta que a Escala de Discriminação Cotidiana possui
propriedades confiáveis para ser utilizada no ambiente virtual, ampliando a viabilidade de
estudos na temática. Logo, observamos que a EDS se associa positivamente com sintomas
psicopatológicos e com o sofrimento psicológico recente. / [en] Perceived discrimination is a mental health stressor that involves individuals ability toperceive
interactions and discriminatory experiences in their daily lives. The aim of this dissertation
was to explore the associations between Perceived Discrimination and Psychopathological
Symptoms. For this purpose, a three-part study was designed. It includeda literature review, a
narrative review on perceived discrimination and disorders, symptoms, and other signs of
psychological morbidity, and finally, an assessment of the psychometric properties of the
Everyday Discrimination Scale along with an empirical study that evaluatedthe presence of
psychopathological symptoms online and tested associations with perceived discrimination. A cross-sectional research design with quantitative analysis was employed, considering
responses from 547 native Brazilian adults aged 18 to 72 years old. Participants completed
four self-administered questionnaires: sociodemographic, Everyday Discrimination Scale,
Psychological Distress Scale, and the Level 1 Cross-Cutting Symptom Scale from the Fifth
Edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Regarding the results,
validity based on internal structure was conducted using Exploratory Factor Analysis,which
found that all items functioned appropriately. The scale demonstrated unidimensionalityby
assessing a single construct and showed convergent validity with external measures throughthe K10 Scale, designed to assess recent psychological distress reports. The hypothesis that stigma and discrimination might impact seeking psychological help was confirmed by this study. Our
research supports that the Everyday Discrimination Scale possesses reliable properties for
online use, enhancing the feasibility of studies in this area. Thus, we observed apositive
association between the Everyday Discrimination Scale and psychopathologicalsymptoms as
well as recent psychological distress.
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Online Risk BehaviorsWeisman, Jason E. 30 August 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Developing a theory of psychopathological perfectionism within a cognitive behavioural frameworkBaker, David January 2012 (has links)
Background: Psychological perfectionism, from a clinical perspective, started to be a topic of interest for cognitive behavioural clinicians at the beginning of the 1950s. Whilst many studies have identified perfectionism as a pivotal motivator in different conditions of neurosis, the exact nature of its interactions remains unclear. In the research community there is still a debate as to whether there is such a thing as good perfectionism, and there remains no consensual theory of psychopathological perfectionism. Aims: The aim of the study was to investigate why the nature of the phenomena remains a contentious issue, and to develop a robust theory of psychopathological perfectionism, within a cognitive behavioural framework, which will find general acceptance. From the literature review this appears to be the first qualitative study to develop such a theory. Method: Substantive grounded theory was developed within a framework of methodical hermeneutics which, it is argued, is capable of generating formative theory. 20 volunteers who came forward in response to advertisements became participants in semi-structured interviews using a post classic qualitative methodology, from which emerging data became the basis of categories leading to the development of the theory, and functions of the phenomena. Results and Conclusions: The study sets out reasons why there remains an impasse amongst researchers and clinicians about the condition of psychopathological perfectionism. A parsimonious theory of pathological perfectionism has been developed, the constructs of which are just necessary and sufficient to describe the condition. The developed theory makes a contribution to theories proposed prior to 1990 and to contemporary research. However as with all theories it is necessarily provisional, so that its usefulness is in need of further research and development. Psychopathological perfectionism has only two constructs, namely a demand to achieve perfectionism in at least one idiosyncratic sphere, which is in response to a core schema of conditional worth. A number of symptoms or functions of psychopathological perfectionism have also been identified, and there are suggestions as to how the condition develops and is maintained to the detriment of the sufferer. The study synthesizes over fifty years of theory and research into the phenomena. The developed theory and its symptoms or functions have important implications for clinical interventions, training, and for further psychological and psychosocial research. These implications are discussed.
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Neuropsychologische Testleistungen, psychopathologische Symptomatik und Hippocampusvolumen bei psychisch traumatisierten Patientinnen / Neuropsychological performance, psychopathological symptoms and hippocampal volume in patients having experienced traumatic eventsLange, Claudia 06 May 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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Validating Competing Structures of Post-Traumatic Stress DisorderElizabeth N Aslinger (8082617) 04 December 2019 (has links)
In the present study, we compare factor analytic models of post-traumatic stress disorder
(PTSD) in terms of their fit and predictive utility with regard to external correlates such as
comorbid diagnoses and other psychosocial outcomes. Competing models were compared and
validated in an epidemiological dataset (N = 23,936). Confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) using
models from prior literature with four through seven factor solutions were conducted. The seven
factor Hybrid model, the six-factor Anhedonia model, and the six-factor Externalizing Behaviors
model were the first, second, and third best-fitting models, respectively; however, the
inconsistency of associations with external correlates and high factor intercorrelations suggested
that higher-factor solutions may sacrifice parsimony for minimal gains in utility. The Anhedonia
and Hybrid models’ separate Anhedonia and Negative Affect factors (a core difference from
other models) demonstrated limited utility in differentially associating with distinct constructs
under the internalizing umbrella. Anhedonia and Negative Affect also correlated highly with each
other and nearly perfectly with the factors composed of their combined symptoms (e.g. the
Externalizing Behaviors model’s Numbing factor), suggesting a "lumped" factor would be more
parsimonious. The Externalizing Behaviors model showed predictive utility in accounting for
externalizing comorbidities as well as differentiating among constructs within the internalizing
spectrum; however, it lacked robust associations with externalizing behavioral outcomes such as
frequency and quantity of drinking. These results give reason for concern that predominant
structural models of PTSD may not be adequate for discriminating among or predicting
functional outcomes related to PTSD symptomatology in trauma-exposed populations.<br>
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