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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hodnocení činnosti vybraných fakultních nemocnic / Evaluation of activity in selected teaching hospitals

Bartoníčková, Petra January 2015 (has links)
The master thesis deals with connection between results of using public procurement and performance indicators. First part of this thesis describes specifics of teaching hospitals, process of using public procurement and performance indicators used in healt care. The practical part contains an analysis of public procurement and an analysis of performance indicators.

Hur arbetar mindre kommuner i Sverige med implementeringen av miljöhänsyn vid offentlig upphandling? : En kvalitativ intervjustudie av mindre kommuner / How do smaller municipalities in Sweden work with the implementation of environmental considerations in public procurement?

Giordano, Simon, Forsman, Frej January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Mångmiljardbelopp spenderas varje år i onödan på offentliga upphandlingar, delvis på grund av bristande ekonomistyrning. Offentliga upphandlingar beräknas även stå för 28 procent av den totala klimatpåverkan för Sveriges konsumtion. Trots det finns det flera lagar som styr upphandlingar, exempelvis lagen om offentlig upphandling men den kan dock upplevas som tvetydig gällande miljöhänsyn. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur mindre kommuner implementerar miljöhänsyn i deras upphandlingar samt att ta reda på vilka faktorer som påverkar mindre kommuners möjligheter att utföra strategiska upphandlingar. Metod: Vi har utfört en kvalitativ undersökning för studien. Vi har utfört semistrukturerade intervjuer med upphandlingschefer eller ordföranden i kommunstyrelsen i 5 olika kommuner där datan som inhämtats har använts som grund i vår empiri.  Slutsats: Avslutningsvis konkluderar vi att alla intervjuade kommuner tar miljöhänsyn i beaktning vid upphandlingar men de har olika förutsättningar för att lyckas. Samverkan mellan kommuner är något som frekvent anges främja hållbarhet i upphandlingar medan kompetensutveckling och uppföljningar behöver utvecklas ytterligare. / Background: Billions of SEK are spent unnecessarily each year on public procurement, partly due to inadequate financial management. Public procurement is also estimated to account for 28 percent of Sweden's total carbon footprint from consumption. Despite this, there are several laws governing procurement, such as the Public Procurement Act, but it can be perceived as ambiguous regarding environmental considerations. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to investigate how smaller municipalities incorporate environmental considerations in their procurement processes and to identify the factors influencing smaller municipalities' ability to conduct strategic procurement. Method: We conducted a qualitative study for this research. We conducted semi-structured interviews with procurement managers or chairpersons of the municipal boards in five different municipalities, and the data collected from these interviews formed the basis of our empirical analysis. Conclusion: In conclusion, we find that all interviewed municipalities take environmental considerations into account in their procurement processes, but they have varying conditions for success. Collaboration between municipalities is frequently mentioned as a factor that promotes sustainability in procurement, while further development is needed in terms of competence development and monitoring.

Veřejné zakázky malého rozsahu / Public procurement below the lowest threshold

Bartošová, Monika January 2020 (has links)
Public procurement below the lowest threshold This thesis describes and analyses the legal regulations and practice in the Czech public procurement below the lowest threshold. In particular, it focuses on the principles governing the procedures, i.e. transparency, proportionality, equality and non-discrimination. The first chapter deals with the purpose of the Czech Public Procurement Act, the concept and development of the legal regulation of public procurement below the lowest threshold emphasising the financial limits of the contract's value, which separates these public contracts from other procedures. The second chapter deals with the principles that apply to public procurement which represent the source for the regulation of public procurement below the lowest threshold. The law does not define their precise meaning, leaving it to the case law, decisions of the public authorities and opinions of the experts. These principles are necessarily conncected to the principles of financial management known as the 3E. The third chapter focuses on the procedure of contracting authorities during the public procurement. Since contracting authorities may, with certain restrictions, create their own rules for the procedure, the chapter contains examples and evaluation of these regulations of the individual...

Navigating Social Sustainability: : Revealing Contemporary Laws and Policies in Public Procurement

Chahed, Mirjam January 2024 (has links)
The thesis is about Sweden’s approach on social sustainability in public policy. The Swedish New Reform derives from the EU Directive 2014/24/EU on public procurement, including policies and legislations on social aspects, labor-law, and environmental considerations. The aim is to analyse how social sustainability through contemporary public procurement laws and policies is being formulated and potentially realised in Sweden. The ontological theoretical framework and methodological approach will be derived from post-structuralism. More specifically, the theoretical approach Governmentality developed through the Foucauldian approach and Carol Bacchi’s methodological WPR-approach facilitating a policy analysis. The sources are a combination of qualitative decision-making and non-decision-making material. The decision-making material includes the Swedish National Public Procurement Strategy, The Swedish Public Procurement Act, and the EU Directive. The analysis makes visible how social aspects are represented and subjectivized. The research highlights potentials for increased social sustainability and risks of de-prioritization depending on formulations of mandatory or optional characteristics. Theoretically speaking, interests of neoliberal-, capitalist market- and alternative social democratic rationale contributes to multiple social unsustainabilites. Resulting in plural realities of how to best increase social sustainability. The concluding discussion highlights that rationalities influence realisations of social sustainability antagonistically. Increasing the understanding of these core rationalities is essential to increase social sustainability through public procurement.

Způsoby zadávání veřejných zakázek / Modes of public tender

Kohoutová, Adéla January 2016 (has links)
Title: Modes of Public Tender Author: Ing. Adéla Kohoutová Department: Department of Business Law Supervisor: JUDr. Tomáš Horáček, Ph.D. In my diploma thesis I focus on the topic of public procurement, especially the modes of procurement. This issue is very topical mainly due to the existence of the new Law on Public Procurement which is currently in the middle of the legislative process. In the very first I deal shortly with the history of regulation of public procurement. Further I think of the status of procurement law in the legal system and I also introduce the basic principles of public procurement including its application on small-scale public tenders. In chapter three I try to give brief overview of all modes which can be used in public procurement according to the current legislation. For each of them I concentrate on its specific characteristics and highlight the peculiarities that distinguish it from others. It is not my intention to submit precise instruction for the procedure under the Law on Public Procurement or exhaustively comment on the statutory provisions. The most important chapter of the whole thesis is chapter four where I describe various innovations that will be brought by the new Law on Public Procurement which should apply soon. I focus on the most important changes and...

Offentlig innovationsupphandling i Sverige : En studie om vad som kan hindra och möjliggöra offentlig innovationsupphandling och om det statliga stödet för ökad innovationsupphandling

Thelander, Josefin, Sjöberg, Hanna January 2017 (has links)
Sverige står inför en rad utmaningar och samhällsförändringar såsom sociala, miljömässiga och ekonomiska förändringar. Offentlig upphandling kan utgöra ett verktyg för en innovativ utveckling och innovativa lösningar blir allt viktigare för hantering av dessa. Upphandling innebär att en offentlig organisation köper in en lösning från marknaden istället för att ta fram en lösning genom egen regi. Innovationsupphandling utgör ett nytt sätt att arbeta med upphandling och kan innebära en riskfylld och komplicerad process att hantera. Staten bör därmed bistå upphandlande organisationer med stöd och nödvändiga resurser.   Syftet med denna studie är att få en förståelse för vad som kan hindra och möjliggöra innovationsupphandling inom den offentliga sektorn. Syftet är även att få kunskap om vilket stöd statliga myndigheter kan bistå med för att öka offentlig innovationsupphandling i Sverige. För att möta syftet med studien applicerades en fenomenografisk metodansats. Detta gjordes för att studera olika synsätt av fenomenet offentlig innovationsupphandling samt för att skapa kunskap och förståelse om det. Studien resulterade i att hinder och möjligheter kunde tas fram kopplat till innovationsupphandling inom den offentliga sektorn. Dessa presenterades genom fem kategorier: kunskap och incitament, funktion och dialog, juridiska rädslor, finansiella medel samt samverkan. Upphandlingsmyndigheten, Vinnova och Sveriges kommuner och landsting är tre statliga myndigheter som samverkar för att stödja offentliga organisationer, för att öka innovationsupphandlingen i Sverige. De statliga stöden kan ges i form av delade kompetenser och erfarenheter, rådgivning och vägledning samt genom att bistå med finansiella medel och incitament. / Sweden is facing numerous challenges that come with current social, economical and environmental changes. In order to handle those changes, it has become important to develop innovative solutions. Public procurement can be used as a tool for such innovative development. Instead of producing new solutions on its own, the solutions can be obtained from actors on the market. When it comes to innovations, public procurement constitute a new way of using procurement, as it includes a risky and complicated process to handle. The government should therefore assist public organizations with the needed support as well as necessary and complementary resources, in order to raise their willingness, abilities and opportunities to procure innovations. The purpose of this study is to gain an understanding of what may prevent and enable public procurement of innovation in the public sector. The aim of the study is also to gain knowledge about the governmental support, aimed to increase the public procurement of innovation. A phenomenological methodology was applied on this study, with reason to look into different approaches of the phenomenon. A description of what may prevent and enable public procurement of innovation in the public sector could be identified as a result of this study. These could be categories as: knowledge and incitement, function and dialogue, legal fears, financial resources and collaboration. Upphandlingsmyndigheten, Vinnova and Sveriges kommuner och landsting, constitutes three governmental agencies that are collaboratively working towards supporting and increasing public procurement of innovation in Sweden. The support and resources that is given through these authorities can be described in terms of skills, advancement, counseling, guidance, knowledge and financial resources and incentives to procure innovations.

Trestná činnost v souvislosti s veřejnými zakázkami / Criminal activity in connection with public procurement

Jiráček, Jan January 2018 (has links)
The author analyses the existing legislation regarding crime related to public procurement, focusing on those that directly relate to public procurement. The primary objective of this thesis is a thorough analysis of sections 248 paragraph 2 alinea 2, section 256 and section 257 of the Czech criminal code. Following a brief historical introduction this thesis describes some of the important legal instruments present in the new law regulating public procurement, emphasising the new ones that may have a strong impact on criminal liability. The main part of the thesis then analyses the three aforementioned crimes, putting emphasis on the recent decisions of the Czech courts in this matter. The author also provides practical examples of criminal conduct related to public procurement. The author also focuses on some other crimes that may not be directly related to public procurement, but are in practice more or less often committed in relation to public procurement or together with the three aforementioned crimes. The author has also carried out a detailed analysis of the available case-law related to the crimes described in sections 248 paragraph 2 alinea 2 and 257 of the Czech criminal code in a time period between its entry into force up to the date of submitting this thesis. The reason for this...

Viešųjų pirkimų vykdymas elektroninėmis priemonėmis / Performance of public procurement by electronic means

Jakimavičius, Dangiras 26 June 2013 (has links)
Sumažintos viešųjų pirkimų išlaidos, konkurencijos tarp tiekėjų padidėjimas, pagreitinti viešųjų pirkimų procesai, skatinimas naudoti įvairesnius pirkimų būdus, perkančiųjų organizacijų žmogiškųjų išteklių optimizavimas, pagerintos viešųjų pirkimų apskaitos ir kontrolės galimybės ir padidintas viešųjų pirkimų skaidrumas – tai pagrindiniai siekiniai, kuriuos užsibrėžė teisėkūros institucijos, inicijavusios viešųjų pirkimų perkėlimą į elektroninę erdvę. Tačiau ar iš tiesų teisėkūros organų siekiamybės atitinka realius rezultatus? Itin retai suteikiama galimybė tiesiogiai su viešaisiais pirkimais dirbantiems specialistams - praktikams pareikšti išankstines pastabas ar pasiūlymus, tokiu būdu užkertant kelią nenumatytų praktinių probleminių situacijų atsiradimui. Atsižvelgiant į tai ir buvo suformuluotas šio darbo tikslas - išanalizuoti viešųjų pirkimų vykdymo elektroninėmis priemonėmis teisinį ir praktinį reglamentavimą bei nustatyti, ar problemas, su kuriomis susiduria viešųjų pirkimų specialistai – praktikai, organizuodami viešuosius pirkimus elektroninėmis priemonėmis, galima išspręsti tik tikslinant (tobulinant) teisinį ir praktinį reglamentavimą. Darbe išanalizuotas esamas viešųjų pirkimų vykdymo elektroninėmis priemonėmis teisinis ir praktinis reglamentavimas, išskirti keturi elektroninių viešųjų pirkimų vykdymo etapai bei tyrimo metu, panaudojus interviu metodą ir apklausus viešųjų pirkimų srityje dirbančius praktikus, identifikuoti teisinio bei praktinio reglamentavimo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Reduced public procurement costs, increased competition among suppliers, quicker processes of the procurement, promotion of the use of diverse methods of public procurement, optimization of human resources, improved public procurement accounting and control options and increased transparency in public procurement – these are the main objectives set out by the legislative institutions, initiating public procurement transference into the electronic space. But are these strivings of the legislative institutions meets the actual results? Very rarely opportunities to make preliminary comments or suggestions are given to specialists – practitioners working directly with public procurement, thus preventing unintended practical problem situations from occurring. Taking this into consideration was formulated the goal of this paper work – to analyze legal an practical regulation of the performance of public procurement by electronic means and to determine whether the problems faced by public procurement professionals – practitioners, organizing public procurement procedures by electronic means, can be solved only by revising (improving) the legal and practical regulation. Paper work analyze the existing legal and practical regulation of public procurement performance by electronic means, identifies four phases of public procurement performed by electronic means, and by interviewing public procurement practitioners using interview method identifies problematic factors of the legal and... [to full text]

Petites et moyennes entreprises (PME) et marchés publics / Small and medium enterprises (SME) and public procurement

Verger, Morgane 02 December 2014 (has links)
Le plan de relance économique de la fin 2008 en France pose à nouveau la question de savoir quel est l’objet des marchés publics. D’instruments au service de l’Administration, ils sont devenus des outils des politiques publiques, des leviers économiques. Et c’est cette dernière fonction, agrégée à la volonté de soutenir la croissance et le potentiel économique des petites et moyennes entreprises (PME), modèle entrepreneurial de référence car le plus représenté, qui relance le débat récurrent entre facilitation et favoritisme envers les PME dans leur accès aux marchés publics. Pourtant, le favoritisme, tel que mis en œuvre par le Small Business Act américain de 1953, est sanctionné par l’application des principes européens de la commande publique : liberté d’accès aux marchés publics, égalité de traitement des candidatures et transparence des procédures. Les réformes successives du Code des marchés publics n’ont eu de cesse d’intégrer des dispositifs en faveur des PME : certains ont été annulés, comme la mise en place de politiques de quotas dans certaines procédures ou l’augmentation des seuils de publicité obligatoire ; d’autres ont été maintenus, c’est le cas de l’allotissement ou de la création du marché public simplifié. La facilitation devient donc synonyme d’allégement des procédures, de simplification de la réglementation, et profite à tous les opérateurs économiques, sans distinction de taille. Pourquoi alors axer le débat sur le bénéfice retiré par l’ensemble des PME, parallèlement à la mise en place d’un régime discriminant en faveur des seules PME innovantes. La rupture n’existe donc peut-être plus seulement entre les PME et les grandes entreprises, mais entre les PME elles-mêmes dans leur accès aux marchés publics. / The economic stimulus package in late 2008 in France raises again the question of what the purpose of public procurement is. As instruments for the Administration, they have become the tools of public policy, economic levers. And their last function, in association with the support of the growth and economic potential of small and medium enterprises (SMEs), business model of reference, because the most represented, restarts the ongoing debate between facilitating and favoritism to the SME for their access to public procurement. Yet, the favoritism, as implemented by the american Small Business Act of 1953, culminating in the implementation of the European principles of public procurement: open access to public procurement, equal treatment of candidates and transparent procedures. Successive reforms of the Procurement Code have not ceased to integrate devices for SMEs: some have been canceled, as the introduction of quota policies in certain procedures or increased levels of mandatory disclosure ; others were held, in the case of the allotment or creation of simplified regulation. Facilitation becomes synonymous of relief procedures, regulatory simplification, and benefits all traders, regardless of size. Why, then, focus the debate on the profit made by all SMEs, alongside the introduction of a discriminant scheme only for innovative SMEs. The break may be not only between SMEs and large companies, but between the SMEs themselves in their access to public markets.

The False «Reform» of the Regulations on Public Procurement: Intuitions, Uncertainty and Vagueness / La Falsa «Reforma» de la Normativa de Contrataciones del Estado: Intuiciones, Incertidumbre y Vaguedades

Effio Ordoñez, Augusto 10 April 2018 (has links)
In the present article, the author shows his critical position about the reform of the regulatory framework on public procurement matter.Parting from some relevant aspects of the law, he explains the reason why he considers that this reform seems to lack of motivation and an adequate consideration of the actual status of public procurement in our country, calling into question the fact that we are facing a real reform. / A través del presente artículo, el autor esboza una opinión crítica respecto a la reforma del marco normativo en materia de contrataciones del Estado.Tomando en cuenta algunos aspectos relevantes de la norma, nos explica por qué considera que esta reforma parece carecer de una motivación y una adecuada apreciación del estado de la cuestión de la actual situación de la contratación pública en nuestro país, cuestionado así que se trate de una verdadera reforma.

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