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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uzavření smlouvy na veřejnou zakázku / Entering into a public contract

Kuchař, Roman January 2017 (has links)
Awarding a public contract pursuant to Act No 134/2016 Coll., on public procurement, is aimed at creating a specific obligatory relationship between a contracting authority and a selected contractor, essentially on the basis of a previous tender procedure, unless the law specifies otherwise in the given case. The tender procedure is a special arrangement for the pre-contracting and contracting process, which takes place in a binding, legally defined procedure differing from an ordinary private-law contract, even though it is also a private-law procedure according to the predominant doctrinal and case law opinion. The topic of this diploma thesis is an analysis of the specifics of the contract process leading to the conclusion of a public contract, in order to draw attention to its similarities and also to the differences when compared to general private-law contracting. The thesis is divided into three parts, the first of which, primarily deals with the Act No 134/2016 Coll., on public procurement, its classification in systemic law, its relation to the EU public procurement regulation, the nature of tender procedure (specifically open procedure) and the public contract. The key charter is then dedicated to the award of a public contract, followed by the last section on changes to already concluded...

Ochrana proti nesprávnému postupu zadavatele / Protection against irregular practises of contracting authority

Ducháček, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with the protection against irregular practises of the contracting authority in awarding public contracts. I analyzed part of the Government Procurement Act on Review Procedures, including some of the regulatory impacts. The introductory part of the thesis is followed by a chapter explaining the basic concepts of the issue. In the chapter three, I deal mainly with the institute of objections and blocking deadlines that prevent the contracting authority from entering into a contract. Next chapter is dedicated to the proceedings before the Office for the Protection of Competition, from the submission of the petition, through the deposit institution or the newly established obligation to pay the claim fee, the specific differences in the proceedings before the Office against the standard administrative procedure are highlighted, up to the possible ways and reasons of the termination of the administrative procedure. Appeals against the Office's decision, including possible appeals to the administrative court, are the subject of chapter five. In the end, I summarize the lessons learned, I respond to the questions asked in the introduction and I come up with considerations about legislation. Personally, I consider the analyzed legislation to be quite good. I consider the strengthen role...

Concurrence et objectifs de politiques publiques en droit des marchés publics : le droit des marchés publics et la régulation / Competition and public policies in public procurement law

Cantillon, Guillaume 28 May 2015 (has links)
Avec l'adoption des nouvelles directives marchés publics s'achève un cycle d'une quinzaine d'années au cours duquel l'objectif concurrentiel assigné au droit des marchés publics aura tout à la fois été renforcé par le principe de libre concurrence et concurrencé par des objectifs de politiques publiques. Doublement instrumentalisé par ces deux séries d'objectifs, le droit des marchés publics est ainsi devenu un des outils dont la puissance publique dispose pour, dans une démarche caracté1istique de la régulation instaurer un équilibre économique optimum que le marché n'est pas capable de produire par lui-même. La théorie selon laquelle les collectivités publiques seraient devenues des entités sociales banalisées s''en trouve fortement nuancée. Leur présence dans l'économie ne disparaît pas au profit. du «tout marché » mais emprunte des voies nouvelles. Dans le droit des marchés publics comme dans le droit public économique, la démarche de régulation permet ainsi le dépassement de la concurrence par sa conciliation avec d'autres objectifs d'intérêt général. Autrement dit cette démarche y est porteuse d'un intérêt général pluraliste dont la définition relève par essence du politique. C'est pourquoi, si la conciliation entre concurrence et politiques publiques dans les marchés publics nécessite pour les acheteurs et le juge du contrat l'usage de raisonnements économiques issus du droit public de la concurrence, elle appelle aussi l'instauration d'une gouvernance des marchés publics au service de la définition d'une politique d'achat. / With the adoption of the new EU Public Procurement Directives there ends a cycle of about fifteen years which have seen the competitive objective assigned to the procurement contracts law being both strengthened by the competition principle and completed by public policies objectives. Doubly instrumentalized by these two series of objectives, procurement contracts have become one of the public authorities' tools for establishing an optimal balance between competition and social or environmental objectives in the economy. A balance that the market is not itself able to produce. It follows that the deregulating public service theory is strongly discussed there. The public sector bas not disappeared for the benefit of the private market but follows new paths in order to foster a balance between competition and other objectives of general interest. And finally, finding this balance is a political issue. That is why, if the the coming together of competition and public policies in procurement contracts needs the buyers and the judge the use of economic tools rooted in competition law, it also and maybe principally calls for a new public procurement contracts govemance in order to defi.ne a public procurement policy.

Restructuring railways in Europe : regulation to supplement market mechanisms / Réformes des chemins de fer : la régulation en complément des mécanismes de marché

Thiebaud, Jean-Christophe 30 November 2016 (has links)
Réformes des chemins de fer en Europe : la régulation en complément des mécanismes de marché Afin de trouver un nouveau dynamisme, l’Europe des chemins de fer a entrepris d’importants changements visant in fine à introduire une pression concurrentielle dans un secteur précédemment dominé par des monopoles étatiques.A l'instar des changements ayant eu lieu dans les autres industries de réseaux, la gestion en amont des infrastructures - considérée comme un monopole naturel - a été séparée du marché aval des services ferroviaires, considéré lui comme contestable, c’est-à-dire propice à l’introduction de la concurrence.Néanmoins l’expérience de réformes similaires nous rappelle que les marchés découlant d’une telle réorganisation doivent être manufacturés et ne se forment pas spontanément.Dans cette thèse, nous capitalisons sur cette période de changements afin d’analyser comment une telle transition se réalise. Plus spécifiquement, en appliquant le cadre développé par la Théorie de la Firme, les défis liés à la séparation verticale et au besoin de coordination sont examinés. Puis en s’appuyant sur les outils de la Théorie de l’Agence, nous étudions les implications dé-13coulant de l’introduction d’appels d’offres dans la délégation de service public pour le transport régional de voyageur. Au long de la thèse, l’accent est mis sur le rôle de la régulation et sur les remèdes qu’elle peut offrir aux écueils rencontrés.Le chapitre 1 analyse comment les réformes ont été conçues à travers l’Europe.Car en pratique la mise en oeuvre de cette nouvelle stratégie ferroviaire varie grandement d’un pays à l’autre à plusieurs niveaux, tels que la structure verticale,la régulation ou encore la libéralisation du secteur aval, engendrant d’importants débats sur les mérites respectifs de chacune de ces options. Cette pluralité interroge également sur les motivations sous-jacentes à chacun de ces choix. Et bien que la littérature économique aborde ces motivations, les études empiriques précédentes ne les prennent pas en compte quand il s’agit de comparer les différentes formes verticales. De ce fait, l’endogénéité peut venir biaiser les résultats des estimations économétriques. Ayant construit une base de données couvrant les quatre années entre 2009 et 2012 pour 25 pays européens, nous appliquons la méthode des doubles moindres carrées (2SLS)pour obtenir une estimation non-biaisée des effets de chacune des dimensions précédemment évoquées. En particulier, nous trouvons que l’endogénéité crée effectivement un biais qui péjore les effets mesurés de la séparation verticale.Le chapitre 2 s'appuie sur le cas du secteur ferroviaire français pour illustrer une des répercussions souvent sous-estimées de la séparation verticale, celle des coûts de coordination. Nous développons un modèle expliquant pourquoi la coordination peut aboutir à des résultats inefficients dans un secteur ferroviaire où les firmes doivent s'engager ex ante sur les quantités. Nos résultats indiquent qu’une régulation crédible peut permettre de surmonter les limites de la séparation verticale pour le gestionnaire d’infrastructure. Cependant dans un marché qui n’est pas suffisamment flexible, il devient plus dur au fur et à mesure que le marché aval s’ouvre à la concurrence de soutenir une production importante. / In an objective to revitalize the sector, railways in Europe have gone through changes in order to introduce competitive forces in an industry previous lydominated by state monopolies. Not unlike what occurred in other network industries, the upstream management of infrastructure -considered a natural monopoly- was separated from the downstream market of train services which was deemed contestable. But the experience from previous reforms shows that the markets stemming from this new organisation are made and don’t necessarily just happen.This dissertation preys on those changing times to analyse how such transition can be achieved. More specifically, it uses the framework developed by the Theory of the Firm to investigate some of the challenges that have risen to investigate some of the challenges that have risen from this new organisation due to vertical separation and the need to develop coordination. Then using the tools developed by Agency Theory, the dissertation investigates the introduction of tendering in public procurement for rail services.Throughout the analysis, an emphasis is put on finding how regulation can provide a remedy to the identified challenges. In chapter 1, we review how the reforms were designed in Europe. It highlights that there was very various applications across countries on several dimensions such as the vertical structure, regulation or downstream competition, triggering debates on the relative merits of each option.relative merits of each option.Furthermore this plurality questions the motivations behind these choices. And although those motivationsare brought up in the literature, the previous empirical studies do nottake them into account when comparing the relative performance of one form against the other. In such a case, endogeneity might come and biased the results of econometric regressions. Having constructed a database covering four years between 2009 and 2012 in 25 European countries we use a two-stageleast-square model to obtain an unbiased estimate of the effects of the abovementioned dimensions. In conclusion, we find that endogeneity does create abias, in particular when measuring the merits of full separation. Chapter 2 builds on the French rail sector’s example to shed the light on the crucial and understudied impact of coordination costs, one of the drawbacks arising with separation in the sector. We develop a model explaining why inefficient outcomes may arise in the railway sector when vertically separated firms have to commit ex ante on quantities. Our results indicate that credible and effective price regulation can overcome the limits of separation on the infrastructure side. On the other hand, if the market is not flexible enough, it may become harder, as the downstream market is becoming more competitive, for train operators to make optimistic production forecasts.

Enquiry into what frustrates the efficacy of preferential public procurement as a policy tool for black economic empowerment

Beukes, Soraya January 2011 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM / Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) has been a topic of discussion since the dawn of democracy in April 1994. Due to the entrenched inequalities of the past, economic empowerment is very important for the economic growth of the majority of South Africa’s citizens. However, significant economic enrichment of black people has not been made, despite, economic success, legislation, state policies and programme interventions. This economic growth is to be realised through the use of preferential procurement as a policy tool for BEE. Whilst sufficient legislation has been enacted to regulate preferential procurement, to favour black people, much still seems to be lacking in the enforcement of the laws in public procurement. Central to the challenges of preferential procurement is the disharmony between the Framework legislation governing preferential procurement and BEE. This discord has seen two visions being followed for preferential procurement; the Procurement Act refers to the beneficiaries of BEE as historically disadvantaged individuals (HDI; s) and the goals for BEE are measured through specific goals which promotes narrow empowerment; the BBBEE Act on the other hand defines black people as the recipients of BEE and through the BEE Codes broad-based empowerment is promoted through seven core elements. This congruency has not served the promotion of preferential procurement, it has created a hindrance that frustrates economic growth for those it is intended. The other quandary that undermines the success of preferential procurement is willful practices engaged by both tenderers and public officials; skills deficiency in the adjudication of tenders and self-interest. The success of BEE through preferential procurement is dependent on a coherently legislated procurement environment fortified by perceptive public officials. The objective of this thesis is to analyse the impact of these challenges on the success of preferential procurement. The study will highlight the main practices that defeat the use of preferential procurement. This will include an analysis of the various legislation and the amendments thereto. In addition the enquiry will examine the proficiency of public officials in the adjudication of public tendering. Recommendations for a successful preferential public procurement environment will be made. The proposed thesis will utilise, inter alia, relevant legislation, case law, theses, journals, books and policy documents. / South Africa

Účinnost dobrovolných nástrojů ochrany životního prostředí na příkladu environmentálního označování výrobků / The effectiveness of voluntary instruments of environmental protection as an example of eco-labelling

Doubková, Monika January 2011 (has links)
The aim of the Thesis is to evaluate the effectiveness of voluntary instruments of environmental protection as an example of eco-labelling and to verify the hypothesis whether eco-labelling is an appropriate instrument to influence consumption and production of environmentally friendly products and services. Based on the characteristics of voluntary instruments of environmental protection this work defines the types of environmental labelling and evaluates under what conditions can be eco-labelling systems, both economically and environmentally, efficient. Focusing primarily on Type I environmental labelling on the basis of summaries of works already carried out, my Thesis studies and evaluates the importance and impact of this tool for consumers, businesses and the environment. The next part of the work is focused on the issue of environmentally preferable purchasing and green public procurement, mainly at the level of the Czech Republic. The practical part verifies the hypothesis about the effectiveness of eco-labelling for example, the National Programme for Labelling Environmentally friendly products and services of the Czech Republic and European Union eco-labelling system. The method of sample survey was conducted and analyzed to what extent these systems are successful at eco-labelling. The survey was conducted among consumers and users of eco-labelling - in the companies involved in the aforementioned eco-labelling systems. The survey was supplemented by the views of experts from the field and has been evaluated by their expert view on these voluntary instruments.

Aplikace kombinatorických aukcí na veřejné zakázky / Application of Combinatorial Auctions on Public Procurement

Kohoutová, Adéla January 2014 (has links)
The public procurement draws a lot of attention in terms of treatment with public resources. Unfortunately this attention has mostly negative character. The aim of this Diploma Thesis is to bring an untraditional overview on the processing of public procurement and introduce one of the modern ways of using auction mechanisms. Combinatorial auctions can, as it already happened in other areas, open new possibilities for contracting authorities and bidders who participate in procurement conducted in accordance with Czech legislation. Also this Diploma Thesis can be the inspiration for thought if the current rules for public procurement are in accordance with the best interests of contracting authorities and bidders. In order to present the application of combinatorial auctions on public procurement the mathematical model based on partially real data was compiled in software Lingo. The results of such model were used as the source for the effectiveness analysis of discussed topic.

Efektivnost a rozšířenost projektů PPP ve vybraných zemích EU jako alternativy k financování projektů z veřejných rozpočtů / Efficiency and scope of PPP projects in selected EU countries as an alternative to classical public procurement

Nováček, Daniel January 2015 (has links)
This paper is dealing with Public Private Partnership (PPP) as the alternative to the classical public procurement. It describes and compares advantages and disadvantages of this approach and explore legislative and institutional setting in chosen countries of EU to comparison. The main focus of the work concerns the comparison of the development of this concept and its current state of use in those countries. The emphasis was on finding a correlation between the number and volume of PPP projects and the state of national economies in the years 2006-2015, especially in the immediate period of the recent financial crisis, when could be expected increased attractiveness of the concept for political representation. On the specific case is explored its economic efficiency and legitimacy.

Analýza tržní koncentrace ve vybraných odvětvích veřejných zakázek / Analysis of the market concentration in public procurement markets

Kolorosová, Barbora January 2011 (has links)
This master thesis is focused on the market concentration in six sectors of public procurements in the Czech Republic, and the relationship between level of market concentration, profitability of the companies, final price and number of bids. The analyzed procurements refer to food industry, electricity, postal and telecommunications services, solar energy, IT and automotive sector from period of 2007-2010. Concentration ratio, Herfindahl-Hirschman index and Gini coefficient were used to quantify market concentration. The first four of above mentioned public procurement markets seem to be highly concentrated according to these indicators; the remaining two cases are unconcentrated or moderately concentrated. Correlation analysis was used for each sector. The analyzed variables were: market shares of the companies, their profitability, average number of bids and average proportion of the final and expected price in tenders which the company won. Further, the relationship between market concentration indicators and average variables for the relevant sectors was assessed.

Sustentabilidade e contratações públicas no Brasil: Direito, Ética Ambiental e Desenvolvimento / Sustainability and Public Procurement in Brazil: Law, Environmental Ethics and Development.

Teresa Villac Pinheiro 16 August 2017 (has links)
Esta tese analisa a insercao da sustentabilidade nas contratacoes publicas brasileiras, em perspectiva interdisciplinar que relaciona Direito, Etica Ambiental e Desenvolvimento. Empreende-se analise do modelo de Desenvolvimento brasileiro, focado no crescimento economico e as limitacoes decorrentes. A Sustentabilidade e estudada como valor e principio, em conteudo multidimensional que ultrapassa o classico tripe ambiental, social e economico, com destaque a Etica. A partir da jusfilosofia, o Direito e examinado em suas funcoes de contencao, legitimacao economica e manutencao do status quo, suas relacoes com o desenvolvimento economico, assim como em seu potencial de desencadear transformacoes sociais, pela substituicao de uma racionalidade calcada nos mitos da lei e do progresso por paradigmas emergentes fundados na Etica Ambiental e na Sustentabilidade como principio e valor. A pesquisa e conclusiva pelas contratacoes publicas sustentaveis brasileiras como vetores da consecucao de um ideal de Desenvolvimento que nao se restrinja aos aspectos economicos, mas que foque nas liberdades humanas, no bem-estar intergeracional, na preservacao ambiental e na reducao das desigualdades sociais, por meio de um Direito atuante e transformador e das conexoes entre teoria e pratica. Conclui-se que as contratacoes publicas sustentaveis brasileiras provocaram uma fissura na hegemonia da regulacao que caracteriza o Direito e a Administracao Publica pelo conteudo emancipatorio que a juridicidade e a articulacao dos atores em rede podem assumir. / This thesis analyzes the insertion of sustainability in Brazilian public procurement, from an interdisciplinary perspective that relates Law, Environmental Ethics and Development. The study puts under analysis the development model adopted in Brazil, focused on economic growth, and its resulting limitations. Sustainability is examined as a value and a principle, in a multidimensional content that surpasses the classical tripod based on environmental, social and economic dimensions, with emphasis on Ethics. From a Philosophy of Law approach, Law is scrutinized in its functions of contention, economic legitimation and status quo maintenance, its relations with economic development, as well as its potential to unleash social transformation, by replacing a rationality based on the myths of law and progress with emerging paradigms founded on Environmental Ethics and Sustainability as a principle and a value. The research demonstrates that Brazilian sustainable public procurement is a vector for the achievement of an ideal of development not restricted to economic aspects, but focused on human liberties, intergenerational welfare, environmental preservation and reduction of social inequalities, by means of an active and transforming Law and the connections between theory and practice. The work concludes that Brazilian sustainable public procurement breaks the hegemony of regulation that characterizes Law and Public Administration, due to the emancipatory content that can be assumed by Law and the articulation of the agents in network.

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