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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

”Det sitter i väggarna” : Vad har idéer om New public management för koppling till ledningsproblem inom hälso- och sjukvårdssektorn?

Bejeryd, Johanna January 2009 (has links)
<p>Vad det är som händer inom hälso- och sjukvårdssektorn är ett frågetecken, då vissa chefer blir ut- och inrullade i landstingens verksamheter. En vårdcentral har fått anlita konsultbolag för att kunna rekrytera en ny chef till sin verksamhet, då de misslyckat med rekryteringen själva. Idéer om New public management har börjat implementeras i landstingen, vilket betecknar den offentliga sektorns omvandling till att arbeta med företagiserade metoder gällande dess organisering och styrsätt. De nya arbetsmetoderna inom hälso- och sjukvårdssektorn har setts orsaka attitydproblem. Syftet med studien är att skapa en förståelse för hur ledningsarbetet inom offentliga hälso- och sjukvårdsorganisationer har kommit att påverkas av idéer om New public management. Studien har genomförts genom en kvalitativ forskningsmetod med en inriktning av hermeneutik. Studien är gjord på ett deduktivt vis, då teori har styrt forskningen. Studien innehåller material från fem kvalitativa intervjuer med olika chefer inom hälso- och sjukvårdssektorn. Studien behandlar ledarskapsteorier beträffande det pedagogiska ledarskapet samt förklaringar på begreppet New public management. Det resulterar vidare i en förståelse för hur idéer om New public management kan förklara de ledningsproblem som kan ses inom hälso- och sjukvårdssektorn. De slutliga reflektionerna av studien påpekar att det bland medarbetarna saknas förståelse för varför man har börjat förändra och effektivisera i hälso- och sjukvårdssektorns organisationer. Dock arbetar chefer inom hälso- och sjukvårdssektorn för att lägga mycket tid till att ständigt påminna sina medarbetare om syftet med utveckling och förändringar i verksamheternas organisationer. Troligen kommer chefer alltid att ha problem gällande förändringsarbeten, då det sitter i väggarna hur man alltid arbetat inom hälso- och sjukvårdssektorn. Möjligen när poster byts ut i framtiden och unga medarbetare tillkommer kanske de kan hjälpa till i utvecklingen och förändringen i verksamheterna.</p> / <p>What is happening in the medical care organizations is a question, as managers are frequently removed and replaced in the county councils. A care centre has been forced to hire a consulting-firm to be able to recruit a new manager to the care centre, because they failed in recruiting a new manager on their own. Ideas about New public management have started to be applied in the country councils, which signify the transformation to more business-like methods in the organizations. In the medical cares centres attitude problems can be seen from the personnel against the new work methods being employed. The purpose of this study is to create an understanding about how leadership work in the medical centres has been by ideas of the New public management. The study is carried out with a qualitative research method directed to the hermeneutics researcher’s way. A deductive way of work is followed, where the theory has control over the research. The study includes five interviews with five managers in different care centres. The study also deals with leadership theories  regarding the pedagogical leadership and explanations about New public management. It results in an understanding, if leadership problems in the health care sector can explain true ideas from New public management. The finial reflections of the study point out that it does not exist an understanding in why the organizations in the health care have started to change the organizations to make them more effective. However the managers are working or constantly reminding the personnel of the aim of working with organization changes. Managers will probably be compelled to deal with the leaderships problems in the medical health centres. Possibly in the future when posts are changed and young people, with other thoughts about how to work, arrive, the development and changes in the organizations may be assisted.</p>

Partnerskap: intensjon og virkelighet i NAV reformens velferdskontor

Nyhuus, Katrine Haugli, Thorsen, Tone January 2008 (has links)
<p>The new Welfare Reform in Norway consists of the establishment of a new welfare office; NAV office. The NAV office will open in all municipalities within 2010 as local partnerships between the state and the municipals as equal partners. The central government will keep responsibility for the national services and the local governments will keep responsibility for the locally provided welfare services. As such the NAV office will consist of two separate public servcelines, with the accountabilities for their individual services intact. The Government wished to keep the separation between the national and local governmental services but needed to ensure the provision of a more holistic, integrated and effective service delivery, more in tune with the public need. The aim was to provide a more joined-up welfare service and to put more effect behind the efforts to achieve the reform goals: increased work participation, more user-friendly services and more effective public administration. The NAV office as such becomes a local one-stop-shop.</p><p>The challenge of this partnership is that two separate, traditionally hierarchic public structures embark on a partnership venture where the more relational and both vertical and horizontal communicational skills are required, true to the spirit of the joined-up government model. Our aim with this study was to investigate how a few early onset NAV offices cope with this partnership stunt. We particularly wished to examine how the partners establish and use the important vertical and horizontal dimensions, and how the partnership manager operate to facilitate the partnership activities.</p><p>We mean that the focus of 4 partnership actors rather than two governmental partners is more correct with respect to depicting the situation in the local NAV partnerships and how the central partnership managerial duties are shared. We have developed a new model of how they divide the partnership responsibilities between them and the operations of an emergent essential partnership driving force. We have also due to the nature of the NAV partnership actors and the way they operate in the partnership, developed a new partnership model. This dialogue model is a more accurate picture of the NAV partnership than the original partnership model.</p><p>The early attempts to provide integrated services has not reached the potential we have hoped for, partially due to the allowance of the two partners to continue service production in the old way while the reform structure and following administrative challenges are ironed out. We believe that an understanding of the particularities of partnership management and the adherence of the relational qualities to the partnership structure is a prerequisite in successfully managing the NAV partnership and thus the reform goals. This needs to be the imminent focus of the reform participants.</p>

Contractual Governance of Indonesia Railway System - Case Study:Customer Satisfaction in Jabodetabek Area Vs Värmlandstrafik AB

Sunarto, Retno Sari January 2009 (has links)
<p>The growth of private motor vehicle grows rapidly each year have negative impact not only forthe extra contribution of air pollution but also to time wasting. That impact can lead todecreasing of people quality life. Public transportation is one of the solutions for the problem.Therefore, the shift from private motor vehicle user to public transportation, in other wordincreasing market share of public transportation, is necessary. One of the public transportationthat can attract more market share is railways. It has large capacity, high safety level, and freefrom traffic jam. Those characteristic makes railway as primary public transportation.Indonesian railways nowadays have lot of problems and receive many complaints from thepassenger. Train travel is still colored with the delay, limited well-condition vehicle, and uncleartrain travel information that often disadvantage passengers, and many of services offered werefailed to attract passengers. These conditions result in decreasing quality of services andinsufficient railways operation. This will be a barrier to Indonesian railways accomplishment inmaking it to be a reliable and sustainable transport mode. Therefore, to improve market shareand to improve the railway condition, it necessary to have contractual governance withstandard that can lead to costumer satisfaction and making the process improve therelationship between the stakeholders. This lead to the problem of what is the customersatisfaction factors in using railway as their transport, what service quality item that satisfiedthe passenger, and how contract can maintain the relationship between the stakeholders.Finding in this thesis consist of several point. First, from the customer satisfaction index, thecustomers of Jabodetabek commuter train are not satisfied with the service. Second, theanalysis discovered that there are four factors that have high correlation with overallsatisfaction. The four factors are equipment and facility, assurance, competency, and traveltime and appearance. The attributes is grouping into five SERVQUAL dimension. Fromregression analysis of SERVQUAL dimensions there are two service items that influence thecustomer satisfaction; assurances and tangibles. Third, from gap analysis there are gaps inservice process that need to be closed in order to deliver service quality which lead tocustomer satisfaction in railway operational. Fourth, from contract analysis can be concludedthat present condition PT.KAI as the operator cannot perform as it is stated in contract. Thiscan be influenced by many factors such as; the lack of infrastructure, the lack of vehicle,customer misbehavior, staff misbehavior and external factors. In delivering service qualitywhich can lead to customer satisfaction, it is recommended to improve the service that relatedto assurances and tangible items and to involves passengers in controlling and improvingrailway operational. The result expected from the improvement is the increase of overallperformance of railway operation which can lead to the increase customer satisfaction andmarket share. From side of contractual governance, the research discovered that there areproblem in contract clausal and relationship between DGR, PT. KAI and people as customer ofrailway service. The recommendation is to include customer complains in setting contractclausal that can make DGR, PT. KAI and people as customer in mutualism developingrelationship.</p>

Direkt ledarskap : Svensk och amerikansk militär ledarskapslitteratur - skillnader och likheter

Jönsson, Johan January 2009 (has links)
<p>Den här uppsatsen har syftat till att redogöra vilka teorier som presenteras i studielitteraturen för direkt ledarskap i Försvarsmakten och U.S. Army. Uppsatsen har vidare syftat till att redogöra för skillnader och likheter i hur dessa teorier presenteras. Slutligen har syftet varit att visa hur detta påverkar ledare och soldater i praktiken.</p><p>För att genomföra arbetet har litteraturstudier med kvalitativ metod använts. För att visa på ovan nämnda likheter och skillnader har komparation använts.</p><p>Först har fem mätpunkter ställts upp och redogjorts för. Därefter har dessa jämförts och ett resultat har påvisats.</p><p>Resultatet som påvisats är att den jämförda litteraturen har samma ambition med vilken ledarstil som förespråkas samt hur denna beskrivs. Emellertid skiljer sig böckerna åt på ett flertal punkter såsom språkbruk, pedagogisk utformning, vetenskaplighet och användarvänlighet.</p><p>Vidare har konstaterats att ovanstående skillnader troligen påverkar hur ledaren tänker och agerar kring sitt ledarskap vilket förmodligen också påverkar underställda. </p> / <p>The purpose of this study is firstly, to describe the differences and similarities between theories presented in literature on leadership used by the Swedish Armed Forces and the U.S. Army. Secondly, to describe differences and similarities regarding how those theories have been presented in the literature. The final purpose is to find out how this can affect leaders and soldiers in real life.</p><p>To achieve the purposes described above, both a Swedish and an American book have been studied and then compared.</p><p>The comparison is based on five criteria which have been described and then compared and then conclusions have been drawn.</p><p>The result of this study shows that both the Swedish and the American literature focus on Transformational Leadership Style. This style is described in the same way in both books. However differences have been found between the books, which are the use of language, a pedagogical design, a scientific starting point and a user friendliness.</p><p>Finally, the result of the study indicates that the differences mentioned above affect the way a leader acts and looks upon his/her leadership (style) which in its turn influences the relationship between a leader and his/her subordinates.</p>

An Assessment of the Public Sector Planning Process of the Implementation of Capital Projects in the Ohangwena Region, Namibia.

Jeremia, George Tileinge. January 2009 (has links)
<p>This research study focuses on the way the Namibian public sector plans and implements capital projects, mainly in the Ohangwena region, and the Ministry of Health and Social Services in general. The research results show that the planning and project process is not clear and that options need to be considered for the improvement thereof. It is observed that often some of the identified and approved capital projects are not implemented and, if implemented, this is typically done in two or three years. Most parts of Ohangwena are comprised of sandy roads, especially the north-eastern area of Ohangwena which represents a large part of the region. Distances between health facilities and the scarcity of transport make it difficult for the community to easily reach the nearest health facility. The primary objective of this study is to perform an assessment of the planning process in the public sector for the implementation of capital projects and its effectiveness with regard to the planning and implementation of identified capital projects. From the outset, the critical issue is not only implementation, but also how the Ministry plans its capital projects for successful implementation. Interestingly, no research has been done before on this topic in Namibia. Against this background, officials (planners) that are directly involved in capital projects design were interviewed at the district, regional and national levels of the Ministry. The research investigation found that, in general, the planning and project processes in the Ministry are good, but a number of weaknesses were observed in the implementation process. The findings of the study showed that capacity in the Ministry, in terms of skills and technical expertise, are among the main causes of delay in the implementation of capital projects, particularly in the region and in the Ministry in general. The research found that lack of technical expertise in the Ministry and the limited capacity of those responsible for capital projects initiation and implementation, especially at the District and Regional level, have a substantial influence on most of all the weaknesses observed in the system. In this regard, specific recommendations were made regarding the prioritization of the necessary posts and building capacity at the operational level</p>

Organisational characteristics and psychosocial working conditions in different forms of ownership

Höckertin, Chatrine January 2007 (has links)
The main aim of this thesis has been to compare psychosocial working conditions in workplaces with different forms of ownership, i.e. public, private and cooperative. A second aim has been to study how organisational characteristics of relevance for psychosocial working conditions (in terms of management control strategies and prerequisites for management) are manifested in these ownership forms. The empirical data is based on structured interviews with managers at 60 workplaces within the service sector and on a questionnaire to all employees working in the participating workplaces, resulting in a set of 1384 individuals. An additional seven interviews with first-line managers within geriatric care were also conducted for the last study. The results show that employees in cooperatives perceived that they had better opportunities to influence decisions concerning the workplace as a whole, although there were also results showing advantages for public and private employees. Regarding opportunities for employees to influence their own work situation, there were no differences between the ownership forms. Differences were found in the prerequisites for first-line geriatric care managers. As a result of an earlier organisational change, the public managers were now further away from the strategic level and had to focus on daily, operative work tasks, while simultaneously also being responsible for keeping within the budget. The private managers, on the other hand, having group leaders to deal with the daily work concerning personnel and operations, could focus more on strategic work related to financial results in terms of planning and follow-up of the budget. One conclusion is that there are certain differences in both psychosocial working conditions and organisational characteristics between the ownership forms, but when the comparisons were restricted to only one type of service, in this case the provision of care, it is rather the similarities within the care organisations, regardless of ownership form, that are most pronounced.

Projektledning i offentlig sektor : En studie av strategi i ESF-finansierade projekt / Project management in Public sector : A study of strategy in projects financed by ESF

Svanström, Lina, Frank, Oskar January 2010 (has links)
Bakgrund och problem: Hela 40 procent av EU:s totala budget går till ett område kallat ”Hållbar tillväxt”, vilket främst utgörs av EU:s regionalpolitik. Regionalpolitiken är till för att minska de ekonomiska och sociala skillnaderna mellan regionerna i EU och därmed bidra till en mer harmonisk utveckling inom hela EU. Detta görs bland annat genom lokala samverkansprojekt mellan olika kommuner, myndigheter och företag. Inom offentlig sektor ställs dock annorlunda krav på projektägare, projektledare och andra intressenter som på ett eller annat sätt är delaktiga i projektet. Detta på grund av bland annat oklara och motstridiga mål, vilket i sin tur kan leda till att ett projekt fallerar. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att analysera hur projektledare inom offentlig sektor hanterar osäkerheten i projekt samt att visa på vilka möjligheter som finns för projektledare att skapa en så effektiv koordination och samverkan som möjligt för att uppnå projektets mål. Metod: Studien har gjorts genom en kvalitativ undersökning där sex projektledare intervjuats. Slutsatser: Studien har visat att många samverkansprojekt i offentlig sektor befinner sig i en interaktionsmiljö med hög vertikal osäkerhet, vilket framför allt har lett till att det krävs en omfattande rapportering till ESF. Detta torde kunna minskas genom att mål och delmål gås igenom av projektledaren och de vertikala intressenterna tillsammans. För att minska den vertikala osäkerheten bör projektledaren och ESF bilda en tidig och öppen dialog för målsättning och underlätta insyn i projektet från ESF:s sida. Något som tydligt har framkommit i denna studie är även projektens stora beroende utav de horisontella aktörerna. Här anser vi att det för projektets framgång och överlevnad är avgörande att skapa en stabil grund från början, både för det ekonomiska resultatet samt för att uppnå projektets mål. För att åstadkomma detta anser vi att skriftliga avtal bör ingås för att undvika att viktiga samarbetspartners drar sig ur. En annan viktig del i att minska den horisontella osäkerheten anser vi vara att skapa ett behov hos de avgörande intressenterna så att de ser projektet som en nödvändig kompletterande resurs till deras verksamhet. Det är också mycket viktigt att projektledaren är medveten om vilka osäkerheter som denne har att hantera i projektet och även hur dessa går att begränsa med hjälp av olika strategier såsom avtal och kooptering. Det har också framkommit att intresseorganisationerna saknar kunskap om projekten, varför en tydlig förankring hos dessa om projektens uppgifter samt intentioner borde ske i större utsträckning. / Background and problem: 40 percent of EU’s total budget goes to an area called “Sustainable development”, which is foremost represented by EU’s regional politic. The regional politic is developed to decrease the economic and social differences between the regions I EU and in that way contribute to a more harmonious development. This is done by local interaction projects between municipalities, authorities and companies. In the public sector though, there is different demands on project owners, project managers and other stakeholders than in the private sector. This is, amongst others, due to diffuse and conflicting goals, which can lead to a total failure for the project. Objective: The objective of this study is to analyze how project managers within the public sector handle the interactional uncertainty in projects and to show the different possibilities that project managers have to create an effective coordination and cooperation to achieve the goal of the project. Method: This study is based on a qualitative research with interviews of six project managers. Conclusions: This study has revealed that many interactional projects in the public sector exists in an interactional environment with a high vertical uncertainty, which foremost has led to an extensive demand on reports to ESF. The vertical uncertainty should be possible to decrease by the project manager and the stakeholders working through the goals together. To further decrease this uncertainty the project manager and ESF should form an early and open dialog for setting goals and to facilitate the transparency of the project for ESF. In this study it has also come to light that the projects have a high horizontal uncertainty. We consider it crucial for the project to create a stable foundation, both for the economical result and for being able to reach the goal of the project. To achieve this, we consider written agreements to be important to avoid key stakeholders from pulling out. Another way of decreasing the horizontal uncertainty is to create a need among the important stakeholders so that they see the project as a necessary complementing resource to their organization. It is also important that the project manager is aware of the different uncertainties that he/she has to maneuver in the project and how these can be limited with different strategies like contracts and cooptation. It has also come to light that the organizations of the stakeholders are lacking knowledge and awareness of the projects, which is why anchoring of the project’s missions and intentions should be carried out in greater extent in these organizations.

Partnerskap: intensjon og virkelighet i NAV reformens velferdskontor

Nyhuus, Katrine Haugli, Thorsen, Tone January 2008 (has links)
The new Welfare Reform in Norway consists of the establishment of a new welfare office; NAV office. The NAV office will open in all municipalities within 2010 as local partnerships between the state and the municipals as equal partners. The central government will keep responsibility for the national services and the local governments will keep responsibility for the locally provided welfare services. As such the NAV office will consist of two separate public servcelines, with the accountabilities for their individual services intact. The Government wished to keep the separation between the national and local governmental services but needed to ensure the provision of a more holistic, integrated and effective service delivery, more in tune with the public need. The aim was to provide a more joined-up welfare service and to put more effect behind the efforts to achieve the reform goals: increased work participation, more user-friendly services and more effective public administration. The NAV office as such becomes a local one-stop-shop. The challenge of this partnership is that two separate, traditionally hierarchic public structures embark on a partnership venture where the more relational and both vertical and horizontal communicational skills are required, true to the spirit of the joined-up government model. Our aim with this study was to investigate how a few early onset NAV offices cope with this partnership stunt. We particularly wished to examine how the partners establish and use the important vertical and horizontal dimensions, and how the partnership manager operate to facilitate the partnership activities. We mean that the focus of 4 partnership actors rather than two governmental partners is more correct with respect to depicting the situation in the local NAV partnerships and how the central partnership managerial duties are shared. We have developed a new model of how they divide the partnership responsibilities between them and the operations of an emergent essential partnership driving force. We have also due to the nature of the NAV partnership actors and the way they operate in the partnership, developed a new partnership model. This dialogue model is a more accurate picture of the NAV partnership than the original partnership model. The early attempts to provide integrated services has not reached the potential we have hoped for, partially due to the allowance of the two partners to continue service production in the old way while the reform structure and following administrative challenges are ironed out. We believe that an understanding of the particularities of partnership management and the adherence of the relational qualities to the partnership structure is a prerequisite in successfully managing the NAV partnership and thus the reform goals. This needs to be the imminent focus of the reform participants.

Direkt ledarskap : Svensk och amerikansk militär ledarskapslitteratur - skillnader och likheter

Jönsson, Johan January 2009 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen har syftat till att redogöra vilka teorier som presenteras i studielitteraturen för direkt ledarskap i Försvarsmakten och U.S. Army. Uppsatsen har vidare syftat till att redogöra för skillnader och likheter i hur dessa teorier presenteras. Slutligen har syftet varit att visa hur detta påverkar ledare och soldater i praktiken. För att genomföra arbetet har litteraturstudier med kvalitativ metod använts. För att visa på ovan nämnda likheter och skillnader har komparation använts. Först har fem mätpunkter ställts upp och redogjorts för. Därefter har dessa jämförts och ett resultat har påvisats. Resultatet som påvisats är att den jämförda litteraturen har samma ambition med vilken ledarstil som förespråkas samt hur denna beskrivs. Emellertid skiljer sig böckerna åt på ett flertal punkter såsom språkbruk, pedagogisk utformning, vetenskaplighet och användarvänlighet. Vidare har konstaterats att ovanstående skillnader troligen påverkar hur ledaren tänker och agerar kring sitt ledarskap vilket förmodligen också påverkar underställda. / The purpose of this study is firstly, to describe the differences and similarities between theories presented in literature on leadership used by the Swedish Armed Forces and the U.S. Army. Secondly, to describe differences and similarities regarding how those theories have been presented in the literature. The final purpose is to find out how this can affect leaders and soldiers in real life. To achieve the purposes described above, both a Swedish and an American book have been studied and then compared. The comparison is based on five criteria which have been described and then compared and then conclusions have been drawn. The result of this study shows that both the Swedish and the American literature focus on Transformational Leadership Style. This style is described in the same way in both books. However differences have been found between the books, which are the use of language, a pedagogical design, a scientific starting point and a user friendliness. Finally, the result of the study indicates that the differences mentioned above affect the way a leader acts and looks upon his/her leadership (style) which in its turn influences the relationship between a leader and his/her subordinates.

Contractual Governance of Indonesia Railway System - Case Study:Customer Satisfaction in Jabodetabek Area Vs Värmlandstrafik AB

Sunarto, Retno Sari January 2009 (has links)
The growth of private motor vehicle grows rapidly each year have negative impact not only forthe extra contribution of air pollution but also to time wasting. That impact can lead todecreasing of people quality life. Public transportation is one of the solutions for the problem.Therefore, the shift from private motor vehicle user to public transportation, in other wordincreasing market share of public transportation, is necessary. One of the public transportationthat can attract more market share is railways. It has large capacity, high safety level, and freefrom traffic jam. Those characteristic makes railway as primary public transportation.Indonesian railways nowadays have lot of problems and receive many complaints from thepassenger. Train travel is still colored with the delay, limited well-condition vehicle, and uncleartrain travel information that often disadvantage passengers, and many of services offered werefailed to attract passengers. These conditions result in decreasing quality of services andinsufficient railways operation. This will be a barrier to Indonesian railways accomplishment inmaking it to be a reliable and sustainable transport mode. Therefore, to improve market shareand to improve the railway condition, it necessary to have contractual governance withstandard that can lead to costumer satisfaction and making the process improve therelationship between the stakeholders. This lead to the problem of what is the customersatisfaction factors in using railway as their transport, what service quality item that satisfiedthe passenger, and how contract can maintain the relationship between the stakeholders.Finding in this thesis consist of several point. First, from the customer satisfaction index, thecustomers of Jabodetabek commuter train are not satisfied with the service. Second, theanalysis discovered that there are four factors that have high correlation with overallsatisfaction. The four factors are equipment and facility, assurance, competency, and traveltime and appearance. The attributes is grouping into five SERVQUAL dimension. Fromregression analysis of SERVQUAL dimensions there are two service items that influence thecustomer satisfaction; assurances and tangibles. Third, from gap analysis there are gaps inservice process that need to be closed in order to deliver service quality which lead tocustomer satisfaction in railway operational. Fourth, from contract analysis can be concludedthat present condition PT.KAI as the operator cannot perform as it is stated in contract. Thiscan be influenced by many factors such as; the lack of infrastructure, the lack of vehicle,customer misbehavior, staff misbehavior and external factors. In delivering service qualitywhich can lead to customer satisfaction, it is recommended to improve the service that relatedto assurances and tangible items and to involves passengers in controlling and improvingrailway operational. The result expected from the improvement is the increase of overallperformance of railway operation which can lead to the increase customer satisfaction andmarket share. From side of contractual governance, the research discovered that there areproblem in contract clausal and relationship between DGR, PT. KAI and people as customer ofrailway service. The recommendation is to include customer complains in setting contractclausal that can make DGR, PT. KAI and people as customer in mutualism developingrelationship.

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