Spelling suggestions: "subject:"purchase anda"" "subject:"purchase ando""
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Compras como progresso em objetivosGonçalves, Manuela Albornoz January 2014 (has links)
Consumidores usam produtos como meios de obtenção de objetivos. Às vezes, entretanto, os consumidores somente compram o produto e não o consomem. Isso ocorre, especialmente, quando os produtos comprados estão associados a objetivos contínuos, isto é, objetivos que requerem tempo e esforço para o seu cumprimento. Esta tese investiga se os consumidores percebem a compra de produtos associados a um objetivo contínuo como um progresso neste, seguindo a lógica desenvolvida por Fishbach e Dhar (2005), a qual propõe que quando os consumidores percebem um avanço na busca de um objetivo, tornam-se mais suscetíveis a adotar escolhas subsequentes inconsistentes com a busca desse objetivo. Ainda, demostra-se que a percepção de progresso no objetivo é contingente da força de associação entre objetivo e produto. Quatro experimentos foram desenhados para testar estes efeitos, o primeiro testa o efeito da compra em relação a um grupo de controle, o segundo testa o efeito da compra em relação a uma ação efetiva na busca do objetivo, o terceiro verifica o impacto da percepção de progresso na motivação e o último apresenta a interação entre a ação (compra vs efetiva) e força de associação do produto no progresso percebido. / Consumers often use products to help them pursue their goals. Sometimes, however, consumers only purchase the products and do not use them. This occurs especially when the purchased products are associated with ongoing goals, i.e., goals that require time and effort toward goal attainment. This dissertation investigates whether consumers perceive the purchase of a product that is related to an ongoing goal as goal progress, based on the rationale developed by Fishbach and Dhar (2005), which proposes that when consumers perceive an action as goal progress, their subsequent actions are more likely to be inconsistent with the focal goal. Furthermore, it is proposed that the perception of goal progress is contingent to the strength of the association between goal and product. Four experiments were designed to test these effects, the first test the effect of purchase compared to a control group, the second test the effect of purchase in relation to an effective action in goal, the third study verifies the impact of perceived progress in motivation and the last study shows the interaction between the action (purchase vs effective) and the strength of association in the inference of goal progress.
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Os atributos da Marca no Processo de Decisão de Compra de Smartphones: Um Estudo na Perspectiva de Estudantes UniversitáriosSALGADO, Pedro Antonio Gamboa 07 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Irene Nascimento (irene.kessia@ufpe.br) on 2017-05-30T18:21:02Z
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Dissertação Pedro Gamboa 07 06 2016 ÚLTIMA VERSÃO PARA IMPRESSÃO CAPA DURA.pdf: 1448496 bytes, checksum: 0447406d9513122efdf67daddb2a6fd2 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-30T18:21:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2
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Dissertação Pedro Gamboa 07 06 2016 ÚLTIMA VERSÃO PARA IMPRESSÃO CAPA DURA.pdf: 1448496 bytes, checksum: 0447406d9513122efdf67daddb2a6fd2 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-03-07 / Os aparelhos inteligentes tem sido usados por diferentes segmentos de mercado nos últimos anos, principalmente pelas facilidades que proporcionam para realizar diferentes atividades tanto profissionais quanto de cunho pessoal. Diante da importância que a tecnologia vem assumindo nos últimos anos, se faz necessário maior aprofundamento sobre o tema, sendo o objetivo desta pesquisa conhecer os atributos da marca no processo decisão de compra de smartphones pelo segmento de estudantes universitários pernambucanos. A motivação para a escolha do tema foi devido à necessidade de conhecer um pouco mais sobre as especificidades do comportamento de consumo dos jovens universitários que, em princípio, utilizam intensamente a tecnologia ofertada por smartphones. Para dar suporte ao estudo, a revisão da literatura se baseou nos construtos, atributos da marca, processo de decisão de compras, assim, como o papel da marca e a relação entre o valor dado a ela e a sua relevância na aquisição do aparelho. O problema de pesquisa levou a adoção de uma metodologia com abordagem de natureza qualitativa. Nesse sentido, a coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de roteiro de entrevista semiestruturado, aplicado a estudantes de diferentes cursos da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco. Os dados foram analisados por meio da técnica de análise de conteúdo. Os resultados demonstram que existem atributos importantes da marca para a maior parte da parcela dos entrevistados, a decisão da compra foi feita seguindo critérios tangíveis (hardware e atributos utilitários) e intangíveis (preço, marca e propaganda) dos aparelhos. Com isso, os resultados indicaram que os atributos da marca que mais influenciam na aquisição de smartphones para os estudantes universitários são o preço principalmente, a capacidade de memória de armazenamento de dados e a capacidade do processador, ou seja, a velocidade para correr programas e aplicativos. Em relação a marca, esta precisa despertar a satisfação com o uso do produto pelos estudantes e gerar associações, atributos positivos que façam se diferenciar dos demais concorrentes. Os resultados possibilitaram um maior conhecimento sobre o tema, oferecendo subsídios para novos estudos, bem como, para empresas que atuam na área da tecnologia. / Smart devices have been used for different market segments in recent years, mainly by providing facilities to carry out different activities both professional and personal nature. Given the importance that technology has assumed in recent years, it is most necessary depth on the subject, with the aim of this research to know the attributes of the brand in the process of smartphone buying decision by the segment of Pernambuco college students. The motivation for the choice of the subject was due to the need to know a little bit more about the specifics of the consumption behavior of university students that, in principle, intensely use technology offered by smartphones. To support the study, the literature review was based on the constructs of brand attributes, buying decision process, as well as the role of the brand of the brand and the relationship between the value given to it and its relevance in the device acquisition. The research problem led to adoption of a qualitative approach. In this sense, the data collection was carried out through semi-structured interview guide applied to students of different courses of the Federal University of Pernambuco. Data were analyzed using content analysis technique. The results show that there are important brand attributes for most portion of respondents, the purchase decision was made following tangible criteria (hardware utilities and attributes) and intangible (price, brand and advertising) of the devices. Thus, the results indicated that the brand attributes that most influence the purchase of smartphones for college students are the price mainly, the data storage memory and processor capacity, that is, the speed to run programs and applications. Regarding the brand, this must arouse satisfaction with the use of the product by the students and generate associations, positive attributes that do differentiate themselves from other competitors. The results allow a better understanding of the subject, offering subsidies for new studies in this topic, as well as for companies operating in the field of technology.
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Desempenho do Sistema de Registro de Preços nas licitações praticadas pelo Poder Executivo do Distrito Federal / Price Register System performance in the public purchases of the Executive Power of Distrito FederalSilva, Alan Carlos Cavalcante da 03 October 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Erika Demachki (erikademachki@gmail.com) on 2017-03-02T17:15:34Z
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license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2017-03-03T11:24:55Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2
Dissertação - Alan Carlos Cavalcante da Silva - 2016.pdf: 2197039 bytes, checksum: 71d5ea33c62245aa2c5ebb817ba9fd94 (MD5)
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Dissertação - Alan Carlos Cavalcante da Silva - 2016.pdf: 2197039 bytes, checksum: 71d5ea33c62245aa2c5ebb817ba9fd94 (MD5)
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Previous issue date: 2016-10-03 / The Public Sector Management boosts the society development, using the taxes revenues to
support the public policies. The Price Register System aims the wishes for the modernization
provided by the Constitution. The study analyzes the Biddings and Biddings with Price Register
System while the 2014 year. This works will develop strategies to enlarge the public sector
performance in the state of Distrito Federal. The methodology provides a applied research. The
research method aim detail aspects for the purchases, identifying the main factors for a good
performance by a management diagnosis. The diagnosis found the number of common Biddings
was bigger in the number of cases and about the value spending than the Biddings with Price
Register System, and prioritized low price acquisitions of common goods. The proposal of action
plan try finds a based strategy of a Permanent Forum for purchase planning. / A Administração Pública é impulsionadora do desenvolvimento da sociedade, utilizando os
recursos arrecadados da coletividade para financiar as suas ações. Para que os objetivos
institucionais sejam atingidos se faz necessário a aquisição de insumos através de procedimentos
regulados pela Lei de Licitações. O Sistema de Registro de Preços materializa os anseios de
modernização das compras públicas previstos na Constituição Federal. Este estudo analisou os
Pregões e os Pregões com Sistema de Registro de Preços no ano de 2014. O objetivo deste
trabalho foi formular estratégias para ampliar o desempenho organizacional da gestão de
compras do Distrito Federal. A metodologia promoveu uma pesquisa do tipo aplicada e estudo de
caso, no âmbito da Subsecretaria de Licitações e Compras da Secretaria de Planejamento do
Distrito Federal. O método de pesquisa consistiu em uma analise dos Pregões e Pregões com
SRP, visando detalhar aspectos operacionais das compras públicas, identificando fatores
determinantes para a eficiência através de um diagnostico da gestão. O diagnóstico verificou que
o numero de Pregões foi bastante superior em quantidade e em valor empregado em relação ao
Registro de Preços, e priorizou certames de baixo valor para aquisição de bens de consumo. A
proposta de intervenção para melhoria do desempenho nas compras por Pregão consistiu na
formulação de uma estratégia baseada em um Fórum permanente para o planejamento
institucional das compras públicas.
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Customer engagement : A study of consumers interaction with fashion brands on social mediaBylund, Isabelle, Lindgren, Susanne January 2017 (has links)
Social media is widely expanded worldwide with increasing number of users in social networks. Social media allows the consumers to connect directly with companies, which has led to a shift from traditional one-way communication to a two-way communication between both consumer to company and consumer to consumer. A successful two-way communication on social media engages both the consumers and the company. The rise of social media has quickly changed the marketing approach, as it creates new opportunities for the consumer to connect and communicate in a greater rich. In a two-way communication, the communication needs to create engagement from the consumers even though the consumer may not want to engage, contributing to a challenge for companies to communicate to customers in order for them to engage. It could be argued that companies should in some way get their customers to be more engaged even though the engagement can generate several outcomes in this complex communication approach. Furthermore, customer engagement could have an impact on the purchase intention for the consumer. Therefore, the aim of this thesis is to investigate motives that create customer engagement with fashion brands on social media and the relation between customer engagement motives and purchase intention with a fashion brand. According to previous research, personal interest, entertainment, rewards and information acquisition and sharing are the most encouraging motives for customer engagement. Due to that fact, these motives were in focus in the study and the motives were also put in relation to their effect on purchase intention. The research was conducted by a quantitative study through a survey, in order to gather an overviewing perspective in customer engagement on social media towards fashion brands. The sample size reached a valid number of 109 respondents. The findings of this thesis give the impression that overall customer engagement is still low even for the investigated motives. This indicates that the respondents do not usually take part of the two-way dialog. The reliability seems to lie with other consumers rather than fashion brands on social media when searching for information. In addition, information acquisition was ranked as the most encouraging motive while personal interest is the motive that most encourage to purchase intention.
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Purchasing behaviour on aesthetic items in online video games with real currency : The case of Counter Strike: Global OffensiveRodríguez, Bruno January 2017 (has links)
Over the last decade, buying in-game content with real money has become a more common practice among players in order to unlock exclusive content in video games. Prior research has mainly focused on those functional digital items that provide an advantage to the buyer. This thesis aims to determine the underlying factors that influence video game players to purchase purely aesthetic virtual items.Prior studies on the field of video games, gaming business models and purchasing behaviour were reviewed and a theoretical framework focused on behavioural sciences, psychology and customer culture related theories was designed to interpret the results of a quantitative study. The popular FPS (First Person Shooter), Counter Strike Global Offensive was the selected game to carry out the study. A web-based questionnaire was distributed in various specialized online forums, providing a total of 1006 respondents. A linear regression was the selected method to test the formulated model. Results showed a strong influence of emotional and symbolic perceived values in the purchase intention of aesthetic virtual items, while gaming experience and enjoyment had a minor impact.
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Co-operation between different units to make the purchasing process of indirect material more effectiveEriksson, Anna, Nilsson, Marcus January 2006 (has links)
Organisations must change in order to be able to follow the expansion in the world and be competitive along with other organisations at the global market. To successfully efficient the organisations reduce their purchasing costs for material and products. One way to reduce the purchasing costs is to centralise all purchases in an organisation. When a big organisation does that, they use, among other things, the economies of scale. (Personal communication,Department Manager, 2005-06-17 and Senior adviser, IMS ITP, 2005-08-15) While studying Information Logistics, 140 p, at the Centrum för Informationslogistik in Ljungby, has IKEA IT been our co-operating company. When we talked with our Department Manager during our internship, she describes co-operation problems between the units when they purchase IT-related indirect material. Indirect material is products that support the daily work within the organisation. Since IKEA recently started a central purchasing function for indirect material our assignment was to see how IKEA could be more efficient when purchasing IT-related indirect material. Different units at IKEA are involved during central purchases of IT-related indirect material. The fact that many conflicts arise when different units are to co-operate is well known (Gadde & Håkansson, 1998). We found this very interesting and therefore our chose of subject. The co-operation conflicts that have arose during our investigation shows clear signals in the theory about why they arise. According to Danermark (2000) it is more a rule than an exception that it anticipates a competition. Different occupational groups have different prestige and power, the bigger the difference is the bigger is the probability that a problem regarding co-operation arise. One difficulty with centralized purchases is to get the different units at the organisation to co-operate. Co-operation problems could be caused by many factors for example did the different units use different terminologies and could therefore be misunderstood.(Gadde & Håkansson, 1998) Unique for IKEA’s organisation is that all different units work against the same business concept, goal and vision (Personal communication, Senior adviser, 2005-08-15). As long as the involved units are independent and do not have identical purposes will there always be conflicts (Gadde & Håkansson, 1998). Heide, Johansson and Simonsson (2005) considers that the visions are build up on different goals. These goals are in its parts build up on a number of strategies. All IKEA-units struggle towards the same vision and goal, but the different units use different strategies to reach the goals. This different strategy creates conflicts when the different IKEA-units should co-operate. To make the most optimized purchase for IKEA should the purchasing department handle the contacts with the suppliers (Personal communication, Purchase Process Manager, 2005-08-27). That generates a conflict when the other involved units also want to make the first contact (Personal communication, Process Owner, 2005-09-07 and Project Manager 2005-09-23). One problem is that the purchasing department today have a lack of resources and do not have time to handle all purchases and delegate some purchases to the other involved units. This gives a double message about how IKEA want the purchasing process to work. / Organisationer har blivit tvingade att effektivisera sina verksamheter, för att vara konkurrenskraftiga på marknaden. För att lyckas med detta behöver organisationen sänka kostnaderna, på material och produkter som organisationen köper in. Ett sätt att effektivisera och sänka inköpskostnaden är att centralisera inköpen. När en stor organisation gör detta utnyttjar de bland annat skalfördelarna. (Personlig kommunikation, Department Manager, 2005-06-17 och Senior adviser, IMS ITP, 2005-08-15) Vi har under våran utbildning, Informationslogistik 140p, haft IKEA IT som fadderföretag. Efter att vi genomfört en 20 veckors praktik på IKEA IT beslutade vi tillsammans med våran dåvarande chef att vi skulle skriva våran C-uppsats om hur IKEA kan genom bättre samverkan och kommunikation effektivisera sina inköp av indirekt material. IKEA: s centraliserade inköpsavdelning är nyuppstartad och det finns ännu ingen inarbetad arbetsrutin hur ett inköp skall gå till. Då IKEA nyligen startat upp sin centrala inköpsenhet för indirekt material, blev vår uppgift att se till hur IKEA kan bli mer ffektiva när de skall köpa in IT-relaterat indirekt material. Olika enheter inom IKEA är involverade under inköpsprocessen. Att det uppstår konflikter när olika enheter skall samarbeta är väl känt sedan innan (Gadde & Håkansson, 1998). Vi fann detta intressant och därav vårt val av ämne. Enligt Danermark (2000) är det snarare en regel än ett undan tag att det förekommer konkurrens inom en organisation. Olika yrkesgrupper har olika prestige och makt, ju större dessa skillnader är desto större är sannolikheten att problem med samverkan uppstår. Innan inköpsavdelningen för indirekt material startades hanterade de olika enheterna själva sina inköp. Detta medförde att det förekom flera leverantörsrelationer från flera olika enheter. En av svårigheterna med centraliserade inköp, är att få organisationens olika enheter att samverka. Samverkningsproblem kan bero på många faktorer, exempelvis att de enheterna använder sig av olika terminologier och därför missuppfattar varandra. (Gadde & Håkansson,1998) Unikt för IKEA organisationen är att alla dess enheter arbetar mot ett och samma mål (Personlig kommunikation, Senior adviser, 2005-08-15). Så länge de involverade parterna är självständiga och inte har identiska målsättningar, kommer det alltid att finnas konflikter (Gadde & Håkansson, 1998). Heide, Johansson och Simonsson (2005) anser att visionen byggs upp av olika mål. Dessa mål bygger i sin tur på ett antal strategier. Alla enheter inom IKEA strävar efter samma vision och mål, men de olika enheterna använder olika strategier för att uppnå dessa mål. Detta leder också till konflikter då de olika enheterna inte är ense om vilka inköp som skall prioriteras. IKEA vill att den första leverantörskontakten skall tas av inköpsavdelningen, detta för att inköp och förhandlingsprocessen skall bli så optimal som möjligt för IKEA organisationen (Personlig kommunikation, Purchase Process Manager, 2005-08-27). De andra involverade enheterna motsäger sig detta då de anser att de behöver kontakta leverantören av olika anledningar innan en inköpsförhandling påbörjas (Personlig kommunikation, Process Owner, 2005-09-07 och Project Manager 2005-09-23). Ett problem är att inköpsavdelningen idag har en resursbrist i form av tid, därav överlåter de vissa inköp till de andra enheterna. Detta leder till ett dubbelt budskap om hur inköpsprocessen skall gå till.
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Návrh standardizace vybrané komodity s vazbami na nákup / Proposal for Standardization of Selected Commodities with Links to PurchaseNovák, Jan January 2014 (has links)
Diploma thesis focuses on standardization of selected commodity, purchased for manufacturing using in the company. For this commodity is realized analysis, on it’s bases will be proposed more effective purchasing model. The finaly result of this diploma thesis should be achieve savings connected with purchase.
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Studie standardizace určené komodity pro činnosti nákupu / The study of Standardization for the Business of Buying CommoditiesDavid, Ondřej January 2014 (has links)
Master´s thesis deal with the study of standardization for business of buying commodities in engeneering company producing electric motors and generators. The study includes an analysis of the current state, suggestions and quantifying potential savings.
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Kupní smlouva o převodu vlastnictví k nemovité věci / Purchase Agreement on Transfer of Ownership Right to Real PropertyZvonková, Denisa January 2017 (has links)
Thesis title: Purchase Agreement on Transfer of Ownership Right to Real Property This thesis deals with the issues related to the transfer of ownership right to a real property by the means of a purchase agreement. The topic of this thesis has been chosen mainly for the reason that the purchase agreement is the main type of contract used, in most of the cases, to meet the housing needs of people. The aim of this thesis is to set out the basic aspects of the above-mentioned legal institute and primarily to identify the problematic situations that may arise during a real property transaction on the basis of the purchase agreement, in terms of applicable legislation. The thesis is structured into sections and is formed by the introduction, six separate sections and the conclusion. The first section is devoted to a brief description of history of purchase agreement and contractual transfer of real property, which is subsequently followed by a summary of applicable legislation regarding the purchase agreement. Section two is concerned with the definition of real property as a legal term and is further divided into subsections, where the specific aspects of individual types of real property, i. e. plot of land, construction, right to build, and unit, are described. The third section describes the two...
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Prodej zboží v obchodě - spotřebitelská kupní smlouva / Sale of goods in a shop - Consumer purchase agreementKotulová, Anna January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the issue od selling goods in shops, thus the isme of consumer purchase contracts, which everyone of us concludes every day. The content of this thesis is devided into six chapters whose aim is to characterize current legislation of consumer purchase contracts in details and it deals primarily with rights and obligations of sellers - businessman and buyers - consumers. Part of this thesis deals with alternative consumers dispute resolution The first charter focuses on general analysis of legislation which deals with sell of goods in shop. This chapter systematically includes the issue of consumer purchase contracts to current private law legislation and mentions the legislation of the European Union. In this chapter the author also define the legal terms as sell of goods in shop, consumer, businessman, goods. Finally in this chapter is mentioned unusual discharge with consumer purchase contract. In the second chapter is because of clarity of this thesis mentioned general legilsation of purchase contract, when the author describes requisites of purchase contract. Mainly essential requirements as item of purchase and purchase price. Further in this chapter the author describes rights and obligations of purchase contract parties. The third chapter named as transfer of ownership...
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