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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dvojčinný laboratorní spínaný zdroj se symetrickým výstupem / Push-Pull switched power supply with symetric outputs

Burda, Petr January 2013 (has links)
Laboratory push – pull switching power supply with symetrical output 2x0-30 V/5 A, primarily through adjustable controls (buttons, rotary encoder position) and then displayed on the alphanumeric LCD display. Management and communication device between the user and the power supply of the microcontroller ATmega32 - 16PU.

Spínaný napájecí zdroj / Switched power supply

Krist, Jakub January 2014 (has links)
The thesis is focused on design the switching power supply according to Push-pull topology rules. The work describes basic theoretic principles of Push-pull topology with design of circuit and circuit elements.

Optimalizace výrobního procesu ve společnosti / Optimizing the Manufacturing Process in a Company

Vrána, Jakub January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the management of the production process, focusing on unproductive activities. It comprises analysis of the current situation in the company Teva Czech Industries s.r.o. (the TCI) and suggestions for improvement measures. The first chapter presents theoretical basis for processing work. PMT methods, namely MTM and MOST, lean production with a focus on 5S, TPM and Kaizen are described. The second chapter is focused on the company TCI, core business, organization structure and analyzes the current status. It’s focused primarily on the process of critical non-manufacturing operations and the changeover cleaning process. The third chapter, following the analytical part consists of the proposed recommendations. The fourth chapter deals with the final evaluation.

Zvedací plošina / Vehicle hoist

Dítě, Michal January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with searches different types of lift tables. Create design of several lift tables with different drive of platform for load capacity 800 kg and stroke 700 mm. Compare this solution. Selection suitable alternatives of Kwapil & Co GmbH company. Drafting assembly drawings of several alternatives.

Influencia del efecto p-delta y la irregularidad en masa en el comportamiento estructural de una estructura de mediana altura / Influence of the p-delta effect on the structural response of an irregular structure in mass

Torres Gomez, Cristopher Jordan, Zavala Quispe, Darwin Jesús 27 January 2021 (has links)
En la presente investigación, se analiza la influencia de la irregularidad de la masa y del efecto PΔ sobre el comportamiento estructural de una edificación de 15 pisos. Se plantea el caso de una edificación regular 15 pisos, 4 casos de edificaciones con presencia de irregularidad de masa en un piso establecido y 4 casos de edificaciones irregulares con efecto PΔ. Primeramente, mediante el análisis dinámico lineal se determina la respuesta estructural en términos de derivas, fuerza cortante basal y momento. Posteriormente, se realiza el análisis estático no lineal (Push over) y se construye la curva de capacidad de la estructura. A partir de la curva de capacidad se obtienen los desplazamientos ultimo y de fluencia, y se estima la ductilidad global. Luego se procede a determinarse el desempeño sísmico para los diferentes niveles de sismo. Por último, se realiza un análisis comparativo de la respuesta estructural y el desempeño sísmico de los casos. Al analizar los momentos de las estructuras irregulares con efecto PΔ, se obtuvo una variación de hasta 5.60% con respecto a la edificación regular, de modo que se tiene mayor incremento de los momentos cuando en el análisis estructural de una estructura con irregularidad de la masa se considera el efecto PΔ. Se ha generado un incremento de la variación de la rigidez en el caso 1 cuando se considera el efecto PΔ, en la dirección x-x se obtuvo una variación de hasta 73.06 % y 77.76% en la dirección y-y. / In the present investigation, the influence of the irregularity of the mass and the PΔ effect on the structural behavior of a 15-story building is analyzed. The case of a regular 15-story building, 4 cases of buildings with the presence of mass irregularity in an established floor and 4 cases of irregular buildings with PΔ effect is presented. First, through linear dynamic analysis, the structural response is determined in terms of drifts, basal shear force and moment. Subsequently, the non-linear static analysis (Push over) is performed and the capacity curve of the structure is constructed. The ultimate and creep displacements are obtained from the capacity curve, and the overall ductility is estimated. Then, the seismic performance is determined for the different levels of earthquake. Finally, a comparative analysis of the structural response and the seismic performance of the cases is carried out. When analyzing the moments of the irregular structures with the PΔ effect, a variation of up to 5.60% was obtained with respect to the regular building, so that there is a greater increase in the moments when in the structural analysis of a structure with irregularity of the mass the PΔ effect is considered. An increase in the variation of the stiffness has been generated in case 1 when the PΔ effect is considered, in the x-x direction a variation of up to 73.06% and 77.76% in the y-y direction was obtained. / Trabajo de investigación

Ganzheitliches Time-to-Market Management: Planung und Umsetzung von Produktinnovationen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Wettbewerbsfaktors Zeit

Labriola, Fabio 27 January 2006 (has links)
Immer kürzer werdende Innovationszyklen lassen vor allem das strategische Zeitfenster für Innovationen schmaler werden. Ein ganzheitliches Time-to-Market Management (TtMM) gewinnt daher zunehmend an unternehmerischer Bedeutung. Das TtMM hat die zeitliche Optimierung des Innovationsprozesses zum Ziel. Sämtliche marktorientierten Innovationen eines Unternehmens sollen von der Idee bis hin zu ihrer Markteinführung zeitlich so geplant werden, dass sie innerhalb ihres strategischen Zeitfensters bzw. zu einem ökonomisch lohnenswerten Zeitpunkt am Markt eingeführt werden. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Dissertation ist die Darlegung einer ganzheitlichen, mit den Erfordernissen der Praxis korrespondierenden TtMM-Konzeption. Zur Erreichung dieses Ziels wird ein zweigeteilter Ansatz verfolgt. In einem ersten Schritt werden die in der Praxis auftretenden Problembereiche bzw. Anforderungen an ein ganzheitliches TtMM analysiert. In einem zweiten Schritt werden Methoden identifiziert, die den in der Praxis aufgedeckten Anforderungen gerecht werden.

Migrationsprozesse im Kontext der EU-Osterweiterung : Modellierung von Wanderungsszenarien für die Beitrittsländer Estland, Polen, Slowenien, Tschechische Republik und Ungarn mit Ziel Deutschland

Ströker, Kerstin 07 March 2006 (has links)
Im Rahmen der EU-Osterweiterung werden spätestens 2011 sämtliche Migrationsrestriktionen für die Beitrittsländer Polen, Ungarn, Tschechische Republik, Estland und Slowenien gegenüber den Alt-EU-Ländern dauerhaft abgeschafft. Veränderte Migrationsprozesse, die in der öffentlichen Diskussion häufig mit überzogenen Erwartungen in Bezug auf das Ausmaß möglicher Zuwanderung verbunden werden, gelten in diesem Kontext als wahrscheinlich. Für eine sachliche Diskussion und Bewertung potenzieller Auswirkungen, welche mit einem Ansteigen bzw. Sinken von Emigration und Imigration für Aufnahme- aber auch für die Herkunftsländer- einhergehen können, ist eine realistische Schätzung der Größenordnung des möglichen Migrationspotenzials nicht nur hilfreich, sondern mit Blick auf denkbare künftige EU-Erweiterungen unbedingt erforderlich. Die Entwicklung eines eigenständigen Modells zur Vorausschätzung der Zuwanderung aus den genannten EU-Beitrittsländern nach Deutschland steht im Mittelpunkt dieser Dissertation. Methodisch werden zunächst aus den thematisch relevanten empirischen Informationen und theoretischen Grundlagen Push- und Pull-Faktoren für Migrationsprozesse abgeleitet und Schritt für Schritt in einem Werkzeug integriert, welches dann in seiner Anwendung jeweils neun Migrationszenarien für jedes einzelne Beitrittsland liefert. Diese neun Szenarien bilden einen Korridor, in den mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit die tatsächliche Entwicklung fällt.

Effect of low concentrations of antibiotic intracanal medicaments on crown discoloration and push-out bond strength

Yaghmoor, Rayan Bahjat M. 12 July 2018 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Introduction: Some intracanal medicaments used in regenerative endodontics may compromise the bond strength of root cements and lead to tooth discoloration. Objectives: To evaluate the effects of 1) low concentrations of TAP and DAP (1 mg/mL) on push-out bond strength of various root cements, and 2) low concentrations of TAP and DAP (1 mg/mL and 10 mg/mL) on crown discoloration. Materials and Methods: Single rooted human teeth (n = 144) were horizontally decoronated and instrumented according to standardized protocol. The samples were randomized into six experimental groups (Ca(OH)2, 1000 mg/mL TAP and DAP, 1 mg/mL TAP and DAP, and no medicament control group. After four weeks, the medicaments were removed and each group was divided into three subgroups to receive MTA cement, Biodentine cement, or Endosequence Bioceramic putty cement for two weeks. Then, two root cylinders were obtained from each root and push-out bond strength testing was performed. For the crown discoloration experiment, 160 crowns were obtained from intact human molars and randomized into experimental groups as described earlier with the addition of two groups (10 mg/mL TAP and DAP). The pulp chambers in half of the samples from each group were coated with an adhesive bonding agent before receiving the assigned intracanal medicament. Color changes (ΔE) were detected by spectrophotometer at 1 day, 1 week, and 4 weeks after application, as well as after thermocycling. Results: In the push-out bond strength experiment, 1 mg/mL DAP generally demonstrated significantly higher bond strength of root cements compared with the other treatment groups. For the crown discoloration experiment, when an adhesive bonding agent was used prior to (10 mg/mL or 1000 mg/mL) TAP, the crowns had significantly less discoloration than those without adhesive. DAP 10 mg/mL had the least significant color change at all time points regardless of whether adhesive was used. Conclusion: 1) 1 mg/mL DAP and Ca(OH)2 did not have significant negative effect on the bond strength of calcium-silicate-based cement to radicular dentin. 2) 1 mg/mL and 10 mg/mL of DAP and Ca(OH)2 had significantly less effect on the color change of the human tooth crown than all intracanal medicaments used in this study. / 2020-08-13

El efecto push y la gestión de riesgos en la administración de la cadena de suministro / The push effect and risk management in supply chain management

Montalván Espinoza, Julyana Jackeline, Palomino Sifuentes, Brenda Allison 28 June 2020 (has links)
En todos los giros de negocio existen riesgos, la importancia de su identificación oportuna en cada una de las áreas de la empresa se ha vuelto más relevante en los últimos años, puesto que son considerados dentro de la toma de decisiones por las consecuencias que emanan de ellos, las cuales tienen incidencia directa en la rentabilidad del negocio. La presente investigación tiene un enfoque cualitativo, de tipo explicativo. Considera como propósito explorar la literatura existente sobre la gestión de riesgos en la administración de la cadena de suministro operada bajo el efecto push, para luego contrastar las posturas de diversos autores, a fin de proponer nuevas líneas de investigación. Los hallazgos más relevantes encontrados en este estudio son los procesos en los cuales se puede desarrollar una estrategia push. Se observó que esta es aplicable en la producción, canal de distribución e inventarios y que genera riesgos que afectan de distinta manera a los actores involucrados en la cadena de suministro. Por otro lado, se halla que como medida para lograr una equidad en el riesgo que asume cada actor de la cadena de suministro es posible consensuar una estrategia híbrida. Esta situación permite abordar una brecha de investigación que compruebe la eficiencia de la aplicación de una estrategia híbrida en los procesos de producción, canal de distribución e inventarios de la cadena de suministro que pueda llevar a una propuesta de estandarización. / In all business lines there are risks, and the importance of their timely identification in each of the areas of the company has become more relevant in recent years, since they are considered within the decision-making process, due to the consequences that emanate from them, which could be detrimental to efficient management that increases the profitability of the business. Qualitative research, explanatory. Its purpose is to explore the existing literature on risk management in the administration of the supply chain operated under the push effect, and then contrast the positions of various authors, in order to propose new lines of research. The most relevant findings found in this study are the processes in which a push strategy can be developed, it was observed that it is applicable in production, distribution channel and inventories, generating risks that affect in different ways the actors involved in the supply chain. On the other hand, it is found that as a measure of achieving equity in the risk assumed by each actor in the supply chain, it is possible to agree on a hybrid strategy. This situation allows addressing a research gap that verifies the efficiency of applying a hybrid strategy in the production processes, distribution channel and supply chain inventories, which may lead to a standardization proposal. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional

Systémy formálních modelů a jejich aplikace / Systems of Formal Models with Applications

Čermák, Martin January 2008 (has links)
This paper introduces and discusses automata systems as a new way for formal languages processing. In the text there are four models described. The first model works on sequential mode. At one computation step only one of components works. The second one works on semi-parallel mode. At the one computation step either one or all the components of the automata system work. In the last two models each component of the automata system has its own input string. The computation step of each component is influenced by their states, or used rules. The state, or used rule of the components of automata system can block or unblock some or all automata of the system.

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