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Effectiveness of polypropylene fibres as shear reinforcement in structural elementsOrtiz Navas, Francisco Roberto 26 October 2020 (has links)
[EN] Several efforts have been made in experimental and theoretical research about shear to understand all the variables that influence the phenomenon. Nowadays, however, due to its complexity, the shear performance of structural concrete elements, especially those without any traditional transversal reinforcement, continue with no clear explanation of the problem. Uncertainty about the problem grows when new variables like fibres are incorporated into the shear study. Research works have demonstrated the effectiveness of steel fibre in improving the mechanical properties of concrete elements. Experimental results reveal that steel fibres have proven effective in improving shear resistance, and they confer some concrete elements more ductility. In adequate amounts, steel fibres can completely or partially substitute traditional shear reinforcements. This is why international codes have included some requirements to take into account the action of fibres on the shear response of concrete elements. However, most recommendations and requirements for steel fibre-reinforced concrete (SFRC) were originally created. New fibres with different materials properties and shapes, such as macrosynthetic fibres, are now available on the market. These fibres, some of which are made of polypropylene, are an alternative in the construction industry given their properties and final cost. Initially, polypropylene fibres were used to control shrinkage cracking. Nevertheless, in the last decade the chemical industry has created larger fibres with better surface shapes, which allows polypropylene fibres to meet the requirements of international codes so they can be used in structural elements. Within this framework, the present PhD thesis aims to contribute to knowledge about fibre reinforced concrete (FRC), especially to study the effectiveness of polypropylene fibres when used as shear reinforcement. For this purpose, a literature review of the material, polypropylene fibre-reinforced concrete (PFRC) and its structural applications is first carried out. This study also discusses the parameters that affect the shear behaviour of traditional concrete and FRC. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of polypropylene fibres in shear, three experimental campaigns are presented. Each campaign represents a different level of study. The first corresponds to the material level, where the shear behaviour of PFRC is evaluated by push-off specimens. The second level involves studying shear in real scale elements. For this purpose, shear critical slender beams were manufactured and tested. The last level corresponds to real application of polypropylene fibres to act as shear reinforcement. In this campaign, deep hollow core slabs, with real sections and supports conditions, were tested. At each level, the shear behaviour of PFRC was evaluated against control reinforced concrete specimens, which were also tested during each campaign. / [ES] Varias investigaciones experimentales y teóricas han sido realizadas para entender el comportamiento a cortante de elementos de hormigón y sus variables. Sin embargo, hoy en día debido a la complejidad del tema, el comportamiento a cortante de elementos de hormigón armado y en especial aquellos que no tienen refuerzo transversal, continúan sin tener una explicación clara. Por otro lado, esta complejidad del cortante aumenta cuando nuevas variables, como las fibras, se incorporan al estudio. Investigaciones han demostrado la efectividad de las fibras de acero para mejorar las propiedades mecánicas de hormigón. Según resultados experimentales, la fibra de acero mejora la resistencia cortante y ductilidad de ciertos elementos. Y en cantidades adecuadas, la fibra puede sustituir total o parcialmente los refuerzos tradicionales de cortante. Es así que varios códigos internacionales han incluido requisitos para tener a las fibras en la respuesta estructural de elementos de hormigón. Sin embargo, estos requerimientos se han creado originalmente para el hormigón reforzado con fibra de acero (Steel fibre-reinforced concrete -SFRC). Nuevas fibras con diferentes materiales y formas, como las fibras macro-sintéticas, han sido introducidas en el mercado. Estas fibras, también llamadas fibras de polipropileno o poliolefina, son una alternativa en la construcción debido a su propiedades y costo final. Inicialmente, las fibras de polipropileno eran usadas únicamente en el hormigón para controlar la fisuración por retracción. Sin embargo, en la última década la industria química ha desarrollado fibras más grandes y con mejores prestaciones de adherencia, que permiten a estas fibras cumplir con requisitos para ser utilizadas estructuralmente. En este contexto, la presente tesis pretende ser una contribución al conocimiento sobre el hormigón reforzado con fibras (Fibre-reinforced concrete - FRC), especialmente en la efectividad de las fibras de polipropileno como refuerzo a cortante. Para esto, primero se realiza un estudio bibliográfico del hormigón reforzado con fibra de polipropileno (PFRC) como material y sus aplicaciones estructurales. Este estudio también tratará sobre los parámetros que afectan el comportamiento a cortante del hormigón tradicional y hormigón reforzado con fibras. Para evaluar la efectividad de las fibras de polipropileno en el cortante, se realizarán tres campañas experimentales. Cada campaña representa un nivel de estudio diferente. El primero es a nivel material en donde se evalúa el comportamiento a cortante a través de especímenes tipo Push-off. El segundo nivel, corresponde al estudio del cortante en elementos a escala real. Para esto se fabrican y ensayan vigas esbeltas críticas a cortante. El último nivel corresponde a una aplicación real de fibras de polipropileno actuando como refuerzo cortante. En esta campaña, se fabrican y ensayan placas alveolares de gran canto con secciones y condiciones de apoyos reales. / [CA] Diverses investigacions experimentals i teòriques han estat realitzades per entendre el comportament a tallant d'elements de formigó i les seues variables. No obstant això, hui en dia a causa de la complexitat del tema, el comportament a tallant d'elements de formigó armat i especialment aquells que no tenen reforç transversal, continuen sense tindre una explicació clara. D'altra banda, aquesta complexitat del tallant augmenta quan noves variables, com les fibres, s'incorporen a l'estudi. Investigacions han demostrat l'efectivitat de les fibres d'acer per a millorar les propietats mecàniques del formigó. Segons resultats experimentals, les fibres d'acer milloren la resistència a tallant i la ductilitat de certs elements. A més, en quantitats adequades, les fibres poden substituir total o parcialment els reforços tradicionals de tallant. És així que diversos codis internacionals han inclòs requisits per a tindre amb compte la resposta estructural de les fibres en els elements de formigó. No obstant això, aquests requeriments s'han creat originalment per al formigó reforçat amb fibres d'acer (Steel fibre-reinforced concrete -SFRC). Noves fibres amb diferents materials i formes, com les fibres macro-sintètiques, han estat introduïdes al mercat. Aquestes fibres, també anomenades fibres de polipropilè o poliolefina, són una alternativa a la construcció a causa de les seues propietats i cost final. Inicialment, les fibres de polipropilè eren usades únicament en el formigó per controlar la fissuració per retracció. No obstant això, en l'última dècada, la industria química ha desenvolupat fibres més grans i amb millors prestacions d'adherència, que permeten a aquestes fibres complir amb requisits per a ser utilitzades estructuralment. En aquest context, la present tesi pretén ser una contribució al coneixement sobre el formigó reforçat amb fibres (Fibre-reinforced concrete - FRC), especialment en l'efectivitat de les fibres de polipropilè com a reforç a tallant. Per això, primer es realitza un estudi bibliogràfic del formigó reforçat amb fibres de polipropilè (PFRC) com a material i les seues plicacions estructurals. Aquest estudi també tractarà sobre els paràmetres que afecten el comportament a tallant del formigó tradicional i del formigó reforçat amb fibres. Per avaluar l'efectivitat de les fibres de polipropilè en el tallant, es realitzaran tres campanyes experimentals. Cada campanya representa un nivell d'estudi diferent. El primer és a nivell material on s'avalua el comportament a tallant a través d'espècimens tipus Push-off. El segon nivell, correspon a l'estudi del tallant en elements a escala real. Per això es fabriquen i assagen bigues esveltes crítiques a tallant. L'últim nivell correspon a una aplicació real de fibres de polipropilè actuant com a reforç a tallant. En aquesta campanya, es fabriquen i assagen plaques alveolars de gran cantell amb seccions i condicions de suports reals. / Ortiz Navas, FR. (2020). Effectiveness of polypropylene fibres as shear reinforcement in structural elements [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/153147
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Active Source Management to Maintain High Efficiency in Resonant Conversion over Wide Load RangeDanilovic, Milisav 18 September 2015 (has links)
High-frequency and large amplitude current is a driving requirement for applications such as induction heating, wireless power transfer, power amplifier for magnetic resonant imaging, electronic ballasts, and ozone generators. Voltage-fed resonant inverters are normally employed, however, current-fed (CF) resonant inverters are a competitive alternative when the quality factor of the load is significantly high. The input current of a CF resonant inverter is considerably smaller than the output current, which benefits efficiency. A simple, parallel resonant tank is sufficient to create a high-power sinusoidal signal at the output. Additionally, input current is limited at the no-load condition, providing safe operation of the system. Drawbacks of the CF resonant inverter are associated with the implementation of the equivalent current source. A large input inductor is required to create an equivalent dc current source, to reduce power density and the bandwidth of the system. For safety, a switching stage is implemented using bidirectional voltage-blocking switches, which consist of a series connection of a diode and a transistor. The series diode experiences significant conduction loss because of large on-state voltage. The control of the output current amplitude for constant-frequency inverters requires a pre-regulation stage, typically implemented as a cascaded hard-switched dc/dc buck converter. The pre-regulation also reduces the efficiency.
In this dissertation, a variety of CF resonant inverters with two input inductors and two grounded switches are investigated for an inductive-load driver with loaded quality factor larger than ten, constant and high-frequency (~500 kHz) operation, high reactive output power (~14 kVA), high bandwidth (~100 kHz), and high efficiency (over 95 %). The implementation of such system required to question the fundamental operation of the CF resonant inverter. The input inductance is reduced by around an order of magnitude, ensuring sufficient bandwidth, and allowing rich harmonic content in the input current. Of particular importance are fundamental and second harmonic components since they influence synchronization of the zero-crossing of the output voltage and the turn-on of the switches. The synchronization occurs at a particular frequency, termed synchronous frequency, and it allows for zero switching loss in the switches, which greatly boosts efficiency. The synchronous conditions were not know prior this work, and the dependence among circuit parameters, input current harmonics, and synchronous frequency are derived for the first time. The series diode of the bidirectional switch can reduce the efficiency of the system to below 90 %, and has to be removed from the system. The detrimental current-spikes can occur if the inverter is not operated in synchronous condition, such as in transients, or during parametric variations of the load coil. The resistance of the load coil has a wide variance, five times or more, while the inductance changes as well by a few percent. To accommodate for non-synchronous conditions, a low-loss current snubber is proposed as a safety measure to replace lossy diodes. The center-piece of the dissertation is the proposal of a two-phase zero-voltage switching buck pre-regulator, as it enables fixed frequency and synchronous operation of the inverter under wide parametric variations of the load. The synchronous operation is controlled by phase-shifting the switching functions of the pre-regulator and inverter. The pre-regulator reduces the dc current in the input inductors, which is a main contributor to current stress and conduction losses in the inverter switches. Total loss of the inverter switches is minimized since no switching loss is present and minimal conduction losses are allowed. The dc current in the input inductors, once seen as a means to transfer power to load, is now contradictory perceived as parasitic, and the power is transferred to the load using a fundamental frequency harmonic! The input current to the resonant tank, previously designed to be a square-wave, now resembles a sine-wave with very rich harmonic content. Additionally, the efficiency of the pre-regulator at heavy-load condition is improved by ensuring ZVS for with an additional inductive tank.
The dissertation includes five chapters. The first chapter is an introduction to current-fed resonant inverters, applications, and state-of-the-art means to ensure constant frequency operation under load's parametric variations. The second chapter is dedicated to the optimization of the CF resonant inverter topology with a dc input voltage, two input inductors, and two MOSFETs. The topology is termed as a boost amplifier. If the amplifier operates away from the synchronous frequency, detrimental current spikes will flow though the switches since the series diodes are eliminated. Current spikes reduce the efficiency up to few percent and can create false functioning of the system. Operation at the synchronous frequency is achieved with large, bulky, input inductors, typically around 1-2 mH or higher, when the synchronous frequency follows the resonant frequency of the tank at 500 kHz. The input inductance cannot be reduced arbitrarily to meet the system bandwidth requirement, since the synchronous frequency is increased based on the inductance value. The relationship between the two (input inductance and the synchronous frequency) was unknown prior this work. The synchronous frequency is determined to be a complicated mathematical function of harmonic currents through the input inductors, and it is found using the harmonic decomposition method. As a safety feature, a current snubber is implemented in series with the resonant tank. Snubber utilizes a series inductance of cable connection between the tank and the switching stage, and it is more efficient than the previously employed series diodes. Topology optimization and detailed design procedure are provided with respect to efficiency and system dynamics. The mathematics is verified by a prototype rated at 14 kVA and 1.25 kW. The input inductance is reduced by around an order of magnitude, with the synchronous frequency increase of 2 %. The efficiency of the power amplifier reached 98.5 % and might be improved further with additional optimization. Silicon carbide MOSFETs are employed for their capability to operate efficiently at high frequency, and high temperature.
The third chapter is dedicated to the development of the boost amplifier's large signal model using the Generalized State-space Averaging (GSSA) method. The model accurately predicts amplifier's transient and steady-state operation for any type of input voltage source (dc, dc with sinusoidal ripple, pulse-width modulated), and for either synchronous or non-synchronous operating frequency. It overcomes the limitation of the low-frequency model, which works well only for dc voltage-source input and at synchronous frequency. As the measure of accuracy, the zero-crossing of the resonant voltage is predicted with an error less than 2° over a period of synchronous operation, and for a range of interest for input inductance (25 μH – 1000 μH) and loaded-quality factor (10 – 50). The model is validated both in simulation and hardware for start-up transient and steady-state operation. It is then used in the synthesis of modulated output waveforms, including Hann-function and trapezoidal-function envelopes of the output voltage/current.
In the fourth chapter, the GSSA model is employed in development of the PWM compensation method that ensures synchronous operation at constant frequency for the wide variation of the load. The boost amplifier is extended with a cascaded pre-regulator whose main purpose is to control the output resonant voltage. The pre-regulator is implemented as two switching half-bridges with same duty-cycle and phase-shift of 180°. The behavior of the cascaded structure is the same as of the buck converter, so the half-bridges are named buck pre-regulators. ZVS operation is ensured by putting an inductive tank between the half-bridges. Each output of half-bridges is connected to each of input inductors of the boost to provide the PWM excitation. Using the GSSA model, the synchronous condition and control laws are derived for the amplifier. Properties of the current harmonics in the input inductors are well examined. It is discovered that the dc harmonic, once used to transfer power, is unwanted (parasitic) since it increases conduction loss in switches of the boost. A better idea is to use the fundamental harmonic for power transfer, since it does not create loss in the switches. Complete elimination of the dc current is not feasible for constant frequency operation of the amplifier since the dc current depends on the load coil's resistance. However, significant mitigation of around 55 % is easily achievable. The proposed method improves significantly the efficiency of both the buck pre-regulator and the boost. Synchronous operation is demonstrated in hardware for fixed switching frequency of 480 kHz, power level up to 750 W, input voltage change from 300 V to 600 V, load coil's resistance change of three times, and load coil's inductance change of 3.5 %. Measured efficiency is around 95 %, with a great room for improvements. Chapter five summarizes key contributions and concludes the dissertation. / Ph. D.
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A Comprehensive Investigation of Photoinduced Electron Transfer and Charge Transfer Mechanisms in Push-Pull Donor-Acceptor Systems: Implications for Energy Harvesting ApplicationsAlsaleh, Ajyal Zaki 12 1900 (has links)
Donor-acceptor systems exhibit distinctive attributes rendering them highly promising for the emulation of natural photosynthesis and the efficient capture of solar energy. This dissertation is primarily devoted to the investigation of these unique features within diverse donor-acceptor system typologies, encompassing categories such as closely covalently linked, push-pull, supramolecular, and multi-modular donor- acceptor conjugates. The research encompasses an examination of photosynthetic analogs involving compounds such as chelated azadipyromethene (AzaBODIPY), N,N-dimethylaminophenyl (NND), phenothiazine (PTZ), triphenylamine (TPA), phenothiazine sulfone (PTZSO2), tetracyanobutadiene (TCBD), and expanded tetracyanobutadiene (exTCBD). The strategic configuration of the donor (D), acceptor (A), and spacer elements within these constructs serves to promote intramolecular charge transfer (ICT), which are crucial for efficient charge and electron transfer. The employment of cutting-edge analytical techniques, such as ultrafast transient absorption spectroscopy, is integral to the study. Furthermore, a comprehensive suite of analytical methodologies including steady-state UV-visible absorption spectroscopy, fluorescence and phosphorescence spectroscopies, electrochemical techniques (including cyclic voltammetry and differential pulse voltammetry), spectroelectrochemistry, and density functional theory calculation (DFT), collectively contribute to the comprehensive characterization of push-pull donor-acceptor systems, with a particular emphasis on their potential as highly effective solar energy harvesting application.
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Förväntningar och realiteter: internationella mastersstudenters syn på utbildningskvalitet i svensk högre utbildning / Expectations and Realities: International Master's Students' Views on Educational Quality in Swedish Higher EducationSahlström, Maria January 2024 (has links)
International student mobility has increased significantly, and Sweden is no exception. However, this increase brings challenges, not least when it comes to perceptions of quality in higher education among international students. The purpose of the present study is to gain increased knowledge about how students on English-speaking master's programs at a Swedish university experience the quality of their education, as well as to gain a better understanding of what the students initially expected from the education and their experiences so far. By using a qualitative method, involving a survey (n= 90) and semi-structured interviews (n= 16) conducted in the period of October to December 2023, the expectations and perceptions of international master students are examined. The results show that students’ original expectations are often high, characterized by an expectation of high educational quality and good future career opportunities. However, many experience challenges related to linguistic and cultural adaptation, which affects their perception of the quality of education. Furthermore, the study shows that a considerable portion of international students particularly value practical elements within the education, and they express a strong desire for the course content to be more clearly linked to concrete professional skills useful in future career ambitions. The discussion highlights the need for improved support structures and adapted educational strategies to enhance the academic and social experiences of international students. The study contributes to an increased understanding of the complexity of the internationalization process and its impact on educational quality, which is important for policy development and quality assurance in higher education.
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Jag möts av destinationsmarknadsföring dagligen på sociala medier : En studie om konsumenternas tolkning av destinationsmarknadsföring på sociala medierVaca Vaca, Jessica, Tanaveerapong, Patricia January 2019 (has links)
Under de senaste åren har det blivit allt vanligare för konsumenter att använda sig av sociala medier, främst inom turismindustrin. Det är vanligt för konsumenter att idag stöta på nya destinationer och att viljan av att resa uppstår genom sociala medier. Denna studie handlar om att få en djupare förståelse av hur destinationsmarknadsföring tolkas av konsumenter. För att uppnå syfte har dessa två frågeställningar formulerats, Hur möts konsumenterna av destinationsmarknadsföring på sociala medier? och Vilket inflytande påstår konsumenterna att destinationsmarknadsföring inom sociala medier har på deras köpbeslut av destination?. Den empiriska materialinsamlingen har tagits fram genom att genomföra 20 kvalitativa intervjuer på konsumenter. Valet av att genomföra intervjuerna på konsumenter var för att få konsumenternas perspektiv av det valda forskningsområdet. För att analysera den empiriska materialinsamlingen har studien utgått ifrån fem teorier, Social media marketing, Konsumentens beslutsprocess, WOM och eWOM, Personliga egenskapers påverkan på konsumenternas köpbeteende och Push- och Pull faktorer. Studien har kommit fram till att konsumenter ofta möts av destinationsmarknadsföring i sin vardag på sociala medier. Samt att mötet även har ett stort inflytande på konsumenternas köpbeslut, då viljan av att resa uppkommer och beslutet av destination tas. / Over recent years it has become increasingly common for the general populous to use social media, especially for companies and consumers in the tourism industry. This affects the way potential consumers learn about new destinations and also influences their opinions on said places. The aim of this study is to gain a deeper understanding of how destination marketing is interpreted by consumers. In order to achieve this, two questions needed to be answered: How do consumers come across destination marketing on social media? and In what way do consumers feel destination marketing impacts their purchasing decisions? Interviews were conducted with 20 consumers to obtain qualitative data in order to gain an insight on the consumers perspective. Empirical data was analyzed using five different theories: Social Media Marketing, The Buyer Decision Process, WOM and eWOM, Personal Characteristics Affecting Consumers Behavior and Push- and Pull Factors. This study shows that consumers encounter destination marketing on social media often and also that destination marketing has a significant influence on consumers purchasing decisions as it encourages travel and allows selection of destination.
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Dinâmica longitudinal : efeitos da geometria de suspensão nas mudanças de atitude da massa suspensa e os esforços nos elementos da suspensão / Longitudinal dynamics : effects of the geometry suspension on the sprung mass attitude and the effort on elements suspensionsBarreto, Marco Antonio Zanussi 27 June 2005 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo estudar a influência da geometria de suspensão do veículo nas atitudes da massa suspensa. Apresenta um confronto entre obras e autores e está segmentada em três partes; onde na primeira parte são definidos os conceitos básicos como dive, squat, lift, anti-dive, anti-squat, anti-lift e equivalente trailing-arm; na segunda parte são apresentadas as limitações e os novos conceitos definidos por R. S. Sharp e na terceira parte é apresentado o modelo dinâmico bidimensional introduzido por Fu-Cheng Wang. Apresenta um modelo virtual em sistema de multi-corpos desenvolvido no programa ADAMS, com todos os subsistemas que compõe um veículo completo. Inova ao trazer como objeto de estudo um veículo de competição (fórmula SAE) que possui como particularidade o sistema de suspensão push-rod. Surpreende com os resultados obtidos, pois, contrariam os conceitos básicos encontrados na maioria dos livros / This work has objective study the influence of suspension geometry on the sprung mass attitudes. It presents a confrontation among works and authors and this segmented in three parts; where in the first part the basic concepts are defined, dive, squat, lift, anti-dive, anti-squat, anti-lift and equivalent trailing-arm; in the second part the limitations are presented and the new concepts are defined for R. S. Sharp and in the third part are presented the bidimensional dynamic model introduced by Fu-Cheng Wang. It presents a virtual model in system of multi-bodies developed in the program ADAMS, with all the subsystems that composes a complete vehicle. It innovates when bringing such object to study one vehicle of competition (formula SAE) that it has a particularity suspension system push-rod. It surprises with results because its opposite of the basic concepts which is present in the majority of books
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我國與留學地主國間留學互動模式之探索暨我國未來留學人數之預測 / Exploring the Causal Model in Studying Abroad between Taiwan and the Leading Host Countries, and Forecasting the Number of Studying-Abroad Students of Taiwan張芳全, Chang, Fang Chung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以「人口遷移學推拉理論」為基礎,探索我國與留學地主國間留學互動關係的推拉因果模式,及其間的一致性和關聯性,並對我國未來留學生人數進行預測。研究的主要目的為:(1)瞭解我國與留學地主國留學教育概況,並探討海外留學對留學地主國與送出留學生國家國家的正反面效果;(2)說明人口遷移學中的推拉理論及評閱有關留學生流動的研究文獻與報告;(3)探索我國與留學地主國間留學互動的推拉因果模式;(4)探索我國與留學地主國間在留學互動的推拉因果模式間之一致性與關聯性 ;(5)對我國未來出國的留學生人數進行預測;最後(6)根據研究結果提出建議,作為制訂留學教育政策及未來研究的參考。
在探索留學互動的推拉因果模式與其模式間的一致性和關聯性時,是以我國與美國、德國、日本及法國等四個留學地主國為對象,採1954年到1988年共35年縱貫動態分析為主。在我國未來留學生人數預測上,則以1950年到1988年的動態資料為主。研究資料來源是「中華民國教育部統計」、「中華民國台灣地區統計提要」、「中華民國統計年鑑」、UNESCO統計、國際貨幣基金統計年報、美國國際教育組織的Open doors統計,做為分析的根據。
本研究之資料處理係利用國立政治大學PRIME 6150大電腦的SPSSX、SAS/ETS及PC版的LISREL 7統計套裝軟體,另外引用余民寧(民81)所設計「二次式分配準則SAS/IML之程式」,作為統計分析的工具。本研究共提出十個虛無假設,並擬以下列方法檢定研究假設。
二、以二次式分配準則 (QAP)檢定我國與留學地主國在留學互動的推拉因果模式之一致性與關聯性,即假設五~十。
本研究根據研究結果提出建議,作為政府制訂留學教育政策及未來研究的參考。 / This research is based on "the push-pull theory of population mobility. It explores between Taiwan and the leading host coun-tries the causal model, consistency and correlation of the push-pull interaction in studying abroad. It also forecasts the number of studying-abroad students of Taiwan in the future. Therefore, the purposes of this research are: (1) to understand the foreign education of both Taiwan and the leading host coun-tries and further to probe the pros and cons of foreign educa-tion; (2) to explain the push-pull theory of population mobility and to comment the literatures of studying abroad; (3) to explore between Taiwan and the leading host countries the causal rela-tionship of push-pull interaction in studying abroad; (4) to explore between Taiwan and the leading host countries the consistency and correlation of push-pull causal model in studying abroad; (5) to forecast the number of studying abroad students of Taiwan; and (6) to propose suggestions for the policy-making of studying abroad and future studies according to the results of this research.
In exploring the causal relationship model, consistency, and correlation of the push-pull interaction in studying abroad, the subjects will be Taiwan, U.S.A., Germany, Japan, and France. The data are collected from The R.O.C. St-atis-bics of the Educa-tion Ministry, The R.O.C. Statistics Summary of Taiwan Areas, The R.O.C. Statistics Yearbook, UNESCO Statistical Yearbook, Interna-tional Financial Statistics Yearbook, and Open Doors (1991-1993) of the Institute of International Education. While in forecast-ing the number of studying-abroad students of Taiwan the data will be ranged from 1950 to 1988. All data of this research are dynamic.
The handling of data will adopt SPSSX, SAS/ETS, and LISREL7 packages program and will cite Yu Min-ning"s SAS/IML program of QAP (1992). All packages program are in the Computer Center (PRIME 6150) of National Cheng-chi University, exclusive of LIS-REL7 which is set in personal computer. This research will propose ten null hypotheses, and the statistical methods used to confirm the null hypotheses are as follows:
(1) Use Linear Struc-tural Equation (LISREL) to test the causal relationship of the push-pull interaction in studying abroad between Taiwan and the leading host countries. (Hypotheses 1-4)
(2) Use Quadratic Assignment Paradigm (QAP) to test the con-sistency, correlation of the push-pull interaction in studying abroad between Taiwan and leading host countries. (Hypotheses 5-10)
(3) Use both Autoregerssion Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) of univarate time series and regression analysis to forecast the number of the studying-abroad students of Taiwan in the future.
The main results of this research are as follows:
(1) There exists a push-pull causal' relationship in studying abroad between Taiwan and U. S. A. .
(2) There exists a push-pull causal relationship in studying abroad between Taiwan and Germany.
(3) There exists a push-pull causal relationship in studying abroad between Taiwan and Japan.
(4) There exists a push-pull causal relationship in studying abroad between Taiwan and France after modifying the model.
(5) Taiwan-U.S.A. and Taiwan-Germany best-fitted covariance matrices are significantly similar. The correlation coefficient is .429.
(6) Taiwan-U.S.A. and Taiwan-France best-fitted covariance matrices are significantly similar. The correlation coefficient
(7) Taiwan-U.S.A and Taiwan-Japan best-fitted covariance matrices are not significantly similar. The correlation coeffi-cient is only -.098.
(8) Taiwan-Germany and Taiwan-France best-fitted covariance matrices are significantly similar. The correlation coefficient is .763.
(9) Taiwan-Germany and Taiwan-Japan best-fitted covariance ma-trices are significantly similar. The correlation coefficient is .510.
(10) Taiwan-France and Taiwan-Japan best-fitted covariance ma-trices are significantly similar. The correlation coefficient is .3768.
Therefore, nine null hypotheses are rejected and only one null hypothesis is accepted.
Besides, in forecasting the number of the studying-abroad students of Taiwan, it will be expected to send out over 6600 students to study abroad every year before 1998. Furthermore, when the per capita income of Taiwan reaches US$12000, the number of studying-abroad students will be over 10000 per year.
Finally, according to conclusions and results of this re-search, some suggestions for the policy-making of studying abroad and future studies in this field are proposed.
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Dinâmica longitudinal : efeitos da geometria de suspensão nas mudanças de atitude da massa suspensa e os esforços nos elementos da suspensão / Longitudinal dynamics : effects of the geometry suspension on the sprung mass attitude and the effort on elements suspensionsMarco Antonio Zanussi Barreto 27 June 2005 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo estudar a influência da geometria de suspensão do veículo nas atitudes da massa suspensa. Apresenta um confronto entre obras e autores e está segmentada em três partes; onde na primeira parte são definidos os conceitos básicos como dive, squat, lift, anti-dive, anti-squat, anti-lift e equivalente trailing-arm; na segunda parte são apresentadas as limitações e os novos conceitos definidos por R. S. Sharp e na terceira parte é apresentado o modelo dinâmico bidimensional introduzido por Fu-Cheng Wang. Apresenta um modelo virtual em sistema de multi-corpos desenvolvido no programa ADAMS, com todos os subsistemas que compõe um veículo completo. Inova ao trazer como objeto de estudo um veículo de competição (fórmula SAE) que possui como particularidade o sistema de suspensão push-rod. Surpreende com os resultados obtidos, pois, contrariam os conceitos básicos encontrados na maioria dos livros / This work has objective study the influence of suspension geometry on the sprung mass attitudes. It presents a confrontation among works and authors and this segmented in three parts; where in the first part the basic concepts are defined, dive, squat, lift, anti-dive, anti-squat, anti-lift and equivalent trailing-arm; in the second part the limitations are presented and the new concepts are defined for R. S. Sharp and in the third part are presented the bidimensional dynamic model introduced by Fu-Cheng Wang. It presents a virtual model in system of multi-bodies developed in the program ADAMS, with all the subsystems that composes a complete vehicle. It innovates when bringing such object to study one vehicle of competition (formula SAE) that it has a particularity suspension system push-rod. It surprises with results because its opposite of the basic concepts which is present in the majority of books
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Effektivisering av informationsflödet inom en offentlig organisation / Improvement of the information flow within a Public OrganizationAssgård, Christoffer January 2017 (has links)
Syfte – Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilka problem den offentliga organisationen har vad gäller informationsflödet inom organisationen samt föreslå en lösning på detta. För att uppnå syftet kommer följande frågeställningar att besvaras: Vilka problem har en offentlig organisation med informationsflödet? Hur kan en kravspecifikation bidra till en effektivisering av informationsflödet inom en offentlig organisation? Metod – För att uppnå studiens syfte och besvara frågeställningarna har en kvalitativ studie utförts på en offentlig organisation. Först utförs semistrukturerade intervjuer, efter det har det teoretiska ramverket skapats ur litteraturstudier för att ge en kunskapsgrund inom området. Ur detta framkommer riktlinjer för skapandet av en kravspecifikation, som ligger till grund för ett mer effektivt informationsflöde inom en offentlig organisation. Den empiri som insamlats på beskrivet sätt har sedan analyserats och jämförts med den insamlade teorin. Detta för att jämföra verkliga det arbetslivet med teorin. Även litteraturstudier har genomförts eftersom det är viktigt att få en stabil bakgrund gällande metoder, teorier och verktyg. Med sin grund i kravspecifikationen skapandes ett lösningsförslag efter att ett val har gjort vilken typ av lösning som är lämplig för ändamålet. Detta gjordes i samrådande med den berörda organisationen. Kravspecifikationen har analyserats mot empirin och teorierna samt skett i samrådande med den berörda organisationen. En demonstration av den slutliga lösningen och uppföljningsintervju utfördes även för att få feedback lösningsförslaget effektiviserade den berörda organisationen informationsflöde. Resultat – Studiens resultat bygger på den insamlade empirin och den utförda litteraturstudien. Resultatet visar att utvecklandet av en artefakt i form riktlinjer för en kravspecifikation som ligger till grund för en vidareutveckling för att effektivisera informationsflödet, har resulterat i en förbättring av informationsflödet inom en offentlig organisation. Kraven som framkom genom semistrukturerade intervjuer har använts vid skapandet av kravspecifikationen. Detta för att få ett bra resultat som löser den berörda organisationen krav och behov, vad det gäller att effektivisera informationsflödet inom en offentlig organisation. Implikationer – Ambitionen i denna studie är att skapa riktlinjer för en kravspecifikation som ligger till grund för en effektivisering av informationsflödet inom en offentlig organisation. Genom studiens resultat fås riktlinjer fram som borde användas av andra utvecklare eller studenter vid liknade projekt. Blomkvist och Hallin (2015) menar att vissa exjobb ger ett metodologiskt bidrag till forskningen detta genom att på ett nytt sätt lösa en organisations praktiska problem. Detta är denna studies kunskapsbidrag. Kunskapsbidraget vad det gäller forskningen inom ämnet informatik, bidrar den till en förbättring av förmedling av information. Detta genom att ta fram och använda riktlinjer för en kravspecifikation som ligger till grund detta. Studien ges stöd genom att ta fram ett riktlinjer för en kravspecifikation i form av en artefakt som ligger till grund vid utvecklingsarbetet. Ytterligare studier kan ses som önskvärt då denna studie endast har inriktat sig på en organisation och för att forskningen ska bli optimal och behöver ytterligare studier inom området utföras. Begränsningar – En studie utfördes på en offentlig organisation och därför blir studien relevant för denna organisation samt för liknade organisationer. Studiens ämnesområden är av varierande djup, eftersom det inte tidsmässigt varit möjligt att gå lika djupt inom alla ämnen. / Purpose – The purpose of this study is to investigate what kind of problems a public organization has with their information flow and suggest a solution to the identified problems.To achieve the purpose, will the report answer the following questions: What problems do a public organization have with the information flow? How can a specification contribute to efficiency the flow of information within a public organization? Method – In order to achieve the objectives of the study and answer the research questions, a qualitative study is conducted in a public organization. First, semi-structured interviews have been conducted, and then a literature search is performed to provide a knowledge base in this field. From this emerges a specification that forms the basis for a more efficient flow of information within a public organization. The empirical data, which is collected in the manner described, is then analysed and compared with the collected theory. This is to compare the real working life with the theory. Even literature studies have been carried out because it is important to have a stable background current methods, theories and tools. With its basis in the specification, the proposed solutions was developed after an election has made the kind of solution that is fit for purpose. This was done in consultation with the organization concerned. The requirement specification has been analysed by the empirical data and theories, and occurred in consulting with the organization concerned. A demonstration of the final solution and follow-up interviews were also conducted, to get feedback about the solution improvement of the information flow within the public organization. Findings – The study results are based on the collected empirical data and the conducted literature review. The result shows that development of an artefact in the form of guidelines for a set of requirements that form the basis, for further development solution improvement of the information flow has resulted in an improvement of the information flow within a public organization. The requirements that have been identified; with semi-structured interview have been used to create the specification demands. This is done to get a good result that solves the organizations requirements and needs, in terms of information flow in a public organization. Implications – Blomkvist and Hallin (2015) argues that some thesis provides a methodological contribution to research this, a new way to solve an organization's practical problems. This is this study knowledge contribution. Knowledge contribution in terms of research in informatics, it contributes to an improvement in the distribution of information. This is through the development and use guidelines for a set of requirements that underpin it. The study provides support by producing a guidance on a specification in the form of an artefact that is the basis for development. Further studies may be seen as desirable as this study has only focused on the organization and for research to be optimal and needs further studies in the field carried out. Limitations – The study was conducted in a public organization and therefore the results of the study are specifically relevant for this kind of organizations.
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DE KULTURELLA FAKTORERNAS INVERKAN PÅ TURISM : - En studie om resemotiv bland medborgare i Förenade Arabemiraten samt QatarStenhammar, Abir, Paz Rivero, Belen, Svärdman, Linda January 2017 (has links)
Under de senaste decennierna har turismen i världen ökat kraftigt, inte minst i Sverige. Turistindustrin står inför många utmaningar och då konkurrensen ökar och avstånden krymper mellan olika länder och världsdelar är det viktigt att beakta de kulturella skillnader som finns och vad vi bör känna till om dessa skillnader när det gäller turism. Kunskapen om dessa skillnader kan vara avgörande vid marknadsföring och inrättandet av nya resmål. Turister från Mellanöstern är sällsynta i Sverige och vi vill med denna uppsats ta reda på om dessa kulturella och religiösa skillnader kan vara hinder för turism från dessa länder samt andra motiv hos dessa medborgares när de reser, samt om det finns eventuella andra motiv dom kan vara orsaken till den dåliga besöksstatistiken i Sverige. Mellan länderna i Mellanöstern finns det stora ekonomiska skillnader och denna studie har därför fokuserats på de potentiella turister som kan finnas i Gulf Cooperation Council-länderna (GCC), där uppsatsen vidare avgränsats till Dubai som ingår i Förenade Arabemiraten ”United Arab Emirates, UAE” och till Qatar. Sverige anses vara ett land som turister från UAE och Qatar borde vilja besöka, då vi har ett motsatsförhållande i klimatet, med en behaglig sommartemperatur och gröna landskap sommartid. Trots detta är antalet turister från dessa länder lågt och det borde finnas möjligheter att öka antalet turister till Sverige. Denna bakgrund har lett uppsatsens författare till problemformuleringen: vilka motiv resenärer har när de skall resa, då de potentiella turisternas ekonomi, lagar och kulturella värderingar som råder i UAE och Qatar skiljer sig väsentligt från samhället i Sverige? Med utgångspunkt i motiv- och kulturteorier är uppsatsens övergripande syfte att undersöka turisters resemotiv från UAE och Qatar, samt att belysa några kulturella faktorer som kan påverka dessa turisters val av destination. – Vad motiverar turister från UAE och Qatar, när de bokar sina resor till en destination? – Vilka skillnader finns det i de olika kulturerna mellan UAE, Qatar och Sverige som kan övervinnas och möjliggöra ett större utbyte av turister? – Vilken lärdom kan Sveriges turistnäring dra från detta? Uppsatsen grundar sig på en kvalitativ- och kvantitativ metod. Den kvalitativa datainsamlingen har skett med hjälp av personliga intervjuer med medborgare från UAE och Qatar, samt intervjuer med lokala aktörer och aktörer från Sverige. Den kvantitativa datainsamlingen består av enkäter som delats ut till medborgare i UAE och Qatar. För att stärka uppsatsens primärdata har sekundärdata i form av hemsidor, litteratur och vetenskapliga artiklar använts. Slutsatserna av studien är: både motivation och kultur har stor påverkan på turisters val av resmål. Kunskap/okunskap om resmålet när det gäller kultur, religion och en mängd olika krav som kommer ur detta är viktiga att beakta för att lyckas locka turister från dessa länder.
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