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Contribution à l'étude des complexes Poly (vinyle alcool - vinyle acétate) / tensioactifs anioniques : caractéristiques colloïdales des nanogels et extension aux copolymères à blocsAtanase, Léonard-Ionut 21 May 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Les copolymères poly (acétate de vinyle-co-alcool vinylique), désignés par PVA, sont des tensioactifs macromoléculaires obtenus par hydrolyse partielle de poly (acétate de vinyle)(PVAc). Si les propriétés tensioactives des PVA ont pu être corrélées aux caractéristiques moléculaires il n'en est par de même en ce qui concerne les associats du type nanogels présents dans les solutions aqueuses. L'objectif de cette thèse était de caractériser les nanogels par des techniques telles que la diffusion dynamique de la lumière, la chromatographie d'exclusion stérique et la viscosimétrie. 9 PVA, de degrés d'hydrolyse de 73 à 88 mole% et de degrés de polymérisation de 650 à 2500 ont été étudiés. Il est apparu que les nanogels présent dans les PVA de DH =73 mole% et formés par interactions hydrophobe-hydrophobe entre séquences acétate ont des tailles entre 20-40 nm, avec des fractions volumiques de l'ordre de 20-30%. La désagrégation des nanogels par formation de complexes avec des tensioactifs anioniques du type SDS et SDBS a ensuite été démontrée. En faisant appel à la technique de fractionnement par " point de trouble " il est apparu que les chaînes les plus riches en acétate et en particulier celles ayant des longueurs des séquences acétate importantes complexent plus de SDS.Des " copolymères modèles " du type copolymères diblocs PVAc-b-PVOH comportant une séquence hydrophobe PVAc et une hydrophile PVOH ont pu être préparés par polymérisation RAFT, suivie par une réaction click. Une étude préliminaire de la micellisation de tels copolymères a permis de montrer la très grande analogie entre micelles de copolymères à blocs PVAc-b-PVOH et les nanogels de PVA examinés précédemment.
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Obtenção de membranas de hidrógeis para tratamento alternativo da Leishmaniose tegumentar / Obtaining membranes for alternative treatment hydrogeis of cutaneous LeishmaniasisOLIVEIRA, MARIA J.A. de 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:41:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:06:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / Tese (Doutoramento) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP / FAPESP:09/50926-1
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Hidrógeis poliméricos com nanopartículas de prata para aplicações médicas / Polymeric hydrogels with silver nanoparticles for medical applicationsALCANTARA, MARA T.S. 03 March 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Claudinei Pracidelli (cpracide@ipen.br) on 2015-03-03T10:48:26Z
No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-03T10:48:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Tese (Doutorado em Tecnologia Nuclear) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP
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Obtenção de membranas de hidrógeis para tratamento alternativo da Leishmaniose tegumentar / Obtaining membranes for alternative treatment hydrogeis of cutaneous LeishmaniasisOLIVEIRA, MARIA J.A. de 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:41:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:06:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / Os hidrogéis foram obtidos a partir de material polimérico reticulado por processo de radiação ionizante de acordo com a técnica de Rosiak. Nos últimos 40 anos o uso dos hidrogéis têm sido investigado para diversas aplicações como curativos. Neste trabalho foram sintetizadas membranas de hidrogéis com poli(N-2- pirolidona) (PVP), poli(álcool vinílico) (PVAl), quitosana e argila laponita em encapsulamento do fármaco para liberação controlada de glucantime sobre a superfície cutânea de tecidos lesados por leishmaniose. O tratamento tradicional dos pacientes infectados pelos parasitas é feito com antimoniato pentavalente de forma injetável. Entretanto estes antimoniatos são muito tóxicos e provocam efeitos colaterais nestes pacientes, além disso, pacientes portadores de doenças cardíacas e renais não podem fazer uso deste tratamento. No tratamento com membranas de hidrogéis aplicadas na superfície de tecidos lesados pela leishmaniose, o fármaco é liberado diretamente no ferimento de forma controlada, diminuindo os efeitos colaterais. As membranas preparadas neste trabalho foram caracterizadas por difração de raios X (DRX), análise de termogravimetria (TG), intumescimento, fração gel, espectroscopia no infravermelho (FTIR), microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e microscopia de força atômica (AFM). As caracterizações funcionais foram feitas com teste de citotoxicidade e de liberação do fármaco in vitro e in vivo, de acordo com o protocolo de ética do Instituto de Medicina Tropical do Hospital das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina da USP. O teste \"in vivo\" dessas membranas provou ser eficiente na liberação controlada de fármacos diretamente nas superfícies lesadas pela leishmaniose. Nos testes \"in vivo\" as membranas de PVP/PVAl/argila 1,5% e glucantime apresentaram evidente contribuição para redução do ferimento chegando a uma cura clínica. / Tese (Doutoramento) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP / FAPESP:09/50926-1
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Hidrógeis poliméricos com nanopartículas de prata para aplicações médicas / Polymeric hydrogels with silver nanoparticles for medical applicationsALCANTARA, MARA T.S. 03 March 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Claudinei Pracidelli (cpracide@ipen.br) on 2015-03-03T10:48:26Z
No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-03T10:48:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / O desenvolvimento de novos procedimentos e tecnologias tem proporcionado um grande avanço no tratamento de feridas e queimaduras, melhorando a qualidade de vida das vítimas e reduzindo as taxas de mortalidade de pessoas com queimaduras graves. Entretanto as complicações infecciosas continuam sendo um desafio e uma das principais causas de óbito de queimados. Por outro lado, em todo o mundo tem-se observado um crescente interesse no uso de hidrogéis para aplicação como curativos para queimaduras, ferimentos e úlceras de pele, tendo em vista que são capazes de absorver exsudatos, ajudam na cicatrização e proporcionam conforto ao paciente, uma vez que favorecem o alívio da dor. Além disso, os hidrogéis também podem ser aplicados como matrizes para sistemas de liberação controlada de princípios ativos e agentes antimicrobianos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar as propriedades mecânicas e físico-químicas de hidrogéis compostos por blendas formadas por Poli(N-vinil-2-pirrolidona)/ Polietilenoglicol/ ágar (PVP/PEG/ágar), Poli(N-vinil-2-pirrolidona)/ glicerol/ ágar (PVP/glicerol/ágar); Poli(álcool vinílico)/ kappa-carragena/ ágar (PVA/KC/ágar), reticuladas por radiação ionizante. Para a preparação das blendas, utilizou-se planejamento de misturas como ferramenta, oferecendo assim subsídios a futuros desenvolvimentos de novos hidrogéis, que possam ser usados como curativos e como matrizes poliméricas para liberação de ativos hidrofílicos e lipofílicos. Foram otimizadas três formulações e sintetizadas seis, três das quais hidrogéis nanocompósitos de prata. As nanopartículas de prata (NPAg) foram sintetizadas, in situ, por radiação gama, sem uso de catalisadores ou outro reagente para obtenção de curativo mais puro e com ação antimicrobiana. A caracterização físico-química dos hidrogéis foi obtida por análises de fração gel, intumescimento, ensaios de tração e perfuração, microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), espectroscopia na região do ultravioleta-visível (UV-vis). Também foi avaliada a atividade antimicrobiana dos hidrogéis e realizado estudo de citotoxicidade in vitro. O planejamento de misturas apresentou modelos confiáveis para os resultados de fração gel e intumescimento, porém, para as propriedades mecânicas, os resultados devem ser vistos com cautela. O uso da radiação se mostrou eficaz para a síntese de NPAg in situ nas blendas estudadas. Os resultados sugerem que os hidrogéis sintetizados não liberaram NPAg, porém os hidrogéis de PVP apresentaram atividade bactericida para S. aureus e P. Aeruginosa, enquanto que o hidrogel de PVA apresentou atividade bactericida para P. aeruginosa e atividade bacteriostática para S. aureus, sendo essa atividade pelo contato direto. / Tese (Doutorado em Tecnologia Nuclear) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP
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Síntese de superabsorventes poliméricos biodegradáveis por meio da extrusão reativa do Poli (álcool vinílico) e amido, em presença de aldeído e ácido glioxílico, para uso agrícola / Superabsorbent synthesis of polymeric biodegradable through reactive extrusion of Poly (vinyl alcohol) and starch, in the presence of aldehyde and glyoxilic acid, for agricultural useNASCIMENTO, CARLOS E. 21 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Marco Antonio Oliveira da Silva (maosilva@ipen.br) on 2016-12-21T18:14:50Z
No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-21T18:14:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Com a alta taxa de desertificação dos solos e a necessidade de irrigação constante dos plantios, existe a necessidade da criação de um polímero superabsorvente (SAP) com a característica de ser biodegradável. Observando o estágio tecnológico relacionado às atividades de pesquisa e desenvolvimento de SAPs no Brasil, foi utilizado o poli (álcool vinílico)/PVA e o amido de mandioca para a formação de hidrogéis a partir de blendas poliméricas. Assim, soluções aquosas desses polímeros foram reticuladas quimicamente, usando o glutaraldeído como agente reticulante e comparadas com amostras reticuladas por radiação gama, irradiadas a uma dose de 25 kgy. Os hidrogéis resultantes foram caracterizados por diversas técnicas analíticas como a fração gel, o intumescimento em água destilada, a espectroscopia de infravermelho com refletância total atenuada ATR (FT-IR), a termogravimetria (TG/DTG), a calorimetria exploratória diferencial (DSC) e a microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV). Observou-se uma maior reticulação nos hidrogéis reticulados com o glutaraldeído e em consequência um menor grau de intumescimento quando comparadas com as amostras que foram irradiadas. Com vias a produzir hidrogéis em uma escala industrial, misturas de PVA e amido foram processadas por extrusão reativa, mudando assim o processo de preparação de solução aquosa para misturas secas. Foram extrudadas amostras de PVA com diferentes pesos moleculares tais como o PVA 26-88, o PVA 40-88, o PVA 110-99 e o poli (ácido glioxílico vinílico)/PVGA, este último sintetizado a partir da modificação do PVA 110-99. Foi adicionado na mistura o ácido glioxílico no desenvolvimento do SAP por reticulação química nas amostras do PVA, por ter grupos carboxílicos que podem aumentar o intumescimento e também servir como agente reticulante. Também foram feitas formulações de extrusão sem o ácido glioxílico para serem usados como brancos. Adicionou-se nas misturas diversos agentes plastificantes como a glicerina e o polietilenoglicol (PEG 400) e as propriedades mecânicas foram estudadas. Foram desenvolvidas duas análises fatoriais de 23 para analisar as mudanças na reticulação das formulações. Os pellets foram caracterizados com as mesmas técnicas analíticas que os hidrogéis feitos em solução, adicionando-se análises de intumescimento e reversibilidade de intumescimento em diversos solventes como a água pura, a água da chuva, as soluções tampão de pH 3, pH 7 e pH 10, além de soro fisiológico, visando a aplicação em diferentes solos com diferentes pH e salinidades. Os testes de intumescimento em diferentes sais demonstraram a ter menor retenção de água quando comparada com água pura. Os testes de reversibilidade de intumescimento dos pellets mostraram que a maioria das formulações perde a sua capacidade de intumescimento máximo aos seis primeiros ciclos. Foi feita a compressão dos pellets para observar a flexibilidade dos mesmos, visando aplicações debaixo do solo. Realizou-se um estudo de biodegradação em terra ao longo de 120 dias, e estudou-se a relação direta com os valores da fração gel. Os resultados mostraram que os pellets menos reticulados intumesceram mais, enquanto as microscopias mostraram que essas amostras tinham uma morfologia mais porosa, o que contribuiu na melhora na retenção do líquido. Além disso, eram mais flexíveis e biodegradaram mais rápido, sendo extremamente viáveis para a aplicação na agricultura. Foi verificado que o PVA 40-88 apresentou os melhores valores de intumescimento em diferentes sais. Com o SAP obtido, foi constatado que a extrusão reativa é um método viável para a produção dos SAPs. / Dissertação (Mestrado em Tecnologia Nuclear) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP
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Fabrication Characterisation and Optimisation of Electrospun Scaffolds for Ligament Tissue Reconstruction. The Development of an Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Analogue using Electrospun PCL, PVA Hydrogel and Polyester SuturesAgbabiaka, Oluwadamilola A. January 2022 (has links)
Year 2019, football, rugby, netball and skiing had most occurring ACL injuries, listed by United Kingdom National Ligament Report (NLR). The standard procedure treatment of complete laceration of the ACL, is performed by tissue autograft implantation designed from a patellar tendon, for replacement of damaged tissue using orthopaedic surgery. The aim of this thesis is to design and fabricate an ACL graft, attempting to mimic the natural ACL, for the purpose of tissue reconstruction. The desired graft analogues exhibited properties imitating native connective tissue, reducing pain through drug delivery with great biocompatibility and enhance suture mechanical strength. Various biomaterials were implemented into this study, utilising strategies; polymer solution fabrication, electrospinning, hydrogel synthesis, mechanical braiding and graft assembly to fabricate an ACL graft. The polymeric material poly (E- caprolactone) (PCL) was researched, utilising its ability to fabricate scaffolds. Results showed, three analogue ACL grafts (Braided PCL-BP, Braided PCL + Hydrogel-BPH & Braided PCL + Sutures-BPS) created utilising the properties of braiding, hydrogels and sutures, ultimately improving the versatility of electrospinning for tissue engineering and reconstruction. Graft analogues were tested and compared against patellar tendons producing similar tensile properties. Poly vinyl alcohol (PVA) hydrogels successfully held ibuprofen, revealing drug delivery characteristics, polyester threads improved mechanical properties of electrospun grafts and dry degradation showed that PCL did not lose significant mass over two months. Conclusion, tensile strength of patella tendon was 395x, 790x & 56x of analogue grafts (BP, BPH & BPS) respectively, having potential for improvement of tensile parameters for ligament reconstruction.
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Zein, Collagen and PVA polymer fibre blends embedded with metal (Mn and Fe) oxide nanoparticles for wastewater treatmentKubheka, Nompumelelo Sharol Mbali 09 1900 (has links)
M. Tech. (Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences) Vaal University of Technology. / The polymer and their blended fibres provide good surface and intermolecular chemistry that bring additional functionalities and structural changes that can be adapted for new usages. Natural polymers are known to possess desirable qualities in terms of biocompatibility and biodegradability. The natural polymers are chosen due to their abundance but have difficulties in the preparations hence the addition of a synthetic polymer is vital. An important property of the polymer blended fibres is its miscibility which affects the mechanical properties, the morphology and degradation. Metal oxide nanoparticles embedded into polymer blended fibres enhances the performances of the polymer blended fibre permeability, selectivity, strength, and hydrophilicity. This study reports on the synthesis and characterization of zein, collagen nanofibres, zein/PVA fibre blends, iron oxide, manganese oxide nanoparticles, Fe2O3/zein /PVA and Mn2O3/zein/PVA fibre nanocomposite blends. The zein nanofibres and zein/PVA fibre blends were electrospun using electrospinning technique. Parameters such as the concentration and voltage were investigated. These parameters had an effect on the fibre morphology. The electrospun zein nanofibres and zein/PVA fibre blends were characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), UV-Visible spectroscopy, Photoluminescence (PL), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transformer infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and Thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA). The SEM results illustrated that an increase in the concentration of zein nanofibres improved the morphology of the fibres into ribbon like shape and had an effect on the average diameter size. The addition of PVA into zein nanofibres enhanced electrospinnabilty and the mechanical strength of zein was dependent on the presence of PVA. The optical properties, XRD, FTIR and thermal studies confirmed that zein/PVA (80/20) blend weight ratio was miscible and the other blend weight ratios remained immiscible, this was due to stronger interaction of hydrophilic performance of zein and PVA through hydrogen bonding. Therefore, fibre blend weight ratios of zein/PVA (90/10, 80/20, 70/30, 60/40 and 50/50) were successfully fabricated. The optimisation of collagen nanofibres favoured electrospraying instead of electrospinning hence collagen nanofibres could not be fabricated.
Iron oxide nanoparticles was synthesized using hydrothermal method and manganese oxide nanoparticles was synthesized through co-precipitation method. The TEM results revealed well defined shapes of metal oxide nanoparticles illustrating that the increment of temperature had an influence on the crystallinity and particle size of 𝛼-Fe2O3 , 𝛼-MnO2 and 𝛼-Mn2O3 nanoparticles. The XRD confirmed the crystalline pattern of the metal oxide nanoparticles were of rhombohedral 𝛼-Fe2O3 structures (JCPDS 00-033-0664), cryptomelane phase 𝛼-MnO2 (JCPDS No. 29-1020) and orthorhombic crystalline phase of 𝛼-Mn2O3 (JCPDS No. 04-007-088). The metal oxide nanoparticles were thermally stable. Three different concentrations (4.25 wt%, 4.75 wt% and 5.25 wt %) of 𝛼-Fe2O3 and 𝛼- Mn2O3 were embedded onto zein/PVA (80/20) fibre blends and electrospun. The SEM, optical properties, XRD and TGA confirmed that the embedment of metal oxide nanoparticles enhanced the zein/PVA fibre blends performance, mechanical strength and resistance to wear therefore 5.25 wt% of 𝛼-Fe2O3/zein/PVA and 𝛼-Mn2O3/zein/PVA were explored further for the adsorption of chrysoidine G removal from wastewater. The adsorption studies of zein/PVA (80/20), 𝛼-Fe2O3/zein/PVA and 𝛼-Mn2O3/zein/PVA were carried out in a batch system on the effects of contact time, pH, initial concentration and adsorbent dosage. All the nanoadsorbents could rapidly reach adsorption equilibrium within 30 min at room temperature. The maximum removal efficiency of chrysoidine G of zein/PVA, 𝛼-Mn2O3/zein/PVA was higher than 𝛼-Fe2O3/zein/PVA. The dye adsorption equilibrium data were well-fit with Langmuir isotherm rather than Freundlich isotherm. The comparison of kinetic models revealed that the overall adsorption process was described well by pseudo second-order kinetics. The polymeric materials were cost effective hence regeneration studies were implemented for three cycles. These nanoadsorbents are easily available and are expected to be economical.
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Incorporation of silver nanoparticles and eucalyptus oil onto electrospun hemp/PVA nanofibres and their antibacterial activityMogole, Lebogang January 2021 (has links)
M. Tech. (Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences), Vaal University of Technology. / The world is continuously losing the battle against superbugs (resistant bacteria towards commonly used antibiotics), hence there is an urgent need to develop novel antibacterial agents. In this study, green synthesized silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) and eucalyptus oil, were incorporated into the polymer blend fibres of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and cellulose nanocrystals (CNC’s). Various techniques were used to characterize the AgNPs, PVA/CNC polymer fibres, and PVA/CNC incorporated with AgNPs/eucalyptus oil. The morphology of AgNPs synthesized using an increasing concentration of the Citrus sinensis peels (CSP) extract was obtained from transmission electron microscopy (TEM). AgNPs synthesized using 1 and 2 % m/v (CSP) were agglomerated and whereas those synthesized using 3 % m/v of the extract were spherical with an average particle size 10 ± 1.2 nm. UV/Visible absorption spectra for all the synthesized AgNPs exhibited a surface plasmon resonance (SPR) peak at around 400 nm which is a characteristic peak of silver. Significant shifts in the absorption peaks or maxima were observed to signify changes in the shape and size of the nanoparticles.
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to study the morphology of the fabricated polymer fibres. The Addition of CNC’s to PVA resulted in an increase in fibre diameter due to an increase in viscosity of the solution. An increase in the concentration of silver nanoparticles and the eucalyptus oil in the PVA/CNC resulted in a decrease in fibre diameter due to an increase in conductivity of the material. The fibres with AgNPs were smooth while the ones with the eucalyptus oil were beaded. X-ray diffraction (XRD) showed the presence of the AgNPs in the polymer fibres and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) showed the presence of the functional groups that are available in the eucalyptus oil. The antibacterial efficiency of the PVA/CNC incorporated with AgNPs, eucalyptus oil, and the mixture of AgNPs and the eucalyptus oil was investigated using S. aureus and K. pneumoniae. All the materials showed significant inhibition of the growth of the selected bacterial strains. PVA/CNC polymer fibres incorporated with AgNPs showed higher antibacterial activity compared to PVA/CNC polymer fibres incorporated with eucalyptus oil.
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<p>Radiotherapy is used in many clinics to deliver a sufficient and uniform dose to the cancerous tumours while the dose to normal tissues is minimized. However, there is a possibility of missing the target volume due to patient set up/motion errors, or any fluctuation in treatment delivery. Therefore, accurate dose verification tools are essential to evaluate the delivered dose distribution of the designed treatment plan under realistic treatment conditions.</p> <p>Current research is focused on developing 3D dose verification tools to record the complex dose distributions for quality assurance purposes and the evaluation of new treatment techniques. New and novel materials and read-out techniques suitable for use in hospitals are desirable. The objective of this research is to fabricate a transparent radiochromic gel dosimeter that may be used as quality assurance tool. Also, the fabricated gel must be analyzed using a simple optical read-out technique.</p> <p>Gel dosimeters are gels that undergo some chemical changes upon irradiation as a function of absorbed dose. The absorbed dose may be recorded in three dimensions depending on the type of gel dosimeter. Radiochromic gels are dosimeters that change colour upon irradiation. A radiosensitive dye, leucomalachite green (LMG) is dissolved in a matrix material to record the dose distribution in 3D. LMG changes its colour upon irradiation, and has an absorbance band of 629nm.</p> <p>In this research two different matrix materials were investigated: poly (vinyl alcohol) and gelatin. PVA was studied as the primary agent due to its adjustable mechanical strength and high transparency. PVA has also been studied to have a low diffusion rate when it was used as the matrix material in Fricke gel dosimeters [41]. Even though PVA had all the desired characteristics, fabricating a PVA based radiochromic dosimeter was not successful. Consequently, gelatin was used as the matrix material to fabricate a gelatin-based radiochromic dosimeter.</p> <p>Using gelatin, highly transparent radiosensitive gels were successfully fabricated. The absorbencies of the irradiated gels were measured as a function of absorbed dose, using a 1D set up. After, the gels were formed into 5mm thick films and used as two-dimensional dose verification tools. The relationship between absorbance and absorbed dose for 1D measurement was obtained to be 0.00241± 0.00004 , and 0.0022 ± 0.00007 for 2D gels scaled to a thickness of 1 cm.</p> <p>In all of the experiments the absorbance-dose relationships were similar in slopes, but there was an offset between different batches. The offset was 20% between the different experiments. Moreover, there was less than 5% error associated with the physical set up; the major source of error was due to the production and handling of the mixture, possibly due to the effects of inconsistent heating and UV light exposure.</p> <p>The 2D gels were used to verify the dose distribution for the purpose of quality assurance. Six different complicated beams were delivered to the gels and their dose distributions were compared to their respective Pinnacle Calculated Planar (PCP) dose maps. The difference was found to be about 35% at worst; however, this error may be reduced by utilizing more sophisticated data processing methods. Nevertheless, the images were quite similar above 20Gy. Furthermore, the dose distributions recorded by the gels are qualitatively and quantitatively similar to the (PCP) dose map. Although the fabricated gel dosimeters show some promise as future tools for quality assurance purposes, they must go through many more stages of research to be used clinically.</p> / Master of Science (MSc)
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