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A study on the etiology and epidemiology of black root rot of strawberries in the Western CapeBotha, Adri 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Historically root diseases have been a production-limiting problem for the strawberry
industry worldwide. In the Western Cape Province of South Africa the most serious
root disease is black root rot, which causes losses of up to 30%, annually. The aims
of this study were to investigate aspects of the etiology and epidemiology of this
disease in the Western Cape, and to provide information that can be incorporated in an
integrated disease management strategy. In Chapter I a summary of published
information on this disease is presented. Disease symptoms include severe stunting of
plants, which have black, rotted, reduced root systems. Even though this disease is of
great economic importance, the etiology remains unresolved. However, soilborne
fungal root pathogens, particularly Pythium and Rhizoctonia spp. have been
implicated as major role players. Control of this disease, as well as the other root
diseases affecting strawberries, has relied on soil fumigation with broad spectrum
chemical fumigants, in particular methyl bromide. However, due to the ozone
depleting action of methyl bromide it was decided at the signing of the Montreal
Protocol to remove this chemical from the market. This action has caused great
demand for alternative measures to control root diseases on many crops including
strawberries. Development of integrated disease management strategies is dependent
upon a more complete understanding of the etiology, biology and ecology of the
disease complex.
In Chapter 2 fungal pathogens associated with diseased plants were isolated
and Koch's postulates were carried out. The most frequently isolated fungal
pathogens were Pythium irregulare, Rhizoctonia spp. and Cylindrocarpon
destructans. Two morphotypes of Rhizoctonia were isolated viz. a brown and a white
type. Pythium irregulare was isolated more frequently in July than in September, and
was not isolated at all in November. Rhizoctonia spp. were present at all sampling
dates but were more frequently isolated in November than at the other times. All the
fungi that were tested were pathogenic and caused root lesions. Cylindrocarpon
destructans and Coniella fragariae did not have a stunting effect on the plants. These
results confirm a major role for Pythium and Rhizoctonia in the black root rot complex and suggest that there is a complimentary seasonal variation in occurrence
between these two pathogens.
The Rhizoctonia species and anastomosis groups of isolates obtained from
diseased strawberries in the Western Cape Province were determined, and their
pathogenicity and relative virulence assessed. Both binucleate and multinucleate
types were recovered from diseased roots and identified as R. fragariae and R. so/ani,
respectively. All isolates of R. solani were members of anastomosis group (AG) 6,
whereas three AG types were identified among isolates of R. fragariae, viz. AG-A,
AG-G and AG-I at a relative occurrence of 69%, 25%, 6% respectively. All
Rhizoctonia isolates were pathogenic to strawberry, but R. solani (AG 6) was the most
virulent causing severe stunting of plants. This is the first species confirmation and
AG type identification of Rhizoctonia taxa causing root rot of strawberries in South
An assessment of the presence and quantity of black root rot pathogens
associated with soils prior to fumigation and post fumigation with methyl bromide,
was made in Chapter 4. Isolations were also made from nursery plants to determine
whether any black root rot pathogens were in the plants before transplanting. Results
demonstrated that after fumigation the soil was free of all pathogenic fungi associated
with the disease. However, the main pathogens involved in black root rot, viz.
Rhizoctonia fragariae, R. solani and Pythium spp. were isolated from nursery plants.
The fact that the plants are already infected with these pathogens renders the prospects
for control of this disease difficult. Further studies are urgently required to develop
production practices that can be included in disease management programmes.
In vitro studies were carried out to determine the ECso values of different
fungicides for isolates of Pythium irregulare, Rhizoctonia fragariae AG-A, AG-G and
AG-I and R. solani AG 6. Benomyl, fludioxonil and tolc1ofos-methyl were used in
these tests. Field trials were also conducted using these fungicides. In Chapter 5 it is
shown that in general application of fungicides improved the yield and did not affect
the survival rate of strawberry plants. Fludioxonil showed potential for short-term
use. Applications of fungicides that targeted specific fungal genera were not
sufficient to control the disease. Seasonal fluctuation of Pythium and Rhizoctonia
spp. became apparent with the occurrence of Pythium being relatively high early in
the season but low late in the season. Conversely, the occurrence of Rhizoctonia was
low at the beginning of the season but high late in the season. In the short-term there is potential for fungicide applications as part of an integrated disease management
strategy, but the economic feasibility of this practice needs to be assessed.
In this study the major pathogens causing black root rot were identified in the
Western Cape Province of South Africa, and important information regarding the
epidemiology of the disease was reported. These results can be incorporated in an
integrated management strategy to reduce losses of strawberry production, attJibutable
to black root rot. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Wortelsiektes is wêreldwyd 'n produksie-beperkende probleem vir die aarbeibedryf. .
Swartwortelvrot, wat jaarliks verliese van tot 30% veroorsaak, is die belangrikste
wortelsiekte in die Wes-Kaap Provinsie van Suid-Afrika. Die doelwitte van hierdie
studie was om aspekte van die etiologie en epidemiologie van die siekte in die Wes-
Kaap te ondersoek en inligting wat in geïntegreerde siektebestuurstrategië ingesluit
kan word, te voorsien.
In Hoofstuk 1 word 'n opsomming van gepubliseerde inligting aangaande die
siekte uiteengesit. Siektesimptome sluit ernstige verdwerging van plante met swart
verotte en verkleinde wortelstelsels in. Alhoewel die siekte van groot ekonomiese
belang is, is die etiologie grootliks onbekend. Grondgedraagde wortelpatogene
swamme, spesifiek Pythium en Rhizoctonia spp., is egter as belangrike rolspelers
geïdentifiseer. Tot dusver het die beheer van hierdie siekte sowel as ander
wortelsiektes van aarbeie berus op grondberoking met breë spektrum chemiese
berokingsmiddels, spesifiek metielbromied. As gevolg van die osoonafbrekende
aksie van metielbromied is daar egter tydens die ondertekening van die Montreal
Protocol besluit om dié middel van die mark te verwyder. Hierdie besluit het 'n groot
aanvraag na alternatiewe beheermaatreëls vir wortelsiektes van verskeie gewasse,
insluitende aarbeie, veroorsaak. Die ontwikkeling van geïntegreerd
siektebestuurstrategieë is egter afhanklik van 'n meer volledige begrip van die
etiologie, biologie en ekologie van die siektekompleks.
In Hoofstuk 2 is die patogene swamme wat met die siekte geassosieer word,
geïsoleer, en is Koch se postulate uitgevoer. Die mees algemeen geïsoleerde patogene
swamme was Pythium irregulare, Rhizoctonia spp. en Cylindrocarpon destructans.
Twee morfotipes van Rhizoctonia is geïsoleer, nl. 'n bruin tipe en 'n wit tipe.
Pythium irregulare is meer dikwels in Julie as in September geïsoleer, maar glad nie
in November nie. Rhizoetonia het tydens alle monstertye voorgekom, maar is meer
dikwels in November geïsoleer. Al die swamme wat getoets is, was patogenies en het
letsels op die wortels veroorsaak. Cylindroearpon des true tans en Coniella fragariae
het nie'n verdwergingseffek op plante gehad nie. Hierdie resultate bevestig die dominante rol van Pythium en Rhizoctonia in die swartwortelvrot kompleks en dui op
'n komplementêre seisoenale variasie in die voorkoms van hierdie twee patogene.
Die Rhizoctonia spesies en anastomose groepe (AG) van die isolate geisoleer
vanaf siek aarbeiplante in die Wes-Kaap Provinsie is bepaal, en die patogenisiteit en
relatiewe virulensie is beraam. Sowel tweekernige as multikernige tipes is vanaf siek
wortels geïsoleer en respektiewelik as R. fragariae en R. so/ani geïdentifiseer. Alle
isolate van R. so/ani was lede van anastomose groep 6, terwyl drie AG tipes, nl. AGA,
AG-G en AG-I onder die R. fragariae isolate geïdentifiseer is met relatiewe
voorkomste van 69%, 25%, 6% respektiewelik. Alle Rhizoctonia isolate was
patogenies op aarbeie, maar R. so/ani (AG 6) was die mees virulente en het ernstige
verdwerging van plante veroorsaak. Hierdie is die eerste bevestiging van spesies en
identifisering van AG tipes van Rhizoctonia taksa wat wortelvrot van aarbeie in Suid
Afrika veroorsaak.
In Hoofstuk 4 is 'n beraming van die voorkoms en hoeveelheid
swartwortelvrot patogene geassosieer met grond voor, en na beroking met
metielbromied, gemaak. Isolasies is ook vanaf kwekeryplante gemaak om te bepaal
of enige swartwortelvrot patogene voor oorplanting in die plante teenwoordig was.
Die resultate het getoon dat grond na beroking vry was van alle patogeniese swamme
geassosieër met die siekte. Die hoof patogene betrokke in die swartwortelvrot
kompleks, nl. Rhizoctonia fragariae, R. so/ani en Pythium spp. was egter in die
kwekery plante teenwoordig. Die feit dat plante reeds met hierdie patogene
geïnfekteer is, maak die vooruitsigte vir die beheer van hierdie siekte moeilik.
Verdere studies word dringend benodig vir die ontwikkeling van produksiepraktyke
wat by siektebestuursprogramme ingesluit kan word.
In vitro studies om die ECso waardes van die isolate van Pythium irregulare,
Rhizoctonia fragariae AG-A, AG-G en AG-I en R. so/ani AG 6 vir die fungisiedes
benomyl, fludioxonil en tolclofos-metiel te bepaal, is uitgevoer. Hierdie fungisiedes
is ook in veldproewe getoets. In Hoofstuk 5 is getoon dat aanwending van
fungisiedes die opbrengs verbeter het en nie die oorlewing van aarbeiplante beïnvloed
het nie. Fludioxonil het potensiaal vir korttermyn gebruik getoon. Die aanwending
van fungisiedes wat spesifieke swamgenera teiken, was nie voldoende om die siekte
te beheer nie. Seisoenale fluktuasies van Pythium en Rhizoctonia spp. het duidelik
geword met die relatief hoë voorkoms van Pythium vroeg in die seisoen, maar lae
voorkoms laat in die seisoen, terwyl die voorkoms van Rhizoctonia laag was aan die begin van die seisoen, maar hoog later in die seisoen. In die korttermyn is daar
potensiaal vir fungisiedtoedienings as deel van 'n geïntegreerde
siektebestuurstrategie, maar die ekonomiese haalbaarheid van hierdie praktyk moet
bepaal word.
In hierdie studie is die hoof patogene wat swartwortelvrot van aarbeie in die
Wes-Kaap Provinsie van Suid-Afrika veroorsaak geïdentifiseer, en belangrike
inligting rakende die epidemiologie van die siekte is aangeteken. Hierdie resultate
kan in 'n geïntegreerde bestuurstrategie geïnkorporeer word om verliese van
aarbeiproduksie, toeskryfbaar aan swartwortelvrot te, verminder.
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Epidémiologie du cavity spot de la carotte - Perspectives d'application en protection intégréeSuffert, Frédéric 20 June 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Le développement de maladies d'origine tellurique relève de mécanismes épidémiologiques particuliers, propres au cycle biologique et aux traits d'histoire de vie des agents pathogènes incriminés. La caractérisation des processus qui déterminent le développement des épidémies est une étape clé dans la conception et l'optimisation de méthodes de protection contre ces maladies. Les cultures légumières de plein champ constituent des agrosystèmes particulièrement sensibles aux attaques parasitaires. Les Pythium sont responsables du cavity spot de la carotte, une maladie racinaire qui affecte la qualité des récoltes dans plusieurs bassins de production en France et dans le monde. L'objectif des recherches présentées ici est d'identifier, comprendre et hiérarchiser les processus déterminant la dynamique spatio-temporelle de cette maladie, essentiellement due à Pythium violae, en association avec d'autres espèces du complexe parasitaire. L'analyse de la composition d'un de ces complexes, complétée par la caractérisation biologique des principales espèces pathogènes, suggère que par souci de simplification, il est raisonnable de négliger les interactions entre espèces au cours de la phase infectieuse. L'existence d'infections secondaires (auto- et allo-infections) chez P. violae, et donc la nature polycyclique d'une épidémie de cavity spot, sont démontrées expérimentalement. Cette hypothèse est initialement étayée par deux étapes de l'analyse, l'une portant sur l'examen de relations pathométriques, et l'autre sur les ajustements de modèles aux données illustrant des cinétiques de la maladie. L'ensemble des résultats obtenus permet de concevoir un modèle épidémiologique exploratoire, basé sur l'occurrence des infections primaires et secondaires. Les effets de différents facteurs sur ces processus, comme l'application d'un fongicide, l'humidité du sol et la densité de semis, sont testés expérimentalement et discutés. Ils permettent d'envisager l'association de moyens de lutte complémentaires dans le cadre de stratégies de protection intégrée.
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Investigating the role of mycorrhizal fungi and associated bacteria in promoting growth of citrus seedlingsSitole, Phumeza January 2014 (has links)
South Africa is the world's second largest exporter of fresh citrus and is ranked 14th in citrus production. Fungal pathogens such as Phytophthora and Pythium cause economic losses as a result of root rot and brown rot. Mycorrhizal fungi are specialized members of the fungal community forming a mutualistic relationship with plant roots. Mycorrhizal fungal structures are known to associate with other soil microorganisms and these may contribute to improved plant growth. A diverse group of bacteria that interact with the mycorrhizal fungi are known as Mycorrhizal Helper Bacteria (MHB). The aim of this study was to investigate the role of arbuscular mycorrhiza and associated bacteria isolated from spores and determine whether they had any plant growth promoting potential. A total of 19 bacteria were isolated from arbuscular mycorrhizal spores and were molecularly identified as belonging to several Bacillus, Micrococcus, Onchrobactrum and Staphylococcus sp. All bacterial isolates were tested for plant growth promotion abilities. One Bacillus isolate was able to solubilise phosphate. Four isolates Micrococcus sp, Micrococcus leteus, Ochrobacterum sp and Ochrobacterum antropi were able to produce Indole Acetic Acid and three isolates showed potential to reduce growth of Phytophthora nicotianae, P. citrocola and P. citrophthora in in vitro plate cultures. Further tests using culture supernatants of the Bacillus sp, Micrococcus sp and Bacillus cereus confirmed their ability to inhibit or reduce growth of the three Phytophthora species in a 96 well bioassay. Bacillus sp and Bacillus cereus were able to inhibit Phytophthora spp by 95 to 100 % and Micrococcus spp was able to decrease pathogen growth by 60 to 94 %. These bacterial isolates were further evaluated for plant growth promoting abilities on citrus rough lemon seedlings alone or in combination with arbuscular mycorrhizal inoculum. Bacterial and mycorrhizal inoculants influence the increase in shoot and root biomass. Bacillus cereus in combination with mycorrhizal inoculum significantly increased seedling shoot to root ratio while root biomass was significantly increased with mycorrhizal inoculation. Due to the short duration of the trial mycorrhizal colonisation could not be assessed. It is evident that selected combinations of bacteria and mycorrhizal fungi could promote citrus seedling growth and potentially improve seedling health. Further studies under nursery conditions are recommended.
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Filogenia de Pythium insidiosum pelos genes codificantes do fator de alongamento da tradução (Tef-1α), α e β-tubulina e análise do padrão de restrição por Pulse-Field Gel Electrophoresis (PFGE)Prado, Ana Carolina do January 2020 (has links)
Orientador: Sandra de Moraes Gimenes Bosco / Resumo: Pythium insidiosum é o agente etiológico da pitiose, uma infecção granulomatosa crônica, com prevalência em regiões de clima tropical e subtropical que acomete mamíferos, principalmente equinos, cães e humanos. Este micro-organismo é um falso fungo que apresenta uma ampla distribuição geográfica, sendo muito prevalente na América do Sul (pitiose equina e canina) e na Tailândia (pitiose humana). Estudos moleculares têm permitido diagnóstico precoce e melhor compreensão das relações filogenéticas, dividindo o patógeno em três clados (I, II e III ou A, B e C). Entretanto essas informações são ainda bastante limitadas e novas regiões gênicas poderiam ajudar a esclarecer a história evolutiva dessa espécie. Assim sendo, este trabalho visou estabelecer as relações filogenéticas entre 52 isolados de P. insidiosum, americanos e asiáticos, por meio do sequenciamento de três novas regiões gênicas: a região do fator de alongamento da tradução (Tef-1α), α e β tubulina, além da padronização da técnica de Pulse Filed Gel Electrophoresis (PFGE) para esta espécie. A região do Tef-1α mostrou-se menos polimórfica em relação a α e β tubulina, entretanto separou as cepas aqui trabalhadas em dois clados distintos, sendo um composto apenas de cepas classificadas previamente como sendo do clado III (asiáticas), e agrupou todas as cepas americanas junto às cepas do clado II. A filogenia baseada no gene da β tubulina separou os isolados nos três clados esperados. Em relação à α tubulina houve diferenc... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Pythium insidiosum is the etiological agent of pythiosis, a chronic granulomatous infection, prevalent in tropical and subtropical regions that affects mammals, especially horses, dogs and humans. This is a fungus-like microorganism that has a wide geographical distribution and is very prevalent in South America (equine and canine pythiosis) and Thailand (human pythiosis). Molecular studies have allowed early diagnosis and better understand of phylogenetic relationships, and the pathogen is currently divided into three clades (I, II and III or A, B and C). However, this information is still quite limited for this pathogen and new gene regions could help understanding the evolutionary history of this species. Therefore, this study aimed to establish the phylogenetic relationships among 52 american and asian P. insidiosum isolates by sequencing three new gene regions: the translation elongation factor (Tef-1α), α and β tubulin, in addition to the standardization of the Pulse Filed Gel Electrophoresis (PFGE) technique for this species. The Tef-1α region showed little polymorphic in relation to α and β tubulin, however it separated the strains here studied into two distinct clades, being composed only of strains previously classified as clade III (Asian), and grouped all the American strains next to the clade II strains. The β tubulin gene-based phylogeny separated the isolates into the three expected clades. Regarding α tubulin there was differentiation of isolates in clades I a... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre
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Studies on the biocontrol of seedling diseases caused by Rhizoctonia solani and Pythium sp. on sorghum and tef.Tesfagiorgis, Habtom Butsuamlak. January 2003 (has links)
Rhizoctonia solani and Pythium spp. are aggressive soil-borne fungal pathogens responsible
for seed rot and seedling damping-off of many crops. With increased environmental and
public concern over the use of chemicals, biological control of these diseases has been
attracting more attention. However, success with this strategy depends on the development of
effective antagonists, which requires repeated in vitro and in vivo tests.
Bacillus spp. were isolated from a soil sample obtained from a field where sorghum and tef
had been grown for at least two years. Potential Bacillus isolates were screened for their
ability to inhibit in vitro growth of R. solani and Pythium sp. Among 80 isolates tested,
endospore forming Bacillus spp. H44 and H51 gave highest antifungal activity against the two
test-pathogens in three consecutive tests. Results demonstrated that both H44 and H51 have
potential as biocontrol agents against diseases caused by these two pathogenic fungi.
The interaction between three isolates of Trichoderma (T. harzianum Eco-T, Trichoderma spp.
SY3 and SY4) and Pythium sp. were investigated using in vitro bioassays together with
environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM). Visual observation on the dual culture
tests revealed that hyphal growth of Pythium was inhibited by these antagonists soon after
contact between the two organisms within 3-4 days of incubation. The ESEM investigations
showed that all three isolates of Trichoderma grew toward the pathogen, attached firmly,
coiled around and penetrated the hyphae of the pathogen, leading to the collapse and
disintegration of the host's cell wall. Degradation of the host cell wall was postulated as being
due to the production of lytic enzymes. Based on these observations, antibiosis (only by Eco-T)
and mycoparasitism (by all three isolates) were the mechanisms of action by which in vitro
growth of Pythium sp. was suppressed by these Trichoderma isolates.
The reduction of seedling diseases caused by R. solani and a pythium sp. were evaluated by
applying the antagonists as seed coating and drenching antagonistic Bacillus spp. (B81, H44
and H51) and Trichoderma (T. harzianum Eco-T and Trichoderma spp. SY3 and SY4). On
both crops, R. solani and Pythium sp. affected stand and growth of seedlings severely. With
the exceptions of H51, applications all of isoltes to seeds reduced damping-off caused by R.
solani in both crops. Application of Eco-T, H44 and SY3 to sorghum controlled R. solani and
Pythium sp. effectively by yielding similar results to that of Previcur®. On tef, biological
treatments with Eco-T and SY4 reduced seedling damping-off caused by R. solani and
Pythium sp., respectively, by providing seedling results similar to the standard fungicides,
Benlate® and Previcur®. Most other treatments gave substantial control of the two pathogens
on tef. Overall, Bacillus sp. H44 and T harzianum Eco-T were the best biocontrol agents from
their respective groups in reducing damping-off by the two pathogens. In all instances, effects
of application method on performance of biocontrol agents and adhesive on emergence and
growth of seedlings were not significant.
A field trial was conducted at Ukulinga Research Farm at the University of Natal,
Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, to determine efficacy of biological and chemical treatments on
growth promotion and reduction of damping-off incited by R. solani and Pythium sp., and to
evaluate the effects of a seed coating material, carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC), on seedling
emergence and disease incidence. Seeds of sorghum and tef were treated with suspensions of
antagonistic Bacillus H44 or T harzianum Eco-T, or sprayed with fungicides, Benlate® or
Previcur®. Application of Benlate® and Previcur® during planting significantly increased the
final stand and growth of sorghum seedlings. Seed treatments with both H44 and Eco-T
substantially controlled damping-off caused by Pythium, resulting in greater dry weights of
seedlings than the standard fungicide. However, they had negative effects when they were
tested for their growth stimulation and control of R. solani. The CMC had no significant effect
on germination and disease levels. These results showed that these antagonists can be used as
biocontrol agents against Pythium sp. However, repeated trials and better understanding of the
interactions among the antagonists, the pathogens, the crop and their environment are needed
to enhance control efficiency and growth promotion of these antagonists.
Some of these biocontrol agents used in this study have the potential to diseases caused by R.
solani and Pythium sp. However, a thorough understanding of the host, pathogen, the
antagonist and the environment and the interactions among each other is needed for successful
disease control using these antagonists. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2003.
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Effects of Low Nutrient Solution pH on Hydroponic Leafy Green Plant Growth, NutrientConcentration of Leaf Tissue, and Pythium Zoospore InfectionGillespie, Daniel Patrick January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Soybean QTL Mapping and Candidate Gene Identification for Pythium irregulare and Phytophthora sojae Partial Resistance; and Root-Knot Nematode Induced Suppression of Gene SilencingNauth, Brittany J. 29 October 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Management of Sclerotinia stem rot of soybean and diversity of Pythium irregulare in OhioHuzar Novakowiski, Jaqueline January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Seed and Seedling Disease of Corn and Soybean in Ohio: The Role of Fusarium graminearum, Pythium species diversity, fungicide sensitivity, Pythium community composition, and soil properties in disease severityBroders, Kirk Dale 05 December 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Bioprocessing of soybean seed-coats for production of proteins & omega-3 fatty acids using Pythium isolatesBurkey, Carren Nyambare 10 August 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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