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Explorando aspectos energéticos, estruturais e cinéticos de espécies químicas utilizando abordagens altamente correlacionadas / Exploring energetic, structural and kinetic aspects of chemical species using highly correlated approachesTiago Vinicius Alves 19 April 2013 (has links)
Neste estudo, parâmetros estruturais, energéticos e da frequências vibracionais para os estados X 3Σ- e A 3II do radical CNN e X 2II das espécies iônicas CNN+ e CNN- foram obtidos no nível de teoria CCSD(T)/CBST-5. No estudo termoquímico, os valores para o calor de formação da espécie neutra foram, ΔHf (O K) = 138,89 kcal/mol e ΔHf (298,15 K) = 139,65 kcal/mol. Para o potencial de ionização e a afinidade eletrônica, os resultados deste trabalho são 10,969 e 1,743 eV, respectivamente. Otimizações de geometria para os estados eletrônicos X 3Σ-, A 3II, a 1Δ, b 1Σ+, c 1II, d X 1Σ- e B 3Σ- realizadas com a metodologia MRCI nos permitiram obter valores para Te. Além disso, as energias de transição vertical para 15 estados eletrônicos também foram determinadas. Utilizando o nível de teoria CCSD(T)-F12b/CBSD-Q, geometrias de equilíbrio e frequências vibracionais harmônicas e anarmônicas foram estimadas para a molécula C30 e seu ânion C30-. Uma avaliação dos efeitos que inclusão dos elétrons do caroço no cálculo de diferentes propriedades foi realizada. Descrevemos a primeira determinação do calor de formação para a molécula C3O, ΔHf (0 K) = 79,41 kcal/mol e ΔHf( (298,15 K) = 83,39 kcal/mol, além do cálculo da afinidade eletrônica (1,114 eV). No que se refere à cinética e à dinâmica química, a determinação das constantes de velocidade foi realizada para duas reações de abstração de hidrogênio. Na primeira, as constantes de velocidade para a reação S (3P) + CH4 → SH + CH3, numa ampla faixa de temperaturas (T = 200 - 3000 K), foram determinadas utilizando SS-VTST/MT combinada com cálculos DFT/M05-2X/MG3S. A 1200 K, a constante de velocidade CVT/SCT para este processo (2,85 x 10-14 cm3 molécula-1 s-1) está em excelente concordância com o resultado experimental (8,14 x 10-14 cm3 molécula-1 s-1). Na segunda, o estudo a reação de abstração de hidrogênio do butanoato de metila por hidrogênio atômico foi realizada utilizando a abordagem cinética MS-VTST/MT combidada com cálculos MPWB1K/G- 31+G(d,p). Nesta aproximação cinética, a anarmonicidade associada às torções angulares amortecidas, bem como o acoplamento entre elas foram consideradas no cálculo das constante de velocidade. Neste processo, verificamos que a inclusão da anarmonicidade torcional nas constantes de velocidade aumenta a constante de velocidade em aproximadamente 8-10% a altas temperaturas (T = 1000 -2000 K). A temperaturas mais baixas, os efeitos de tunelamento são predominantes e a constante de velocidade CVT/SCT para a reação CH3CH2CH2COOCH3 + H (2S) → CH2CH2CH2COOCH3 + H (2S) a 300 K (6,17 x 10-18 cm3 molécula-1 s-1) é 8,2 vezes maior que a obtida com CVT (5,07 x 10-17 cm3 molécula-1 s-1). / In this study, the structures, energies and vibrational frequencies for the X 3Σ- e A3II electronic states of CNN, and X 2II of the ions CNN+ and CNN- were obtained at the CCSD(T)/CBST-5 level of theory. Additionally, we also estimated the heats of formation for the neutral species ΔHf (0 K) = 138.89 kcal/mol and ΔHf(298.15 K) = 139.65 kcal/mol. For the ionization potential and electron affinities, this work predicted the values of 10.969 e 1.743 eV, respectively. Geometry optimizations for the electronic states 3Σ-, A 3II, a 1Δ, b 1Σ+, c 1II, d X 1Σ- e B 3Σ- performed with the MRCI approach allowed us to compute the excitation energies (Te). Furthermore, vertical transition energies were also calculated for 15 electronic states. Using the CCSD(T)-F12b/CBSD-Q level of theory, equilibrium geometries, and harmonic and anharmonic vibrational frequencies were estimated for the C3O molecule and the anion C3O-. An assessment of the effects of inclusion of core electrons in the calculation of some properties was also carried out. The determination of the heat of formation of the molecule C3O (ΔHf (0 K) = 79.41 kcal/mol and ΔHf (298.15 K) = 83.39 kcal/mol), and its electron affinity (1,114 eV) were the first ones reported in the literature. In the kinetics investigation, we estimated the rate constants for two hydrogen abstraction reactions. Rate constants for the reaction S(3P) + CH4 → SH + CH3 were predicted for a wide range of temperatures (T = 200 - 3000 K) using VTST/MT combined with DFT/M05-2X/MG3S calculations. At 1200 K, the calculated rate constant CVT/SCT for this process is 2.85 x 10-14 cm3 molecule-1 s-1. For the reaction of hydrogen abstraction from methyl butanoate by a hydrogen atom, the MS-VTST/MT method combined with the density functional MPWB1K/G-31+G(d,p) was employed. In this study, anharmonic torsional hindered rotations were considered in calculations of the rate constants. At high temperatures, the inclusion of torsional anharmonicity increases the rate constants by approximately 8-10%. At low temperatures, tunneling effects are predominant and the rate constant CVT/SCT (6.17 x 10-18 cm3 molécula-1 s-1) is 8.2 times higher than the CVT one (5.07 x 10-17 cm3 molécula-1 s-1 ).
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Estudo teórico de complexos de transferência de carga em solução / Theoretical Study of Charge-transfer Complexes in SolutionFernando da Silva 19 October 2016 (has links)
Neste trabalho foram estudados os complexos de transferência (CTC) de carga formados por iodeto com os derivados piridínicos C4(4CP)+ e C3bis(4CP)2+ em solução. A formação de um CTC é caracterizada pelo surgimento de uma nova banda no espectro eletrônico de absorção, em solventes orgânicos como acetonitrila. Este tipo de sistema tem recebido muito interesse em diversos campos como, por exemplo, eletrônica orgânica, espectroscopia não linear, bioquímica, no ramo farmacêutico, etc. O complexo C4(4CP)+I- é caracterizado por uma banda de transferência de carga com máximo em 421 nm em acetonitrila. Cálculos das propriedades eletrônicas e das energias de excitação do complexo foram realizados usando a teoria do funcional da densidade e a teoria do funcional da densidade dependente do tempo. O emprego de funcionais de troca e correlação com correções de longo alcance foi essencial para a obtenção de resultados acurados para as energias de excitação. Usando os funcionais CAM-B3LYP e B97X-D, associados ao modelo contínuo PCM, foi possível descrever muito bem o máximo da banda experimental. No caso do C3bis(4CP)2+ foram encontradas diferentes estruturas possíveis para o complexo, que podem ser formadas pela associação de um ou dois I-. Em todos os casos apenas um dos I- participa da excitação, o que explica a estequiometria 1:1 observada experimentalmente. Uma visão mais aprofunda do comportamento do complexo em solução foi obtida usando a dinâmica molecular clássica. O campo de força foi ajustado para reproduzir os resultados de uma dinâmica por primeiros princípios de vácuo. A dinâmica clássica mostrou não haver dissociação em acetonitrila no complexo formado com o C3bis(4CP)2+. A banda calculada a partir das configurações amostradas da dinâmica está em excelente acordo com o resultado experimental. / In this work, we have studied theoretically charge-transfer complexes (CTC) formed by pyridinium derivatives with iodide. The formation of a CTC is characterized by the appearance of a new absorption band on the electronic spectra, in organic polar solvents like acetonitrile. These type of systems have recently received much interest in a broad variety of fields, for example, organic electronics, nonlinear spectroscopy, medical biochemistry, pharmaceutical industry, etc. The C4(4CP)+I- complex is characterized by the charge-transfer band with a maximum at 421 nm in acetonitrile. We have used density functional theory (DFT) and time dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) to calculate electronic properties and the excitation energies of the complex. Functionals with long-range corrections were essential in describing the charge-transfer excitations. CAM-B3LYP and wB97X-D associated with the polarizable continuum model predicts CT excitations in good agreement with experiment. Our results also indicates the existence of different conformations for the complex formed by the C3bis(4CP)2+ with iodide. Complexes were formed by the association of one or two I- to C3bbis(4CP)2+, but the charge transfer excitations were calculated from only one iodide to the aromatic ring, what explain why the stoichiometry 1:1 was observed. A better description of the complex in solution was obtained using classical molecular dynamics. The OPLS-AA force field was fine-tuned to reproduce the results of a first principle molecular dynamics for the complex. No dissociation were observed. The calculated charge-transfer band using configurations sampled from molecular dynamics is in excellent agreement with experiment.
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Computational studies of NMR and magneto-optical rotation parameters in waterPennanen, T. (Teemu) 14 May 2012 (has links)
In this thesis nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and magneto-optical rotation (MOR) parameters are investigated for water, paying special attention to the effect of solvation from gaseous to liquid phase. Nuclear magnetic shielding and quadrupole coupling tensors of NMR spectroscopy are studied for gaseous and liquid water. Liquid state is modelled by a 32-molecule Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics simulation, followed by property calculations for the central molecules in clusters cut out from the simulation trajectory. Gaseous state is similarly represented by a one-molecule simulation. Gas-to-liquid shifts for shielding constants obtained this way are in good agreement with experiments. To get insight into the local environment and its effect on the properties the clusters are divided into groups of distinct local features, namely the number of hydrogen bonds. The analysis shows in detail how the NMR tensors evolve as the environment changes gradually from the gas to liquid upon increasing the number of hydrogen bonds to the molecule of interest. The study sheds light on the usefulness of NMR experiments in investigating the local coordination of liquid water. To go a bit further, the above mentioned NMR parameters along with the spin-spin coupling constant are examined for water dimer in various geometries to have insight into solvation and hydrogen bonding phenomena from bottom to top. Characteristic changes in the properties are monitored as the geometry of the dimer is systematically varied from very close encounter of the monomers to distances and orientations where hydrogen bonding between monomers ceases to exist. No rapid changes during the hydrogen bond breaking are observed indicating that the hydrogen bonding is a continuous phenomenon rather than an on-off situation. However, for analysis purposes we provide an NMR-based hydrogen bond definition, expressed geometrically, based on the behaviour of the NMR properties as a function of dimer geometry. Our definition closely resembles widely used definitions and thus reinforces their validity.
Magneto-optical rotation parameters, the nuclear spin optical rotation (NSOR) and the Verdet constant, are computed for gaseous and liquid water, in the same manner as the NMR properties above. Recent pioneering experiments including NSOR for hydrogen nuclei in liquid water and liquid xenon have demonstrated that this technique has a potential to be a useful new probe of molecular structure. We reproduce computationally, applying a first-principles theory developed recently in the group, the experimental NSOR for hydrogen nuclei in liquid water, and predict hydrogen NSOR in gaseous water along with the oxygen NSOR in liquid and gaseous water. NSOR is an emerging experimental technique that needs interplay between theory and computation for validation, steering and insight.
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Modeling the chemical trapping processes in the outer solar system / Simulations de processus de séquestration chimique dans le système solaire externeOzgurel, Ozge 25 October 2017 (has links)
Ce projet a pour but de répondre à quelques questions pendantes de planétologie en utilisant des méthodes de chimie quantique. Il recouvre principalement deux études.La première étude modélise les processus chimiques susceptibles d’expliquer la déplétion en gaz rares observée dans l’atmosphère de Titan par la mission Huygens ; l’étude considère la formation par association radiative, des complexes stables entre Ar, Kr, Xe et H3+ ou les ions protonés, ceci dans la nébuleuse proto-planétaire, avant la formation de Titan en tant qu’objet.La seconde étude analyse les mécanismes piégeant les volatiles dans les glaces, mécanismes à l’œuvre dans les comètes comme dans la lune Europe. Les scénarios d’une origine primordiale commune de O2 et S2 observés dans la comète 67P/C-G lors de la mission ROSETTA, ont pu être validés, donnant des rapports d’abondance avec l’eau proches des observations, et proposant une explication pour la corrélation/non corrélation avec l’eau pour les deux espèces. De même, un scénario pour l’origine des éléments mineurs Na et K détectés dans l’exosphère d’Europe, satellite pour lequel l’intérêt a ressurgi en raison des missions à venir, Juice de l’ESA et Europa Clipper de la NASA, a été étudié et s’est révélé valable également pour Mg et Ca pour lesquels des prédictions d’abondance ont été faites. Du point de vue des simulations numériques, ce travail combine deux approches ab-initio, une approche moléculaire pour la phase gazeuse du premier cas et une approche périodique du solide pour les autres cas. / This project aims at answering some questions in planetology by means of ab-inito quantum chemistry. It can be divided into two main studies. One models the chemical processes likely to explain the noble gases deficiency observed by the Huygens probe in the atmosphere of Titan; it investigates the formation of stable complexes between Ar, Kr, Xe and H3+ or protonated ions by radiative association, in the proto-solar nebula, prior to the formation of Titan. The other analyzes the trapping mechanisms of volatiles in the ice at work in comets as well as in Europa. Scenarios of primordial origin for O2 and S2, observed in comet 67P/C-G by the ROSETTA probe, were thus validated, giving abundance ratios with H2O close to those observed and proposing an explanation for the respective correlation/non-correlation with water of the two species. Also, a scenario for the origin of trace elements Na, K detected in the exosphere of Europa whose interest is revived by anticipating the missions Juice and Europa Clipper, was argumented and found available for Mg and Ca to predict relative abundancies to be observed. The computational work combines two ab-inito approaches, molecular calculations in gaseous phase in the first case and periodic solid state calculations in the second.
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Spectroscopie optique des paires d'ions : De la caractérisation des modèles en phase gazeuse à l'identification des paires d'ions en solution / Optical spectroscopy of ion pairs : From the Characterization of Gas Phase Models to Identifying Ion Pairs in SolutionHabka, Sana 15 September 2017 (has links)
Les appariements d’ions sontomniprésents dans la nature, des océans auxaérosols, et passant par les organismes vivants.Les paires d’ions présentes dans les solutionsriches en ions y jouent un rôle crucial, notammentdans le déroulement des mécanismes réactionnelschimiques et biochimiques. En dépit de leurimportance, la caractérisation expérimentale despaires en solution reste problématique en raison dela coexistence de plusieurs types. Ainsi, le premierobjectif de ce travail est de développer uneapproche originale en phase gazeuse, pour l’étudedes paires d’ions modèles entre un groupementcarboxylate et un cation alcalin, illustrant le typed’appariement observé dans le milieu biologique.Ces premières études sont menées à l’aide d’uneapproche de spectroscopie IR et UV sélective enconformation, combinée à des calculs au niveauchimie quantique sur des modèles de formulegénérale (C6H5-(CH2)n-COO-, M+; M = Li, Na, K,Rb, Cs et n ≤ 4). L’appariement entre les ions a étéainsi caractérisé sur l’ensemble de ces systèmes, etune compétition entre les interactions cation-anionet cation-π a été observée pour les systèmes de plusgrande taille.Dans un second temps, une étude théorique estdéveloppée dans l’objectif de proposer un spectrethéorique pour chaque type de paires, et de leconfronter aux spectres expérimentaux en solutionde la littérature. L’approche repose sur le calcul dela signature vibrationnelle de paires (CH3-COO-,M+; M = Li, Na) et de l’anion libre, entouréssuccessivement de molécules d’eau explicitesdécrites au niveau chimie quantique, puis auniveau champ de force et enfin par un modèle desolvant continu.Cet apport original pour l’étude des paires d’ionsneutres ouvre la voie vers une meilleurecaractérisation de ces paires dans les solutions électrolytiques. / Ion pairs are ubiquitous in nature andwere documented in sea waters, aerosols andliving organisms, thus they play a crucial role inmany chemical and biochemical mechanisms.Although many experimental approaches aimedat identifying these ion pairs in solutions, theyfailed in characterizing their microscopicproperties, mainly due to the coexistence of manytypes of pairs in solution. This original study aimsto identify the structural properties of ion pairmodels in the gas phase that depicts theinteraction between carboxylate group and alkalication, largely present in biological media.Model systems (M+, C6H5(CH2)nCOO-, M = Li,Na, K, Rb, Cs and n ≤ 4) were the subject of thefirst studies conducted using gas phaseconformational selective IR and UV spectroscopycombined to quantum chemistry calculations.Among the identified structures, we found asecondary interaction between the cation andphenyl ring (cation-π interaction) for systems witha flexible carbon chain, which led us to study thecompetition between cation-anion and cation-πinteractions.The second study developed focused mainly oncharacterizing ion pairs (M+, CH3COO-; M = Li,Na) and free anion in solution, where the firstsolvation layer were described at the quantumlevel, followed by a solvent continuum. Thus thevibrationnal signatures proposed for theseaggregates were compared to solution spectra inlitterature, thus offering a reliable structuralassignement.This study on neutral ion pairs paves way to a betterunderstanding of ion pairing and offers a uniqueapproach to adress the structural characterization ofthese systems in solution.
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Étude quantique de sites métalliques dans des peptides et protéines modèles / Quantum study of metal sites in model peptides and proteinsGiard, Aude 03 November 2014 (has links)
La nicotianamine est une molécule naturelle qui joue un rôle essentiel dans la régulation des concentrations en métaux de transition dans les plantes. Sa structure comprend trois acides carboxyliques et trois fonctions amines. L'objectif du travail présenté dans ce manuscrit est d'établir un protocole permettant de reproduire les propriétés de chélation de cette molécule grâce à des calculs de chimie quantique. L'intérêt est d'appliquer ce protocole à des analogues synthétiques de la nicotianamine, afin de prédire leurs propriétés.Le protocole que nous avons mis au point s'articule autour de quatre axes : le calcul des pKa, l'étude des propriétés de chélation, le calcul de tenseur g de résonance paramagnétique électronique et l'analyse des propriétés vibrationnelles. Ces différents points ont nécessité le développement de méthodes de calcul et d'outils innovants. Les calculs de chimie quantique qui ont été effectués sont basés sur la théorie de la fonctionnelle de la densité. On a utilisé des fonctionnelles hybrides, associées à un modèle de solvant implicite ou semi-explicite qui permet de prendre en compte l'effet du milieu.Nous avons proposé une méthode graphique originale adaptée à la nicotianamine permettant le calcul de ses six pKa ainsi que celui des pka des complexes formés avec les métaux de transition. Cette méthode conduit à une bonne précision sur les calcul de pKa dans l'intervalle de pH physiologique. Ces pKa renseignent sur le comportement de la nicotianamine dans différents milieux végétaux. Nous avons aussi envisagé plusieurs protocoles pour l'étude des propriétés de chélation de la nicotianamine.Pour compléter l'étude des complexes de la nicotianamine, nous avons paramétré une méthode simple et rapide de calcul du tenseur g de systèmes moléculaires contenant du cuivre paramagnétique. Enfin, nous avons développé un programme graphique permettant l'analyse des modes de vibration infrarouges de systèmes moléculaires comme les complexes métal-nicotianamine étudiés. / Nicotianamine is a triamino acid that plays an essential role in regulation and transportation of transition metals in plants by a chelation process. Functional analogues of this molecule have already been synthesised that we hope to use for selective soil decontamination thanks to their property changes with respect to nicotianamine. Therefore, the aim of the present work is to find a predictive protocol for the chelating properties of these analogues, using the know example of nicotianamine. We worked out a predictive protocol focusing on the four following points : pKas, chelation, EPR tensors and vibrational properties. It uses quantum chemistry methods such as hybrid DFT functionals and implicit solvent models.The pKa calculations for nicotianamine and metal-nicotianamine complexes were performed using a novel graphical method well suited to these systems. The pKas are useful to understand the effect of the various plants pHs on the complexes. Then we computed the chelation constants and the structures of metal-nicotianamine complexes. As a complement to the study of these complexes, we set up protocols to calculate the EPR tensors of the copper-nicotianamine complex and to analyse the infra-red vibrations of the complexes, using respectively a parametrised method and a local code.
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Applications of Single Reference Methods to Multi-Reference ProblemsJeffrey, Chris C. 05 1900 (has links)
Density functional theory is an efficient and useful method of solving single-reference computational chemistry problems, however it struggles with multi-reference systems. Modifications have been developed in order to improve the capabilities of density functional theory. In this work, density functional theory has been successfully applied to solve multi-reference systems with large amounts of non-dynamical correlation by use of modifications. It has also been successfully applied for geometry optimizations for lanthanide trifluorides.
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Ab-Initio Implementation of Ground and Excited StateResonance Raman Spectroscopy: Application to CondensedPhase and Progress Towards BiomoleculesDasgupta, Saswata January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Anisotropic magnetic interactions in 4d⁵ and 5d⁵ transition metal systemsYadav, Ravi 30 January 2020 (has links)
In the search for novel magnetic materials, systems with strong spin-orbit coupling are a focus. 5d Ir-oxides and 4d Ru-halide, in particular, are associated in this context with a flurry of new theoretical concepts, models, and predictions, and more recently to various exotic topological states. In this thesis, we use computational quantum-chemistry methods to determine nearest-neighbor (NN) magnetic interactions in such systems. We also explore different routes to tune NN exchange couplings and provide guidelines for material design. In the first chapter, an introduction to concepts of electron correlations, spin-orbit coupling and magnetic interactions is provided. Many-body quantum chemistry methods used to determine electronic and magnetic properties of the transition metal systems in this work are outlined in the second chapter. In chapter 3, we determine multiplet-structure, magnetic g factors as well as NN magnetic interaction for the edge-shared 4d5 honeycomb lattice-based system, i.e., α-RuCl3. We find that the the magnetic anisotropy shows up in the form of bond-dependent Kitaev couplings, which defines the largest superexchange energy scale in this system. Magnetic couplings obtained by mapping the ab initio data onto an effective spin Hamiltonian are then used in the the subsequent exact diagonalization calculation to retrieve the magnetic phase diagram as a function of second and third NN coupling. Further, in chapter 4, we investigate the effects of uniform pressure and strain on the magnetic interactions in honeycomb and related lattice-based systems. We find that the Heisenberg and Kitaev terms are affected differently: for strain, in particular, the Heisenberg component decreases more rapidly than the Kitaev counterpart. This suggests a scenario where strain can stabilize a spin liquid state in such materials. In chapter 5, we discuss another factor that allows to modify magnetic couplings, i.e., the electrostatics between layered stackings with different metallic species. We examine magnetic interactions between Ir moments in H3LiIr2O6, a recently proposed Kitaev spin liquid candidate, and clarify the effect of interlayer electrostatics on the anisotropic Kitaev exchange . We show that the precise position of H+ cations between magnetically active [LiIr2O6]3− honeycomb-like layers has a strong impact on the magnitude of Kitaev interactions.
In the last chapter, we examine Ir-oxides on the pyrochlore lattice. In these corner-sharing systems the NN anisotropic exchange occurs in the form of antisymmetric exchange, also known as Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) coupling. Our calculations predict that a highly unusual regime can be realized in such systems due to the vanishing NN Heisenberg interaction, making the antisymmetric DM exchange to be the dominant interaction in the oxides where the Ir-O-Ir links show bond-angles less than 125◦. We also confirm the accuracy of the employed quantum-chemistry methods by reproducing experimental data for Sm2Ir2O7.:Table of contents
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Electronic correlations 2
1.2 Crystal fields and d-level splitting 5
1.3 Spin-orbit Coupling 8
1.4 Magnetic interactions 10
1.5 Conclusions 13
2 Quantum Chemistry Methods 15
2.1 Introduction 15
2.2 Motivation for using quantum chemical approach 17
2.3 The Hartree-Fock approach 19
2.4 Multiconfigurational approach 22
2.5 Multireference configuration interaction 26
2.5.1 Recent developments towards performing FCI 27
2.6 Embedded cluster approach 28
2.7 Conclusions 30
3 Anisotropic spin interactions in α-RuCl3 31
3.1 Introduction 31
3.2 Spin-orbit ground state and excitations 33
3.2.1 Structural details .34
3.2.2 Computational details 37
3.2.3 Results and Discussions 40
3.3 Intersite exchange interactions for j=1/2 moments 44
3.3.1 Kitaev-Heisenberg model and symmetric anisotropies 45
3.3.2 Computational details 49
3.3.3 Results and Discussion 53
3.4 Conclusions 61
x Table of contents
4 Strain and pressure tuned magnetic interactions in Kitaev materials 63
4.1 Introduction 64
4.2 Qualitative analysis: Kitaev-Heisenberg model 65
4.3 Quantitative analysis: ab initio results 66
4.3.1 Computational approach 69
4.3.2 Results and discussion 70
4.4 Experimental results for pressurized α-RuCl3 74
4.4.1 Pressure induced dimerization 75
4.4.2 Ab initio calculations 76
4.5 Conclusions 78
5 Impact of inter-layer species on in-plane magnetism in H3LiIr2O6 79
5.1 Introduction 79
5.2 Structural details 81
5.3 Computational approach 82
5.4 Results and discussion 85
5.4.1 Magnetic couplings 85
5.4.2 Phase diagram and longer-range interactions 86
5.4.3 Position of H cations and effect on in-plane interactions 88
5.4.4 Angle dependence, the Kitaev limit 91
5.5 Conclusions 92
6 Anisotropic spin interactions in pyrochlore iridates 95
6.1 Introduction 95
6.2 Structural details 97
6.3 Computational details 98
6.3.1 Embedded cluster and basis sets 98
6.3.2 Quantum chemistry calculations 99
6.3.3 Effective spin model Hamiltonian 99
6.4 Results and Discussion 101
6.4.1 Magnetic couplings 101
6.4.2 Spin Dynamics 103
6.4.3 Magnetic ground state 105
6.5 Conclusions 109
Summary 111
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Určování strukturních a dynamických vlastností biomolekul pomocí teoretických výpočtů parametrů spekter NMR / Determination of structure and dynamics of biomolecules by theoretical calculations of NMR spectroscopic parametersBenda, Ladislav January 2012 (has links)
iv Abstract Subject: Determination of structure and dynamics of biomolecules by theoretical calcu- lations of NMR spectroscopic parameters Author: Ladislav Benda, ladislav.benda@gmail.com Department/Institute: Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, AS CR Supervisor: Dr. Vladim'ır Sychrovsk'y, Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, AS CR, vladimir.sychrovsky@uochb.cas.cz Abstract: This doctoral work was focused on theoretical modeling of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) parameters in peptides and nucleic acids. Dependences of NMR para- meters on molecular structure and solvation were primarily modeled. Great emphasis was put on the comparison of the calculated data with the NMR experiment. The molecular models studied included the l-alanyl-l-alanine di-peptide (AA) and the phosphate group of nucleic acid backbone. Conformations of all three charged forms of AA in solution were determined and the respective pH-induced changes of experimental NMR chemical shifts and nuclear spin-spin coupling constants were explained. Dependences of NMR cross-correlated relaxation rates on the AA backbone geometry were calibrated. The 31 P NMR parameters in nucleic acid phosphate were systematically calculated in dependence on the backbone conformation and the phosphate solvation pattern. Qualitative rules...
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