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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Understanding the motivations behind dating applications: Exploring future predictions

Davis, Dane January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Journalism and Mass Communications / Major Professor Not Listed / This exploratory research utilized focus groups from college students to learn how and why people are using current mobile dating applications to form and maintain relationships. Additionally, the author asked participants about their perception of a new mobile application that is still in the conceptual stages called Flick. The results revealed seven key themes to the gratifications people receive from mobile dating apps: (Theme 1: Dating Applications as Games and Entertainment; Theme 2: Perceptions of App Functions Vary by Gender; Theme 3: Dating Applications to Embrace Hookup Culture/Casual Sex; Theme 4: Dating Applications as the Lottery Ticket for Love/Relationship Seeking; Theme 5: Dating Applications as Self-Validation; Theme 6: Dating Applications for Social Means; Theme 7: Dating Applications as Trendiness) Lastly, the overall perceptions of Flick were very positive from all sessions. However, when it comes to the dating component of the application, the users were much more uncertain. Due to this finding, the author has decided to take the branding and purpose of Flick to only focus on the business and friend components.

Architecture as Image

Lundberg, Simon January 2019 (has links)
My investigation have been done in the field of architectural representation. The aim of this project was explore architectural imagery beyond the instrumental use of representation. With the intent to pursue the autonomy of image, but also the dependency of architecture of spectators and interpretations, myths and images.  My method is hand made drawings and an approach to image making in four parts. The steps are observation(to depict actual buildings), dissection(to break apart and to analyze), assembling( to modify, distort, put together) and immersion (make credible, make animate). The project relates to the built environment but is not meant as a proposal. In a series of drawings, I have tried to create a playful approach to the city and a site. As motifs and motivation I have studied three areas in the Stockholm: Södra stationsområdet, Skarpnäck and Starrbäcksängen. They were all residential areas constructed in the end of the 1980’s, beginning of 1990’s and are heavily influenced by postmodern ideals of reconstructing a pre-functionalist city. The method aims to extract details and aspects of the existing architecture and fitting it together, many times over, in order to inspire and produce imagery that are loaded with atmosphere and storytelling. In doing so trying to prove that images are never just instructional manuals in the hands of architects. And the potential that lies within this realization.

Skanstullsbron Library

Cai, Jialu January 2019 (has links)
I describe library as a place where one can detach from everyday life and attach to things that happened hundreds of years ago, happen in the fantasy world, happen in the spiritual space. With this description I regard library as a spiritual space rather than a functional building. It also influences all the decisions though out the design, site selection, space formation and material choosing. All these things put together to sculpture a place which is detach from everyday life. The site that I choose is under skanstullsbron which has a mega structure however surrounded by water and woods. The strong contrast between human scale and huge structure is the drama part of the design. A small out door space is design in the viaduct structure which is the closest to the top of the viaduct carry up this contrast to max. The original structure is beautiful therefore I design to create a place that people can stay and expose the original structure as much as possible. In this case, in the arch part I do not place any wall, just insert two bridges and platform to make it accessible.

Next Stop: Nature

Andersson, Elin January 2019 (has links)
WHAT My project deal with Kymlinge station, the nature and the activities in the area. It is a site-specific project with the unusual situation of an abandoned station in the middle of the greenery. The purpose of the thesis is to study the specific site of Kymlinge and contribute with an idea of how to improve the area. WHY Kymlinge is situated in a weak part of the green wedge called Järvafältet that is risking fragmentation due to urbanisation. By creating possibilities for more people to enjoy Kymlinge and spend time here, it will both improve their health and make people realise the importance of having nature close by, which in turn secures the continuous existence of the green area. HOW By finalising and opening up the station more people will be be able to access and enjoy Kymlinge. New additions and improvements in the green area will make it more attractive at the same time as its existing qualities is being enhanced and protected.

Analyzing and Design of a Mosque in a Multicultural Society With Cultural Approach : Analyzing and Design of a Mosque in a Multicultural Society With Cultural Approach

Javaheri, Mahya January 2018 (has links)
This project attempted to detennine cultural factors in architecture and include these factors in architectural form and function. This work also aimed to determine the influence of certain contexts on architectural design specific to a certain region with a unique culture. This research focused on new identity, prestige, contexts and demands of contemporary Islamic architecture rather than design of novel, complex and eccentric forms in this new area. The present study conjured a sense of balance in the complexity, confusion and imbalance of new fonns. Some contemporary architects solely emphasize the past Islamic designs and ignore new contexts. On the contrary, others only focus on new contexts and neglect the past. Neither one is true. New designs should be based on the available space and context with regard to past fonns. In other words, the past heritage of architecture can influence the contemporary architecture if the new space and context can be fitted to the past. If not, new context is entirely unique and specific to the new space. Nevertheless, the preliminary principles of Islamic architecture should be preserved. The present project made some efforts to detennine the influence of different cultural and multicultural contexts on Islamic architectural designs (e.g. mosque). It sought to include other cultures in Islamic architecture. However, future studies are needed to clarify this issue.

Long Strip Registration of TLS Point Clouds and Propagation of Uncertainty / Långsträckt registrering av TLS punktmoln och fortplantning av mätosäkerhet

Wahlén, Edvin January 2024 (has links)
Terrestrial laser scanning systems provide quick three-dimensional data acquisition with high spatial resolution. The technology can serve multiple applications such as monitoring and 3D modeling but several problems arise when scanning long objects such as tunnels, bridges, and corridors. Uncertainties in the data tend to propagate when conducting sequential registration on a long strip of point clouds and the errors can reach unacceptable levels only with a few scans. This thesis aims to examine this propagation of uncertainty caused by long strip registration and its effects on point cloud accuracy and precision. It further aims to evaluate the results of different ground control point distributions used for georeferencing and finally to construct guidelines and recommendations for the planning of terrestrial laser scanning projects of long objects. The thesis was divided into an analytical- and an experimental study. The analytical study explored the theoretical effects of long strip registration on a point cloud’s uncertainty by simulating repeated target-based registration in a 95-meter-long and 2.5-meter-wide corridor. This resulted in standard uncertainties of the point cloud coordinates on dm-level after the last registration and a clear trend in exponential growth. Tie point distribution in the overlaps between scans proved to have a big effect on the precision of the final point cloud. In the experimental study, a corridor of the same dimension was scanned from 16 stations and georeferenced in a local control network established at the scan site. Indirect registration in two steps was used, first by performing automatic feature-based registration in RealWorks before the point cloud was georeferenced. The results of different ground control point (GCP) scenarios were compared and evaluated by studying check point residuals. All scenarios had numerous check points that failed verification as the residuals exceeded the limit set to 15 mm. An even distribution of almost one GCP in every scan scene yielded the best results with a maximum check point residual of 3 cm in 3D. When the GCPs were clustered at one side of the corridor the check point residuals reached dm level at the opposite end. Also, a linear trend of increasing residuals as a function of distance from the point to the nearest GCP was evident. The linear trend was less evident when the GCPs were distributed evenly across the corridor. Their distribution proved more important than their quantity. The vertical coordinate component and the horizontal component perpendicular to the long side of the object proved less precise and accurate after long strip registration. This was apparent in both the analytical and the experimental study. / Terrester laserskaning erbjuder snabb, tre-dimensionell datafångst med hög punkttäthet. Teknologin täcker flertalet användningsområden såsom monitorering och 3D-modellering men problem kan uppstå vid skanning av långa objekt såsom tunnlar, broar och korridorer. Osäkerheter i data tenderar att fortplantas när registrering av en lång rad punktmoln genomförs sekventiellt och felen kan nå oacceptabla nivåer bara med några få skanningar. Detta examensarbete syftar till att undersöka denna fortplantning av mätosäkerhet orsakad vid registrering av långsträckta objekt och dess påverkan på punktmolnets noggrannhet och precision. Vidare syftar arbetet till att utvärdera resultatet av olika distributioner av utgångspunkter vid georeferering och slutligen till att utforma riktlinjer och rekommendationer för planering av terrestra laserskanningsprojekt över långa objekt.  Arbetet delades upp i en analytisk- och en experimentell studie. Den analytiska studien undersökte de teoretiska effekterna av långsträckt registrering på ett punktmolns osäkerhet genom att simulera upprepad punktbaserad registrering i en 95-meter-lång och 2.5-meter-bred korridor. Detta resulterade i standardosäkerheter av punktmolnets koordinater på dm-nivå efter den sista registreringen samt en tydlig exponentiell ökning. Distributionen av konnektionspunkter i överlappen mellan skanningarna visade sig ha en stor effekt på precisionen av det slutliga punktmolnet. I den experimentella studien skannades en korridor av samma dimensioner från 16 stationer innan det georefererades till ett lokalt stomnät som etablerats på platsen. Indirekt georeferering i två steg användes, först genomfördes automatisk objektbaserad registrering i RealWorks innan punktmolnet georefererades. Resultatet av olika scenarion av utgångspunkter jämfördes och utvärderades genom att studera avvikelser hos kontrollpunkter. Alla scenarion hade flertalet kontrollpunkter vars avvikelser överskred den satta gränsen på 15 mm. En jämn distribution med upp till en utgångspunkt i för varje skanning medförde de bästa resultaten med en maximal avvikelse hos kontrollpunkterna på 3 cm i 3D. När utgångspunkterna var placerade på ena änden av korridoren så nådde avvikelserna dm-nivå på den motsatta änden. Dessutom så uppstod en tydlig linjär trend med ökande avvikelser som en funktion av avståndet till närmsta utgångspunkt. Den linjära trenden var mindre tydlig när utgångspunkterna var jämnt fördelade över korridoren. Deras distribution visade sig vara viktigare än deras kvantitet. Punktkoordinaternas höjdkomponent och plana komponent vinkelrätt mot objektets långsida visade sig vara mindre precis och noggrann efter långsträckt registrering. Detta var tydligt både i den analytiska och den experimentella studien.

Sur l'interaction eau/anion ; <br>les caractères structurants et déstructrants, la rupture de symétrie du nitrate

Boisson, Jean 19 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Nous étudions l'hydratation des ions fluorures et iodures, paradigmes des ions structurants et déstructurants, grâce ` a une étude structurale et dynamique. Concernant la structure, nous observons l'opposé de ce que la définition classique des structurants/déstructurants suggère (F- déforme le réseau de liaisons hydrogènes et I- l'améliore). Ensuite, nous calculons les temps de vie des liaisons hydrogènes halogénures-eau ainsi que les temps de résidence et de réorientation des molécules d'eau de la première couche des anions. Ces mesures confirment la grande stabilité, induite par la force de la liaison H, de la couche d'hydratation de F - et la grande mobilité de l'eau dans la couche d'hydratation de I -. Puis, nous appliquons le modèle étendu de saut (GJM) pour une molécule d'eau dans la couche d'hydratation des ions. Pour F -, la situation inhabituelle, où les deux mécanismes de réorientation (de saut et diffusif) ont la même contribution, est due à la force de la liaison H qui inhibe les sauts de la liaison OH. Dans un second temps, nous appliquons les méthodes précédentes sur l'hydratation du nitrate en utilisant des simulations QM/MM. Les résultats sont similaires pour la structure et la dynamique à ceux de l'iodure et le GJM révèle deux mécanismes de saut pour l'eau initialement liée à Ono3- : un saut vers une autre molécule d'eau ou un saut vers un autre Ono3- . Enfin, grâce aux ordres de liaison et aux charges, nous mettons en évidence la rupture de symétrie du nitrate induite par l'eau, ainsi que la dynamique rapide d'interconversion entre les états du nitrate.


Garnoussi, Nadia 07 December 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Depuis les années quatre-vingt-dix, en France, se développent des entreprises qui s'inscrivent dans le champ de la philosophie, de la « culture psychologique » et de la spiritualité, dont la particularité est de vouloir répondre à une « quête de sens » individualiste sortant manifestement du champ de la religion classique. Nous avons identifiées ces différentes entreprises comme alimentant une nébuleuse qualifiée de « psycho-philo-spirituelle ». Y participent des philosophes (A. Comte-Sponville, L. Ferry, R. Pol-Droit, M. Onfray), des revues (Actualité des Religions, Psychologies magazine), des centres spirituels (le « Forum 104 », l' « ashram » d'A. Desjardins, le « Centre Dürckheim »), dont les discours et les productions touchent un grand public cultivé. Les compositions de sens « psycho-philo-spirituelles » permettent de mesurer aujourd'hui des effets d'une sécularisation qui s'est radicalisée, notamment via le « désenchantement des institutions séculières » (J. Baubérot). Cette recherche dégage ainsi la constitution de nouveaux croires alimentés par des entreprises areligieuses (la philosophie et la psychologie « pratiques ») participant à la décomposition de la religion en ressources compréhensives dans une perspective immanente. La nébuleuse psycho-philo-spirituelle est ainsi un révélateur d'un double processus, avec d'un côté l'affirmation de valeurs produites par la culture individualiste entraînant l'éclatement des grands systèmes symboliques et de l'autre, une certaine homogénéisation des constructions du sens- s'opérant tout particulièrement via la généralisation d'une grille de lecture psychologique du monde et de l'existence.


Falkenberg, Aron, Freij, Emma January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this study is to highlight the situation for LGBT-people in Bali with regard to the political changes in the country. Firstly, the living situation for LGBT-people have been investigated and secondly the possible effects that the newly implemented anti-LGBT policies have had on LGBT-people have been examined through interviews with six informants currently living in Bali. What has been unearthed is that LGBT-people have in the past lived in a climate of relative tolerance with discretion as a caveat; as long as LGBT-identities weren’t officially proclaimed, and same-sex relations were handled discreetly, LGBT-people haven’t been burdened with discrimination and violence. Contemporary research suggests that the current political developments regarding LGBT-rights, marked by swift and sweeping changes of a radical nature, have resulted in LGBT-people in Indonesia now facing discrimination and violence - even when LGBT-people attempt to handle their sexuality with discretion. However, this research suggests that this is not the case, and that LGBT-people aren’t as greatly affected or concerned with the political developments as have been suggested by scholars. As explained, reasons for this appear to be found in how LGBT-people lead their lives with discretion, which is a recurrent theme for many LGBT-people in Indonesia. However, another reason for this can be found in the strength of the LGBT-community, which appear to refute the negative consequences of belonging to a stigmatised and marginalised group for its members. Indeed, many LGBT-people found friendship, emotional support, improved healthcare and employment through the community.


Gangloff-Ziegler, Christine 17 December 2005 (has links) (PDF)
L'accélération des évolutions technologiques et économiques provoque des changements de plus en plus fréquents, générateurs d'incertitude et d'instabilité. Les entreprises sont elles-mêmes tenues de se transformer pour rester compétitives et cette instabilité se répercute sur le contrat de travail, affectant l'équilibre de la relation salariale. Les salariés doivent alors être capables d'adapter les ressources qu'ils fournissent aux besoins des employeurs pour conserver leur utilité ou, plus largement leur employabilité sur le marché interne ou externe de l'emploi et rendre ainsi possible la pérennisation ou la succession de leurs contrats de travail. Parmi les différents éléments structurant cette employabilité, les savoirs en général (savoirs, savoir-faire, savoir être) et la dynamique qui détermine leur progression en synchronie avec celle des besoins à pourvoir sur le marché, occupent une place capitale. La place et le poids des savoirs sont importants et déterminent le contenu du contrat de travail qui concrétise formellement l'accord entre l'employeur et le salarié. La définition, sur un plan théorique, des caractéristiques de la prestation de travail attendue et fournie et l'étude empirique des facteurs décisionnels sur lesquels se fondent les responsables de dix entreprises industrielles interrogés, concernant le recrutement, l'évolution, l'évaluation, la formation, le reclassement, le redéploiement, voire le licenciement d'un salarié, nous amènent à reconfigurer les facteurs majeurs des choix corrélatifs et à conseiller d'utiliser la notion d'employabilité mentale comme critère de la décision d'affectation d'un employé, c'est-à-dire de la décision qui a pour objet d'établir un lien entre un poste et un individu. En complémentarité, nous proposons les grandes lignes d'une méthode d'aide à la décision d'affectation des salariés, méthode fondée sur l'évaluation de l'employabilité mentale. Elle a pour objectif de caractériser le rapport optimal entre, d'une part, les exigences de l'employeur, spécifiées en fonction du poste cible, et, d'autre part, les ressources fournies par le salarié, en termes de savoirs acquis, d'aptitudes, notamment à apprendre ainsi que de personnalité, sous la condition de répondre à ses aspirations. Cette approche repose sur la perspective des employeurs et elle se déroule en six étapes :  les cinq premières, reposant sur les savoirs requis et la personnalité, mesurent l'employabilité objective, appréciée par rapport au poste cible, dans le but d'identifier la nature et l'importance des éventuels écarts négatifs ou positifs pour, selon la nature des décisions à prendre, faire le choix le plus adapté ou mettre en place les actions correctives ;  la sixième étape détermine l'employabilité subjective, établie en fonction des attentes réciproques des parties afin de vérifier la présence d'éventuels obstacles à la conclusion du contrat du travail. Quatre exemples permettent d'appréhender le fonctionnement pratique du modèle théorique.

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