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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sledovanie rastu koní plemena Norik Muránsky

Vlnová, Pavlína January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis with the title Growth monitoring in Norik muransky horses is processing the growth data from birth until the age of 4 years. The monitored data are body measurements (tape withers height, circumference of the cannon bone, chest circumference, weight) measured by Dobšiná stud farm during the years 2007 until 2017. The observed group consisted of 170 horses of both sexes, and the horses were descendants after 6 stallions. In the research part the thesis is discussing the influence of the father on the body measurements of the offspring and it was proven that only the measurements with high heritability coefficient are being inherited. The growth amongst both sexes had been compared and it was determined that the differentiation in growth appears at the age of about 2 years. After comparing the body measurements of seven different year births at growth it was proven, that the norik muransky horses are balanced in type.

Růst dřevin a jejich okus při různých způsobech ošetření proti buřeni v regionu Krásné Hory nad Vltavou

Poslušný, Aleš January 2017 (has links)
The aim of the thesis was to evaluate effect of various types of treatment against the forest weed on the following heigth and height gain of trees and damage by roe deer buds browsing. Trial sites were situated near Krásná Hora nad Vltavou on the property of Ing. Alexandre Lobkowicz. The heigth and height gain of trees was evaluted on nine trial sites. Measuring of buds browsing was realized on nine trial sites and two transects. The highest average height of trees was detected on the control site without treating against the forest weed. The highest average height gain was find out on the site by brush-mower mowing in stripes. Both trial sites and transects showed low damage of Norway spruce (Picea abies). But there was high injury of Sessile oak (Quercus petraea) and Rowan tree (Sorbus aucuparia) on transects. The lowest injury was detected on the site by brush-mower mowing in stripes. The highest damage was on the site treated by fully herbicide application.

Neudržitelnost ekonomického růstu / Sustainability of economic growth

Follprecht, Štěpán January 2009 (has links)
Thesis evaluates sustainability of economic growth in current conditions from three main points of view: impacts of mankind to enviroment especially in form of global warming, growth of human population and availability of energy sources. Thesis offers possible scenario of solving the situation and analyses, how had situation been solved till now and tries to find reasons why were these solutions succesfull or not, and proposes possibilities to solve the situation.

Determinants of inflation in Ghana

Yao Ani-Frimpong, Selorm January 2018 (has links)
The crux of this master thesis was to analyze if the inflationary trend in Ghana is a monetary phenomenon. Over the decades, numerous studies done on inflation in Ghana tend to converge on the postulation that money supply does exert some influence on inflationary trend. The argument has always been if money supply has a significant or less than significant impact on inflationary trend. Those for the argument that, the money supply has a less than significant influence buttress their points with how other factors such as fiscal policies, exchange rate, input cost, cost of imports affect inflation in the Ghanaian economy. Certainly these factors plus a host of others, based on investigations, were revealed to significantly influence inflation. In some studies, the influence of monetary factors was shown to have significantly eroded based on the time period used in the investigations respectively. This thesis thus set out to investigate both divides of the argument, whether inflation is still significantly affected by monetary factors or other factors are gradually casting their shadows over inflation. The other factors considered aside the monetary ones (broad money growth, monetary policy rate) for the thesis are exchange rate, GDP growth rate and crude oil price.

Studium adsorpce a mobility atomů Al na povrchu Si(100) / Adsorption and mobility of Al adatoms on Si(100) surface

Majer, Karel January 2013 (has links)
The subject of the thesis is growth of aluminium structures one-dimensional chains on Si(100) surface. Growth characteristics of Al on Si(100) at room temperature and at higher temperature and various coverages were measured using STM. The results are discussed with respect to previous experiments and a way to find the value of activation energy of surface migration is proposed. An important part of the thesis is preparation and tests of a new low-temperature UHV apparatus for STM experiments. Functions of the apparatus are described. A way to prepare clean Si(100) surface as well as the methods of achieving atomic-scale resolution in STM were found in conditions previously unknown. A test of evaporators for Al and Sn is described. Al deposition has not been successful in the new apparatus yet. Sn deposition has been successful and low-temperature structures of tin on Si(100) were observed. They differ from room-temperature structures and contain kinks which were previously observed only in Al structures.

Determinants of Economic Growth: A Bayesian Model Averaging

Kudashvili, Nikoloz January 2013 (has links)
MASTER THESIS Determinants of Economic Growth: A Bayesian Model Averaging Author: Bc. Nikoloz Kudashvili Abstract The paper estimates the economic growth determinants across 72 countries using a Bayesian Model Averaging. Unlike the other studies we include debt to GDP ratio as an explanatory variable among 29 growth determinants. For given values of the other variables debt to GDP ratio up to the threshold level is positively related with the growth rate. The coefficient on the ratio has nearly 0.8 posterior inclusion probability suggesting that debt to GDP ratio is an important long term growth determinant. We find that the initial level of GDP, life expectancy and equipment investments have a strong effect on the GDP per capita growth rate together with the debt to GDP ratio.

Determinants of FDI flows in Europe: The Recent Evidence / Determinants of FDI flows in Europe: The Recent Evidence

Korbelius, Vojtěch January 2017 (has links)
JEL Classification B22, C11, C23, D92, E22, O52 Keywords FDI, Financial crisis, EU, integration Author's e-mail v.korbelius@gmail.com Supervisor's e-mail jaromir.baxa@fsv.cuni.cz Our work analyses the determinants of FDI in Europe, at the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st century. It finds out that the FDI is positively and significantly influenced by the size of the economy (GDP, growth of GDP), total size of the labor force, openness of the economy and institutional framework. The findings show the EU accession does not have an immediate effect. However, long term membership might positively affect the FDI inflow. According to our analysis the recent financial crisis has changed the main determinants of the FDI inflows. It has warned the investors it is important not to consider only immediate profits but also future prospects. Generally the investment nowadays is below its potential level and the governments should take action to change it, if the FDI is their priority.

Lidský kapitál a hospodářský růst / Human Capital and Economic Growth

Műllerová, Gabriela January 2006 (has links)
Přehled problematiky lidského kapitálu a jeho vliv na hospodářský růst.Odhalení důležité souvislosti mezi systémem finančních toků, v rámci nichž dochází k nabývání lidského kapitálu (konkrétně pak souvislost zejména s problematikou financování terciárního vzdělání), a tím, jak se role lidského kapitálu projevuje i jak ji lze identifikovat či kvantifikovat.

La economía del Perú desde los aňos 90 del siglo XX hasta la actualidad

Konířová, Monika January 2007 (has links)
Hlavním cílem této diplomové práce je snaha detailně zmapovat a analyzovat jednotlivé etapy vývoje peruánské ekonomiky a naznačit její možné budoucí směřování s ohledem na politický vývoj, který se do ekonomiky tohoto státu výrazně promítá. Doplňujícím tématem je též rozbor vztahů země s okolními státy, regionálními uskupeními na území Latinské Ameriky a v neposlední řadě také s Evropskou unií. První část poskytuje zejména obecné informace o dané zemi a přibližuje etapy politického vývoje v ní, které vždy představovaly mezník ve vývoji ekonomiky. Třetí část se soustředí na obchodní vztahy mezi Peru a Českou republikou a možnostmi uplatnění českých firem a jejich zboží na peruánském trhu.

How to use innovations for company growth / How to use innovations for company growth

Melicharová, Kristýna January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to identify the key characteristics of successful innovation, analyse the innovation process in Unilever and provide set of recommendations for the company. This paper addresses a key question of current business -- how to achieve growth of a company via innovation. The thesis is based on the already published research for identifying the best practices in dealing with innovation, survey with strategic innovation leaders in HHC Unilever, interviews with employees of Unilever, published articles and researches on Unilever and internal documents of the company. Findings indicate that the key characteristics of successful innovators are the corporate culture, innovation strategy, human resources management, structures, evaluation of ideas, processes and metrics. Several improvements were suggested for HHC Unilever. The value of this paper is in the development of an action framework for the delivery of accelerated growth of the company when using innovation. The analysis conducted on Unilever may be replicated to other companies in order to analyse status of their innovative activities.

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