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Monetární politika a její vliv na hospodářský růst - případová studie České republiky / Monetary policy and its impact on economic growth - case study of the Czech RepublicRyzhova, Ekaterina January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the impact of monetary policy on economic growth in the Czech Republic. The work is mainly focused on ways to use regulatory instruments of the central bank. The aim is to find a link between monetary policy and economic growth. The theoretical part introduces the basic concepts of monetary policy, then its objectives, instruments and types of monetary policy, and assumptions of economic growth in the country are presented. Theoretical part also deals with the Mundell-Fleming model and transmission mechanisms. The analytical part contains a comparison of monetary policy in the Czech Republic during several periods, especially in 1993-1997 and 1997-2013, but also touches on the current 2013-2016 period. The main methods that were used in this thesis are analysis and comparison, the conclusions are based on deduction and synthesis of the analysis results. The final chapter of the analytical part of this thesis presents the conclusions and their discussion. It was found that in the small open economy of the Czech Republic export plays a very important export role, which means that the Czech National Bank policymakers are trying to create a monetary policy with respect to the specifics of the state's economy, which determines the direction of the monetary policy in the Czech Republic.
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Kontrola užitkovosti plemena charolais v ekologickém zemědělství / Performance recording in Charollais herd in organic farmingRechnerová, Martina January 2016 (has links)
The goal of the thesis was an evaluation of the growth rate of calfs since their birth up until to the 365th day of their life, and reproductive performance in a selected group of the Charolais cattle. Data was gathered from the results of a utility-control carried out by a selected farm (UFARM spol. s.r.o.) from 2009 to 2014. This farm has been operating in an ecological system since 2007. A total of 806 calves has been evaluated. Several factors were selected (sex, lifespan, breed frequency, order of fertilizations, development of delivery, breeding technique, year and month of birth of the calves) that were supposed to prove the influence on the calves' growth rate. From the reproductive factors the meantime, during which was the year's development observed and breeding technique were selected.
Statistical programme SAS 9.3, procedures MEANS, UNIVARIATE, REG, CORR, STEPWISE and MIXED were used to obtain results.
From the results of statistical evaluation, it was possible to prove, that delivery development is affected by weight on the level of significance P < 0,001. The insignificant influence on the growth until the age of 120 days (P < 0,05), weight in 210 days (P < 0,05) and growth until the age of 210 days (P < 0,05) was interesting as well. After observing the influence of the fertilization order on the calf's growth developement, it is fair to state that the order of fertilization has a strong influence only on the calf's weight during delivery (P < 0,001). Birth weight varied strongly in all of the listed fertilization orders (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and higher) on the level of significance. Calfs born to a heifers weighed the least on average (43, 03 kg). On the contrary, the highest average weight of a newborn calves was observed by mothers that gave fourth (45, 68 kg), eighth and higher fertilization (45,69 kg).
The influence of sexual dimorphism on the development of all growth factors of calves is apparent from the results (weight and growth since birth to the 365th day of life) and benefits the males (bulls) with the level of sigficance P < 0,001. One year's influece has been proven on almost all of the calves' growth factors (weight and growth since birth to the age of 365 days) on the significance level P < 0,001. Further observation showed that year 2009 had no influence on weight in 120 days and growth up until 120 days. Years 2012 and 2013 had no influence on calves' weight at 365 days, as well as on growth at 365 days.
In 2014, on average highest, statistically proven values in all the monitored parameters. Furthermore, influence of the month, in which the calf was born, has been proven to have influence on weight at 210 days, growth at 210 days, growth (up to day 365) and weight at 365 days (P < 0,05). During further observation, statistically relevant differences depending on the month of birth have been recorded only in growth up to 210 days and in weight on day 365 (P < 0,05). The heaviest calves at the age of 365 were those born in March and, on the other hand, those born in April weighed the least. The chosen breeding technique influeced particularly the growth since birth (P < 0,01), weight at 210 days (P < 0,01) and growth until 210 days (P < 0,05). Less influenced is the weight at 120 days and growth up to 120 days of age. Except for the birth weight, the values of growth coefficients were higher in natural breeding. Analysis of results proved multiparity to be influetial on the calves' growth rate. Litter size influenced foremost the birth weight, weight at 120 and 210 days, and growth up to 120 days of age and 210 days of age on the significance level P < 0,01. A statistically less significant influence of the (litter size / breeding frequency) on the growth since birth and weight at 365 days was observed. All of the growth coefficients were higher in one offspring
(only child/calf).
The selected factors (calf's year of birth and fertilization method) had a statistically significant influence on the postpartum anestrus (P < 0,001). The duration of postpartum interval varied in all monitored years (2009/2014) on the significance level P < 0,01.
On average, the highest number of days had the postpartum interval in 2012 (379,60) and the least number of days had the 2009 postpartum interval (282,50). postpartum inverval duration is proven to be influenced by the breeding technique on the significance level P < 0,01.
Only in 2009 and in inseminated cows did the average length of the postpartum interval not meet the requirements set by breeding objective of the charoalais cattle.
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Růst mladých porostů na zalesněné zemědělské půdě / Growth of young forest stands on afforested agricultural landHnilička, Libor January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the evaluation of mortality and initial growth of the cultures of forest trees on a afforested agricultural land and assessing the nutritional status of studied forest tree species. Research plots were established near the village Radešín (Pribram district) in stands of spruce, pine, oak and ash growing on former permanent grassland.
The results show that the stands of spruce, pine and oak on the examined habitats thrive very well. Four year old spruce and oak stands shows signs of secured culture. Using leaf analyzes the nutrition of these cultures evaluated as redundant. sAshen stand was attacked by a fungal pathogen Chalara fraxinea during the growth. The landowners were recommended to reconstruct extensive the stand.
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Pěstování dubu červeného (Quercus rubra L) v podmínkách České republiky / Growing of the red oak in the conditions of Czech RepublicMiltner, Stanislav January 2016 (has links)
The study analyses growth and development of Northern red oak stands in the Czech Republic. The Northern red oak stands under study have the age span between 17 to 159 years. The study also investigated the influence of the species on soil upper horizons. The results show the high wood production potential of red oak when compare to sessile oak being at the same or higher quality and health. Data show slower decomposition of biomass in upper soil horizons under red oak causing acid reaction of soils. The data propose the red oak to be a good additional species in lowland stands and it could be a species which substitutes domestic oaks where tracheomycosis diseases can occur
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Mateřské chování žiraf (Giraffidae) / Maternal behaviour in Giraffes (Giraffidae)Gloneková, Markéta January 2016 (has links)
Allomaternal care is one of the most interesting types of cooperation among females. Its most extreme form is allonursing, nursing of a non-filial young, which is still not completely understood, even though many hypotheses have been postulated. This type of cooperation among giraffes had not been expected for long time. This was based on the initial opinion that giraffes do not have social system and form only weak social bonds. However, my bachelor and master theses showed high occurrence of allonursing in captive giraffes.
The first aim (1) of this thesis was to test all possible hypotheses explaining allonursing in captive giraffes. However, a lot of the information needed to test them were missing, which resulted in the formulation of further aims. The second aim (2) was to test the hierarchy in captive giraffes. The third aim (3) was to describe the growth and weight of captive giraffes. The fourth aim (4) was to compare nursing patterns in the zoo and in the nature reserve Bandia, Senegal and the last aim (5) was to test the social bonds among giraffes in the nature reserve Bandia, Senegal.
(1) From 2007 to 2011, the nursing behaviour of 24 females and 37 calves was observed. Eighty-three percent of the females allonursed a nonfilial calf and 86.5% of calves allosuckled from a nonmaternal female. Allonursing in giraffes was explained by milk-theft from the point of view of the calves and possible reciprocity among females. (2) The agonistic interactions of 31 giraffes were recorded in four herds. A linear hierarchy was been found among giraffes and rank was significantly affected by age and time spent in the herd. (3) The weight data from 43 giraffes in Prague zoo were collected from 2009 to 2013 and provided the basic information about giraffe growth and weight. (4) I also observed the nursing behaviour of seven and four female-calf pairs in the fenced Bandia reserve, Senegal, and in Prague zoo, respectively, both for 22 days. The differences in nursing patterns were likely to reflect anti-predator behaviour, the population density of animals and the distribution of food resources. (5) Finally, I investigated the social preferences of 28 introduced giraffes in semi-captivity in the nature reserve Bandia, Senegal and provided the results supporting the existence of a fission fusion social system among giraffes with social preferences among adult females.
The overall results provide unique findings on allonursing in general as well as changing our perspective on giraffe social behaviour.
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The Impact of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) on Economic Growth – The Case of Selected Arab Countries / The Impact of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) on Economic Growth – The Case of Selected Arab CountriesHodrab, Rami Mohammad Awad January 2016 (has links)
Information and communication technology (ICT), population growth, gross capital formation, Openness, labour and inflation are frequently well-thought-out as important drivers of economic growth for all countries, so as for Arab countries in our case. This study aims to examine the effect of these factors on 18 selected Arab countries economic growth, covering the period from 1995 to 2013, with the main interest of the impact of ICT. The results show positive and significant impact of ICT index (infodensity that represents the capital and labour stock of ICT) for each individual country (except for Djibouti with negative ICT index elasticity and UAE with insignificant impact) ranged from 0.10 for Lebanon to 0.469 point for Qatar. The panel regression results show that ICT positively and significantly affect the whole sample of 18 Arab countries economic growth with 0.108 point, as well as GCF ratio with 0.129 impact, in addition to openness which encounters positive and significant impact with 0.054 point, and inflation with negative significant impact. These results are accommodated with many related studies. Population growth is insignificant to economic growth. The 18 Arab countries are divided into three sub groups according to their infodensity levels. The research results show that there is a relatively large gap between first and second groups of high and intermediate infodensity values in one side and the third group (with low infodensity and GDP per capita values) on the other side.
In order to verify further the results of positive and significant impact of ICT on economic growth, a second study model that depends on Cobb-Douglas production function is applied with ICT and non-ICT capital services and labour services. This second model is applied on five Arab countries that covers the period from 1993 to 2014 using ARDL method. The regressed results show a long run equilibrium cointegrated relationship between ICT and non-ICT capital services, in addition to labour services and GDP growth. The results tell a positive and significant elasticity of ICT capital services at short and long run, and this value is more than the ICT capital services compensation share, which indicates ICT spillover in these Arab countries. Labour services impact on GDP growth is positive and significant on long run, but for non-ICT capital services, there is a negative and significant impact. So finally it is worth for the Arab countries to invest more and efficiently in ICT assets, in addition these countries have to efficiently use the available ICT resources.
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Kontrola užitkovosti masného stáda charolais / Performance recording in Charolais beef herdJelínek, Petr January 2016 (has links)
In this thesis I dealt with verification of performance of beef cattle Charolais Breed on farm: Chov Charolais spol. s r. o. Slabce. The main objective of my diploma work was to assess the growth abilities of calves Charolais breed from birth till weaning in relation to various factors, for instance: gender, order of calving, number of born calves during one calving, month and year of the birth on the respective farm. The relevant data was assessed for the period of years 2012 - 2015. In this period there was born 324 calves of which 162 bulls, 153 heifers and 9 still born calves. The assessment of calf's growth characteristics was related to the average birthweight, average gain from birth to 120 days, and average weight at the age of 120 and 210 days. For the evaluation of calf's growth characteristics was used data gained from the database of performance testing of beef cattle (KUMP) for the given period. Growth parameters related to selected factors were processed with the use of statistical software SAS 9.3 (SAS 9.3, 2011).
The average weight of young bulls at birth was 33,58 kg and average weight of heifers was 32,99 kg. The average weight of bulls at the age of 120 days was 183,66 kg and the average weight of heifers was 175,58 kg which was demonstrated to be statistically significant (P < 0,01). The average weight of bulls at the age of 210 days was 288,28 kg which is again higher than heifers with average weight of 264,21 kg (P < 0,05). To summarize, there was identified statistically significant difference of the gender influence in behalf of bulls.
After comparison of average weight at birth, at the age of 120 and 210 days separately for twins and an only child, there is obvious and also statistically significant finding (P < 0,01) that the observed twins are usually smaller at birth and their growth abilities are worse than that of only child. The average weight at birth for an only child is about 4,48 kg higher compared to twins. Then the average weight at the age of 120 days for an only child is about 38,68 kg higher than average weight of twings. Finally the average weight at the age of 210 days is about 58,26 kg higher for an only child.
Regarding to the influence of order of calving there was identified no significant effect to both average birth weight and weight at the age of 210 days. The only statistical significance was identified between order of calving and the average weight at the age of 120 days in 1st, 2nd, 5th, 7th, 10th order of calving (P < 0,05). Further I found out that calves in the 1st order of calving have significantly lower average weight from the 1st calving mothers at the age of 120 days than the calves in the 2nd, 5th, 7th, 10th order of calving. The average weight of calves at the age of 120 days is about 9,29 kg lower than weight of calves in the 2nd order of calving. On the other hand the average weight of calves at the age of 120 days in the 5th order of calving is about 18,37 kg higher than weight of calves in the 1st order of calving. Similarly, calves in the 7th order of calving have about 13,63 kg higher weight than calves from the 1st calving mothers. And also calves at the age of 120 days in the 10th order of calving have about 15,78 kg higher weight than calves from the 1st calving mothers.
In respect of influence of year of birth was identified statistically significant different level (P < 0,01) of the average birthweight in year 2013 compared to other years. Similarly there was demonstrated the statistically significant difference (P < 0,01) regarding to the average gain from birth in year 2013 compared to other years. The average birthweight in 2013 was 34,91 kg. The lowest average birthweight of 31,65 kg was observed in 2015. And for instance in 2012 the average birthweight was 32,48 kg which is still about 2,43 kg lower than in 2013. Regarding the evaluation of the average gain from birth till the age of 120 days there was only reported value of 1046,78 g in 2013. The best year regarding the average gain from birth till the age of 120 days was year 2014 which represented value of 1214,37 g.
In the observed breed there took place births predominantly from January till June. Regarding the month of birth there was demonstrated statistically significant difference (P < 0,05) in respect of average birthweight of calves born in May 31,98 kg compared calves born in February 32,55 kg and in March 33,07 kg. Further was identified statistically significant difference regarding the average gain from birth for calves born in June 995,28 g compared to calves born in February 1197,87 g (P < 0,01). Similarly in March was reported value of 1181,18 g (P < 0,05). The last statistically significant difference (P < 0,01) was identified in respect of average weight at the age of 210 days of calves born in May 199,55 kg and in June 201 kg in comparison to calves born in January 282,05 kg, in February 284,65 kg, in March 277,21 kg and in April 277,76 kg. To conclude, based on the statistical analysis, conclusive results and literary sources there had been confirmed hypothesis that internal factors positively affect the growth abilities of calves.
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Trends in economic growth and inequality in southern Africa: A comparative analysis among the low income countriesZico, Abel Joaquim January 2016 (has links)
This study investigates and compares the trends of economic growth and income inequalities in five low income countries members of Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) for the period of 1990 to 2013. It also analyses the relationship between growth and inequalities in the studied countries. It is a quantitative and qualitative study and was used the descriptive, analytical, statistical and comparative methods. The descriptive analysis indicates that the entire five economies grew in different performances and they are not absolutely convergent, but is a relative convergence among some countries. However, the inequality level trend to decrease in these countries but in very small levels. The results using econometric models and Ordinary Last Square (OLS) estimator show that the factors affecting economic growth and inequalities are not all the same and do not react in the same way for all countries. It also found out that the relationship between growth and inequality is not mutual in all countries. Therefore, growth trend to reduce inequality in Mozambique, Tanzania and Zambia, but trend to increase in Zimbabwe.
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Prostorová analýza dopadů změny klimatu na růst a vývoj pšenice oziméSemerádová, Daniela January 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Faktory ekonomického růstu v České republice a IrskuDubská, Ivana January 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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