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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fibres from recycled post consumer PET/nylon 6 blends

Kegel, Mark Steven, n/a January 2006 (has links)
The objective of this project was to develop blends based upon post consumer RPET and N6, and to evaluate the suitability of these blends to form fibres for the end use in carpet fibre. In the work carried out it was found it is possible to spin RPET/N6 biconstituent fibres over a wide range of blend ratios. All the blends studied have diminished physical properties when compared to those of pure RPET and N6. The processability of these blends also deteriorated due to the large increases in normal forces which manifests in extrusion equipment as die swell that often results in melt fracture. It has been shown that the morphology of the fibre controls the degree of decay in properties and die swell at the spinnerette. The blends that are rich in one phase, with the secondary phase distributed as elongated fibrils have shown better physical performance and improved processing compared to the blends 70/30 � 30/70, which have poorer properties and increased die swell due to there co-continuous morphology. In quiescent studies, the physical properties of the blends have had little deviation from those predicted using a rule of mixtures line. In and around the 50% RPET blend, die swell was observed to be extreme and this makes fibre spinning difficult. It was found that this was caused by a loss in viscosity in the blends and a general increase in normal forces in response to applied shear. The die swell phenomenon is a rheological characteristic of the blends, which was inevitably caused by internal capillary flow of one component in the other. IR spectroscopy has shown that there is little to no in-situ compatibilisation occurring during simple melt processing. However, it was found that significant interfacial compatibilisation could be achieved through solid stating N6/RPET blends. The FTIR spectra for solid state blends in figure 4.51 has shown absorbency in the 3300 cm-1 region after all free N6 was removed. This indicates that in-situ compatibilisation has occurred between the phases in the solid stating process and it is a time dependent reaction. The Burgers and Koltunov models can be used to predict the creep behaviour of the fibre blends studied. The Burgers model provides greater accuracy for longer-term exposure to stress. From the thermal results, the solid stating process significantly affects the melting and crystallisation out of the melt and the ultimate level of crystallinity. The contribution of the copolymer in these changes appears to be small. The physical strength of the fibres made on the laboratory line was only marginally lower than those made on a factory line. The morphology of the mid-range blends is co-continuous and that of the N6 and RPET rich blends is dispersed droplet morphology. Based on the finding, a N6 rich blends and in particular the 10% RPET blend is the most suitable for further commercial development as its processing, physical performance and post spinning processing closely resemble the pure N6 currently in use. It has provided performance and consistency throughout the processing and testing we have conducted.

Bidrar kunskap till hållbara köpintentioner? : En kvantitativ studie om vad som påverar konsumenters köpintentioner till rPET / Does knowledge contribute to sustainable purchasing intentions?

Lycke, Sara, Rosell, Lisa, Landström, Emma January 2021 (has links)
Textilindustrin är den mest förorenande industrin efter oljeindustrin och ett mål är därför att arbeta med mer återvunna fibrer. Dock väljs ofta dessa alternativ bort av konsumenter även fast en viss efterfrågan har identifierats. Trots en ökad efterfrågan kopplat till hållbara val så besitter inte konsumenter kunskap kring miljöfrågor kopplade till de hållbara alternativen. Avsaknad av kunskap kan alltså vara en orsak till varför deras åsikter inte återspeglas i konsumtionsvalet, därmed uppstår frågan om det finns ett samband mellan kunskap och köpintentioner, eller vilka variabler som påverkar köpintentioner. Polyester är ett material som är mycket påfrestande för miljön och fortsätter vara populärt att använda. Detta har lett till föroreningar, ett avsevärt ökat utsläpp samt stora mängder PET-avfall till miljön. Produktionen av återvunnen polyester, rPET, är mer miljövänlig än produktion av nyproducerad polyester. Exempelvis, för varje kilo mekanisk återvunnen polyester minskar utsläpp av växthusgaser med 70% jämfört med växthusgasutsläpp orsakade av nyproducerad polyester. Då tidigare studier som använt sig av en omarbetad version av teorin Theory of Planned Behavior har visat att attityder, subjektiva normer, upplevd beteendekontroll samt kunskap påverkar intentioner testar denna studie om så även är fallet när de kommer till köpintentioner till rPET. Genom en kvantitativ enkätundersökning och med hjälp av en omarbetad version av teorin Theory of Planned Behavior undersöks om det finns ett samband mellan modellens variabler och köpintentioner till rPET. Resultatet visar att attityder och upplevd beteendekontroll har ett starkt samband med köpintentioner till rPET samt att det finns ett samband, dock negativt och svagare, mellan objektiv kunskap och köpintentioner till rPET. De andra variablerna, subjektiva normer och subjektiv kunskap, besitter inte ett signifikant samband med köpintentioner till rPET. Fortsättningsvis skiljde sig sambanden för variablerna mellan män och kvinnor. / The textile industry is the most polluting industry after the oil industry. Therefore, a goal is to work with more recycled fibers within the textile industry. However, these alternatives are often opted out by consumers despite the fact that a demand has been identified on the market. Previous studies have shown that even though the increased demand is associated with sustainable choices, consumers do not possess knowledge about the environmental issues related to sustainable alternatives. Lack of knowledge can be a reason for why consumers' opinions do not reflect on their consumption choices, hence the question arises whether there is a connection between knowledge and purchase intentions, or which variables do affect the purchase intention. Polyester has a negative impact on the environment but remains popular to use. This has led to pollution, significant increase of emissions, and large amounts of PET waste. The production of recycled polyester, rPET, is however more environmentally friendly than the one of newly produced polyester. For instance, for every kilogram of mechanically recycled polyester, the greenhouse gas emissions are reduced by 70% compared to the greenhouse gas emissions caused by newly produced polyester. By using the revised model Theory of Planned Behavior, previous studies have shown that attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control and knowledge affects intentions. Thus, this study aims to test whether this is the case or not when it comes to purchasing intention for rPET. By using a quantitative survey and a revised version of the model Theory of Planned Behavior, the revised model explores whether there is a relation between these variables and purchasing intentions towards rPET. The results show that attitudes and perceived behavioral control have a strong relation with purchasing intentions to rPET. Moreover, there is a relation, although negative and weaker, between objective knowledge and purchasing intentions to rPET. However the other variables, subjective norms and subjective knowledge, do not have a significant relation with purchasing intentions to rPET. Furthermore, the relation between the variables differ between the genders.

Studies to Characterize Heavy Metal Content and Migration from Recycled PolyethyleneTerephthalate

Whitt, Michael John-Ross 01 December 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Packaging Materials account for 31% of the world’s municipal solid waste. Agencies like the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) are pushing for the increased use of recycled thermoplastic materials. Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) is a commonly recycled thermoplastic which is used to package ready-to-eat fruits and vegetables. Most recycled polyethylene terephthalate (RPET) packaging materials contain heavy metal catalysts, the most common being antimony. The recent increased use of recycled plastic materials has been suspected as the source of increased human heavy metal exposure. In this study, cadmium, chromium, nickel, lead and antimony were quantified in post-consumer RPET rigid containers and films using inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). Two hundred samples were tested of which 29 were found to be contaminated with heavy metals in the parts-per-million (ppm) range. Chromium was found in all the contaminated sample replicates at an average level of 8.18 ppm. Cadmium was found in all the contaminated samples as well. Lead was found in 90.4% of the contaminated samples and concentrations ranged from a low of 0.02 ppm to a high of 0.36 ppm. Nickel was found in 96.4% of the contaminated samples while antimony was found in 97.6% of the samples. Due to limited sample material, 22 of the 29 contaminated RPET rigid containers and films were tested for heavy metal migration into a 5% citric acid:water solution (w/v) or deionized water. Samples were subjected to prolonged storage at 7.2 or 22.2°C for 1, 7 or 14 days, or were exposed for 5 minutes to microwaves from a 1700-watt microwave oven set to 70% power before analysis. Leachate values were at ppb levels but were often below the ICP-AES Limits of Detection which were at also the ppb level, whether calculated for deionized water or 5% citric acid in water. No measureable levels of heavy metal were detected for any sample exposed to water, regardless of treatment. For samples exposed to 5% citrate and stored or microwaved, only chromium and nickel leached at measurable levels, and the number of RPET’s releasing measurable chromium and nickel increased with microwaving compared to the same plastics stored at 22.2 or 7.2°C. Since leaching was calculated as µg/L of heavy metal lost from the entire inner surface (1021 cm2) of a retail salad bag, actual exposure to heavy metal would be much less than measured in this study as retail fruit and vegetable packages and microwaveable pouches usually contain very little liquid in order to increase food safety. The results therefore suggest the potential for little migration of heavy metal from recycled PET to whole or fresh-cut fruits and vegetables when held at ambient or refrigerated temperatures, or when microwaved.

Jämförelse av mekaniska egenskaper vid nötning samt miljöpåverkan av ren ny ull och återvunnen : En studie om fiberalternativ inom mattindustrin / Comparison of Mechanical Properties in Abrasion and Environmental Impact of Pure New Wool and Recycled PET : A Study on Fiber Alternatives in the Carpet Industry

Fredriksson, Sofia, Sandberg, Klara January 2024 (has links)
Användningen av ren ny ull i mattor medför både önskvärda mekaniska egenskaper och miljömässiga utmaningar. Ullproduktionen påverkar lokala ekosystem och det globala klimatet på grund av faktorer som överanvändning av kemikalier och otillräcklig djurvård. Dessutom står ullindustrin inför utmaningar relaterade till energi, vatten och kemikalieanvändning under framställningen av ren ny ull. Mattsektorn inom hemtextil är idag den största användaren av ren ny ull, och står för cirka 45 procent av den globala produktionen. FN:s globala mål nr 12.5 är en del av Agenda 2030 och syftar till att främja hållbar konsumtion och produktion. Specifikt handlar målet om att öka återvinningen och minska avfallet inom olika industrier, inklusive textilindustrin. Med FN:s mål samt miljöpåverkan från ren ny ull i åtanke, står mattindustrin inför ökad uppmärksamhet och efterfrågan på återvunna materiella alternativ. Även den omfattande produktionen och konsumtionen av ny plast utgör, likt ren ny ull, betydande miljömässiga hot, med miljontals ton plastavfall som genereras årligen. Hanteringen av plastavfall är en global oro och ett stort utvecklingsområde kopplat till FN:s globala mål. En typ av plastfiber som, även i återvunnet tillstånd, har goda förutsättningar inom hemtextilindustrin tack vare dess mekaniska egenskaper är återvunnen polyetentereftalat, rPET. Denna studie utforskar möjligheten att ersätta ren ny ull med rPET som huvudmaterial i vävda mattor för inomhusbruk, baserat på en balans mellan mekaniska egenskaper och miljöpåverkan. Genom att analysera både de mekaniska egenskaperna och miljöpåverkan av de två materialen, syftar studien till att ge insikt i vilket materialval som kan leda till minsta negativa miljökonsekvenser utan att kompromissa med produktkvalitet. Med hjälp av en kvantitativ ansats undersöker denna studie mekaniska egenskaper och miljöpåverkan av mattor tillverkade med huvudmaterial ren ny ull respektive rPET. Mekaniska tester, inklusive nötningshärdighet och färghärdighet vid nötning, genomförs enligt standardiserade metoder. Bedömningen av miljöpåverkan utförs med enligt Higg Index, ett verktyg med syftet att utvärdera miljöprestanda inom textilindustrin. Resultaten visar att mattor med rPET som huvudmaterial uppvisar överlägsen nötningshärdighet jämfört med de av ren ny ull. Samtidigt visar mattor med ren ny ull något högre färghärdighet vid nötning. Miljöanalysen visar att mattor med huvudmaterial rPET har en lägre total miljöpåverkan jämfört med mattor med huvudmaterial ren ny ull, under förutsättning att övriga parametrar kopplade till produktion och produkt förblir identiska. Slutligen understryker studien vikten av ett informerat materialval vid tillverkning av mattor. Även om rPET erbjuder förbättrade mekaniska egenskaper och minskad miljöpåverkan, beror valet mellan ull och rPET på specifika applikationskrav och hållbarhetsmål. Att modifiera övriga parametrar i mattans näringskedja kan minska miljöpåverkan i samma utsträckning utan att nödvändigtvis ändra det primära materialet. / The use of virgin wool in carpets presents both desirable mechanical properties and at the same time environmental challenges. Wool production affects local ecosystems and the global climate due to factors such as chemical overuse and inadequate animal care. Additionally, the wool industry faces challenges related to energy, water, and chemical usage during manufacture of virgin wool. UN Sustainable Development Goal 12.5, part of Agenda 2030, aims to promote sustainable consumption and production, specifically targeting increased recycling and waste reduction across industries, including textiles. With consideration for these goals and the environmental impact of virgin wool, the carpet industry faces growing attention and demand for recycled material alternatives. Similarly, the extensive production and consumption of new plastics pose significant environmental threats, with millions of tons of plastic waste generated annually. Plastic waste management is a global concern and a major development area linked to UN Sustainable Development Goals. One type of plastic fiber that maintains favorable mechanical properties even in recycled form, suitable for the home textile industry, is recycled polyethylene terephthalate (rPET). This study explores the possibility of replacing virgin wool with rPET as the primary material in woven indoor carpets, based on a balance between mechanical properties and environmental impact. By analyzing the mechanical properties and environmental impact of both materials, the study aims to provide insight into material choices that minimize negative environmental consequences without compromising product quality. Using a quantitative approach, this study examines the mechanical properties and environmental impact of carpets made with virgin wool and rPET as the main materials. Mechanical tests, including abrasion resistance and color fastness to abrasion, are conducted using standardized methods. Environmental impact assessment utilizes the Higg Index, a tool for evaluating environmental performance in the textile industry. The results indicate that carpets with rPET as the main material exhibit superior abrasion resistance compared to those with virgin wool. However, carpets with virgin wool demonstrate slightly higher color fastness to abrasion. The environmental analysis reveals that carpets with rPET as the main material have a lower overall environmental impact compared to those with virgin wool, assuming all other production and product parameters remain constant. In conclusion, this study emphasizes the importance of informed material selection in carpet manufacturing. While rPET offers improved mechanical properties and reduced environmental impact, the choice between wool and rPET depends on specific application requirements and sustainability goals. Modifying other parameters in the carpet's lifecycle can also reduce environmental impact to the same extent without necessarily changing the primary material.

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