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Small Form Factor Hybrid CMOS/GaN Buck Converters for 10W Point of Load ApplicationsJanuary 2018 (has links)
abstract: Point of Load (PoL) converters are important components to the power distribution system in computer power supplies as well as automotive, space, nuclear, and medical electronics. These converters often require high output current capability, low form factor, and high conversion ratios (step-down) without sacrificing converter efficiency. This work presents hybrid silicon/gallium nitride (CMOS/GaN) power converter architectures as a solution for high-current, small form-factor PoL converters. The presented topologies use discrete GaN power devices and CMOS integrated drivers and controller loop. The presented power converters operate in the tens of MHz range to reduce the form factor by reducing the size of the off-chip passive inductor and capacitor. Higher conversion ratio is achieved through a fast control loop and the use of GaN power devices that exhibit low parasitic gate capacitance and minimize pulse swallowing.
This work compares three discrete buck power converter architectures: single-stage, multi-phase with 2 phases, and stacked-interleaved, using components-off-the-shelf (COTS). Each of the implemented power converters achieves over 80% peak efficiency with switching speeds up-to 10MHz for high conversion ratio from 24V input to 5V output and maximum load current of 10A. The performance of the three architectures is compared in open loop and closed loop configurations with respect to efficiency, output voltage ripple, and power stage form factor.
Additionally, this work presents an integrated CMOS gate driver solution in CMOS 0.35um technology. The CMOS integrated circuit (IC) includes the gate driver and the closed loop controller for directly driving a single-stage GaN architecture. The designed IC efficiently drives the GaN devices up to 20MHz switching speeds. The presented controller technique uses voltage mode control with an innovative cascode driver architecture to allow a 3.3V CMOS devices to effectively drive GaN devices that require 5V gate signal swing. Furthermore, the designed power converter is expected to operate under 400MRad of total dose, thus enabling its use in high-radiation environments for the large hadron collider at CERN and nuclear facilities. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Electrical Engineering 2018
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Observacao direta da interacao de discordancias com defeitos em niobio irradiado por meio de microscopia eletronica de transmissao de alta voltagemOTERO, MAURO P. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:32:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T13:56:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
02295.pdf: 2548113 bytes, checksum: f89a4fee5dc16d298e4ec80ff94b7464 (MD5) / Tese (Doutoramento) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN/CNEN-SP
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Development of Radiation Hardened High Voltage Super-Junction Power MOSFETJanuary 2020 (has links)
abstract: In recent years, the Silicon Super-Junction (SJ) power metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET), has garnered significant interest from spacecraft designers. This is due to their high breakdown voltage and low specific on-state resistance characteristics. Most of the previous research work on power MOSFETS for space applications concentrated on improving the radiation tolerance of low to medium voltage (~ 300V) power MOSFETs. Therefore, understanding and improving the reliability of high voltage SJMOS for the harsh space radiation environment is an important endeavor.In this work, a 600V commercially available silicon planar gate SJMOS is used to study the SJ technology’s tolerance against total ionizing dose (TID) and destructive single event effects (SEE), such as, single event burnout (SEB) and single event gate rupture (SEGR). A technology computer aided design (TCAD) software tool is used to design the SJMOS and simulate its electrical characteristics.
Electrical characterization of SJMOS devices showed substantial decrease in threshold voltage and increase in leakage current due to TID. Therefore, as a solution to improve the TID tolerance, metal-nitride-oxide-semiconductor (MNOS) capacitors with different oxide/nitride thickness combinations were fabricated and irradiated using a Co-60 gamma-source. Electrical characterization showed all samples with oxide/nitride stack gate insulators exhibited significantly higher tolerance to irradiation when compared to metal-oxide-semiconductor capacitors.
Heavy ion testing of the SJMOS showed the device failed due to SEB and SEGR at 10% of maximum rated bias values. In this work, a 600V SJMOS structure is designed that is tolerant to both SEB and SEGR. In a SJMOS with planar gate, reducing the neck width improves the tolerance to SEGR but significantly changes the device electrical characteristics. The trench gate SJ device design is shown to overcome this problem. A buffer layer and larger P+-plug are added to the trench gate SJ power transistor to improve SEB tolerance. Using TCAD simulations, the proposed trench gate structure and the tested planar gate SJMOS are compared. The simulation results showed that the SEB and SEGR hardness in the proposed structure has improved by a factor of 10 and passes at the device’s maximum rated bias value with improved electrical performance. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Electrical Engineering 2020
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Silicon-germanium devices and circuits for cryogenic and high-radiation space environmentsWilcox, Edward 08 April 2010 (has links)
This work represents several years' research into the field of radiation hardening by design. The unique characteristics of a SiGe HBT, described in Chapter 1, make it ideally suitable for use in extreme environment applications.
Chapter 2 describes the total ionizing dose effects experienced by a SiGe HBT, particularly those experienced on an Earth-orbital or lunar-surface mission. In addition, the effects of total dose are evaluated on passive devices.
As opposed to the TID-hardness of SiGe transistors, a clear vulnerability to single-event effects does exist. This field is divided into three chapters. First, the very nature of single-event transients present in SiGe HBTs is explored in Chapter 3 using a heavy-ion microbeam with both bulk and SOI platforms [31]. Then, in Chapter 4, a new device-level SEU-hardening technique is presented along with circuit-design techniques necessarily for its implementation. In Chapter 5, the circuit-level radiation-hardening techniques necessarily to mitigate the effects shown in Chapter 3 are developed and tested [32].
Finally, in Chapter 6, the performance of the SiGe HBT in a cryogenic testing environment is characterized to understand how the widely-varying temperatures of outer space may affect device performance.
Ultimately, the built-in performance, TID-tolerance, and now-developing SEU-hardness of the SiGe HBT make a compelling case for extreme environment electronics. The low-cost, high-yield, and maturity of Si manufacturing combine with modern bandgap engineering and modern CMOS to produce a high-quality, high-performance BiCMOS platform suitable for space-borne systems.
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Study and improvement of radiation hard monolithic active pixel sensors of charged particle trackingWei, Xiaomin 18 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (MAPS) are good candidates to be used in High Energy Physics (HEP) experiments for charged particle detection. In the HEP applications, MAPS chips are placed very close to the interaction point and are directly exposed to harsh environmental radiation. This thesis focuses on the study and improvement of the MAPS radiation hardness. The main radiation effects and the research progress of MAPS are studied firstly. During the study, the SRAM IP cores built in MAPS are found limiting the radiation hardness of the whole MAPS chips. Consequently, in order to improve the radiation hardness of MAPS, three radiation hard memories are designed and evaluated for the HEP experiments. In order to replace the SRAM IP cores, a radiation hard SRAM is developed on a very limited area. For smaller feature size processes, in which the single event upset (SEU) effects get significant, a radiation hard SRAM with enhanced SEU tolerance is implemented by an error detection and correction algorithm and a bit-interleaving storage. In order to obtain higher radiation tolerance and higher circuitry density, a dual-port memory with an original 2-transistor cell is developed and evaluated for future MAPS chips. Finally, the radiation hardness of the MAPS chips using new available processes is studied, and the future works are prospected.
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Efeitos da radiação em dispositivos analógicos programáveis (FPAAs) e técnicas de proteçãoBalen, Tiago Roberto January 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho estuda os efeitos da radiação em dispositivos analógicos programáveis (FPAAs, do inglês, Field Programmable Analog Arrays) e técnicas de proteção que podem ser aplicadas para mitigar tais efeitos. Circuitos operando no espaço ou em altitudes elevadas, como, por exemplo, em satélites e aeronaves, recebem doses de radiação e impacto de íons e outras partículas que, dependendo da altitude e de características do próprio circuito, podem afetar o seu correto funcionamento. Os FPAAs proporcionam características interessantes aos sistemas analógicos e de sinal misto, como a prototipação rápida e a possibilidade de reconfiguração dinâmica (permitindo a implementação de sistemas de instrumentação e controle adaptativos). Assim, os FPAAs podem ser atrativos aos projetistas de sistemas de aplicação espacial, uma vez que a utilização de componentes comerciais, (COTS - do inglês, Commercial Off-The-Shelf), é uma alternativa para redução de custos do sistema final. Por isso, é necessário classificar estes dispositivos segundo o nível de tolerância à radiação e desenvolver técnicas de proteção contra seus efeitos. Essencialmente, é possível dividir os efeitos da radiação em dois principais grupos: efeitos de dose total ionizante ou TID (do inglês, Total Ionizing Dose) e os eventos singulares (Single Event Effects ou SEEs). Os dois principais eventos singulares que podem perturbar os FPAAs são investigados: os SETs (Single Event Transients) e os SEUs (Single Event Upsets). Os SETs podem gerar pulsos transientes em determinados nós do circuito, e, quando atingem o inversor de controle das portas de transmissão dos bancos de capacitores do dispositivo, podem ocasionar uma redistribuição de carga entre os capacitores do banco, afetando temporariamente o sinal que trafega pelo FPAA. Tais efeitos foram investigados através de simulações spice. Já os SEUs podem afetar os FPAAs que são baseados em memória do tipo SRAM. Para investigar tais efeitos foram realizados experimentos de injeção de falhas do tipo bit-flip (inversão de bit) no bitstream de programação de um FPAA baseado neste tipo de memória. Os experimentos mostraram que a inversão de um único bit pode ser catastrófica para o funcionamento do sistema. Posteriormente, um esquema self-checking (autoverificável) baseado em redundância foi proposto. Tal esquema foi construído com os recursos programáveis do FPAA e é capaz de recuperar os dados originais de programação do dispositivo se um erro for detectado. A capacidade do esquema proposto de detectar desvios funcionais no bloco sob teste e sua confiabilidade quando os seus próprios blocos são afetados por inversão de bits de memória, foram investigadas. Finalmente, os efeitos de dose total sobre dispositivos programáveis foram investigados através de um experimento prático, no qual um FPAA comercial foi bombardeado por radiação gama proveniente de uma fonte de Cobalto-60. Os resultados experimentais mostraramm que as chaves analógicas, que proporcionam a programabilidade do dispositivo, e seus circuitos de controle são os principais responsáveis por degradar o sinal processado pelo FPAA quando determinados níveis de dose total acumulada são atingidos. / In this work the radiation effects on Field Programmable Analog Arrays (FPAAs) are studied and mitigation techniques are proposed. The main effects induced by radiation sources in electronic circuits operating in space and at high altitudes are SEU (Single Event Upset), SET (Single Event Transient) and TID (Total Ionizing Dose). FPAAs are programmable analog circuits that provide design flexibility and some interesting features for applications such as adaptive control and instrumentation and evolvable analog hardware. These features can be very useful in avionics and space applications, where the system environmental variables can vary significantly in few minutes, being necessary to re-calibrate the sensor conditioning circuits to correct errors or improve system performance, for example. Since the use of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) components may reduce systems costs in such critical applications, it is very important to develop system-level mitigation techniques (to radiation effects), aiming the increasing of the reliability of commercial available devices (including FPAAs). Some FPAA models are based on SRAM memory cells, which make this kind of device vulnerable to SEU when employed in applications susceptible to radiation incidence. An SEU can affect the programming memory of the FPAA and change the device configuration, modifying the analog circuit behavior. In this work, fault injection experiments were performed in order to investigate the effects of SEU in a commercial FPAA by injecting bit-flips in the FPAA programming bitstream. Then, a self-checking scheme was proposed. This scheme, which is built with the FPAA available programming resources, is able to restore the original programming data if an error is detected. Fault injection was also performed to investigate the reliability of the checker when the bitstream section which controls its own blocks is corrupted due to an SEU. Results indicated a very low aliasing probability due to single faults in the checker (0.24%). Effects of SET were also studied, considering the disturbance of the switches (transmission gates) of the FPAA programmable capacitor banks. Spice simulations showed that transient pulses in the control circuit of the switches may lead to charge redistribution between the capacitors of the bank, affecting the voltage and current of the involved nodes. Finally, total ionizing dose (TID) effects were investigated by means of an irradiation experiment. In such experiment the FPAA was exposed to Cobalt-60 gamma radiation. The experimental results showed that the analog switches of the device as well as their control circuits are the main responsible for degradating the processed signal when certain radiation levels were achieved.
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Efeitos da radiação em dispositivos analógicos programáveis (FPAAs) e técnicas de proteçãoBalen, Tiago Roberto January 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho estuda os efeitos da radiação em dispositivos analógicos programáveis (FPAAs, do inglês, Field Programmable Analog Arrays) e técnicas de proteção que podem ser aplicadas para mitigar tais efeitos. Circuitos operando no espaço ou em altitudes elevadas, como, por exemplo, em satélites e aeronaves, recebem doses de radiação e impacto de íons e outras partículas que, dependendo da altitude e de características do próprio circuito, podem afetar o seu correto funcionamento. Os FPAAs proporcionam características interessantes aos sistemas analógicos e de sinal misto, como a prototipação rápida e a possibilidade de reconfiguração dinâmica (permitindo a implementação de sistemas de instrumentação e controle adaptativos). Assim, os FPAAs podem ser atrativos aos projetistas de sistemas de aplicação espacial, uma vez que a utilização de componentes comerciais, (COTS - do inglês, Commercial Off-The-Shelf), é uma alternativa para redução de custos do sistema final. Por isso, é necessário classificar estes dispositivos segundo o nível de tolerância à radiação e desenvolver técnicas de proteção contra seus efeitos. Essencialmente, é possível dividir os efeitos da radiação em dois principais grupos: efeitos de dose total ionizante ou TID (do inglês, Total Ionizing Dose) e os eventos singulares (Single Event Effects ou SEEs). Os dois principais eventos singulares que podem perturbar os FPAAs são investigados: os SETs (Single Event Transients) e os SEUs (Single Event Upsets). Os SETs podem gerar pulsos transientes em determinados nós do circuito, e, quando atingem o inversor de controle das portas de transmissão dos bancos de capacitores do dispositivo, podem ocasionar uma redistribuição de carga entre os capacitores do banco, afetando temporariamente o sinal que trafega pelo FPAA. Tais efeitos foram investigados através de simulações spice. Já os SEUs podem afetar os FPAAs que são baseados em memória do tipo SRAM. Para investigar tais efeitos foram realizados experimentos de injeção de falhas do tipo bit-flip (inversão de bit) no bitstream de programação de um FPAA baseado neste tipo de memória. Os experimentos mostraram que a inversão de um único bit pode ser catastrófica para o funcionamento do sistema. Posteriormente, um esquema self-checking (autoverificável) baseado em redundância foi proposto. Tal esquema foi construído com os recursos programáveis do FPAA e é capaz de recuperar os dados originais de programação do dispositivo se um erro for detectado. A capacidade do esquema proposto de detectar desvios funcionais no bloco sob teste e sua confiabilidade quando os seus próprios blocos são afetados por inversão de bits de memória, foram investigadas. Finalmente, os efeitos de dose total sobre dispositivos programáveis foram investigados através de um experimento prático, no qual um FPAA comercial foi bombardeado por radiação gama proveniente de uma fonte de Cobalto-60. Os resultados experimentais mostraramm que as chaves analógicas, que proporcionam a programabilidade do dispositivo, e seus circuitos de controle são os principais responsáveis por degradar o sinal processado pelo FPAA quando determinados níveis de dose total acumulada são atingidos. / In this work the radiation effects on Field Programmable Analog Arrays (FPAAs) are studied and mitigation techniques are proposed. The main effects induced by radiation sources in electronic circuits operating in space and at high altitudes are SEU (Single Event Upset), SET (Single Event Transient) and TID (Total Ionizing Dose). FPAAs are programmable analog circuits that provide design flexibility and some interesting features for applications such as adaptive control and instrumentation and evolvable analog hardware. These features can be very useful in avionics and space applications, where the system environmental variables can vary significantly in few minutes, being necessary to re-calibrate the sensor conditioning circuits to correct errors or improve system performance, for example. Since the use of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) components may reduce systems costs in such critical applications, it is very important to develop system-level mitigation techniques (to radiation effects), aiming the increasing of the reliability of commercial available devices (including FPAAs). Some FPAA models are based on SRAM memory cells, which make this kind of device vulnerable to SEU when employed in applications susceptible to radiation incidence. An SEU can affect the programming memory of the FPAA and change the device configuration, modifying the analog circuit behavior. In this work, fault injection experiments were performed in order to investigate the effects of SEU in a commercial FPAA by injecting bit-flips in the FPAA programming bitstream. Then, a self-checking scheme was proposed. This scheme, which is built with the FPAA available programming resources, is able to restore the original programming data if an error is detected. Fault injection was also performed to investigate the reliability of the checker when the bitstream section which controls its own blocks is corrupted due to an SEU. Results indicated a very low aliasing probability due to single faults in the checker (0.24%). Effects of SET were also studied, considering the disturbance of the switches (transmission gates) of the FPAA programmable capacitor banks. Spice simulations showed that transient pulses in the control circuit of the switches may lead to charge redistribution between the capacitors of the bank, affecting the voltage and current of the involved nodes. Finally, total ionizing dose (TID) effects were investigated by means of an irradiation experiment. In such experiment the FPAA was exposed to Cobalt-60 gamma radiation. The experimental results showed that the analog switches of the device as well as their control circuits are the main responsible for degradating the processed signal when certain radiation levels were achieved.
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Methodical Design Approaches to Multiple Node Collection Robustness for Flip-Flop Soft Error MItigationJanuary 2015 (has links)
abstract: The space environment comprises cosmic ray particles, heavy ions and high energy electrons and protons. Microelectronic circuits used in space applications such as satellites and space stations are prone to upsets induced by these particles. With transistor dimensions shrinking due to continued scaling, terrestrial integrated circuits are also increasingly susceptible to radiation upsets. Hence radiation hardening is a requirement for microelectronic circuits used in both space and terrestrial applications.
This work begins by exploring the different radiation hardened flip-flops that have been proposed in the literature and classifies them based on the different hardening techniques.
A reduced power delay element for the temporal hardening of sequential digital circuits is presented. The delay element single event transient tolerance is demonstrated by simulations using it in a radiation hardened by design master slave flip-flop (FF). Using the proposed delay element saves up to 25% total FF power at 50% activity factor. The delay element is used in the implementation of an 8-bit, 8051 designed in the TSMC 130 nm bulk CMOS.
A single impinging ionizing radiation particle is increasingly likely to upset multiple circuit nodes and produce logic transients that contribute to the soft error rate in most modern scaled process technologies. The design of flip-flops is made more difficult with increasing multi-node charge collection, which requires that charge storage and other sensitive nodes be separated so that one impinging radiation particle does not affect redundant nodes simultaneously. We describe a correct-by-construction design methodology to determine a-priori which hardened FF nodes must be separated, as well as a general interleaving scheme to achieve this separation. We apply the methodology to radiation hardened flip-flops and demonstrate optimal circuit physical organization for protection against multi-node charge collection.
Finally, the methodology is utilized to provide critical node separation for a new hardened flip-flop design that reduces the power and area by 31% and 35% respectively compared to a temporal FF with similar hardness. The hardness is verified and compared to other published designs via the proposed systematic simulation approach that comprehends multiple node charge collection and tests resiliency to upsets at all internal and input nodes. Comparison of the hardness, as measured by estimated upset cross-section, is made to other published designs. Additionally, the importance of specific circuit design aspects to achieving hardness is shown. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Electrical Engineering 2015
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Dosimetria de elétrons em processos de irradiação com diodos resistentes a danos de radiação / Electron dosimetry in irradiation processing with rad-hard diodesSANTOS, THAIS C. dos 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:35:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:00:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Tese (Doutoramento) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP
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Efeitos da radiação em dispositivos analógicos programáveis (FPAAs) e técnicas de proteçãoBalen, Tiago Roberto January 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho estuda os efeitos da radiação em dispositivos analógicos programáveis (FPAAs, do inglês, Field Programmable Analog Arrays) e técnicas de proteção que podem ser aplicadas para mitigar tais efeitos. Circuitos operando no espaço ou em altitudes elevadas, como, por exemplo, em satélites e aeronaves, recebem doses de radiação e impacto de íons e outras partículas que, dependendo da altitude e de características do próprio circuito, podem afetar o seu correto funcionamento. Os FPAAs proporcionam características interessantes aos sistemas analógicos e de sinal misto, como a prototipação rápida e a possibilidade de reconfiguração dinâmica (permitindo a implementação de sistemas de instrumentação e controle adaptativos). Assim, os FPAAs podem ser atrativos aos projetistas de sistemas de aplicação espacial, uma vez que a utilização de componentes comerciais, (COTS - do inglês, Commercial Off-The-Shelf), é uma alternativa para redução de custos do sistema final. Por isso, é necessário classificar estes dispositivos segundo o nível de tolerância à radiação e desenvolver técnicas de proteção contra seus efeitos. Essencialmente, é possível dividir os efeitos da radiação em dois principais grupos: efeitos de dose total ionizante ou TID (do inglês, Total Ionizing Dose) e os eventos singulares (Single Event Effects ou SEEs). Os dois principais eventos singulares que podem perturbar os FPAAs são investigados: os SETs (Single Event Transients) e os SEUs (Single Event Upsets). Os SETs podem gerar pulsos transientes em determinados nós do circuito, e, quando atingem o inversor de controle das portas de transmissão dos bancos de capacitores do dispositivo, podem ocasionar uma redistribuição de carga entre os capacitores do banco, afetando temporariamente o sinal que trafega pelo FPAA. Tais efeitos foram investigados através de simulações spice. Já os SEUs podem afetar os FPAAs que são baseados em memória do tipo SRAM. Para investigar tais efeitos foram realizados experimentos de injeção de falhas do tipo bit-flip (inversão de bit) no bitstream de programação de um FPAA baseado neste tipo de memória. Os experimentos mostraram que a inversão de um único bit pode ser catastrófica para o funcionamento do sistema. Posteriormente, um esquema self-checking (autoverificável) baseado em redundância foi proposto. Tal esquema foi construído com os recursos programáveis do FPAA e é capaz de recuperar os dados originais de programação do dispositivo se um erro for detectado. A capacidade do esquema proposto de detectar desvios funcionais no bloco sob teste e sua confiabilidade quando os seus próprios blocos são afetados por inversão de bits de memória, foram investigadas. Finalmente, os efeitos de dose total sobre dispositivos programáveis foram investigados através de um experimento prático, no qual um FPAA comercial foi bombardeado por radiação gama proveniente de uma fonte de Cobalto-60. Os resultados experimentais mostraramm que as chaves analógicas, que proporcionam a programabilidade do dispositivo, e seus circuitos de controle são os principais responsáveis por degradar o sinal processado pelo FPAA quando determinados níveis de dose total acumulada são atingidos. / In this work the radiation effects on Field Programmable Analog Arrays (FPAAs) are studied and mitigation techniques are proposed. The main effects induced by radiation sources in electronic circuits operating in space and at high altitudes are SEU (Single Event Upset), SET (Single Event Transient) and TID (Total Ionizing Dose). FPAAs are programmable analog circuits that provide design flexibility and some interesting features for applications such as adaptive control and instrumentation and evolvable analog hardware. These features can be very useful in avionics and space applications, where the system environmental variables can vary significantly in few minutes, being necessary to re-calibrate the sensor conditioning circuits to correct errors or improve system performance, for example. Since the use of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) components may reduce systems costs in such critical applications, it is very important to develop system-level mitigation techniques (to radiation effects), aiming the increasing of the reliability of commercial available devices (including FPAAs). Some FPAA models are based on SRAM memory cells, which make this kind of device vulnerable to SEU when employed in applications susceptible to radiation incidence. An SEU can affect the programming memory of the FPAA and change the device configuration, modifying the analog circuit behavior. In this work, fault injection experiments were performed in order to investigate the effects of SEU in a commercial FPAA by injecting bit-flips in the FPAA programming bitstream. Then, a self-checking scheme was proposed. This scheme, which is built with the FPAA available programming resources, is able to restore the original programming data if an error is detected. Fault injection was also performed to investigate the reliability of the checker when the bitstream section which controls its own blocks is corrupted due to an SEU. Results indicated a very low aliasing probability due to single faults in the checker (0.24%). Effects of SET were also studied, considering the disturbance of the switches (transmission gates) of the FPAA programmable capacitor banks. Spice simulations showed that transient pulses in the control circuit of the switches may lead to charge redistribution between the capacitors of the bank, affecting the voltage and current of the involved nodes. Finally, total ionizing dose (TID) effects were investigated by means of an irradiation experiment. In such experiment the FPAA was exposed to Cobalt-60 gamma radiation. The experimental results showed that the analog switches of the device as well as their control circuits are the main responsible for degradating the processed signal when certain radiation levels were achieved.
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