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Zkušební stav pro zkoušení chladičů / Cooler Test BenchKleger, Ondřej January 2012 (has links)
Emission limits and economic situation pressure automobile manufacturer, over the prospective buyer, to production more economy car. One of the elements which may indirectly reduce for example fuel consumption is automobile radiator. Construction of these accessories isn’t simple and simulation its characteristics need inspection in real measurements. Test bench for automobile radiator can help to easily choice and the project cooling system of the vehicles.
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Energiedispersive Untersuchung der Wechselwirkung schneller Neutronen mit Materie; Teilbericht : Auslegung des Neutronen-ProduktionstargetsEckert, Sven, Galindo, Vladimir, Grosse, Eckart, Altstadt, Eberhard, Beckert, Carsten, Weiß, Frank-Peter, Naumann, Bärbel, Freiesleben, Hartwig January 2003 (has links)
Der Aufbau und die erste Nutzung eines kompakten Flugzeitsystems zur energiedispersiven Untersuchung der Wechselwirkung von schnellen Neutronen mit Materialien sind Inhalt eines Vernetzungsprojektes des Forschungszentrums Rossendorf, an dem auch die Technische Universität Dresden im Rahmen eines gemeinsamen DFG-Projektes mitarbeitet. Die geplanten Flugzeit-Experimente mit gepulsten Neutronen werden an der Strahlungsquelle ELBE durchgeführt werden. Erste Ergebnisse zur Entwicklung eines Neutronen-Produktionstargets werden vorgestellt. Mit Hilfe von Strahlungstransport- und Finite-Elemente-Programmen wurden die Verteilungen der Energiefreisetzung des von der Strahlungsquelle ELBE genutzten Elektronenstrahls und der Temperatur im Neutronen-Radiator sowie die zu erwartenden Teilchenspektren und -flüsse am Messplatz berechnet. Überlegungen zur Entwicklung des Strahlfängers werden diskutiert.
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Modelling of Heat Transfer for Convection-boosted Flat Vertical Radiator Surfaces : An investigation of how heat transfer is influenced by radiator height and freestream air velocityScheibe, Oskar January 2017 (has links)
In this thesis, a calculation model is created to study a theoretical radiator-like configuration, consisting of a flat vertical plate heated with a constant capacity rate. This lumped capacitance model is partly created to more theoretically look at radiators with add-on-fans, but also to in such a setting look at fundamental heat transfer relationships. System heat transfer is studied for various heights, H (m), and freestream velocities, u (m/s). These results are then subject to validation, where comparison is made with values derived from two relevant reference studies. It is found that polynomial fits well describe the results obtained from calculation. The relationships for heat transfer Q (W), heat flux q (W/m2) thus become: 𝑄(𝐻,𝑢) = 𝑎00 + 𝑎01𝑢 + 𝑎10𝐻 + 𝑎11𝐻𝑢 + 𝑎02𝑢2 (W) 𝑞(𝐻,𝑢) =𝑄/𝐻= 𝑎00𝐻-1 + 𝑎01𝐻-1𝑢 + 𝑎10 + 𝑎11𝑢 + 𝑎02𝐻-1𝑢2 (W/m2) For these relationships, polynomial coefficients 𝑎00, 𝑎01, 𝑎10, 𝑎11 and 𝑎02 are found for three temperature set-ups of system supply and return temperature at zero freestream velocity: 55/45, 45/35 and 35/25 (°C). These values are chosen as they correspond to standard temperatures for low-temperature heating set-ups. Model validation is successful for the case of natural convection (u = 0), whereas difficulties are encountered for the cases of mixed and forced convection. Reasons for these difficulties are discussed and it is concluded that there is a need for more experimental studies of flat vertical plates with non-isothermal wall temperature profiles.
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Development of a Compact Thermal Management System Utilizing an Integral Variable Conductance Planar Heat Pipe Radiator for Space ApplicationsLee, Kuan-Lin 05 June 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Climate Impact from Installations of Heating Systems in Buildings : An analysis of underfloor heating and radiator systems from a CO2-perspectiveHolmqvist, Anton, Magnusson, Sofia January 2024 (has links)
With the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the building sector, this thesis analyzes two common heating solutions: radiator and underfloor heating. As systems with the same purpose, but with diverse installation components, it was of interest to study the climate impact of different materials. Moreover, the energy performance of the systems was investigated for two different modes of heat supply: with district heating or heat pumps. By coupling the heating systems with modes of heat supply, four models were studied. The thesis aimed at analyzing the climate impact of the models by combining the embodied and operational carbon generated during the life cycle of the heating systems, thus conducting a life cycle assessment. The operational carbon was determined by making an energy analysis in IDA ICE combined with energy carrier emission rates. With an analysis of the material and production stage of the heating systems, the embodied carbon is estimated with the software One Click LCA. The results showed that the embodied carbon had a much smaller influence on the total emissions of the building compared to the operational carbon. It was also concluded that the coupling with a heat pump was more energy efficient than having heat supplied from a district heating network. Regarding the heating systems, the underfloor heating system was slightly more efficient than the radiator heating system when coupled with the heat pump, but required more top-up heating. Throughout the study, several different aspects of the systems were encountered. Changing the district heating supplier resulted in drastic changes in the operational carbon. The electricity mix also heavily influenced the emissions produced by the heat pump. These are factors that vary greatly with the location of the project and one combination of heating and supply systems is far from obvious to be a universal solution. / Med behovet av att minska utsläppen av växthusgaser inom byggsektorn så analyserar detta examensarbete två vanliga värmelösningar: radiatorer och golvvärme. De båda systemen fyller samma syfte, men med olika installationskomponenter, vilket gör det intressant att studera klimatpåverkan av de olika materialen som systemen bygger på. Dessutom undersöktes energiprestandan hos systemen för två olika typer av värmekällor: fjärrvärme eller värmepump. Genom att kombinera värmesystemen med värmekällorna undersöktes fyra olika modeller. Examensarbetet syftade till att analysera modellernas klimatpåverkan genom att kombinera den inbyggda och operativa klimatpåverkan som genererades under värmesystemens livscykel, och följaktligen genomföra en livscykelanalys. De utsläpp som genereras från systemens driftskeden fastställdes genom att göra en energianalys i IDA ICE kombinerat med utsläpp från de olika värmekällorna. Med en analys av material- och produktionsstadiet för värmesystemen så uppskattades den inbyggda klimatpåverkan i programvaran One Click LCA. Resultaten visade att den inbyggda klimatpåverkan hade en mycket mindre effekt på byggnadens totala utsläpp jämfört med den under driftskedet. Det konstaterades också att driva värmesystemet med en värmepump var mer energieffektivt än att få det levererat från ett fjärrvärmenät. Gällande de olika värmesystemen så presterade golvvärmesystemet bättre än radiatorsystemet när det drevs med en värmepump, men det krävdes mer spetsvärme. Under studien stötte man på flera olika variationer av systemens uppbyggnad och funktion, vilket ledde till att val behövde göras för att anpassa till studiens begränsningar. Att byta fjärrvärme distributör resulterade i drastiska skillnader för driftskedets klimatpåverkan. Elmixen påverkade också kraftigt utsläppen som genererades av att driva värmepumpen. Dessa är faktorer som varierar kraftigt beroende på vart byggnaden är placerad och det gick inte att konstatera att ett värmesystem är den universiellt bästa lösningen.
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Investigations of Flow Patterns in Ventilated Rooms Using Particle Image Velocimetry : Applications in a Scaled Room with Rapidly Varying Inflow and over a Wall-Mounted RadiatorSattari, Amir January 2015 (has links)
This thesis introduces and describes a new experimental setup for examining the effects of pulsating inflow to a ventilated enclosure. The study aimed to test the hypothesis that a pulsating inflow has potential to improve ventilation quality by reducing the stagnation zones through enhanced mixing. The experimental setup, which was a small-scale, two-dimensional (2D), water-filled room model, was successfully designed and manufactured to be able to capture two-dimensional velocity vectors of the entire field using Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). Using in-house software, it was possible to conclude that for an increase in pulsation frequency or alternatively in the flow rate, the stagnation zones were reduced in size, the distribution of vortices became more homogeneous over the considered domain, and the number of vortices in all scales had increased. Considering the occupied region, the stagnation zones were moved away in a favorable direction from a mixing point of view. In addition, statistical analysis unveiled that in the far-field occupied region of the room model, stronger eddies were developed that we could expect to give rise to improved mixing. As a fundamental experimental study performed in a 2D, small-scale room model with water as operating fluid, we can logically conclude that the positive effect of enhanced mixing through increasing the flow rate could equally be accomplished through applying a pulsating inflow. In addition, this thesis introduces and describes an experimental setup for study of air flow over a wall-mounted radiator in a mockup of a real room, which has been successfully designed and manufactured. In this experimental study, the airflow over an electric radiator without forced convection, a common room-heating technique, was measured and visualized using the 2D PIV technique. Surface blackening due to particle deposition calls for monitoring in detail the local climate over a heating radiator. One mechanism causing particle deposition is turbophoresis, which occurs when the flow is turbulent. Because turbulence plays a role in particle deposition, it is important to identify where the laminar flow over radiator becomes turbulent. The results from several visualization techniques and PIV measurements indicated that for a room with typical radiator heating, the flow over the radiator became agitated after a dimensionless length, 5.0–6.25, based on the radiator thickness. Surface properties are among the influencing factors in particle deposition; therefore, the geometrical properties of different finishing techniques were investigated experimentally using a structured light 3D scanner that revealed differences in roughness among different surface finishing techniques. To investigate the resistance to airflow along the surface and the turbulence generated by the surfaces, we recorded the boundary layer flow over the surfaces in a special flow rig, which revealed that the types of surface finishing methods differed very little in their resistance and therefore their influence on the deposition velocity is probably small. / Det övergripande syftet med den första studien i avhandlingen var att undersöka hypotesen att ett pulserande inflöde till ett ventilerade utrymme har en potential till att förbättra ventilationens kvalitet genom att minska stagnationszoner och därigenom öka omblandningen. För genomförande av studien byggdes en experimentuppställning i form av en tvådimensionell (2D) småskalig modell av ett ventilerat rum. Strömningsmediet i modellen var vatten. Det tvådimensionella hastighetsfältet registrerades över hela modellen med hjälp av Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). Vid ett stationärt tillflöde bildas ett stagnationsområde i centrum av rumsmodellen. Vid ett pulserade inflöde genererades sekundära virvlar. Med en egen utvecklad programvara var det möjligt att kvantifiera statistiken hos virvlarna. Det pulserade inflödet gjorde att inom området där det vid stationärt tillflöde fanns en stagnationszon ökade antalet virvlar i alla storlekar och fördelningen av virvlar blev mera homogen än tidigare. Detta kan förväntas ge upphov till förbättrad omblandning. Baserat på en grundläggande experimentell studie utförd i en småskalig tvådimensionell rumsmodell med vatten som strömningsmedium kan vi logiskt dra slutsatsen att ett pulserande tilluftsflöde har en potential att förbättra omblandningen. I en fortsatt studie i avhandlingen visuliserades och mättes hastighetsfältet och därefter beräknades statistiska värden av exempelvis medelhastighet, standardavvikelse och skjuvspänning hos hastighetsfluktuationerna i luftströmmen över en väggmonterad radiator med 2D-PIV-teknik. Bakgrunden till studien är att en bidragande orsak till partikelavsättning på väggytor är turbofores som uppträder vid en turbulent luftström. Studien genomfördes genom uppbyggnad av en fullskalig rumsmodell. Eftersom turbulens spelar en roll vid partikelavsättning genom turbofores är det viktigt att identifiera var det laminära flödet över radiatorn blir turbulent. Resultaten baserat på visualisering och PIV-mätningar indikerade att, för ett rum med denna typ av radiatoruppvärmning, blev flödet över radiatorn turbulent efter en dimensionslös längd lika med 5,0‒6,25 gånger radiatorns tjocklek. Ytors egenskaper är viktiga vid partikelavsättning. Därför har de geometriska egenskaperna hos några olika metoder för ytbehandling undersökts experimentellt med hjälp av en scanner för strukturerat 3D-ljus. Resultaten visar på skillnader i ytråhet hos de olika ytbehandlingsmetoderna. För att undersöka motståndet mot luftströmning längs ytan och den turbulens som genereras av ytorna registrerade vi gränsskiktsflödet över ytorna i en speciell luftströmningsrigg. Detta påvisade att motståndet hos de olika typerna av ytbehandlingsmetoder skilde sig mycket litet åt och därför är troligt vid deras påverkan på depositionshastigheten mycket liten. / <p>QC 20150525</p>
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Utredning av kyleffektfördelning i kylrum : En analys av kyleffektbehov samt förlustfaktorer gällande två kylrum för livsmedelMartinsson, Richard, Johansson, Niclas January 2017 (has links)
Denna studie är utförd på uppdrag av DGL AB. Syftet var att utreda varför temperaturen inte sjunker till önskad nivå i två olika kylrum vilka används för nedkylning och förvaring av färdigförpackade livsmedel. Arbetet genomfördes med hjälp av förlustberäkningar samt temperaturmätningar för att kunna identifiera och uppskatta storlek samt procentuella skillnader på olika förlustfaktorer. Praktiska mätningar på plats utgjorde underlag för de resultat som redovisas i arbetet. Kyleffektbehov har beräknats och baserats på företagets maximala produktion av färdig vara per dygn. I resultaten framkom att kylmaskinens effekt var väl dimensionerad men att kylelementens kapacitet i kylrummen var för låg med tanke på mängden förluster. Studien resulterade i förslag på minskning av transmissionsförluster genom isolering av väggar och tak i respektive kylrum samt även isolering av kylvattentanken belägen i kylrum 2. Rengöring av kylelementens flänsar, komplettering eller byte till andra mer effektavgivande kylelement var ytterligare förslag på åtgärder. / This study is conducted on behalf of DGL AB. The purpose was to investigate why the temperature does not drop to the desired level in two different cooling storages whom are used for cooling and storing of prepackaged groceries. The project was carried out with the help of loss calculations and temperature measurements to identify and estimate size as well as percentage differences in different loss factors. The sites measurements outlined the basis for this project. The cooling effect requirement is calculated based on the company's actual maximum production amount per day. The results showed that the effect of the cooling unit is oversized, however the cooling radiators capacity was too low considering the amount of losses. The outcome of the study suggest a decrease in thermal transmission losses through isolation of walls and ceilings in each of the cooling storages as well as isolation of the cooling water tank located in cooling storage 2. Cleaning of the cooling radiators flanges, supplementing or replacing with other cooling radiators that has more power output was additional suggestions to the result.
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Thermophotovoltaic energy conversion in space nuclear reactor power systemsPresby, Andrew L. 12 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / Thermophotovoltaic energy conversion offers a means of efficiently converting heat into electrical power. This has potential benefits for space nuclear reactor power systems currently in development. The primary obstacle to space operation of thermophotovoltaic devices appears to be the low heat rejection temperatures which necessitate large radiator areas. A study of the tradespace between efficiency and radiator size indicates that feasible multi-junction TPV efficiencies result in substantial overall system mass reduction with manageable radiator area. The appendices introduce the endothermodynamic model of a TPV cell and briefly assess the utility of advanced carbon-carbon heat pipe radiator concepts. / Lieutenant, United States Navy
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Investigation of a radiantly heated and cooled office with an integrated desiccant ventilation unitGong, Xiangyang 15 May 2009 (has links)
Radiant heating and cooling has a reputation of increasing the comfort level and reducing the energy consumption of buildings. The main advantages of radiant heating and cooling are low operational noise and reduced fan power cost. Radiant heating and cooling has been supplied in several forms, including floor heating, ceiling heating and cooling, radiant panels and façade heating and cooling. Among them, façade heating and cooling is the most recently developed system. This dissertation provides a comprehensive study of several technical issues relative to radiant heating and cooling systems that have received little attention in previous research. The following aspects are covered in this dissertation: First, a heat transfer model of mullion radiators, one type of façade heating and cooling, is developed and verified by measured performance data. The simulation demonstrates that the heating or cooling capacity of mullion radiators is a semi-linear function of supply water temperature and is affected by the thermal conductive resistance of mullion tubes, the room air temperature, the supply water flow rate, and the outside air temperature. Second, the impact of the positions of radiators on energy consumption and thermal comfort is studied. This dissertation compares the heating load and comfort level as measured by uniformity of operative temperature for two different layouts of radiators in the same geometric space. The air exchange rate has been identified as an important factor which affects energy saving benefits of the radiant heating systems. Third, the infiltration and the interaction of infiltration and mechanical ventilation air to produce moisture condensation in a radiantly cooled office are examined. The infiltration of the studied office is also explored by on-site blower door measurement, by analyzing measured CO2 concentration data, and through modeling. This investigation shows the infiltration level of the studied office to range between 0.46 and 1.03 air changes per hour (ACH). Fourth, the integrated sensible heating and cooling system is simulated and compared with a single duct variable air volume (VAV) system. The results show that, at the current infiltration level, the studied sensible heating and cooling system with an integrated active desiccant ventilation unit consumes 5.6% more primary energy than a single duct VAV system; it would consumes 11.4% less primary energy when the system is integrated with a presumed passive desiccant ventilation unit.
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Investigation of a radiantly heated and cooled office with an integrated desiccant ventilation unitGong, Xiangyang 15 May 2009 (has links)
Radiant heating and cooling has a reputation of increasing the comfort level and reducing the energy consumption of buildings. The main advantages of radiant heating and cooling are low operational noise and reduced fan power cost. Radiant heating and cooling has been supplied in several forms, including floor heating, ceiling heating and cooling, radiant panels and façade heating and cooling. Among them, façade heating and cooling is the most recently developed system. This dissertation provides a comprehensive study of several technical issues relative to radiant heating and cooling systems that have received little attention in previous research. The following aspects are covered in this dissertation: First, a heat transfer model of mullion radiators, one type of façade heating and cooling, is developed and verified by measured performance data. The simulation demonstrates that the heating or cooling capacity of mullion radiators is a semi-linear function of supply water temperature and is affected by the thermal conductive resistance of mullion tubes, the room air temperature, the supply water flow rate, and the outside air temperature. Second, the impact of the positions of radiators on energy consumption and thermal comfort is studied. This dissertation compares the heating load and comfort level as measured by uniformity of operative temperature for two different layouts of radiators in the same geometric space. The air exchange rate has been identified as an important factor which affects energy saving benefits of the radiant heating systems. Third, the infiltration and the interaction of infiltration and mechanical ventilation air to produce moisture condensation in a radiantly cooled office are examined. The infiltration of the studied office is also explored by on-site blower door measurement, by analyzing measured CO2 concentration data, and through modeling. This investigation shows the infiltration level of the studied office to range between 0.46 and 1.03 air changes per hour (ACH). Fourth, the integrated sensible heating and cooling system is simulated and compared with a single duct variable air volume (VAV) system. The results show that, at the current infiltration level, the studied sensible heating and cooling system with an integrated active desiccant ventilation unit consumes 5.6% more primary energy than a single duct VAV system; it would consumes 11.4% less primary energy when the system is integrated with a presumed passive desiccant ventilation unit.
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