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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les traces de la vitesse entre réseau et territoire : approche géohistorique de la croissance du réseau ferroviaire français / The traces of speed between space and network : geohistorical approach of the growth of the French railway network

Mimeur, Christophe 09 December 2016 (has links)
Les interactions entre transport et territoire sont l’objet d’une littérature scientifique permanente, questionnant les impacts économiques et démographiques d’une nouvelle infrastructure, souvent évoqués à l’échelle d’un projet. L’objectif de la thèse est de réinvestir les composantes de l’interaction par les larges échelles spatiales et temporelles, en posant l’hypothèse que la profondeur temporelle et l’échelle du territoire national sont porteuses de nouvelles explications. Ce travail s’appuie sur la collecte, l’exploitation et l’analyse de la large base de données FRANcE (French RAilway NEtwork), qui recense chaque section du réseau ferroviaire français depuis le début du XIXème siècle et les recensements démographiques. Cette base renferme également les traces de la vitesse, qui constituent une information inédite sur l’ensemble du réseau et qui permet de faire de l’accessibilité une variable décisive dans les explications. Plutôt que de se concentrer sur l’acquisition de nouvelles données au prix d’une lourde collecte, nous misons sur la construction d’un appareil méthodologique pour étudier les deux sens de l’interaction entre réseau et territoire, qui requiert toutefois une adaptation des dispositifs de structuration des données et d’analyse. La démarche de la thèse consiste en une modélisation croissante du phénomène, de la compréhension et la formalisation des objets jusqu’à la formalisation des données et des analyses, ce qui nécessite le recours à d’autres disciplines. Ce travail utilise le formalisme des graphes pour investiguer les deux sens de la relation. Il aide à étudier l’effet du réseau à partir d’une diversification de la donnée et de sa modélisation pour rendre compte de portées spatiales et temporelles. Il aide à étudier l’impact d’une structure préexistante dans la morphogénèse du réseau ferroviaire français à partir d’un modèle d’évolution endogène, entre diffusion du rail et hiérarchisation des infrastructures. Ce travail vise à mieux comprendre les liens qui unissent réseau et territoire, dont les outils méthodologiques peuvent être appliquées à d’autres réseaux, d’autres temporalités, jusqu’à des problématiques actuelles. / The interaction between space and network are frequently questioned in the academic literature, by asking the economical and demographical impacts of a new infrastructure, often studied at the scale of a project. This work aims to investigate the components of the interaction in both large spatial and temporal scales. The hypothesis is that the temporal depth and the national scale could bring new explanations. This work is based on the collect, the exploitation and the analysis of the large spatio-temporal database FRANcE (French Railway Network). It identifies all sections of the network since the 19th century and the population census. This database also contains the traces of the speed, which are novel information for network, and allows the accessibility to become a decisive variable in the explanations. Rather than acquisition new data with an intensive phase of collect, we aim to build a methodological chain to study the two senses of interaction between space and network. It requires the adaptation of data structuration and analysis. The approach of this thesis consists on the growing modelling of the phenomenon, from the comprehension to formalization of data to the analysis, which requires the use of other disciplines. This work uses the graph theory to investigate the two senses of the relationship. It permits to study the network effect in the long run by diversifying the data to identify spatial and temporal ranges. It permits to study the impact of a pre-existing structure in the morphogenesis of the network, by using a dynamic model of network evolution, between diffusion and hierarchical organization. This work aims to understand the link between space and network, where the methodological tools can be adapted to other networks, other times and actual questioning.

Rôle de la couche intermédiaire dans le potentiel de la voie ferrée / Impact of the interlayer in the railway track behaviour

Calon, Nicolas 08 June 2016 (has links)
La présente thèse sur travaux a pour objectif de montrer l’influence de la couche intermédiaire dans le comportement de la voie ferrée. Par analogie, la couche intermédiaire peut être assimilée à la sous-couche sur les lignes ferroviaires récentes. Elle est présente sur les lignes classiques construites depuis le début du réseau ferroviaire français au milieu du XIXème siècle. Cette couche est située sous le ballast et contribue à la stabilité de la voie. Elle s’est formée au cours du temps par l’interpénétration entre le ballast et le sol support. Sa densification a été obtenue par le passage des circulations durant près de 150 ans. Le présent travail s’appuie sur trois thèses réalisées au cours de la dernière décennie. Ces recherches réalisées par Trinh (2011), Duong (2013) et Lamas-Lopez (2016) ont permis de mieux appréhender le comportement de cette couche en étudiant respectivement le comportement hydromécanique d’une couche saine ; le mécanisme de création et dégradation de la couche intermédiaire ; et enfin son comportement dynamique. Sur la base de ces travaux, en se basant sur les approches de dimensionnement des structures développées dans le domaine routier et sur les données de maintenance des voies ferrées de groupes 3 et 4, on a pu développer une nouvelle approche de dimensionnement permettant la prise en compte de la couche intermédiaire dans le bon fonctionnement de la voie ferrée. La finalité de ce travail est de développer une méthodologie d’analyse du comportement de la voie afin de prescrire les « justes travaux » (RVB, relevage, assainissement…) permettant d’atteindre les objectifs de performance visés / The aim of this PhD thesis is to show the influence of the interlayer in the behaviour of the rail track. By analogy, the interlayer can be comparable with the sub-ballast layer on the high speed lines. It is present on the conventional lines built since the beginning of the French railway network in the middle of the 19th century. This layer is located under the ballast and contributes to the stability of the rail track. It was formed over time by the interpenetration between the ballast and the ground support. Its density was obtained by the passage of trains for almost 150 years. This work is based on three PhD theses carried out over the past decade. The research conducted by Trinh (2011), Duong (2013) and Lamas-Lopez (2016) has allowed a better understanding of the behaviour of this layer by respectively studying the hydraulic behaviour of a good layer; the creation mechanism of and degradation of the interlayer; and finally its dynamic behaviour. On the basis of this work and on approaches of sizing structures developed in roads, and on the data of maintenance of railways of UIC 3 and 4, we can develop a new approach to sizing by taking into account the role of the interlayer in the performance of the rail track. A method of analysis of the behaviour of the rail track has been developed to prescribe “good job” (track renewal, lifting, drainage…) in order to achieve the performance objectives

青藏鐵路對西藏治理影響之研究 / A Study of Qinghai - Tibet Railway´s Impact on Tibetan Governance

廖建智, Liao, Chien-Chih Unknown Date (has links)
西藏因青藏高原的地理環境和不利漢人居住往來的氣候,所以在中國歷代並沒有和西藏有官方性質的接觸,直到松贊幹布統一吐蕃開啟和唐朝政治、文化交流。在清朝時在西藏設立駐藏大臣,並頒布「欽定藏內善後章程」二十九條,明確規定中央和西藏地方關係。但至中華民國成立初期政局紛亂,中斷中央對西藏的治理。 國民黨在國共內戰挫敗,並撤退至台灣。1949年中共政權在北京成立,「昌都之戰」後中共開始治理西藏,並成立西藏自治區。但因西藏的宗教、文化的不同而產生隔閡和衝突。2006年青藏鐵路興建完成後,改變中共對西藏的治理。達賴喇嘛之前曾一度肯定青藏鐵路對西藏的開發將是有目共睹,但之後又改稱,青藏鐵路不利於西藏。青藏鐵路究竟是一把北京政府直插西藏的利刃,還是一條改善西藏人民生活的「幸福線」?就如同達賴前後兩種看法般眾說紛雲。 但是青藏鐵路的興建對西藏的影響是不可否認的,本論文將以政治影響、社會變遷、經濟發展三方面來探討。 / Tibet is a region on the Qingzang Plateau that inclement and precipitous surrounding. Official communication of Tibet with ancient China started from Tang dynasty. In period of Qing dynasty, the emperor set up Ambans to Tibet, and issued a 29-point decree which appeared to tighten Qing control over Tibet. The rule is interrupted during the period of Republic of China. And Dalai Lama ruled Tibet without Chinese interference. The People's Republic of China was established and governed Tibet after Battle of Chamdo. There are many conflicts between Han and Tibetan due to difference culture and religion. Furthermore, China government decided the construction of Qinghai-Tibet Railway. The railway is very meaningful and influenced on Tibet. This essay will be discussed and investigated the impact in the three terms of politics, society, and economic.

Ekonomické aspekty akcesibility s využitím osobní železniční dopravy / The Economic Aspects of Accessibility with Use of Public Railway Traffic

Plencnerová, Zuzana January 2009 (has links)
This thesis deals with the evaluation of the investment efficiency to the traffic buildings. Theoretical part describes the history of the traffic sector and the railway traffic, the ownership and financing of the railway infrastructure. Next section describes the characteristic of railway corridors, basic principles of their modernization and optimizations and methods for the evaluation of investment efficiency. In practical part is focused on design of an own methodology for the evaluation of investment efficiency to the traffic building according to savings of passengers' time. The investment efficiency to the railway corridors is assessed using proposed methodology.

Analýza dopravního chování obyvatel v České republice s důrazem na využívání železniční dopravy / The analysis of transport behaviour of Czechs with emphasis on use of railway transport

Divíšková, Lenka January 2011 (has links)
During the transition period, the dynamic changes in the transport sector occured (changes in the variety of means of transport), and gradually began to change people's transport behaviour. The choice of means of transport is a process which is conditioned by many factors and may have different regional characteristics. Hence, the general objective of the thesis is to asses transport behaviour of the population in different regions of the Czech republic with emphasis on the rail transport. The analytical part of the thesis is divided into analyse at the national and regional level. The aim of the thesis at the national level is to determine the significance of different types of vehicles for commuting to work. The purpose of the thesis is to evaluate the competition in the most used means of transport (rail, bus, car) and to determine the catchment area of each regional district in order of usage of any particular means of transport. Scope of this objective will be focused mainly on the usage rate of railway transport. The secondary objective is to evaluate commuting to work at the micro-regional level within the district of Pribram. The analysis will be performed on the basis of each municipality in the district of Pribram and will evaluate in detail the mobility of the population. This analysis should provide recommendations for the use of individual transport modes and their possible optimization.

Étude sur modèle physique du renforcement des sols par colonnes en « Soil-Mix » : application aux plates-formes ferroviaires / Physical modelling approach of soil reinforcement by "soil mix" columns : application to railways platforms

Le, Van Cuong 16 May 2014 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse porte sur l'étude du renforcement par «soil-mixing» des plateformes ferroviaires en France. Cette recherche, à dominante expérimentale, s'appuie sur une approche du type modélisation physique. Deux cas d'études ont été abordés, la dégradation du frottement à l'interface sol-colonne et le comportement mécanique du matériau « soil-mix » à jeune âge sous l'effet de chargements cycliques. En ce qui concerne l'étude du comportement de l'interface entre la colonne en «soil-mix» et le sol environnant, on a développé un essai de chargement d'un tronçon modèle de colonne instrumenté de capteurs de forces, dans un massif de limon reconstitué. L'objectif principal a été d'évaluer le frottement latéral unitaire le long de ce tronçon de « soil-mix », sous chargements monotones et cycliques. On s'est intéressé, plus particulièrement, à l'évolution du frottement latéral sous chargement cyclique à déplacement contrôlé à grand nombre de cycles (100 000 cycles). Le programme d'essais a permis de mettre en évidence l'influence des paramètres principaux du problème comme l'amplitude du déplacement cyclique, la contrainte verticale appliquée au massif, le sens de chargement. Les résultats obtenus montrent une bonne cohérence avec les résultats de la littérature dans le cas de l'interface entre un pieu métallique et un massif de sable. Dans un second temps, on s'est intéressé à l'effet des chargements cycliques sur le comportement du matériau «soi-mix» pendant les premières heures de prise après la réalisation des colonnes. Ce cas d'étude s'inscrit dans le contexte ferroviaire pour lequel une des contraintes principales est d'assurer la continuité du trafic ferroviaire. Des essais sur un modèle physique simplifié ont permis d'étudier le comportement mécanique du matériau «soil-mix» à 2h, 4h, 6h, 8h, 12h et 24 h après la mise en place du soil mix et après avoir subi un chargement cyclique de 2000 cycles. On a pu montrer que le chargement cyclique ne provoque pas de dégradation du matériau «soil-mix». Au contraire, on observe un accroissement de la résistance à la compression simple d'autant plus fort que le matériau est chargé rapidement après la mise en place du soil mix / The present work deals with the behaviour of soil-mix columns used to reinforce railway platforms in France. This research, mainly experimental, is based on a physical modelling approach. Two case studies have been conducted, the degradation of the local friction mobilized at the interface soil-column and the mechanical behaviour of the material “soil-mix” at young age under cyclic loading. Concerning the degradation of the local friction mobilized at the interface soil-column, an experimental program on a physical model has been carried out. A model of a column slice instrumented with load sensors within a mass of reconstituted silt has been developped. The main objective was to evaluate the local skin friction mobilized along the soil-mix column under monotonic and cyclic loading. The main point of interest was the evolution of skin friction under large number of cycles (100 000 cycles). The experimental program highlighted the influence of key parameters such as the cyclic displacement amplitude, the vertical stress applied to the soil sample, the loading direction. The results obtained show a good consistency with the results of the literature on steel piles in sand. In a second step, we studied the effect of cyclic loading on the behaviour of the material “soil-mix” during the first hours after the realization of the columns. This case is directly related to the railway context in which the constraint of traffic continuity is one strong request of SNCF. Tests on a simplified physical model have been carried out in order to study the mechanical behaviour of the material "soil mix" at 2h, 4h, 6h, 8h, 12h and 24 h after realization of the column and after 2000 loading cycles. It has been shown that the cyclic loading does not cause degradation of the "soil-mix" material. On the contrary, there is an increase of the unconfined compression strength, the higher as the column is loaded rapidly after its realization

Vývoj konkurence v přepravě cestujících na železnici v České republice po roce 1993 / Development of the competition in the passenger railway in the Czech republi after 1993

Skrbek, Ondřej January 2014 (has links)
Diploma thesis describes railway transport with related specifics of intermodal competition and investigates technical aspects and historical development of railway traffic influencing level of current openness passenger transport market. Legislative decisions slows down the development of the unprofitable business and state blocks the entrance to the new parts of the railway transport market through the 2009 Memorandum. The only part of the railways, where the companies RegioJET and LEOexpress may compete with state carrier, is Prague -- Ostrava section of the railway. Analytical work examines progress on this part of railway, using the questionnaire technic on the agents of mentioned companies also containing the opinions of the experts of public transport. Based on analysis of the railway environment, exploration of the public transport market and questionnair survey diploma thesis comes to a conclusion, that private carriers may profit in a long term and increase the quality of public transport with a lower subsidy burden , but legislative decisions have to suspport that.

Inovace informačních systémů v nákladní železniční dopravě v ČR / Innovation of information system in rail freight transport in the Czech Republic

Šeda, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with innovations in freight transport, especially from the perspective of information and communication technologies. It identifies key strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats in an implementation of innovations. Its main contribution is the linking of current informatics trends with specific trends of the rail freight sector in the Czech Republic in relation to the regulation and harmonization of the European Union. One of the important objectives of today's enterprise informatics is support of the strategic management. Based on the test the validity of the working hypothesis, according to which companies in the rail freight don't use strategic management tools enough, it makes recommendations for innovation in the sector. The thesis also briefly presents some innovative applications of Czech IT developers. It is a comprehensive material from which the Chief information officer (CIO) can get basic orientation in the rail freight sector. It may also serve as an inspiration for companies that want to enter the market, or are already operating on it and want to achieve competitive advantage through innovation.

Přeprava zboží po Transsibiřské magistrále mezi Asií a EU / Transport of goods by the Trans-Siberian Railway between Asia and the EU

Danihlík, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
The main objective is to prove the increasing trend of increasing volume of shipments, respectively the number of trains dispatched from Asia to the European Union (Westbound), respectively from the European Union to Asia (Eastbound). The first chapter is devoted to describing the history of the Trans-Siberian Railway. In the second part is the creation of a common CIM / SMGS and organization OSŽD. In the third chapter are described rail corridors from Asia to the EU, respectively from the EU to Asia. A final fourth chapter is practical analysis of rail transport on the basis of documents of companies that use these rail corridors.

Problematika cenotvorby v námořní liniové přepravě / Pricing process in maritime logistics

Košvancová, Nikola January 2014 (has links)
The master thesis focuses at the pricing process of FCL shipments between Europe and Asia. After the general process description of internal processes there are shown two concrete examples, one under EXW condition and the other one under DAP condition. At the same time the thesis present also the railway connection between Asia and Europe as a certain alternative to the maritime and airfreight transportation under some condition.

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