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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cognitive Radio Connectivity for Railway Transportation Networks

Gill, Kuldeep S 22 January 2018 (has links)
Reliable wireless networks for high speed trains require a significant amount of data communications for enabling safety features such as train collision avoidance and railway management. Cognitive radio integrates heterogeneous wireless networks that will be deployed in order to achieve intelligent communications in future railway systems. One of the primary technical challenges in achieving reliable communications for railways is the handling of high mobility environments involving trains, which includes significant Doppler shifts in the transmission as well as severe fading scenarios that makes it difficult to estimate wireless spectrum utilization. This thesis has two primary contributions: (1) The creation of a Heterogeneous Cooperative Spectrum Sensing (CSS) prototype system, and (2) the derivation of a Long Term Evolution for Railways (LTE-R) system performance analysis. The Heterogeneous CSS prototype system was implemented using Software-Defined Radios (SDRs) possessing different radio configurations. Both soft and hard-data fusion schemes were used in order to compare the signal source detection performance in real-time fading scenarios. For future smart railways, one proposed solution for enabling greater connectivity is to access underutilized spectrum as a secondary user via the dynamic spectrum access (DSA) paradigm. Since it will be challenging to obtain an accurate estimate of incumbent users via a single-sensor system within a real-world fading environment, the proposed cooperative spectrum sensing approach is employed instead since it can mitigate the effects of multipath and shadowing by utilizing the spatial and temporal diversity of a multiple radio network. Regarding the LTE-R contribution of this thesis, the performance analysis of high speed trains (HSTs) in tunnel environments would provide valuable insights with respect to the smart railway systems operating in high mobility scenarios in drastically impaired channels.

Les traces de la vitesse entre réseau et territoire : approche géohistorique de la croissance du réseau ferroviaire français / The traces of speed between space and network : geohistorical approach of the growth of the French railway network

Mimeur, Christophe 09 December 2016 (has links)
Les interactions entre transport et territoire sont l’objet d’une littérature scientifique permanente, questionnant les impacts économiques et démographiques d’une nouvelle infrastructure, souvent évoqués à l’échelle d’un projet. L’objectif de la thèse est de réinvestir les composantes de l’interaction par les larges échelles spatiales et temporelles, en posant l’hypothèse que la profondeur temporelle et l’échelle du territoire national sont porteuses de nouvelles explications. Ce travail s’appuie sur la collecte, l’exploitation et l’analyse de la large base de données FRANcE (French RAilway NEtwork), qui recense chaque section du réseau ferroviaire français depuis le début du XIXème siècle et les recensements démographiques. Cette base renferme également les traces de la vitesse, qui constituent une information inédite sur l’ensemble du réseau et qui permet de faire de l’accessibilité une variable décisive dans les explications. Plutôt que de se concentrer sur l’acquisition de nouvelles données au prix d’une lourde collecte, nous misons sur la construction d’un appareil méthodologique pour étudier les deux sens de l’interaction entre réseau et territoire, qui requiert toutefois une adaptation des dispositifs de structuration des données et d’analyse. La démarche de la thèse consiste en une modélisation croissante du phénomène, de la compréhension et la formalisation des objets jusqu’à la formalisation des données et des analyses, ce qui nécessite le recours à d’autres disciplines. Ce travail utilise le formalisme des graphes pour investiguer les deux sens de la relation. Il aide à étudier l’effet du réseau à partir d’une diversification de la donnée et de sa modélisation pour rendre compte de portées spatiales et temporelles. Il aide à étudier l’impact d’une structure préexistante dans la morphogénèse du réseau ferroviaire français à partir d’un modèle d’évolution endogène, entre diffusion du rail et hiérarchisation des infrastructures. Ce travail vise à mieux comprendre les liens qui unissent réseau et territoire, dont les outils méthodologiques peuvent être appliquées à d’autres réseaux, d’autres temporalités, jusqu’à des problématiques actuelles. / The interaction between space and network are frequently questioned in the academic literature, by asking the economical and demographical impacts of a new infrastructure, often studied at the scale of a project. This work aims to investigate the components of the interaction in both large spatial and temporal scales. The hypothesis is that the temporal depth and the national scale could bring new explanations. This work is based on the collect, the exploitation and the analysis of the large spatio-temporal database FRANcE (French Railway Network). It identifies all sections of the network since the 19th century and the population census. This database also contains the traces of the speed, which are novel information for network, and allows the accessibility to become a decisive variable in the explanations. Rather than acquisition new data with an intensive phase of collect, we aim to build a methodological chain to study the two senses of interaction between space and network. It requires the adaptation of data structuration and analysis. The approach of this thesis consists on the growing modelling of the phenomenon, from the comprehension to formalization of data to the analysis, which requires the use of other disciplines. This work uses the graph theory to investigate the two senses of the relationship. It permits to study the network effect in the long run by diversifying the data to identify spatial and temporal ranges. It permits to study the impact of a pre-existing structure in the morphogenesis of the network, by using a dynamic model of network evolution, between diffusion and hierarchical organization. This work aims to understand the link between space and network, where the methodological tools can be adapted to other networks, other times and actual questioning.

Adopting Transit-Oriented Development (TOD)in Metro-Manila Railway system : Considering Sweden’s Experience and Learning

Arian Far, Farhad January 2019 (has links)
Transit-oriented development (TOD) or as it is referred to in Sweden ABC (Arbete, Bostad,och Centrum which means work, housing, and city center) is the highly prevailing and excitingconcept of integrating urban communities, activities, people, buildings and public places together.This idea is primarily focused upon the creation of walkable, pedestrian-oriented communities andcycling connections, which are centered among the high-quality train systems.This research has been conducted to provide a comprehensive analysis related to theimplementation of the TOD model within Metro-Manila, by enhancing its railway network toreduce the problem of high traffic congestion and to provide a better service to a larger number ofpassengers. To carry out this research, various ideas were taken from the TOD projects that havebeen implemented within the metro system of Stockholm as an example to be used for Metro-Manila.In order to conduct this study, both quantitative and qualitative research approaches wereutilized to conduct an in-depth analysis of the current conditions of the railway transportationsystem in Metro-Manila. Within the qualitative part of this research, a SWOT analysis and adetailed comparison was also carried out to determine the efficiency of Metro-Manila and the areaswhere it needed significant improvements. Whereas, for the quantitative analysis, a survey wasconducted from both the people of Metro-Manila and Stockholm (i.e., 226 respondents) tounderstand the current situations of these railway networks more appropriately. The survey wasdesigned based on close-ended five (5) points Likert Scale questions. The results of the surveysrevealed that the respondents were mostly satisfied with the metro system in Stockholm andimplementation of the TOD concepts but usually dissatisfied with Metro-Manila railway system.An interview was also conducted with the officials of the Stockholm transport organization (SL)to gather more insight related to the problems within the railway networks.It was revealed from the analysis that Metro-Manila railway network has been facingsevere problems in terms of limited capacity, poor facilities, unavailability of trains, andmismanagement. The analysis also revealed a few problems within the Stockholm metro systemas well. However, to eradicate or mitigate these problems, several strategies and recommendationshave been proposed within this research. Based from the facts the researcher has gathered and ispresented in this research paper, it was evident that implementation of transit-orienteddevelopment, even if its limited to just the basic concepts, will highly be beneficial in botheconomic and societal aspects and its effectively and efficiently is enough to satisfy the needs ofthe daily commuters and would result in a dramatical reduction of traffic congestions.

Constraint-basierte Generierung realitätsnaher Eisenbahnnetze / Constraint-based generation of realistic railway networks

Piesker, Björn January 2007 (has links)
Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit der Entwicklung einer Applikation, welche Infrastrukturdaten über Eisenbahnnetze generiert. Dabei bildet die Erzeugung der topologischen Informationen den Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit. Der Anwender charakterisiert hierfür vorab das gewünschte Eisenbahnnetz, wobei die geforderten Eigenschaften die Randbedingungen darstellen, die bei der Synthese zu beachten sind. Zur Einhaltung dieser Bedingungen wird die Constraint-Programmierung eingesetzt, welche durch ihr spezielles Programmierparadigma konsistente Lösungen effizient erzeugt. Dies wird u.a. durch die Nachnutzung so genannter globaler Constraints erreicht. Aus diesem Grund wird insbesondere auf den Einsatz der Constraint-Programmierung bei der Modellierung und Implementierung der Applikation eingegangen. / This work deals with the development of an application, which generates infrastructure data of railway networks. The focus of this work concentrates on the generation process of topological information. As input for the application a characterization of the intended railway network is given as attributes, which are handled as constraints in the generation process. To satisfy these restrictions constraint programming, a special programming paradigm, which is able to search efficently consistent solutions, is applied. In particular, the use of so-called global constraints improves the computation. For that reason the role of constraint-programming in modelling and implementing these application is discussed in more detail.

Infrastructure, territoires et projets : l'exemple de la ligne ferroviaire à grande vitesse Lyon-Turin-Milan / Infractructure, territories and projects : the case of the high-speed railway Lyon-Turin-Milan

Trotta-Brambilla, Gabriella 06 December 2013 (has links)
La construction d'une grande infrastructure ferroviaire peut-elle devenir une occasion pour (re)structurer le territoire traversé ? Cette question est à la base de la réflexion menée dans ce travail. Plus précisément, la thèse défendue peut être ainsi formulée : une grande infrastructure (dans ce cas le projet et la construction de la ligne ferroviaire à grande vitesse entre Lyon, Turin et Milan), sous certaines conditions (analysées dans la thèse), peut représenter une occasion pour redonner une structure plus cohérente à un territoire par le biais de l'articulation interscalaire et interdisciplinaire des réflexions sur la planification et des actions de projet sur le territoire même. L'état des lieux autour de la thématique de la grande vitesse ferroviaire et de son possible contexte territorial met en avant les domaines principaux de la littérature scientifique qui se sont occupés de cet argument (économie, géographie, sciences sociales et humaines). Cette thèse essaye de croiser plusieurs disciplines, mais en abordant la question d'un point de vue différent, celui de la planification territoriale et urbaine, puisque les thématiques traitées par la géographie des transports (accessibilité, rugosité, vitesse, nodalité, reticularité, etc.) ne semblent pas expliquer suffisamment les interactions à différentes échelles entre infrastructure et territoire. En interrogeant plans et projets, ainsi que des « expérimentations projectuelles » élaborées dans une démarche de research by design, cette thèse analyse les points de convergence entre le domaine des transports ferroviaires et celui de la planification durable du territoire et de la ville. / Can the construction of a big railway infrastructure become the occasion for (re)structuring the territory passed through? This is the base question of the reflection developed in this manuscript. More precisely, the thesis that we propose may be reformulated as follows: the realization of a big infrastructure (in our case the design of the high-speed railway between Lyon, Turin and Milan) can be the occasion to give the interested territory a more coherent structure by approaching the territorial planning in an inter-scalar and inter-disciplinary way. The analysis of the state of the art of the subjects of the high speed railway and of its territorial context may evidence, from time to time, one or another of the scientific domains that dealt with this topic (economy, geography, social and human sciences, etc.). This thesis tries to intersect multiple disciplines, but approaching the matter from a different point of view: that of urban and territorial planning. Indeed, the themes treated by the transportation geography do not seem able to explain sufficiently well the interactions between infrastructure and territory at all the different scales. By analyzing plans and projects as well as some « design experiments » elaborated with a research-by-design approach, we try to discuss in this manuscript the points of convergence between the domain of the railway transports and that of the sustainable planning of the territory and of the city.

De l'aménagement du territoire au réaménagement des terrains de l'État : politiques et projets de reconversion urbaine du domaine ferroviaire en France et en Italie / From national spatial planning to the remaking of state places : urban policies and projects of railway land redevelopment in France and Italy

Adisson, Félix 18 November 2015 (has links)
Casernes, ports, hôpitaux, prisons, ou encore sites ferroviaires font l'objet de nombreux projets de reconversion dans les villes européennes. Une part substantielle du renouvellement urbain s'effectue ainsi sur des ‘terrains de l'État'. Cette thèse contribue à expliquer ces restructurations urbaines qui participent également des recompositions de l'État, dans sa dimension matérielle. Elle interroge les raisons et les modalités de la réorganisation de la présence d'un type d'opérateur national, les entreprises ferroviaires, dans l'espace urbain. L'enquête comparative menée sur deux pays (Italie et France) et quatre villes (Milan, Bolzano, Paris et Nantes) identifie deux principaux facteurs explicatifs. D'une part, les gouvernements urbains mettent en cause les modes d'occupation de l'espace urbain par le réseau ferroviaire depuis les années 1970, dans le contexte de leur intervention croissante dans l'aménagement. D'autre part, des logiques et des compétences immobilières se développent au sein des firmes publiques de flux depuis le début des années 1990, dans le contexte de leur autonomisation comptable et de pressions financières accrues. La réorganisation du pouvoir logistique (la capacité à organiser les flux de choses et de personnes) de ce secteur dans les villes s'explique dès lors par l'ajustement des trois ‘conceptions' dominantes des raisons de la reconversion des sites ferroviaires, à savoir : immobilière, urbanistique et industrielle. Cet ajustement s'opère dans des projets d'aménagement et s'effectue différemment en Italie et en France. En Italie, le cadre institutionnel plus lâche qui entoure la cession du domaine ferroviaire donne lieu à des accords différenciés entre opérateurs et gouvernements urbains selon les villes, contrairement au cas français où processus et résultats sont plus homogènes d'une ville à l'autre. Par rapport aux approches existantes sur les relations entre villes et État, le double déplacement proposé dans cette thèse, vers les opérateurs et vers la dimension matérielle de l'État, éclaire de nouvelles relations entre recompositions de l'État et restructurations urbaines / Barracks, ports, hospitals, prisons, railway sites are earmarked for many redevelopment projects in European cities. A substantial part of urban regeneration therefore occurs on ‘State places'. This research contributes to explain such an urban restructuring process that reshapes the material base of the State. It questions the reasons and the modalities of the reorganisation of a specific sector, railway firms, in urban areas. The comparative enquiry carried out two countries (Italy and France) and four cities (Milan, Bolzano Paris and Nantes) distinguishes two main factors. On the one hand, urban governments question the way the railway network has occupied central and pericentral urban areas since the 1970s, in relation to their increasing strategic power in urban development. On the other hand, real estate logics and skills have expanded within theses publicly owned firms since the beginning of the 1990s, due to their greater accounting autonomy and their need to face a rising financial pressure. Since then, the reorganisation of the logistical power (i.e. the capacity to order the flows of things and people) of this sector in cities is explained by the adjustment of three main ‘conceptions' regarding the motives for the redevelopment of urban railway sites: real estate, urban planning, and industrial. This adjustment is carried out through urban redevelopment projects and follows different paths in Italy and France. In Italy, the loose institutional frame regarding railway land handover generates differentiated agreements between operators and urban governments whereas in France processes and outcomes are more homogeneous from one city to another. The double shift from conventional approaches – toward the operator and the material base of the State – sheds light on new relationships between State and urban restructuring

Integrated, Analytic and Utilization-based Models for Demand-centered Capacity Analysis in Complex Railway Networks

Szymula, Christopher 20 August 2024 (has links)
For over a century, the railway system has been gradually designed and adapted to serve the corresponding demands under variations of given budgets. However, recent developments indicate that the railway systems of many European countries gradually come to their limits, as the national infrastructure managers declare an increasing share of their network tracks as congested. Consequently, the capabilities of each railway system are getting more into focus, to adequately serve the recent intention of shifting more demand to rail to encounter climate change. The system’s capacity is thereby of particular interest, i. e. whether the system already has the ability to serve increasing traffic loads by leveraging existing reserves, or otherwise needs significant extensions to serve the increasing demand. We thus need to quantify the current capacity of the railway system to identify its current capabilities and to deduct corresponding measures to leverage capacity reserves and relieve saturated network parts. Only the appropriate measure selection, i.e. deciding where to apply traffic reorganization and optimization or infrastructural extensions and restructuring, allows to achieve the goal of shifting more demand to rail under limited resource constraints. The main contributions of this thesis are in the design, optimization and application of a network capacity assessment approach for large-scale railway networks, which incorporates the perspectives of infrastructure, operations and demand by using the number of trains per time window and scheduled waiting times as capacity metric. Hence, this thesis provides a new definition of network capacity, and develops petri net (PN)-based capacity assessment models for railway networks with the use of mixed integer program (MIP) and row generation. The capacity is then determined by assessing the maximum utilization and the scheduled waiting times of the railway network with respect to infrastructure, railway operations and demand. We first introduce the definition of railway network capacity, which extends the concept of railway capacity from stations and corridors to entire networks. This new utilization-based and demand-centric definition of practical railway network capacity defines railway network capacity as the maximum number of departing trains in the network over a given time period, regarding the given infrastructure, operations and demand. This definition allows to accurately determine the interplay of infrastructure, operations and demand, with a combined measure of traffic flow and scheduled waiting times. In the context of this new definition on network capacity, different assessment approaches for the capacity of railway stations, corridors and networks are reviewed with regard to their spatial scope, the used approach and the applied capacity metric. Second we propose the railway network utilization model (RNUM), which extends an existing PN based approach from single line to entire network operations. This model builds upon individual lines, which are then connected to more complex structures. The analysis of the maximum utilization is based on the network’s elementary circuits. Furthermore, token modifications are introduced to characterize relevant process circuits and introduce interline separation places to model and assess complex networks. By additionally considering rolling stock circulations and imposed train orders, the utilization is determined for given operation scenarios of a line system, which operates at heterogeneous frequencies. The resulting timetable independent approach allows to fully characterize the utilization of the network. To assess the network capacity, an enumeration-based railway network capacity (RNC) framework is further introduced, which evaluates the maximum utilization over diverse operation scenarios to represent possible network demands. The resulting train flows as well as the average scheduled waiting times per train, the capacity and the corresponding network effects were finally quantified and determined in network-specific macroscopic fundamental diagram for the railway network (MFD-R). Third, we introduce the railway network utilization MIP model (MIP-RNUM) to determine the optimal capacity utilization by combining PNs with mathematical linear programming. The presented model is enabled to simultaneously assess different train locations and line orders to provide the network’s utilization, capacity-optimal train locations and line orders for given operation scenarios. The MIP-RNUM is further improved to provide the demand-centered capacity utilization, by incorporating extended demand structures, which capture the demanded flows and magnitudes as fixed proportions of trains per line. The additional incorporation of local routing and thus optimal line orders in the utilization assessment, extend the model further to provide the optimal and demand-centered capacity utilization without the correspondingly required enumeration of different line orders. The resulting fully extended MIP-RNUM comprehensively captures the interplay of infrastructure, railway operations and demand; and the resulting effects on the network capacity. Fourth, we propose the row generation MIP-RNUM (MIP-RNUM-RG) to assess the capacity of large-scale instances. The proposed approach tackles the computationally intensive enumeration of the network’s cycles of the RNUM by applying lazy-constraint generation i.e. iteratively adding violated constraints of previous solutions to the problem in a row generating manner. To assess the solution quality of intermediate solutions during the capacity assessment of large instances, a lower-bound method is presented, which combines a higher order max-plus system and a binary search algorithm. The lower-bound method allows to check the feasibility of a given solution and to quantify the optimality gap of the current results while solving the MIP-RNUM-RG. In summary, this thesis provides multiple scientific contributions to efficiently assess the capacity of complex railway networks by developing several assessment models and frameworks. By integrating the different perspectives of infrastructure, operations and demand, this thesis supports network design towards the development of demand-centric railway systems. Regarding the intended growth of the railway demand in the near future, this thesis can guide practitioners to assess the capabilities of our present railway systems and derive the necessary actions to transform them into the transport systems of our future. / Das Eisenbahnsystem wurde über ein Jahrhundert lang entworfen und angepasst, um die jeweilige Nachfrage unter einem sich verändernden Budget zu bedienen. Aktuelle Entwicklungen zeigen jedoch, dass die Eisenbahnsysteme vieler europäischer Länder allmählich an ihre Grenzen stoßen. Zeitgleich geraten die Fähigkeiten eines jeden Eisenbahnsystems in den Fokus, mit denen zur Begegnung des Klimawandels mehr Verkehr auf die Schiene verlagert werden kann. Die Systemkapazität ist dabei von besonderem Interesse, d. h. ob das System bereits in der Lage ist, wachsende Verkehrsmengen durch die Nutzung existierender Reserven zu bewältigen, oder ob es zur Bedienung der steigenden Nachfrage einen deutlichen Ausbau braucht. Aus diesem Grund muss die Kapazität des Eisenbahnsystems bewertet werden, um damit seine aktuellen Möglichkeiten zu identifizieren und durch entsprechend abgeleitete Maßnahmen Kapazitätsreserven nutzbar zu machen und saturierte Netzteile zu entlasten. Der wesentliche Beitrag dieser Arbeit liegt im Entwurf, der Erweiterung und Anwendung eines Ansatzes zur Untersuchung der Netzwerkkapazität für großräumige Eisenbahnnetze unter Einbeziehung der Einflussfaktoren Infrastruktur, Betrieb und Nachfrage. Als Kapazitätsmetrik kommen dabei die Zugzahlen pro Zeiteinheit und die planmäßigen Wartezeiten zum Einsatz. Diese Arbeit entwirft dafür eine neue Definition der Netzwerkkapazität und entwickelt anschließend Petri-Netz (PN) basierte Untersuchungsmodelle für die Eisenbahnnetzkapazität unter Nutzung von gemischt-ganzzahliger Programmierung und Zeilengenerierung (eng. row generation). Durch die Analyse der maximalen Kapazitätsausnutzung und der planmäßigen Wartezeiten im Netz wird die Kapazität unter Berücksichtigung der Einflussfaktoren bestimmt. Zuerst wird die Definition der Eisenbahnnetzwerkkapazität eingeführt, die das Konzept der Eisenbahnkapazität von Bahnhöfen und Streckenkorridoren auf Netzwerke erweitert. Diese neue, auf Kapazitätsausnutzung basierende, nachfragezentrierte Definition der praktischen Eisenbahnnetzwerkkapazität definiert die Netzkapazität als die maximale Anzahl der im Netzwerk abfahrenden Züge innerhalb eines gegebenen Zeitintervalls, unter Berücksichtigung der gegebenen Einflussfaktoren. Im Kontext dieser neuen Definition werden verschiedene, existierende Untersuchungsansätze für die Kapazität von Eisenbahnknoten, Streckenkorridoren und Netzwerken rezensiert. Die Ansätze werden insbesondere hinsichtlich ihres räumlichen Umfangs, des angewendeten Verfahrens und der jeweils genutzten Kapazitätsmetrik verglichen. Als Zweites wird das Eisenbahnnetzwerkausnutzungsmodell (eng. railway network utilization model – RNUM) präsentiert, das einen existierenden PN-Ansatz von einer einzelnen Linie auf Netzwerke erweitert. Dieses Modell setzt sich aus einzelnen Linien zusammen, die zu komplexeren Strukturen zusammengesetzt werden. Die Analyse der maximalen Kapazitätsausnutzung basiert auf den Elementarkreisen des entstehenden Netzwerks. Durch die zusätzliche Berücksichtigung von Fahrzeugumläufen und vorgegebenen Zugfolgen wird die Kapazitätsausnutzung für gegebene Betriebsszenarien eines Liniensystems bestimmt, in welchem die Linien mit heterogenen Taktzeiten verkehren. Der resultierende, fahrplanunabhängige Ansatz erlaubt die vollständige Charakterisierung der maximalen Kapazitätsausnutzung unter Berücksichtigung diverser Betriebsszenarien. Die resultierenden Zugverkehrsströme und die mittleren planmäßigen Wartezeiten pro Zug, die ermittelte Kapazität und die zugehörigen Netzwerkeffekte werden schließlich in einem netzwerkspezifischen makroskopischen Fundamentaldiagram für Eisenbahnnetzwerke (MFD-R) bestimmt. Als Drittes wird das Eisenbahnnetzwerkausnutzungs-MIP-modell (MIP-RNUM) eingeführt, um die optimale Kapazitätsausnutzung durch eine Kombination von PN und linearer Programmierung zu bestimmen. Das eingeführte Modell kann simultan verschiedene Zugpositionen und Zugfolgen berücksichtigen, um auf deren Grundlage die Netzwerkausnutzung, kapazitätsoptimale Zugpositionen und -folgen für gegebene Betriebsszenarien zu untersuchen. Im Folgenden wird das MIP-RNUM erweitert, um die nachfragezentrierte Kapazitätsausnutzung zu erfassen. Die zusätzliche Berücksichtigung von variablen Fahrwegen in Knoten und den zugehörigen optimalen Zugfolgen in der Ausnutzungsuntersuchung ergänzen das Modell zusätzlich, um die optimale und nachfragezentrierte Kapazitätsausnutzung ohne die bisher benötigte Enumeration der Zugfolgen zu ermitteln. Das resultierende erweiterte MIP-RNUM erfasst das Zusammenspiel von Infrastruktur, Eisenbahnbetrieb und Nachfrage und deren umfassende Auswirkungen auf die Netzwerkkapazität. Zuletzt wird das zeilengenerierende MIP-RNUM (MIP-RNUM-RG) vorgestellt, um auch die Kapazität großräumiger Instanzen untersuchen zu können. Der vorgestellte Ansatz begegnet der rechenzeitintensiven Enumeration der Elementarkreise des RNUM mit einer sog. lazy constraint generation, d. h. der iterativen, zeilengenerierenden Ergänzung verletzter Nebenbedingungen zum Problem. Um bei der Untersuchung großräumiger Instanzen die Lösungsqualität der jeweiligen Zwischenergebnisse beurteilen zu können, wird eine untere Schranke vorgestellt, die ein max-plus System höherer Ordnung mit einem binären Suchalgorithmus kombiniert. Diese untere Schranke ermöglicht die Zulässigkeitsprüfung einer gegebenen Lösung und darüber hinaus die Quantifizierung der Optimalitätslücke der aktuellen Ergebnisse. Damit stellt diese Arbeit verschiedene wissenschaftliche Beiträge in Form unterschiedlicher Untersuchungsmodelle und -methoden bereit, um die Kapazität komplexer Eisenbahnnetzwerke zu untersuchen. Dabei werden die verschiedenen infrastrukturellen, betrieblichen und nachfragespezifischen Perspektiven integriert betrachtet, um die nachfragezentrierte Netzentwicklung von Eisenbahnsystemen zu unterstützen. Unter Berücksichtigung des Wachstums der Eisenbahnnachfrage in naher Zukunft kann diese Arbeit so Planer*innen helfen, die Fähigkeiten unserer gegenwärtigen Eisenbahnsysteme zu untersuchen und daraus die nötigen Handlungsalternativen abzuleiten, um die Verkehrssysteme unserer Zukunft zu entwickeln.

Analýza dopravní obslužnosti významnějších sídel jihovýchodní části Jihočeského kraje s metropolí a návrh na její zlepšení / Analysis of the traffic service of important cities in the southeastern part of southern Bohemia with the capital city of this area České Budějovice and suggestion on improvement of this traffic service

Kohoutová, Zuzana January 2010 (has links)
This diploma work deals with the description, analysis and suggestino of improvement of the imperfect traffic service of important cities in the southeastern part of southern Bohemia in relation to České Budějovice. These problem points are solved: clash traffic supply with the demand, missing tact graphicon, bad transfers and missing integrated traffic system.

Compréhension fine du comportement des lignes des réseaux métro, RER ettramway pour la réalisation des études d’exploitabilité. / Detailed understanding of the metro, RER and streetcar network lines behaviour for the realization of operating studies

Dimanche, Vincent 11 June 2018 (has links)
Les réseaux ferroviaires en milieu dense font face à des saturations importantes. Et l'adéquation entre l'offre théorique et la demande croissante impose des contraintes d'exploitabilités fortes. Un déséquilibre générera des points conflictuels comme des goulets d'étranglement avec pour effet des retards sur les trains amonts. Comme le facteur humain, parmi une multitude, influence l'exploitation ; le prendre en compte plus finement devrait améliorer la compréhension et la modélisation des lignes pour en accroître la capacité sans sacrifier le confort des passagers. Pour répondre à cet objectif, nos travaux reposent sur une visualisation adaptée des données remontées de l'exploitation et sur leur fouille automatisée. Elles ont été adaptées et appliquées au domaine ferroviaire notamment aux lignes des réseaux ferrés exploités par la RATP. Le processus « Visual Analytics », mis en œuvre dans nos travaux pour répondre à ces besoins, englobe les étapes nécessaires à la valorisation de la donnée, allant de leur préparation à l’analyse experte en passant par leur représentation graphique et par l’utilisation d'algorithmes de fouille de données. Parmi ces derniers, le CorEx et le Sieve nous ont permis par un apprentissage non supervisé basé sur une mesure de l'information mutuelle multivariée d'analyser les données d'exploitation pour en extraire des caractéristiques du comportement humain. Enfin, nous proposons aussi une visualisation intuitive d'une grande quantité de données permettant leur intégration et facilitant le diagnostic global du comportement des lignes ferroviaires. / Dense railway networks face significant saturation. And the balance between the theoretical offer and the growing demand imposes strong operability constraints. An imbalance will generate conflicting points such as bottlenecks with the effect of delays on the following trains. As the human factor influences the operation performance; taking it into account more accurately should improve understanding and modeling of railway lines to increase capacity without reducing passenger comfort. To fulfill this objective, we are working on an adapted visualization of the operating data and on their automated mining. These two solutions have been adapted and applied to the railway sector, particularly to the lines of rail networks operated by RATP. The "Visual Analytics" process, implemented in our work to meet these needs, encompasses the steps required to value the data, going from the preparation of the data to the expert analysis. This expert analysis is made through graphic representation and the use of data mining algorithms. Among these data mining algorithms, CorEx and Sieve allowed us to analyze operating data and then extract characteristics human behavior thanks to unsupervised learning based on a multivariate mutual information measure to. Finally, we propose an intuitive visualization of a large amount of data allowing their global integration and facilitating the overall diagnosis of the railway lines behavior.

Tankebanan. : A knowledge network for northern potential.

Lundmark, Linnea January 2020 (has links)
I have always known that I would leave my hometown. Always been told that it is too boring for a dreamer, that it is a place where all ambition wanes. None of my childhood friends stayed; we all moved towards something bigger, something better- towards opportunities. We all moved, to some degree, south. Depopulation of rural communities is not unique to Norrland but Tankebanan investigates this topic within the context of the northern inlands of Sweden, exploring its industrial history and local conditions. The project aims to create an infrastructure strengthening the social and cultural capital of the inland by generating educational, entrepreneurial and identity building activities in the region. The site of the project stretches along Malmbanan, the railway transporting iron from the industries of the inland to the ports of Narvik and Luleå. The tracks are a physical trace of the industrial history of the region and therefor a suitable location for the project that proposes three fixed nodes along the railway, each targeting one specific aspect of the knowledge network. The nodes are Creation in Abisko, Education in Kiruna and Entrepreneurship in Gällivare.Tankebanan reprograms old carbarns within the towns into hubs of activity and optimism, aiming to challenge the pessimism often connotated with the region, causing people to leave. It aims to turn struggles into challenges and encourage young people to see the potential within themselves and within Norrland. This phase of the project explores the node of Education in Kiruna, which proposes an alternative university for those who wish to obtain a degree without leaving the north. The program consists of a public library and train station, educational facilities, conference rooms and accommodation for long distance commuters. It is hosted within a modular system, relating to the module of the train car and extending the network of the rails into the building.

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