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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Abundância e distribuição espacial de micro-organismos na Plataforma Continental Sudeste e área oceânica adjacente / Abundance and spatial distribution of microorganisms in the Southeast Continental Shelf and adjacent ocean area

Natascha Menezes Bergo 07 April 2015 (has links)
A ressurgência da massa de Água Central do Altântico Sul (ACAS) é o principal processo oceanográfico de disponibilização de nutrientes na zona eufótica da plataforma continental sudeste do Brasil (PCSE). Isto gera um acréscimo na população de organismos autotróficos e consequente de heterotróficos que produzem e oxidam a matéria orgânica gerada. O que possibilita um aumento no fluxo de carbono e consequentemente a manutenção dos recursos pesqueiros na região durante o verão. A abundância de micro-organismos autotróficos e heterotróficos planctônicos e a relação destes com as massas de água da PCSE foram avaliadas no verão de 2013. Para o tal, os micro-organismos autotróficos, menores que 20 µm foram quantificados por citometria de fluxo. Foram realizadas análises de abundância do gene 16S de bactérias, archaeas e do clado Sar11 e a expressão dos genes rubisco e proteorodpsina por meio de PCR em tempo real. O valor médio obtido de micro-organismos autrotróficos, Prochlorococcus spp. e Synechococcus spp. foi de 15.151 e de 8.313 células.ml-1, respectivamente. E de bactérias heterotróficas de 7.4x105 células.ml-1. Em relação aos domínios, a distribuição de Bacteria ocorreu na superfície e de Archaea no fundo da região oceânica. Os resultados indicam que a distribuição dos micro-organismos ocorreu conforme as características físicas e a disponibilidade de nutrientes das massas de água. Bactérias heterotróficas foram abundantes em regiões costeiras provavelmente devido a maior disponibilidade de matéria orgânica, o que corrobora com o resultado encontrado de maior biomassa de carbono em região costeira. / The resurgence of South Atlantic Central Waters (ACAS) is the main oceanographic process that involves availability of nutrients in the photic zone of the southeast continental shelf in Brazil. This causes an increase in the population of autotrophs and heterotrophic organisms (that produce and oxidizes the organic matter). The carbon flux increase and consequently the maintenance of fish resource in the region during the 2013 summer. The abundance of autotrophic and heterotrophic planktonic microorganisms was evaluated and also was studied their relation with the masses of water of the continental shelf. Thus, autotrophic microorganisms, smaller than 20 microns were quantified by flow cytometry. Using real time PCR were analysed 16S abundance of bacteria, archaea and SAR11 clade and the expression of the rubisco and proteorhodopsin gene. Autotrophic microorganisms, Prochlorococcus spp. and Synechococcus spp. had a mean value of 15.151 and 8.313 cell.ml-1, respectively. Heterotrophic bacteria had a mean value of 7.4x105 cell.ml-1. In relation to the domains, the distribution of bacteria occurred in the surface and the Archaea in the deep of the ocean region. The results indicate that the distribution of micro-organisms occur as the physical characteristics and the availability of nutrients of water masses. Heterotrophic bacteria were abundant in coastal areas probably due to increased of organic matter, which corroborates the result of higher biomass carbon in coastal region.

Construção, análise do fenótipo e da transcrição gênica de uma amostra mutante de Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans deficiente em arcB. / Construction, phenotypic and gene transcription analysis of an Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans mutant strain in arc B.

Priscila Larcher Longo 18 July 2008 (has links)
Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans produz fatores de virulência que induzem destruição periodontal, porém a sua regulação é pouco conhecida. O sistema de dois componentes ArcAB é um regulador da transcrição gênica que percebe concentrações de oxigênio no ambiente. Este estudo tem como objetivo construir uma amostra de A. actinomycetemcomitans arcB deficiente e comparar características fenotípicas e de transcrição gênica em relação à amostra selvagem. As curvas de crescimento em condições de microaerofilia e anaerobiose foram similares. Foram observadas diferenças nas capacidades de adesão e invasão às células epiteliais, de formação de biofilme, de adesão à hidroxiapatita recoberta por saliva e na hidrofobicidade entre as amostras. A análise de transcrição gênica por RT-PCR em tempo real mostrou expressão diferenciada de apaH, vppA, vapA e omp29. Os dados indicam que em A. actinomycetemcomitans, ArcB é capaz de detectar condições redox, sendo associado a expressão de fatores de colonização da cavidade oral, regulando a transcrição de genes associados à virulência. / Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans produces several virulence factors which induce periodontal destruction, but little is known about their regulation. The two components system ArcAB is a genetic transcription regulator that senses oxygen concentrations in the environment. This study aimed to construct an A. actinomycetemcomitans arcB deficient mutant and to compare phenotypic carachteristics and gene transcription with the wild type. The growth curves under microaerophilic and anaerobic conditions were similar. There were differences in abilities to adhere and invade epithelial cells, to form biofilm, to adhere to saliva-coated hydroxyapatite and in hydrophobicity between the strains. Gene transcription analysis by real time PCR showed differential expression of apaH, vppA, vapA and omp29. These data indicate that in A. actinomycetemcomitans, ArcB is able to detect redox conditions and is associated with colonization factors of the oral cavity, by regulating transcription of genes associated with virulence.

Implicações da variabilidade genética de Trichogramma pretiosum Riley, 1879 no seu desempenho como agente de controle biológico / Genetic variability of Trichogramma pretiosum Riley, 1879, in its role as a biological control agent

Aloisio Coelho Junior 06 July 2015 (has links)
O conhecimento das implicações da variabilidade genética em populações de inimigos naturais, principalmente parasitoides, é de vital importância para a otimização de programas de controle biológico. Desta forma, o presente trabalho teve por objetivo determinar como a variabilidade genética influencia diferentes parâmetros biológicos de Trichogramma pretiosum Riley, 1879 em experimentos de laboratório e de campo. Para que este objetivo fosse atingido, foram avaliados: 1) o efeito da seleção de isolinhagens de T. pretiosum em condições de laboratório, marcadas por meio do DNA mitocondrial, no subsequente desempenho de campo; 2) como a UR afeta a capacidade de voo de isolinhagens, marcadas por meio do DNA mitocondrial, de espécimes de T. pretiosum oriundas do Brasil e EUA; 3) a compatibilidade reprodutiva entre isolinhagens norteamericanas e brasileira de T. pretiosum, avaliada por meio de uma abordagem integrativa e 4) o possível estabelecimento de uma linhagem de T. pretiosum proveniente da Colômbia num novo ecossistema, no Nordeste brasileiro. Com base nos resultados do presente trabalho conclui-se que a variabilidade genética de T. pretiosum exerce grande influência em parâmetros biológicos do parasitoide, uma vez que: 1) os diferentes desempenhos reprodutivos das isolinhagens em condições de laboratório foram correspondentes àqueles em condições de campo, sendo as sequências mitocondriais uma técnica de marcação precisa e eficiente para avaliação do desempenho de T. pretiosum em condições de campo; 2) para algumas isolinhagens, as condições ambientais do local onde se pretende liberar T. pretiosum, se distintas do hábitat natural do parasitoide, podem afetar negativamente o voo deste inseto; 3) foi registrada incompatibilidade reprodutiva leve e diferenças morfológicas mais pronunciadas entre as isolinhagens americanas e brasileira, geneticamente variáveis; 4) foram observados fortes indícios de que uma linhagem de T. pretiosum, introduzida em Petrolina, PE há 22 anos, trazida de Palmira, Colômbia, se estabeleceu naquela região. / The knowledge on genetic variability in populations of natural enemies, especially parasitoids, has a vital importance for the optimization of biological control programs. Thus, this study aimed to determine the influences of genetic variability on different biological parameters of Trichogramma pretiosum Riley, 1879, in laboratory and field experiments. We evaluated: 1) the effect of selection of T. pretiosum isofemale strains in laboratory conditions, marked by mitochondrial DNA, on the subsequent field performance; 2) the effects of RH on flight capacity isofemale lines, marked by the mitochondrial DNA, of T. pretiosum specimens from Brazil and the USA; 3) the reproductive compatibility between USA and Brazilian isofemale lines of T. pretiosum, through an integrative approach, and 4) the possible establishment of a T. pretiosum strain from Colombia in a new ecosystem in the Brazilian Northeast. The results allow to conclude that genetic variability of T. pretiosum has great influence on biological parameters of the parasitoid, since: 1) the different reproductive performance of isofemale strains in laboratory conditions corresponded to those under field conditions, and mitochondrial DNA was accurate and efficient, marking technique for the evaluation of T. pretiosum performance in field conditions; 2) for some isofemale lines, the environmental conditions of the release sites, if distinct from the natural habitat of the parasitoid, may adversely affect flight capacity of the parasitoid; 3) slight reproductive incompatibility and more pronounced morphological differences were observed between American and Brazilian isofemale lines, genetically variable; 4) there is strong evidence that T. pretiosum line introduced in Petrolina, PE, 22 years ago, brought from Palmira, Colombia, has established in that region.

Expressão gênica de marcadores inflamatórios de pancreatite alcoólica crônica em ratos suplementados com vitamina E / Gene expression of inflammatory markers in alcoholic chronic pancreatitis in rats vitamin E supplemented.

Thaís Helena Monteiro 28 January 2011 (has links)
O infiltrado inflamatório, a perda maciça de células acinares e a fibrose se destacam como alterações da pancreatite alcoólica crônica, o que é reflexo da expressão gênica. O -tocoferol regula a expressão de vários genes, entre eles moduladores de proteínas extracelulares e de inflamação. O presente trabalho teve como intuito avaliar o efeito da suplementação com vitamina E sobre a expressão gênica pancreática de marcadores inflamatórios, em ratos com pancreatite alcoólica crônica induzida por dieta líquida contendo etanol (com ou sem suplementação de -tocoferol), ciclosporina A e ceruleína, por meio da técnica quantitativa de PCR em tempo real. Além disso, foram realizadas determinações de -tocoferol plasmático e hepático, lipídeos totais hepáticos, e análise histopatológica do pâncreas e fígado dos animais submetidos aos diferentes tratamentos (Grupo 1: Controle; Grupo 2: Pancreatite alcoólica crônica; Grupo 3: Pancreatite alcoólica crônica e suplementação com vitamina E). Os animais que receberam suplementação com vitamina E apresentaram maiores valores de -tocoferol plasmático e hepático [(G1: 14,27 ± 1,5 umols/L plasma; 125,47 ± 18,5 nmols/g fígado; 5,1 ± 0,8 nmols/mg lipídeo hepático); (G2: 21,64 ± 3,0 umols/L plasma; 126,54 ± 10,5 nmols/g fígado; 2,8 ± 0,7 nmols/mg lipídeo hepático); (G3: 43,91 ± 6,1 umols/L plasma*; 1595,90 ± 802,7 nmols/g fígado*; 17,3 ± 8,8 nmols/mg lipídeo hepático*)] (*p<0,01). O pâncreas dos animais do Grupo 1 apresentou histologia normal, ao passo que nos Grupos 2 e 3 apresentou focos de destruição tecidual leve a moderada, presença de infiltrado de células mononucleares (linfócitos e plasmócitos) e proliferação de tecido conjuntivo de sustentação, mostrando um quadro ainda em estágios iniciais de pancreatite alcoólica crônica. O fígado do Grupo 1 apresentou histologia normal, e dos Grupos 2 e 3, esteatose macro e microvesicular em grau variável, entre 30 a 60%. A análise de PCR em tempo real mostrou aumento de expressão de todos os 13 genes biomarcadores do processo inflamatório nos Grupos 2 e 3, provocado pela pancreatite alcoólica crônica, em relação ao Grupo 1 (p<0,01). A suplementação com vitamina E na presença de pancreatite no Grupo 3, em relação ao Grupo 2, diminuiu o número de transcritos para 5 genes (-SMA, COX-2, IL-6, MIP-3, TNF-) (p<0,01), aumentou o número de transcritos para 1 gene (Pap) (p<0,01), e não modificou os 7 genes restantes (Col1a1, IL-4, IL-8, IL-10, MCP-1, Mif, MMP-2) (p>0,05). A suplementação com vitamina E apresentou efeitos anti-inflamatórios e benéficos na expressão gênica pancreática de alguns biomarcadores do processo inflamatório em ratos com pancreatite alcoólica crônica, comprovando sua participação em alguns mecanismos da resposta inflamatória no pâncreas. / The inflammatory infiltrate, the massive loss of acinar cells and fibrosis are highlighted as changes in alcoholic chronic pancreatitis, which is a gene expression reflection. The -tocopherol regulates many genes expression, including extracellular proteins and inflammation modulators. This study was aimed to evaluate the vitamin E supplementation effect on pancreatic gene expression of inflammatory markers in rats with alcoholic chronic pancreatitis induced by liquid diet containing ethanol (with or without -tocopherol supplementation), cyclosporin A and cerulein through the quantitative real time PCR technique. Moreover, -tocopherol content in plasma and liver were analyzed, total lipid content in liver, and pancreas and liver histopathology of animals subjected to different treatments (Group 1: Control, Group 2: Alcoholic chronic pancreatitis, Group 3: Alcoholic chronic pancreatitis and vitamin E supplementation). The animals that received vitamin E supplementation had higher -tocopherol amounts in plasma and liver [(G1: 14,27 ± 1,5 umols/L plasma; 125,47 ± 18,5 nmols/g liver; 5,1 ± 0,8 nmols/mg liver lipid); (G2: 21,64 ± 3,0 umols/L plasma; 126,54 ± 10,5 nmols/g liver; 2,8 ± 0,7 nmols/mg liver lipid); (G3: 43,91 ± 6,1 umols/L plasma*; 1595,90 ± 802,7 nmols/g liver*; 17,3 ± 8,8 nmols/mg liver lipid*)] (*p<0,01). The pancreas of animals in Group 1 had normal histology, whereas in Groups 2 and 3 presented tissue destruction foci with mild to moderate mononuclear cells infiltration (lymphocytes and plasma cells) and connective tissue proliferation, showing an early stage occurrence of alcoholic chronic pancreatitis. The Group 1 liver showed normal histology, and Groups 2 and 3, macro and microvesicular steatosis in varying degrees, from 30 to 60%. The quantitative real time PCR analysis showed increased expression of all 13 inflammatory biomarkers genes in Groups 2 and 3, caused by alcoholic chronic pancreatitis, compared to Group 1 (p<0,01). Vitamin E supplementation in the presence of pancreatitis in Group 3, compared to Group 2, decreased the transcripts number for five genes (-SMA, COX-2, IL-6, MIP-3, TNF-) (p<0,01), increased the transcripts number for one gene (Pap) (p<0,01), and did not alter the seven remaining genes (Col1a1, IL-4, IL-8, IL-10, MCP-1 , Mif, MMP-2) (p>0,05). Vitamin E supplementation showed anti-inflammatory and beneficial effects on pancreatic gene expression of some inflammation biomarkers in rats with alcoholic chronic pancreatitis, confirming its participation in the inflammatory response mechanisms in the pancreas.

Análise da interação entre citros e alternaria alternata patótipo tangerina / Analysis of the interaction between citrus and Altermaria alternata tangerine pathotype

Stuart, Rodrigo Makowiecky, 1980- 19 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Marcos Antonio Machado / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-19T08:49:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Stuart_RodrigoMakowiecky_D.pdf: 10894472 bytes, checksum: 8404d2f1c15c931acb79f33e98ddde90 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / Resumo: O patótipo tangerina do fungo Alternaria alternata produz a toxina hospedeiro específica ACT que afeta tangerinas e seus híbridos e causa a doença conhecida como mancha marrom de alternaria (MMA). A toxina ACT causa necrose em plantas susceptíveis, afetando ramos, folhas novas e frutos. Os sintomas incluem pontos marrons a negros circundados por um halo amarelado. Laranjas doces eram consideradas resistentes à doença uma vez que MMA nunca havia sido descrita no campo. Foi demonstrado que uma linhagem do fungo A. alternata produtor de toxina ACT é capaz de penetrar e colonizar de forma assintomática folhas de laranja 'Pera' sem perder a capacidade de causar necrose em genótipos susceptíveis. Microscopia óptica, inoculação e isolamento de A. alternata em plantas de laranja doce seguida pela inoculação cruzada em folhas susceptíveis de tangor 'Murcott', em adição a detecção por PCR do fungo em folhas assintomáticas de laranja doce no campo confirmam que laranja 'Pera' atua como hospedeiro assintomático do patógeno. A análise de genes (RT-qPCR) e proteínas (2DE) expressas durante a infecção com o fungo demonstrou que diferentes vias de sinalização foram ativadas em plantas de citros em resposta a A. alternata. Durante a resistência plantas responderam ativando as vias de sinalização mediadas por etileno e ácido jasmônico, as quais estão tipicamente envolvidas na defesa de plantas contra microrganismos necrotróficos. Aparentemente a produção de etileno também é requerida durante a susceptibilidade. Genes envolvidos na síntese de etileno aparecem induzidos durante a infecção e desenvolvimento de sintomas. Durante a infecção assintomática as plantas cítricas ativaram genes e proteínas associadas à síntese de fenilpropanóides, indicando o possível papel destes em plantas de laranja / Abstract: The tangerine pathotype of Alternaria alternata produces the host-specific ACT-toxin that affects mandarins and their hybrids and causes the disease known as Alternaria brown spot (ABS). ACT-toxin causes necrosis in susceptible plants, and the disease affects twigs, young leaves and fruits. The symptoms include brown to black necrotic spots that are surrounded by a yellow halo. Sweet oranges were considered resistant to the disease since ABS symptoms have never been reported in the field. It was demonstrated that an ACT-toxin-producing strain of A. alternata is able to penetrate and colonize Pera sweet orange leaves asymptomatically without losing its ability to cause necrosis on susceptible genotypes. Light microscopy, inoculation and recovery of A. alternata from sweet orange leaves followed by subsequent cross-inoculation in susceptible leaves of Murcott tangor and PCR detection of the fungus in sweet orange symptomless leaves collected in the field confirmed that Pera sweet orange may act as an asymptomatic host for the pathogen. The analysis of genes (RT-qPCR) and proteins (2DE) expressed during fungal infection demonstrated that different signaling pathways were activated in citrus plants in response to A. alternata. During resistance, plants respond activating ethylene and jasmonic acid signaling pathways which are typically involved in plant defense against necrotrophic pathogens. Apparently the production of ethylene is also required during susceptibility. Genes involved in ethylene biosynthesis appear to be induced during infection and symptoms development. During asymptomatic infection, citrus plants activate genes and proteins associated to phenylpropanoids biosynthesis, indicating their possible role in sweet orange plants response to the disease / Doutorado / Genetica de Microorganismos / Doutor em Genetica e Biologia Molecular

Desenvolvimento e avaliação de um sistema automatizado biosseguro para o tratamento, reciclagem e descarte de resíduo de microbiologia clínica / Development and evaluation of a biosafe automatized system for treatment, recycling and discarding of clinical microbiology residues

Alvaro Largura 01 November 2007 (has links)
No Brasil, diariamente, são descartadas 2,3 toneladas de meios de cultura potencialmente contaminados com microorganismos. A resolução RDC No 306/2004 da Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária preconiza que os resíduos devem ser tratados antes do descarte, visando à redução da carga microbiana. Foram desenvolvidos 2 métodos para avaliar a sensibilidade e a eficiência, assim como a concentração ideal, de um agente químico (biocida) contra microorganismos contaminantes. O método de difusão com Perfurador Circular de Ágar (PCA) e o método com Perfurador Linear de Ágar (PLA) foram testados com 13 cepas de microorganismos. O biocida avaliado foi a combinação de hipoclorito de sódio (NaClO) com ácido acético (CH3COOH). A partir destes resultados, foi desenvolvido um equipamento automatizado para processar a redução da carga microbiana (SADEMC) dos meios de cultura contaminados. A redução da carga microbiana foi avaliada pelo método quantitativo da reação da transcriptase reversa com detecção em tempo real. O método PCA mostrou ser reprodutível e eficiente para medir a inibição do crescimento bacteriano de um biocida. A concentração mínima de biocida capaz de reduzir o crescimento microbiano foi de 250 ppm para a solução aquosa de NaClO a 0,25% e de 200 ppm para a de CH3COOH a 0,2%. No SADEMC, foi possível processar 4,6kg de meios de culturas em 100 litros da concentração mínima eficaz do biocida por 15 minutos, e atingir uma redução da carga microbiana de, aproximadamente, 1,4E10 unidades formadoras de colônias. Podemos concluir que o SADEMC promove uma redução de carga microbiana compatível com os níveis exigidos pela RDC No. 306; fornece biossegurança na sua manipulação e que resulta em plástico reciclável. / In Brazil, daily, 2.3 tons of potentially contaminated cultured medium with microorganisms are discarded. The RDC 306 resolution from the Brazilian National Health Department rules out that residue must be treated prior to discart in order to reduce microbial load. Two methods were developed to evaluate the sensitivity, efficiency and ideal concentration of a chemical agent (biocide) against microorganisms. The Ágar\'s Diffusion Method by Circular Perforator (PCA) and by Linear Perforator (PLA) were tested with 13 microorganism lines and the biocide composed by Sodium Hypochlorite (NaClO) and its combination with Acetic Acid (CH3COOH). The microbial load reduction was evaluated by the real time reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. From the in vitro data, an automatic equipment to process the potentially contaminated culture media (SADEMC) was developed. The PCA method was reproductive and efficient to measure the bacterial growth inhibition induced by the biocide. The minimum biocide concentration capable to reduce the microbial growth was a solution of 0.25% NaClO (250 ppm) and 0.2% CH3COOH (200 ppm). In the SADEMC, the direct exposition of 4.6 kg of culture media in 100 liters of biocide for a period of 15 minutes is capable to reduce the microbial load in approximately 1,4E10 of colony-forming unit. We may conclude that the SADEMC is able to promote a microbial load reduction more intense than the one demanded by the RDC 306 resolution. In addition to that, the SADEMC contemplates personnel safety and allows recycling the plastic residues

Développement et évaluation d'une méthode fondée sur la PCR temps réel pour la caractérisation des bioaérosols : application au groupe des actinomycètes / Development and evaluation of a method based on real time PCR for bioaerosols characterization : application to actinomycetes group

Betelli, Laetitia 31 January 2013 (has links)
Les actinomycètes sont des bactéries ubiquitaires et certains sont reconnus comme potentiellement pathogènes pour l’Homme, dans l’air de certains lieux de travail. C’est notamment le cas dans l’air des plates-formes de compostage où les concentrations peuvent atteindre des valeurs relativement élevées. L’exposition des salariés à ce type de bioaérosols peut être la cause de pathologies diverses (notamment des pneumopathies d’hypersensibilité). Bien que le problème soit reconnu, la bibliographie démontre un manque de connaissances à propos de l’évaluation du risque : aucune méthode globale de prélèvement et d’analyse n’est, à l’heure actuelle, standardisée pour l’étude de ces bioaérosols, si bien qu’il n’existe aucune relation dose-effets pour la plupart de ces agents ni même de valeur limite d’exposition professionnelle. Les méthodes traditionnellement utilisées ne sont pas sans inconvénient (sous-estimation de la concentration réelle notamment) et le plus souvent non-spécificiques. C’est pourquoi l’objectif de la thèse, ici décrite, est le développement et l’évaluation de la technique de biologie moléculaire qu’est la PCR temps réel pour la quantification de bactéries dans ces bioaérosols. La méthode a tout d’abord été développée et optimisée notamment par le dessin d’oligonucléotides, par la comparaison de protocoles d’extraction d’ADN et par la réalisation de gammes étalons. Elle a ensuite été comparée aux techniques plus traditionnelles, encore largement utilisées, que sont le dénombrement du bacteries cultivable par mise en culture et l’épifluorescence, à la fois sur des cultures de cellules et sur des bioaérosols expérimentaux. Ce n’est qu’après l’avoir caractérisé qu’elle a été appliquée sur des bioaérosols prélevés en conditions réelles d’exposition, sur des plates-formes de compostage.La méthode développée, basée sur une extraction d’ADN et une PCR temps réel, permet la quantification de l’ADN de Thermoactinomyces vulgaris (basée sur l’amplification du gène GyrB), de Thermobifida fusca et T. alba (gène ecf) et des streptomycètes mésophiles (ARNr 23S). La PCR permet l’obtention de résultats fortement corrélés à ceux issus du dénombrement sur milieux gélosés mais offre de réels avantages par rapport à la culture. Comme ces quantifications prennent en compte n’importe quelle forme de la bactérie (cellules végétatives et spores), la PCR dépasse les inconvénients de sous-estimation liés aux méthodes traditionnelles. La technique a un réel avantage de spécificité, elle est répétable et sensible. Les campagnes de prélèvements effectuées sur 5 plates-formes de compostage en France ont permis de mesurer les concentrations en bactéries mésophiles et thermophiles par culture et d’établir celles en Thermoactinomyces vulgaris, Thermobifida sp. et Streptomyces sp. par PCR. L’étude confirme que les activités de compostage sont génératrices de bioaérosols avec parfois des valeurs relativement élevées selon les points échantillonnés. Elle met également en exergue des informations comme la distribution granulométrique du bioaérosol ou l’adéquation entre le type de prélèvement effectué et l’analyse par PCR. Les travaux menés, du développement de la méthode qPCR appliquée au groupe des actinomycètes à son application sur des échantillons environnementaux, apportent de nombreuses données pour la quantification des actinomycètes aéroportés. Ils ont permis d’acquérir des éléments de validation concernant la méthode mise en place et ont livré les seules mesures de concentrations disponibles à l’heure actuelle, pour T. vulgaris, Thermobifida sp., et les streptomycètes mésophiles dans l’air des plates-formes de compostage / Actinomycetes are ubiquitous bacteria and some can be potentially pathogen for Humans in the air of some working areas. It’s notably the case in composting plants where bacteria concentrations can reach high values. Workers exposure to these inhalable bioaerosols can be source of various diseases (hypersensitivity pneumonitis notably). Although this problem is admitted, bibliography reveals a lack of knowledge about risk assessment: currently, none global method for bioaerosols sampling and analysis is standardized. So much that neither dose-effects relationship for most of these bacteria, nor Threshold Limit Value exists. Traditional methods, that are used, have some drawbacks (concentrations underestimation notably) and most often, aren’t specific.It’s the reason why the aim of the thesis, here described, is the development and the evaluation of the biomolecular technique of real time PCR for the quantification of bacteria in these bioaerosols. First, this method was developed and improved by oligonucleotides design, by comparison of many DNA extraction protocols and by the construction of standard ranges. Then, the method was compared to traditional widely used methods such as cultivable bacteria counting by cultures and epifluorescence microscopy, both on cells culture samples and experimental bioaerosols. After this characterization, the analytic method was applied on environmental bioaerosols sampled on real exposure conditions (composting plants).The method that we have developed, based on DNA extraction and real-time PCR, allows the quantification of Thermoactinomyces vulgaris DNA (based on gyrB gene amplification), of Thermobifida fusca and T. alba (ecf gene) and of mesophilic streptomycetes (rDNA 23S). The results obtained by PCR are strongly correlated with those obtained by counting on agar but PCR method offers more advantages than cultures. As PCR quantifies any form of the bacteria (vegetative cells and spores), the method goes over the drawbacks of traditional methods, like underestimation. The method has a real advantage of specificity, it’s also repeatable and sensitive. Sampling campaigns realized on 5 composting plants implanted in France have permitted measuring mesophilic and thermophilic bacteria concentrations by culture and establishing Thermoactinomyces vulgaris, Thermobifida sp. and Streptomyces sp. ones by PCR. The study confirms that composting activities release bioaerosols. And according to the localization of the sampling, the values could be rather high. It also underlines some informations as particles size distribution of the bioaerosol or the adequacy between sampling apparatus and PCR analysis. The works carried out, from qPCR method development for actinomycetes group to its application on environmental samples, give a lot of datas concerning airborne actinomycetes quantification. It permit to validate the developed method and give the only currently available measures for T. vulgaris, Thermobifida sp., and mesophilic streptomycetes in the air of composting plants

PCR detection and prevalence of Mycoplasma genitalium

Edberg, Andreas January 2010 (has links)
Chlamydia and gonorrhea are major causes of sexually transmitted infections (STI) in adolescents worldwide. The infections are caused by Chlamydia trachomatis or Neisseria gonorrhoeae, bacteria with clinical manifestations such as urethritis, prostatitis and epididymitis among men, and urethritis, cervicitis and upper genital tract infection (i.e. pelvic inflammatory disease) among women. However, in many cases of genital tract infection, the etiology remains uncertain. In light of this, Mycoplasma genitalium was somewhat accidentally isolated in 1980 after prolonged incubation of urogenital specimens from men with non-gonococcal urethritis. Following the initial isolation in 1980, repeated attempts have been made to recover the extremely fastidious organism from clinical samples by culture techniques, but isolates have been rare and difficult to obtain. With the development of PCR methods in the early 1990s, detection of M. genitalium infection became more feasible. The aim in paper I was to compare three different PCR assays (conventional and real-time 16S rRNA gene PCR as well as real-time Mycoplasma genitalium adhesin protein (MgPa) gene PCR) for detection of M. genitalium. The study also determined the prevalence of M. genitalium. Clinical specimens collected from STI attendees, 381 men and 298 women, were used to determine the prevalence of M. genitalium and 213 of these specimens were used in the PCR comparative study. The prevalence of M. genitalium infection in men and women was 27/381 (7.1 %) and 23/298 (7.7 %) respectively. In the PCR comparative study, M. genitalium DNA were detected in 61/76 (80.3 %) of true-positive specimen by conventional 16S rRNA gene PCR, in 52/76 (68.4 %) by real-time 16S rRNA gene PCR and in 74/76 (97.4 %) by real-time MgPa gene PCR. Hence, real-time MgPa gene PCR is well suited for clinical diagnosis of M. genitalium in urogenital specimens from men and women. The aim in paper II was to determine whether a patients’ endocervical swab specimen can be transported in first void urine (FVU) as combined specimens in detection of Mycoplasma genitalium by real-time PCR. The study also compared two different DNA extraction methods (manual Chelex DNA extraction and automated BioRobot M48 DNA extraction) for observation of possible PCR inhibition. Clinical specimens collected from 329 women attending a STI clinic were used in the study. A total of 100 endocervical swab specimens transported in FVU was used in the PCR inhibition analysis. M. genitalium was detected in 25/329 (7.6 %) women. Endocervical swab specimens transported in FVU demonstrate higher sensitivity compared to both FVU alone and specimens transported in 2-SP medium detecting 24/25 (96 %), 22/25 (88 %) and 17/25 (68 %) of M. genitalium positive women, respectively. Automated BioRobot M48 DNA extraction was shown to be superior to manual Chelex extraction leaving no PCR inhibition and slightly higher DNA yield and/or better sensitivity. The results from these two studies are important knowledge in establishing the future diagnostic level of this STI in our county and also nationally.


FONTANA, ALESSANDRA 27 March 2018 (has links)
La produzione di biogas è un tematica di forte impatto globale per due ragioni principali: il prossimo esaurimento dei combustibili fossili e l’inquinamento ambientale dovuto allo smaltimento di scarti organici. La Digestione Anaerobica (DA) è un processo biologico che permette la risoluzione di entrambi i problemi, producendo energia (in forma di biogas) e convertendo gli scarti organici in metano e anidride carbonica. Tale processo è basato su una complessa catena sintrofica tra consorzi microbici che produco il substrato per la fase finale di metanogenesi. Il siero di latte è uno scarto altamente inquinante derivante dal processo di lavorazione del formaggio e per questo è stato ampiamente investigato come substrato per la DA. Tuttavia esiste uno scarto meno noto prodotto dalle fasi di porzionatura e grattugia del formaggio a lunga stagionatura. Il presente studio analizza il microbioma di digestori anaerobici processanti scarti dell’industria lattiero-casearia, quali letame bovino, siero di latte e scarto del formaggio a pasta dura. In particolare, viene analizzato l’effetto dei parametri di processo, delle diverse configurazioni dei reattori e del tipo di scarto, su tale microbioma. L’obiettivo è raggiunto tramite tecniche biomolecolari che permettono di quantificare e identificare le principali specie presenti nei reattori, insieme alla differente espressione genica in seguito all’iniezione di idrogeno a scopo di upgrading del biogas. / Biogas production is a hot topic, which has globally gained interest from many researchers over the past years. This fact is mainly due to the depletion of fossil fuels and environmental concerns regarding wastes disposal. Anaerobic Digestion (AD) represents a biological way to obtain both energy (in form of biogas) and waste discard, by converting the polluting organic matter. The overall process relies on a syntrophic chain where different microbial consortia produce the feed necessary for the final methanogenic step. Cheese whey has been largely investigated for AD treatment, since is a high polluting waste derived from the cheese-making process. However, there is a less-known waste originating from the portioning and shaving phases of long-ripened hard-cheese. This study aimed to investigate the microbiome of anaerobic digesters processing dairy industry wastes, such as cattle manure, cheese whey and hard-cheese powder wastes. In particular, the effects of process parameters, reactor configurations and type of dairy wastes, on the microbial populations, have been analyzed. The goal was achieved by means of culture-independent methods and high throughput sequencing, which allowed quantifying and identifying the main species present, as well as their differential gene expression in relation to hydrogen injection for biogas upgrading purposes.

Biological markers in breast cancer and acute leukaemia with focus on drug resistance

Tina, Elisabet January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

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