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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Adequação e impasses de uma narrativa: uma leitura de A hora dos ruminantes, de José J. Veiga / Suitability and impasses of a narrative: a reading of The hours of ruminants, of Joseph J. Veiga

Santos, Nedilson César Rodrigues dos 05 March 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como finalidade a análise e interpretação da narrativa A hora dos ruminantes, de José J. Veiga. O objetivo é identificar no enredo a representação de indícios da chegada de um novo momento histórico no Centro-Oeste brasileiro em meados do século passado, ao mesmo tempo em que se procura atentar para certa inovação formal na configuração dessa matéria local em processo de mudança. Essa inovação se dá pela intromissão de um elemento insólito numa narrativa cujo percurso é de característica realista. O elemento insólito é aqui interpretado não como um recurso ao fantástico e sim como um recurso alegórico, com apoio na concepção benjaminiana de alegoria. Antes da análise da obra é feita uma sucinta retrospectiva de algumas narrativas do autor nas quais se procura indicar precedentes que justifiquem o argumento. Essa retrospectiva é útil também para uma melhor contextualização de A hora dos ruminantes na evolução técnica do escritor. / This work is focused on a careful examination and interpretation of the narrative written by José J. Veiga A hora dos ruminantes. The real aim of this essay is to identify in the plot some traces of the new historical moment coming in the Brazilian West-Center in mid past century. Meanwhile, a certain formal innovation in the arrangement of this local subject is in a changing process. The introduction of this new idea is caused by an unusual interference of an element in the narrative, which path takes into account some realistic features. Here the unusual element is seen not as an ability in dealing with the strange and unreal, but as an allegorical resource based in the benjaminian general conception of the allegory. A brief retrospective analysis is useful to understand a better contextualization of Veigas work A hora dos ruminantes in the whole authors technical evolution.

Expressing reality status through word order : Iquito irrealis constructions in typological perspective

Hansen, Cynthia Irene Anderson 02 June 2011 (has links)
Iquito, a highly endangered Zaparoan language of the Peruvian Amazon, exhibits a typologically unusual word order alternation that marks the grammatical category of reality status (i.e. the distinction between realized (realis) and unrealized or hypothetical (irrealis) events). This alternation is the only reliable marker of the category; Iquito does not employ morphology to mark the realis/irrealis distinction. While the word order of Iquito realis constructions is reliably SVO, the word order of irrealis constructions does not fall into one of the canonical orders. It is characterized by an element (X) intervening between the subject and the verb, resulting in the order SXV. In this dissertation, I provide a detailed description and analysis of the realis/irrealis word order alternation. Using data from both elicitation and texts that I collected while in the field, I describe the types of elements that occur in the preverbal position of the irrealis construction, determine what unifies these elements, and establish which element of the sentence will occur in this position and what conditions this choice. Relying on the available data for the other languages in the family, I examine the expression of reality status in these languages and discuss how reality status comes to be associated with word order. I also provide a survey of other languages exhibiting similar word order alternations and discuss how they compare to the alternation we see in Iquito, concluding that Iquito is an example of an “ideal” word order alternation because word order is the sole indicator of the grammatical category with which it is associated. / text

Modalumas sakytinėje politikų kalboje / Modality of politicians' speech

Šiupšinskaitė, Laura 14 June 2006 (has links)
There is a lack of exhaustively investigation for the public speech and the modality of politicians’ speech is been researched for the very first time. The society is highly interested in politics and it has a big influence on the users of language. The paper deals with the modality conception and its expression ways in politicians’ speech. The political discussions program’s “Spaudos klubas” materials are used for studies. After analysis of politicians spoken language was made, some bents for modality usage came to light. In a case of epistemic modality possibility and reality, that embrace real facts, are expressed in politicians’ speech. And in a case of deontic modality possibility and necessity, that encompass will acts, are expressed. The usage of dynamic modality in politicians’ speech is very rare. Realis is put into words by indicative mood and irrealis – by subjunctive and imperative mood. Another way politicians express irrealis is future tense. All basic senses of primary modality - reality, possibility and necessary, are introduced in politicians’ spoken language. In discussions programs politicians mostly use reality meaning sentences (65,35 percent). In telecasts people in politics use all types of basic modal sentences. Direct sentences are used in the most part, it is evade a usage of incentive sentences and the number of interrogative sentences is the least. Secondary modality categorical reliability expression cases are more frequent than the problematic... [to full text]

Adequação e impasses de uma narrativa: uma leitura de A hora dos ruminantes, de José J. Veiga / Suitability and impasses of a narrative: a reading of The hours of ruminants, of Joseph J. Veiga

Nedilson César Rodrigues dos Santos 05 March 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como finalidade a análise e interpretação da narrativa A hora dos ruminantes, de José J. Veiga. O objetivo é identificar no enredo a representação de indícios da chegada de um novo momento histórico no Centro-Oeste brasileiro em meados do século passado, ao mesmo tempo em que se procura atentar para certa inovação formal na configuração dessa matéria local em processo de mudança. Essa inovação se dá pela intromissão de um elemento insólito numa narrativa cujo percurso é de característica realista. O elemento insólito é aqui interpretado não como um recurso ao fantástico e sim como um recurso alegórico, com apoio na concepção benjaminiana de alegoria. Antes da análise da obra é feita uma sucinta retrospectiva de algumas narrativas do autor nas quais se procura indicar precedentes que justifiquem o argumento. Essa retrospectiva é útil também para uma melhor contextualização de A hora dos ruminantes na evolução técnica do escritor. / This work is focused on a careful examination and interpretation of the narrative written by José J. Veiga A hora dos ruminantes. The real aim of this essay is to identify in the plot some traces of the new historical moment coming in the Brazilian West-Center in mid past century. Meanwhile, a certain formal innovation in the arrangement of this local subject is in a changing process. The introduction of this new idea is caused by an unusual interference of an element in the narrative, which path takes into account some realistic features. Here the unusual element is seen not as an ability in dealing with the strange and unreal, but as an allegorical resource based in the benjaminian general conception of the allegory. A brief retrospective analysis is useful to understand a better contextualization of Veigas work A hora dos ruminantes in the whole authors technical evolution.

Tense, mood, and aspect expressions in Nafsan (South Efate) from a typological perspective / The perfect aspect and the realis/irrealis mood

Krajinovic Rodrigues, Ana 21 July 2020 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit untersuche ich aus einer typologischen Perspektive die Bedeutung von Tempus, Modalität und Aspekt (TMA) in Nafsan (South Efate), einer ozeanischen Sprache Vanuatus. Ich konzentriere mich auf die Bedeutung des perfektiven Aspekts und der Realis/Irrealis-Modalität in Nafsan und anderen ozeanischen Sprachen, als Fallstudien zur Untersuchung der sprach-übergreifenden Merkmale dieser TMA-Kategorien. Um ihre Bedeutungen in Nafsan zu analysieren, untersuche ich die Grammatik von Nafsan (Thieberger, 2006) und den Korpus von Thieberger (1995–2018), gefolgt von meiner Feldarbeit (Krajinovic, 2017b). Meine Analysen zeigen, dass Perfekt in Nafsan alle Funktionen hat, die für das Perfekt im Englischen typisch sind, mit Ausnahme der zusätzlichen Bedeutung von Zustandsänderungen. Die Verwendung des Nafsan-Perfekts liefert einen Beitrag zu der Debatte über die sprachübergreifende Gültigkeit von Iamitive, definiert durch die Bedeutung von Zustandsänderungen (Olsson, 2013). Basierend auf den Daten aus Nafsan und anderen ozeanischen Sprachen zeige ich, dass die von Klein (1994) vorgeschlagene semantische Definition des Perfekts ausreichend ist, um zusätzliche Funktionen des Perfekts zu berücksichtigen, ohne eine neue Iamitive-Kategorie zu etablieren. Was die Unterscheidung zwischen Realis und Irrealis betrifft, so habe ich festgestellt, dass die Kategorie Realis in Nafsan semantisch unterbewertet ist, wie sie in Irrealis-Kontexten auftreten kann, die mit der Bedeutung von Realis unvereinbar sein sollten. Ich schlage vor, dass “Realis” gelegentlich Realis-Bedeutungen durch pragmatischen Wettbewerb mit Irrealis erhaltet. Indem ich das “branching-times’’ Modell annehme, das den Ausdruck von Modalität und zeitlichem Bezug vereint (Prince, 2018), zeige ich, dass Nafsan und mehrere andere ozeanische Sprachen Beweise dafür liefern, dass Irrealis als Modalitätskategorie, die sich auf nicht-aktuelle Welten bezieht, eine semantisch sinnvolle Kategorie ist. / In this thesis I study the meaning of tense, mood, and aspect (TMA) expressions in Nafsan (South Efate), an Oceanic language of Vanuatu, from a typological perspective. I focus on the meanings of the perfect aspect and realis/irrealis mood in Nafsan and other Oceanic languages, as case studies for investigating the cross-linguistic features of these TMA categories, frequently disputed in the literature. In order to analyze their meanings in Nafsan, I studied the Nafsan grammar (Thieberger, 2006) and corpus by Thieberger (1995–2018), followed by storyboard and questionnaire elicitation in my fieldwork (Krajinovic, 2017b). I found that the Nafsan perfect has all the functions considered to be typical of the English-style perfect, except for the additional meaning of change of state. I place the analysis of the Nafsan perfect in the debate about the cross-linguistic validity of the newly proposed category of iamitives, defined by the meaning of change of state akin to `already' and lacking experiential and universal perfect functions (Olsson, 2013). Based on the data from Nafsan and other Oceanic languages, I show that, when language-internal processes are considered, the semantic definition of perfect proposed by Klein (1994) is sufficient to account for additional perfect functions, without the need to posit the new iamitive category. Regarding the realis/irrealis distinction, I have found that the “realis” category is semantically underspecified in Nafsan, as it can occur in irrealis contexts that should be incompatible with realis meanings. I propose that “realis” in Nafsan only occasionally receives realis meanings through pragmatic competition with the irrealis category. By adopting a branching-times model that unites the expression of modality and temporal reference (Prince, 2018), I also show that Nafsan and several other Oceanic languages provide evidence that irrealis as a mood category referring to non-actual worlds is a semantically meaningful category.

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