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Using factor analysis to determine why students select UWC as higher education institute.Osman, Abuelgasim Ahemd Atta-Almanan. January 2009 (has links)
<p>This study investigates the most important reasons behind the rst-year students' decision to select University of the Western Cape (UWC) as higher education institution.<br />
These reasons were organized into a few factors for easy interpretation. The data to be analyzed for this project is a subsection of the data collected during the orientation period of 2008. During the orientation week of 2008, the questionnaires were completed on a voluntary basis by new rst-year students. All questionnaires were anonymously completed and therefore the data does not contain any information that could be linked to any individual. For the purpose of this study, only the black African and coloured students were considered. The other racial groups were not analyzed due to too small sample sizes. Questionnaires with missing information on the reasons for selecting UWC were not  / nalyzed. We ended up with a sample of size 600. The data were statistically analyzed, using descriptive statistics, bivariate analyses, factor analysis, coefficient of congruence and bootstrap factor analysis. The results indicated that the most important reasons aecting students to choose UWC were identied as good academic reputation, family member's advice, UWC graduates are successful and UWC graduates get good jobs. The least important reasons were found to be not accepted anywhere, parents / family members graduated from UWC, recruited by UWC and wanted to study near to home. The results also indicated that there were significant differences among students according to population groups, parent's monthly income and grade 12 average. Factor analysis of 12 variables yielded three extracted factors upon which student decisions were based. Similarities of these three factors were tested, and a high similarity among demographic characteristics and grade 12 average were found. Additional analyses were conducted to measure the accuracy of factor analyses models constructed using Spearman and Polychoric correlation matrices. The results indicated that both correlation matrices were  / nbiased, with higher variance and higher loadings when the Polychoric correlation matrix was used to construct a factor analysis model for categorical data.</p>
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Reasons for Living and Self-Reported Suicidal Behavior Among a Sample of U.S. Army PersonnelWillis, Deborah Elaine 01 January 2015 (has links)
Suicidal Behavior in the U.S. Army is a problem that persists despite significant efforts to promote help-seeking behaviors and the investment of millions of dollars to develop resilience-building interventions. Evidence-based literature supports the use of reasons for living as a protective factor against suicidal behavior in clinical and nonclinical samples, yet it has rarely been studied in an active duty (AD) Army population. This study examined the relationship between self-reported reasons for living and self-reported suicidal behavior, to determine if high levels of reasons for living correlated with low risk of suicidal behavior, over and above demographics, depression, stressful life events, and social support, using standardized questionnaires. The study sample consisted of 244 AD Army soldiers attending the Warrior Leadership Course in Germany. The results analysis showed that reasons for living were inversely related to suicidal behavior among this sample. Although African American soldiers scored higher on measures of reasons for living and suicidal behavior, demographic variables did not significantly predict suicidal behavior. Reasons for living accounted for a unique amount of variance in suicidal behavior; however, depression, stressful life events, and social support were better predictors. This study demonstrates the benefits of incorporating reasons for living in military research and practice, as efforts are made to identify AD Army personnel at risk for suicide. The study findings also support the claim that examining protective and risk factors supersedes efforts to study risk factors alone. It promotes positive social change by informing efforts to develop comprehensive suicide prevention policies, programs, and procedures aimed at effectively reducing the rate of suicide in the U.S. Army.
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An investigation of the association between secrecy characteristics, trust, and the reasons romantic partners report for discussing expectations regarding secrecyNiedermyer, Angela Jo 25 January 2012 (has links)
The decision of romantic partners to share or keep a secret involves each partner’s perception of the other’s trustworthiness. Indeed, trust may influence how romantic partners enact secrecy in their relationship. This study investigated the willingness of individuals to keep secrets from their partner, the number of secrets that people keep from their partner, individuals’ reports of their reasons for discussing their expectations regarding secrets, and the association between each of these characteristics and partners’ trust. First, the literature regarding secrecy and people’s willingness to keep secrets from a relational partner is investigated. People’s willingness to keep secrets from a relational partner should differ based on their trust in the partner. Secret holders are more likely to disclose to a confidant when they perceive that confidant to be trustworthy (Kelly & McKillop, 1996) and, conversely may not disclose to a confidant who lacks trustworthiness (Wheeless & Grotz, 1977). In light of these findings, it was expected that individuals’ willingness to keep secrets would be negatively related to the degree to which they trusted their partner. In a similar vein, the association between trust and the frequency of discussing expectations regarding secrecy was explored. The literature suggests two possibilities for the association between trust and the frequency of discussing expectations regarding secrecy. The first is that individuals who trust their partner enough may decide to discuss how secrets should be managed, because dyadic trust is associated with increased intimacy of disclosure (Larzelere & Huston, 1980). The second possibility is that people may choose to discuss their expectations of how they should manage secrets, not because of trust, but because a lack of trustworthiness. Research questions explored the associations between the frequency of discussing expectations regarding secrecy and partners’ willingness to keep secrets, the number of secrets they keep, and their trust. Finally, the reasons why individuals might or might not discuss their expectations regarding secrets with their partner, and what these discussions might consist of were explored. / text
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Vyresniųjų klasių mokinių priežasčių gyventi sąsajos su jų charakterio stiprybėmis ir subjektyviu laimingumu, kaip psichikos sveikatos ištekliais / Senior pupils reasons for living links to their strengths of character and subjective happiness as a mental health resourcesValmontienė, Ramunė 21 December 2009 (has links)
Pozityvioji psichologija akcentuoja charakterio stiprybių ir laimingumo svarbą asmenybės gyvenimo kokybei, fizinei ir psichinei sveikatai, tačiau netirtos galimos šių reiškinių sąsajos su priežastimis gyventi, kurios gali būti reikšmingos vykdant savižudybių prevenciją. Atsižvelgiant į paauglystės amžiaus problemiškumą, šio tyrimo tikslas – įvertinti vyresniųjų klasių mokinių charakterio stiprybių ir laimingumo ryšį su priežastimis gyventi.
Tyrime dalyvavo 180 (109 merginos ir 71 vaikinas) IX – XII klasių Kėdainių rajono Akademijos vidurinės mokyklos mokinių. Charakterio stiprybės matuotos tam skirto Charakterio stiprybių ir dorybių klausimyno trumpuoju variantu, sukurtu C. Peterson ir M. E. P. Seligman 2003 metais. Respondentų laimingumas apskaičiuotas Subjektyvaus laimingumo skale, sukurta S. Lyubomirsky 1999 m. Vyresniųjų klasių mokinių priežastys gyventi tirtos Priežasčių gyventi klausimynu, skirtu paaugliams, kurį sukūrė A. Osman 1998 metais.
Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad charakterio stiprybės statistiškai patikimai skiriasi lyties atžvilgiu. Išskirta po tris labiausiai išreikštas charakterio stiprybes – merginų grupėje: humoras ir žaismingumas, mylėjimas ir buvimas mylima/meilės priėmimas bei dvasingumas/tikėjimas; vaikinų: mylėjimas ir buvimas mylimu/meilės priėmimas, dvasingumas/tikėjimas ir pomėgis mokytis. Taip pat rasti skirtumai tarp vaikinams ir merginoms reikšmingų priežasčių gyventi išreikštumo. Statistiškai reikšmingų skirtumų tarp vaikinų ir merginų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Positive psychology of character strengths highlights the importance of personal happiness and quality of life, physical and mental health, but these effects have not been studied in a link with the reasons for living, which may be of interest in the suicide prevention. Evaluating the problemic side of adolescence the purpose of the study is to assess high school students' character strengths and happiness relationship with reasons for living.
The study included 180 pupils (109 girls and 71 boy) of IX - XII grades from Kėdainiai District the Akademija Secondary school. The strengths of character were measured by the short version of the questionnaire, developed by C. Peterson and M. E. P. Seligman in 2003. The happiness of respondents were measured by Subjective happiness scale, the author - S. Lyubomirsky 1999. The reasons for living of the older pupils were investigated by the questionnaire created by A. Osman in 1998 and called The reasons for living questionnaire.
The results showed statistical difference between the strength of character and gender. Excluded three most pronounced character strengths - in girls group: the humour and playfulness, loving and allowing oneself to be loved, spirituality/faith; in boys group: loving and allowing oneself to be loved, spirituality/faith and love of learning. Results also showed differences in the expression of the significant reasons for living between boys and girls. There were no statistically significant differences found in... [to full text]
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Lietuvos sveikatos priežiūros įstaigų darbuotojų požiūris į vakcinaciją / Attitudes to vaccination of lithuanian health care workersBeliauskienė, Rita 09 July 2011 (has links)
Darbo tikslas. Įvertinti Lietuvos sveikatos priežiūros įstaigų darbuotojų požiūrį į vakcinaciją. Metodika. Kad įvertinti Lietuvos sveikatos priežiūros įstaigų darbuotojų požiūrį į vakcinaciją, buvo atliktas paplitimo tyrimas. Buvo apklausta 1693 respondentai, dirbantys asmens sveikatos priežiūros įstaigose. Duomenys apdoroti SPSS (13) kompiuterine programa. Analizei taikytas Pearson‘o χ2 testas ir statistiniam išvadų tikrinimui pasirinktas reikšmingumo lygmuo 0,05. Rezultatai. Anketinė apklausa parodė, kad Lietuvos sveikatos priežiūros įstaigų darbuotojai teigiamai žiūri į vakcinaciją. Nors skiepijasi 54,8% bendrosios praktikos gydytojų, 55,9% terapeutų ir kitų specialistų bei 51,6% slaugytojų, visgi jie nurodė, kad vakcina žymiai efektyvesnė ir mažiau kainuoja nei kitos medicininės paslaugos – 67,0% bendrosios praktikos gydytojų, 69,1% terapeutų ir kitų specialistų bei 60,3% slaugytojų ir kad skiepai duoda žymiai daugiau naudos nei žalos (84,9% bendrosios praktikos gydytojų, 87,5% terapeutų ir kitų specialistų bei 71,7% slaugytojų). Iš dažniausiai nurodytų nesiskiepijimo priežasčių, dauguma respondentų nurodė, kad nesiskiepija nuo gripo dėl to, kad saugosi nuo gripo stiprindami sveikatą (19,3% bendrosios praktikos gydytojų, 18,9% terapeutų ir kitų specialistų bei 15,8% slaugytojų), niekada gripu neserga (20,0% bendrosios praktikos gydytojų, 17,0% terapeutų ir kitų specialistų bei 15,2% slaugytojų), įgyjamas natūralus imunitetas (22,2% bendrosios praktikos gydytojų, 8,0%... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Objective: To determine the Lithuanian health care institutions workers opinion about vaccination. Methods: In order to determine the Lithuanian health care institutions workers opinion about vaccination spread research was performed. Were polled 1693 respondents working in health care institutions. The data was analysed using SPSS computer program. There was used Pearson Chi-Square test and to check statistical reliability was choose the difference statistically insignificant 0,05. Results: Questionnaire date shows positive Lithuanian health care institutions workers opinion about vaccination. Even though only 54,8% of common practice physicians, 55,9% therapeutists and other specialists and 51,6% nurses were vaccinated themselves but they indicated that vaccination is more effective and less expensive than other medical service – 67,0% of common practice physicians, 69,1% therapeutists and other specialists and 60,3% nurses and that vaccination is more useful than harmful (84,9% of common practice physicians, 87,5% therapeutists and other specialists and 71,7% nurses). The major reason why the respondents are against vaccination, especially against influenza virus, is that they strengthen their health to protect themselves against virus (19,3% of common practice physicians, 18,9% therapeutists and other specialists and 15,8% nurses), never have flu (20,0% of common practice physicians, 17,0% therapeutists and other specialists and 15,2% nurses), and acquire natural immunity... [to full text]
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X – XII klasių mokinių nuostatų savižudybių atžvilgiu ir nuo savižudybės sulaikančių priežasčių vertinimo tyrimas / Investigation of X – XII class school children attitude towards suicides and reasons for suicide restrainingBudreckaitė, Eglė 04 June 2012 (has links)
Paauglių nuostatų savižudybių atžvilgiu ir nuo savižudybės sulaikančių priežasčių, suicidiško elgesio tarpusavio ryšio problema dar nėra išsamiai tyrinėta, tačiau, anot N. Žemaitienės (2000), vis labiau stiprėja įsitikinimas, kad nuostatos dėl savižudybės veikia savižudybių mastą ir pobūdį visuomenėje. Žvelgiant iš pozityviosios žmogiškosios perspektyvos, ne mažiau svarbu tyrinėti atsparumo veiksnius, kurie, nepaisant nevilties ar patiriamų stresinių gyvenimo aplinkybių, asmenį sulaiko nuo savižudybės veiksmo. Taigi labai svarbu klausti, kokios nuostatos lemia gyvenimo, o ne mirties motyvaciją. Yra duomenų rodančių, kad nuostatos savižudybių atžvilgiu yra susijusios su mintimis apie savižudybę, mėginimais nusižudyti ir įvykdytų savižudybių paplitimu, tačiau 16-18 metų paauglių grupės yra mažai tyrinėtos. Šio tyrimo rezultatai sėkmingai gali būti panaudoti praktinio užsiėmimo temai, diskusijai, taigi įvertinimas gali lengvai peraugti į prevenciją ir pagalbą. / The problem of suicidal behavior, teenagers attitude to suicides and the reasons that prevent suicides has not been thoroughly investigated, but according to N. Žemaitienės and other authors (2000), a conviction is increasingly growing that provisions of the act of suicide extents the scale and nature in society. Looking through a positive human perspective, it is very important to study the resistance factors, which, despite the despair and stress experiences through circumstances of life deters a person from suicidal acts. So the most important question is what provisions determine life and do not motivate death. There is evidence suggesting that the provisions are linked to thoughts of suicide, attempted suicide and commited suicide prevalence, but group of teenagers aged 16 – 18 are poorly investigated. Survey results can be successfully used as topic for practical sessions, discussions, thus assessment can be easily used as prevention and help.
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Using factor analysis to determine why students select UWC as higher education institute.Osman, Abuelgasim Ahemd Atta-Almanan. January 2009 (has links)
<p>This study investigates the most important reasons behind the rst-year students' decision to select University of the Western Cape (UWC) as higher education institution.<br />
These reasons were organized into a few factors for easy interpretation. The data to be analyzed for this project is a subsection of the data collected during the orientation period of 2008. During the orientation week of 2008, the questionnaires were completed on a voluntary basis by new rst-year students. All questionnaires were anonymously completed and therefore the data does not contain any information that could be linked to any individual. For the purpose of this study, only the black African and coloured students were considered. The other racial groups were not analyzed due to too small sample sizes. Questionnaires with missing information on the reasons for selecting UWC were not  / nalyzed. We ended up with a sample of size 600. The data were statistically analyzed, using descriptive statistics, bivariate analyses, factor analysis, coefficient of congruence and bootstrap factor analysis. The results indicated that the most important reasons aecting students to choose UWC were identied as good academic reputation, family member's advice, UWC graduates are successful and UWC graduates get good jobs. The least important reasons were found to be not accepted anywhere, parents / family members graduated from UWC, recruited by UWC and wanted to study near to home. The results also indicated that there were significant differences among students according to population groups, parent's monthly income and grade 12 average. Factor analysis of 12 variables yielded three extracted factors upon which student decisions were based. Similarities of these three factors were tested, and a high similarity among demographic characteristics and grade 12 average were found. Additional analyses were conducted to measure the accuracy of factor analyses models constructed using Spearman and Polychoric correlation matrices. The results indicated that both correlation matrices were  / nbiased, with higher variance and higher loadings when the Polychoric correlation matrix was used to construct a factor analysis model for categorical data.</p>
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Využívání kázeňských prostředků učiteli druhého stupně základní školy / Using of Disciplinary Means at the Second Stage of Basic EducationFRANCOVÁ, Jana January 2013 (has links)
Thesis entitled ?Using of Disciplinary Means at the Second Stage of Basic Education? set itself a task to find out how teachers react to indiscipline of their pupils at the second stage of basic education during the lessons of Czech. In the empirical part there will be used the method of uninvolved observation and an interview with teachers. There will also serve a questionnaire for pupils to fill in the information and to look at the problems from more points of view. The theoretical part will offer a professional base for the research in practise. At first there will be given a definition of the term discipline by different authors, then there will be named and described reasons for indiscipline and types of indiscipline, then the longest chapter about disciplinary means will follow, and the last two chapters will be interested in prevention of indiscipline and mutual communication between the teacher and his/her pupils.
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Causas de morte e razões para eutanásia de cães / Causes of death and reasons for euthanasia in dogsFighera, Rafael Almeida 29 February 2008 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The ever increasing close contact between dogs and human beings stimulated in last
years the production of a great deal of scientific information in canine medicine. However, as
the major part of such information stems from work carried on in foreign countries, it is
common that Brazilian veterinary clinicians and veterinary pathologists alike have to
transpose these data on disease prevalence generated abroad to our situation. Thus, the main
objective of this study is to investigate the prevalence of the diseases that culminate with
death or motivate the euthanasia of dogs from the midland region of the Midwest of Rio
Grande do Sul State, Brazil. In order to achieve this goal the necropsy files of the Laboratório
de Patologia Veterinária (LPV) of the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM) were
accessed and necropsy protocols of dogs necropsied between January 1965 and December
2004 were reviewed in search for information allowing to establish a definitive diagnosis.
When circumstances did not allow for a definitive diagnosis the case was considered as
inconclusive. During this period 4,844 reports of canine necropsies were filed at the LPVUFSM.
The case distribution in relation to the disease categories diagnosed was as follows:
infectious and parasitic diseases (1,693 [35.0%]); neoplasms (378 [7.8%]), disorders caused
by physical agents (369 [7.6%]), degenerative diseases (342 [7.1%]); poisonings and
toxinfections (112 [2.3%]); euthanasia due to convenience (101 [2.1%]), metabolic and
endocrinological diseases (97 [2.0%]); iatrogenic disorders (83 [1.7%]); developmental
disorders (25 [0.5%]), immune mediate diseases (10 [0.2%]); and nutritional disorders (6
[0.1%]). Other disorders, including multifactorial or idiopathic diseases contributed 80 (1.6%)
cases. In 1,548 (32.0%) out of the 4,844 cases it was not possible to establish either cause of
death or reason for euthanasia. Infectious and parasitic diseases (mainly canine distemper,
parvoviral enteritis and intestinal parasitism), neoplasia (mainly mammary neoplasms and
lymphoma), disorders caused by physical agents (mainly accidents caused by automotive
vehicles) and degenerative diseases (mainly chronic renal failure, cirrhosis, and congestive
heart failure) were the main disease categories that caused death or motivated euthanasia in
dogs of this midland region. However when cases were evaluated in relation with the age of
the dog, the disease prevalence differs. The main causes of death in puppies were infectious
and parasitic disease (mainly parvoviral enteritis, canine distemper, and intestinal parasitism).
In adult dogs the most important causes of death were canine distemper, neoplasia and
trauma. In age dogs, approximately half of the deaths could be attributed to neoplasia and
degenerative disease. / A crescente aproximação afetiva entre os cães e o homem fez com que nos últimos anos fosse gerada muita informação científica sobre medicina canina. Entretanto, como a
maior parte dessas informações é obtida através da literatura internacional, é comum que os clínicos e patologistas veterinários brasileiros necessitem extrapolar dados referentes à prevalência das diferentes doenças que causam morte de cães para nossa realidade. Baseado
nisso, este estudo tem como objetivo principal determinar a prevalência das doenças que
culminam em morte ou que fazem com que os cães da Mesorregião do Centro Ocidental Rio-
Grandense sejam submetidos à eutanásia. Para isso, foram revisados todos os protocolos de
necropsia de cães, arquivados no Laboratório de Patologia Veterinária (LPV) da Universidade
Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), realizadas entre janeiro de 1965 e dezembro de 2004. Desses
protocolos foram retiradas informações para se estabelecer um diagnóstico definitivo. Quando
as evidências não permitiram estabelecer o diagnóstico definitivo, os casos foram
considerados inconclusivos. Nos arquivos do LPV-UFSM foram encontrados 4.844
protocolos de necropsia de cães. A distribuição dos casos em relação às categorias de doenças
diagnosticadas foi a seguinte: doenças infecciosas e parasitárias (1.693 [35,0%]), neoplasmas
(378 [7,8%]), distúrbios causados por agentes físicos (369 [7,6%]), doenças degenerativas
(342 [7,1%]), intoxicações e toxiinfecções (112 [2,3%]), eutanásia por conveniência (101
[2,1%]), doenças metabólicas e endocrinológicas (97 [2,0%]), distúrbios iatrogênicos (83
[1,7%]), distúrbios do desenvolvimento (25 [0,5%]), doenças imunomediadas (10 [0,2%]) e
doenças nutricionais (6 [0,1%]). Outros distúrbios, que incluem doenças multifatoriais ou
idiopáticas, contribuíram com 80 (1,6%) casos. Dos 4.844 casos, em 1.548 (32,0%) não foi
possível estabelecer a causa da morte ou a razão para a eutanásia. Doenças infecciosas e
parasitárias (principalmente cinomose, parvovirose e verminose intestinal), neoplasmas
(principalmente neoplasmas mamários e linfoma), distúrbios causados por agentes físicos
(principalmente atropelamento por veículos automotivos) e doenças degenerativas
(principalmente insuficiência renal crônica, cirrose e insuficiência cardíaca congestiva) foram
as principais categorias de doenças relacionadas com morte ou eutanásia de cães dessa
mesorregião. Entretanto, quando os cães são avaliados de acordo com suas idades, tais
categorias possuem prevalências diferentes. As principais causas de morte em filhotes foram
as doenças infecciosas e parasitárias, principalmente parvovirose, cinomose e verminose
intestinal. Em adultos, as causas de morte mais importantes foram cinomose, neoplasmas e
trauma. Em idosos, neoplasmas e doenças degenerativas foram responsáveis por
aproximadamente a metade das mortes.
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Regulatory theory (specially regarding the grounds for regulating) / Teoría de la regulación (en especial, acerca de los fundamentos de la regulación)Sacristán, Estela Beatriz 10 April 2018 (has links)
This study analyzes the foundation and the meaning of regulation, specifically from the legal and economic perspective. A basic budget of public interest theories of regulation arises, in a context of freedom. Thus, the role of law as a regulator in society and the various justifications presented for it will be verified. / El presente estudio analiza los fundamentos y el concepto de regulación, vista esta última específicamente desde la perspectiva jurídico- económica. Se propone la existencia de un presupuesto básico de las teorías de interés público de regulación, en un contexto de libertad. De esta manera, se comprobarán la función del derecho como regulador en la sociedad y las diversas justificaciones que se presentan para ello.
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