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Ett ventilationssystems miljöpåverkan : En livscykelanalys av ett FTX-system i ett svenskt småhusJerléus, Kim January 2020 (has links)
Detta examensarbete beskriver miljöpåverkan från ett ventilationssystem, utifrån ett småhus i ett nordiskt klimat, ur ett livscykelperspektiv. Ett balanserat ventilationssystem med värmeåtervinning orsakar en stor andel av en fastighets totala miljöpåverkan och är därför viktigt som fokusområde för reducering av byggsektorns miljöpåverkan. Livscykelanalys är en vedertagen metod för att beskriva och jämföra en produkts miljöbelastning under alla dess faser. Miljöpåverkan har modellerats med hjälp av mjukvaran SimaPro 8.0.2, utifrån data framtagen från byggvarudeklarationer samt momentant uppmätta värden av fläkteffekter och luftflöden. Äldre livscykelanalyser har påvisat en mångfaldigt högre miljöpåverkan från användningsfasen jämfört med tillverkningsfasen. Senare studier visar dock en viss utjämnad fördelning mellan faserna där tillverkningsfasens relativa betydelse ökat, vilket även bekräftas i detta examensarbete där tillverkningsfasen står för ungefär 36 % av den totala miljöpåverkan (inklusive utbyte av komponenter). Enligt miljöpåverkansmetoden ReCiPe 2008 medför det studerade systemet betydande miljöpåverkan genom användandet av fossila bränslen, både vid användning och tillverkning, vilket föranleder klimatförändringar genom utsläpp av växthusgaser. Det sker även omfattande utsläpp av partiklar till luft från båda faserna och användningsfasen medför stor påverkan genom upptagande av jordbruksbar mark. De enhetsprocesser i produktsystemet som främst orsakar miljöpåverkan är elanvändning för drift av fläktar och eftervärmning av tilluften, samt tillverkning av olika stålkomponenter. Studien åskådliggör dessutom hur en förhållandevis enkel åtgärd för effektivisering av användningsfasen signifikant reducerar miljöpåverkan i användningsfasen, utan att påverka inomhusklimatets kvalitet. / This thesis describes the environmental impact from a balanced ventilation system with heat recovery from the perspective of a single-family home, in a Nordic climate. A balanced ventilation system with heat recovery contributes with a major part of a buildings total energy usage. Thus, it´s an important focus area towards minimizing the environmental impact from the building sector. Life cycle assessment is an established method to illustrate a products environmental impact during all its phases. The environmental impact has been simulated with the LCA-software, SimaPro 8.0.2. The life cycle inventory is based on various data from building product declarations as well as measured instantaneous values of air flow and the power of the fan motors. Older LCA-studies have shown a much greater environmental impact from the operational phase compared to the embodied impact from the construction phase. However later studies demonstrate a more equalized allocation between these two major phases, which is confirmed in this thesis where 36 % of the environmental impact could be derived to the construction phase. According to the environmental impact method, ReCiPe 2008, considerable impact is created from the usage of fossil fuels, which contributes to climate change as a result of greenhouse gas emissions. Significant impact is also generated by the formation of particulate matter and agricultural land occupation. The unit processes which generated the greatest environmental impact is electricity usage for operating the fans and heating of the supply air, together with manufacturing of steel components. The thesis is also examining how a relatively simple measure, that makes the usage phase more energy efficient, significantly reduces the environmental impact without affecting the indoor climate.
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”Slå ett slag för bakningen” : En intervjustudie om kvinnors receptanvändning / “Promoting baking as practice” : An interview study of women’s usage of recipesLöfstedt, Alex, Zettergren, Zandra January 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Avaliação do ciclo de vida ambiental e econômica de sistemas descentralizados de tratamento de esgoto envolvendo wetlands construídos / Environmental and economic life cycle assessment of wastewater treatment systems involving constructed wetlandsResende, Juliana Dalia 01 November 2018 (has links)
Os sistemas de tratamento de esgotos, apesar de possibilitarem a eliminação ou redução de poluentes e substâncias indesejados presentes nas águas residuárias, também ocasionam impactos ambientais. Essa característica deve ser levada em consideração no momento da instalação de uma alternativa tecnológica para o tratamento de esgoto e na proposição de melhorias aos sistemas selecionados. Uma das ferramentas que pode ser utilizada para avaliar o desempenho ambiental de sistemas de tratamento de esgoto é a Avaliação do Ciclo de Vida (ACV), a qual pode ser complementada pela metodologia de Avaliação do Custo do Ciclo de Vida (ACCV), que permite calcular o custo total de um projeto ao longo de seu ciclo de vida. No presente estudo, a ACV e a ACCV foram utilizadas com o objetivo de analisar os potenciais impactos ambientais e custos de diferentes configurações de sistemas pilotos de tratamento de esgoto envolvendo wetlands construídos (WC) com e sem aeração. Foram obtidos também fatores de alocação para as potenciais cargas ambientais do lodo e do efluente do tanque séptico, que possibilitarão a realização de estudos futuros de ACV para alternativas de destinação do lodo de tanques sépticos. A modelagem dos sistemas e os cálculos envolvidos na avaliação dos impactos do ciclo de vida foram realizados mediante o uso do software openLCA v. 1.6.3. Para a avaliação das categorias de impacto de acidificação terrestre, mudança climática, eutrofização aquática de água doce, formação de oxidantes fotoquímicos, ecotoxicidade de água doce e toxicidade humana foi utilizado o método de avaliação de impacto ReCiPe. Foram avaliadas também as categorias de ecotoxicidade e toxicidade humana, utilizando o método USEtox. Nas análises envolvendo um WC aerado a etapa de operação se mostrou com um maior potencial de causar impactos ambientais para todas as categorias de impacto analisadas, com resultados variando entre 63,9% para a categoria de toxicidade humana e 99,8% para a categoria de eutrofização de água doce. Na comparação de materiais utilizados na construção dos sistemas, o potencial de causar impactos ambientais da fibra de vidro foi até 4,7 vezes menor que o potencial de causar impactos ambientais da alvenaria em tijolos para todas as categorias de impacto analisadas. Contudo, a utilização de fibra de vidro ao invés de alvenaria em tijolos apresentou custos mais elevados. O custo do ciclo de vida por m3 de esgoto tratado do sistema envolvendo um WC com aeração mostrou-se cerca de 1,8 vezes menor do que o do sistema sem aeração. Os resultados encontrados trazem contribuições que podem auxiliar na tomada de decisão no que diz respeito à implantação e operação de sistemas de tratamento de esgoto, visando tornar estes mais sustentáveis do ponto de vista econômico e ambiental / Although wastewater treatment systems, allow for the elimination or reduction of pollutants and unwanted substances in wastewater, they also cause environmental impacts. One tool that can evaluate the environmental performance of wastewater treatment systems is Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), which can be complemented by Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA), which calculates the total cost of a project over its entire life cycle. In the present study, the LCA and LCCA were used to analyze the potential environmental impacts and costs of different wastewater treatment pilot plant configurations involving constructed wetlands (CW) with and without aeration. The modeling of the systems and the calculations involved in the assessment of the life cycle impacts were performed using the openLCA v. 1.6.3 software. The impact assessment method used for the impact categories of terrestrial acidification, climate change, freshwater aquatic eutrophication, formation of photochemical oxidants, ecotoxicity and human toxicity was ReCiPe. The categories of ecotoxicity and human toxicity were also evaluated using the USEtox method. In the analyzes involving an aerated CW, the operation stage showed the greatest potential to cause environmental impacts for all impact categories analyzed, with results varying between 63.9% for the category of human toxicity and 99.8% for the category of freshwater eutrophication. The comparison of materials used in the construction of systems has demonstrated that the potential to cause environmental impacts of fiberglass was up to 4.7 times less than the potential to cause environmental impacts of brick masonry for all impact categories analyzed. However, the use of fiberglass instead of masonry in bricks has presented higher costs. The life cycle cost per cubic meter of treated sewage of the system involving a CW with aeration was about 1.8 times smaller than that of the system without aeration. Results can aid in decision making regarding the implementation and operation of wastewater treatment plants, in order to make these systems more sustainable from an economic and environmental point of views
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Avaliação do ciclo de vida ambiental e econômica de sistemas descentralizados de tratamento de esgoto envolvendo wetlands construídos / Environmental and economic life cycle assessment of wastewater treatment systems involving constructed wetlandsJuliana Dalia Resende 01 November 2018 (has links)
Os sistemas de tratamento de esgotos, apesar de possibilitarem a eliminação ou redução de poluentes e substâncias indesejados presentes nas águas residuárias, também ocasionam impactos ambientais. Essa característica deve ser levada em consideração no momento da instalação de uma alternativa tecnológica para o tratamento de esgoto e na proposição de melhorias aos sistemas selecionados. Uma das ferramentas que pode ser utilizada para avaliar o desempenho ambiental de sistemas de tratamento de esgoto é a Avaliação do Ciclo de Vida (ACV), a qual pode ser complementada pela metodologia de Avaliação do Custo do Ciclo de Vida (ACCV), que permite calcular o custo total de um projeto ao longo de seu ciclo de vida. No presente estudo, a ACV e a ACCV foram utilizadas com o objetivo de analisar os potenciais impactos ambientais e custos de diferentes configurações de sistemas pilotos de tratamento de esgoto envolvendo wetlands construídos (WC) com e sem aeração. Foram obtidos também fatores de alocação para as potenciais cargas ambientais do lodo e do efluente do tanque séptico, que possibilitarão a realização de estudos futuros de ACV para alternativas de destinação do lodo de tanques sépticos. A modelagem dos sistemas e os cálculos envolvidos na avaliação dos impactos do ciclo de vida foram realizados mediante o uso do software openLCA v. 1.6.3. Para a avaliação das categorias de impacto de acidificação terrestre, mudança climática, eutrofização aquática de água doce, formação de oxidantes fotoquímicos, ecotoxicidade de água doce e toxicidade humana foi utilizado o método de avaliação de impacto ReCiPe. Foram avaliadas também as categorias de ecotoxicidade e toxicidade humana, utilizando o método USEtox. Nas análises envolvendo um WC aerado a etapa de operação se mostrou com um maior potencial de causar impactos ambientais para todas as categorias de impacto analisadas, com resultados variando entre 63,9% para a categoria de toxicidade humana e 99,8% para a categoria de eutrofização de água doce. Na comparação de materiais utilizados na construção dos sistemas, o potencial de causar impactos ambientais da fibra de vidro foi até 4,7 vezes menor que o potencial de causar impactos ambientais da alvenaria em tijolos para todas as categorias de impacto analisadas. Contudo, a utilização de fibra de vidro ao invés de alvenaria em tijolos apresentou custos mais elevados. O custo do ciclo de vida por m3 de esgoto tratado do sistema envolvendo um WC com aeração mostrou-se cerca de 1,8 vezes menor do que o do sistema sem aeração. Os resultados encontrados trazem contribuições que podem auxiliar na tomada de decisão no que diz respeito à implantação e operação de sistemas de tratamento de esgoto, visando tornar estes mais sustentáveis do ponto de vista econômico e ambiental / Although wastewater treatment systems, allow for the elimination or reduction of pollutants and unwanted substances in wastewater, they also cause environmental impacts. One tool that can evaluate the environmental performance of wastewater treatment systems is Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), which can be complemented by Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA), which calculates the total cost of a project over its entire life cycle. In the present study, the LCA and LCCA were used to analyze the potential environmental impacts and costs of different wastewater treatment pilot plant configurations involving constructed wetlands (CW) with and without aeration. The modeling of the systems and the calculations involved in the assessment of the life cycle impacts were performed using the openLCA v. 1.6.3 software. The impact assessment method used for the impact categories of terrestrial acidification, climate change, freshwater aquatic eutrophication, formation of photochemical oxidants, ecotoxicity and human toxicity was ReCiPe. The categories of ecotoxicity and human toxicity were also evaluated using the USEtox method. In the analyzes involving an aerated CW, the operation stage showed the greatest potential to cause environmental impacts for all impact categories analyzed, with results varying between 63.9% for the category of human toxicity and 99.8% for the category of freshwater eutrophication. The comparison of materials used in the construction of systems has demonstrated that the potential to cause environmental impacts of fiberglass was up to 4.7 times less than the potential to cause environmental impacts of brick masonry for all impact categories analyzed. However, the use of fiberglass instead of masonry in bricks has presented higher costs. The life cycle cost per cubic meter of treated sewage of the system involving a CW with aeration was about 1.8 times smaller than that of the system without aeration. Results can aid in decision making regarding the implementation and operation of wastewater treatment plants, in order to make these systems more sustainable from an economic and environmental point of views
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Meningsfull gamification i e-Learningtjänster : En undersökning om lärande onlineEnglund, Henrik, Ramberg, Olle January 2018 (has links)
Education through e-Learning services have today millions of active users. These services are often including elements of gamification to better illustrate certain aspects and motivate their users. We are researching how gamification has been applied to three selected e-Learning services by analysing to which degree these services relates to Scott Nicholsons theory and framework RECIPE for a meaningful gamification. The theory describes how gamification can be used to instil an intrinsic motivation and meaningful engagement in users. It seeks to help avoid controversial potential pitfalls surrounding the subject as with addictive, thoughtless scoring systems. We are examining to which degree the three services are applying and utilizing meaningful gamification from the standpoint of the various concepts of the selected framework. By thorough research of the theory and examination of previous studies in the researched field we have designed a grading scale that seeks to illustrate which functionality should be implemented to fully/partly/fail to meet the requirements of the concepts in Nicholsons framework. A description of the functionality of the services is included followed by an application of the theory on the selected, researched parts. By applying the theory we seek to concretize, analyze and compare the elements that, to various degrees, fulfills meaningful gamification according to Nicholson. We have not issued tests to research if the studied elements in actuality leads to an intrinsic motivation and meaningful engagement. The results show that the studied parts of the services are lacking elements that according to us as the writers of this study, are necessary to fulfil RECIPE’s various concepts. The services varies in to which degree and in some cases in which way the concepts are fulfilled. The standalone concept that all of the services realized in its entirety was Information where the requirements amongst others are clear descriptive indications of the users progress as well as enlightenment in how and in what way the information that the service provides is applicable. Our research shows that all researched e-Learning services are lacking aspects that enables complete fulfillment of RECIPE’s complete set of concepts. The study gives an insight into what is demanded to realize meaningful gamification according to Nicholson’s theory by illustrating and analyzing the functionality of the studies services. Because of the way we have had to make subjective assessments, the limited scope along with the lack of actual tests we do consider our conclusions and thus study to not live up to its full potential. Continued research is necessary to further validate the study and if the application of the theory in fact leads to meaningful gamification. We discuss further surrounding the theory along with in learning of this nature in general in the chapter Diskussion. / Inom utbildning har e-Learningtjänster tagit vid med miljontals aktiva användare av tjänster. Dessa e-Learningtjänster använder sig ofta av element av gamification för att illustrera moment och motivera sina användare. Vi undersöker hur gamification appliceras i tre undersökta tjänster och analyserar i vilken mån denna förhåller sig till Scott Nicholsons teori och ramverk RECIPE för meningsfull gamification. Teorin beskriver hur gamification kan användas för att inge en inre motivation och ett meningsfullt engagemang hos användare. Den ämnar undvika omdiskuterade fallgropar inom ämnesområdet såsom beroendeframkallande, tanklös poängutdelning. Vi undersöker i vilken omfattning de tre tjänsterna använder sig av meningsfull gamification utifrån ramverkets diverse koncept. Genom utförlig instudering av teorin och undersökning av tidigare forskning inom ämnet har vi konstruerat en bedömningsskala som illustrerar vilken funktionalitet som bör finnas för att helt, delvis och ej uppfylla koncepten i Nicholsons ramverk. Vi har sedan beskrivit tjänsternas funktionalitet och applicerat teorin på de undersökta delarna för att konkretisera, analysera och jämföra de element som i olika grad uppfyller meningsfull gamification enligt Nicholson. Vi har inte utfört tester som visar om de undersökta elementen faktiskt inger inre motivation och meningsfullt engagemang. Resultaten visar att de undersökta delarna saknar många av de element som vi bedömt ska finnas med för att uppfylla RECIPEs diverse koncept. Tjänsterna varierar i vad som uppfylls och i viss mån på vilket sätt. Konceptet Information var den enda i teorin som uppfylldes helt av samtliga undersökta tjänster där kraven bland annat är tydliga beskrivande framstegsindikationer samt upplysande om användningsområden för den utgivna informationen. Vi kommer fram till att samtliga tjänster saknar aspekter som möjliggör uppfyllandet av RECIPEs alla koncept. Studien ger en inblick i vad som krävs för att enligt Nicholsons teori uppnå meningsfull gamification genom konkretisering och analyseringen av funktionalitet. Vi anser dock att på grund av nödvändiga subjektiva bedömningar och studiens begränsade omfång samt avsaknaden av tester att studiens och temats fulla potential hämmas. Fortsatt forskning är nödvändig för att avgöra validiteten av studien samt om appliceringsområden för teorin leder till verklig meningsfull gamification. Vi diskuterar vidare kring teorin och allmänt om lärande av denna natur i kapitlet Diskussion.
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Estimating the Potential Life Cycle Environmental Impacts of Current and Future Electric Passenger Cars / Uppskatning av den Potentiella livscykeln Miljöpåverkan av Nuvarande och Framtida ElbilarKoroma, Michael Samsu January 2018 (has links)
The road transport sector is heavily dependent on fossil-fuel based technologies, and as a result, contribute a significant share towards climate change and other environmental problems. If the transport sector is to reduce its adverse impacts on climate change, then it requires a global shift towards low-carbon technologies. However, deploying these new technologies brings uncertainties regarding their environmental profile, hence, the need for applying a life cycle approach in evaluating their potential environmental impacts. This thesis aim to evaluate the potential life-cycle environmental impacts associated with travelling 1 km in a battery electric cars (BEV) and plug-in hybrid electric cars (PHEV) operated in the EU at present-day, and in the future up till 2050. The study applied the life cycle assessment (LCA) and ReCiPe Midpoint (H) methodologies to assess and calculate the potential life cycle environmental impacts of all vehicle scenarios. The datasets of the vehicles have been modelled with a modular approach by linking together various vehicle components. The future time perspective based on two future scenarios; the Mod-RES, representing the reference future scenario and the High-RES representing a future ambitious policy scenario. The EU28 electricity production based on Fichtner, et al. was used to model the use phase all vehicle scenarios. The result showed BEV performed best in indicators for global warming (GWP), ozone depletion and fossil resource scarcity. The thesis best estimate for GWP is 5.61E-2 kgCO2 eq resulting from the BEV_High-RES scenario; representing a decrease in GWP of around 80% and 69% when compared to the ICEV and the baseline BEV respectively. On the other hand, the baseline BEV performed worst in impact categories related to human toxicity and damage to ecosystems; the conventional gasoline car showed the lowest estimate for indicators on human toxicity, acidification and eutrophication as defined in the baseline scenario. Nonetheless, the future scenarios showed promising results for all technologies; as projections for stringent environmental regulations, ‘cleaner’ energy systems and continuous advancement in vehicle technologies offered a significant reduction in all impact categories. Notably, the BEV reduced its impact on toxicity categories to around 38% of the initial values for the baseline scanario. Results are strongly dependent on assumptions regarding the vehicle and battery lifetime, the use phase electricity source and the vehicle consumption. The findings establish the significance of carrying out a full LCA, including future time perspective and assessing impact categories beyond climate change. Also, it underlined the suggestion that production of electric cars raised more concern for EVs than conventional cars; thus, the tendency for environmental problem-shifting and the need for policy-makers to recognise existing trade-offs. / Vägtransportsektorn är starkt beroende av fossilbränslebaserad teknik och bidrar därmed till en betydande andel av klimatförändringen och andra miljöproblem. Om transportsektorn ska minska dess negativa inverkan på klimatförändringen, krävs det en global övergång till teknik med låga koldioxidutsläpp. Utnyttjandet av denna nya teknik medför dock osäkerhet om sin miljöprofil och därmed behovet av att tillämpa ett livscykelperspektiv vid utvärderingen av deras potentiella miljöpåverkan. Avhandlingen presenterar en livscykelanalys av nuvarande och framtida elfordon. Fokus ligger på batteri elbilar (BEV) och plug-in hybrid elbilar (PHEV) som drivs i EU. EU28-elproduktionen baserad på Fichtner, et al. användes för att beräkna de potentiella livscykelmiljöeffekterna av alla fordonsscenarier baserade på effektkategorier definierade i ReCiPe Midpoint (H) -metoden. Resultatet visade att BEV fungerade bäst i indikatorer för global uppvärmning (GWP), ozonförlust och fossila resurserbrist. Avhandlingens bästa uppskattning för GWP är 5,61E-2 kgCO2 ekv som härrör från BEV_High-RES-scenariot; vilket motsvarar en minskning av GWP på cirka 80% och 69% jämfört med ICEV respektive baseline BEV. Å andra sidan har baslinjens BEV den högsta andelen miljöindikatorer relaterade till human toxicitet och skador på ekosystemen. Den konventionella bensinbilen visade den lägsta uppskattningen av indikatorer för human toxicitet, försurning och eutrofiering enligt definitionen i baslinjen. De framtida scenarierna visade emellertid lovande resultat för all teknik, detta förutsätter strängre miljöregler, "renare" energisystem och kontinuerlig framsteg inom fordonsteknik som kommer att erbjuda en betydande minskning av alla påverkningskategorier. I synnerhet reducerade BEV: s påverkan på toxicitetskategorier till omkring 38% av de ursprungliga värdena för baslinjens scanario. Resultaten är starkt beroende av antaganden om fordonets och batteritiden, användningsfasens elkälla och fordonsförbrukningen. Resultaten visar betydelsen av att utföra en fullständig LCA, inklusive framtida tidsperspektiv och bedömning av påverkningskategorier utanför klimatförändringen. Det understryker också förslaget gällamde produktion av elbilar har en betydande ökade oro för elektriska motorer än konventionella bilar. Det finns en risk för miljöproblemförskjutning och ett behovet av att politiska beslutsfattare erkänner befintliga avvägningar. / REFLEX - Analysis of the European energy system under the aspects of flexibility and technological progress
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Recommending recipes based on ingredients and user reviewsJagithyala, Anirudh January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Computing and Information Sciences / Doina Caragea / In recent years, the content volume and number of users of the Web have increased dramatically. This large amount of data has caused an information overload problem, which hinders the ability of a user to find the relevant data at the right time.
Therefore, the primary task of recommendation systems is to analyze data in order to offer users suggestions for similar data. Recommendations which use the core content are known as content-based recommendation or content filtering, and recommendations which utilize directly the user feedback are known as collaborative filtering.
This thesis presents the design, implementation, testing, and evaluation of a recommender system within the recipe domain, where various approaches for producing recommendations are utilized. More specifically, this thesis discusses approaches derived from basic recommendation algorithms, but customized to take advantage of specific data available in the {\it recipe} domain. The proposed approaches for recommending recipes make use of recipe ingredients and reviews. We first build ingredient vectors for both recipes and users (based on recipes they have rated highly), and recommend new recipes to users based on the similarity between user and recipe ingredient vectors. Similarly, we build recipe and user vectors based on recipe review text, and recommend new recipes based on the similarity between user and recipe review vectors. At last, we study a hybrid approach, where both ingredients and reviews are used together. Our proposed approaches are tested over an existing dataset crawled from recipes.com. Experimental results show that the recipe ingredients are more informative than the review text for making recommendations. Furthermore, when using ingredients and reviews together, the results are better than using just the reviews, but worse than using just the ingredients, suggesting that to make use of reviews, the review vocabulary needs better filtering.
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Recipe search engine using Yummly APIMalladi, Rajavardhan January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Computing and Information Sciences / Daniel A. Andresen / In this project I have built a web application "Recipe Search Engine Using Yummly API". This application is central information hub for the kitchen--connecting consumers with recipe ideas, ingredient lists, and cooking instructions. It will serve best for the people who uses digital tools to plan their cooking, these days almost everyone does.
The various features available for users in this application are as following. Users can search for their favorite dishes. The search results contain information about ingredients list, total time needed for cooking, user's rating and cooking directions. Basic search filters are provided to filter out the search results like Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner recipes. The order of displayed results can be sorted according to ratings, total time required to prepare the dish. User can create an account and build their own favorite recipe collection by liking the recipes displayed. The liked recipes are stored into user’s account and user can view, add and delete those recipes anytime from his recipe collection. Users can use their social networking platform Facebook account credentials to log into this application or create a new account in this application.
The application will communicate with the Yummly API to consume data from it. The Yummly API is largest recipe information aggregator with over one million recipes data.
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Livscykelanalys: Förbränning av hushållsavfall kontra biogas : miljömässiga och ekonomiska perspektiv med utgångspunkt i Oskarshamns kommunGunnarsson, Helene January 2013 (has links)
Är det möjligt att reducera utsläppen av växthusgaser och samtidigt nå en hållbar utveckling? Regionförbundet i Kalmar län antog utmaningen 2006 och är därmed en föregångsregion i arbetet med detta. Till år 2030 är målet att Kalmar län ska bli en fossilbränslefri region. Den största potentialen anses finnas inom nya alternativ till fordonsbränsle. Hushållens sopor innehåller organiskt matavfall som skulle kunna bli fordonsgas. Allt fler biogasmackar öppnas och gasen har vunnit framgång i takt med att kollektivtrafiken gjort satsningar. I Oskarshamns kommun sker i dagsläget ingen utsortering av organiskt matavfall. Hushållsavfallet skickas tillsammans med det organiska matavfallet till förbränning med energiutvinning i Linköping. Syftet med min studie är att göra en utvärdering av miljöpåverkan utifrån två scenarier; förbränning av allt hushållavfall jämfört med att producera biogas av matavfallet och förbränna resterande. Detta sett utifrån potentialen för området i Oskarshamns kommun. Syftet är även att titta på ekonomiska aspekter. Detta är en livscykelanalys där två metoder har använts, Global Warming Potential med ett 100 års perspektiv samt ReCiPe Endpoint. Den funktionella enheten är 1 ton hushållsavfall. Genom att röta det organiska hushållsavfallet och förbränna det övriga kan man minska miljöpåverkan till 74,6 % jämfört med att förbränna allt tillsammans. Växthusgaserna minskar då med 780 kg koldioxidekvivalenter per ton hushållsavfall. Den främsta miljövinsten blir i form av minskande klimatförändringar men att det fordrar ganska omfattande ekonomiska investeringar. / Is it possible to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while achieving sustainable development? The Regional Council in Kalmar County accepted the challenge in 2006 and is thus a leading region in this work. By 2030, the goal is that Kalmar shall become a fossil fuel free region. The greatest potential is considered to be the new alternative to vehicle fuel. Household waste includes organic waste that could become fuel for vehicles. An increasing number of biogas stations have opened and the gas has been successful as the public transports have made investments. In Oskarshamn is there no current sorting of organic waste. Household waste is sent along with the organic food waste to incineration with energy recovery in Linköping. The purpose of my study is to evaluate the environmental impact based on two scenarios: the burning of all household waste compared to producing biogas from food waste and burn the remaining. This is seen by the potential of the area in Oskarshamn. Also examining the economic perspective there is. This is a LCA where two methods were used, the Global Warming Potential with a 100-year perspective and ReCiPe Endpoint. The functional unit is 1 ton of waste. By digesting the organic waste and burning the rest, one can reduce the environmental impact to 74, 6 % compared to burning it all. The greenhouse gases then will decrease by 780 kg carbon dioxide equivalent per ton household waste. The main environmental benefits are in terms of reducing climate change, but it requires quite a significant financial investment
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Primärvårdssjuksköterskors upplevda möjligheter att förskrivafysisk aktivitet på recept (FaR)Andersson, Matilda, Ekenberg, Fredrika January 2012 (has links)
Syfte: Att utreda om primärvårdssjuksköterskor i Uppsala län upplevde att det fanns faktorer sompåverkade deras möjligheter att skriva ut fysisk aktivitet på recept. Metod: Deskriptiv kvalitativ intervjustudie. Sju primärvårdssjuksköterskor inom Uppsala län harintervjuats med semistrukturerad metod. En kvalitativ innehållsanalys enligt Granheim ochLundman (2003) utfördes på manifest nivå. Resultat: Primärvårdssjuksköterskor i Uppsala län upplevde att det fanns faktorer som påverkadederas möjligheter att förskriva FaR. Det uppgavs nödvändigt att ha kunskap om hur man arbetarmed förskrivning av FaR och att uppleva sig kunna motivera patienter som har mindre mottaglighetför FaR. Att ha tillräckligt med tid avsatt upplevdes som en förutsättning för förskrivningen. Arbetetmed FaR ansågs underlättas om det fanns tillgång till direktiv som implementerade FaRförskrivning vid patientkontakt. Samarbetet med andra yrkesgrupper nämndes underlättaförskrivningen av FaR. Slutsats: Primärvårdssjuksköterskors förskrivning av FaR i Uppsala län skulle kunna underlättasav: Ytterligare information om metoden, där underlaget FYSS introduceras, men ocksåutbildning i motiverande samtalsteknik. Att det finns utrymme för primärvårdssjuksköterskan att avsätta nödvändig tid. Att möjligheter till ett tvärprofessionellt samarbete upprätthålls. Att i det fortsatta arbetet med metoden i Uppsala läns primärvård utforma gemensammadirektiv som implementerar FaR vid patientkontakt. / Aim: To investigate whether nurses in the primary health care within the county of Uppsalaexperiences that there are elements which influences their possibilities to prescribe FaR, a methodfor prescribing physical activity in a recipe. Method: Descriptive qualitative interview study. Seven nurses in the primary health care within thecounty of Uppsala have been interviewed with a semi structured approach. A qualitative contentanalysis according to Granheim and Lundman (2003) where conducted on a manifest level. Result: There were factors which was experienced to have an impact on the prescription of FaRmade by the nurses of the primary health care in Uppsala county. It was seen necessary to have theknowledge about how to work with the prescription of FaR. It was also necessary to experience anability to motivate patients with low susceptibility to FaR. Enough time given was said to bee arequirement to prescribe FaR. Directives, which was implementing FaR, made it easier to prescribe.The collaboration with other occupational groups was experienced to benefit the prescription ofFaR. Conclusion: The prescription of FaR, made by nurses within the primary health care in Uppsalacounty, would benefit from: Further information about FaR, where FYSS (a script containing facts about FaR) isincluded in the education as well as a motivational conversation technique. Making sure that the nurses of the primary health care has the ability to make enough timeto prescribe a recipe. Seeing to the possibilities of the different occupational groups collaborating. Continuously developing common directives that implements FaR in primary health care.
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