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Vaccination and immune response of channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) against virulent Aeromonas hydrophilaGomaa, Basant Mahmoud Ali 08 August 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Virulent Aeromonas hydrophila (vAh) is a causative agent of motile Aeromonas septicemia (MAS) in catfish. There are limitations in the current therapeutic and preventative strategies against vAh. The pathogenesis of MAS as well as the immune response of catfish to vAh infection are poorly understood. The aim of this study is to: 1) develop a dual live attenuated vaccine against MAS and enteric septicemia of catfish caused by Edwardsiella ictaluri; and 2) evaluate the vAh bacterial load and gene expression patterns in catfish tissues following vAh infection. Previously, six recombinant vAh proteins (outer membrane protein, TonB-dependent receptor, three fimbrial proteins, and an ATPase) were identified to have vaccine efficacy against MAS, and live attenuated E. ictaluri vaccine strain ESC-NDKL1 was identified as an effective vector for expressing vAh antigens. A total of 29 recombinant ESC-NDKL1 strains have been constructed with the integration of one, two, or three genes encoding vAh antigens into the ESC-NDKL1 chromosome. Vaccine efficacy of the constructed strains was evaluated in channel catfish fingerlings. Four recombinant ESC-NDKL1 strains expressing two vAh antigens (ESC-NDKL1::atpase::fimMrfG, ESC-NDKL1::fim::fimMrfG, ESC-NDKL1::tdr::fimMrfG, and ESC-NDKL1::fim::ompA) showed significant protection against MAS with relative percent of survival (RPS) values of 55.72%, 60.18%, 61.74%, and 54.81%. Four triple recombinant ESC-NDKL1 strains (ESC-NDKL1::fimMrfG::ompA::fimA, ESC-NDKL1::atpase::fimMrfG::ompA, ESC-NDKL1::fim::fimMrfG::ompA and ESC-NDKL1::atpase::tdr::fim) showed the best protection with RPS values of 77.93%, 63.18%, 67.74%, and 82.35%. To gain a better understanding of vAh pathogenesis, catfish fingerlings were intraperitoneally injected with vAh strain ML09-119. The anterior kidney, liver, and spleen were collected for determination of vAh distribution and expression of thirteen pro-inflammatory, innate, and adaptive immune-related genes using real-time PCR. Results revealed that vAh spread into catfish tissues within 2 hours and peaked at 12 hours post-infection. vAh infection initiated a strong inflammatory response in catfish tissues. Additionally, our research revealed that surviving catfish were able to develop a primary immune response and possibly generation of memory B cells against MAS. Such information will facilitate the development of vaccines and therapeutic drugs for preventing and treating MAS outbreaks in catfish aquaculture.
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Control of Intein-Mediated Self-Cleaving Tag for Recombinant Protein PurificationHan, Tzu-Chiang 08 August 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Optimizing the large-scale production of Saw1 and the Saw1-Rad1-Rad10 nuclease complex for structural studiesRashev, Margarita January 2017 (has links)
Yeast Rad1-Rad10 is a structure specific nuclease that processes branched double-strand break (DSB) repair intermediates; the persistence of which can impede normal DNA metabolism. The single strand annealing (SSA) mechanism of DSB repair acts when homologous repeats flank both sides of the DSB. End resection from the 5′ ends of the break exposes complementary sequences at the flanking repeats, which are annealed to form 3′ non-homologous flap structures. Saw1 recruits Rad1-Rad10 recruits to these 3′ non-homologous flaps, where Rad1-Rad10 incises the DNA and removes the flap. Saw1 has affinity towards branched DNA structures and forms a stable complex with Rad1-Rad10. The mechanism of both structure specific recruitment and nucleolytic activity of the Saw1-Rad1-Rad10 complex is currently unknown. To study this nuclease complex, we need to produce large quantities of pure, stable, and active recombinant protein. Using dynamic light scattering (DLS) and differential scanning fluorimetry (DSF)-based high throughput thermal stability assays, we have developed a method for large-scale production of recombinant Saw1. This optimized method has increased the stability and yield of protein, thereby allowing for future biochemical investigation of Saw1. Similarly, we have optimized the large-scale production of the higher molecular-weight complex (Saw1-Rad1-Rad10) and improved the homogeneity of the recombinant complex. We have also biochemically characterized the minimal branched DNA substrates for both Saw1 and Saw1-Rad1-Rad10. This work allows for biochemical investigation into the molecular mechanism of eukaryotic 3′ non-homologous flap removal during SSA. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc)
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Production and glycosylation of a recombinant protein from Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cellsDe Villiers, Ann-Marie 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Recombinant glycoproteins are important biopharmaceuticals, providing solutions for numerous previously untreatable illnesses, in everything from cancer to infertility. Most recombinant biopharmaceuticals are produced in mammalian cells due to their ability to provide the correct post-translational processing for use in humans. The post-translation processing influences many of the protein’s properties including pharmacokinetics, bioactivity, secretion, half-life, solubility, recognition and antigenicity. The aim of this thesis is to further study the upstream production of a glycosylated recombinant protein produced by Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells on production scale within the confines of an existing process.
The process in question uses adherent CHO cells to produce a glycosylated recombinant hormone. As with most recombinant protein production processes, this process has two sections to the upstream production: a seed train to grow enough cells to inoculate production, and a production section, which focuses on the production of a recombinant protein. The seed train is predominantly conducted in roller bottles, while the production section takes place in perfusion bioreactors, where the cells are attached to microcarriers, with spin-filters for cell retention. The whole process uses medium with serum.
There are two process challenges regarding an existing recombinant-protein production process:
1. The gradual increase, over the past several campaigns, of the final population doubling level of the cells (which must remain within certain specified limits) at the end of the seed train.
2. The low glycosylation levels of the product seen in certain campaigns, which meant that a certain number of final product batches were below the specified acceptable glycosylation limits.
Following a literature survey several controlled process variables were chosen for investigation and hypotheses made on their effect on the seed train or glycosylation.
To investigate their effect on the PDL and cell growth in the seed train:
- Medium volume: decreasing the medium volume will yield a lower PDL due to slower cell growth caused by lower glucose availability.
- Seeding density: if cells obtain confluence by the time they are harvested, decreasing the seeding density will yield a higher PDL.
- Cultivation temperature: decreasing the temperature ought to decrease the growth rate.
- Medium feed temperature: there will be no significant difference to the cell culture when pre-heated or cold medium is used. Aeration: using vent caps will increase the oxygen content of the medium in the roller bottles and the cell growth, yielding a higher PDL.
To investigate their effect on glycosylation during production:
- pH: better glycosylation will be seen at pH 6.9, than at pH 6.7.
- Perfusion rate: a higher perfusion rate will lead to better glycosylation due to increased glucose and glutamine concentrations.
In the seed train, the only factor that significantly influenced the final PDL was the seeding density. Cell growth was inhibited once cells reached confluence, so lowering the seeding density lead to a higher PDL. It is recommended to use a high seeding density to ensure a lower PDL.
Historic data indicated that the seeding density was not the cause of the apparent increase of the final PDL, as all previous campaigns had been seeded with a high seeding density. What then became apparent was that the final PDL remained relatively constant during a campaign and that the increase in final PDL occurred between campaigns. It appears that the apparent increase in the final PDL is due to differences in cell counting between operators as each new campaign was managed by different operators. It is recommended that a mechanical cell counter be used to verify cells counts and to maintain a standard between campaigns.
In the bioreactors, varying the pH proved to have no significant effect on the glycosylation levels. However, both the initial perfusion rate and the specific perfusion rate proved to be important from both historical data and the data generated during these experiments.
Lower levels of the initial perfusion rate lead to better glycosylation and it is recommended that an initial perfusion rate of 1.0 volumes/day be used. The relationship between the specific perfusion rate and the glycosylation appears to be non-linear and requires further study, for now it is recommended that the specific perfusion rate be kept below 0.3 volumes/day/109 cells.
Probable reasons for the unsatisfactory glycosylation seen in certain runs could also be proposed from these two factors:
• RP33-133 : Very high specific perfusion rate
• RP32-135 : High initial perfusion rate and very high specific perfusion rate
• RP32-138 : High initial perfusion rate
• RP33-139 : High initial perfusion rate
Further research is recommended into the effect of the specific perfusion rate as well as the specific glucose consumption rate and the specific glutamine concentration on the glycosylation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Rekombinante glikoproteïene is baie belangrike biofarmaseutiese produkte wat oplossings bied vir talle voorheen ongeneeslike siektes in alles van kanker tot onvrugbaarheid. Meeste rekombinante farmaseutiese produkte word gemaak deur diere-selle as gevolg van hulle bevoegtheid om die korrekte na-translasie stappe te volg sodat die produkte in mense gebruik kan word. Die na-translasie stappe beïnvloed baie van die proteïene se karaktertreke insluitende die farmakokinetika, bioaktiwiteit, uitskeiding, half-leeftyd, oplosbaarheid, herkenbaarheid and antigeniciteit. Die doel van hierdie tesis is om die stroomop produksie van ‘n rekombinante glikoproteïene vervaardig deur Chinese hamster ovariale (CHO) selle verder te bestudeer binne die grense van ‘n bestaande proses op grootskaalse vlak.
Die huidige proses gebruik CHO selle om ‘n rekombinante glikohormoon te produseer. Soos meeste prosesse wat rekombinante proteïene produseer bestaan die stroomop gedeelte van die proses uit twee dele: ‘n saad trein wat genoeg selle maak vir produksie en ‘n produksie gedeelte wat fokus op die vervaardiging van die glikoproteïen. Die saad trein bestaan hoofsaaklik uit roller bottels terwyl produksie plaasvind in perfusie bioreaktors waar die selle op “microcarriers” groei, met spin-filters om die selle binne die bioreaktors te hou; die hele proses gebruik medium met serum.
Daar is twee probleme in die stroomop gedeelte van die bestaande proses:
1. Die geleidelike toename oor die afgelope paar jaar van die finale verdubbelingsvlak van die selle aan die einde van die saad trein
2. Die lae glukosilering van die eindproduk wat veroorsaak dat sekere lotnommers buite spesifikasie is
Na ‘n literatuur studie, was seker beheerde proses parameters gekies om verder te bestudeer en hipotesisse gemaak oor hulle effek op die saad trein of die vlak van glukosilering.
Die volgende faktore is bestudeer vir hulle effek op die finale verdubbelingsvlak van die selle in die saad trein:
- Medium volume: ‘n laer medium volume sal lei tot a laer verdubbelingsvlak van die selle as gevolg van stadige groei
- Konsentrasie van selle vir inokulasie: as die selle konfluent is teen die tyd wat hulle versamel word sal ‘n laer konsentrasie selle lei tot ’n hoër verdubellingsvlak.
- Temperatuur: laer temperatuur behoort te lei tot ‘n stadiger groei koers van die selle
- Medium voer-temperatuur: die voer-temperatuur van die medium sal geen beduidende verskil maak
- Belugting: die gebruik van “vent-caps” sal die suurstof inhoud van die roller bottels verhoog
Die volgende faktore is bestudeer vir hulle effek op die glukosilering tydens produksie:
- pH: beter glukosilering word verwag by by pH 6.9 dan by pH 6.7
- Perfusie koers: ‘n hoër perfusie koers sal lei tot beter glukosilering as gevolg van hoër glukose en glutamien konsentrasies
Die konsentrasie van die selle wat gebruik word vir inokulasie blyk die enigste faktor te wees wat die finale verdubbelingsvlak van die selle en die groei van die selle in die saad trein beïnvloed het. Die groei van die selle was beprek wanneer die selle konfluent geraak het en dus het ‘n laër sel konsentrasie by inokulasie gelei tot ‘n hoër sel verdubbelingsvlak. Dit word aanbeveel dat ‘n hoë sel konsentrasie by inokulasie gebruik word.
Die geleidelike toename van die finale verdubbelingsvlak van die selle in die saad trein is waarskynlik as gevolg van die variasie in sel tellings tussen verskillende operateurs eerder as as gevolg van die beheerde proses parameters. Dit word aanbeveel dat ‘n meganiese sel-teller gebruik word om die verskil in sel tellings tussen operateurs te kontroleer en om ‘n standaard te handhaaf tussen produksie lotte.
In die bioreaktors, het die pH geen beduidende invloed gehad op die glukosilering maar uit historiese data en die huidige data van hierdie eksperimente blyk albei die begin perfusie koers en die spesifieke perfusie koers ‘n belangrike invloed te hê op die glukosilering.
Laër vlakke van die begin perfusie koers lei tot beter glikosilsie en dit word aanbeveel dat elke produksielot ‘n begin perfusie koers het van 1.0 volume/dag. Die verhouding tussen die glukosilering en die spesifieke perfusie koers blyk om nie-liniêr te wees nie. Nog navorsing hieroor word aanbeveel, maar vir nou word dit aanbeveel dat die spesifieke perfusie koers onder 0.3 volumes/dag/109 selle gehou word. Hierde twee faktore blyk die oorsaak te wees vir die lae glukosilering wat in sekere produksielopies gevind was:
• RP33-133 : baie hoë spesifieke perfusie koers
• RP32-135 : hoë begin perfusie koers en baie hoe spesifieke perfusie koers
• RP32-138 : hoë begin perfusie koers
• RP33-139 : hoë begin perfusie koers
Dit word aanbeveel dat verdere navorsing gedoen word op die effek van die spesifieke perfusie koers asook die spesifieke koers van glukose verbruik en die spesifieke glutamien konsentrasie op die glukosilering van die produk.
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Rekombinantní expresse chloridového kanálu z E. coli a jeho strukturní charakterizace / Recombinant expression of chloride channel from E. coliand its structure characterizationHausner, Jiří January 2014 (has links)
Chloride channel family has been shown to play a significant role in physiological homeostasis processes. The function mechanism of these proteins has not yet been clearly understood. Their deficiency or mutation causes serious human illnesses. Our understanding of the chloride channels' transporting mechanisms can lead to better treatment of these illnesses. As mammalian chloride channels are difficult to prepare in laboratory, the experiments are usually done on homologous chloride channels from prokaryotic organisms. The structures of prokaryotic chloride channels have been solved and moreover they are produced with high yields. Most experiments currently use protein crystallography and provide a static picture of the system. This thesis is focused on the study of structural changes of an E. coli chloride channel using hydrogen/deuterium exchange. This method enables us to monitor dynamic conformation changes dependent on pH and exchanged ions. The measurements were done for the protonated (pH 4.5) and deprotonated state (pH 7.5) and/or in the presence of various anions: Cl− , SCN− , I− , F− , TAR. (tartaric anion). The obtained results justified the theories explaining the function of chloride channel as Cl− /H+ antiporter and provided new findings. Subject words biochemistry, protein...
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Glykosylace a antigenní vlastnosti proteinů ze slin flebotomů Phlebotomus perniciosus a P. orientalis / Glycosylation and antigenic properties of Phlebotomus perniciosus and P. orientalis salivary proteinsSumová, Petra January 2014 (has links)
The goal of this study was to map the glycosylation pattern and antigenic properties of the salivary proteins of two closely related sand fly species, Phlebotomus perniciosus and P. orientalis. Affinity blotting with commercially available lectins revealed that many salivary proteins of these species are N-glycosylated, while the presence of O-glycosylation could not be confirmed. The level of N-glycosylation of most of these proteins is quite low, a larger number of potential N-glycosylation sites were found only in the amino acid sequences of P. orientalis hyaluronidase and endonucleases of both species tested. Four antigens from P. perniciosus salivary glands were selected for expression in a bacterial expression system; two of these proteins (PpeSP01 and PpeSP01B) were not glycosylated and the glycosylation level of the remaining two (PpeSP03B and PpeSP07) was low. The antigenic properties of the four chosen recombinant proteins were subsequently tested using immunoblot and ELISA. During the initial experiments with the sera of dogs experimentally bitten by P. perniciosus, two proteins (rSP07 and rSP01B) were proven unsuitable and they were excluded from further experiments. Recombinant proteins rSP03B and rSP01 were recognized by the same IgG antibodies as the native forms of these proteins...
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Estudo cinético da produção da proteína recombinante Amblyomin-X pela bactéria Escherichia coli BL21DE3-Rec1 / Kinetic study of recombinant protein Amblyomin-X in bacterium Escherichia coli BL21DE3 - Rec1Mello, Caroline Matos de 05 December 2018 (has links)
O câncer é um problema de saúde pública, especialmente entre os países em desenvolvimento. Está entre as doenças de maior taxa de mortalidade e é responsável por mais de 12% de todas as causas de óbito no mundo. Uma proteína denominda Amblyomin-X foi obtida a partir de uma biblioteca de cDNA das glândulas salivares do carrapato Amblyomma Cajennense e expressa na bactéria Escherichia coli BL21DE3. Essa proteína é capaz de induzir a morte de células tumorais, além de ter pouca ou nenhuma atividade contra células normais, diminuindo assim os efeitos colaterais nos pacientes em tratamentos contra o câncer. Através deste trabalho foi possível elaborar um protocolo para obtenção de elevadas concentrações celulares e produção da proteína recombinante AmblyominX em biorreatores com capacidade total de 15 L. Uma vez que a proteína é intracelular, foram estudados alguns parâmetros e estratégias de cultivo do microrganismo para obtenção de alta concentração celular, tais como: composição do meio de cultura, identificação dos substratos limitantes e inibitórios e vazão de alimentação da fonte de carbono. Foi definido um meio de cultura adequado para atingir elevadas concentrações celulares na etapa de crescimento da E. coli, visando garantir elevadas concentrações de produto recombinante. Ensaios conduzidos em biorreatores com esse meio resultaram em concentrações celulares e densidade ótica (DO600nm) iguais a 40,0 g/L e 76,6, respectivamente, para a etapa de crescimento celular e 59,8 g/L e 161, respectivamente, no final da etapa de produção da proteína de interesse. Os ensaios conduzidos em reatores mostraram que concentrações de ácido acético acima de 0,4 g/L causam inibição do crescimento celular, portanto, foi elaborada uma estratégia eficaz de alimentação exponencial dos substratos limitantes (fontes de carbono e magnésio) na etapa de crescimento dessa bactéria para atingir elevadas concentrações celulares, mantendo-se a velocidade específica de crescimento (µx) menor que 0,2 h-1, abaixo do valor máximo, com a finalidade de evitar a formação de ácido acético. Este trabalho permitiu também conhecer os parâmetros cinéticos para a produção da proteína Amblyomin-X, tais como, a velocidade específica máxima de crescimento (max), a produtividade celular global (Pxglobal), a produtividade celular máxima (Pxmáx) e o fator de conversão de substrato em célula (Yx/s) na etapa de batelada alimentada, cujos valores foram, respectivamente, de 0,30 h-1, 13,8 g de célula/h, 14,1 g de célula/h e 0,37 g de célula/g de substrato. Para a avaliação da biossíntese da proteína recombinante foram realizadas análises de gel de poliacrilamida por eletroforese e a quantificação foi feita pela análise de Bradford. A concentração de proteína Amblyomin-X no final da etapa de síntese alcançou 8,57 g/L. / Cancer is a public health problem, especially among developing countries. It is among the diseases with the highest mortality rate and accounts for more than 12% of all causes of death in the world. A protein called Amblyomin-X was obtained from a cDNA library of Amblyomma Cajennense tick salivary glands and it was expressed in the bacterium Escherichia coli BL21DE3. This protein is able to induce death of tumor cells, as well as having little or no activity against normal cells, thus reducing the side effects in patients on cancer treatments. In this work it was possible to elaborate a protocol for obtaining high cellular concentrations and production of the recombinant Amblyomin-X protein in bioreactors with a total capacity of 15 L. Since the protein is intracellular, some parameters and strategies of culture of the microorganism for obtaining a high cell concentration, were: composition of the culture medium, identification of limiting and inhibitory substrates and feed rate of the carbon source. A culture medium suitable for achieving high cell concentrations in the growth stage of E. coli was defined in order to guarantee high concentrations of recombinant product. Experiments conducted in bioreactors with this medium resulted in cellular concentrations and optical density (DO600nm) of 40.0 g / L and 76.6, respectively, for the cell growth step and 59.8 g / L and 161, respectively, at the end of the production stage of the protein of interest. Experiments conducted in reactors showed that acetic acid concentrations higher than 0.4 g/L cause inhibition of cell growth, therefore, an effective strategy of exponential feeding of the limiting substrates (carbon and magnesium sources) was elaborated in the growth stage of this bacteria to reach high cellular concentrations, maintaining the specific growth rate (µx) less than 0.2 h-1, below the maximum value, in order to avoid the formation of acetic acid. This work also allowed to know the kinetic parameters for Amblyomin-X protein production, such as the maximum specific growth rate (max), the overall cellular productivity (Pxglobal), the maximum cellular productivity (Pxmax) and the conversion factor of substrate in cell (Yx/s) in the fed batch stage, whose values were respectively 0.30 h-1, 13.8 g cell/h, 14.1 g cell/h and 0.37 g of cell/g of substrate. For the evaluation of recombinant protein biosynthesis, polyacrylamide gel analyzes were performed by electrophoresis and quantification was done by the Bradford analysis. The Amblyomin-X protein concentration at the end of the synthesis step reached 8.57 g/L.
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Charakterizace glutamátkarboxypeptidasy II, jejích blízkých homologů a jejich interakcí s ligandy / Characterization of Glutamate Carboxypeptidase II, its Close Homologs and their Interaction with LigandsTykvart, Jan January 2015 (has links)
Cancer, group of diseases characterized by an uncontrolled cell growth, represents one of the great challenges of modern clinical research. Currently, the standard treatment of the cancer disease relies mainly on the whole body exposition to various factors, which targets the dividing cells, combined with surgical resection of the tumor. Unfortunately, this treatment is sometimes accompanied by numerous severe side-effects (e.g., nausea, loss of hair, infertility etc.). Therefore, in the past 40 years enormous resources and effort have been invested into finding a way how to specifically target and destroy the cancerous cells. This goal has been primarily addressed by the search for molecules, mainly proteins, which are predominantly expressed in the cancerous tissues compared to the healthy cells. Glutamate carboxypeptidase II (GCPII), also known as prostate specific membrane antigen (PSMA), represents such a target since it is highly expressed in a prostate carcinoma as well as in a solid tumor neovasculature. Additionally, GCPII is widely used as a model target molecule for proof-of-principle studies on targeted drug delivery. GCPII thorough biochemical characterization is essential for its appropriate use. Therefore, our laboratory has been investigating GCPII from various perspectives for more...
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Caracterização bioquímica e imunológica das enzimas recombinantes ATP-difosfohidrolases 1 e 2 do parasita Schistosoma mansoni / Biochemical and immunological characterization of ATP- diphosphohydrolases 1 and 2 from Schistosoma mansoni parasiteGarcia, Julio Cesar Levano 19 February 2008 (has links)
ATPDases ou ATP-difosfohidrolases são enzimas que clivam o ATP e o ADP a AMP e Pi e estão envolvidos em inibição da agregação plaquetária. No parasita Schistosoma mansoni nosso grupo identificou e clonou o gene da ATPDase1, e a proteína foi localizada na superfície do tegumento. Recentemente, clonamos o gene da ATPDase2 usando a informação do banco de dados de ESTs de S. mansoni e imunolocalizamos a sua proteína também no tegumento. ATPDase2 foi encontrada em ambas as membranas do tegumento basal e apical juntamente com a ATPDase1, entretanto ATPDase2 somente foi encontrada no espaço sincicial do tegumento. A presença de ambas as enzimas sobre a superfície externa do tegumento sugere um maior papel sobre a regulação de abundância de nucleotídeos. Análise da expressão de ambos os genes foram realizadas por RT- PCR em tempo real usando RNA de ovos, miracídeo, cercária, esquistossômulo e verme adulto. Os resultados mostraram que o gene da ATPDase1 foi mais expresso em ovos (7 vezes), adulto (6 vezes), cercária (3,5 vezes) e esquistossômulo (1,5 vezes) quando comparado ao miracídio, que foi tomado como referência. O gene da ATPDase2 foi mais expresso em ovos (16 vezes), cercária (11 vezes), miracídio (7 vezes) e verme adulto (2 vezes) quando comparado a esquistossômulo, mostrando que ambos os genes são modulados ao longo de seus estágios de ciclo de vida . Para maior caracterização destas enzimas, elas foram expressas heterologamente na levedura Pichia pastoris como proteínas de fusão com cauda de 6 histidinas e as proteínas recombinantes foram purificadas por cromatografia de afinidade com resina de Ni-NTA. As ATPDases recombinantes foram obtidas de forma ativa e medições de atividade enzimática foram realizadas. ATPDase1 - mostrou atividades ATPásica e ADPásica em torno de 650 e 160 nmoles Pi.min -1. mg-1 , respectivamente. ATPDase2 teve atividades ATPásica e ADPásica na faixa de 1050 e 250 nmoles Pi.min-1.mg-1 , respectivamente. Adicionalmente, atividades UTPásica e UDPásica também foram encontradas nestas enzimas. Estudos de dicroísmo circular com estas duas enzimas elucidaram suas estruturas secundárias. Com isto, ATPDase1 (S66 to Q507 ) teve alfa-hélice (7 %), folha-beta (45 %) e estrutura randômica (48 %), e a ATPDase2 (N83 a K564 ) mostrou conter alfa-hélice (14 %), folha-beta (33 %) e estrutura randômica (53 %). Nós mostramos que a ATPDase2 é secretada pelo parasita no meio, de forma similar como descrito para as ATP-difosfohidrolases humanas CD39L2 e CD39L4. Adicionalmente, em ensaios de inibição de penetração (cercária em camundongo) usando anticorpo anti- ATPDase1 foi mostrada uma redução em 20 % da capacidade de penetração através da pele das cercárias previamente incubadas com o anti-soro. Devido a que a expressão do gene da ATPDase2 estava mais alta em miracídio e cercária, estágios que infectam caramujos e humanos, respectivamente, postulamos que ATPDase2 poderia ajudar no processo de invasão do parasita. No estágio ovo ambos os genes estão altamente expressados sugerindo um possível envolvimento das ATPDases na resposta de proteção contra o sistema imune humano. Ensaios de proteção contra S. mansoni em camundongos, usando as ATPDases 1 e 2 como antígenos, resultaram em uma baixa proteção obtendo-se não mais que 20% na redução da carga parasitária. / ATPDases or ATP-diphosphohydrolases are enzymes that cleave ATP and ADP to AMP and Pi and are involved in inhibition of platelet aggregation. In the parasite Schistosoma mansoni our group had identified and cloned the ATPDase1 gene and localized the protein on the tegument surface. Recently, we cloned the ATPDase2 gene using S. mansoni EST databank information and we immunolocalized it also in the tegument. ATPDase 2 was found on both the apical and basal tegument membranes together with ATPDase1, but only ATPDse2 was found in the syncytium space of the tegument. The presence of both enzymes on the tegumental outer surface suggests a major role in regulation of nucleotides abundance. Expression analysis of both genes was performed by Real Time RT- PCR using RNA from eggs, miracidia, cercariae, schistosomula and adult worms. The results showed that ATPDase1 gene was more expressed in eggs (7-fold), adults (6-fold), cercariae (3.5-fold) and schistosomula (1.5-fold) when compared to miracidia, which was taken as the reference. ATPDase2 gene was more expressed in eggs (16-fold), cercariae (11-fold), miracidia (7-fold) and adult worms (2-fold) when compared to schistosomula, showing that both genes are modulated along the life cycle stages. For further characterization of these enzymes, they were expressed heterologously in the yeast Pichia pastoris as fusion proteins with hexa-histidine tags and the recombinant proteins were purified by Ni-NTA affinity chromatography. The recombinant ATPDases were obtained in active form and activity measurements were performed. ATPDase1 did show ATPase and ADPase activities about 650 and 160 nmoles Pi.min-1.mg-1 , respectively. ATPDase2 had ATPase and ADPase activities in the range of 1050 and 250 nmoles Pi.min-1.mg-1 , respectively. These results were obtained in the presence of calcium as cofactor. Additionally, UTPase and UDPase activities were found for both enzymes. Circular dichroism studies with these enzymes elucidated their secondary structures; ATPDase1 (S66 to Q507 ) has alpha helix (7%), beta sheet (45%) and random coil (48%), whereas ATPDase2 (N83 a K564 ) showed alpha helix (14%), beta sheet (33%) and random coil (53%). We found that ATPDase2 was secreted by the parasite to the medium, similar to what has been described for human CD39-L2 and CD39-L4 ATP-diphosphohydrolases. Additionally, a penetration assay (cercaria to mice) using antibody anti-ATPDase1 did show a decrease of 20% in the penetration capacity through mice skin of cercaria previously incubated with this antiserum. Because ATPDase2 gene expression was increased in miracidia and cercariae, the stages that infect snail and human, respectively, we postulate that ATPDase2 may help the parasite\'s invasion process. In the egg stage both genes were highly expressed suggesting a possible involvement of the ATPDases in the protection response of eggs against the human immune system. Assays of protection against S. mansoni in mice, using recombinant ATPDase1 and 2 as antigens, resulted in low protection obtaining no more than 20% of parasite burden reduction.
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Avaliação da eficácia do antígeno PspA (Pneumococcal surface protein A) em modelo de co-colonização com diferentes linhagens de Streptococcus pneumoniae. / Evaluation of the efficacy of PspA (Pneumococcal surface protein A) in a co-colonization model with different strains of Streptococcus pneumoniae.Tostes, Rafaella Oliveira 18 March 2016 (has links)
Streptococcus pneumoniae é o patógeno causador de diversas doenças com alta mortalidade e morbidade, como meningite e pneumonia. As vacinas disponíveis baseiam-se na resposta contra o polissacarídeo capsular (PS), porém possuem elevado custo e cobertura limitada aos sorotipos vacinais. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a eficácia da imunização nasal com PspAs recombinantes de família 1 (rPspA1 e rPspA2) e de família 2 (rPspA3, rPspA4 e rPspA5) em um modelo de cocolonização da nasofaringe de camundongos, utilizando isolados que expressam diferentes PspAs (PspA1 ao PspA4). Esse modelo visa analisar a eficácia da vacinação frente à exposição a diferentes pneumococos, uma situação comum, especialmente em crianças. Os experimentos deste projeto avaliaram a colonização com misturas de isolados dos sorotipos 6B e 23F e expressando PspA1, PspA2, PspA3 ou PspA4, mostrando uma análise ampla da cobertura vacinal contra pneumococo das diferentes formulações contendo as variantes do antígeno PspA e a importância desse antígeno para o desenvolvimento de uma nova vacina. / Streptococcus pneumoniae is the cause of several diseases with high mortality and morbidity, such as meningitis and pneumonia. The available vaccines are based on the response against the capsular polysaccharide (PS), but they have a high cost and coverage restricted to the vaccine serotypes. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of nasal immunization with recombinant PspAs from family 1 (rPspA1 and rPspA2) and from family 2 (rPspA3, rPspA4 and rPspA5) in a model of co-colonization of the mouse nasopharynx, using isolates expressing different PspAs (PspA1 to PspA4). This model aims to analyze the effectiveness of vaccination upon exposure to different pneumococci, a common situation, especially in children. The experiments in this project assessed colonization with mixtures of isolates of serotypes 6B and 23F, expressing PspA1, PspA2, PspA3 or PspA4, showing a wide vaccination coverage analysis of different formulations containing the PspA variants against pneumococcus and the importance of this antigen to the development of a new vaccine.
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