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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Probabilistic Weighting and Deferred Acceptance in Reciprocal Recommendations : An A/B Test Evaluation of Tenant-to-Landlord Recommendation Systems on a Digital Rental Marketplace / Statistisk Viktning och Deferred Acceptance i Reciprok rekommendation : En A/B-testutvärdering av Hyresgäst-till-Hyresvärd Rekommendationssystem på en Digital Hyresmarknad

Byström, Julia January 2024 (has links)
With growing information availability recommendation systems help users navigate and filter the many options. The home rental market has been pointed out as one of the unexplored areas for recommendations system. This project examines the effects of incorporating historical data for probabilistic weighting and matching algorithms for increased recommendation diversity for a tenant to landlord recommendation system. This was done by implementing two new recommendation systems. The first uses probabilistic weighting to measure the similarity between tenants and landlord homes. The second combines this probabilistic weighting with a variant of the Deferred Acceptance algorithm to enhance recommendation diversity. These two recommendation systems were A/B tested together with the existing tenant recommendation system on the Qasa platform, a digital end-to-end rental apartments marketplace in Sweden. With the objective of having the recommendation system increase landlord engagement a good recommendation was defined as one where the landlord choose to contact the tenant. After the A/B test period, the three recommendation variants were evaluated on Coverage@N, Gini-Index@K, Precision@K and Recall@K. The result revealed that the use of the Deferred Acceptance algorithm did increase the recommendation diversity, but it led to reduced precision in the top recommendations compared to the first new implementation that only used probabilistic weighting. However, the incorporation of historical data for the probabilistic weighting for similarity in booth new recommendation systems showed higher precision and number of contacted tenants compared to the existing tenant recommendation model on the Qasa platform. / Med växande informationstillgänglighet hjälper rekommendationssystem användarna att navigera och filtrera bland många alternativ. Hyresmarknaden har pekats ut som ett av de outforskade områdena för rekommendationssystem. Detta projekt undersöker effekterna av att inkorporera historiska data för statistiska vikter och matchningsalgoritmer för ökad rekommendations mångfald i ett rekommendationssystem från hyresgäster till hyresvärdar. Detta gjordes genom att implementera två nya rekommendationssystem. Det första använder statistiska vikter för att mäta likheten mellan hyresgäster och hyresvärdars bostäder. Det andra kombinerar dessa statistiska vikter med en variant av deferred acceptance algorithm algoritmen för att förbättra rekommendations mångfaldet. Dessa två rekommendationssystem A/B testades tillsammans med det befintliga rekommendationssystemet av hyresgäster på Qasa-plattformen, en digital marknadsplats för andrahandsuthyrning av lägenheter i Sverige. Med målet att rekommendationssystemet skulle öka hyresvärdens engagemang definierades en bra rekommendation som en där hyresvärden valde att kontakta hyresgästen. Efter A/B-testperioden utvärderades de tre rekommendationsvarianterna baserat på Coverage@N, Gini-Index@K, Precision@K och Recall@K. Resultatet visade att användningen av algoritmen för uppskjuten acceptans ökade mångfaldet i ett rekommendationssystem, men det ledde till minskad precision i de första rekommendationerna jämfört med den första nya implementationen som endast använde statistiska vikter. Däremot visade inkorporeringen av historiska data för statistiska vikter vid uträkning av likhet, något som gjordes i båda nya rekommendationssystem, högre precision och fler antal kontaktade hyresgäster jämfört med den befintliga modellen för hyresgästrekommendationer på Qasa-plattformen.

基於個人電腦使用者操作情境之音樂推薦 / Context-based Music Recommendation for Desktop Users

謝棋安, Hsieh, Chi An Unknown Date (has links)
隨著電腦音樂技術的蓬勃發展,合乎情境需求的音樂若被能自動推薦給使用者,將是知識工作者所樂見的。我們提出了一個定義使用者操作情境的情境塑模,定義使用者操作情境,並利用累計專注視窗的轉變,找出使用者的操作情境。同時,我們也提出了音樂推薦塑模,依據使用者的操作情境與聆聽的音樂,分析探勘情境與音樂特徵間的關聯特性,利用探勘出的關聯推薦適合情境的音樂給使用者。在此音樂推薦塑模中,我們採用Content-based Recommendation的作法。我們分析音樂的特徵值,並發展MAML(Multi-attribute Multi-label)的分類演算法以及Probability Measure二種方法來探勘情境屬性與音樂特徵間的關聯特性。根據探勘出的關聯特性,找出適合情境的音樂特徵,再從音樂資料庫中推薦符合音樂特徵的音樂給使用者。本論文的符合使用者操作情境的音樂推薦系統是利用Windows Hook API實作。經實驗證明,本論文方法在符合情境的音樂推薦上,擁有近七成準確率。 / With the development of digital music technology, knowledge workers will be delighted if the music recommendation system is able to automatically recommend music based on the operating context in the desktop. The context model and context identification algorithm are proposed to define the operating context of users and to detect the transition of context based on the changes of focused windows. Two association discovery mechanisms, MMAL (Multi-attribute Multi-label) algorithm and PM (Probability Measure), are proposed to discover the relationships between context features and music features. Based on the discovered rules, the proposed music recommendation mechanism recommends music to the user from the music database according to the operating context of users. The context-based recommendation system is implemented using Windows Hook API. Experimental results show that near 70% accuracy can be achieved.

基於音樂特徵以及文字資訊的音樂推薦 / Music recommendation based on music features and textual information

張筑鈞, Chang, Chu Chun Unknown Date (has links)
在WEB2.0的時代,網際網路中充斥著各式各樣的互動式平台。就音樂網站而言,使用者除了聽音樂外,更開始習慣於虛擬空間中交流及分享意見,並且在這些交流、分享的過程中留下他們的足跡,間接的提供許多帶有個人色彩的資訊。利用這些資訊,更貼近使用者的推薦系統因應而生。本研究中,將針對使用者過去存取過的音樂特徵以及使用者於系統中留下的文字評論特徵這兩個部份的資料,做音樂特徵的擷取、找尋具有價值的音樂特徵區間、建立使用者音樂特徵偏好,以及文字特徵的擷取、建立使用者文字特徵偏好。接著,採用協同式推薦方式,將具有相同興趣的使用者分於同一群,推薦給使用者與之同群的使用者的喜好物件,但這些推薦之物件為該使用者過去並沒有任何記錄於這些喜好物件上之物件。我們希望對於音樂推薦考慮的開始不只是音樂上之特徵,更包含了使用者交流、互動中留下的訊息。 / In the era of Web2.0, it is flooded with a variety of interactive platforms on the internet. In terms of music web site, in addition to listening to music, users got used to exchanging their comments and sharing their experiences through virtual platforms. And through the process of exchanging and sharing, they left their footprints. These footprints indirectly provide more information about users that contains personal characteristics. Moreover, from this information, we can construct a music recommendation system, which provides personalized service. In this research, we will focus on user’s access histories and comments of users to recommend music. Moreover, the user’s access histories are analyzed to derive the music features, then to find the valuable range of music features, and construct music profiles of user interests. On the other hand, the comments of users are analyzed to derive the textual features, then to calculate the importance of textual features, and finally to construct textual profiles of user interests. The music profile and the textual profile are behaviors for user grouping. The collaborative recommendation methods are proposed based on the favorite degrees of the users to the user groups they belong to.

An Analysis of Major American Riots: Issues in Riots and Riot Control

Cinoglu, Huseyin 08 1900 (has links)
By conducting sound research to understand the concepts surrounding rioting and efficient riot response tactics, professionals, especially whose main job is to ensure the tranquility in the society, will be better prepared to deal with all kinds of civil movements. The purpose of this study, consequently, is to meet the growing need for educational materials in this area and to provide riot response case studies, which demonstrate the numerous administrative challenges faced by law enforcement decision makers. In this study, seven major riots from throughout the United States are discussed including the Hay Market Riot of 1886, the Watts Riot of 1965, and Los Angeles Riots of 1992. Each riot case is studied in five different and independent stages: the setting and pre-disturbance situation, basic causes of the event, the disturbance situation, the response to the riot, and the aftermath of the incident. The study of all of these stages is intended to help police administrators acquire a general perspective on collective violence, and help them prevent future occurrences in their jurisdictions. In this thesis a special reference is given to the deficiencies of American riot policing and some recommendations were formed accordingly. Therefore, the study concludes with a list of general recommendations, which are crucially important for concerned officials to pay attention before, during, and after a riot.

Sjuksköterskors användning av SBAR : En litteraturstudie

Lejfalk, Anna, Rahm, Alexandra January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Kommunikation är en avancerad process som innefattar utbyte av information och kan ske genom tal, skrift och tecken. En stor del av sjuksköterskans arbete består av att förmedla information, ofta i form av överrapporteringar. Brister i kommunikationen leder lätt till missförstånd och att delar av informationen faller bort, vilket innebär en stor risk för patientsäkerheten. Kommunikationsverktyg är ett samlingsbegrepp för olika mallar som är framtagna för att underlätta och strukturera upp kommunikation. Ett sådant verktyg är SBAR. Syfte: Syftet med föreliggande litteraturstudie var att beskriva följderna av sjuksköterskors användning av SBAR vid informationsöverföring inom sjukvården, samt att beskriva de valda artiklarnas tillvägagångssätt för datainsamling. Metod: Litteraturstudien hade en deskriptiv design och baserades på 11 sökta artiklar. Databaserna Cinahl och Medline via PubMed användes för artikelsökning. Huvudresultat: Resultatet visade att SBAR förbättrade kommunikationen och gjorde den mer lättförståelig och effektiv. Sjuksköterskor blev tryggare i sin yrkesroll och uppfattades vara kunnigare, mer fokuserade och bättre förberedda. Det blev en större medvetenhet bland sjuksköterskor gällande patientsäkerheten och färre incidenter rapporterades. Slutsats: SBAR tycks vara ett lämpligt och effektivt kommunikationsverktyg att använda inom sjukvården, sett både ur ett patient- och personalperspektiv, samt att vårdinstanser bör införa och utbilda sin personal i att använda SBAR. / Background: Communication is an advanced process which includes an exchange of information and can be performed through speech, writing or signs. A big part of the nursing profession is to transfer information, commonly in forms of handovers. Errors in communication can easily lead to misunderstandings and that parts of the information is lost, which can be a grave risk for the patient security. Communication tools are a generic term for templates made to help and structure communication. One of those templates is SBAR. Purpose: The purpose of the following literature study was to describe the progressions of that nurses use SBAR at information transfers within the healthcare industry, and to describe the chosen articles method for gathering data. Method: The literature study had a descriptive design and was based on 11 found articles. The databases Cinahl and Medline through PubMed were used for the search for articles. Main result: The result showed that SBAR improved the communication and made it easier to understand and more efficient. Nurses became more secure in their working role and were perceived as to have more knowledge, more focused and better prepared.There was an improved consciousness among nurses concerning patient security and fewer incidents were reported. Conclusion: SBAR seems to be a suitable and efficient communication tool to be used within the healthcare industry, from both a patient perspective and a staff perspective, and that healthcare agencies should introduce and train their staff in using SBAR.

Velikost a rozdíly v pohybové aktivitě v týdenním režimu u adolescentních hráčů fotbalu na výkonnostní úrovni / The size and differences in physical activity in the weekly mode in adolescent soccer players on performance level

Hojdar, Michal January 2015 (has links)
Bibliographical identification Title of Bachelor work: The size and differences in physical activity in the weekly mode in adolescent soccer players on performance level Place of work: UK FTVS Author: Bc. Michal Hojdar Field of study: Physical education and sport Head of work: Mgr. Jakub Kokštejn, Ph.D. Defence year: 2015 Generalization: This thesis is focused on the analysis of physical activity weekly regimen of adolescent soccer players at performance level who practice regular physical activity. The primary objective is to determine the differences in the size of physical activities in the category of younger and older adolescents, and then compare the results obtained with each other and with health recommendations for these ages. Younger adolescents consist of U16 and U17 players in age from 15 to 17 years. Older adolescents include soccer players U19 aged between 17 and 19 years. Research is aimed to the players of football club FC MAS Táborsko. To determine the size and composition of physical activity was used accelerometer ActiGraph GT3X. Obtained data are processed in the program ActiLife Lifestyle Monitor Software. To ensure that the measured values are relevant and comparable, were used statistical methods of calculations, such as arithmetic mean and standard deviation. For clarity and ease of...

Pohybová aktivita pro zdraví u sportující mládeže / Physical activity for health in sport youthα

Kokštejn, Jan January 2014 (has links)
Title of Bachelor thesis: Physical activity for health in sport youth Author: Bc. Jan Kokštejn Head of work: Mgr. Jakub Kokštejn, Ph.D. Aim: Findings the size of physical activity in youth soccer players during a week mode and comparison of selected indicators with recommendations of physical aktivity for health promotion. To identify possible differences in physical activity between younger (16-17 years old) and older (18-19 years old) players in adolescent category. Methods: The research samples consist of younger soccer players (n=25; 16,2±0,9 years old) and older soccer players (n=25; 18,6±0,3 years old). Accelerometers Actigraph GT3X were used for determining level of physical activity during the week. Results: The average daily amount of modern to high intensity physical activity exceeded in both groups of soccer players worldwide used recommendations, which is 60 minutes. For daily number of steps, the group of younger players exceeded recommended amount according to Sigmund et al. (2005). The group of older players remained just below this threshold, but within the recommended range. In terms of energy output both groups reached values between 8-9 kcal.kg-1 .day-1 , according to selected criteria met physical activity recommendations. Energy output value and the number of steps did not...

Towards Semantic-Social Recommender Systems / Systèmes de recommandation sociaux et sémantiques

Sulieman, Dalia 30 January 2014 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous proposons des algorithmes de recommandation sémantique et sociale, qui recommandent un produit pour les utilisateurs qui sont connectés par un réseau de collaboration sociale. Ces algorithmes utilisent deux types d'informations : information sémantique et information sociale .L' information sémantique est basée sur la pertinence sémantique entre les utilisateurs et le produit à recommandé, tandis que l' information sociale est basée sur la position de l'utilisateur et de leur type et de la qualité des connexions entre eux dans le réseau de collaboration . Enfin, nous utilisons l'algorithme de parcoure profondeur (DFS) et l'algorithme de parcoure en largeur (BFS), pour explorer le réseau social.Utilisation de l' information sémantique et l'information sociale , dans le système de recommandation , nous aide à explorer partiellement le réseau social , ce qui nous conduit à réduire la taille des données explorées et de minimiser le temps de recherche dans le réseau.Nous appliquons nos algorithmes sur des données réelles : MovieLens et Amazon , et nous comparons la précision de la performance de nos algorithmes avec les algorithmes de recommandation classiques , comme l'algorithme de filtrage collaborative et l'algorithme hybrideNos résultats montrent un taux de précision satisfaisants , et une performance très significative du temps d'exécution et de la taille des données explorées , par rapport aux autres algorithmes de recommandation classiques .En fait , l'importance de nos algorithmes repose sur le fait que ces algorithmes explorent une très petite partie du graphe , au lieu d'explorer tout le graphe que les méthodes de recherche classiques , et encore donnent une bonne précision par rapport aux autres algorithmes de recommandation classiques . Donc , en minimisant la taille des données recherchées n'influence pas mal la précision des résultats . / In this thesis we propose semantic-social recommendation algorithms, that recommend an input item to users connected by a collaboration social network. These algorithms use two types of information: semantic information and social information.The semantic information is based on the semantic relevancy between users and the input item; while the social information is based on the users position and their type and quality of connections in the collaboration social network. Finally, we use depth-first search and breath-first search strategies to explore the graph.Using the semantic information and the social information, in the recommender system, helps us to partially explore the social network, which leads us to reduce the size of the explored data and to minimize the graph searching time.We apply our algorithms on real datasets: MovieLens and Amazon, and we compare the accuracy an the performance of our algorithms with the classical recommendation algorithms, mainly item-based collaborative filtering and hybrid recommendation.Our results show a satisfying accuracy values, and a very significant performance in execution time and in the size of explored data, compared to the classical recommendation algorithms.In fact, the importance of our algorithms relies on the fact that these algorithms explore a very small part of the graph, instead of exploring all the graph as the classical searching methods, and still give a good accuracy compared to the other classical recommendation algorithms. So, minimizing the size of searched data does not badly influence the accuracy of the results.

Velikost celotýdenní pohybové aktivity u adolescentních hráčů fotbalu / The level of physical activity during the week in adolescent football players

Vait, Marek January 2015 (has links)
Title: The level of physical activity during the week in adolescent football players Author: Bc. Marek Vait Head of work: Mgr. Jakub Kokštejn, Ph.D. Aim: The aim of the research was to determine the level of physical activity (PA) in the weekly mode with teenage football players in the junior category (16 - 17 years old) and older adolescents (18 - 19 years old). At the same time to evaluate the level of the PA in relation to selected health recommendations for the size of the PA. Methods: In the research participated a total of n = 66 players (players younger junior players n = 36; 15.8 ± 0.8, older adolescents n = 30 players; 17.2 ± 0.75. For testing of selected player were used 25 accelerometers, 14 of them was a type ActiGraph GT3X and 11 type ActiGraph GTM1. The level of PA was observed during seven days. Results: The average daily value of energy expenditure reached in the younger category of 10.9 ± 2.7, with the older 9.1 ± 3.2. Both categories fulfilled health recommendations. In the case of the daily number of steps, both categories have reached the recommended values, the values of the younger reached 13,625 ± 3049 and the older 11061 ± 3873.The average daily value of medium to high intensity PA exceeded both categories used worldwide recommendations for the minimum daily amount of...

Análise da rede de produtos comprados em conjunto no comércio eletrônico / Analysis of the network of products bought together in electronic commerce

Santos, Rafael Joseph Pagliuca dos 22 May 2019 (has links)
Este trabalho aborda as áreas de teoria dos grafos, sistemas de recomendação, e comércio eletrônico, que já foram tema de diversas publicações ao longo das últimas décadas. Entretanto, o estudo da importância da utilização de medidas de centralidade de redes como atributos preditivos de modelos de aprendizado de máquina é um assunto que ainda não foi explorado pela literatura. Neste trabalho, além de relatarmos resultados que sugerem que essas medidas de centralidade podem aumentar a precisão dos modelos preditivos, também apresentamos os principais conceitos teóricos de redes complexas, como tipos de redes, caracterização, métricas de distância, além de propriedades de redes reais. Também apresentamos as ferramentas e metodologia utilizadas para o desenvolvimento de um webcrawler próprio, software necessário para a construção da rede de produtos comprados em conjunto no comércio eletrônico. Modelos de aprendizado de máquina foram treinados utilizando a base de produtos obtida pelo webcrawler, possibilitando a obtenção de modelos preditivos de estimativa de preços de produtos, e de previsão de probabilidade de ligação entre produtos da rede. A performance dos modelos preditivos obtidos são apresentadas. / This work approaches areas such as graph theory, recommendation systems, and electronic commerce, which have been chosen as topics for several publications over the last decades. Although, studying the importance of using network centrality measures as predictive features within machine learning models is a topic which was not yet explored on literature. In this work, besides reporting results which suggest that those centrality measures can increase the precision of predictive models, we also present the main theoretical concepts of complex networks, such as network types, characterization, distance metrics, besides some properties of real networks. We also present the tools and methodology used on the development of our own webcrawler, a software required for the generation of the network of products bought together in the electronic commerce. Machine learning models were trained using the product database obtained using the webcrawler, allowing the achievement of predictive models for product price estimation, and also link prediction between products of the network. The performance of the predictive models are also presented.

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