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Recomendação de fertilizantes para violeta africana de acordo com o requerimento e suprimento nutricional / Recommendation of fertilizers for african violet in accordance with the application and supply nutritionMatta, Patrícia Morais da 07 November 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-11-07 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Fertilization is the most limited factor to violets production, since there are no specific recommendations for the same. Thus, a method was developed for fertilizer recommendation based on demand and nutritional requirement of the crop, the method of nutrient supply, in which the general principles of the laws of fertilization are satisfied. The objectives of this study were to determine the demand and the rate of recovery of macro and micronutrients by the African violet; estimating recovery rates of macro and micronutrients by extractors forms available and determine the dose that meets the requirements of African violet throughout the cycle . The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse at UFV. The experimental design used was a factorial (2 × 6 × 4) +1, two varieties of violet, Kalisa and Fiesta, cultivated with six doses (0, 20, 40, 60, 120 and 200 mg/dm3/aplicação) fertilizer fluid, each application of 100ml every 7 d for the experimental unit (consisting of a plate 3 pots of 0.4 dm ³ of each substrate and a plant), and four harvest times (35, 70, 105, and 140 d after the start of application of fertilizer levels), totaling 48 treatments, more time zero corresponding to the sampled saplings on the day they arrived in the department. In each sample was also collected a sample of the substrate of each experimental unit for chemical analysis. The plant part (leaf, and inflorescence meristem) was dried in forced-circulation oven at 70 ° C, weighed, ground and calcined (0.1 g) in an oven at 475 ° C. Thereafter was added 10 ml of HCl 0.1 mol / L and was filtered extract, adding 10 mL deionized water (final volume 20 mL), and followed by analysis of S, Ca, Mg, B, Mo, Zn, Fe, Mn and Cu in inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrophotometer (ICP-OES), of which P was determined by colorimetry, the flame photometer for K and N by the Kjeldahl method (Jackson, 1979; Bremner, 1979). From the content of the nutrient i (tNui) and the dry matter yield of each plant organ (MMSO) plant was obtained by the nutrient content of plant organ (cNuov = tNui × MMSO) and, by summation, the total content the nutrient in the plant (cNuit = CNu Leaf + CNu Inflorescence + CNu Meristem). The nutrient requirement of the plant is obtained by dividing the demand for nutritional recovery rate of nutrient by the plant. The recovery rate was calculated by the extractor in two ways, with the goal of estimating the actual amount of nutrients present in the substrate, since the extractors are not able to extract 100% of the nutrients available to it was divided quantities found in the substrate for each extractor recovery rates calculated. The rate of recovery was calculated by the plant differential equations 7, where the numerator was always [100 (d̂ Nuij - d̂ Nui0)]; where dNuij = Demand nutrient by plants fertilized with j dose in mg / pl; and dNui0 = Demand nutrient absorbed by plants in the 0 dose in mg / pl, and the denominators were q̂NuiDji = Amount of nutrient provided by dosing j, per pot, in mg / pot; q̂NuiDjSi = Amount of nutrient available from dosing j, per pot, in mg / jar and the amount of nutrient i provided by the substrate in mg / jar. q̂NuiSij = Amount of nutrient substrate provided by the j dose in mg / jar. q̂NuiSc = Quantities provided by the nutrient substrate per pot adjusted by the rate of recovery by extraction of the nutrient i j dose in mg / jar. q̂NuiDjSc, = Amount of nutrient provided by applying j dose in mg / pot and the amount provided by the substrate per pot adjusted by the rate of recovery by extraction of the nutrient i j dose in mg / jar. q̂NuiSm = Amount of nutrient provided by the substrate corrected for the average recovery rate of nutrient extractor i j dose in mg / pot. q̂NuiDjSm = Amount of nutrient provided by applying j dose in mg / pot, and the amount of the nutrient substrate provided by i corrected by the average recovery rate of nutrient by the extractor i j dose in mg / jar. The equation that represents better recovery rates by the plant is one whose denominator is: q̂NuiDjSm due to the values of recovery rates Intermediates presenting, which creates an application that meets the needs of the plant and is economically viable. The highest recovery rates were for the extractor K; Variety Fiesta showed higher content of macro and micronutrients in relation to variety Kaliza except for Fe; Both varieties showed no significant differences in relation to the accumulation of dry matter; Higher recovery rates for the plant were to K, N and Mo; dose 120 mg / dm ³ / application provided greater dry matter accumulation, with high recovery rates, and the recommended dose for both varieties. / A adubação é o maior gargalo para a produção de violetas, visto que não há
recomendações específicas para as mesmas. Assim, foi desenvolvido um método
para recomendação de adubação baseado na demanda e requerimento da planta e
suprimento do substrato. No método do suprimento nutricional os princípios gerais
das leis de adubação são satisfeitos. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram: determinar a
demanda e a taxa de recuperação de macro e micronutrientes pela violeta africana;
estimar as taxas de recuperação de macro e micronutrientes pelos extratores de
formas disponíveis e determinar a dose que supra os requerimentos de violeta
africana durante todo o ciclo. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação,
na UFV. O arranjo experimental utilizado foi um fatorial (2×6×4)+1, duas variedades
de violeta, Kalisa e Fiesta, cultivadas com seis doses (0, 20, 40, 60, 120 e 200
mg/dm3/aplicação) de adubo fluido, sendo cada aplicação de 100 mL a cada 7 d por
unidade experimental (composta por um prato com 3 vasos de 0,4 dm³ de substrato
e uma planta cada), e 4 épocas de colheita (35, 70, 105 e 140 d após o início da
aplicação das doses de adubo), totalizando 48 tratamentos, mais o tempo zero
correspondente a amostragem feita nas mudas no dia em que chegaram ao
departamento. Em cada colheita foi coletada também uma amostra do substrato de
cada unidade experimental, para análise química. A parte vegetal (folha, meristema
e inflorescência) foi seca em estufa de circulação forçada a 70 °C, pesada, moída e
calcinada (0,1 g) em mufla a 475 °C. Posteriormente foi adicionado 10 mL de HCl
0,1 mol/L e o extrato foi filtrado, acrescentando 10 mL de água deionizada (volume
final 20 mL). Em seguida os teores de S, Ca, Mg, B, Mo, Zn, Fe, Mn e Cu, foram
analisados por espectrofotômetria de emissão ótica em plasma induzido (ICP-OES),
de P por colorimetria, de K por fotômetria de chama e de N pelo método Kjeldahl
(Jackson, 1979; Bremner, 1979). A partir do teor do nutriente i (tNui) e da produção
de matéria seca de cada órgão vegetal (mMSO) da planta, foi obtido o conteúdo do
nutriente por órgão vegetal (cNuov = tNui×mMSO) e, pelo somatório, o conteúdo total
do nutriente na planta (cNuit = cNu Inflorescência + cNu Folha + cNu Meristema). O
requerimento do nutriente pela planta é obtido pela divisão da demanda nutricional
pela taxa de recuperação do nutriente pela planta. A taxa de recuperação pelo extrator foi calculada de duas formas, com o objetivo de estimar a quantidade real de
nutrientes presentes no substrato, já que os extratores não são capazes de extrair
100 % dos nutrientes disponibilizados, para isso foi dividido as quantidades
encontradas no substrato por cada uma das taxas de recuperação do extrator
calculadas. Já a taxa de recuperação pela planta foi calculada por sete equações
diferentes, onde o numerador era sempre [100 (d̂
Nuij d̂
Nui0) ]; em que dNuij=
Demanda do nutriente i pelas plantas fertilizadas com a dose j, em mg/pl e dNui0=
Demanda nutriente i absorvido pelas plantas na dose 0, em mg/pl; e os
denominadores foram: qNuiDj = Quantidade do nutriente i disponibilizado pela
aplicação da dose j, em mg/vaso ; q̂ NuiDjS = Quantidade do nutriente i
disponibilizado pela aplicação da dose j, e pela quantidade do nutriente i
disponibilizado pelo substrato, em mg/vaso. q̂ NuiSij = Quantidade do nutriente i
disponibilizado pelo substrato na dose j, em mg/vaso. q̂ NuiSc = Quantidades do
nutriente i disponibilizado pelo substrato, corrigidas pela taxa de recuperação pelo
extrator do nutriente i na dose j, em mg/vaso . q̂ NuiDjSc,= Quantidade do nutriente i
disponibilizado pela aplicação da dose j, em mg/vaso e pela quantidade
disponibilizada pelo substrato, por vaso, corrigidas pela taxa de recuperação pelo
extrator do nutriente i na dose j, em mg/vaso. q̂ NuiSm, = Quantidade do nutriente i
disponibilizado pelo substrato corrigido pela taxa de recuperação média pelo extrator
do nutriente i na dose j, em mg/vaso . q̂ NuiDjSm = Quantidade do nutriente i
disponibilizado pela aplicação da dose j, em mg/vaso, e pela quantidade do nutriente
i disponibilizado pelo substrato corrigido pela taxa de recuperação média pelo
extrator do nutriente i na dose j. A equação que representa melhor as taxas de
recuperação pela planta é aquela cujo denominador é: q̂ NuiDjSm , devido aos
valores intemediários de taxas de recuperação que apresenta, o que gera um
requerimento que supre as necessidades da planta e é economicamente viável. As
maiores taxas de recuperação pelo extrator foram para K; A variedade Fiesta
apresentou maior conteúdo de macro e micronutrientes, em relação a variedade
Kaliza exceto para Fe; As duas variedades não apresentaram diferenças
significativas em relação ao acúmulo de massa de matéria seca; As maiores taxas
de recuperação pela planta foram para K, N e Mo; A dose 120 mg/dm³/aplicação
proporcionou maior acúmulo de matéria seca, com altas taxas de recuperação,
sendo a dose recomendada para ambas variedades.
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The Credit Risk Model for SMEG¡G Based on Time Varying and Binomial Tree ApproachChen, Jing-yi 09 June 2010 (has links)
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Applications of constrained non-parametric smoothing methods in computing financial riskWong, Chung To (Charles) January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to improve risk measurement estimation by incorporating extra information in the form of constraint into completely non-parametric smoothing techniques. A similar approach has been applied in empirical likelihood analysis. The method of constraints incorporates bootstrap resampling techniques, in particular, biased bootstrap. This thesis brings together formal estimation methods, empirical information use, and computationally intensive methods. In this thesis, the constraint approach is applied to non-parametric smoothing estimators to improve the estimation or modelling of risk measures. We consider estimation of Value-at-Risk, of intraday volatility for market risk, and of recovery rate densities for credit risk management. Firstly, we study Value-at-Risk (VaR) and Expected Shortfall (ES) estimation. VaR and ES estimation are strongly related to quantile estimation. Hence, tail estimation is of interest in its own right. We employ constrained and unconstrained kernel density estimators to estimate tail distributions, and we estimate quantiles from the fitted tail distribution. The constrained kernel density estimator is an application of the biased bootstrap technique proposed by Hall & Presnell (1998). The estimator that we use for the constrained kernel estimator is the Harrell-Davis (H-D) quantile estimator. We calibrate the performance of the constrained and unconstrained kernel density estimators by estimating tail densities based on samples from Normal and Student-t distributions. We find a significant improvement in fitting heavy tail distributions using the constrained kernel estimator, when used in conjunction with the H-D quantile estimator. We also present an empirical study demonstrating VaR and ES calculation. A credit event in financial markets is defined as the event that a party fails to pay an obligation to another, and credit risk is defined as the measure of uncertainty of such events. Recovery rate, in the credit risk context, is the rate of recuperation when a credit event occurs. It is defined as Recovery rate = 1 - LGD, where LGD is the rate of loss given default. From this point of view, the recovery rate is a key element both for credit risk management and for pricing credit derivatives. Only the credit risk management is considered in this thesis. To avoid strong assumptions about the form of the recovery rate density in current approaches, we propose a non-parametric technique incorporating a mode constraint, with the adjusted Beta kernel employed to estimate the recovery density function. An encouraging result for the constrained Beta kernel estimator is illustrated by a large number of simulations, as genuine data are very confidential and difficult to obtain. Modelling high frequency data is a popular topic in contemporary finance. The intraday volatility patterns of standard indices and market-traded assets have been well documented in the literature. They show that the volatility patterns reflect the different characteristics of different stock markets, such as double U-shaped volatility pattern reported in the Hang Seng Index (HSI). We aim to capture this intraday volatility pattern using a non-parametric regression model. In particular, we propose a constrained function approximation technique to formally test the structure of the pattern and to approximate the location of the anti-mode of the U-shape. We illustrate this methodology on the HSI as an empirical example.
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Essays on firm finances and macroeconomicsYe, Guangzhi 21 January 2023 (has links)
This dissertation consists of three essays on firm finances and macroeconomics. In Chapter 1, I empirically investigate the relationship between firms' financial positions and asset tangibility by drawing on a CRSP/Compustat merged dataset of US public firms from 1987 to 2016. Intangible capital has grown in importance as the US economy has evolved towards service-based and technology-based industries with a decline in the physical capital share. Intangible capital spending is a type of capital expenditure that is not negligible compared to physical capital investment. The key finding of my empirical exercise is that industries and firms with lower average asset tangibility have lower average debt-to-sales ratios and higher average values of distance-to-default both in the long run and short run. Asset tangibility is a proxy for the recovery rate of capital since intangible capital is considered less valuable collateral, so the empirical evidence suggests that the recovery rate of capital is related to borrowing and default.
Chapter 2 structurally estimates the recovery rate of capital, which is difficult to observe in the data, and quantitatively analyzes the aggregate implications of the empirical findings in the previous chapter. The recovery rate of capital determines lenders' credit supply and affects the demand and total credit amounts in equilibrium. Recent rising intangibles in the US may reduce recovery. I build a canonical quantitative general equilibrium heterogeneous firm model with risky debt, capital accumulation, and default. I estimate the model parameters by matching the covariance matrix of profit, investment, and debt, the average spread, and the average default rate in my data sample. The simulated method of moments (SMM) estimate of the recovery rate is 74% when targeting moments constructed with only physical capital. The counterfactuals reveal that declines in the recovery rate reduce aggregate output, credit, and welfare by constraining capital accumulation. Tackling intangibles by a broader notion of capital, I estimate a recovery rate of 46% with the same model structure, implying that rising intangibles could cause nontrivial output and welfare losses due to financial frictions.
Chapter 3 examines the causal effect of immigration on local entrepreneurship in US counties. I use the immigration shock constructed in Burchardi et al. (2020) as an instrumental variable to predict the total number of migrants flowing into each US county from 1990 to 2010. I use the entrepreneurship indices from the Startup Cartography Project (Andrews et al., 2020) to measure the quantity and quality of US start-ups at the county-level. First, I find a strong and significant causal impact of immigration on the number of new business registrants per person. Second, I find a significant causal impact of immigration on the expected number of start-ups with growth per person. I also show that the influx of immigrants can increase the local average wage per capita. To interpret these empirical findings, I build a model of entrepreneurship which implies that if immigration shifts the distribution of entrepreneurial acumen to the right, it increases the wage rate, the fraction of entrepreneurs, and the mean quality of entrepreneurs. These results suggest that immigration is an essential driver of economic dynamism via entrepreneurship.
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"Balanço de massa de um sistema de ultrafiltração e osmose reversa para desssalinização de água salobra"Rodrigues, Ana Carolina Martins 12 April 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Eunice Novais (enovais@uepg.br) on 2018-06-26T19:10:46Z
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Previous issue date: 2018-04-12 / Fundação Araucária de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico do Paraná / A má distribuição de água doce no mundo, o crescimento populacional acentuado, as mudanças climáticas e as consequências das ações antropológicas traz a necessidade da busca de fontes alternativas para suprir a demanda de água aos seres humanos, animais e plantas. A abundância de água salgada ou salobra é muitas vezes, a única fonte de água disponível para sobrevivência de algumas comunidades no planeta, isso tem impulsionado o uso de técnicas de dessalinização. Com o objetivo de estudar alternativas para adaptações climáticas, antecipar tendências e problemas hídricos futuros foi implantado um sistema de dessalinização de água salobra, em escala piloto, nas dependências da Estação de Tratamento de Água (ETA) da Sanepar, em Praia de Leste, no município de Pontal do Paraná no litoral do estado. O sistema piloto foi provido de ultrafiltração (UF) como pré-tratamento seguido de abrandamento e da dessalinização por osmose reversa (OR). Com capacidade para produzir 1 m3.h-1 de água tratada. A água salobra foi padronizada nas concentrações de 1000 ± 50 mg.L-1 e 1500 ± 20 mg.L-1 de sólidos dissolvidos totais (SDT), por meio da mistura da água do mar e da água bruta do Rio das Pombas, manancial que abastece o balneário. Avaliou-se o sistema global a partir de dados de produção e consumo de água, balanço de massa e das taxas de recuperação para configurações diferentes do sistema de OR. Para isso, foram realizados quatro experimentos, variando a configuração de abertura do registro do concentrado da OR: o primeiro com abertura de 72,71% de concentrado (A); o segundo 59,20 % (B); o terceiro 39,70% (C), estes com 1500 ± 20 mg.L-1 de SDT; o quarto experimento foi realizado para 1000 ± 50 mg.L-1 de SDT com abertura de 32,90% de concentrado (D). Aproximadamente 15% do volume de alimentação era utilizado na limpeza hidráulica das membranas da UF e da OR. Quanto maiores as vazões do concentrado da OR, maior a vazão de alimentação, e consequentemente, menor a taxa de recuperação e pressão osmótica. A maior taxa de recuperação obtida foi de 69,13% para o experimento D, sendo considerada a configuração mais otimizada. / With the unequal distribution of fresh water in the world, strong population growth, climate change and the consequences of anthropological actions it is necessary to look for alternative sources to supply the water demand for human beings, animals and plants. Salt water or brackish water has been the only source of water available for survival in some communities on the planet. This issue has driven the use of desalination techniques. With the objective of studying alternatives for climate adaptation, anticipating of trends and problems and water problems, a brackish water desalination system in pilot scale was implemented on the premises of the Water Treatment Plant Station, in Praia de Leste, in the Pontal do Paraná City, coast of the State. The pilot system was provided with ultrafiltration (UF) as a pretreatment followed by softening and reverse osmosis (RO), with the capacity to produce 1m3.h-1 of permeate. Brackish water was produced at concentrations of 1,000 ± 50 mg.L-1 and 1,500 ± 20 mg.L-1 of total dissolved solids (TDS), by mixing sea water and fresh water from the Pombas River, which supplies the town. The global system was evaluated from production and water consumption data, mass balance and recovery rates for different configurations of the reverse osmosis system. For this, four experiments were performed, varying the configuration of the valve which controls the flow of the brine: the first one with 72.71% (A); the second with 59.20%(B); the third with 39.70% (C), these with 1,500 ± 20 mg.L-1 of TDS; the fourth experiment was also performed for 1,000 ± 50 mg.L-1 of TDS with 32.90% of the brine (D). About 15% of volume of water produced was used in the hydraulic cleaning of the UF and RO membranes. When the flow rates of the concentrate were higher, the feed rates were also higher and consequently, the recovery rates and osmotic pressure were lower. The highest recovery rate was 69.13% for the experiment D, being considered the most optimized configuration.
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Redução do volume de percoll para seleção espermática de sêmen sexado na produção in vitro de embriões bovinos / Percoll volume reduction for sperm selection of sex-sorted semen in in vitro production of bovine embryosMissio, Daniele January 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Marcos Anselmo (marcos.anselmo@unipampa.edu.br) on 2018-09-28T17:39:10Z
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Daniele Missio.pdf: 779272 bytes, checksum: 6b39f5d8e9f05222e1d9034c1daa6e30 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marcos Anselmo (marcos.anselmo@unipampa.edu.br) on 2018-09-28T17:39:27Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
Daniele Missio.pdf: 779272 bytes, checksum: 6b39f5d8e9f05222e1d9034c1daa6e30 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-09-28T17:39:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2017 / Na produção in vitro de embriões (PIV) bovinos são utilizadas diferentes técnicas de seleção espermática, a fim de recuperar o maior número de espermatozoides com boa qualidade e remover componentes do sêmen e diluente. Dentre essas técnicas, a seleção por gradientes descontínuos de Percoll, é a mais utilizada atualmente em laboratórios de PIV de bovinos. Porém essa técnica vem sendo modificada principalmente com o aumento da utilização do sêmen sexado. O sêmen sexado possui características distintas do sêmen convencional, como baixo número de células por dose e baixa motilidade pós-descongelamento. Assim, o desenvolvimento de um método eficiente para a seleção espermática, que aumente a taxa de recuperação sem prejudicar a qualidade dos espermatozoides é essencial. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar os efeitos do volume de Percoll na recuperação espermática, qualidade dos espermatozoides, estresse oxidativo e cinética do desenvolvimento embrionário de embriões bovinos PIV. Palhetas de sêmen convencional ou sexado foram descongeladas a 35º C por 20 s e distribuídas em alíquotas iguais em três diferentes volumes de Percoll: 300 μL de cada gradiente de Percoll (90, 60 e 30%), Controle; 100 μL de cada gradiente de Percoll, P100; e 200 μL de cada gradiente de viii
Percoll, P200. Qualidade espermática, taxa de fecundação e cinética do desenvolvimento embrionário até 48 horas pós-inseminação foram avaliadas. Para o sêmen convencional, a motilidade, o vigor e a taxa de recuperação foram maiores nos tratamentos P100 e P200 comparado ao Controle (P < 0,05), enquanto os níveis de espécies reativas de oxigênio (ROS), peroxidação lipídica e atividade da enzima superóxido dismutase (SOD) não foram influenciados pelos tratamentos. Para o sêmen sexado, P100 aumentou a velocidade curvilínea, velocidade média da trajetória e amplitude de deslocamento lateral da cabeça (P < 0,05). A taxa de recuperação foi maior em P100 do que no Controle e P200 (P < 0,05). A formação de ROS foi menor em P100 do que em P200 e Controle, e a atividade SOD foi menor em P100 do que no Controle. As taxas de fecundação e clivagem, momento da primeira clivagem e número de células foram similares entre P100 e Controle (P > 0,05). Portanto, o volume de Percoll de 100 μL aumentou a taxa de recuperação espermática sem prejudicar a qualidade dos espermatozoides e desenvolvimento embrionário, permitindo assim, aumentar o número de gotas inseminadas/ dose e diminuir custos. / For in vitro production (IVP) of bovine embryos, different sperm selection techniques are used to recover the highest number of sperm with good quality and to remove components of the semen and diluent. Among these techniques, the selection by discontinuous Percoll gradients is currently the most used in bovine IVP laboratories. However, this technique has been modified mainly with the increase of the use of sex-sorted semen. The sex-sorted semen has distinct characteristics of conventional semen, such as low number of cells per dose and low post-thaw motility. Thus, the development of an efficient method for sperm selection, which increases the rate of recovery without impairing the quality of sperm is essential. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of Percoll volume on recovery rate, sperm quality, oxidative stress and embryo development kinetics in bovine embryos IVP. Conventional or sex-sorted semen straws were thawed at 35°C for 20 s and distributed in equal aliquots into three different Percoll volume: 300 μL of each Percoll gradient (90, 60, and 30%), Control; 100 μL of each Percoll gradient, P100; and 200 μL of each Percoll gradient, P200. Sperm quality, fertilization rate, and embryonic development kinetics up to 48 h post-insemination were evaluated. For conventional semen, motility, vigor, and recovery x
rate improved in the P100 and P200 treatments compared to the Control (P < 0.05), whereas reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels, lipid peroxidation, and superoxide dismutase enzyme (SOD) activity were not influenced by treatments. For sex-sorted semen, P100 increased sperm curvilinear velocity, average path velocity, and amplitude of lateral head displacement (P < 0.05). Recovery rate was higher in P100 than in the Control and P200 (P < 0.05), formation of ROS was lower in P100 than in the Control and P200, and SOD activity was lower in P100 than in the Control. Fertilization and cleavage rates, moment of first cleavage, and cell number were similar between P100 and the Control (P > 0.05). Therefore, a Percoll volume of 100 μL increased sperm recovery rate without damage to sperm quality or early embryonic development, allowing to increase the number of inseminated drops / dose and to reduce costs.
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Clarificação do concentrado gerado no tratamento de água por ultrafiltração: estudo de caso na represa do Guarapiranga. / Concentrate clarify yield in membrane water treatment by ultrafiltration: case study of Guarapiranga reservoi.Silva, Maurício Costa Cabral da 04 May 2009 (has links)
A utilização de processos de separação por membranas pode ser uma ferramenta eficiente para tratamento de água para abastecimento a partir de mananciais degradados. Entretanto, um dos problemas na utilização desta tecnologia é a geração do concentrado. Entre as formas de descarte deste rejeito, as mais empregadas são lançamentos sem tratamento em águas superficiais e em redes coletoras de esgoto, podendo em ambos os casos acarretar problemas. Considerando-se a tendência mundial na ampliação do uso da tecnologia de separação por membranas no tratamento de água para abastecimento, o presente trabalho, fez uma investigação para clarificação deste concentrado, antes do seu descarte, o qual apresentou valores médios de 177 uC de cor, 12 mg/L de COT e 0,218 cm-1 de UV, tratando água da Represa de Guarapiranga, São Paulo. O concentrado foi submetido a um tratamento físico-químico para sua clarificação, obtendo remoções médias de 90% de cor, 70% de UV254 e 60% de COT, alcançando valores próximos aos da água bruta do manancial utilizado, indicando a possibilidade de aumentar a produção do sistema de membranas, passando de 90% para, aproximadamente, 99%, otimizando o uso do manancial de abastecimento. / Membrane separation processes has become an important technology for treatment of drinking water from the degraded water supply. However, one problem of this technology is the generation of concentrated. In general, these wastes are discharge untreated in surface water and sewage collection networks, in both cases can be a risk to environmental and public health. Considering the global increasing to treat drinking water by membrane separation technology, this work was carried out aimed to clarify the concentrated before disposal. The concentrate, which was derived from the treatment of water Guarapiranga reservoir (São Paulo), presented average values of color, UV and TOC the 177 uC, 12 mg C/L e 0,218 cm-1 respectively. The concentrate was clarify by a physical-chemical treatment, obtaining a satisfactory removals of color, UV254 and TOC with average removals the 90%, 70% and 60% respectively. These values are close to the source of raw water used, which indicate the possibility to increasing the production of the membranes system, from 90% to approximately 99%, optimizing the use of water source.
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Clarificação do concentrado gerado no tratamento de água por ultrafiltração: estudo de caso na represa do Guarapiranga. / Concentrate clarify yield in membrane water treatment by ultrafiltration: case study of Guarapiranga reservoi.Maurício Costa Cabral da Silva 04 May 2009 (has links)
A utilização de processos de separação por membranas pode ser uma ferramenta eficiente para tratamento de água para abastecimento a partir de mananciais degradados. Entretanto, um dos problemas na utilização desta tecnologia é a geração do concentrado. Entre as formas de descarte deste rejeito, as mais empregadas são lançamentos sem tratamento em águas superficiais e em redes coletoras de esgoto, podendo em ambos os casos acarretar problemas. Considerando-se a tendência mundial na ampliação do uso da tecnologia de separação por membranas no tratamento de água para abastecimento, o presente trabalho, fez uma investigação para clarificação deste concentrado, antes do seu descarte, o qual apresentou valores médios de 177 uC de cor, 12 mg/L de COT e 0,218 cm-1 de UV, tratando água da Represa de Guarapiranga, São Paulo. O concentrado foi submetido a um tratamento físico-químico para sua clarificação, obtendo remoções médias de 90% de cor, 70% de UV254 e 60% de COT, alcançando valores próximos aos da água bruta do manancial utilizado, indicando a possibilidade de aumentar a produção do sistema de membranas, passando de 90% para, aproximadamente, 99%, otimizando o uso do manancial de abastecimento. / Membrane separation processes has become an important technology for treatment of drinking water from the degraded water supply. However, one problem of this technology is the generation of concentrated. In general, these wastes are discharge untreated in surface water and sewage collection networks, in both cases can be a risk to environmental and public health. Considering the global increasing to treat drinking water by membrane separation technology, this work was carried out aimed to clarify the concentrated before disposal. The concentrate, which was derived from the treatment of water Guarapiranga reservoir (São Paulo), presented average values of color, UV and TOC the 177 uC, 12 mg C/L e 0,218 cm-1 respectively. The concentrate was clarify by a physical-chemical treatment, obtaining a satisfactory removals of color, UV254 and TOC with average removals the 90%, 70% and 60% respectively. These values are close to the source of raw water used, which indicate the possibility to increasing the production of the membranes system, from 90% to approximately 99%, optimizing the use of water source.
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Desenvolvimento e validação de metodologia analítica para determinação de resíduo de Efavirenz por método de Swab / Development and validation of analytical methodology for determination of Efavirenz of residue method SwabChaves, Marcelo Henrique da Cunha January 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013 / Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto de Tecnologia em Fármacos/Farmanguinhos. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil. / O presente trabalho teve por objetivo desenvolver e validar uma nova metodologia analítica para determinação de resíduos de Efavirenz por método de swab. Essa metodologia foi desenvolvida com base na técnica utilizada atualmente em Farmanguinhos (FIOCRUZRJ),que contempla os resultados solicitados pela Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária(ANVISA) mas, não possui um desempenho considerado ideal.Os estudos foram baseados principalmente na comparação do poder extrativo de dois modelos de swab selecionados, o Coventry modelo 36060, e o Texwipe®, Alpha® Swab,modelo TX761. Cada um desses modelos foi testado com os seguintes solventes ou soluções extratoras: Acetonitrila, Acetonitrila / Água purificada (1:1), Metanol / Água purificada (1:1),Etanol, Etanol / Água purificada (1:1) e Isopropanol. Também foi objeto de estudo, o tempo de ultrassom utilizado para extrair o resíduo de Efavirenz dos swabs.Os resultados apontaram para o uso do modelo de swab Texwipe®, Alpha® Swab,modelo TX761, como sendo o de melhor desempenho para o presente resíduo. Quanto ao solvente extrator, o indicado foi o etanol, devido ao seu bom desempenho com relação à solubilização do Efavirenz e seu baixo caráter tóxico. O tempo de ultrassom selecionado foide 15 minutos.Todo o desenvolvimento elaborado no presente estudo também possibilitou uma abordagem que poderá ser utilizada em futuros desenvolvimentos de metodologias analíticas para determinação de resíduos de substâncias com conhecida dificuldade de solubilização. / This study aimed to develop and validate a new analytical methodology for the
determination of residues of Efavirenz by swab method. This methodology was developed
based on the technique currently used in Farmanguinhos (FIOCRUZ-RJ), which includes the
results requested by the National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) but does not have a
performance considered ideal. The studies were based mainly on the comparison of the two models extractive swab selected, the Coventry ™ Model 36060, and Texwipe ® Alpha ® Swab, Model TX761. Each of these was tested with the following solvents or extraction solutions: acetonitrile, acetonitrile / purified water (1:1), methanol / purified water (1:1), ethanol, ethanol / purified water (1:1) and isopropanol. It was also the object of study, the duration of ultrasound used to extract the residue of Efavirenz swabs. The results point to the use of the model swab Texwipe ® Alpha ® Swab, Model TX761, as the best performance for this residue. As to the solvent extractor, the ethanol was indicated due to its good performance with respect to its solubilization of Efavirenz and low toxic character. The time ultrasound selected was 15 minutes. All development elaborated in this study also enabled an approach that could be used
in future developments of analytical methods for determination of residues of substances with
known difficulty of solubilization.
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A Study on Integrating Credit Risk Models via Service-Oriented ArchitectureLin, Yueh-Min 26 June 2011 (has links)
This thesis establishes an information system which combines three credit risk models through Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). The system requires the bank
user inputting finance-related data and selecting options to generate a series of credit risk related results, including the probabilities of default, the recovery rates, the expected market value of assets, the volatilities of the expected market value of assets, the default points, the default distances, and four indexes from principal components
analyses. In addition to exhibiting the numerical results, graphical results are also available for the user.
Three credit risk models joining this system are the Moody¡¦s KMV Model with Default Point Modified, the Risk-Neutral Probability Measure Model, and the Time-Varying Jointly Estimated Model. Several previous researches have demonstrated the validity of these credit risk models, hence the purpose of this study is not to examine the practicability of these models, but to see if these models are capable of connecting each other effectively and eventually establishing a process to
evaluate the credit risk of enterprises and industries by the use of testing samples. Testing samples are data from Taiwan Small and Medium Enterprise Credit Guarantee
The finance-related data includes the loan amounts, the book value of assets, the data used to calculate the default point threshold (such as the short-term debt and the long-term debt), and the financial ratios with regard to growth ability (such as the revenue growth rate and the profit growth rate before tax), operation ability (such as the accounts receivable turnover rate and the inventory turnover rate), liability-paying ability (such as the current ratio and the debt ratio), and profitability (such as the return on assets and the return on equity). In addition to inputting the finance-related data, the system also require the user selecting the industrial category, the default point threshold, the way data being weighted, the data period, and the borrowing rates from the option page for every enterprise in order to acquire the results.
Among the computing process, user is required to select weighted average method, either weighted by loan amounts or weighted by market value of assets, to obtain ¡§the weighted average probability of default of the industry¡¨ and ¡§the weighted average recovery rate of the industry¡¨ which are both used by the Time-Varying Jointly Estimated Model. This study also makes use of quartiles to simulate the situation when the user is near the bottom and top of the business cycle. Furthermore, the ¡§Supremum Strategy¡¨ and the ¡§Infimum Strategy¡¨ are added to this study to let the user realize the best condition and the worse condition of the ¡§Time-Varying Industrial Marginal Probabilities of Default¡¨.
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